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The Educational Philosophers

-The Greek Educational Thinkers

-The Greek Educational Theorist


• The word "philosopher" comes from the Ancient Greek φιλόσοφος (philosophos), which means "lover of wisdom".

• A philosopher, in a broad sense, is someone who studies philosophy.

The Greek Educational Thinkers

The SophistsProtagoras






The Sophists

• A sophist or sophister (Greek: σοφιστής, Latin: sophistes) was a specific kind of teacher in both Ancient Greece and in the Roman Empire.

• Many sophists specialized in using the tools of philosophy and rhetoric, though other sophists taught subjects such as music, athletics, and mathematics.

The Sophists

A. Protagoras

-Protagoras of Abdera (c. 490-420 B.C.E.) was the most prominent member of the sophistic movement.

-Protagoras is most famous for his relativistic account of truth.

The Sophists

B. Gorgias

-Gorgias of Leontini (c.485 - c.390 B.C.E.) is generally considered as a member of the sophistic movement, despite his disavowal of the capacity to teach aretē.

-The major focus of Gorgias was rhetoric.

The Sophists

C. Antiphon

-Antiphon of Rhamnus (a statesman and teacher of rhetoric who was a member of the oligarchy which held power in Athens briefly in 411 B.C.E.).

D. Hippias

-The exact dates for Hippias of Elis are unknown, but scholars generally assume that he lived during the same period as Protagoras.

-Hippias is best known for his polymathy

The Sophists

E. Prodicus

-Prodicus of Ceos, lived during roughly the same period as Protagoras and Hippias,

-best known for his subtle distinctions between the meanings of words.

F. Thrasymachus

-Thrasymachus was a well-known rhetorician in Athens in the latter part of the fifth century B.C.E.

-only surviving record of his views is contained in Plato’s Cleitophon and Book One of The Republic.

The Greek Educational Theorists




Socrates (469-399 B.C.)

Postulated the concept

“ Gnothi Seauton” or Know Thyself

“ Socratic Method” or “Dialectic Method”

Plato (427-347 B.C.)

Society composed of three Distinct Classes:

o Philosophical Class

o Warrior Class

o Artisan or Industrial Class

Plato’s Educational System

Aristotle (384-322 B.C.)

Emphasizes the “Summum Bonum”

Educational Ideals

Aristotle’s Educational System


S- mart mind

O-f a



I-nspired by

S-trength and

T-ruth to ones
