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Edenmore Community Development Project

The following is a Timeline of the activities and achievements of the Community Development Project in Edenmore from it’s early beginnings in 1999 to the present day

The Timeline is a simple chronological display of the experience, work and people involved in the organisation

This is not a definitive display of all that the organisation has done – just the most significant and interesting. We hope that you will find it informative

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St Monica’s Community Council, a local voluntary organisation working in the area, agrees that it is timely to look at establishing a local Community Development Project (CDP) within Edenmore

This is based on other CDP’s that are established and funded through the National Government to address a range of issues affecting communities and particular groups within those communities. The emphasis is on tackling poverty and marginalisation within Edenmore

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The initial application for a CDP is submitted to the Department for Community, Rural & Gaeltacht Affairs. The application is viewed favourably and a series of public information meetings are organised and held locally

The purpose of these meetings is to ask local people what they think are their main issues and how that might guide the work of a CDP

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Local support agency Meitheal appoints a Support Worker and a local CDP Steering Committee is established

In October of the same year a core group is established after further local consultations. The group start meeting on a fortnightly basis and by 2002 have developed a Local Action Plan that can be submitted to the relevant Govt Dept , which is the Dept for Community, Rural and Gealtacht Affairs (DCRGA). The Action Plan details the work Edenmore CDP intends to carry out from 2003-06. It is submitted in Dec 2002

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Edenmore Community Development Project Ltd is established as a company having no share capital and with Articles of Memorandum stating the intention of its Company Directors to carry out generic Community Development activities within the Edenmore, Cameron and Woodbine areas

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Northside Community Partnership is invited to become the Host Partner for the newly established Edenmore CDP, as set out under new arrangements from the Department. This invitation is accepted by Northside Partnership and they begin to play a key role in supporting the development of the Edenmore CDP and the implementation of its Action Plan

In May 2005 Matthias Borscheid, Community Development Manager at Northside Partnership, joins the Edenmore CDP Committee.

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Freda Keeshan and Tosach (a local Support Agency) provides facilitation and support services roles to the early development of the CDP Committee, helping with structures of the organisation, policies and procedures for the Project

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The CDP loses some core Committee Members who resign due to various other commitments and the process of finding other local people who have an interest in the development of the area begins

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• The CDP appoints its first Co-ordinator Nyamwenda. Nyamwenda begins to build the early foundations of the Project in Edenmore, carrying out several key pieces of work. This includes an extensive Consultation Day for Older People within the area

• The focus is on establishing what the key needs and services are for Older People in the area based on their feedback. The intention is for the CDP to consider how it might meet some of those expressed needs through its work

• After 9 months Nyamwenda parts company with the CDP, leaving it in a healthy position for future developments. The process of employing a new Co-ordinator begins

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2007 (June)

Richard Costello is appointed to the position of Co-ordinator. Richard re-locates from Belfast where he had spent 10 years working with Youth & Community based organisations in North & West Belfast. The CDP Project office moves closer to the heart of the community, basing itself in Edenmore Shopping Centre

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2007 (September)

The initial stages of establishing a local Community Safety Partnership begins. The CDP Co-ordinator begins talking to local agencies & organisations about how they might be involved in such a Partnership and sets the stages for developing this initiative further

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2007 (October)

An Older Peoples Information Day is organised and held at St Eithnes Girls School. 13 Agencies & organisations supporting the welfare of Older people attend and it attracts many older people from the community

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2007 (October)

Edenmore CDP organises a Cross-border Excursion to Belfast for older people in the community. 25 seniors make their way to Belfast for a cultural and historical tour of the city. They are also provided with a lunch and entertainment from the Vine Centre on the Crumlin Road, a Faith-based Community Development Organisation

The tour includes the docks where the fated Titanic was built, Stormont – the seat of the Northern Irish Government, Queens University and Belfast City Hall

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2008 (January)

Following on from a Scoping Workshop, at which many local agencies, organisations and business representatives attend, the formation of the Edenmore Community Safety Group takes place. The group sets out clear aims & objectives for tackling crime, the fear of crime and anti-social behaviour in the Edenmore, Cameron and Woodbine areas

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2008 (March)

• The Project carries out an extensive Community Safety Assessment of the Edenmore Shopping Centre area. At the request of the Edenmore Business Association, this Assessment is made available to their members and identified as a ‘road-map’ for addressing some of the main concerns of local businesses and residents within the area. Upon completion of the Assessment the Co-ordinator provides the Edenmore Community Safety Group, Edenmore Business Association and other key agencies which include Dublin City Council and Gardai, with an overview of the Key Findings. This Assessment supports the need for a Partnership approach to addressing crime and anti-social behaviour within the area.

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2008 (March)

• The process of recruiting a Project Administrator for the CDP begins. Over 35 people apply for the position and after short-listing, 10 people are invited to an interview. After 2 days of interviews Amanda Mitchell is appointed to the position. Amanda has had extensive experience of working within the community having previously completed a local Community Employment position at St Monicas Information Shop

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2008 (April)

• Edenmore Community Photography Project begins with 8 young girls who attend St Monicas Youth Centre. The project, under

the title ‘This is Edenmore’ encourages the girls to go out and about within the community to record, through photography, the things they think are interesting, relevant and quirky. After several sessions and visits to other places for inspiration the girls eventually record over 300 images from the area.

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2008 (April)

Some of those images are displayed here today and the girls have plans to develop this Project further with their own event and product. You can secure an image today by entering a sealed bid in the envelopes provided and all proceeds raised will continue to support the Edenmore Community Development Project by funding future Community Arts Initiatives.

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2008 (June)

The Edenmore Community Safety Group goes on a Good Practice and Ideas visit to Ballysillan in North Belfast. The purpose of the visit is to get first hand experience of some of the local initiatives being done in other areas to address crime, the fear of crime and anti-social behaviour. 10 members of the group are welcomed to the Good Morning Ballysillan initiative, the Alternatives Project and the 11th July Better Bonfire Management Scheme

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2008 (June)

• The Good Morning Project is one of the first telephone support services ever provided in Ireland and becomes the model adopted by local initiatives here, such as Blanchardstown Friendly Call Service. The initiative has several years experience of working to support older and vulnerable people within communities through a professional, responsive and welcoming telephone intervention. Run by a core of staff and mainly volunteers the initiative provides the Edenmore visitors with an excellent example of what can be done at a local level to address Community Safety concerns

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2008 (June)

The North Belfast Alternatives Project emerged from the legacy of the Troubles in Northern Ireland. The common practice of punishment beatings by paramilitaries on both sides prompted some community activists to look at how they could move away from this and develop alternative ways for dealing with crime and anti-social behaviour

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2008 (June)

The Scheme has now been in operation for 6 years and along with other Conflict Transformation and Dispute Resolution organisations, has contributed to the overall Community Safety concerns and issues faced by local people

The Project agreed to new Protocols established by the Northern Ireland Office in 2007 and received full accreditation soon after

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2008 (June)

The 11TH July Better Bonfire Management Scheme was another initiative that emerged from the legacy of communal conflict in Northern Ireland. The Religious and Cultural practice in many Working Class Protestant areas during the ‘marching seasons’ of organisations like The Orange Order and The Royal Black Institution has often resulted in conflict

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2008 (June)

One of the main practices in the run up to the 11th night celebrations is the building of huge bonfires in Protestant areas, which are then lit on the 11th night itself

This practice is a focus for many local communities and particularly attracts local young males. This is all organised informally and creates many Community Safety problems before, during and after the celebrations

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2008 (June)

The Better Bonfire Management Schemes developed in some areas were a response to some of those issues and have consolidated their effectiveness by receiving mainstream support across all levels, including the PSNI, Local Authorities and the Northern Ireland Assembly

For further information see

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2008 (June)

The Edenmore Community Safety Group visits the Blanchardstown Friendly Call Service in North Dublin. Several members of the group make the visit and are encouraged by the success and effectiveness of the initiative, based on the model developed in Northern Ireland

The visits leads to an application to support a series of interventions for older and vulnerable people in the community in Edenmore

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2008 (June)

Through the Department for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs Community Services Program the Community Safety Group sets out a unique package for older and vulnerable people which has 3 key areas of support. These are Telephone Call Support Service, Information Outreach Service and a Home Visitation Scheme. The scheme is considered for 8 months but unsuccessful through this funding opportunity

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2008 (June)

Edenmore Fun Day takes place. Organised by the Edenmore Business Association, Edenmore Community Safety Group and other local organisations, the event aims to provide the community with a day of activities for all the family to enjoy

The event attracts huge crowds from all over the area and includes a BBQ, Penalty Shoot-out Competition, Bungee Run, Irish Dancers, Face Painters, Poster Designing, Sale of Flowers, DJ and more...

The local Fire Station and Ambulance Service also attends, giving children the opportunity to go aboard!

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June (2008)

The Fun Day also aims to raise funds for the local Scout Den which had previously been burned down. A new Scouts Den has been planned and work began in early 2009

The Edenmore Fun Day results in over €2000 being raised through local people’s contributions and a presentation of the cheque is made at the Edenmore Christmas Festival

Images from the day can be viewed on the CDP Flickr site at

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2008 (July)

The CDP offers a course in Digital Photography to local people. Using the facilities at St Monicas Youth Centre we are able to provide an introductory course to 9 people

The course participants start to get to grips with some of the intricacies of the modern digital camera and this is rewarded by their contributions to the Postcards from Edenmore Project

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Postcards from Edenmore

All the participants on the Digital Photography course were invited to go out and about in the community and take pictures they thought might be suitable for a Postcard. After several walkabouts the group settled on a series of 18 images. Those images have now been developed into the Postcards from Edenmore Packs which contain all 18 images on 5 postcards, which the group hope people will buy and send around the world!

All proceeds of sales will go back into the Projects Community Arts initiatives so feel free to make your own contribution!

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2008 (July)

Edenmore Blog-spot goes Live. As part of our communications strategy we embrace some of the innovations associated with the Internet and set up our own online presence offers us a chance to keep people informed and updated about events, information and issues within the community. The Blog is easy to use, rapid and engaging

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2008 (July)

The CDP delivers further eCert Computer & Internet Classes for local people. Since our successful collaboration with FIT we have helped 60+ people to improve their Computer & Internet knowledge and experience

Fastrack into Technology (FIT) provide us with a new Computer based-learning opportunity through their My IT initiative. We embrace this learning opportunity and begin the process of exploring the possibilities of Home-based Learning for people with mobility issues and other health related barriers to learning

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2008 (July)

Betty Brown becomes the newest member of the CDP Management Committee. Betty has been a long-term resident of Edenmore, having lived here for over 30 years. Her interests and activities in the community over this time has included the Ladies Club, AmDram, .......

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2008 (July)

The Edenmore Community Safety Group applies to the Graffiti Reduction Program being rolled out nationally through Pobaíl. This funding allows for up to €150 000 being made available in communities experiencing extensive graffiti problems

The funding encourages significant emphasis on removal and reduction through a combination of approaches, such as working directly with young people, schools, Youth Services and parents. The application has not had an official response to date

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2008 (August)

eCert Presentations are held for the 36 participants who had successfully completed their course. These students, with the support of the CDP and funding through DEP/FIT have been given their first taste of using computers and the Internet to develop their personal skills, abilities and improve social networking opportunities

The event is attended by 15 of the participants who all receive a certificate. Images of the event are posted onto the CDP Flickr page at

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2008 (September)

The CDP organises the first Movie Night Fundraiser in Edenmore. With the support of the local Public Houses in the area (The Concorde Lounge & Edenmore House) the CDP turns both pubs into Cinemas for the night, showing 2 Classic Movies in each. There’s also a Movie Quiz and a Raffle. The Fundraiser is organised to support the Seniors Cross Border-exchange to Newry and raises €400

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Staff Training and Development

Continuing Staff Development sees Amanda, the Project Administrator attending her Manual Handling Training at Northside Partnership. Further Training & Development includes Anti-racism and Intercultural Awareness Training, Chairing Effective Meetings and Effective Minute Taking

Amanda & Richard both attend the Open IT Workshops organised by The Wheel

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2008 (October)

The Breastcheck Awareness Raising Campaign seeks the support of the CDP in their attempts to bring the serious issue of breast cancer to the attention of local women

The CDP, with the support of the Edenmore Drugs Intervention Team hosts a series of information sessions at HAIL Centre, providing an opportunity for women to come along and get information about where and when they can get a free breast examination. Staff and Volunteers from the Breastcheck campaign are in attendance to answer any questions or queries that local women may have

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2008 (October)

The Seniors Cross-border Exchange to Newry takes place, with 19 local people heading North for the day. We are hosted by the Newry Falcon Club and taken around the local historical landmark of Bagenals Castle. An informative tour takes place where a lunch is enjoyed in the Grand Hall before an informal reminiscing session. The afternoon is spent enjoying some of the cultural and commercial attractions of Newry before returning to Dublin. The Falcon Group are invited to a return visit to Dublin which is scheduled for May 2009, for a tour of Farmleigh House, Pheonix Park and a Tea Dance in Edenmore

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2008 (October)

The Edenmore Community Safety Group organises the 1st Halloween Festival in Edenmore, with a Fireworks Display as its main attraction. With the support of local groups a Halloween Festival Party takes place in the former Iceland with a Fancy Dress Competition, Face Painting, Arts & Crafts, Music and Dancing. The is enjoyed by several hundred people

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2008 (October)

The Children and families then made their way across to Edenmore Park to witness the Fireworks Display

For 15 minutes they braved the cold evening before they were treated to a Firework Extravaganza!

The event draws huge crowds from the local community and surrounding areas. The event is also supported by many local young people and volunteers from Edenmore and all vow to continue this successful event for 2009

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2008 (December)

The 1st Edenmore Christmas Festival is organised by the Edenmore Community Safety Group. With the support of local groups, volunteers and Community Safety Group members a day of entertainment is provided for younr children, their families and others within the community

Santa is in great mood as he gives out presents to over 150 children, despite the snow!

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2008 (December)

Later in the evening we have the 1st Edenmore Candle-lit Christmas Carol Service. With vocal contributions from local people, organisations and businesses, the crowd joins in for a collective sing-song. The community is even treated to several Romanian Carols by the staff of the local Pizzeria! Despite some clearly off-key renditions by some a great time is had by all and we look forward to Christmas 2009

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2009 (February)

Graínne Roache becomes the newest Committee Member. Graínne...

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Funding and Resources

Over the CDPs life-span it has attempted to secure funding and resources for a range of issues and events, and from various different sources. The success of many Community Development organisations can often be dependent upon its fundraising and resource strategies. While the CDP receives funds through central Government, this only covers the cost of the staff and overheads – all program and project costs are dependent upon the abilities of the staff and volunteers to secure resources and raise money

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Funding and Resources

The following is a list of just some of the people and places we have tried to secure funding from – some successful and some not:

Dublin City Council (Arts Office) – to support a Community Comic Book project; the CDP was awarded €2000

eCert & FIT Ltd – to support the development of new technologies and computer learning within the community; the CDP was awarded an Interactive Whiteboard and funding for 36 students on eCert, totalling nearly €10 000

People in Need Trust – to support our ongoing Community Comic Book, working with 4 hard-to-reach groups within Edenmore; we requested €8000 but were unsuccessful

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Funding and Resources

Department of Foreign Affairs Reconciliation Fund – to support a Cross-border exchange for older people; the application was successful by proxy through an allocation made to Northside Partnership for distribution to local groups, which amounted to €1000

Creates Artist in the Community Scheme – to support our continuing Community Comic Book initiative, working with Older Men, Recovering Drug Mis-users and Lone Parents; this application was unsuccessful

Department for Community, Rural & Gaeltacht Affairs (Community Services Program) – to support our Community Safety initiative providing support and interventions to older and vulnerable people; an application of Expression of Interest is submitted for €474 000 over 3 years but does not progress beyond this stage

Pobail Graffiti Reduction Program – to support the Edenmore Community Safety Groups work to reduce illegal graffiti in the area; an application for €114 000 is submitted; our application has not had any response to date

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Funding and Resources

The Community Foundation for Ireland – 2 applications are made to their Small Grants Scheme for supporting the training of Carers in the area and working with Older Men on the Comic Book initiative; we secure €1500 towards the cost of our Community Comic Book

Diversionary Funding Stream for work with Young People – through a joint application with Edenmore Drugs Outreach Team, to support a peer-led information campaign on the risks of substance misuse through appropriate media formats; we secure €4000 towards the project

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What are our future plans?

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What can you do?
