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Earth ScienceCourse Description and Philosophy

Science 6th grade

The 6th grade science program is a 5-day a week program, based on the Next Generation Science Standards and designed to introduce students to Earth Science topics including geology, meteorology, oceanography and astronomy. A unit on metric measurement introduces the International System of Measurement that is used throughout the year, as well as in future science classes.

Many of the topic areas use the Problem-Based Learning approach with a focus on environmental issues and sustainability to help students understand connections between science content and their lives. Authentic tasks create a felt need to learn and frequently engage students using written expression, as well as engage students in the connections to the different disciplines.

Through the use of labs, activities, demonstrations and projects students will gain first hand experience while making practical applications to everyday life. The Next Generation Science Standards are integrated throughout the curriculum allowing students to design models, conduct experiments and provide opportunities for public speaking. With that, students will build their abilities and skills in the use of tools and techniques to gather, analyze and interpret data or to make observations and inferences as they predict outcomes using the scientific method while employing mathematics, graphing, and the use of technology

Student work is evaluated through the use of a variety of assessments, including labs and classroom activities, research projects, homework, class participation tests and quizzes. Projects use qualitative based rubrics that provide students with structure and choice within the research, writing and project preparation components.

The aim is to prepare students with strong science-based skills-not only in specific content area of Earth Science, but also with practices such as critical thinking and inquiry-based problem solving that integrate Language Arts and Mathematic skills. Engaging students in practices, firsthand, in the Earth Science program prepares students for citizenship, higher-level course work, college and future employment.

Text Reference: Jenner, Jan, Ph.D and Kemp, Andrew C. Ph.D., Earth Science , 2005, Upper Saddle River, NJ

Revised 2014


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Unit I: Metric Measurement

Essential Question: How does metric measurement express and communicate information about observations?

Objectives: Students will be able to:

*Identify the Metric System as the standard system of measurement used by scientists around the world.*Measure distances using the meter as the standard unit for linear metric measurement.*Identify the common SI prefixes, their symbols and meanings.*Identify and use common conversions.*Measure the volume of a liquid using the liter as the standard.*Measure the volume of rectangular shaped objects *Measure the volume of odd shaped objects*Measure the mass of an object using grams as the standard*Measure the density of an object using two methods*Measure the temperature of a substance using the Celsius scale

Topic/Content Skills Assessment Resources Instructional Method Tech Infusion NJCCCS: Unit I

*Linear Measurement Lab activities Text Benchmark lessons Internet*Mass Measurement Quizzes Lab Sheet Small group work Smartboard 5.1A, B, C*Volume measurement Homework Equipment Mini lessons 5.2A*Density measurement Letter writing Lab supplies metric*Temperature measurement Test Resource table usatoday.metric muddle I-19


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Differentiated Learning Activities:

*Provide students with choice of learning path where they can progress at a pace they are comfortable within a certain time frame.*Provide opportunities for students to develop a lab that will prove that 1ml=1g.*Provide students with study skill aids/devices for working with Metric Measurement*Use a rubric that provides choices where students can strive for personal high academic standards via higher order thinking skills

Ethical Decision Making: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the USA using two systems of measurement.

Sustainability: Discuss whether the USA is at an advantage or disadvantagein using the standard units of measurement while the majority of the world uses the metric system.

21st Century Skills- Collaboration and communication through a discussion and debate on whether the USA should switch to using only the metric system.


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Unit II: Earth in Space

Essential Question: How does the movement of the Earth and moon affect living and non-living things on Earth?Objectives: Students will be able to:

*Demonstrate how the Earth moves in space*Explain what causes the cycles of seasons on Earth*Identify the factors that determine the strength of the force of gravity between two objects*Describe two factors that keep the moon and Earth in orbit*Explain the causes of the phases of the moon*Describe solar and lunar eclipses*Identify the causes of the tides*Describe features are found on the moon’s surface*Identify some characteristics of the moon and how the moon was formed*Describe the space race, and discuss the major events in the exploration of the moon*Compare and contrast the roles of space shuttles, space stations and the space probes in space exploration

Topic/Content Skills Assessment Resources Instruct Method Tech Infusion NGSS* Earth’s Rotation/Revolution Labs Textbook Benchmark lessons Smartboard (5.9 A-D NJCCCS)* Angle of sunlight Homework Resource table Mini lessons VCR MS-ESS1-1,2.3* Gravitational Attraction Quizzes Media Ctr. Individual Research Power point report* Inertia Activities Lab supplies Lab work Internet Research* Moon Movements Moon chart Newspaper* Phases of the moon Report* Features on the moon* Action Reaction forces


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Differentiated Learning Activities*Mini lessons provide for small group instruction to meet the needs of the different learning styles*Use demonstrations as part of mini lessons*Provide timelines for research/project work to be complete*Use models or drawings to clarify concepts*Have students start a personal glossary for key terms*Enrichment: connect Music & Science of Seasons

Ethical decision-making: This unit begins the understanding some of the basic features of Earth, a place that needs humans to act in ways that will sustain the health and biodiversity of natural ecosystems. As the content of Earth Science is discussed throughout the year students will have an opportunity to discuss environmental ethics as they relate to each topic. Students will be encouraged to develop a list of environmental ethics that might serve as a guide to live by.

21ST Century Skills: Students will create a number of models involving the relative size of sun/Earth/moon, distancebetween each, as well as models that demonstrate why seasons, moon phases and eclipses occur. Communication and collaboration will occur in small groups as students aim to create the models.

Sustainability: A Sense of Place: This lesson is about “Spaceship Earth” and is used to reinforce the idea that our planet is–in reality–like a spaceship hurtling through space on a long-duration mission. There is no resupply from outside sources. Recycling is as much a part of the natural order of things as is the sunrise everyday. Pollution occurs when there are outputs that cannot be used as inputs for something else. Pollution is harmful and can be downright dangerous. The connections between parts of the natural system are imperative to its normal operation. By actively thinking through what it takes to keep people alive on a spaceship, the students will come to understand more fully what it takes to keep people alive on this planet.This lesson will also serve as the foundation for the units on geology, meteorology and oceanography.(


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Unit III: Earth’s Waters

Essential Question: How can our knowledge of Earth’s waters lead us to an understanding of how to protect these valuable resources?

Objectives: Students will be able to:*Describe how Earth’s water is distributed and how it moves through the water cycle*Explain what a river system is *Describe the characteristics of ponds and lakes*List three types of wetlands and explain why wetlands are important*Describe how water move through underground layers of soil and rock*Explain how people obtain water from an aquifer*Identify ways that people use water and how to conserve fresh water resources*Describe how scientists classify sources of water pollution*Identify factors that affect water quality*Describe what happens to wastewater in most communities*Describe how ocean waves form and change as they approach shorelines*Explain what causes tides and how the position of the moon affects the height of tides*Describe the salinity of ocean water*Explain how the temperature and gas content of ocean water varies with depth*Identify what causes surface currents and explain how surface currents affect climate*Identify the causes of deep currents and describe the effects that currents have*Describe how upwelling affects the distribution of nutrients in the ocean*Identify the features of the ocean floor and the ocean zones*Discuss the reasons that people have studied the ocean*Describe how marine organisms are classified*Identify the conditions that organisms in the intertidal zone must tolerate*Describe the conditions in the neritic zone and open ocean*Explain how people use living and non-living resources from the ocean*Identify sources of ocean pollution

Topic/Content Skills Assessment Resources Instruct Method Tech Infusion NGSS


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*Water on Earth Labs Textbook Benchmark lessons Smartboard (5.8 A & 5.10A-B)*Surface Water (NJCCCS)*Underground Water homework Resource table Mini lessons VCR*Conservation of freshwater Quizzes Media Ctr. Group Research Power Point Slides MS-ESS2-4*Potable Water Activities Lab supplies Lab work Internet Research MS-ESS3-1*Wave Formation Project Periodicals Field Work Digital Cameras MS-ESS3-3*Tides Aquarium MS-ESS3-4*Ocean Water Chemistry Maps*Currents and Climate Wave tank*Exploring the Ocean*Ocean Habitats*Ocean Resources

Differentiated Learning Activities:

*Mini lessons provide small group instruction*Students will have a choice of creating a power point or poster display of their project on Freshwater Resources*Rubric providing choices for higher order thinking skills*Small group demonstrations that reinforce activities

Ethical decision-making: Students will discuss the importance of water conservation through the wise use of water resources. Students will be encouraged to add to their list of environmental ethics by stating how they can act in ways that maintain and enhance Earth’s waters.

Sustainability: Students will conduct an “audit” of their water use at home for a set period of time as part of creating analyzingtheir own water footprint. Based on findings students will make a plan to conserve water.


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21st Century Skills: Understanding the hydrologic cycle is basic to understanding all water and is a key to the proper management of water resources. This lesson helps students to understand the role of watersheds in this cycle and to reflect on human impacts on the water cycle by taking a closer look at citizen-based efforts to clean up and protect local watersheds. In this lesson, students will conduct research on watershed guidelines in their area and prepare a letter to the editor of a local newspaper on why citizens should work to protect watersheds..

Unit IV: Weather and Climate

Essential Question: How does the atmosphere play a role in weather and climate patterns?


*Describe the composition of Earth’s atmosphere and how it is important to living things*Identify properties of air and how some of those properties can be measured*Explain how increasing altitude affects air pressure and density*Identify the four main layers of the atmosphere and the characteristics of each*Identify the major sources of air pollution*Describe what can be done to improve air quality*Explain what happens to the sun’s energy in the atmosphere and at Earth’s surface*Describe how temperature is measured*Identify three ways heat is transferred*State how scientists describe and explain winds*Distinguish between local and global winds*Describe how water moves through the atmosphere during the water cycle*Explain how clouds form and name the three types of clouds*Identify common types of precipitation and how precipitation is measured*Identify major types of air masses that affect weather in North America and describe how they move*Name the main types of fronts*Explain the types of weather that is associated with cyclones and anticyclones*List the main types of storms, and explain how they form*Describe measures that can be taken to ensure safety in a storm*Explain how weather forecasters predict the weather, and how technology has helped improve forecasts*Identify factors that influence temperature and precipitation*Explain what causes the seasons


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*Identify factors used to define climates, and describe 6 main climate regions*Explain the principle that scientists follow in studying ancient climates*Identify factors that can cause climate change*Describe how human activities might be affecting the temperature of Earth’s atmosphere*Explain how human activities have affected the ozone layer

Topic/Content Skills Assessment Resources Instructional Method Tech Infusion NGSS*Earth’s Air Labs Textbook Benchmark lessons Smartboard (5.8 B-D)*Layers of the Atmosphere Quizzes Media Ctr. Individual Research Internet (NJCCCS)*Air Quality Activities Lab supplies Lab work MS-ESS2-5*Energy in Earth’s Atmosphere Maps Project Periodicals MS-ESS2-6*Heat Transfer Test Weather Instrrmts. Field Work MS-ESS3-5*Winds NJ Climate Adaption Alliance*Water in the Atmosphere MS-ESS2-4

*Precipitation*Air Masses and Fronts*Storms*Predicting the weather*Causes of climate*Climate regions*Global changes in climate


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Differentiated Learning Activities

*Provide media of various types and levels*Planned lab partners*Adjustable levels of challenge through use of rubric*Mini lessons provide for small group instruction *Use demonstrations as part of mini lessons*Provide timelines for research/project work to be complete*Use models or drawings to clarify concepts

Ethical Decision Making/Character Education

Students discuss and implement methods of conservation that are directly tied to atmospheric concerns such as ozone degradation and global climate change. Students will be encouraged to add to their list of environmental ethics how their daily actions should incorporate actions that have positive impacts on the atmosphere.

21st Century Skills: ” The Climate Change Debate”…through authentic learning students will examine the latest reports on climate change, conduct their own research and take an informed position on global climate change based on facts and evidence.

UNIT V: Exploring Planet EarthEssential Question: How can the knowledge scientists gain through the exploration and study of Earth help mankind to use rock and mineral resources wisely, and prepare for and react to natural disasters?

Objectives: *Describe the various methods of mapping and collecting data *Explain how elevation, relief and slope are shown on a topographic map*Explain how a topographic map is read*Define a mineral and how minerals are identified*Identify how minerals form from magma and lava and water solutions*Describe how minerals are used and how ores are processed to obtain metals*List the characteristics used to identify rocks and describe the three groups of rocks*Identify the characteristics used to classify igneous rocks*Describe ways in which igneous rocks are used


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*Describe how sedimentary rocks form*List and describe the three major types of sedimentary rocks*Explain how sedimentary rocks are used*Describe the conditions under which metamorphic rocks form*Describe the rock cycle*Explain how geologists learn about Earth’s inner structures*Identify the characteristics of Earth’s crust, mantle and core*Explain how heat is transferred through convection currents in Earth’s mantle*Explain Alfred Wegener’s hypothesis about the continents*List the evidence used by Wegener to support his hypothesis of the drifting continents*List evidence of sea-floor spreading*Explain the process of sea-floor spreading*Describe the process of subduction*Explain the theory of plate tectonics and describe the three types of plate boundaries*Explain how stress in the crust changes Earth’s surface*Describe where faults are usually found and why they form*Identify the land features that result from plate movement*Describe how the energy of an earthquake travels through the Earth*Identify the scales used to measure the strength of an earthquake*Explain how scientists locate the epicenter of an earthquake*Explain how seismographs work and how seismographic data are used*Describe how geologists monitor faults*Explain how geologists determine earthquake risk*Identify the kinds of damage an earthquake can cause*Provide suggestions to increase earthquake safety and reduce earthquake damage*Explain where Earth’s volcanic regions are located and explain why they are found there*Explain how hot spot volcanoes form*Identify some physical and chemical properties of matter, including viscosity and what factors determine the viscosity of magma*Explain what happens when a volcano erupts*Describe two types of volcanic eruptions*Identify a volcano’s stages of activity*List the landforms that lava and ash create*Explain how the magma that hardens beneath Earth’s surface creates landforms*Identify other distinct features that occur in volcanic areas

Topic/Content Skills Assessment Resources Instructional Method Tech Infusion NGSS*Topography & Landforms Labs Textbook Benchmark lessons Smartboard (5.8 A, C,D & 5.10 A-B)


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*Models of Earth homework Resource table Mini lessons VCR (NJCCCS)*Topographic Maps Quizzes Media Ctr. Individual Research Internet MS-ESS2-1*Properties of Minerals Activities Lab supplies Lab work MS-ESS3-1*How Minerals form Project Periodicals Field Work*Using Mineral Resources Test Maps*Classifying Rocks Models*Sedimentary, Igneous Metamorphic rocks*Rock Cycle*Earth’s interior*Drifting Continents*Sea-Floor Spreading*Plate Tectonics*Earthquakes*Volcanoes and Plate Tectonics


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Differentiated Learning Activities

*Offer higher order, open-ended problem solving through activities that are based on a felt need for learning the topics**Allow students to sign up as an expert to help others or sign up for mini lessons.**Use qualitative rubrics*Use flexible learning groups*Establish global citizenship so students can see how they are connected to local, state and global issues

Ethical Decision Making/Character Education

Students will discuss how to use fewer materials from the crust of the earth and how to use non-renewable resources more wisely.Students will be encouraged to add to their list of environmental ethics daily actions that have a positive impact on natural resources.

Sustainability: Students will conduct a simple waste and recycling audit of the school cafeteria in an effort to evaluate the school’s lunch room waste stream. Students will collect data and organize findings in graph form.

21st Century Skills: Students will collaborate on the effectiveness of the recycling program in the cafeteria and find ways to improve the waste/recycling efforts during lunch. Research on the benefits of recycling will further student understanding of why we need to conserve mineral resources by recycling.

Unit VI: Earth’s Changing Surface

Essential Question: How has the changing Earth provided us with the diverse features and natural resources of our time?What are the differences between renewable and nonrenewable energy sources and their impacts on the environment?Objectives:

*Explain how weathering and erosion affect Earth’s surface*Identify what causes mechanical weathering and chemical weathering*Describe the factors that determine how fast weathering occurs*Describe the composition of soil and explain how it forms


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*Explain how scientists classify soils*Identify the roles of plants and animals in soil formation*Explain why soil is a valuable resource*List ways that soil can lose its value*Identify ways that soil can be conserved*Describe the processes that wear down and build up Earth’s surface*Identify the causes of the different types of mass movement*Explain how water erosion is mainly responsible for shaping the surface of the land*Describe some of the land features that are formed by water erosion and deposition*Describe the cause of groundwater erosion*Describe how water is able to do work*Explain how sediment enters rivers and streams*List the factors that affect a river’s ability to erode and carry sediment*Identify two kinds of glaciers*Describe how a valley glacier forms and moves*Explain how glaciers cause erosion and deposition*Identify what gives ocean waves their energy*Describe how ocean waves erode a coast*Identify features that result from deposition by waves*Explain how wind causes erosion*Identify features resulting from deposition by wind*Explain how fossils form and identify the different types of fossils*Describe what fossils tell about organisms and environments of the past*State the law of superposition*Describe how geologists determine the relative age of rocks*Explain how index fossils are useful to geologists*Explain what happens during radioactive decay*Describe what can be learned from radioactive dating*Explain why the geologic time scale is used to show Earth’s history*Describe the different units of the geologic time scale*Describe Earth’s physical features that developed during Precambrian Time*Describe what early Precambrian organisms were like*Describe the major events in the Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic Eras*Explain how fuels provide energy*Name the three major fossil fuels*Explain why fossil fuels are considered nonrenewable resources*Identify and describe various renewable sources of energy


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*Describe what happens during a nuclear fission reaction*Explain how a nuclear power plant produces electricity*Describes what takes place in a nuclear fusion reaction*Name ways to ensure that there will be enough energy for the future*Identify ways individuals can conserve energy

Topic/Content Skills Assessment Resources Instructional Method Tech Infusion NGSSRocks and Weathering Labs Textbook Benchmark lessons Smartboard (5.8 A, C,D & 5.10 A-B)Soil Formation & Conservation Homework Resource table Mini lessons VCR (NJCCCS)Types of Erosion Quizzes Media Ctr. Individual Research Internet MS-ESS1-4Fossils Activities Lab supplies Lab work Digital Cameras MS-ESS2-2Relative Age of Rocks Project Periodicals Field Work MS-ESS2-3Radioactive Dating Test MapsGeologic Time Scale Replica fossilsPrecambrian Time Rocks & MineralsEras of Earth’s History Soil collection tubesFossil FuelsRenewable ResourcesNuclear EnergyEnergy Conservation

Differentiated Learning Activities

*Offer higher order, open-ended problem solving through activities that are based on a felt need for learning the topics*Allow students to sign up as an expert to help others or sign up for mini lessons.*Use qualitative rubrics*Use flexible learning groups*Establish global citizenship so students can see how they are connected to local, state and global issues

Ethical Decision Making/Character EducationStudents discuss ways to preserve our current energy resources. Students add to their environmental ethics list ways to conserve energy whenever possible.



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According to the Department of Energy’s “Design Guidelines for High Performance Schools,” typical schools in the US spend the bulk of their energy dollars on lighting (30%), heating (14%), and cooling (41%). Other energy uses are: hot water (8%), and “other” (6%). Students and staff can have a huge impact on these costs as we often use energy without realizing it. Staff/students tend to take lights and copy machines for granted. In this exercise, the students will look carefully at the energy users in their school.

21st Century Skills: Students will collaborate on energy use and potential ways to conserve energy in the school building after completing an energy map of the school.


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