
Kiwanis Club of Meriden | P.O. Box 733, Meriden, CT 06450 |


December 13, 2018

We are a proud sponsor of the fo l lowing Service Leadership Programs in the Meriden school system:

University of New Haven,


Maloney High School

Platt High School

Wilcox Tech High School

Lincoln Middle School

Washington Middle School

Edison Middle School

Israel Putnam Elementary

Roger Sherman Elementary

John Barry Elementary

Ben Franklin Elementary

Casimir Pulaski Elementary

ARC of Meriden/Wallingford

The 1st Aktion Club in


The meeting was called to order by President-Elect Joan Kilby. “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” was sung and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited. The

prayer was delivered by LeNissa Rivera. There were 21 members of Kiwanis present and one guest.

Guests: Platt Pentangle Singers and Vincent Mule.

Birthdays: Pauline Tiezzi December 7

Peter Burch December 8 Honorary Member

Terry Bongiovanni December 16

Sharon Karrass December 28

Pauline Tiezzi Peter Burch Terry Bongiovanni Sharon Karrass

Anniversaries: Terry & Eileen Bongiovanni December 1

Peter & Sharon Burch December 30 Honorary member

Terry & Eileen Peter & Sharon

Kiwanis Anniversaries: None

Kiwanis Club of Meriden | P.O. Box 733, Meriden, CT 06450 |


The Quip was presented by both Sandi Gollnick and Joe Giannetti. Sandi Gollnick – this was sent to me by my art teacher. To all the kids who survived the 1930’s, 40’s and 50’s. First we survived being born to mothers who may have smoked and drank while being pregnant. They took apsirin, ate blue cheese dressing, tuna from a can and didn’t get tested for diabetes. Then we were put to sleep on our tummies in cribs covered with bright colors of lead based paints. We had no childhood lids on medicine bottles, locks on doors or cabinets and when we rode our bikes we had baseball caps not helmets on our heads. As children we rode in cars with no car seats, no booster seats, no seat belts, no air bags, bald tires and sometimes no brakes. Riding in the back of a pick-up truck on a warm day was always a special treat. We drank water from the garden hose and not from a bottle. We shared one soft drink with 4 friends and no one died from this. We ate cupcakes, white bread, real butter, bacon and kool-aid with real sugar and we weren’t all overweight. Why? Because we were all outside playing, that’s why. We would leave in the morning and were gone all day as long as we were back when the street lights came on. No one was able to reach us all day, and we were okay. We would spend hours building our go-carts out of scraps and ride them downhill only to find out we forgot the brakes. After riding into the bushes a few times we learned to remedy the situation. We did not have play stations, nintendo, X-boxes. There were no video games. No 150 channels on cable, no video movies or DVD’s. No internet, chat rooms. We went outside and we had friends. We got cut, broke bones and teeth and there were no law suits from these accidents. We got spanked with wooden spoons, switches, ping pong paddles or just a bare hand. No one would call child sevices to report the abuse. We ate worms and mud pies made from dirt and the worms did not live in us forever. We were given BB gunds for our 10th birthday and .22 caliber rifles for our 12th made up sticks and tennis balls. We rode bikes and knocked on doors to visit friends. Little league had tryouts and not everyone made them. Those who didn’t had to deal with disappointment. The idea of a parent bailing us out when we broke the law was unheard of. They actually sided with the law. These generations produced some of the best risk takers, problems solvers and inventors ever. The past 60 to 85 years has seen an explosion of inventions and ideas. We had freedom, failures and successes and responsibility. We learned how to deal with failures. If you are one of those born between 1925 and 1955, congratulations. Quote from Jay Leno: “With hurricanes, tornadoes, fires out of controll, mudslides, flooding, severe thunderstorms tearing up the country from one end to the other. With the threat of bird flu, terrorist attacks are we sure this is a good time to take God out of the pledge of allegiance?” For those who prefer to think that God is not watching over us go ahead and delete this. For the rest of us, please pass this on. Joe Giannetti: - What’s the difference between snowmen and snow women? Snowballs What do snowmen eat for breakfast? Snowflakes What do snowmen eat for lunch? Iceburgers What do snowmen eat for breakfast? Ice Crispies What did Adam say the day before Christmas? It’s Christmas, Eve Knock, Knock. Who’s there? Mary. Mary who? Merry Christmas! Knock, Knock. Who’s there? Hannah. Hannah who? And a partridge in a pear tree.

50/50 Raffle: Won by Pauline Tiezzi who donated the funds to Kiwanis.

Happy Dollars: (Happy Dollars for the night meeting held on November 29th) Doreen Roddy - $1 – because it was Thanksgiving and I had all my family around me. Mike Rohde - $2 – one is for a successful first annual yule festival held in downtown Meriden. There were approximately 2,000 people, a train with Santa And the second is for the $100 donation made by Kiwanis for the yule festival. Cindy D’Agostino - $2 – one is for Gerry Benoit who was attending as a guest; and the second for the great turn out at this meeting. Bob Meister - $2 – My daughter, Erika, just got hired by Yale-New Haven as a nurse Elaine Murphy - $1 – a sad happy dollar to thank everyone who came to the wake Brian Cofrancesco - $2 - to thank JoAnne Keen who coordinated a great interclub with Southington. They were extremely happy. The second is I went to Visit Marvin Beloff and his glaucoma is not doing so well so he is getting ready to retire making wooden bow ties so if anybody wants one you’d better get Get it soon. Bob Gollnick - $1 – the Platt Key Club is up and running again. Joan Kilby - $1 – I had a great time with my step-daughter from California

Doreen Roddy & Cindy D’Agostino Mike Rohde Bob Meister Elaine Muirphy

Brian Cofrancesco Bob Gollnick Joan Kilby Happy Dollars for December 13: Mike Rohde - $1 for Charlie Douglas – a quick story. We had a golf tournament and we had 3 pretty good golfers and Charlie who had just started playing And in this particular tournament everyone had to use 2 of their drives. So we hit our drives and Charlie dribbled one off the tee. So Charlie hit one for 50 Feet. It was his best drive of the day, but we still had to take it. So we were going along and we realized we hadn’t used Charlie’s 2nd drive yet. So he gets Up. His legs are shaking. He’s sweating and takes a mighty swing and misses the ball completely. So finally we’re on the last hole where the kids sled

Kiwanis Club of Meriden | P.O. Box 733, Meriden, CT 06450 |

Out of bounds on the left, out of bounds on the right, trees everywhere. He could barely stand up. He’s sweating. He dribbles his ball in the woods and Here we are trying to hit his ball out of the woods. He said I’m giving up this game! Eileen Bongiovanni - $5 – for me and my husband. It was my 65th birthday, it’s his 70th birthday and we will be married for 40 years. Sandi Gollnick - $3 – The convention in New Hampshire. It was great as usual. I’m doing better in physical therapy. I will never be 100% but I’m doing Better and can now wak without pain, so I’m happy about that. And the last happy dollar is for our son, Christopher. This happed in July but I just found out About it – that he is going to be inducted into the National Honor Society of Leadership & Success next July. He’s taking a course at Southern University Of New Hampshire so I said to him what kind of a grade point average do you have to have – a 3.5 and he said no I have a 4.0. Martha Colaresi - $2 - in honor of my son, John and his lovely bride, Solina, who will be celebrating their 3 month wedding anniversary next week and the Next happy dollar for the singers and keeping the music going Bob Meister - $2 – Charlie Douglas – he was a really good guy to me in high school. He took me to Kiwanis a real lot. Back then the luncheons were at the Cabin. You had to wear a tie and jacket. It was a really big deal. The second happy dollar is for my daughter who is graduating from UCONN today with A RN degree. The 2nd degree. Yeah! Elaine Murphy - $5 – Thank everyone for being at the wake. Some of you were at the funeral. You were all great and I know Ed would have appreciated it. Bob Gollnick - $1 – I’m lucky man. I’m pretty healthy but every year I have to go to my urologist and what he does for me I can’t believe I have to pay for.

Mike Rohde Eileen Bongiovanni Bob & Sandi Gollnick Martha Colaresi Bob Meister Elaine Murphy

Service Leadership Programs: The Story Walk Project is continuing to be displayed and enjoyed at Benjamin Franklin Elementary School in Meriden. Ben Franklin K-Kids have taken ownership of the project.

What’s Happening:

Wreath Auction:

A big thank you to JoAnne Keene for chairing and making the wreaths for auction. Kiwanis made over $380. These funds will go towards supporting

the storywalk project. Kudos to JoAnne and those who helped her for going the extra mile.

Interclub Meeting:

Meriden Kiwanis members joined the Southington Club on November 21 for their evening dinner meeting. The Southington Club was very

appreciative and the dinner was enjoyed by those attending.

Kiwanis Club of Meriden | P.O. Box 733, Meriden, CT 06450 |

Salvation Army Bell Ringing:

Meriden Kiwanis members volunteered on December 8th to ring bells for the Salvation Army. LeNissa Riversa reported at the meeting that the West

Side Stop & Shop took in $373 and the East Side Stop & Shop took in $323. Congratulations to all who helped.

Bob Meister, Craig Hanson, Dave Wyskiel Doreen Roddy & Cindy D’Agostino

Cheryl O’Connor & Bob Gollnick

Florence Thibodeau & Brian Cofrancesco Florence Thibodeau & Dave Wyskiel Joe Giannetti & Don Parker

Announcements: Joan announced sadly that a long time member of Kiwanis – Charles Douglas – has passed away.

Our guest, Vincent Mule, on behalf of the Meriden Hall of Fame committee, presented a check for $100 to Elaine Murphy for the Ed Murphy Red

Jacket fund.

There will be Christmas Caroling on December 20th, 5:00 pm at the Village at Kensington Place, Kensington Ave., Meriden. Meet in lobby.

Night Meeting December 27th – check your emails for details.

New 100th Anniversary District Jerseys are available. If you’re interested please contact [email protected] or visit the store at:

Kiwanis Club of Meriden Shirts – Dave Edgington has made a contact to purchase polo shirts for the Meriden Kiwanis Club. He has sent out an

email with information on how to purchase.

March 1 – 3, 2019, New England & Bermuda District mid-winter conference at the Publick House Historic Inn, 277 Main St., Sturbridge, MA 01566

104th Annual Kiwanis International Convention (ICON) Orlando, FL 2019

Kiwanis Club of Meriden | P.O. Box 733, Meriden, CT 06450 |

CALENDAR OF EVENTS: (Note: As I receive information during the year, I will add to the calendar. This is what I have thus far.)

December 17 – 6:30 pm – Community Projects meeting held at home of Joan Kilby, 238 Curtis Street

December 20 –5:00 pm Holiday Caroling at the Nursing Homes – Meet at Kensington Village unless this changes. Watch for the email from Joan Kilby

January 3 – 6:30 pm – Board Meeting at home of Cindy D’Agostino, 235 Westview Drive

January 7 – 6:30 pm – Membership meeting at Dave Edgington’s house

January 10 – 12:15 pm – Lunch meeting at Il Monticello

January 12 – SOUPer Bowl Collection day – outside both Stop & Shops

January 13 – 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm - Holiday Party at Windingbrook Condominiums. Bring a food item to share

January 21 – 6:30 pm – Community Projects meeting held at home of Joan Kilby, 238 Curtis St.

January 26 – 6:00 pm – Kiwanis Past Presidents/Legion of Merit/Legion of Honor Night, Il Monticello, 577 S Broad St., Meriden (tentative)

February 2 – SOUPer Bowl Food Drop-Off at the Soup Kitchen

February 7 – 6:30 pm – Board Meeting at home of Cindy D’Agostino

February 14 – 12:15 pm – Lunch meeting at Il Monticello, 537 Broad St

February 18 – 6:30 pm – Community Projects meeting held at home of Joan Kilby, 238 Curtis St.

February 28 – 6:30 pm – Kiwanis Night Meeting

March 1 – 3 – 2019 New England & Bermuda District Mid-Winter Conference – Publick House Historic Inn, 277 Main St., Sturbridge, MA

March 7 – 6:30 pm – Board Meeting at home of Cindy D’Agostino

March 14 – 12:15 pm – Lunch meeting at Il Monticello, 537 Broad Street

March 18 – 6:30 pm – Community Projects meeting held at home of Joan Kilby, 238 Curtis St.

March 28 – 6:30 pm Kiwanis Night Meeting (tentative)

March 30 –6:30 pm – North Italian Home Club - Komedy Night – Details forthcoming

April 1 – 6:30 pm – Kiwanis Spelling Bee - Thomas Hooker Elementary School (tentative)

April 4 – 6:30 pm – Board Meeting at home of Cindy D’Agostino

April 5 – 7 – New England & Bermuda District Key Club Educational Conference, Springfield, MA

April 11 – 12:15 pm – Lunch meeting at Il Monticello, 537 Broad Street

April 15 – 6:30 pm – Community Projects meeting held at home of Joan Kilby, 238 Curtis St.

April 20 – Kiwanis Bike Rodea at the City Health and Wellness Fair, Hubbard Park

April 23 – 6:00 pm – Kiwanis Family Night, Orville H. Platt High School, 220 Coe Ave., Meriden (Tentative)

April 25 – 6:30 pm – Kiwanis Night Meeting

April 27 – 28 – Daffodil Festival - need volunteers – please sigh-up

May 2 – 6:30 pm – Board Meeting at home of Cindy D’Agostino

May 9 – 12:15 pm –Joint Lunch meeting with The rotary at Il Monticello, 537 Broad Street

May 14 -6:30 pm – Kiwanis Walter Deptula Public speaking & Essay Contest – place to be determined

May 17 – 24 – New England & Bermuda District Kiwanis Bermuda Cruise

May 20 – 6:30 pm – Community Projects meeting held at home of Joan Kilby, 238 Curtis St.

May 30 – 9:00 am – Strawberry Shortcake Sale – at Il Monticello – all hands on deck

June 6 – 6:30 pm – Board Meeting at Doreen Roddy’s home, 60 Humbert St.

June 13 – 12:15 pm – Lunch meeting at Il Monticello, 537 Broad St.

June 17 – 6:30 pm – Community Projects meeting held at home of Joan Kilby, 238 Curtis St.

June 27 – 30 – Kiwanis International Convention, Walt Disney World Resort, Orlando, FL

June 27 – 6:30 pm – Kiwanis Night Meeting

July 11 – 12:15 pm – Lunch meeting at Il Monticello, 537 Broad Street

July 11 – 6:30 pm – Board Meeting at home of Cindy D’Agostino

July 15 – 6:30 pm – Community Projects meeting held at home of Joan Kilby, 238 Curtis St.

July 25 – 6:30 pm – Kiwanis Night Meeting

July 27 -2:00 pm – Kiwanis Summer Picnic – President Cindy D’Agostino’s Home, 235 Westview Dr., Meriden

August 1 – 6:30 pm – Board Meeting at home of Cindy D’Agostino

August 5 – 5:30 pm – John J. Nerden RTC Camp Service Clubs Picnic 89 Powder Hill Rd., Middlefield, CT (tentative)

August 8 – 12:15 pm – Lunch meeting at Il Monticello, 537 Broad St.

August 16 – 18 – Kiwanis District Convention , Radisson, Nashua, NH

August 19 – 6:30 pm – Community Projects meeting held at home of Joan Kilby, 238 Curtis St.

August 22 – 6:30 pm – Kiwanis Night Meeting

September 5 – 6:30 pm – Board Meeting at home of Cindy D’Agostino

September 12 – 12:15 pm – Lunch meeting at Il Monticello, 537 Broad Street

September 16 – 6:30 pm – Community Projects Meeting held at home of Joan Kilby, 238 Curtis St.

September 19 – Peanut Day – Volunteers needed

September 21 – Kiwanis Peanut Sales at Stop & Shop

September 27 – 6:00 pm, Il Monticello, 577 S. Broad St., Meriden, Kiwanis Installation of Officers

Kiwanis Club of Meriden | P.O. Box 733, Meriden, CT 06450 |

PROGRAM/GUEST SPEAKER: At the night meeting on November 29th, 15 Kiwanis members attended and one guest, Gerry Benoit. There was no speaker; however, everyone

brought a gift in a brown bag and they were auctioned off to raise money for the administrative fund. Fun was had by all.

At the December 13th lunch meeting we were entertained by the Platt High School Pentangle Singers, directed by Beth Stevens.

Adjournment: 1:40 pm

Ask a Kiwanian about our

International project







Terry Bongiovanni


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Kiwanis Club of Meriden | P.O. Box 733, Meriden, CT 06450 |



OFFICERS 2018-2019:

Cindy D’Agostino, President

Joan Kilby, President Elect

Michelle Bourdeau, Vice-President

Melissa Neville-Passarelli, Secretary

David Wyskiel, Recording Secretary

JoAnne Keene, Treasurer

Doreen Roddy, Immediate Past President

Bulletin Editor: Florence Thibodeau

Photographer: David Wyskiel

The Kiwanis Club of Meriden meets on the second

Thursday of the month at:

12:15 PM

Il Monticello

577 South Broad Street, Meriden, Connecticut
