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Page 1: Ech webquest


Tasks ProcessResource

sAssessment Conclusion Teacher Notes App. 1


Designed in mind for:

Upper High School Vietnamese ESL Students

Intermediate + Level


“everybody dance now”

Great moves everyone, Ok, now it’s market research time! Complete your individual frog survey.

Refer Appendix 1Whole class analysis and discussion of survey results

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nTeacher Notes App. 1


Chao, Welcome, everyone!

, the creators of Freddo Frog chocolate bars have decided that their current

Freddo Frog packets need a make over. Their idea for the new packaging is to include frog trivia

questions on the packaging for their customers to enjoy. The trouble is everyone who works for

Cadbury is so busy producing and taste testing chocolate that they don’t have the time to research

about frogs! This is where our class comes in. We have been asked by the Head of Cadbury’s

advertising division to be their researchers. Our task is to find out what we can about frogs from

around the world. From this research we will create trivia questions and facts for Cadbury to use

on their new Freddo Frog wrappers and we have been retained to produce a Trivial Pursuits-type

board game that Cadbury will produce and distribute as part of the promotion for their new

packaging concept.

So, let’s get hopping!

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Tasks ProcessResource

sAssessment Conclusion Teacher Notes App. 1

Whole Class Tuning In Task

Pattes De Grenouilles - Tasks

Protectors - Tasks

Anura - Tasks

Der Frosch - Tasks


Have you ever wondered what the inside of an animal looks like – while it’s still alive? Let’s have a look at this…what do you think?

Now let’s look at a Web clip of it:

We will now form into 4 groups with each group to examine frogs from a particular perspective:

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Group Pattes de Grenouilles: investigating Le Chef’s French legs.

Group Anura: investigating some amazing science behind frogs.

Group Protectors: investigating conservation issues about frogs.

Group Der Frosch: investigating the ethnoherpetology of frogs.


Tasks ProcessResource

sAssessment Conclusion Teacher Notes App. 1


Frogs are not just eaten in the form of the delicious chocolate Freddo Frogs; they are also eaten in many countries as real food. Your group is to investigate the commercial aspects on the use of frogs. To complete this task your group will need to:

1. Take on the personas of a frog farmer/hunter and a frog chef during your research. 2. Complete an individual daily blog on your understandings gathered from your research. Evaluate your

understandings against your own personal beliefs and opinions. Selectively incorporate Web images, clips and other hyperlinks (no more than 15 minutes daily).

3. As a group, prepare an opinion piece on frogs from a farmer’s and a chef’s point of view for submission to our local English language newspapers (500 word limit).

4. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation showing your group’s KEY findings and understandings to be presented on ếch Day.

5. Create a video pretending you are chefs on a television cooking show showing how to prepare and cook a

recipe. You will bring this food item to school on ếch Day for all to sample. 6. Select an aspect of your research and present it in a drama form (you may wish to incorporate your television

cooking show in your drama). Be sure that it is your adopted persona’s points of view that are reflected. 7. Prepare a hands-on activity the rest of the class and invited audience can participate in during ếch Day. 8. Daily creation of Trivial Pursuits-type questions and answers towards a class-generated board game.


Tasks ProcessResource

sAssessment Conclusion Teacher Notes App. 1


You are a group of conservationists. Although frogs can be noisy they don’t speak ‘Human’. Your job is to represent frogs’ interests in the world of humans by publically speaking out for the conservation of frogs and their habitats. To complete this task you will need to:

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1. Take on the role of frog conservationists during your research. 2. Complete an individual daily blog on your understandings gathered from your research. Evaluate your

understandings against your own personal beliefs and opinions. Selectively incorporate Web images, clips and other hyperlinks (no more than 15 minutes daily).

3. As a group, prepare an opinion piece on frogs from a conservationist’s point of view for submission to our local English language newspapers (500 word limit).

4. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation showing your group’s KEY findings and understandings to be presented on ếch Day.

5. Select an aspect of your research and present it in a drama form. Be sure that it is your adopted persona’s points of view that are reflected.

6. Prepare a hands-on activity the rest of the class and invited audience can participate in during ếch Day. 7. Daily creation of Trivial Pursuits-type questions and answers towards a class-generated board game.


Tasks ProcessResource

sAssessment Conclusion Teacher Notes App. 1


You are a group of scientists. You will research the given websites on frogs from a scientific perspective. To complete your tasks you will need to:

1. Take on the role of frog scientists during your research. 2. Complete an individual daily blog on your understandings gathered from your research. Evaluate

your understandings against your own personal beliefs and opinions. Selectively incorporate Web images, clips and other hyperlinks (no more than 15 minutes daily).

3. As a group, prepare an opinion piece on frogs from a scientist’s point of view for submission to our local English language newspapers (500 word limit).

4. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation showing your group’s KEY findings and understandings to be presented on ếch Day.

5. Select an aspect of your research and present it in a drama form. Be sure that it is your adopted persona’s points of view that are reflected.

6. Prepare a hands-on activity the rest of the class and invited audience can participate in during ếch Day.

7. Daily creation of Trivial Pursuits-type questions and answers towards a class-generated board game.


Tasks ProcessResource

sAssessment Conclusion Teacher Notes App. 1


You are a group of ethnoherpetologists. Your task is to research the given websites on frogs and organise and present your findings to the rest of the class and invited audience on ếch Day. To complete your tasks you will need to:

Page 6: Ech webquest

1. Take on the role of ethnoherpetologists during your research. 2. Complete an individual daily blog on your understandings gathered from your research. Evaluate your

understandings against your own personal beliefs and opinions. Selectively incorporate Web images, clips and other hyperlinks (no more than 15 minutes daily).

3. As a group, prepare an opinion piece on frogs from an ethnoherpetologist’s point of view for submission to our local English language newspapers (500 word limit).

4. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation showing your group’s KEY findings and understandings to be presented on ếch Day.

5. Select an aspect of your research and present it in a drama form. Be sure that it is your adopted persona’s points of view that are reflected.

6. Prepare a hands-on activity the rest of the class and invited audience can participate in during ếch Day. 7. Daily creation of Trivial Pursuits-type questions and answers towards a class-generated board game.


Introduction Tasks PROCESSResource



Teacher Notes App. 1

Pattes de Grenouilles



Der Frosch

PROCESS Pattes De Grenouillestranslate


By now, you are aware frogs are a real human food for some cultures and countries. Adopt the personas of your group and follow the steps below to complete your tasks.

Rich Topic Concept: There is an expression: All humans are born equal.

Rich Topic Question: Do you think this expression should apply to all life?


Step 1

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Working individually, when you hear the words “frogs” and “food” what do you think, feel, and know? Would you eat a frog? Would you farm or hunt frogs? What questions do you have that you want answered? Brainstorm and write them down.

Work in pairs and combine your ideas. Whole group comes together and shares their ideas producing a mind map diagram using Inspiration. Print

out and post this diagram on your group’s wall.

Step 2 Your group will take on the personas of frog farmers/hunters and frog chefs. Review the Task and Process

stages to familiarize yourselves with all that your group needs to achieve. Pair yourselves up and allocate daily tasks for each pair to achieve. Timeline these tasks. Be prepared to modify your allocations/timelines as circumstances evolve. Record your allocations and timelines and show to teacher for approval before proceeding with any of the following stages.


Step 1 – Focus Questions Begin your research using your group’s websites. You are not excluded from using other Web sites not listed

but you need to be careful on your time management and on keeping on task. Print out and continually refer to the following focus questions to help you stay on point.

Focus Questions

How do people farm/hunt frogs?

What does a frog farm look like?

Which groups benefit from the farming, hunting, cooking and selling of frogs as food? What are the benefits to these people? Make sure to include economic benefits.

In which cultures/countries are frogs eaten as food?

What are some popular frog recipes? Later on you will be required to bring along a cooked recipe to school on ếch Day.

Step 2 – Zoo Visit and Skype Session Our class is going to visit the Ho Chi Minh Zoo and have a Skype session with an amphibian expert at the

Sydney Zoo in Australia. Your group is to prepare three or four questions to ask the experts during the Skype session and the zoo excursion (the same set of questions is fine for both sessions if they apply). Your questions will need to be approved by teacher prior to our meetings with the experts.

Step 3 – Group Visit to a Local Food Market

Take a trip with your group to the local food market. Once you have located frogs for sale you will need to buy a sufficient quantity to

cook a recipe your group has selected from your research for ếch Day. Politely ask the vendor how many frogs they sell and who buys them. Perhaps

they have a favorite recipe they are willing to share. Ask any other questions you like just so long as you are polite, you’re not taking too much time from the

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vendor and your questions are not going to upset the vendor. Take a camera with you and ask if you may take some photos. Explain it is for a

class project.


At this stage you will need to make sense of the experiences you have had and the information you have gathered so far in this web quest.

Class Blog Each group member will complete a daily blog journal on the information found each day reflecting on what

that information means to your adopted personas and to you personally (no more than 15 minutes daily spent on this).

At the end of the research phase, you will complete your individual daily blog postings by comparing the views of your group’s personas to your own personal views. Your personal views should be informed by the findings of the other groups in class. Also discuss if and how your views have changed since the class survey conducted on day one. This posting should reflect your learning and understanding to date. There are no right or wrong answers here, just your personal, reflective opinions and views.

Trivial Pursuits Questions Based upon your research findings, your group will daily generate a list of trivia questions and answers for

latter collation into a Trivial Pursuits-type board game (aim for about five questions per day). These trivia questions will be saved in a word file and printed out for posting on your group’s class wall for all to view.

You may supplement your daily trivia questions with contextual information and understandings such as selective text, pictures, and graphics to be printed out and posted on your group’s class wall for other groups to engage with.

Post any additional information on the class wall that you think is important and interesting – be selective!

ếch Day Your group will prepare and present a PowerPoint presentation on ếch Day. This presentation should be no

longer than 10 slides and will show the KEY points/findings you have discovered through your research. Each PowerPoint slide will NOT display volumes of text! They will display key words, quotes, images, graphs, and hyperlinks that prompt the speaker to talk about, not read from. Each group member will present at least one slide.

Your group will perform a presentation (such as a skit, drama, mime, puppet show, or debate) on ếch Day reflecting the views of your group’s personas. Your group will need to decide on a situation/scenario you wish to present and the type of presentation it will take. Brainstorm an idea/s and present the outline/s to teacher (don’t worry, teacher has a safety net already prepared should your group need it).

Your group will select an activity for the class and audience to participate in on ếch Day. The activity may take the form of a game, dance, song, word puzzle, etc. Present your group’s idea to teacher for prior approval before fully developing the idea.

Your group will provide a frog dish you have researched using the frogs purchased from the local food market for all to sample on ếch Day.

Newspaper Opinion Piece Based on your group’s research and your individual blogs, your group will collaboratively write an opinion

piece for submission for publication in the local English language newspapers. Your group will need to select the main idea, present it in a thesis statement and develop paragraphs supporting the thesis statement

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(using the SEX-OP approach). Finish with a concluding paragraph. Present your initial outline to Teacher for approval and feedback. Once approved, post each stage of your essay on the class blog so group members may all contribute to the writing process and so that Teacher may give you ongoing feedback. You will need to assign roles for group members: perhaps assigning paragraph roles once a thesis statement has been agreed upon. Also, you will need to peer edit each other’s paragraphs.


During this phase, your group will need to identify and prepare all the materials and resources you will need to present your items on ếch Day.

Categorize each presentation item into a table format showing the stages of presentation of each piece and the materials and resources required for each stage. This will act as your checklist on what you need to have ready and prepared on ếch Day.


All groups will practice their items, in class, in preparation for ếch Day. Teacher is not looking for perfection, rather, that you, the performers and presenters are confident in your own abilities to enjoy the day knowledgeable that you are adequately prepared to deliver.


Tasks ProcessResource

sAssessment Conclusion Teacher Notes App. 1

PROCESS Protectors


Who will speak out for those that cannot speak for themselves? As conservationists, your role is to bring attention to the dangers faced by frogs from human exploitation and human actions. You will explore the leading causes of frog declines and deformities. You will use your group’s findings to form an opinion on why we should/shouldn’t care about these dramatic declines, deformities, and disappearances plaguing many amphibian populations around the world.

Rich Topic Concept: The ‘web of life’ emphasizes interconnectivity; that actions have repercussions, no matter how far removed in time or space.

Rich Topic Questions: From a conservation perspective, what relationships can you identify between frogs and people/cultures? How can you categorize these relationships? How do you personally view or value these relationships?

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Step 1 Working individually, when you hear the words “frogs” and “conservation” what do you think, feel, and

know? Would you save a frog? Do frogs need saving or are they just a slimy animal not worth our attention? What about where they live (their habitats)? What questions do you have that you want answered? Brainstorm and write them down.

Work in pairs and combine your ideas. Whole group comes together and shares their ideas producing a mind map diagram using Inspiration. Print

out and post this diagram on your group’s wall.

Step 2 Your group will take on the role of conservationists fighting for the rights of frogs. Review the Task and Process stages to familiarize yourselves with all that your group needs to achieve. Pair

yourselves up and allocate daily tasks for each pair to achieve. Timeline these tasks. Be prepared to modify your allocations/timelines as circumstances evolve. Record your allocations and timelines and show to teacher for approval before proceeding with any of the following stages.


Step 1 Begin your research using your group’s websites. You are not excluded from using other Web sites not listed

but you need to be careful on your time management and on keeping on task. Print out and continually refer to the following focus questions to help you stay on point.

Focus Questions

What threats are there to frogs? What do frogs eat? What threats are there to the food sources frogs eat from human activities? If frogs were to became extinct how might this affect humans? What range of habitat types do frogs occupy? What conservation measures are taken to protect frogs? What can regular people do to aid frogs?

Step 2 – Zoo Visit and Skype Session Our class is going to visit the Ho Chi Minh Zoo and have a Skype session with an amphibian expert at the

Sydney Zoo in Australia. Your group is to prepare three or four questions to ask the experts during the Skype session and the zoo excursion (the same set of questions is fine for both sessions if they apply). Your questions will need to be approved by teacher prior to our meetings with the experts.

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At this stage you will need to make sense of the experiences you have had and the information you have gathered so far in this web quest.

Class Blog Each group member will complete a daily blog journal on the information found each day reflecting on what

that information means to your adopted personas and to you personally (no more than 15 minutes daily spent on this).

At the end of the research phase, you will complete your individual daily blog postings by comparing the views of your group’s personas to your own personal views. Your personal views should be informed by the findings of the other groups in class. Also discuss if and how your views have changed since the class survey conducted on day one. This posting should reflect your learning and understanding to date. There are no right or wrong answers here, just your personal, reflective opinions and views.

Trivial Pursuits Questions Based upon your research findings, your group will daily generate a list of trivia questions and answers for

latter collation into a Trivial Pursuits-type board game (aim for about five questions per day). These trivia questions will be saved in a word file and printed out for posting on your group’s class wall for all to view.

You may supplement your daily trivia questions with contextual information and understandings such as selective text, pictures, and graphics to be printed out and posted on your group’s class wall for other groups to engage with.

Post any additional information on the class wall that you think is important and interesting – be selective!

ếch Day Your group will prepare and present a PowerPoint presentation on ếch Day. This presentation should be no

longer than 10 slides and will show the KEY points/findings you have discovered through your research. Each PowerPoint slide will NOT display volumes of text! They will display key words, quotes, images, graphs, and hyperlinks that prompt the speaker to talk about, not read from. Each group member will present at least one slide.

Your group will perform a presentation (such as a skit, drama, mime, puppet show, or debate) on ếch Day reflecting the views of your group’s personas. Your group will need to decide on a situation/scenario you wish to present and the type of presentation it will take. Brainstorm an idea/s and present the outline/s to teacher (don’t worry, teacher has a safety net already prepared should your group need it).

Your group will select an activity for the class and audience to participate in on ếch Day. The activity may take the form of a game, dance, song, word puzzle, etc. Present your group’s idea to teacher for prior approval before fully developing the idea.

Newspaper Opinion Piece Based on your group’s research and your individual blogs, your group will collaboratively write an opinion

piece for submission for publication in the local English language newspapers. Your group will need to select the main idea, present it in a thesis statement and develop paragraphs supporting the thesis statement (using the SEX-OP approach). Finish with a concluding paragraph. Present your initial outline to Teacher for approval and feedback. Once approved, post each stage of your essay on the class blog so group members may all contribute to the writing process and so that Teacher may give you ongoing feedback. You will need to assign roles for group members: perhaps assigning paragraph roles once a thesis statement has been agreed upon. Also, you will need to peer edit each other’s paragraphs.

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During this phase, your group will need to identify and prepare all the materials and resources you will need to present your items on ếch Day.

Categorize each presentation item into a table format showing the stages of presentation of each piece and the materials and resources required for each stage. This will act as your checklist on what you need to have ready and prepared on ếch Day.


All groups will practice their items, in class, in preparation for ếch Day. Teacher is not looking for perfection, rather, that you, the performers and presenters are confident in your own abilities to enjoy the day knowledgeable that you are adequately prepared to deliver.


Tasks ProcessResource

sAssessment Conclusion Teacher Notes App. 1

PROCESS Anuratranslate - elaborate


Frogs are incredibly cool and wondrous animals, but you don’t need to take my word for it. From a scientific perspective, you will research the given websites and describe frog life cycles, adaptations, physiological wonders, and the scientific benefits of frogs for humans.

Rich Topic Concept: Science can reflect the best of man, and the worst.

Rich Topic Questions: How has the scientific study of frogs benefited man? What about the frogs?


Step 1 Working individually, when you hear the words “frogs” and “science” what do you think, feel, and know?

What questions do you have that you want answered? Brainstorm and write them down. Work in pairs and combine your ideas. Whole group comes together and shares their ideas producing a mind map diagram using Inspiration. Print

out and post this diagram on your group’s wall.

Page 13: Ech webquest

Step 2 Your group will take on the role of scientists examining and reporting on the information you collect about

frogs. Review the Task and Process stages to familiarize yourselves with all that your group needs to achieve. Pair

yourselves up and allocate daily tasks for each pair to achieve. Timeline these tasks. Be prepared to modify your allocations/timelines as circumstances evolve. Record your allocations and timelines and show to teacher for approval before proceeding with any of the following stages.


Step 1 Begin your research using your group’s websites. You are not excluded from using other Web sites not listed

but you need to be careful on your time management and on keeping on task. Print out and continually refer to the following focus questions to help you stay on point.

Focus Questions

What benefits to humans are derived from frogs? What threats to humans do frogs pose? What is the life cycle of frogs? What is the taxonomic classification of frogs? What types of frog species are there and how many? What types of adaptations do different frog species have? What range of habitat types do frogs occupy? What other cool frog facts can you discover?

Step 2 – Zoo Visit and Skype Session Our class is going to visit the Ho Chi Minh Zoo and have a Skype session with an amphibian expert at the

Sydney Zoo in Australia. Your group is to prepare three or four questions to ask the experts during the Skype session and the zoo excursion (the same set of questions is fine for both sessions if they apply). Your

questions will need to be approved by teacher prior to our meetings with the experts.


At this stage you will need to make sense of the experiences you have had and the information you have gathered so far in this web quest.

Class Blog Each group member will complete a daily blog journal on the information found each day reflecting on what

that information means to your adopted personas and to you personally (no more than 15 minutes daily spent on this).

At the end of the research phase, you will complete your individual daily blog postings by comparing the views of your group’s personas to your own personal views. Your personal views should be informed by the findings of the other groups in class. Also discuss if and how your views have changed since the class survey

Page 14: Ech webquest

conducted on day one. This posting should reflect your learning and understanding to date. There are no right or wrong answers here, just your personal, reflective opinions and views.

Trivial Pursuits Questions Based upon your research findings, your group will daily generate a list of trivia questions and answers for

latter collation into a Trivial Pursuits-type board game (aim for about five questions per day). These trivia questions will be saved in a word file and printed out for posting on your group’s class wall for all to view.

You may supplement your daily trivia questions with contextual information and understandings such as selective text, pictures, and graphics to be printed out and posted on your group’s class wall for other groups to engage with.

Post any additional information on the class wall that you think is important and interesting – be selective!

ếch Day Your group will prepare and present a PowerPoint presentation on ếch Day. This presentation should be no

longer than 10 slides and will show the KEY points/findings you have discovered through your research. Each PowerPoint slide will NOT display volumes of text! They will display key words, quotes, images, graphs, and hyperlinks that prompt the speaker to talk about, not read from. Each group member will present at least one slide.

Your group will perform a presentation (such as a skit, drama, mime, puppet show, or debate) on ếch Day reflecting the views of your group’s personas. Your group will need to decide on a situation/scenario you wish to present and the type of presentation it will take. Brainstorm an idea/s and present the outline/s to teacher (don’t worry, teacher has a safety net already prepared should your group need it).

Your group will select an activity for the class and audience to participate in on ếch Day. The activity may take the form of a game, dance, song, word puzzle, etc. Present your group’s idea to teacher for prior approval before fully developing the idea.

Newspaper Opinion Piece Based on your group’s research and your individual blogs, your group will collaboratively write an opinion

piece for submission for publication in the local English language newspapers. Your group will need to select the main idea, present it in a thesis statement and develop paragraphs supporting the thesis statement (using the SEX-OP approach). Finish with a concluding paragraph. Present your initial outline to Teacher for approval and feedback. Once approved, post each stage of your essay on the class blog so group members may all contribute to the writing process and so that Teacher may give you ongoing feedback. You will need to assign roles for group members: perhaps assigning paragraph roles once a thesis statement has been agreed upon. Also, you will need to peer edit each other’s paragraphs.


During this phase, your group will need to identify and prepare all the materials and resources you will need to present your items on ếch Day.

Categorize each presentation item into a table format showing the stages of presentation of each piece and the materials and resources required for each stage. This will act as your checklist on what you need to have ready and prepared on ếch Day.


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All groups will practice their items, in class, in preparation for ếch Day. Teacher is not looking for perfection, rather, that you, the performers and presenters are confident in your own abilities to enjoy the day knowledgeable that you are adequately prepared to deliver.


Tasks ProcessResource

sAssessment Conclusion Teacher Notes App. 1

PROCESS Der Frosch translate


Frogs are found on all the world’s continents except Antarctica. This means cultures from all around the world have an historical and contemporary relationship with frogs. You will select and examine some of these relationships and report on the ethnoherpetological connections you identify. Be prepared to evaluate and comment on your findings from your own personal perspective.

Rich Topic Concept: The notions of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ imply single viewpoints.

Rich Topic Questions: Can differing, even conflicting perspectives all be right?


Step 1 Working individually, when you hear the words “frogs” and “human culture” what do you think, feel, and

know? What questions do you have that you want answered? Brainstorm and write them down. Work in pairs and combine your ideas. Whole group comes together and shares their ideas producing a single mind map diagram using Inspiration.

Print out and post this diagram on your group’s wall.

Step 2 Your group will take on the role of ethnoherpetologists examining and reporting on the information you

collect about frogs. Review the Task and Process stages to familiarize yourselves with all that your group needs to achieve. Pair

yourselves up and allocate daily tasks for each pair to achieve. Timeline these tasks. Be prepared to modify your allocations/timelines as circumstances evolve. Record your allocations and timelines and show to teacher for approval before proceeding with any of the following stages.

Page 16: Ech webquest


Step 1 Begin your research using your group’s websites. You are not excluded from using other Web sites not listed

but you need to be careful on your time management and on keeping on task. Print out and continually refer to the following focus questions to help you stay on point.

Focus Questions

Where and when (historical and contemporary periods) are frogs culturally represented?

How and why are frogs positively represented in cultures? How and why are frogs portrayed negatively in cultures? How are frogs portrayed in legends, myths, folk stories, astronomy, modern

popular culture including books, movies, songs, toys, education, other? Be selective and don’t try to incorporate too much into your tasks (keep tabs with each other and Teacher).

Step 2 – Family Interview Interview your parents and grandparents on their knowledge, stories and understandings about frogs from

their personal and cultural perspective. Write one or two paragraphs and post on your blog.

Step 3 – Zoo Visit and Skype Session Our class is going to visit the Ho Chi Minh Zoo and have a Skype session with an amphibian expert at the

Sydney Zoo in Australia. Your group is to prepare three or four questions to ask the experts during the Skype session and the zoo excursion (the same set of questions is fine for both sessions if they apply). Your questions will need to be approved by teacher prior to our meetings with the experts.


At this stage you will need to make sense of the experiences you have had and the information you have gathered so far in this web quest.

Class Blog Each group member will complete a daily blog journal on the information found each day reflecting on what

that information means to your adopted personas and to you personally (no more than 15 minutes daily spent on this).

At the end of the research phase, you will complete your individual daily blog postings by comparing the views of your group’s personas to your own personal views. Your personal views should be informed by the findings of the other groups in class. Also discuss if and how your views have changed since the class survey conducted on day one. This posting should reflect your learning and understanding to date. There are no right or wrong answers here, just your personal, reflective opinions and views.

Trivial Pursuits Questions

Page 17: Ech webquest

Based upon your research findings, your group will daily generate a list of trivia questions and answers for latter collation into a Trivial Pursuits-type board game (aim for about five questions per day). These trivia questions will be saved in a word file and printed out for posting on your group’s class wall for all to view.

You may supplement your daily trivia questions with contextual information and understandings such as selective text, pictures, and graphics to be printed out and posted on your group’s class wall for other groups to engage with.

Post any additional information on the class wall that you think is important and interesting – be selective!

ếch Day Your group will prepare and present a PowerPoint presentation on ếch Day. This presentation should be no

longer than 10 slides and will show the KEY points/findings you have discovered through your research. Each PowerPoint slide will NOT display volumes of text! They will display key words, quotes, images, graphs, and hyperlinks that prompt the speaker to talk about, not read from. Each group member will present at least one slide.

Your group will perform a presentation (such as a skit, drama, mime, puppet show, or debate) on ếch Day reflecting the views of your group’s personas. Your group will need to decide on a situation/scenario you wish to present and the type of presentation it will take. Brainstorm an idea/s and present the outline/s to teacher (don’t worry, teacher has a safety net already prepared should your group need it).

Your group will select an activity for the class and audience to participate in on ếch Day. The activity may take the form of a game, dance, song, word puzzle, etc. Present your group’s idea to teacher for prior approval before fully developing the idea.

Newspaper Opinion Piece Based on your group’s research and your individual blogs, your group will collaboratively write an opinion

piece for submission for publication in the local English language newspapers. Your group will need to select the main idea, present it in a thesis statement and develop paragraphs supporting the thesis statement (using the SEX-OP approach). Finish with a concluding paragraph. Present your initial outline to Teacher for approval and feedback. Once approved, post each stage of your essay on the class blog so group members may all contribute to the writing process and so that Teacher may give you ongoing feedback. You will need to assign roles for group members: perhaps assigning paragraph roles once a thesis statement has been agreed upon. Also, you will need to peer edit each other’s paragraphs.


During this phase, your group will need to identify and prepare all the materials and resources you will need to present your items on ếch Day.

Categorize each presentation item into a table format showing the stages of presentation of each piece and the materials and resources required for each stage. This will act as your checklist on what you need to have ready and prepared on ếch Day.


All groups will practice their items, in class, in preparation for ếch Day. Teacher is not looking for perfection, rather, that you, the performers and presenters are confident in your own abilities to enjoy the day knowledgeable that you are adequately prepared to deliver.

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sProcess RESOURCES Assessment


Teacher Notes App.1

Resources for Pattes de Grenouilles

Resources for Protectors

Resources for Anura

Resources for Der Frosch

Resources for All Groups



Saigon’s Toad Lady Frogs in a Saigon Food Market – GRUESOME! Science facts about frogs Frogs legs images Frogs legs in the cuisine of different cultures What do frogs taste like? Eating frogs Vietnamese style Quick frogs legs recipes Frogs legs cooking videos and instructions Interview with American Frog Farmer The rewards of frog farming Frogs help farmers make a living in Thailand VIDEO: Breeding Frogs in the Mekong Delta VIDEO: Jurong Bullfrog Farm Indonesia VIDEO: How to fry frogs legs

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Save the frogs

Eating frogs to death (contains some information to share with Group Anura)

The top threats to frogs

Images of threats to frogs

Habitat distribution of frogs

Issues surrounding the frog trade

Amazing science facts about frogs

Bangladesh banned selling frogs for food

Frogs are being eaten to extinction

Threats to Frogs

VIDEO: Bullfrog Ballet

VIDEO: Frogs eating

VIDEO: Frog trying to eat fly

VIDEO: Frog successfully eating a fly

Guides to diet, Housing and habits of popular species of frogs

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General Sites Applicable to More Than One Category differences between frogs & toads


Frog Species, Adaptations, Habitats

Frog Life Cycle video

Benefits to Humans

Translucent frogs websites (links to 4 more sites worth exploring)

Medicinal benefits of frogs

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Benefits to Humans

Threats to Frogs, Conservation Issues, Aiding Frogs

Frog Conservation

Amphibian Decline


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General Sites


Ethnoherpetological Myths, Beliefs, Uses

Stories, Fables, Jokes, Riddles, Web Clips

Page 22: Ech webquest One man's pleasure may be another's pain Let well enough alone Look before you leap There is always someone worse off than yourself

Songs (tongue twister)

Frog Web Games

Making Stuff Activities

What Kind of Frog Are You?

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Web Sites Applicable To All Groups differences between frogs & toads Pesticide threat to frogs is threat to humans!

Frog Stories For Kids


Step-by-step instructions on drawing a frog

Origami Jumping Frog

Online Quizzes

Frog Clip Art, Animations, Clips, Images, Sounds

Frog Recipes

Free Clip Art & Animations

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Frog Sounds


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ASSESSMENT The following rubrics have been created to guide you throughout this unit of work. There is a daily assessment wall

chart where students self and peer evaluate; this will enable the teacher to quickly identify any students consistently

underperforming and to take appropriate action. There is also a daily oral assessment rubric, which allows the

teacher to evaluate the specific knowledge learning and understanding from each group and to assess the

understandings and linkages students are making with their rich topic concepts and questions.

Do not feel overwhelmed by the rubrics. They will be fully discussed in class and are intended to aid your progress

through the webquest J.

Individual Daily Performance Evaluation Chart


Was I on task (did I continually refer to the focus questions)?

Did I help keep the group on task?

Was I a good listener?

Was I a good contributor to my group?

Was my attitude positive and helpful?

Individual Daily Blog Rubric

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1

Posted daily blog All blogs posted and on time.

All blogs posted and mostly on time.

Most blogs posted. Few blogs posted.

Blog posts identify key


All key points identified.

Most key points identified.

Some key points identified.

Few key points identified.

Writing style Writing style makes use of SEXOp, is

Writing style makes use of SEXOp, is

Writing style makes use of

Writing style lacks or is poor in many of the

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engaging, clear, and coherent.

mostly engaging, clear, and coherent.

SEXOp, is somewhat

engaging, clear, and coherent.

required elements.

Use of appropriate

personal opinionYes, and appropriate.

Yes, but some not appropriate.

Some personal opinion posted.

Little if any personal opinion expressed.

Use of appropriate graphics and hyperlinks

Yes, all relevant and not too much.

Yes, some not relevant or too many links.

Yes, some not relevant ad too

many links.

Few or no graphics or hyperlinks


Oral Presentation Rubric: Whole Class Daily Informal Presentation

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1

Level of knowledge and Understanding

Shows a full understanding of the topic.

Shows a good understanding of the topic.

Shows a good understanding of parts of the topic.

Does not seem to understand the topic very well.

Use of materials that support presentation

Student uses several resources that make the presentation better.

Student uses 1 supporting resource that makes the presentation better.

Student uses 1 prop that makes the presentation better.

The student uses no supporting resources OR the resources chosen detract from the presentation.

Response to audience questions

Responds fully to all audience questions providing clarity and understanding.

Responds fully to most audience questions providing clarity and understanding.

Responds to audience questions providing some clarity and understanding.

Responds poorly to audience questions with little clarity or understanding.

Group Newspaper Opinion Piece

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1Clear Thesis

StatementYes Mostly Somewhat No

Paragraphs Support Thesis Statement and Make Use of


All Most Somewhat Poorly

Individual Contribution to Opinion Piece

Fair and Equitable

Yes Mostly Somewhat No

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ếch Day – Audience Activity Rubric

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1All materials and resources ready and prepared.

Yes Mostly Somewhat No

The activity was fun, engaging and something relevant was


Yes Mostly Somewhat No

Group fully managed and directed the


Yes Mostly Somewhat No

ếch Day – “Trivial Pursuits” Game Rubric

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1

Knowledge Gained

All students in the group could easily and correctly state several facts about the topic used for the game.

All students in the group could easily and correctly state 1-2 facts about the topic used for the game.

Most students in the group could easily and correctly state 1-2 facts about the topic used for the game.

Several students in the group could NOT correctly state facts about the topic used for the game.

Accuracy of Content

All information cards made for the game are correct.

All but two of the information cards made for the game are correct.

All but four of the information cards made for the game are correct.

Several information cards made for the game are not accurate.


Contrasting colors and graphics were used to give the cards and game board visual appeal.

Contrasting colors and/or graphics were used to give the cards and game board visual appeal.

Unappealing colors and graphics were used to give the cards and game board visual appeal.

Little or no color and graphics were included.

Cooperative work

The group worked well together with all members contributing significant amounts of quality work.

The group generally worked well together with all members contributing some quality work.

The group worked fairly well together with all members contributing some work.

The group often did not work well together and the game appeared to be the work of only 1-2 students in the group.

ếch Day – Drama Presentation Rubric

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1


Point-of-view, arguments, and solutions proposed were consistently in character.

Point-of-view, arguments, and solutions proposed were often in character.

Point-of-view, arguments, and solutions proposed were sometimes in character.

Point-of-view, arguments, and solutions proposed were rarely in character.


Student uses several props (could include costume) that accurately fit the period, shows creativity and enhances the presentation.

Student uses 1-2 props that accurately fit the period, and make the presentation better.

Student uses 1-2 props that make the presentation better.

The student uses no props OR the props chosen detract from the presentation.

Topic Accuracy

All topic information appeared to be accurate.

Almost all topic information appeared to be accurate.

Most of the topic information was accurate.

Very little of the topic information was accurate.

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PresentationGroup presented TO the audience.

Group mostly presented TO the audience.

Group sometimes presented TO the audience.

Group rarely presented TO the audience.

ếch Day – Power Point Oral Presentation Rubric

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1Pitch Pitch was often

used and conveyed emotions appropriately.

Pitch was often used but the emotions conveyed sometimes did not fit the content.

Pitch was rarely used OR the emotions conveyed often did not fit the content.

Pitch was not used to convey emotion.

Pauses Pauses were effectively used 2 or more times to improve meaning and/or dramatic impact.

Pauses were effectively used once to improve meaning and/or dramatic impact.

Pauses were intentionally used but were not effective in improving meaning or dramatic impact.

Pauses were not intentionally used.

Comprehension Student is able to accurately answer almost all questions posed by audience about the topic.

Student is able to accurately answer most questions posed by audience about the topic.

Student is able to accurately answer a few questions posed by audience about the topic.

Student is unable to accurately answer questions posed by audience about the topic.

Enthusiasm Facial expressions and body language generate a strong interest and enthusiasm about the topic in others.

Facial expressions and body language sometimes generate a strong interest and enthusiasm about the topic in others.

Facial expressions and body language are used to try to generate enthusiasm, but seem somewhat faked.

Very little use of facial expressions or body language. Did not generate much interest in topic being presented.

Preparedness Student is entirely prepared and has obviously rehearsed.

Student seems mostly prepared but might have needed a couple more rehearsals.

The student is somewhat prepared, but it is clear that rehearsal was lacking.

Student does not seem at all prepared to present.

Posture and Eye Contact

Student uses several props (could include costume) that show creativity and which enhances the presentation.

Student uses 1 prop that shows creativity and which enhances the presentation.

Student uses 1 prop that makes the presentation better.

The student uses no props OR the props chosen detract from the presentation.

Vocabulary Uses vocabulary appropriate for the audience. Extends audience vocabulary by defining words that might be new to most of the audience.

Uses vocabulary appropriate for the audience. Includes 1-2 words that might be new to most of the audience, but does not define them.

Uses vocabulary appropriate for the audience. Does not include any vocabulary that might be new to the audience.

Uses several (5 or more) words or phrases that are not understood by the audience.

Stays on Topic Stays on topic all (100%) of the time.

Stays on topic most (99-90%) of the time.

Stays on topic some (89%-75%) of the time.

It was hard to tell what the topic was.

Content Shows a full understanding of the topic.

Shows a good understanding of the topic.

Shows a good understanding of parts of the topic.

Does not seem to understand the topic very well.

Collaboration with Peers

Almost always listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others in the group. Tries to keep people working well together.

Usually listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others in the group. Does not cause "waves" in the group.

Often listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others in the group but sometimes is not a good team member.

Rarely listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others in the group. Often is not a good team member.

Volume Volume is loud enough to be heard by all audience members throughout the presentation.

Volume is loud enough to be heard by all audience members at least 90% of the time.

Volume is loud enough to be heard by all audience members at least 80% of the time.

Volume often too soft to be heard by all audience members.

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F-R-O-G-T-A-S-T-I-C! Pats on our backs for all! We have come to the end of our Webquest!

By now, we all have a rich understanding of the different view points people and groups have of frogs; namely, a

cultural, historical, environmental, and scientific point of view – and not forgetting the frog’s point of view!

How have your understandings and personal views and opinions developed over the course of this project? Have

there been any changes, significant or otherwise, that you have noticed? What about your independent and social

group work skills? How have they progressed? Have you developed an appreciation of the importance of

contributing in a positive way to a group effort, and how this can also benefit you as an individual? How about ếch

Day? Did your parents, family and other invited guests enjoy it? Have a think about that and feedback on it.

What about your teacher? Have a think and tell or write/type some (anonymous if you wish) feedback thoughts to

help make your teacher better, and to let him know the good stuff you liked. Either email your thoughts and

comments directly to teacher or write/print them on paper and place in teacher’s classroom mailbox.

Finally, my smooth-skinned friends, let’s all have a frog-tastic day J

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Who this WebQuest was Designed For

This webquest was designed in mind for a group of mostly upper-intermediate level ESL Vietnamese high school

students. Although most of the Web resources are generic, some aspects such as the visit to the local zoo and food

market were specifically designed for this particular group. Additionally, Vietnamese people commonly use frogs as

a food source and they are commonplace in their street markets. The students therefore have a cultural background

association with frogs. Some non-English terms have been used throughout this document. The English translations

are given as follows:

The Vietnamese term ‘ếch’ translates into English as ‘frog’.

The term ‘anura’ is a scientific term categorizing frogs as an order of amphibians.

The French term ‘Pattes de Grenouilles’ translates into English as ‘legs of frogs’.

The German term ‘Der Frosch’ translates into English as ‘the frog’.

The acronym SEXOp stands for ‘statement’, ‘explanation’, ‘example’, and ‘opinion’.

Other WebQuests Teachers May Find Useful

Engagement and Whole Class Pre-Group Frog Activities

Prior to sending groups off to begin their tasks, the whole class will participate in engagement and pre-group

activities as follows:

1. Introductory engagement activity: The whole class will view the following website on laboratory created

translucent frogs:

2. Teacher conducts a class survey on their feelings about frogs (refer Appendix 1). This may be used to re-

examine their feelings and attitudes at the conclusion of the unit.

3. (Optional) Students take home the above survey and interview their family and friends. These results will be

collated and graphed in three ways: class results only, family results only, class and family results combined.

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4. Teacher divides class into four random groups and gives each group a rich topic question from the webquest.

Groups discuss and answer rich questions as per Noisy Round Robin approach.

Additional Notes

1. Students take home a letter from Teacher explaining what this unit of work is about, its duration, excursions,

incursions (and invitation to parents to attend) and expected outcomes. An open invitation will be extended to

parents who feel they have specialised knowledge and/or experiences they would like to share with the class. A

request for parents to allow and supervise student Internet research from home and for students to bring any

appropriate and relevant realia from home for display in the classroom.

2. The orientation stage is critical. It is here that students divide into groups and each group, and individuals within

the group, develop a global understanding of the webquest. This understanding is community generated and

ongoing throughout the webquest project. Groups will timeline a work schedule for each stage and task of the

webquest indicating whom their partner for each task is. The assessment rubrics are explicit and may seem

overwhelming. In practice, teachers will make their own judgment on how, or if, they should be incorporated

and utilized. From this author’s perspective, many of the rubrics are guides, to help keep individuals, groups, the

whole class and the teacher on task. They are certainly not intended to place undue stress on the learners and

should not be used in that way for ESL students.

3. The whole class sessions are also critical. Pre-class sets the tone, confirms that session’s tasks for each group

and resolves/confirms understandings. Post-class sessions are intended to consolidate existing learning and

introduce new learning from each group so that all groups may learn from each other. The trivia questions are

intended to function as a game activity here, continually reviewed and added to with each session. Post-class

sessions are also the opportunity to review individual and group performance, and have whole-class feedback on

any aspect of the project.

4. The use of group walls in the class enable each group to post their selected information in a centralized place and

enable all groups to share in each other’s information and learning. They are intended to facilitate community

learning through explicit means, but more importantly, through implicit engagement and interaction.

5. The use of daily blog posts is also intended to consolidate and develop individual learning (and shared learning

through comment posts) whilst providing an avenue to develop personal understanding and opinions against the

opinions and views of each group’s adopted persona.

ếch Day Group Tasks: Suggested Activities

Group Pattes de Grenouilles:

Suggested hands-on audience activity could be to decorate plain biscuits in frog images using cake-

decorating products (icing, candy, etc.).

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Group Protectors:

Suggested Group Drama Activity to involve the audience could be to present and tell the story of a marsh

habitat of happy frogs living their daily lives (going to school, work, playing, etc.) when they are confronted

by a host of human activities: Audience members take on the role of frogs within a prescribed habitat space

(i.e. a chalk circle) that faces threats random threats from humans. Role the dice for:

i. Build a house (frog habitat reduced, population squeezed into a smaller space and fewer resources).

ii. Build a road (frog habitat bisected, frog community split, road kill dangers, population squeezed into

a smaller space and fewer resources).

iii. Drain a portion of the swamp for farming (frog habitat reduced, population squeezed into a smaller

space and fewer resources).

iv. Industrial pollutant spill: (frogs get ill and die, develop deformities, available habitat and resources


v. Construct a hospital (frog habitat reduced, population squeezed into a smaller space and fewer


vi. Foreign species competitors introduced (competition for resources shrinks the pool of available

resources for the frogs).

Group Anura

Suggested hands-on audience activity could be to create and have a selection of frog jigsaw puzzle activities

having the audience assemble frog life cycles, frog anatomy, and frogs’ position in a local habitat web/food

chain relative to other plant and animal species.

Group Der Frosch

Suggested Group Drama Activity could be a presentation of an Australian Aboriginal Dream Time story.

Suggested hands-on audience activity could be making origami frogs using different colored paper. These

could then be decorated reflecting different cultures representations of frogs.


The resources used in this webquest are, of course, external websites. This author would like to thank and

acknowledge their creators.

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Pre-Frog Web Quest Individual Student Survey

Student Name: _________________________________

Qu.1. How do you feel about frogs? Circle the adjective from the adjective box that best describes your feelings.

HorrifiedDon’t like



care muchNeutral

They are


They are


I love


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Qu.2. Do you think it is okay for people to eat frog legs?

Yes Don’t know No

Qu.3. Have you ever eaten frog legs?

Yes No

Qu.4. If you could, would you eat frog?

Yes Don’t know No

Qu.5. Do you think frogs are important to humans (apart from us eating them)?

Yes Don’t know No

Qu.6. Do you think frogs have anything important to contribute to science?

Yes Don’t know No

Qu.7. Do you think frogs should have inherent rights?

Yes Don’t know No

Qu.8. Do you think frog habitats (places where they live) should be protected?

Yes Don’t know No

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Qu.9. Do you think frogs are important to some cultures?

Yes Don’t know No

Qu.10. Rank the list of animals in the box in order of your personal preference. Number 1 is the animal you like

most and number 9 the animal you like least.

Tigers, fish, spiders, frogs, pandas, snakes, birds, elephants, insects, whales











When you have finished, make sure your name is written at the top and then hand in to teacher.


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