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    Earthquakes are the result of plate tectonics, or shifting plates in the crust of Earth, and quakes occur whenthe frictional stress of gliding plate boundaries builds and causes failure at a fault line. In an earthquake,

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    elastic strain energy is released and waves radiate, shaking the ground. Scientists can predict where major temblors might occur in a general sense, but research does not yet allow forecasts for specific locations or accurate predictions of timing. Major earthquakes, some generating tsunamis, have leveled entire cities andaffected whole countries. Relatively minor earthquakes can also be induced, or caused by human activity,including extraction of minerals from Earth and the collapse of large buildings.Read More

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    2011 Japan Tsunami Unleashed Ozone-Destroying Chemicals

    April 3rd, 2015The 2011 Japan tsunami released thousands of tons of ozone-destroying chemicals and greenhouse gases ithe air.Read More »More Big Earthquakes Coming to California, Forecast Says


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    March 11th, 2015A new view of California's earthquake risk slightly raises the likelihood of big earthquakes in the GoldenState, but lowers the chance that people in some regions will feel shaking from smaller magnitude-6.7quakes.Read More »Jeepers! New Look at 'Creeping' San Andreas Fault

    January 13th, 2015A small part of the San Andreas Fault thought to quietly slide without shaking its neighbors may be capablof magnitude-6 earthquakes, a new study finds.Read More »Mystery of Ancient Chinese Civilization's Disappearance Explained

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    wells.Read More »Wow! The Most Amazing Images in Science This Week 

    September 6th, 2014From a spectacular eruption in Iceland to a gigantic dino from the past, here are the most awesome photoswe found in Science this week.Read More »In Images: 6.0-Magnitude Earthquake Shakes Northern California

    August 25th, 2014On Aug. 24, 2014, a 6.0-magnitude earthquake hit the Bay area, near Napa, California. The quake causedmore than 170 injuries, and damaged buildings and homes in the region.Read More »Strongest Earthquake in 25 Years Hits Northern California

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    August 24th, 2014A major earthquake has struck Northern California's Bay Area, injuring dozens and causing widespreaddamage and power outages.Read More »Puzzling Layer of 'Stiff' Rock May Lurk Deep Inside Earth

    March 24th, 2015A new layer of stiff rock may unexpectedly exist deep inside Earth, researchers say.Read More »Hidden Faults Explain Earthquakes in Fracking Zones

    February 12th, 2015Two new studies explain why some regions of the country are rattling more than others as oil and gas

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     production rises.Read More »Smart Defense: NFL Fans Will Help Test Earthquake Warning System

    January 10th, 2015Sports will further science this playoff season, as seismologists monitor the home stadium of the SeattleSeahawks during games in order to test a nascent earthquake early-warning system.Read More »Seismic Waves Show Which Sport's Fans Rock Hardest

    December 23rd, 2014Football, NASCAR and their rowdy, roaring crowds were pitted in a head-to-head battle this year to seewhich sport hits highest on the seismic charts.Read More »L'Aquila Earthquake Scientists Win Manslaughter Appeal

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     November 11th, 2014Italian scientists convicted of manslaughter in connection with the 2009 L'Aquila earthquake won their appeal on Monday (Nov. 10).Read More »1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake - Shaking Intesity Animation

    October 17th, 2014Oct. 17 marks the 25th anniversary of the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. The animation shows earthquakewaves speed away from the epicenter in the Santa Cruz Mountains south of San Francisco, California.Read More »

     New Zealand's Earthquake Deep Drilling Project Underway

    October 6th, 2014

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    A deep-drilling project into one of the world's most dangerous earthquake faults kicked off Saturday (Oct. on New Zealand's South Island.Read More »Well Water May Contain Earthquake Warning Signs

    September 21st, 2014Geologists say well water spikes in sodium and hydrogen warned of mounting strain before two Icelandearthquakes. The results may someday lead to earthquake prediction.Read More »Calm Before the Quake? Turkey May Be Due for the Big One

    September 15th, 2014A powerful earthquake of magnitude 7 or greater may be building up along a now-quiet fault on the coast oIstanbul, a new study finds.Read More »How the Napa Quake Deformed Earth (Satellite Photo)

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    September 3rd, 2014The 6.0-magnitude earthquake that rocked California's Napa Valley last month not only injured dozens of 

     people and caused millions of dollars in damage, but it also warped the surface of Earth.Read More »Will Iceland's Bardarbunga Volcano Erupt?

    August 25th, 2014Buried under hundreds of feet of ice, Iceland's Bardarbunga volcano has been shaking for more than a weenow, but an eruption has yet to occur.Read More »Big Earthquake Looms for Chile, Experts Say

    August 13th, 2014

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    The powerful earthquake that rocked Chile in April ruptured the earth in a way that suggests major quakessomething similar to the big one that shook the area in 1877 may still hit the region in the future, researchesay.Read More »Load More

    Earth's Core Has An Inner Core Of Its Own | Video

    March 18th, 2015Read More »Understanding Earth by Eavesdropping on Urban Noise

    January 14th, 2015Researchers are tuning in to urban seismic noise, the man-made signals from human activity, to viewgeologic structures and track the rhythms of cities.Read More »

    Fracking Led to Ohio Earthquakes

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     November 5th, 2014Small islands boost the power of tsunami waves, rather than absorbing their impact, a new study shows.Read More »Fracking Linked to More Ohio Earthquakes

    October 14th, 2014Another rare case of fracking-caused earthquakes has jolted Ohio.Read More »Mysterious Colorado Rock Formation May Be Result of 'Natural Fracking'

    September 26th, 2014An ancient, catastrophic flood or earthquake may explain how a bewildering rock formation in Colorado'sRocky Mountains formed, a new study finds.Read More »Weird Earth Movement After Japan Earthquake Finally Explained

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    September 18th, 2014Unusual westward drifts recorded off Japan's coast following the 2011 Tohoku earthquake provide a new

     picture of how the Earth adjusts after giant earthquakes.Read More »Earthquake Unleashes Avalanche Over Sprawling Glacier (Photo)

    September 12th, 2014An earthquake that rattled remote parts of Alaska and northwestern Canada in July triggered an avalanchethat spilled mounds of snow down a steep mountainside.Read More »Quakes Keep Shaking Iceland's Bardarbunga Volcano

    August 27th, 2014Earthquakes are still rocking Iceland as lava pushes through a long underground fissure near the ice-covereBardarbunga volcano. New fractures and sinkholes were seen in ice southeast of the volcano today.

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    Read More »What Caused California's Napa Earthquake?

    August 25th, 2014A strong, magnitude-6 earthquake in Northern California occurred Sunday on the West Napa Fault. Theshaker highlights how both high-tech instruments and old-fashioned groundwork remain important inidentifying an earthquake's source.Read More »Faraway Earthquake Triggered Antarctica Icequakes

    August 10th, 2014Researchers report the first evidence that distant earthquakes can trigger icequakes in Antarctica.Read More » 

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