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EclipseEnglish Project

(Chapter Summaries)

*Chapter 1:-After receiving a heart wrenching note from best friend and

werewolf Jacob Black, Bella seems more determined than ever to

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mend their broken friendship.  Charlie has decided to release Bella from her punishment under the condition that she not neglect her other friendships, particularly that of Jacob Black’s.  Bella agrees, grateful for the freedoms this will give her to both spend time with Edward, and attempt to visit Jacob.  Her freedom doesn’t include a visit to the nearby city of Seattle Washington, which is currently the setting for a rash of serial killings that Edward claims are the work of a vampire.

After Edward arrives for his typical evening visit the two spend time filling out college applications and revealing, much to Charlie’s dismay, that both have been accepted to Alaska University. While pondering the wildlife populations of Alaska and Antarctica, Bella gently broaches the subject of a visit to La Push; a visit which Edward adamantly opposes.

The two are left at yet another impasse as Bella is resigned to see her best friend and Edward has vowed to stop her.

*Chapter 2:-As Bella attempts come to terms with both the end of her high

school career and her chosen future, her friends are all busily excited with preparations for graduation.  In the middle of these excited discussions Alice Cullen receives a vision of the future.  But as Bella tries to discover the content of that vision, she finds her attempts being artfully dodged by both Alice and Edward. 

After returning home that afternoon, Bella enjoys time with Edward and emails her mother Renee.  During this exchange Edward finds the stereo Bella received as a birthday gift from Emmett, Rosalie and Jasper in the bottom of Bella’s closet.  After vowing to replace it before anyone discovers its current condition, he suggests celebrating Bella’s new found freedom with a trip to Florida, by using the airline tickets she received as a gift from Carlisle and Esme for her birthday.  Bella rejects this idea, instead offering to go another weekend.

During dinner that evening Edward, shockingly, brings up the soon to expire airline vouchers to Charlie.  This insights an argument between Bella and her father, ending in Bella announcing that she will go to see her mother if she wants. 

The evening soon winds down with a quick trip to the Cullen house and a visit with Esme and a demonstration in vampire chess before Bella returns home to find Charlie anxious to have a talk with

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her about intimacy which leads to massive amounts of embarrassment for both Charlie and Bella.  When Charlie is satisfied that he has received the answer he wants, Bella is freed from the situation and goes to her room.  Bella finds that she is too wound up to relax, and hatches a plan to drive to La Push to visit Jacob.  Charlie is pleased with the idea and gladly lets Bella go, even knowing this will mean she may be late for curfew.  Unfortunately when Bella tries to start her truck she is met with silence, and soon discovers she is not alone in the cab of her truck.  Quietly turning some mysterious object between his fingers in the darkness, Edward quietly says, "Alice called."  He then begins to expound on the theory behind why Alice cannot see a werewolf with her abilities.  He calmly states that he will return her truck to working order by morning if she decides to drive herself to school. He tells her that she may close her window if she chooses not to see him tonight. 

Bella storms into the house announcing that her truck won’t start, that she is tired, and is going to bed.  She does indeed slam her window shut indicating she doesn’t want to see Edward after his stopping her from going to La Push.  Moments later, she opens the window as wide as it will go.

*Chapter 3:-Edward and Bella are returning from their trip to Florida as

Bella recounts one pointed conversation she had with her mother, Renee, during their visit.  Upon arrival at home Charlie expresses missing Bella while she was away, especially her cooking, and tells her to call Jacob as soon as possible.  Jacob, who had apparently been calling frequently that day, called again.

Confused at the strange conversation she just had with Jacob, Bella begins to cook for Charlie and try to decipher the meaning behind Jacob's words.  Moments later, Bella theorizes that Jacob was checking up on her to see if she had run off to be "changed".

The following day Bella is met with a surprise visitor at school.  Jacob has come to relay a message to the Cullen family.  In doing so, Edward is forced to reveal his real reason for taking Bella away for the weekend; Victoria is back.  With that frightening information, along with the news that during the chase there was an altercation between Emmett and Paul, Bella is left stunned and frightened, and with a renewed longing for her friendship with Jacob.

After the meeting, Bella and Edward adjourn to class where they pass messages back and forth and both come to terms with the

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new situation they find themselves in. Through this conversation Edward agrees to not keep something like this from her again.

*Chapter 4:-The chapter opens with Bella having a bad week.  She has

accepted the fact the Victoria is still after her because, in all honesty, she never expected her to stop.  However, Bella is feeling the need to be changed more now than ever.  Carlisle and the others aren’t that concerned has there are seven of them.  Edward’s one reply is that he will have the discussion with her if she meets his condition.

Edward goes away hunting with Emmett and Jasper leaving Alice in charge of watching Bella.  Bella is hoping to keep her time occupied by working and helping Angela.  Unfortunately when she gets to Newton’s they don’t need her to work and a flyer saying “Save the Olympic Wolf” causes Bella to head straight to La Push. 

Bella arrives at La Push greeted by a shocked yet extremely happy Jacob.  Bella instantly feels like the Bella she used to be with Jake, less responsible and carefree.  They walk to First Beach and talk about how things have been but the conversation quickly moves to why they are no longer friends.  Jacob is shocked to hear why Edward left.  Bella continues to explain to Jacob what happened in Italy.  Jacob then tells Bella about the events while she was away.  The pack had come across a fresh trail from Victoria. They followed it and ran into the Cullens. There was a minor interaction between Emmett and Paul.  Carlisle and Sam agreed that Victoria was top priority and they continued to track her.  Unfortunately she retreated to the water and the pack wouldn’t give the Cullens permission to cross the line.

Jacob then tells Bella that if she hadn’t jumped off the cliff without him things would never have changed.  They we probably be hanging out in his garage and there would be no vampires in Forks.  Jacob then tells Bella that Sam is upset with her because after everything that happened, Sam felt Bella would be the one person who had enough reason to hate the Cullens as much as he did.  Bella is angry by this statement and with Jacob.

Bella and Jacob start to discuss why Bella loves Edward.  At first Jacob feels it is because of looks or money and feels hurt.  Jacob tells Bella to look with in her own species to which she replies then she is stuck with Mike Newton.  Jacob is again hurt by the comment.  Bella is too angry to care and pushes Jacob about being a werewolf.  Jacob places Bella’s hand on his heart to prove that he is human.  Bella realizes how much pain Jacob is in and the anger subsides.

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*Chapter 5:-

The chapter opens with Jacob and Bella still at La Push.  There is an awkward silence between them and Bella begins to ask about the others.  Jacob confirms that Quil has indeed phased and is ecstatic about being a wolf.  Jacob says that most of the others are happy as well except for him and Sam.  Sam has had plenty of time to get over everything so it is really just Jacob that is the cry baby.  Bella asks about Sam’s story and Jacob warns her that it is long and strange. 

Jacob begins by telling Bella that Sam had it the hardest because he was first and didn’t know what was going on.  Once the elders discussed with him what had happened, he waited for the others to come of age.  At the time of the change Sam was in love and dating Leah Clearwater. All that changed when Leah’s cousin Emily visited.  When Sam saw Emily it was love at first site, soul mates.  Sam has to live with letting down Leah and see the anger and hurt in her eyes.  At first Emily hated Sam for it but eventually the love and adoration Sam showed her was over powering. 

Bella asks Jacob if he has found his soul mate and he says that only Jared and Sam have.  Bella feels relieved by this.  The conversation turns to Jacob and what he was thinking the other day to make Edward so uncomfortable.  Jacob admits to thinking about the night Sam found her in the woods and what she looked like the first time she came to see him.  Edward was pained by the memories.  Bella was angry with Jacob for being so mean and decides to leave.  Jacob begs her to stay and she insists the next time he leaves she’ll come back.

*Chapter 6:-

Bella leaves La Push feeling it was right to visit Jacob.  Suddenly, a silver Volvo appears in her rearview mirror.  Bella avoids making eye contact with Edward and heads to Angela’s house.  Edward drives by Bella and doesn’t stop to talk to her.  Bella helps Angela address her graduation invitations, and Angela can sense something is wrong.  When she asks, Bella explains that Edward thinks Jacob is dangerous and doesn’t like Bella being around Jacob.  Angela thinks Edward is just jealous.  The conversation turns to the girls preparing for college.  Angela is sad that Bella will most likely be in Alaska, and Bella feels a wave of sadness knowing she won’t be able to keep in touch. 

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Bella returns home trying to avoid going to her room.  Finally, she heads to her room knowing Edward will be there.  He is waiting by the open window glaring at her.  Bella tries to make light of the situation, but Edward is furious.  He tells Bella he almost crossed the treaty line to look for her.  Bella questions Edward about being jealous and he insists the anger is only over Bella’s safety.  Edward tells Bella she cannot go back to La Push.  After the argument, Bella claims to be Switzerland.  She refuses to get caught up in the battle between mythical creatures. 

Edward has to make up the hunting trip and plans to leave again on Friday.  Bella realizes this as an opportunity to visit with Jacob and calls to tell him.  When leaving work on Thursday night Bella is picked up by Alice.  At first Bella is not suspicious but then realizes Alice is kidnapping her until Edward returns.  Edward rewarded Alice for watching Bella by giving her the canary yellow Porsche from Italy.  Enraged, Bella calls Jacob to tell him she can’t come on Saturday, and he is very upset.  He becomes angry once Bella informs him she is being held hostage even though she knows it is for her own safety.  Jacob instantly wants to rescue her.  Bella tells Jacob good night and calls to leave Edward a message.  Alice shows Bella to Edward’s room where, to Bella’s surprise, a large bed sits.  Bella refuses to sleep on it and instead sleeps on the couch.  Rosalie asks Bella to speak with her. 

*Chapter 7:-

Rosalie asks to speak with Bella so she can tell her why she wants her to remain human.  Bella is surprised by this but welcomes Rosalie to talk with her.  Rosalie begins her story by saying it was a simpler time because she was beautiful and everyone watched her and that was all she needed.  Rosalie is candid about her vanity.  Rosalie continues the story telling how she met Royce King the 2nd.  All she ever wanted was to live comfortably and raise a child.  Royce always wanted to be out with Rosalie because he enjoyed they way people looked at them.  Bella takes in what Rosalie is saying with some shock.  Bella wonders if the reason Rosalie has so much more bitterness than the others is because she was so close to having what she wanted.

Rosalie continues the story and Bella can sense that the unpleasant ending is nearing.  Rosalie recaps the evening of her death.  She remembers everything about that night, the coldness of the weather and her worries about having to move the wedding indoors.  Rosalie had been leaving Vera’s house to head home when she ran into Royce.  Royce was drunk and with several of his friends.  Together, they assaulted Rosalie and left her for dead in the street when Carlisle found her.  He worked on her trying to save

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her but couldn’t.  Rosalie remembers she felt like she was flying and the searing pain.  She explains how she heard Edward express how upset he was that Rosalie had been changed.  After her transformation, Rosalie chose to stay with the Cullens because she did not want to be alone. 

Rosalie then says she has never tasted human blood.  She says that her record is almost as good as Carlisle’s.  Rosalie tells Bella of her revenge, how she killed each of the men who had harmed her.  She also tells Bella how she found Emmett and that she had to save him because he reminded her of the little child she never had.

She changes the topic to explain to Bella why she has treated her so unfairly.  At first it had to do with Edward wanting Bella, because he never showed any interest in Rosalie.  Rosalie then goes on to say that the reason she has trouble with Bella now is because she has the choice to remain human and have all the things Rosalie was denied.  She asks Bella to think about the choice and what it means to her future.

After the conversation Bella feels better about her relationship with Rosalie and she manages to sleep a little.  The next day, on her way to school, Bella is grumpy with Alice, who is trying to plan something for the evening.  Bella approaches the school and is greeted by Mike who asks her to hang out that night.  Their conversation is interrupted by a loud roaring sound.  Bella looks up to see Jacob on his motorcycle.  Bella makes a run for Jacob and sees Alice in the distance snarling.

*Chapter 8:-

Bella and Jacob head to the beach to hang out.  Bella jokingly asks about the latest pack scandal only to find out there is one.  Quil imprinted bringing the total of wolves that have done so up to three.  Jacob is worried that all the legends may be true.  Bella sees no problem with Quill imprinting until Jacob tells her that Quil imprinted on Emily’s cousin, Claire, who happens to be two years old.  Bella is shocked and Jacob explains that Quil will take care of her and look after her until she is old enough to understand.  After hearing the story Bella asks Jacob when he will imprint and he answers with a resounding “Never.”  Jacob confesses that he will never see anyone but Bella – even when he closes his eyes, all he sees is her.  Even the pack is sick of it.  Bella starts to feel uncomfortable and suggests leaving. Jacob protests, promising to be “her Jacob” from now on.

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They return to the house to and get the motorcycles to ride.  After spending the afternoon riding they head to the garage to clean the bikes.  Bella realizes she hasn’t been there since Edward returned.  Jacob recalls the last time Bella was there, which was Valentine’s Day.  Jacob asks Bella if she was serious about her change being none of his business.  Jacob becomes angry and brings up the Cullens breaking the treaty.  Bella then tells Jacob he already broke it by telling her about the vampires.  Jacob tries to make Bella understand that she won’t be Bella anymore once she is changed.  Bella then tells him that it is only a matter of weeks before she changes.  Enraged, Jacob tells Bella it would be better if she were dead. 

Bella, angry and hurt, takes off on her motorcycle and goes back to the Cullens.  She sleeps on Edward’s couch that night only to wake up in the bed with Edward next to her.  Both she and Edward forget to be angry with each other.  Edward blurs the boundaries and Bella starts to see the benefits of the bed.  But all too quickly, Edward reminds her just how dangerous it is to be with him.  Edward apologizes for trying to keep Bella hostage and decides that she can go to La Push.  Bella then tells him what happened with Jacob.  Edward says he feels like he could kill him.  Bella then asks Edward about the Denali clan and which one liked him.  She gets jealous of someone else showing interest in Edward.  He thinks it is cute and hums her to sleep. 

*Chapter 9:-

Bella returns home from the Cullens to find a message from Jacob.  He is sorry and wants her to call him.  Bella heads to her room and discovers that there are things missing: a pillow, some laundry, and some socks.  When Edward arrives, he is alerted to the scent of a vampire he doesn’t recognize.  Quickly, Edward takes Bella to Alice while Jasper and Emmett comb the woods and keep an eye on Charlie.  Alice is frustrated because she didn’t see anything.  Edward is angry that someone got past Alice’s sight.  Alice is overloaded with watching so many things.  Their first thought is that the Volturi paid Bella a visit, but Alice is sure she would have seen that.  They ponder whether or not Caius or Jane would have sent anyone.  Emmett and Jasper return saying the visitor left hours ago and used a car.  The Cullens continue to try to determine who would go into Bella’s room and why they hadn’t harmed Charlie and are unable to reach a solution.  Edward brings Bella back home and vows she will never be alone. 

The next day, Bella decides to forgive Jacob and call him.  During the conversation Edward, asks to speak to Jacob.  They discuss the visitor and devise a plan for Jacob to come over and stay

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with Bella while Edward follows the trail of the unknown vampire.  Jacob is also trying to rearrange the boundaries of the treaty in case the visitor comes back so that the wolves and Cullens can work together. 

*Chapter 10:-

The Chapter starts with Edward leaving, because Jacob is on his way over. When Jacob gets there, Bella finds him wearing only his cut off jeans, and she is slightly put off by the fact that he always seems half naked. Jacob tells her that he has to carry his clothes around with him using a strap that is wrapped around his calf. Jacob decides to get to work and asks Bella where the intruder’s scent was the strongest. When she replies her bedroom, his response is similar to what Edward’s had been.  But Jacob goes up and inspects the area like he was asked to. When Jacob returns he says that he caught the scent.

As Bella washes the dishes, Jacob begins to ask her questions about her and Edward’s relationship, centering on how she feels about him being a vampire and when she is planning on being changed. The anger and sadness of her answer, and the fact that it will be so soon after graduation, causes Jacob to clench down on a knife in his hand and cut himself badly. Bella witnesses his ability to heal quickly and it leaves her astonished. Jacob invites Bella to the reservation for a bonfire party, and Bella tells him she would ask if it was ok. With that Jacob leaves and Edward returns from where he was waiting just outside the house.

Edward asks about the bloody knife Bella accidentally left on the counter after her bleach-filled cleaning frenzy from when Jacob cut himself, and she tells him what happened. Edward takes out a large envelope that he retrieved from her mail and hands it to her. Bella’s application from Dartmouth was accepted without Bella’s knowledge that Edward had even sent it in. Edward tries to persuade her to spend a year at school in an effort to put off her change for as long as possible, but Bella remains unmoved. Her mind is made up – and even waiting until graduation seemed too risky to her.

Bella mentions to Edward about the missing clothes and pillows from her room and asks him to ask Alice where she put them, but he is completely confused. He says that Alice hadn’t taken her things. That’s when the pieces click into place and he realizes that the same intruder that was in her room had taken things that contained her scent to bring back as proof that she had been found. When Edward’s phone rings, it is Carlisle and before Edward can tell him about the new development, Carlisle informs

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him that the situation in Seattle is getting worse – truthfully it is way out of control. Something needs to be done.    

Edward brings up the bonfire party, and Bella says that she wasn’t going to go because of everything that was happening.  Edward suggests that she go anyway because he knows she wants to. Before heading up to the rendezvous point in-between territories to meet up with Jacob, Edward and Bella go back to the Cullen’s garage to pick up her motorcycle so she can bring it back to La Push, where it belongs. She sees that Edward had bought a bike so he could ride with her. The comparison between the new, pristine bike that Edward bought and her beat up rebuilt bike serves as a comparison of her and Edward which makes her sad. Edward realizes that riding was something special between her and Jacob and plays it off as no big deal. His only request is that she wears the protective equipment that he bought her to keep her safe while she is riding. Edward takes Bella to the boundary armed with a cell phone so she can call him when she is ready to come home. Edward leaves her with a deep kiss for Jacob’s benefit and then drives off – but not before Jacob returns the favor by wrapping his arms tightly around Bella so Edward could see. And Bella is not pleased.

*Chapter 11:-

Bella accompanies Jacob to a council meeting of the elders of the tribe, where she sees the rest of the pack, who welcome her as a friend. She is surprised to find Sue Clearwater and her two children, Seth and Leah, at the bonfire as well, and surmises that they must now also be in on the secret. After a lighthearted meal, Bella realizes it’s getting late and she needs to go home, but Jacob quickly lets her know the night is for more than fun.

The elders then tell the stories of the pack’s origins and legends that have been passed down for generations. While Emily takes notes, Billy tells the story of how the Quileutes came to be werewolves. They were originally spirit warriors, able to leave their bodies to defend their tribe, but when the last great chief, Taha Aki, merged his spirit with that of a wolf after Utlapa, a traitorous warrior, stole his body, the werewolves were created. They discovered that as long as a warrior chose to continue changing into his wolf form he would not age.

As Billy’s tale ends, Old Quil begins the tale of the third wife’s sacrifice. Taha Aki saw his third wife as his true mate and gave up his wolf form so that he could grow old with her.  After he had grown old, women in the neighboring Makah tribe began to disappear. The

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Makahs suspected the Quileutes because of their magic, so Taha Aki charged his eldest wolf-son, Taha Wi, to find the culprit. Taha Wi took five other wolves with him to search the mountains, but sent half the pack home when the trail they followed led them too far north. Taha Wi and his two brothers never returned. Taha Aki went to the chief of the Makahs in mourning, and enmity between the tribes ceased. A year later, the disappearances started again. The wolves agreed to help the Makahs, and this time they found a male cold one feeding from a maiden. Only one wolf survived the attack, Yaha Uta, the oldest son of Taha Aki’s third wife. The cold one was hard as stone, fast, and deadly, and Yaha Uta lost his two brothers in the fight. He brought the Cold One’s corpse back to the village for the elders to see. The corpse tried to reassemble itself, so they set fire to it and separated the ashes into small bags, one of which Billy still possesses. The Cold One’s mate came to the village seeking revenge and killed the last wolf protector, Yaha Uta, as well as many of the tribe. Taha Aki turned into a wolf again in order to fight her, but he was old and she was too strong. The third wife saw his struggle and stabbed herself in front of the Cold Woman to distract her with her blood. The third wife died, but thanks to her sacrifice, Taha Aki was able to destroy the female. Afterwards, Taha Aki stayed with the body of his wife for one day, as a wolf, then and then ran to the forest and never returned. Over time, the warriors only changed into wolves if Cold Ones came to the area. As long as there were only one or two, the pack stayed small.

Old Quil tells of the coming of the Cullens and the pact made with Ephraim Black, saying that the number of wolves is greater due to their being more Cold Ones around than ever before. Bella feels an affinity towards the third wife and falls asleep thinking of her. Jacob calls Edward and Charlie for her, both to keep her out of trouble as well as ensure additional time with her as a reward for “playing nice.” Jacob takes Bella to meet Edward, who is pacing while he waits for her. Edward takes Bella home and stays with her. Bella has a bad dream in which Rosalie is fighting Billy Black in his wolf form and sees the Third Wife’s knife in her own hand. She wakes to find Edward reading Wuthering Heights, a novel he previously claimed to dislike. As he lulls her back to sleep, he tells her that she is awakening human emotions in him, and that he can now relate to Heathcliff as he couldn’t before. The next morning, Bella remembers what Edward said, and finds her book open to Heathcliff’s declaration that he could never hurt Catherine by killing her husband, though he longs to do so. She talks herself into discounting the passage as being indicative of the change in Edward’s feelings.

*Chapter 12:-

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Walking to the car after school, Alice discloses to Bella that she is planning a graduation party for her and it suddenly dawns on Bella that graduation is only a week away.  The deadline agreed for Carlisle to change her into a vampire is almost upon her — and she realizes in a panic that she isn’t ready to leave her human life behind, even though it’s what she’s wanted more than anything.  Without her realizing it, the time for preparing herself has slipped away. 

Alerted by Bella’s stricken silence on the way home, Edward drags an admission out of her that she is isn’t really ready, but Bella insists that the combined threat from Victoria, the Volturi, and the recent mysterious intruder in her room makes it too dangerous to postpone her transformation.  Edward insists that he won’t let her go through with this until she feels safe and can freely decide what she really wants.  None of the Cullens had a choice about becoming a vampire; he is determined that Bella’s decision should be unforced.  

Bella asks Edward why he doesn’t want her to be a vampire, thinking it has to do with the fact that she will no longer be soft and warm and tempting. Edward laughs and reassures her that she’ll be the same girl he has always loved — just a little more durable.  In spite of the human aspects that he will miss, he tells her it will mostly be a relief not to have to worry about killing her. But he hates the idea of changing her because staying human would be such a better choice for her.  It seems criminally selfish to him to allow her to become a vampire (and possibly lose her soul) just so he can keep her forever. If there were any way for him to become human for her he’d do it, whatever the cost.   

To Bella’s horror, Edward then asks Bella why she won’t marry him.  After many evasions, she admits that she finds the idea of getting married straight out of high school embarrassing and ridiculous.  It’s just not something intelligent, responsible girls of her generation do.  Edward is surprised by her answer — and relieved.  It never occurred to him that her reservations might be about marriage itself.  When he admits to worrying that perhaps she was more interested in immortality than in him, its Bella’s turn to laugh, assuring him that without him, she wouldn’t want to live even a day, let alone eternity.   

Reassured, Edward tells Bella that he understands her qualms about marriage; but he asks her to try to understand how natural getting married seems to someone of his own era.  For a moment she visualizes herself as a radiant, turn-of-the-century bride-to-be, before quickly returning to her own reality.  Edward, for his part, remains unwilling to relent and change Bella unless she marries him first.  They agree they are glad to understand one another’s perspectives better, but it is still an impasse.  When Edward arrives

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the next morning to take Bella to school, she is staring blindly at a newspaper report on the latest string of gruesome murders in Seattle.  The newborn vampire there is clearly getting scarily out of hand. Bella is terrified by the idea of the Cullens going to Seattle to deal with it, but also of the Volturi turning up to sort things out themselves.  And something is inexplicably blocking Alice’s vision of what is going on. Unexpectedly, Edward suggests that the two of them ditch school and go consult Jasper.   

They find the Cullens watching the latest murder reports on CNN, and debating whether the time has come to intervene.  Emmett is raring to go; Carlisle demurs, pointing out that it’s not their responsibility.  Edward is anxious to forestall an untimely visit from the Volturi.  And Jasper suddenly figures out what is behind the events in Seattle.  Before sharing his revelation, he insists that Bella should be included in the discussion, because she is now one of the family.  But if she is to understand, she will need to know more of his own history.  He rolls up the sleeve of his sweater to reveal row upon row of overlapping scars like the one Bella carries from the bite James left on her hand.

*Chapter 13:-

Once Bella realizes that Jasper’s arms are covered in scars from vampire bites, he tells her his history. He explains that vampires live differently in the south, only coming out at night and fighting each other for control of territories with larger human populations so that they won’t have any competition in feeding.

He tells the story of a young vampire named Benito that began using armies of wild, uncontrolled newborns to dispatch rival covens. These newborns destroyed each other as often as their targets, and had to be replaced. The other covens had to form their own newborn armies to counter Benito. The human population was also drastically reduced during the fighting, and eventually, the Volturi stepped in. The entire Volturi guard came from Italy and annihilated all the vampires found with newborns, virtually emptying the region of vampires for a time. The ones that survived began to stake claims again and the fighting resumed, though on a smaller scale. Newborn armies were again utilized, but with more care and control this time to avoid additional Volturi involvement.

Jasper then tells Bella about becoming a confederate soldier in Houston when he was 16 years old by claiming to be 20. Having the ability to sway others around him, and was promoted quickly through the ranks. By the time of the first battle of Galveston, he was made the youngest major in Texas at the age of 20. His orders were to convey the women and children from Galveston to Houston

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to avoid Union mortar boats. After transporting the first group, he set out on his return journey to Galveston.

It was then he met up with three vampire women: Maria, Nettie, and Lucy, all survivors of recently lost battles. Incapacitated by their beauty and his own sense of propriety, he was unable to run from them. Maria, a petite brunette and their leader, sensed that Jasper was special and turned him rather than kill him. Maria wanted to reclaim her territory, and built a newborn army, putting Jasper in charge of the others. His ability to control the emotions of those around him enabled him to build a large, lethal group of newborns that could work together. They were very successful. Jasper lived this life for decades, training, fighting with, and then disposing of the newborns. As the years wore on, the violence and hate took their toll on him, but Maria had told him that there was no other way.

A newborn named Peter proved so useful that he was put in charge of watching over the others. Peter fell in love with a newborn named Charlotte, and they ran away together when it was time for Charlotte to be culled from the group. Five years later, Peter came back to tell Jasper of a better life with no warring; a life outside of the south. Jasper left Maria for this new life without a second thought, but as he continued to kill for food, his depression grew. Unlike Peter and Charlotte, he could feel the horror and fear of each kill, thanks to his gift, and was reminded of his last night as a human. He left his companions after a while to live on his own. He tried not to feed, but had to eventually, fueling his depression.

Then, in Philadelphia, he entered a diner to get out of the rain and met Alice for the first time. She was waiting on him; she had “seen” him. She told him of the Cullens, whom she had also “seen”, and the possibility of a life without all the killing. Together, they went to find Carlisle.

After Jasper’s tale, the other’s understood that the killings in Seattle must be from a newborn army. They try to discern a motive behind the building of the army, concluding that they must be the target as they are the closest and largest coven. Building upon what Edward saw in Aro’s mind while in Volterra, he surmises that the Volturi may ultimately be behind the army. Jasper dismisses this idea as being too sloppy for the Volturi, that it must be a first timer. The Cullens decide that Jasper needs to train them to fight the newborns and they begin preparations to go to Seattle and take care of the threat themselves. Bella realizes they are missing something important, but she can’t figure out what it might be. Carlisle calls the Denali clan to request help in dealing with the army, but he is told that Irina and Laurent had a relationship, and the clan refuse to help unless Carlisle gives them leave to destroy the werewolves in retaliation for Laurent’s death. Carlisle refuses.

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They all realize that if the Cullens fight alone they will win the battle, but not all will survive.

*Chapter 14:-

Bella, Edward, and Alice are in the school cafeteria discussing their upcoming graduation party. Bella thinks the planned assault on the newborns makes a party inappropriate. Alice counters that they need time to get a few things in order before the battle, and commemorating Bella’s first (and only human) high-school graduation is entirely appropriate.

Edward informs Bella of Jasper’s concern that they get help in their fight against the newborns. Jasper and Carlisle are trying to track down old friends to join the fight including Maria, but nobody wants to involve the southerners. Edward is convinced that someone will help them: no one wants a visit from the Volturi. Bella feels physically ill at the thought of the Cullens putting themselves in harm’s way, and can’t even consider the possibility that Edward might be hurt, or worse.

Edward’s confidence does nothing to quell the terror building inside her at the thought of losing “the core of her existence.” In her panic she suggests that in the week it will take to prepare for the fight she could be changed into a vampire and be ready to help them. Edward turns rigid at the suggestion, and Alice quickly puts the thought to rest, reminding Bella that as a newborn, she would not be an asset in a fight. Edward would feel the need to protect her, and that would put him in danger. Edward reminds her that he won’t let her go through the change out of fear.

Alice "sees” that Renee has to cancel her trip to Forks for Bella’s graduation: Phil’s leg has been broken during a baseball training session and she cannot leave him. Bella is relieved that her mother will not be in Forks with the newborns close by. When Bella and Edward return home from school, she calls Renee to talk about graduation and Phil’s injuries.

Edward has planned a hunting trip for the next day and Emmett and Jasper are to look after Bella in his absence. Not wanting to be “babysat,” Bella suggests to Edward that she could go to La Push for the afternoon and he agrees.

In an attempt to change the subject, Bella asks why he needs to hunt, given that his eyes are still a deep gold and the shadows beneath them are faint. He explains that hunting makes them stronger — and human blood makes them the strongest. Bella is

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horrified to realize she would be willing to have a stranger die if it meant it would help protect Edward.

Edward explains to Bella the process by which the newborns use up their human blood and why it makes them so much stronger. Bella considers her own strength as a vampire and Edward assures her she will be stronger than both he and Emmett.

Edward brings Bella to the La Push boundary line the next day and his mood darkens as they see Jacob waiting in his car. Edward has apparently heard Jacob’s thoughts but doesn’t share them with Bella knowing Jacob will tell her. Jacob honks the horn impatiently, irritating Edward. Bella walks to Jacob’s car and when she turns to wave at Edward, she thinks he looks truly upset. She surmises that he must be angry over the honking incident, but in reality it’s Jacob’s thoughts that have upset him.

When Bella gets in Jacob’s car she notices how tired he is and suggests they go back to his house to hang out. Jacob explains his sleepiness: he has been doing double shifts on his nightly patrols because of the threat to her. Bella chides him, but he dismisses her concerns.

The discussion turns to Bella’s graduation and Jacob is obviously thinking about the significance of that date for her impending change. Bella doesn’t tell him that her plans have been put on hold for fear that he will read too much into her reluctance. They talk about the upcoming graduation festivities instead, and Bella issues Jake an invitation to the party.

Jacob falls asleep on the couch while Bella sits next to him. She looks at Jake’s relaxed expression while he sleeps, and thinks how it reminds her of her friend before he became a werewolf.

She reflects on her life and how she feels about leaving her humanity behind. She thinks about how Edward is right—she isn’t quite ready to make the change.  She also realizes that when she is ready, she wants Edward to be the one to do it. She wants it to be his venom to poison her system. Bella feels that this would make her belong to him in a tangible way. She continues to ponder marriage and how her mother and friends will react to the news of a wedding.

When Jacob wakes up, he is angry with himself for wasting his time with her by sleeping. He takes her outside to clear his head and tells her that although he wanted to handle this differently, he has run out of time. He needs her to know he is in love with her. He acknowledges that she doesn’t feel the same way, but he wants her to realize she has other options besides becoming a vampire.

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*Chapter 15:-

Jacob waits for Bella to respond to his declaration of love, but she can’t think of anything to say.  She stutters and tries to leave, but Jacob pulls her back attempting to explain that he knows how she’s feeling.  He asks her point blank if she wants him to go away and never see her again.  Bella admits that she wouldn’t want that.  She says she misses Jacob when he’s not around, but only when he’s happy.  She goes on to say it’s because he’s like family, and that she only loves him… and is not in love with him.

Jacob is pleased enough by this, and says he’ll “stick around.”  Bella feels uncomfortable, especially when Jacob affectionately touches and caresses her.  She asks him to behave himself, but Jacob replies that she’ll have to take him or leave him the way he is, since he will not change his behavior claiming Edward is no longer her whole life.  He wants Bella to understand that Edward isn’t her only choice.  Jacob suddenly turns serious, taking Bella’s chin in his hand.  He tells her he’s not going to stop fighting until her heart stops beating.  Bella remarks that her time as a human is limited, which causes Jacob to become yet even more serious. He declares this is only more motivation for him to fight, “fight harder now, while I can.” 

Jacob kisses her angrily and aggressively, and Bella fights back without success.  After realizing that her efforts are useless, she shuts herself down and stands still as a statue, hoping this will finally stop him.  And it works.  He pulls away, smiles and shuts his eyes, and after answering Bella that he is indeed finished, she punches him in the mouth as hard as possible, injuring her hand in the process.  Once he realizes what’s happened, Jacob tries to soothe her but she yells at him to get away saying she’s leaving at once. 

Jacob stays calm, offering her a ride home.  She refuses and thinks to herself that if she can just get to the treaty line Alice will be able to “see” her and send Edward to pick her up.  Jacob insists on driving her, and she finally accepts. 

During the entire drive back to Forks Jacob repeatedly frustrates Bella with references to the kiss, saying even that it was incredible and professing that she doesn’t have to change anything to be with him.  No matter how many times Bella asserts that she can’t – and doesn’t want to be – happy without Edward, Jacob relentlessly urges her to “just think about it.” 

Bella is surprised, and annoyed, when she realizes Jacob is taking her to Charlie’s house instead of to Edward’s, where she’d

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hoped to have Carlisle look at her hand.  Jacob offers to drive her to the hospital, but she refuses.  Once at the Swan home, Bella tells Jacob to go home.  He of course follows her inside anyway, where Charlie asks what the fuss is about.  Jacob explains without reservation.  Charlie responds only with pleasure over Jacob’s actions.  This irritates Bella.  She silently gets herself some ice for her hand, and dials Edward on the phone. 

Bella tells Edward what happened.  Edward speeds over to the Swan home at once, while Charlie worries that perhaps Jacob should leave beforehand.  Jacob chooses to stay, completely at ease.  When Edward arrives, his first concern is only for Bella’s hand.  He examines it and affirms that it is most likely broken.  He attempts to confront Jacob, but Charlie steps in quickly, afraid of a fight. Edward takes Bella and leaves, heading to the car and planning to take her straight to Carlisle, but Jacob follows them outside.  After helping Bella into the Volvo, Edward turns to finally address Jacob, and they engage in a brief and seemingly calm yet intense altercation concerning Bella and both their intentions to fight for her.  Bella never says another word to Jacob, refusing to even return his smiles or acknowledge his well-wishes for her injured hand.

As they arrive at the Cullen home, Edward pulls around to the garage where Bella sees Rosalie and Emmett working on the Jeep.  Emmett notices Bella’s hand and asks her about it, bursting into laughter when she admits to punching a werewolf in the face.  Rosalie, however, brings his laughter to an abrupt halt when she mentions merely that “Jasper’s going to win the bet.”  When Bella asks about the comment, Edward grudgingly explains that Jasper and Emmett are betting on how well Bella will be able to handle her first year as a vampire, and on how many people she will lose control over and kill.  Edward also affirms that Jasper is betting high, since it would make Jasper feel better about his own struggles with sticking to the Cullen’s diet. 

Carlisle treats Bella’s broken hand.  She is able to escape with only a brace, and she promises Carlisle she will keep it on.  But all the while she is really only thinking about this disturbing new development concerning the bet. 

Bella thinks to herself about what she will be like as a newborn vampire.  She hopes to be beautiful, but worries she will also be wild and possibly weak.  She comforts herself with thoughts of Edward, however, saying that she trusts him enough to keep her a good person.  Still, she begins to be seriously troubled about her sense of self, and if it will be the same once she is changed.  She wonders if she’ll want the same things that she does now, as a human. Bella realizes that Edward’s desire for her to have all her human experiences doesn’t seem so silly after all.  She considers

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the possibility that there may be a human experience she isn’t willing to forfeit.

*Chapter 16:-

Unable to find something to wear to graduation thanks to the fact that her red blouse was stolen, Bella mopes around her room until Alice shows up with a new outfit.  Alice makes a comment about the thief followed by a comment about the activity in Seattle.  Hearing the two placed together like that makes something click in Bella’s brain.  She realizes that the two situations – the thief in her room and the newborn vampires in Seattle are related.  She also figures out that the thief only broke into her house as a test to see how easy it was to get in and that he only stole things with her scent on them so that others could find her.  Determined to keep the information from Edward, Alice darts off just as Edward arrives to go with Bella to the graduation ceremony. 

At the ceremony, Edward and Bella are separated.  Bella listens to Jessica ramble on and on about their time in school.  The ceremony goes rather quickly and Bella receives her diploma while Charlie and Jacob cheer for her from the audience.  Even through the rest of the graduates are celebrating, Bella is left feeling awkward.  Edward questions her about it and she passes it off as being nervous about the party.  He knows Alice is hiding something from him due to the way her thoughts were filled with foreign languages, and now Edward is suspicious that Bella knows exactly what is bother Alice.  With the hope that the news would make Edward cancel the party, Bella tells him what she figured out about the thief and the newborns.  Edward does not take the information well and he does not go with Charlie and Bella out for dinner. 

After a long, dragging dinner, Edward appears to follow Charlie and Bella back to his house. In the car Charlie expresses his feelings about not being able to do for Bella everything that he should do for her.  Bella assures him that he is a great dad and tells him how happy she is that she chose to move to Forks to live with him.  They arrive at the Cullen home to find the trees lining the drive covered in white lights.  Charlie drops Bella off and drives home.

*Chapter 17:-

As Bella arrives at his house, Edward rushes out to kiss her in a tense, uneasy way that makes her nervous.  He promises that

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nothing will happen to her and leads her into the house for the party.  Alice has transformed the house into an amazing nightclub, which Bella finds a bit over whelming.  In the moments before the party, the Cullens discuss their plan for attacking the newborns in Seattle while Bella listens on.

Everyone invited to the party arrives.  The normalcy of the event keeps Bella somewhat distracted as she goes from guest to guest to guest with Edward glued to her side.  When he did leave her side, it left Bella suspicious.  Bella follows him to find that Alice has seen something and no one is telling Bella about it.

  At the same time, Jacob and a few others from La Push have arrived, much to Alice and Edward displeasure.  Surprised that Jacob would come after she hit him, Bella asks him why he came.  He says that he has a gift for her – one that he didn’t get at the store.  They argue a moment, but Bella takes the gift.  It’s a silver bracelet with a tiny wooden wolf charm made by Jacob.  Bella thanks him for the gift and lets Jacob put it on her wrist.

Jacob asks why she is distracted and tries to get her to explain what’s going on.  He pulls Embry and Quill over to hear the details just as Alice steps in.  A fight nearly breaks out when Jacob blocks Alice from moving and Jasper immediately comes to her side, but Bella stops them.  Alice explains that she has seen something and that the Cullens are heading to Seattle. 

In the discussion, Jacob steps in and demands an explanation.  Upon hearing all the details, Jacob insists that the wolves be involved.  Alice sees what he means and thinks it’s excellent.  After a big of arguing, Jasper tells them that if they really want to be involved, there is a “strategic meeting” later on that night they can come to.  Jake agrees even though Bella protests.

*Chapter 18:-

As Bella arrives at his house, Edward rushes out to kiss her in a tense, uneasy way that makes her nervous.  He promises that nothing will happen to her and leads her into the house for the party.  Alice has transformed the house into an amazing nightclub, which Bella finds a bit over whelming.  In the moments before the party, the Cullens discuss their plan for attacking the newborns in Seattle while Bella listens on.

Everyone invited to the party arrives.  The normalcy of the event keeps Bella somewhat distracted as she goes from guest to guest to guest with Edward glued to her side.  When he did leave

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her side, it left Bella suspicious.  Bella follows him to find that Alice has seen something and no one is telling Bella about it. 

At the same time, Jacob and a few others from La Push have arrived, much to Alice and Edward displeasure.  Surprised that Jacob would come after she hit him, Bella asks him why he came.  He says that he has a gift for her – one that he didn’t get at the store.  They argue a moment, but Bella takes the gift.  It’s a silver bracelet with a tiny wooden wolf charm made by Jacob.  Bella thanks him for the gift and lets Jacob put it on her wrist.

Jacob asks why she is distracted and tries to get her to explain what’s going on.  He pulls Embry and Quill over to hear the details just as Alice steps in.  A fight nearly breaks out when Jacob blocks Alice from moving and Jasper immediately comes to her side, but Bella stops them.  Alice explains that she has seen something and that the Cullens are heading to Seattle. 

In the discussion, Jacob steps in and demands an explanation.  Upon hearing all the details, Jacob insists that the wolves be involved.  Alice sees what he means and thinks it’s excellent.  After a big of arguing, Jasper tells them that if they really want to be involved, there is a “strategic meeting” later on that night they can come to.  Jake agrees even though Bella protests.

*Chapter 19:-

After staying out all night to watch the Cullens’ battle exercises, Bella sleeps late into the following afternoon.  When she wakes, Edward reminds her that she could — and should — have stayed behind, but she insists that she is now part of the family and should be included.  While she’s getting breakfast, Edward notices Jake’s wolf charm dangling from Bella’s wrist.  He asks to see it and for a fleeting instant Bella worries he might break it.  But he only points out the inequity: Jake is allowed to give her presents and he is not. Bella shrugs and says that Edward has already given her more than she could ever deserve: himself.  Each reflects for a moment on the other’s ridiculous inability to see themselves clearly.  Edward asks if she would accept a charm from him too.  Nothing expensive: a hand-me-down.  Bella agrees, relieved that his reaction was no worse.

  When Alice calls Edward, Bella nervously guesses that she’s going to warn him about her intention of sneaking off to join the Cullens in battle.  But Edward has all ready guessed it from things she said in her sleep and insists it’s out of the question.  When she suggests that Seth will help her defy him, he retorts that Jake will

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forbid it — and Seth will have to obey, because Jake is Sam’s second-in-command.  This is news to Bella.

To distract her, Edward talks about the discoveries he’s made while listening to the pack mind last night.  For one thing, one of the wolves isn’t a Quileute boy at all — it’s Leah Clearwater.  Bella reflects how painful it must be for her and Sam to be in such intimate mental contact.  Edward unsympathetically replies that Leah is making life as difficult as she can for the rest of them. 

But Bella persists: if Edward is going into danger, she refuses to be left behind.  She considers asking him to stay safely with her instead.  Her better part is appalled by her own selfishness, but her instincts for self-protection are stronger. Ignoring her guilt, she tells Edward the one thing she knows will keep him at her side: if he leaves her alone worrying about his safety, it will overset her mental balance again, as it did when he left her last autumn. 

Edward tries to convince her that her fears are totally groundless and that it will be an easy victory.  Playing off his confidence, Bella suggests that since it’s going to be so easy that he could sit out.  One way or the other, she insists, she needs to be with him. After a long, guilt filled moment of consideration, Edward agrees saying that Bella is his first priority.  Bella feels even worse, that she is asking him to choose between her and his family.   But he replies that she has offered him two alternatives — to stay together at the site of the battle or to sit it out together — and he has chosen the one that he can live with. 

Alice arrives to keep an eye on Bella while Edward goes to talk with Jasper about the strategic implications of his decision to sit out.  She reiterates Edward’s reassurances that the battle will be a piece of cake.  Charlie returns home, and Alice takes this opportunity to maneuver him into suggesting that Bella keep Alice company Friday night and Saturday, while the rest of the Cullens are away on a supposed camping trip.  Bella can now take part in the battle plans without Charlie being any the wiser.

  When Bella retires to bed, Edward is waiting for her.  He reveals to her one small change in Alice’s plans — he will be the one staying with her at the Cullens’ Friday night, while the others are hunting.  The thought of a night alone with Edward in an empty house is appealing.  Edward brings her back to the clearing to watch the night’s exercises; now that she knows Edward will be safe, she is no longer paralyzed with terror about the upcoming battle. 

This time, only Jake, Quil and Embry have come to watch.  Bella is stricken with guilt afresh when Edward explains that tonight they’re practicing handling two enemies at once — a reminder that the Cullens are still outnumbered, and Edward’s absence will reduce

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their numbers further.  Gazing at the werewolves, she feels a further wave of anxiety.  Jake catches her agonized glance and trots over to her side. It’s stupid to worry, he tells her impatiently — Edward translating — but Bella isn’t wholly reassured. Edward goes to join his family in practicing, and Jake settles down beside Bella.  After some hesitation she settles against his warm, furry flank to watch the Cullens exercise. 

*Chapter 20:-

The chapter opens with Bella preparing to spend the night at the Cullens.  She is concerned about the others left in Forks but is grateful that her loved ones are out of harm’s way.  Edward has made arrangements for Bella and him to be alone at the house.  He just wants her to relax.  Bella has decided there is something she wants before she is changed but is nervous about talking it over with Edward.   

Bella arrives at the house and is greeted with several kisses from Edward who is excited about giving Bella a hand me down present.   Edward gives Bella a “crystal” heart that reminds her of him for being hard and sparkly.  Edward places the charm on the bracelet that Jacob gave her.  

Bella decides to negotiate with Edward.  She tells him that she wants him before she is changed and Edward doesn’t quite understand her meaning until she tries to take his clothes off.  Edward refuses to compromise, afraid he would hurt her.   Bella feels dejected.  She pleads with Edward that she just wants to try.  The pleading breaks Edward’s resolve and he offers a new compromise.  He is willing to try but only after they are married.  Bella realizes that the reason Edward wants to wait is to protect her virtue, which she finds very funny.  Edward also realizes that he can use her hormones to speed up the marriage process.  

Edward shows her the ring and explains that it was his mothers.  Bella is not overly enthused at trying it on but does to make Edward happy.  Once the ring is on her finger Edward drops to one knee to propose properly.  In spite of her reluctance, Bella agrees.

*Chapter 21:-

As She and Edward prepare to “go camping”, Bella is confronted by a pouting Alice regarding the plans for a Vegas

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wedding.   Alice’s mood lifts when she has a vision of Bella giving in and allowing her to be in charge of the wedding.   Bella and Edward pack a lot of gear for the trip as Alice predicts the weather will be stormy.  

When Bella and Edward get to the woods, they split up so that Bella can leave her scent for the newborns to pick up.  While leaving the trail, Bella and Edward discuss Alice’s plans for the wedding.  Edward lifts the mood by suggesting that Emmett get his clerical license and read their vows. Towards the end of the clearing, Bella falls and cuts her palm.  She warns Edward to stay away while she cleans up the blood.  When he ignores her warning, Bella is surprised to learn that, while she still smells the same to him, Edward is no longer tempted by the scent of Bella’s blood.  He explains that the thought of losing her to death was “a very educational experience” and that his reactions have since changed.  Edward bandages Bella’s hand for her.

To Bella’s surprise, a human rather than werewolf Jacob joins them in the clearing and he and Edward look at the map to determine where they will all meet up.  None of them seem too excited about working together during the next step of the plan, but with nine miles to trek before reaching the campsite, they get going anyway.

Jacob picks Bella up and begins to run through the woods in the direction of the camp.  He notices “the rock” Edward has added to Bella’s bracelet.  Before Bella can put two and two together that the heart charm is a diamond, Jake interrupts her thoughts by mentioning that it has been a while since she has been down to La Push. This leads to a conversation about the last time she visited Jacob and that she was still upset by his behavior.  They bicker about the kiss and Jacob hypothesizes that Bella likes him better in wolf form because she is attracted to him in his human form.  Bella denies the accusation, saying that if she prefers him as a wolf it is only because he is unable to speak.  

Bella admits that she has done something “bad” and tells Jake that she has asked Edward to stay behind with her and not fight the newborns.  She confides in him her guilt and tells him that she’ll feel responsible for any injuries or losses due to his absence.  She says that while she couldn’t stand to lose any of them, she is the most afraid of losing Edward.  Jacob concedes that Bella loves Edward, but thinks it is possible to love more than one person at the same time. While Jake doesn’t deny that he would not stay out of the fight if Bella were to ask him, he argues that Edward staying behind at Bella’s request does not mean that he loves her more than Jake does.  

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Bella asks Jake about his role in the pack.  Jake admits that he should be the Alpha, but that he feels it is really Sam’s place to be chief.  He says that while he has come to terms with being a werewolf, at first it felt as though he was “being drafted into a war you didn’t know existed”.   Bella is relieved when Jake announces that they are near the camp, but unhappy when she learns that he will be sticking around overnight.  Edward, who has already set up camp and is pacing around waiting, rushes to Bella’s side and gives Jake a sincere thank you for delivering Bella safely to the campsite.  As the storm picks up,  Bella and Edward head for the shelter of the tent and Jake heads off to the forest to change into wolf form and check in with the pack.

*Chapter 22:-

Bella is in the tent with Edward, freezing from the storm, the night before the battle.  Jacob is outside the tent and very concerned about Bella freezing.  Jacob comes into the tent and offers to be Bella’s “space heater” and while Edward isn’t happy about it, he knows there is no other choice.  Jacob crawls into the sleeping bag beside Bella and she began to thaw.  Edward admits he is jealous that Jacob can warm Bella and he can’t.  

As Bella thaws she asks Jacob why he is so much furrier than the other wolves.  He responds because his hair is longer and only after Edward reads it in his mind adds because he thought Bella liked him better with longer hair.  Bella begins to fall asleep while the conversation continues around her.  Edward is frustrated by Jacob’s thoughts about being so close to Bella.  The two start a conversation on jealousy and Bella’s choice.  Edward admits that the jealousy at this point is eating at him so much he can barely control his voice and that he gets even more worries when she is away from him.  Edward also admits that he thinks about Jacob’s place in Bella’s life often and that he guesses Bella thinks about Jacob often, especially when she is quiet.    The conversation continues by Jacob saying Bella is in love with him too even though she doesn’t know it, and Edward doesn’t respond.  As the wind rips at the tent again, Jacob holds Bella tighter and Edward thanks him for keeping her warm.  Jacob calls Edward on his jealousy and admits he doesn’t have as much patience as Edward.   Edward says that he decided to play the patient nice guy because it was hurting Bella to make her choose, and that there was a little fear that Bella may not choose him.  Jacob asks Edward what it is like to lose Bella and he responds by saying it is hard to talk about the two times he thought he lost her.  First when he left and it was almost bearable, although he would have come back to check

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on her and would have stayed because she was unhappy.  The second was when he though she had died.  There are no words to describe that feeling, although he understands that is how Jacob will feel when she is changed.  

Jacob reminds Edward that he left so Bella could be human.  Edward explains that from the time he realized he loved Bella there were only 4 options.  First, that she didn’t feel as strongly about him and moved on although he never would.  Bella made a permanent change in him.  Second, was Edward’s original choice to stay with her throughout her human life and when she died he would find a way to die too.  But then the danger of his world hung over her and he feared he wouldn’t get his sixty or seventy years with her.  Edward admits that he chose option three and it was the worst mistake of his very long life.  Leaving Bella did nothing but make things worse and almost got them both killed.  The only option left was option four.  Edward has been trying to delay her although she is persistent and fears getting older.  Jacob prefers option one.  

Jacob admits that he can see that Edward loves Bella.  He also tells Edward that if he had waited another six months to return, he would have found her happy because he had a plan.  Edward agrees that it might have worked, it was a well thought out plan.  Jacob asks Edward to give him a year to try and make her happy.  He even asks Edward if he is unselfish enough to have considered Jacob being better for Bella.  Edward admits that he even had Alice look into the future, but she can’t see Jacob.  He does point out that if Bella chose Jacob he would always be waiting in the wings for when Jacob imprinted and would have to leave Bella. Edward and Jacob agree that the truce is over at first light.  Edward begins to hum Bella’s lullaby in order to drown out Jacob’s thoughts.

*Chapter 23:-

Bella wakes up in the sleeping bag sweating, still in Jacob’s arms.  She meets Edward’s eyes and asks for help to get free from Jacob’s arms since he is still sleeping.  Edward helps by opening the sleeping bag where Jacob falls out onto the cold ground.  Jacob reacts by rolling on top of Bella, which causes Edward to tackle Jacob into the side of the tent.  There is a standoff between the two with growling and snarling.  Seth Clearwater is outside the tent growling and ready for a fight if it comes.  Bella is able to calm both Edward and Jacob down.    

Before he leaves the tent, Jacob says he didn’t sleep well because of Bella’s talking, but that it was still one of his best nights ever.  Edward reassures Bella that he will stay with her during the

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fight and that the wolves and vampires will be fine.  To keep their minds off of the fight, Bella asks Edward about his ten best nights.  He says it was the night that she agreed to marry him, two nights ago.  Bella expresses that she still doesn’t understand why the marriage is so important to Edward.  Then Jacob, in werewolf form, lets out a howl of pain outside the tent.   

Jacob has heard their conversation about marriage and has run into the woods.  Edward, who knew Jacob was listening, says he never promised to fight fair.  Bella feels horrible that she has caused Jacob so much pain and wants to talk to him.  Edward offers to find Jacob for her and bring him back to the tent.    Bella waits for Edward and Jacob to come back.  Bella looks to Seth for any idea if they are coming back soon.  Seth in werewolf form doesn’t help Bella at all.  She worries that maybe they have been caught in the fight with the Newborns.  She worries that Edward and Jacob are so angry with each other over Bella and the incident in the tent that they are finally fighting each other. Edward and Jacob return from the forest.  Edward and Seth go into the forest to give Bella and Jacob some privacy to talk.    

Bella tries to apologize to Jacob by saying that she will stay away from him so that she won’t hurt him anymore.  Knowing Bella will feel badly for it, Jacob then puts the fault on himself and says that he will take himself out of the picture by letting himself get hurt in the Newborn fight. Bella begs Jacob not to do this, but he pushes further.  He says he doesn’t want to stay out of the fight and end up being the best man at her wedding.

   Jacob tells Bella that he loves her and she tells him that she loves him, too.  She says she will do anything to keep him from purposefully hurting himself in the fight.  He tells her to ask him the question.  As soon as Bella realizes what Jacob wants, she asks him to kiss her.  Jacob doesn’t believe her, and Bella asks him again.  After a moments hesitation, Jacob realizes that she is serious and moves in quickly to kiss Bella.    

At first, Bella is unresponsive to Jacob’s hard kiss, but she soon finds kissing Jacob back and enjoying it.  Part of her wants to stop him, but another part of her is realizing that she likes the way he feels and the way he is kissing her.  It is then that she discovers that Jacob is not just her friend, but that she is in love with him.  She is in love with Jacob, but she loves Edward more.  She knows this is going to hurt both Jacob and her.  Then she envisions a life with Jacob, living in La Push and having a family.  Bella can see herself with her parents and her friends having a human life and years

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passing with meaning.  She even sees two children, but when they run into the forest, her vision ends.  And then Bella feels a piece of her heart pull away from the whole.    

Jacob stops the kiss first and tells Bella that he has to leave for the fight with the Newborns.  She doesn’t want him to go, but he says he won’t be long.  He kisses her again, this time more tenderly.  He hugs her and tells her that this kiss should have been their first.  

*Chapter 24:-

Bella and Edward wait in the tent as the fight begins in the clearing. Edward tries to distract Bella with conversation. He relays some of the fight to Bella through what he sees from Seth until Edward suddenly rips out of the tent and tells Seth to run.

Victoria and Riley approach the group to attack. Edward tries to talk to Riley to convince him that Victoria is using him, but it doesn’t work.  Just as Riley tries to attack, Seth jumps out and attacks Riley first. While they’re fighting, Edward and Victoria battle it out. Bella decides a distraction is needed and tries to sacrifice herself like the 3rd wife she heard about from the Quileute legends. The distraction works and gives Seth a moment to dismember Riley. Edward and Victoria fight until Edward beheads Victoria.

*Chapter 25:-

Bella is stunned as she absorbs what has just taken place.  She is frozen in place as she watches Edward dismember what remains of Victoria.  Bella scrutinizes Edward’s every move, and is greatly relieved to find that he is unharmed.  Seth and Edward finish gathering the body parts of the defeated vampires and set them on fire. As a purple pillar of smoke fills the sky, Seth and Edward share victorious congratulations.  

Bella notices that Edward seems to be avoiding her.   She thinks to herself that when he finally looks at her “his eyes were as wary as if I was another enemy.”  Bella is still clinging to the rock in her broken hand as Edward approaches her.  Bella is confused when she realizes that Edward thinks she is afraid of him and reassures him that she is not.  She explains that she is just “freaking out” about the recent events and needs a few moments.  As they hold each other, both Bella and Edward begin to relax.

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Relieved that Edward and Seth are unharmed and that the fight is over, Bella recalls the complication Edward mentioned earlier.  Before Edward can explain, he and Seth are rocked by something that is happening within the pack.  Bella screams as both Edward and Seth fall to the ground in agony.  Wincing, Edward says “Sam- help him” and then says they are “going to be okay”.  A confused Bella soon realizes that Edward is speaking as a member of the pack.  Edward suddenly jumps to his feet, taking Bella in his arms.  After adamantly sending Seth home, Edward starts running with Bella back towards the clearing.  He explains to Bella that Alice has had a vision of the Volturi.  They will arrive in the clearing in a matter of moments.  Edward reassures Bella that she is safe; Jane and the others are not here for her.  They have been sent to clean up the mess the newborns have made.

As they approach the clearing, Bella asks Edward what happened to him and Seth earlier.  Hesitant to upset Bella, Edward reluctantly tells her that Leah was attacked by a newborn.  Edward explains that after the pack thought all of the vampires had been defeated, Leah found and went after a newborn on her own.  Bella faints when she realizes that Jacob intervened and was hurt during the struggle.

As Edward assures her that Jacob will make a full recovery, Bella wakes.  Carlisle also assures Bella that Jacob will be fine.  As she stands, Bella notices that there are 8 vampires in the clearing.  Jasper is guarding a newborn that is writhing in pain.  Carlisle explains that he did not destroy her because she surrendered. Bella warily takes note of how wild and blood thirsty the newborn is.  She wonders if she is staring at a mirror into her future.

Not a moment later, Jane and her entourage arrive.  Jane is perplexed when she sees the newborn and quickly informs Carlisle that there are no second chances for those who break the rules, even those who don’t know that there are rules.  Jane sends Aro’s regards and asks about the newborn army.  She is surprised to learn that there were 20 vampires, including Victoria.  Jane turns her attention to the newborn.  As she tortures her with her wicked gaze, the newborn tells Jane that her name is Bree.  Bree claims that she did not know her creator, she only knew Riley.  Victoria was purposefully kept at a distance from the army.  Bree goes on to say that she and the army were brought to forks under the assumption that the “yellow-eyes” were coming to get them.  Riley told her that if they destroyed the coven, the city (and all the blood in it) would be theirs.  He also gave them Bella’s scent, saying that she would be with the yellow-eyes and Bella’s presence would let them know that they had found the right coven.  Edward’s temper flares when Bree discloses that Riley “said whoever got to her first could have her.”

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Jane tells Carlisle that she is impressed that they were able to take out the army alone.  She laughs when she learns that the reason for the attack was that Victoria held a grudge against Bella.  She smiles her torturous smile at Bella, saying, “This one seems to bring out bizarrely strong reactions in our kind.”  Edward is not pleased that Jane has tried (and again failed) to use her power on Bella.

As they leave, there is a curious exchange between Edward and Jane regarding the timing of the Volturi’s arrival.  Bella notes that “Edward nodded once to himself, his suspicions confirmed.”  Jane gives a not so friendly reminder that Caius will be interested to learn that Bella is still human.  Alice quickly jumps in, assuring Jane that the date for the transformation is set.  After ordering Felix to destroy Bree, Jane and the other guards make their exit.

*Chapter 26:-

With Jake lying badly wounded in La Push after the newborn battle, Bella is impatiently waiting for the moment she can plausibly leave the Cullens and stage her return home from her supposed sleepover/shopping date with Alice.  Alice’s attempts to distract Bella by fussing over her hair and clothes are barely enough to stop her from rushing back prematurely to La Push to sit with the unconscious Jacob. But Alice reminds Bella that it’s vital to Charlie’s safety that he doesn’t suspect anything: keeping up a flawless charade is the essence of the vampire’s life which Bella has chosen.

Recognizing Bella’s turmoil, Alice asks if she wants to talk about Jake, but Bella turns the conversation to something else that is haunting her: the memory of the frantic young newborn, Bree. "Will I be like that" she asks Alice, and Alice concedes it is likely, though she can’t be certain: no one before Bella has ever become a vampire of their own free will.  She tries to reassure Bella that the frenzied thirst of the newborn is only a phase and the Cullens will keep her from hurting anyone until it passes.

Bella asks why Alice’s powers can work on her, when she is impervious to those of Edward, Jane and Aro. Alice hypothesizes that it’s because their gifts all act upon the mind, whereas Alice’s and Jasper’s gifts work with physical reality. Bella then asks Alice the question that is really on her mind: does she still see Bella becoming a vampire?  Definitely, Alice replies.  But if Bella changed her mind, the visions would change.  Don’t you know what you want? She asks curiously.  But Bella does know her own mind; it’s just painful facing up to it.  Alice says sympathetically that that it must be terrible to have to choose between two alternatives she wants so badly.

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When Bella she returns home, Charlie is waiting for her, and guesses from her misery that she has heard about Jake’s "accident" (he’s been led to believe that Jake got hurt riding his motorcycle).  He explains that he was at Billy’s when Jake was brought home; weirdly, Billy almost seemed to have had a premonition that something might happen to Jake.  To his great satisfaction, the Quileutes managed to overcome their prejudices enough call in Carlisle.  Edward was there too, and Charlie grudgingly admits to being pleasantly surprised by his solicitude for Jake.

Bella remembers how vulnerable Jake looked when last seen, and flinches at the thought of the further suffering she is now going to inflict on him.  Better, she thinks, to be painfully split in two by lightning.  It dawns on her that her human life has at last given her something it will genuinely be a bitter sacrifice to give up.  As if this weren’t enough, Charlie has a request for her.  He has a hunch that he’s going to lose her soon, and he asks her to please just let him know before she disappears, so he can hug her goodbye.

Bella arrives at La Push to find the Cullens gone and Jake awake.  For a moment, she ridiculously wishes that Edward were there to help her through the coming heartbreak of her conversation with Jake.  It is a confirmation, if she needed any, that she’s making the right choice: Edward is indispensable to her.  It doesn’t make losing Jake any less painful.

When Bella enters Jake’s room, he’s waiting for her, carefully composed.  A moment’s glance tells him how Bella has chosen, and at his first sardonic words Bella thinks she wishes she were dead.  But his expression softens when he sees her pain and he asks worriedly about Edward’s reaction to their kiss.  When she tells Jake how forgiving Edward has been, his initial chagrin gives way to grudging admiration for Edward’s cunning.  Bella realizes to her dismay that Jake still thinks the contest isn’t over.  She strikes back, insisting that Edward’s concern for her is genuine and reminding Jake that he was the one to manipulate her, when he tricked her into kissing him.

Jake is unrepentant: it was worth it to get Bella to realize that she loves him.  Bella asks Jake if it isn’t actually worse this way, given that it makes no difference to her choice.  But on reflection, he says it’s better knowing that he tried everything he could to stop her.  When Bella comes to kneel by his bed, he gently refuses her apologies, saying that he always knew it was a long shot.  Bella is as stricken by his generosity as she was by Edward’s and begs him to give her the dressing-down she deserves.  He does, and then when she breaks down in the face of his mock anger, pulls her close to comfort her.  He vows to stop fighting for her love and just be a friend to her, because he can see that the conflict is pulling her apart.  Like the mother in the Judgment of Solomon, he will prove

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his love is the greater by being the one to let her go.  Bella doesn’t have the heart to tell him that Edward has already said the same thing.

The hardest part, Jake tells her, is knowing how effortlessly happy they would have been together, if the world of monsters and magic hadn’t intervened in her life and diverted it from its natural course.  And Bella reflects that he is right.  In the real world he is her perfect mate, and she could ask for nothing more.  But their normal human love has been overshadowed by the supernatural intensity of her relationship with Edward: a passion so impossibly strong that it could never happen in ordinary life at all.  She ponders whether she could have been so certain of her choice if she hadn’t lived through the agony of losing Edward, or whether instead she would have wavered in the face of Jake’s pain.  But the knowledge is now etched deep.

Jake acknowledges that it’s too late now for Bella to be able to let go of Edward and be happy: Edward is like an addiction that she cannot live without.  But he insists that if only the past could be undone, he would have been healthier for her, like the natural things of the earth: the sun and air.  And Bella admits that this is the worst part for her as well.  She can picture in excruciating detail how good their life together would have been, and she wants it as just as badly as he does.  But she can’t have it, and never could have, once she fell in love with Edward.  Her love for Edward is as deep and irrevocable as Sam’s love for Emily.  She has never really had another choice.

Taking a deep breath, Jake then asks her about her plans to get married.  Struggling to match his matter-of-fact tone, she admits that yes, she is marrying Edward: it is something that means a lot to him, so why not?  Jake carefully agrees: it’s not such a big thing — in comparison.  And he asks her how much longer she has left.  She tells him it depends how quickly Alice can organize the wedding: she is putting off her transformation until afterwards.  He asks her if she is scared and she says yes: afraid of the pain, afraid of what her suffering will do to Edward, afraid of saying goodbye to Charlie and Renee, afraid of becoming a bloodthirsty newborn.  When she jokingly suggests the pack may have to eliminate her, Jake growls that he’ll hamstring anyone who tries.

Jake reminds Bella that he will always be waiting in the wings if she wants him.  She amends: as long as she’s human.   Maybe even afterwards, he insists.  Bella wonders aloud when Jake will meet the right girl and imprint on her, but he sourly tells her not to get her hopes up; she realizes that she will probably be jealous when it happens.  "Love you," she tells him as she kisses him goodbye.  "Love you more," he replies.

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*Chapter 27:-

On the drive back from La Push, the tears that Bella wouldn’t cry in front of Jake finally overwhelm her and she has to pull over to the side of the road.  Alerted by Alice, Edward is with her almost immediately, and comforts her silently in his arms until she is composed enough to go home and put up a reasonable front for Charlie.  The realization that there is a small traitorous part of her heart that wishes it were Jake holding her in his arms only makes her agony worse.

Fobbing Charlie off with half-explanations, Bella stumbles upstairs to her room and breaks down again completely in Edward’s arms.  She tries to pull off the charm bracelet Jake gave her, but Edward stops her, telling her that it’s part of who she is.  It’s a very long night.  Bella has all too much time to think about the human life she is giving up  — and to realize how deeply she has hurt the two people she loves most, in coming to her decision.  The thought that she vowed only that morning never to let Edward see her weep again for Jake sets off a fresh wave of hysteria.  Edward just holds her quietly and lets her cry herself out.  When she wakes dry-eyed in the morning, he is braced for more tears, but Bella assures him that it won’t happen again.  In the course of that agonizing night, she has at last understood what giving up her humanity for Edward really means — and the pain of that sacrifice will always be with her.  But she has come to terms with her choice.

Edward takes her face in his hands and asks: Are you sure?  He’s never seen her in such pain — he can’t believe this can be the right choice if it hurts her so much.  But Bella reflects that Edward didn’t see her pain when he left her last autumn.   She knows whom she absolutely can’t live without.  He may be strong enough to live without her, she explains, but she could never be that unselfish.  She needs him too much.  With the memory of Bella’s grief so fresh in his mind, Edward is still dubious; but she insists that he is the most important thing in the world to her, quoting Cathy from Wuthering Heights. Edward replies in Heathcliff’s words: “I cannot live without my life! I cannot live without my soul!”  Exactly, Bella says.  She knows what she needs -- and what she is going to do now.  (Edward corrects her: what they are going to do).  Go see Alice about their wedding.

Having foreseen Bella’s decision, Alice is waiting impatiently for Edward and Bella to arrive and bursts into transports of excited gratitude.  Bella tries to damp her enthusiasm by repeating her conditions (which Alice has anticipated): the wedding is to take place by August 13th, Bella has a veto over the guest list, and Alice is forbidden to go overboard with the arrangements.  Alice’s

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exuberance is undiminished and she whisks Bella off to show her the turn-of-the-century wedding dress she already ordered for her months ago — just in case.  Bella is uncharacteristically gracious about these preparations (which she has no taste for); when she emerges, Edward looks at her for a moment, saying simply “that was very, very nice of you,” before suggesting that they get away and go to their meadow.

After the terrors and grief of the past couple of days, the meadow seems a peaceful refuge.  They lay quietly holding hands, and then Edward asks casually: why August 13th?  Bella explains that it gives her a month’s leeway before her birthday.  Edward points out that Esme is technically three years older than Carlisle, so it’s silly for Bella to worry about the exact age at which she becomes a vampire.  But Bella replies that her age isn’t the real issue: she just wants to get on with it.  She’s ready now — she has made her decision properly, in the full understanding of what it will mean.  What’s the point of waiting any longer?  It’s time to start living the life she has chosen.  Asked about the guest list veto, she hesitates and then explains that she doesn’t want Jake invited because it might make him feel he had to come and she wants to spare him that pain.

Edward is silent at that, and then pulls Bella to his chest to ask why she is suddenly throwing herself into Alice’s plans for a formal wedding.  Bella tells him about her last conversation with Charlie.  Perhaps a formal leave like a wedding will make the business of saying goodbye easier.  Charlie gets his chance to walk her down the aisle, and Renee and Phil and all Bella’s friends can gather to wish her well.  And she will have the chance to declare publicly to them the only part of her choice that can be told: that she is choosing life with Edward and that they will be happy together.  It’s the best she can do for them.

And abruptly, Edward can’t bear it.  Deal’s off, he tells Bella, and she gasps in horror, thinking he has changed his mind about making her a vampire.  He swiftly reassures her that he’s not backing out of his part of the bargain — but he is releasing her from hers.  The prospect of waiting any longer is too horrible: it’s time to get this over with.  His own ideas about what will make her happy have proved wrong time and again; trying delay her, to get her to change her mind, to provide her with reasons to stay human, has only made things worse for her. His way of doing things has hurt her over and over — so they’re going to do it her way:  “Tonight.  Today.  The sooner the better.”  He will speak to Carlisle: perhaps if they give her enough morphine it won’t be so bad….

Bella starts to object, but Edward interrupts to assure her that he hasn’t forgotten the rest of his promise to her.  His lips are on hers and her mind is already beginning to spin before she works out

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what he is getting at.  Part of her exults and thinks “oh, never mind,” but her responsible self knows she needs to stop him, and quickly: while she can still think clearly about what she ought to do.  “Why?” he asks, when she tells him she doesn’t want to do this now. “This had better not be about me.”  Silly remark, she thinks: everything in her world is about him.  But she explains that it’s important to her to do things right and responsibly and in order.  To give Renee and Charlie proper closure, to let Alice have her fun, and most important to tie herself to Edward in every human way before she lets him make her immortal.  She is determined to follow all the rules: his soul is too important to her to take risks with.  And Edward regretfully agrees. 

And now, she tells him, it’s a good thing he’s bulletproof, because they have to do something dangerous: it’s time to get the ring and break the news to Charlie.  Edward laughs and agrees.  Producing the ring from his pocket, he slides it onto Bella’s finger.  Where, she reflects, it may well stay for eternity.

*Memorable Quote: "I used to think of you that way, you know. Like the sun. My personal sun. You balanced out the clouds nicely for me." –Bella

"The clouds I can handle but I can't fight an eclipse." – Jacob

The End
