
Carolina Rossini

GPOPAI – Universidade de São Paulo

REA-Brasil (

Ebooks: desafios, perturbações e inovações

Ebooks: desafios, perturbações e inovações

• Preço

• Inclusão digital

• Padrões tecnológicos e interoperabilidade

• Conteudo

• Novos oportunidades de autoria e colaboração

• Comportamento

Ebooks: desafios, perturbações e inovações

• Preço

• Inclusão digital

• Padrões tecnologicos e interoperabilidade

• Conteudo

• Novos oportunidades de autoria e colaboração

• Comportamento

Ebooks: desafios, perturbações e inovações

• “There is no doubt that e-books are a bright spot in the dismal economics of publishing. The current market is strong — according to a recent Harris Interactive poll, one in six Americans now uses an e-reader, and that number will grow as consumers become more comfortable with the technology.”

• The Association of American Publishers reports that e-books have risen

in 2010 to 6.4% of the trade market, up from 0.6% in 2008. The Institute for Publishing Research predicts that by 2015, e-book sales will increase to $3.6 billion, from $78 million in 2008. In publishing terms, that’s petrodollars.

• Sobre os livros digitais e os impressos, a pesquisa Retratos da Leitura no Brasil mostra que a maioria, 52%, acredita que os livros tradicionais nunca vão acabar e que irão conviver igualmente com os digitais. Dezessete por cento dizem que os impressos vão continuar, mas em pequenas edições. Para 7%, é uma questão de tempo para que os livros no papel deixem de ser publicados. Outros 7% afirmam que os digitais serão sempre para poucos interessados.

“Roll over, Gutenberg! Publishing legend Jason Epstein says the only way to save the book

industry is to get rid of all the books.”

Replicação de modelos de outros setores

iChapters iChapters is Cengage Learning's discount online store for more than 15,000 printed textbooks, eTextbooks, individual eChapters, study help tools, including online homework solutions like CengageNow, OWL, Aplia, Personal Trainer etc. [...,] audio study tools sold as a complete audio book or individual eChapters and select video study tool products" All materials fall under traditional copyright. Downloadable materials are PDFs secured with DRM software from Oracle's SealedMedia and require a proprietary special "unsealer" plug-in for Adobe Acrobat to read the electronic content

Iniciativas de autores “self-publishing”

“Digital textbooks done wrong”

E-textbooks are too expensive • The e-textbooks we surveyed cost on average exactly the same as a new hard copy of the same title bought and sold back to the bookstore. • The e-textbooks we surveyed cost on average 39% more than a used hard copy of the same title bought and sold back online.

Printing is costly and difficult • Printing was limited to 10 pages per session for each of the e-textbooks we surveyed. • Buying and printing half of an e-textbook was three times the cost of buying a used hard copy and selling it back to the bookstore, for the books we surveyed.

E-textbooks are difficult to access

• Students have to choose between using the book online or using it offline - they cannot do both. • Most (75%) of the e-textbooks we surveyed expired after 180 days, so students do not have the option to access their books in the future.

Preço e acesso

Preco médio do livro didático sofreu um aumento de 217% no período de 1994 a 2005, subindo de R$2,20 para R$6,97. (IPEA (2007)

Dispositivos e acesso

“OER are teaching, learning, and research materials in any medium that reside in the public domain or have

been released under an open licence that permits their free use and re-purposing by others. An open

license is one that allows anyone to access, reuse, modify and share the OER. The use of open technical standard for OER platforms and files improves access and reuse potential of OERs which are developed and

published digitally.”

Paul Baran (1964)

Learning Content Tools

Intellectual property licenses to promote open publishing of materials, design-principles, and localization of content.

Full courses, course materials, content modules, learning objects, collections, journals

Software to support the creation, delivery, use and improvement of open learning content including searching and organization of content, content and learning management systems, content development tools, and on-line learning communities.


•Reference materials

•Open textbooks/ learning materials


•Open courses


Open textbooks "are textbooks that are freely available with nonrestrictive licenses. Covering a wide range of

disciplines, open textbooks are available to download and print in various file formats from several web sites and

OER repositories. Open textbooks can range from public domain books to existing textbooks to textbooks created

specifically for OER. Open textbooks help solve the problems of the high cost of textbooks, book shortages, and access to textbooks as well as providing the capacity

to better meet local teaching and learning needs" (ISKME).

Abertura e acesso: Livros didáticos abertos

“open source textbooks”

Interoperabilidade legal e tecnica como essencial para o surgimento de

novas instituicoes

Compatibility chart

Terms that can be used for a derivative work or adaptation

by by-nc by-nc-nd by-nc-sa by-nd by-sa pd

Status of original work








Iniciativas “non-profit”

Introduction to Economic Analysis

R. Preston McAfee, Caltech

ISBN: 160049000X

Used at: Harvard, NYU, Cal Poly, UC-Santa Barbara, Caltech, Oregon State,

Claremont McKenna….

Online: Free PDF/Word: Free

Hard copy: $11.10

Collaborative Statistics

Barbara Illowsky & Susan Dean

ISBN: 9780978745973

Online: Free PDF/Word: Free

Hard copy: $31.98

For more information:

Publisher: Wiley Open: Connexions & QOOP

Downloadable version:


Downloadable & online versions:


Printed bound version:

$141.95 new

$110.25 used

Printed bound version:

$31.98 new

Comparação de livros de estatística

• "Flexbook” - "high quality educational content that will serve both as core text as well as provide an adaptive environment for learning"

• "through a combination of author donations, licensing partnerships, incentives for community-based authorship, and university collaborations"

• Future content is planned to be commons-based peer-produced and moderated by CK-12 to align with "an expanding base of learning standards like McREL Compendium“

• Content is available under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike licenses with any on-demand printing costs born by users (print on home computer or through on-demand company).

• Users are encouraged to customize the downloadable content as well

• a Physics Flexbook for use in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Thirteen scientists, teachers, and professors volunteered to write the book with CK-12's support. The book was written in 2.5 months, including diagrams in high resolution (added to the CK-12 reposition, "keeping in line with the philosophy of open content"), "with another two weeks for quality assurance". (Park 2008)



• the first and only Internet site for Open Source Curriculum (OSC), which will provide universal access to free curricula and instructional materials for grades K-12.

• Focus: online repository for K-12 curricula in the areas of mathematics, science, technology, reading and language arts, and languages.

• Relevant Press:

Modelos de Negócio Abertos

• Bloomsbury Academic is a new imprint of Britian's Bloomsbury Publishing Group Plc focused on academic works in the humanities and social sciences.

• All works can be leased for free online under a Creative Commons non-commercial license, and print-on-demand (POD) copies are available "at reasonable prices“. Some will also be available for purchase in a number of e-book formats, many with enhanced features.

• A presentation by Dr. Pinter:

Bloomsbury Academic

• Flatworld Knowledge e uma editora startup de livros diadticos abertos que opera com base em renda proveniente de modelos opcionais de consumo de recursos educacionais como copias impressas, digitais e materiais complementares (“study aids”).

• Dr. Mason Carpenter, um autor tanto da Flat World e Pearson, afirma que os royalties provenientes de seus livros abertos esta alcancando o proveniente de seus livros abertos.






The Flatworld Model

Top Authors



Alternate Formats Efficient Study Aids Collaboration Free Open

Diferentes formatos e preços


Top 10 - Razões

① Get a great books & supplements.

② Use new editions on your terms.

③ Make your book like your course (or not).

④ Don’t change your life very much.

⑤ Do change theirs – choice for the first time.

⑥ Level the playing field – everyone has access. And Immediately.

⑦ No more access codes. Ever.

⑧ Integration into your LMS.

⑨ Did we say no more access codes?

⑩ Support a market-based solution.

Adoção de Modelos Abertos

Phase 1 page

Pearson, US CEO Peter Cohen

• “We are now in a transformational period. Everything we have has to be two worlds: print and digital.”

• “The future of learning is going to be high-quality online material and, to a lesser extent, textbooks.’’

Houghton Mifflin Wendy Colby, senior vice president

• “The textbook is no longer the center of the educational universe.”

• We need to move away from the PDF

Why Invest in Open?


Wide dissemination of education contributes to more inclusive and cohesive societies, fosters equal

opportunities and innovation in line with the priorities of a renewed social agenda focused on the knowledge

society. In this sense, this study brings a series of recommendations to foster this dialogue.

Oportunidades e desafios

• Habilidade de criar conteudo modular, interativo e personalizado – nao somente uma copia digital de livros de papel

• Pensar em modelos de negocio e sustentabilidade

• Como inlcuir abertura e nocao de rede > REA

• Quais direitos e possibilidades vao existir para leitores, e em particular para aqueles que querem compartilhar e remixar seus livros digitais sem fins lucrativos – comportamentos que fazem parte da cultura da leitura?

• Qual a sinergia que existe entre a economica dos ebooks e tais comportamentos?

Oportunidades e desafios

“In any case, it is clear that a library containing all possible books, arranged at random, is equivalent (as a source of information) to a library containing

zero books.”

“Thus, this book speaks. It has a voice that allows you to read yourself and

you are invited to contribute to its writing.”

Pierre Lévy

Thank you!!!!

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