Page 1: E027: George Kao - Building a Loyal Audience Through Authentic Marketing

The Coachzing ShowE P I S O D E 1 : T H E B A C K S TO R Y

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Author, Speaker, Coach, Therapist, or Health Professional? Want to write a book without writing?Let’s work together:

Featured Guest: GEORGE KAO


Building A Loyal Audience Through Authentic Marketing


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The Coachzing ShowE P I S O D E 2 7 : T R A N S C R I P T


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The Coachzing ShowE P I S O D E 2 7 : T R A N S C R I P T

Our Featured Guest:Business coach George Kao discusses his radically different perspective on content marketing, and

how he has made a big shift in his business to be more authentic, and how that has helped him

develop a more loyal audience and raving fans.

George is an Authentic Livelihood Coach. He’s built a loyal online following, and a simple and

lucrative business . . . all with an ideal work-life balance. He is the creator of a content-rich podcast

called “Our Highest Work” which is all about spiritually-based business and life success.

In This Episode, You'll Discover:✓ George’s radically unique perspective on marketing

✓ Why George is GIVING away all his content and the lesson for you

✓ A POWERFUL mantra that will help you boost your content creation

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Author, Speaker, Coach, Therapist, or Health Professional? Want to write a book without writing?Let’s work together:

EPISODE 27: Building A Loyal Audience Through Authentic Marketing Listen Here:

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The Coachzing ShowE P I S O D E 2 7 : T R A N S C R I P T

✓ A favorite strategy that George uses that gets massive exposure

Tips From The Episode:✓ Make sure that you are not always selling your market; offer content first

✓ Allow your prospects to have free will and trust that if it’s a good fit they will sign up for your services

✓ Use mind maps to create easy to digest content

✓ The more you give away your content the more loyal your following will be

Links & Resources:✓ George Kao Map

✓ George Kao Free Content

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Page 5: E027: George Kao - Building a Loyal Audience Through Authentic Marketing

The Coachzing ShowE P I S O D E 2 7 : T R A N S C R I P T

IntroductionDoug: Hello. Welcome back to The Coachzing Show. This is Doug Foresta, your host, and

we’re back helping you to work less, earn more, and help more people, through

creative content marketing.

My guest today is someone that I have deep respect and admiration for. It’s George Kao, and he is an authentic livelihood coach. And I definitely know you will get a lot out of this episode.

One of the things I like about George is that he comes at things in a way I think

that’s different than what you might have heard traditionally in online marketing or in

marketing in general.

And so, I think this will be a really great perspective for you to get, to think about

some of the things that you might have taken for granted that you need to do in

order to make a living. So I’ll just say a little bit about George.

George Kao’s an authentic livelihood coach. He’s built a loyal online following and a

simple lucrative business, all with an ideal work life balance. He’s the creator of

content rich podcasts called Our Highest Work, which is all about spiritually-based

business and life success.

And it is my absolute pleasure to welcome George Kao. George, thank you for

joining me.

George: Thanks, Doug. What an honor to be here.

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Doug: Thank you.

Content StrategyDoug: So one of the things I like about you is I know you really have an intention to do

things differently in terms of marketing and really come from a heart-centered place.

So I’m curious for you what your favorite content strategies are in your own business.

George: Great. Now this is a great question, and what I’m going to do is to give the

audience a couple of epic resources that will take the conversation much farther.

Maybe what I can do is I’ll start with sort of my philosophy about content marketing.

And my philosophy really gets back to the core of what I believe about life. Because you said I do things differently, and I agree.

Although, there are a lot of other people who are doing things like I do, and I would

say these are the people who are giving content generously, often without

expectation of return.

And I know this is quite unusual coming from a marketing and business coach, that

everything we do should have some expectation of return. Some kind of financial


Doug: What’s the ROI?”

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George: What’s the ROI? What’s the lead generation, what’s the conversion rate, the opt-in

rate, all that stuff.

I used to teach that. For five years I was a hardcore internet marketer, and split

testing and measured my opt-ins and conversion rate and all that stuff very carefully.

I did joint ventures and did a lot of webinars and telesummits and all that stuff.

As a result, I built up a decent sized list of about 16,000 people. Not a lot, but

enough, certainly, more than enough of a list to be very full-time income.

But something happened to me. I would say just in the last two years, I started

having a what I would call a spiritual transformation.

And just in short, I know we don’t have the time to go into all that, but in short, I came to the realization, when it comes to my work, which I call my true livelihood, I’m now living as if I’m dying.

And so what that means is I ask myself the question, “Well, what if this year were the

last year I could share my best message and help the world with my work?” And if

that were the case, what would I do?

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