

It has been said that continued education is the path to a successful career. How have you embraced education and what can the PGA do to inspire PGA Professionals to take advantage of the education programs available?


Recently, some facilities have chosen to use search firms in their effort to hire management positions at the club. From your perspective, why would a facility choose to use a search firm over the PGA Employment Services solution? And, what is your position on the use of search firms for such management positions?

Player Development

Two years ago, the PGA assigned Player Development Regional Managers and allocated resources to nine target markets. What steps should our Association now take to ensure that more rural Sections are receiving similar Player Development support?


The PGA is often handicapped in delivering direct member benefits due to its non-profit tax status and the tax code on inurement. Knowing that one minor infraction will result in total loss of exempt status, how would you manage the Association's risk in this area should you be elected?

The PGA BrandAs the PGA approaches its centennial, the Association has been fortunate to have leaders with foresight to see and anticipate threats to face the PGA, as well as the courage to address them head on. Looking forward 25 years, what do you believe is the greatest threat facing the PGA, and what are your ideas on how we should address it?


As the PGA continues its effort to maintain education programs that are relevant and progressive in today's golf industry, what are specific areas you feel the education programs have done well in meeting the needs of the industry? In addition, what are some specific areas in which the PGA needs to do better?


The PGA promotes an impressively low unemployment rate for PGA Professionals, but many say the real issue is "underemployment." What are some of the steps the PGA can take to better identify underemployment? Also, in your opinion, how serious is the issue of underemployment and how can the concern be addressed?

Player Development

There has been discussion about allowing non-PGA facilities to conduct a “Get Golf Ready” program. How do feel about this possibly becoming a reality and how do you think the PGA Member would potentially respond?


For many past campaigns, a major topic was the increasing of ADP funding to the Sections. With a significant increase now in place, effectively doubling ADP funding to $180,000 in 2019, what do you see as the next major threat facing Sections that needs to be addressed?

The PGA Brand

Most of the smaller Sections have fewer PGA Members, but larger land masses, with limited financial and human resources. What are some of your ideas on how to equalize the services that all Members should receive and expect?

EducationIn 2014, at least 40% of the individuals elected to membership will receive their PGA Professional Golf Management education through one of the PGA Golf Management University programs. With this significant percentage, what are your ideas on how the PGA can work with the universities to ensure that Apprentice education is equal regardless of the path to achieve membership?

EmploymentSome areas have seen a trend where golf course superintendents are taking General Manager positions. Is this a result of individual golf course superintendents being pro-active in pursuing these jobs, or, is there a trend developing due to the national relationship between the GCSAA and the NGCOA (partnering to present the Golf Industry Show)? What does the PGA need to do to ensure that PGA Professionals who want these positions, are aware, considered, and the top candidates?

Player Development

The PGA has invested in its Player Development efforts through the hiring of Player Development Regional Managers. As these individuals work diligently in assisting PGA Professionals and facilities in this important area, how would you define success from this team?


As Apprentices represent future members for the Association, what are your thoughts on how the PGA can strengthen its connection with Apprentices in the effort to get them more involved at the Section level through playing, committees, and volunteering?

The PGA BrandIn the effort to elevate the PGA brand within the community at-large, the PGA and the Sections are now focusing on expanding its presence in the charitable area through non-profit Foundations. What do you believe are the greatest opportunities for the PGA to expand its brand through this charitable space and effort?


As technology advances and provides an avenue to deliver education and testing on-line, how do you see this opportunity impacting Apprentice education and the PGA Education Center in Port St. Lucie?


As stated in the PGA Constitution, an outcome in fulfilling the PGA's mission is the enhancement of the economic well-being of the individual member. If elected to serve the Association as an officer, how do you think you can assist the PGA in achieving this part of its mission?

Player Development

If the desire is to grow the number of traditional players in the game, what are your thoughts on how a PGA Professional can transition someone from an alternative form of play to the traditional form of play?


As an Association that speaks to a key member attribute as being a member's ability to play, should the PGA consider tightening its current playing requirement, why or why not?

The PGA Brand

Our Brand represents the gold standard in the industry. With respect to the PGA's Golf Properties, how do you think our facilities live up to this standard? And, at what cost should we strive to meet this standard?


Why do you think that the current Certified and Master Professional Programs have not been embraced by our Members?


In your previous leadership positions with the PGA, what were some specific actions you took to improve employment opportunities for PGA Members?

Player Development

As the avenue for new players to the game seems to be through public/daily fee facilities, how does the PGA provide a meaningful impact in growing new players when PGA Professional presence at these public facilities is only approximately 39%?


What are your thoughts about potentially eliminating classifications within the PGA’s membership structure?

The PGA Brand

"Experts in the Game and Business of Golf" is the PGA's tagline, and many in the golf industry say that we fall short of that tagline. What are your ideas for changing this perception?