
Stage 4: Advanced Foraging


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Stage 4 of Early Parrot EducationAdvanced Foraging Education

Educational Focus

• Weight is beginning to stabilize and is maintained with fewer assisted feedings (1-2 times per day of small quantities only to provide nurturing and supplemental consumption)

• Advanced foraging education by other flock mentors and caregivers

• Access to mixed fledgling flight to allow more socialization and exercise during the day

• Fledglings are now actively engaged in primary lesson “training” and are no longer simply being desensitized

• Occupational activities and exercise will be encouraged through play

Stage 4 of Early Parrot EducationAdvanced Foraging Education

Educational Focus

Fledglings at this stage can be compared to children who attend playgroups; these children can interact with others and engage in activities knowing that their parents/caregivers will remain with them.

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Nurturing MonitoringSocialization DesensitizationModelingMentoringPlay

TOOLSStage 4 of Early Parrot EducationAdvanced Foraging Education

Stage 4 of Early Parrot EducationAdvanced Foraging Education


Fresh branches which are safe for birds as well as other types of perches which used to be more challenging to perch on in earlier

stages can now me introduced to the fledglings after desensitization

©2005-2015 HARI, all rights reserved

Stage 4 of Early Parrot EducationAdvanced Foraging Education


Advanced weaning flight :

• foraging opportunities throughout the flight, some which may require more agility (advanced foraging skills)

• Numerous feeding and water dishes are placed to ensure all fledgling have access to these, despite the foraging opportunities

• Various perches offering different textures & size can promote dexterity, although chicks agility will be challenged too much if perches too large are offered

• full-spectrum lighting can be provided in the activity day flight

Stage 4 of Early Parrot EducationAdvanced Foraging Education

Primary Lessons

Weight monitoring is combined with vocal and visual communication to reinforce the understanding of the Step-Up & Step down command now comfortably on and of the scale perch.

At this stage, chick are given 1-2 assisted feedings per day if droppings are green ( as this normally reflects not enough extruded diet ( without artificial coloration) was eaten, which is why cage liner papers are inspected prior to each feeding session and changed in order to evaluate whether or not assisted or complimentary feedings Complementary offering of soaked weaning granules follow occasional syringe feeding of hand-feeding formula in small quantities to ensure crop will not enlarge back to previous stages

Feeding StrategyStage 4 of Early Parrot EducationAdvanced Foraging Education

Feeding StrategyStage 4 of Early Parrot EducationAdvanced Foraging Education

Regression to early stages of weaning occur frequently

Cage paper is changed at every feeding to monitor droppings. Assisted syringe feeding can be given throughout the day if the droppings monitored reveal green feces, weight reveals a concern or behaviour reflects hunger- which would mean the fledgling has regressed.

Feeding StrategyStage 4 of Early Parrot EducationAdvanced Foraging Education

Feeding Strategy

Primary Lessons

Stage 4 of Early Parrot EducationAdvanced Foraging Education

Stage 4 of Early Parrot EducationAdvanced Foraging Education

Feeding Strategy

• Foraging activity with caretaker can also be viewed as positive reinforcement•  After numerous years exploring and structuring a comprehensive program for early

parrot education & nutritional guidelines for optimal health , we believe there is additional value in the caretaker’s action of foraging side by side with their companion following a training or educational session.

• Note: This activity can be done• 1.    At a shared foraging /activity center or with a separate yet similar foraging device• 2.    Foraging for extruded granules or enrichment foods but not sharing the same

morsels.•  We feel this activity is more stimulating than simply offering a treat reward by hand,

as this positive rewarding activity is more interactive and fulfills their natural gregarious behavior. Furthermore, the caretaker /trainer takes on the role of the mentor.

• Food rewards should not be used as positive reinforcement until the parrot has successfully completed all stages of the weaning process. The parrot pupil should never be hungry nor deprived of food prior to a training session, nor lured to perform with a food reward. Play, nurturing, mentorship & modeling are valuable tools for successful education.


Stage 4 of Early Parrot EducationAdvanced Foraging Education

Desensitization and education through play & modeling when introducing a foraging box, toy or device.

Primary Lessons

Feeding StrategyForaging box

Stage 4 of Early Parrot EducationAdvanced Foraging Education

Primary Lessons

Feeding StrategyForaging Creativity

Stage 4 of Early Parrot EducationAdvanced Foraging Education

Primary Lessons

©2005-2015 HARI, all rights reserved

The caretaker teaches the fledgling discovery activities such as searching for hidden granules under towels, in card board egg boxes or paper towel rolls, etc or shred able toys that can be used creatively as foraging accessories

Feeding Strategy

Foraging Acitivities

Stage 4 of Early Parrot EducationAdvanced Foraging Education

Primary Lessons

Primary Lessons

Stage 4 of Early Parrot EducationAdvanced Foraging Education • Fledglings are now

actively engaged in primary lesson “training” and are no longer simply being desensitized

• The “classroom” set up is the most efficient way to educate numerous fledglings at once.

• Training sessions are more successful after the misting & exercise activities.

• Fledgling must never be deprived of food prior to a training sessions .

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Primary Lessons

Stage 4 of Early Parrot EducationAdvanced Foraging Education

An extremely efficient way of incorporating all the EPE Primary lessons throughout the stages is to have all the accessories needed organized and within reach when working with the fledglings

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The mentor must ensure that the fledglings are adaptable to being handled and trained through social activity and play while at the same time respecting the codes of conducts established with other trustworthy handlers under supervision. Children must be supervised and mentored carefully should they handle a fledgling, as most birds will feel insecure if the handlers are not knowledgeable and comfortable handling them

Stage 4 of Early Parrot EducationAdvanced Foraging Education

It may be favourable to have the flock mentor do most of the education and training but out of compassion for the fledglings, they must not perceive this mentor as the only provider, caregiver, guide and disciplinarian.

Primary Lessons

Stage 4 of Early Parrot EducationAdvanced Foraging Education

Primary Lessons

The fledglings should now engage in longer misting sessions allowing feathers to get thoroughly soaked; this will stimulate exercise & preening activity. Individuals should demonstrate their enjoyment while misting by vocalizing and/or wing flapping.

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Stage 4 of Early Parrot EducationAdvanced Foraging Education

Individuals who do not actively take part in the flock misting activity should be removed from to a quieter and more secluded and comfortable location and evaluated for health. If health is not an issue you could perhaps:• Place them closer to the

basking light• allow them to perch

away from a flock mates by which they are intimidated

Primary Lessons

©2005-2015 HARI, all rights reserved

Stage 4 of Early Parrot EducationAdvanced Foraging Education

offering a more timid individual a more comfortable environment back into their fledgling cage can usually aid in reestablishing enjoyment of the misting and preening activity if their health is not a concern

Primary Lessons

©2005-2015 HARI, all rights reserved

Stage 4 of Early Parrot EducationAdvanced Foraging Education

Primary Lessons

Since fledglings at this stage are more accustomed to different sounds, the hair dryer can now be introduced after a misting session. The dryer simulates the wind and encourages the fledgling to ruffle their feathers, an activity of which they may grow fond.

The dryer should: • be set at a temperature

comfortable for the fledglings (not too hot or too cold )

• not be held too close to the birds as the this would be too invasive and allow them access to the cord.

• not be Teflon coated ( recent models) nor contain asbestos as in older models

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Stage 4 of Early Parrot EducationAdvanced Foraging Education

Primary Lessons

©2005-2015 HARI, all rights reserved

Take the time to marvel at nature with your fledglings before engaging in the physical activity of flight training with the harness; make sure your fledgling is comfortable in this environment that may be unfamiliar for those that have not had access to the outdoors earlier. (perhaps due to season geographical challenges or fledgling living quarters that can not accommodate for an outdoor flight). Caretakers should always be close by mentoring , supervising and protecting the fledgling from predators or any other potential threat. In this stage coping skills are not acquired for many situations, regression often occurs.

Stage 4 of Early Parrot EducationAdvanced Foraging Education

In preparation for future flight training, a flight harness is worn when chicks are first introduced to the outdoors.

Primary Lessons

Stage 4 of Early Parrot EducationAdvanced Foraging Education

Environmental EnrichmentDesensitization and education in the hope that the chick will learn to enjoy sounds by exposure to music and the radio. The mentor reserves short individual 1 on 1 sessions, exploring various sounds, verbal and visual communication enhances the experience. Flock mates can still be seen or heard close by during these sessions, as this is reassuring for most fledglings although the slight distance will also favor attention is devoted to the lesson

Primary Lessons

©2005-2015 HARI, all rights reserved

Stage 4 of Early Parrot EducationAdvanced Foraging Education

Nail and flight feather grooming can now be performed on fledglings that have ideally developed their pectoral muscles , flight coordination and confidence. Nails must not be groomed too much as the fledgling will not be able to perch and may immediately loose confidence. Dramatical grooming can also lead to trauma if the fledgling falls from its perch, or biting if the fledgling must rely on his beak to hold onto your hand to step up . Flight feather grooming should not be excessive either and ideally not done at the same time as the nail grooming to allow the fledgling time to adapt.

Primary Lessons

©2005-2015 HARI, all rights reserved

Stage 4 of Early Parrot EducationAdvanced Foraging Education

As the crop has significantly regressed and advanced weaning stages reached, the chick will then be able to be cradled in the towel on an empty crop. After a peek-a-boo

play time…

Primary Lessons

Desensitizing to the Towel cradling

Stage 4 of Early Parrot EducationAdvanced Foraging Education

Primary Lessons

Towel cradling is ultimately achieved when the snugly-wrapped towel restrains the bird’s body almost by itself with the chick lying first on its side and then gradually on its back. This type of restraint would be used in the event of an emergency intervention.

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The chick’s lessons in desensitization gradually lead to exploration when offered free choice access to a carrier. This exercise is especially fruitful when a foraging device or toy hidden in the carrier.

Stage 4 of Early Parrot EducationAdvanced Foraging Education

Primary Lessons

Desensitizing to the Transport Carrier

©2005-2015 HARI, all rights reserved

Stage 4 of Early Parrot EducationAdvanced Foraging Education

Primary Lessons

Desensitizing to the Transport Carrier

Desensitizing to the Physical Exam

Stage 4 of Early Parrot EducationAdvanced Foraging Education

Primary Lessons

Desensitizing to the Physical Exam

Stage 4 of Early Parrot EducationAdvanced Foraging Education

Primary Lessons

©2005-2015 HARI, all rights reserved