  • 7/30/2019 EasternIllinoisUniversity Clarke Entry


    National Institut of Technology

    Geodetic Engineering

    FacebookGetting to

    Know you:

    Cening Ayu Merta

    Lidya Rihi Nawa


  • 7/30/2019 EasternIllinoisUniversity Clarke Entry


    What is Facebook ?

    Facebook is advertised as anonline directory that connects

    people through social networksat schools.

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    Our goal is to help students:

    Discern when, where, and for whatpurposes is the use of this technologyappropriate.

    Understand the advantages, disadvantages,and limitations of the technology.

    Address safety concerns and issues.

    Become aware of the consequences ofindiscriminate use

    Teach use of built-in features such assecurity setting

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    AdvantagesEstablish social connections withstudents at your school and at

    institutions across the countryConnect with like mindedindividuals, and individuals with

    similar interestsStay in contact with old friends

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    Facebook and similar websites canbecome a major distracter fromacademics.

    There are limited hours in a day. Timespend online is time taken away fromstudy, extracurricular activities, and other

    social interactions

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    Students have the opportunity toisolate themselves from opinions andideas that are challenging or make

    us uncomfortable. Students can isolate themselves

    from people who they feel theywould rather not know.

    Students social skills may suffer.Individuals can avoid the discomfortof real-life social interactions

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    Security Risks

    Use caution when posting personalinformation.

    Information of a personal nature canmake students vulnerable topredators.

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    Students online disclosure of illegalactivities, such as substance abuse,can be used if students come under

    investigation for related offenses.

    Potential employers may usefacebook to discover informationabout students

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    Encourages egocasting

    Student use stereotypes to describethemselves

    The information posted may be falseand/or misleading

    Advertisers and marketers may gain

    the ability to tap into moreinformation about individuals thanthey have ever had.

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    Potential Benefits

    Student government can shareinformation and keep students up todate on campus issues

    Student organizations can advertise andconnect with among each other andwith their members

    Increase faculty/ student interaction

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    What We Learned

    Facebook is a communication tool that is used daily by alarge number of students and faculty and staff could benefitfrom the ability to reach students quickly, unfortunatelythere are too many risks involved with using Facebook, andthey outweigh the rewards.

    Facebook can be a useful way to stay in touch with friendsand meet new people in a time when technology is such apopular means of communication.

    I did not know much about Facebook until this project. Iwas not aware of how students used it and how frequentlythey do so. I now realize how widespread its use is, andgiven the shear amount of time and energy that

    students devote to it, it is bound to affect their lives insome way. Whether positively or negatively, this remains tobe seen.