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Effect of Different Appeals of Advertisements on Brand Choice


The basic purpose of this research is to find out the effect of different appeals of advertisement on brand

choice in beverages industry of Pakistan. Previously numbers of studies have been conducted by

researchers to identify the effect of celebrity, animation, jingles and product specifications in

advertisement. With the help of responses of 100 respondents that were used for analysis in this research

quantitative technique is implemented. To analyze viewer’s opinion descriptive statistics are used.

Sample of three advertisements of beverages were shown to respondents to get their response though

questionnaire. The results show that jingles in advertisements attract most number of respondents then

celebrity, products features and animations which shows negative effect in advertisements effective.

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Chapter 1


1.1 Introduction

Television advertising is used to influence the perception of viewers to affect their brand choices.(Alba,

Hutchinson and Lynch, 1991).The effects in perceptions of viewers through commercial are import to

the extent that these effects influence viewers’ brand-choice process. Perceptions effected by Television

commercials may influence brand choice process directly or indirectly. Advertisers have done lot of

experiments to influence the perceptions of their target audience.

There are several options available for advertiser to influence viewer’s choice. Many TV

commercials feature catchy jingles, Brand ambassadors who could be a famous sports star, film star or

any famous celebrity that can also create a pull and increase brand awareness, Animations is also often

used in commercials, some advertisers highlight their product’s unique selling point and specifications

or features to get attention of viewer. Advertisers spend millions to develop attractive ideas using these

appeals to get attention of viewers.

Numerous researchers proved the effectiveness and positive influence by celebrity towards brand

choice of target audience. Researches also proved that celebrity in advertisement used to add value to

advertised brand besides increasing revenue of that brand.

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Animations can enhance brand’s or products’ communicative powers to get attention of target

audience. Animation with good humorous affect and exciting storyline of commercial may increase

viewers’ attention towards advertisement. Many belief that using animation in advertising is just to

attract kids and to advertise in kids shows but it is a fact that advertisements featuring animated

characters attracts large number of adult viewers also. Featuring animated characters in advertisements

may be expensive initially but the main advantages of animation in advertisements are that it can be

enhanced easily; it can be editable and can be reformatted if needed. It also takes less time to develop

animated advertising then casting celebrity. Sometimes it is difficult to achieve certain types of appeals

using celebrity in advertisement; the animation may allow the advertiser to generate such appeals and to

get desire goals.

Another alternative way to make an advertisement effective is use of music, songs and jingles.

Jingles can gain viewer’s attention very effectively. Songs and jingles can cross to attain influence, and

raise the endurance of promotion after being a feature in viewer’s mind. Jingles are used by most

sensible advertisers throughout the World because people remember the words to Songs and tunes not

every time.

Another way to attract viewers through advertising is to show feathers of product and services in

advertisement. Advertisers highlight their products unique feathers that differentiate them from

competitor’s similar products. Some advertisers prefer to show their offers in details in advertisement

and some advertisers show usage details of their products to communicate target audience for better

understanding of consumers about products.

This study is to examine the effect of these different appeals of television advertisements on

viewers brand choice. This study considered one of very competitive and growing industries of Pakistan

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that is beverages industries. This research provide idea to advertisers of beverages industry that which

appeal of advertisement get attention of target consumers of their brands and also the research provide

guideline to advertisers in allocation of their advertising budget.

1.2 Background

The advertising is growing rapidly in Pakistan and advertisers of different industries spend a good

amount of budget on advertising of their brands. According to Gallup advertisers in Pakistan spend Rs.

17.29 billion in year 2009-10 on advertisement of their product on TV which is 17% more as compared

to last year’s (2008-09) spending. Beverages industry of Pakistan shared 12% of television

advertisement in year 2009-10. Advertisers used number of different appeals to make their

advertisements attractive effective. Some of most commonly used tools are celebrity, animations, jingles

and product features. This research will identify that which appeal is most effective to use in

advertisement that will attract maximum target viewers and results best utilization of budget in


1.3 Research Problem

There are number of appeals in television advertisements that attract viewers’ attention and influence

their brand choice decision. The appeal could be celebrity, animation, jingles and product features or

specifications that we can see in every ad now days. Previous researches focused only single factor that

affects viewers’ brand choice decision. Most of advertisers use more than one factor in their

advertisements to attract their potential audience these days. We need to identify that what is the effect

of these factors in an advertisement towards brand choice. Also we should identify that in Pakistan

which factor is more feasible for advertisers of beverages industry.

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1.4 Research Question

1.4.1 Primary Question

Q1) what is the effect of different appeals (Celebrity, animation, jingles and product specification or

features) of advertisement on brands’ choice?

1.4.2 Second Questions

Q2) which appeal of advertisement more helpful to get attention of viewers?

Q3) what appeals should an advertiser focus while allocating their advertisement budgets?

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1.5 Objective of Research

1.5.1 Primary Objective

The objective of research is to study the effect of different appeals (celebrity, animation, jingles, product

specification or features) of television advertisement on consumers’ brand choice.

1.5.2 Secondary Objective

To identify the appeals that helps to gain attention of viewers.

To find out which appeals of advertisement anadvertisers allocate their advertising budgets and

prioritize that appeal for their TV advertisements.

1.6 Justification

There are ways to advertise a product or service. If advertiser selects TV as their advertising media then

they should know that in which appeal of TV commercial they need to spend their advertising budget to

get maximum attention of their target audience. Hence by utilizing their advertising budget effectively

they will achieve their objectives and save their resources.

1.7 Limitations

Due to cost and time limitations the research cannot be done for all industries of Pakistan and all over


1.8 De-Limitations

We have considered advertisements of beverages industry of Pakistan in this research and research has

been conducted in Karachi.

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Chapter 2

Literature Review

2.1 Theoretical Background

2.1.1 Celebrity

Advertisers use celebrities in their advertisements to influence buying behaviors of viewers. Although

using celebrity in advertisement involve cost and risk but it is quiet common technique which

advertisers use in this era. After viewing their favorite or any famous celebrity in advertisements viewer

get inspiration with celebrity and try to follow them and celebrities message. Therefore advertisers use

celebrities in their advertisements to avail the opportunity that they can attract their target audience.

(Surana 2008)

2.1.2 Animations

Technology advancement likes development of computer software and digital devices have introduced

various useful tools for advertisers. According to number of professionals the human eye catch animated

appeals better as compared to non-animated. So animations in advertisements attract higher attentions of

viewers. The researchers also proved that the effect of animated characters in advertisements is positive

on viewers. In the result the attention generated by animation along with effective storyline in

advertisements influence the audiences’ choice behavior. (Haugtvedt, Machleit, & Yalch, 2005)

2.1.3 Jingles

Since the beginning when advertisers got technology of sound recording music has been key component

of advertisement. Advertisers use jingles, famous tones, background music and songs to influence

audience mood, to communicate their selling idea and to guide the emotions of audience. Many

professionals consider music in advertisement as capable tool for communication. The included music in

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advertisement attracts attention of audience and put consumer in positive mood while listing and

viewing the message. Jingles are used by most sensible advertisers throughout the World because people

remember the words to Songs and tunes not every time. The influence through music, jingles and songs

to audience mood and attraction created by these factors will help brand recall while consumer is in

brand choosing position. (Shimp, 2010)

2.1.4 Product Specifications or Features

The effect of advertising on consumer’s choice is favorable. Consumer can get much information about

brands and products through advertising like prices, promotions, place or location of product availability

and product features. Consumer can compare advertised product with other similar products after

viewing the advertisements that a consumer can’t without advertisements. Researchers proved that

consumers hold advertised products in their mind and don’t think about more the products that are less

advertised. This support the idea to mention product’s specifications or unique features in

advertisements will safe viewers’ time and cost because they can get all desired information after

viewing the advertisement that a consumer need before making a purchase decision. (Trehan &

Trehan, 2007)

2.2 Empirical Reviews

Non famous celebrity has more persuasive power then famous celebrity in purchase decision of

customer. Negative or positive information about celebrity impact on celebrity endorsement

effectiveness in advertising and negative information about celebrity will effect negatively on brand.

Advertisements featuring female athletes have increased in previous years and have significant impact

on viewer. (Gained &Rached, 2010), (Amos, Holmes &Strutton, 2008), (Stone, Joseph & Jones, 2003),

(Till &Shimp, 1998).

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Information in Television Advertisements has reduced in China past nine years. Provision of

information and insignificant effect on consumer’s prestige or change.(Chan & Chan, 2005),

(Ackerberg, 2003).

3D advertising is more effective and having more positive attitude towards brands then 2D advertising.

Recognition and ability to match cartoon characters and product has positive relationship with child’s

age. (Li, Daugherty, &Biocca, 2002), (Mizerski, 1995).

There is no significant effect of brand placement in movies. (Lehu&Bressound, 2008).

There is need to employ global consumer culturing positioning in advertising. (Alden, Steenkamp,

&Batra, 1999).

(Hussainy, Riaz, Kazi, & Herani, 2008) studied impact of humorous and serious appeals in advertising

on viewers’ attention using secondary and primary data. Primary data has been collected through

questionnaire filled by 30 respondents. In the research viewers’ attention to advertisement, serious

appeals and humorous appeals were considered. The technique used was Chi-Square test and result

shows that humorous advertisements have higher attention than serious ads. They suggested that

advertisers may use humorous attentions in their product’s advertisement and they also suggested the

need to investigate either attention generated by humorous ads could affect the sales or not.

(Allan, 2008) explores the frequency of music placement in advertisements and also identified

relationship of advertised product and other various aspects of advertisements. Using content analysis.

In the research network, time, day, surrounding program, advertiser, voiceover, celebrity, humor,

animation, animals or people, gender, age and race were considered. The result shows that utilization of

music in advertisement can increase consumers’ involvement in advertisement. Further research

suggests that for future research need is to identify the how music quantity can be used in advertisement.

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(Rodriguez, 2008) explores effect of brand endorsers on purchase intentions using questionnaire filled

from 200 respondents. In the research endorser type, message/endorser source credibility, attitude

towards the advertisement, attitude towards the brand and intentions to purchase were considered. T-

tests and regression analysis were used to test the hypothesis and the result shows that endorsers in

advertisements significantly affect the purchase attentions and attitude of consumer towards the

advertisement. Result also showed the significant effect of culture in advertisements. Researcher also

suggests that further researchers have to consider the effect of TV advertisements and response of

different cultures towards endorsers in advertisements.

(Mehta, Chen, & Narasimhan, 2008) studied number of effects through advertising on brand choice

decisions using secondary data of sales of 5 brands from liquid detergent industry and purchasing data of

221 customers of liquid detergents. True qualities, Perceived quality, Perceived bias in advertisements,

Extent of ambiguity in consumption, Risk aversion, Total ad elasticity, Informative effect of

advertisements, Transformative effect of advertisements, Persuasive effect of advertisements,

Decomposing advertising effects, Effect of advertising power on advertising effects, advertising impact

on effects on competitive clout and vulnerability, Informative effects, Transformative effects, Impact of

Consumption Ambiguity on Advertising Effects were considered in research. Goodness of fit test was

used in the research. The result shows that advertising has significant effect along with informative and

transformative dimensions. They also suggested consider effects of advertising on profitability


(Smith, Chen, & Yang, 2008) studied how advertising creativity impact on hierarchy of effect using

questionnaire responded by 120 respondents. Outcome perspective recall, recognition, ad attitude, brand

attitudes, product evaluation, purchase intension, emotional reaction, process perspective attention,

motivation and depth of processing were considered. MANOVA analysis was used for hypothesis

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testing. The findings showed that creativity in advertisement is an intermediary between advertisement

and Hierarchy of Effect and having significant effect on brand awareness and brand liking.

(Malaviya, 2007) investigates effectiveness of ads repetitions using questionnaire filled by 100

respondents. Product evaluation, types of elaborations, specific feature recall, category intrusions, brand

intrusions and cell size were considered in research. ANOVA analysis was used in research and the

result provide evidence of different effect on estimation and sort of explanation advertising message

receives affect evaluation of ad context. The researcher suggests to investigate the ad content restrained

the repetition effect and nature of ad context.

(Phillips & Lee, 2005) exploring Spokes-Characters on the Internet using content analysis. General

appearance, movement and sound and interactivity were considered in research. ANOVA analysis has

been used in research. The result showed that animated movement in spokes character on webs and

interaction of character with user has significant effect. They suggest that in future researchers should

consider other type of internet animation.

(Alpert, Alpert, & Maltz, 2005) examines the role of music in advertising influencing at purchase

occasion using questionnaire filled by 75 respondents. Impact on mood, attitude and purchase intentions

was considered in the research. Anova analysis was used to test the hypothesis. The result shows that

back ground music in the advertisements have significant effect on emotional response of audience.

They further suggest that research need to test music effect on mood and intentions for product for

which decision has already been made presence of music.

(ZHU & MEYERS-LEVY, 2005) investigates the effect of background music on product perception

using questionnaire responded by 127 respondents. In this research perception, hassle free service,

customer service, thoughts and recall were considered. T-test has been used to test the hypothesis and

result shows that music in ads give pleasure to viewer and it influence viewers perception. Further they

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suggest that before selecting background music advertiser should consider the goal of music is to

influence target consumer only and the music is less critical to influence the target audience in


(Pieters & Wedel, 2004) investigates effect of brand, pictorial and text-size in advertisement on

viewers’ attention using questionnaire responded by 3600 respondents and infrared eye tracking

technique. Surface size, ad attentions, size of ad element was considered in research. Regression analysis

was used to test the hypothesis. The result shows that brand, pictorial and text size have significant

effect on advertisement’s attention. They suggested to identity the amount of attention required to effect

brand awareness and attitude.

(Stafford, Stafford, & Day, 2002) investigates the effects of spokesperson on perceptions of service

advertising using Contingency Approach. Consumer attitude, perceive credibility, ad affect,

trustworthiness, attractiveness and expertise were considered in research. Factor analysis and

MANCOVA techniques were used. The result shows that advertiser can use spokes characters in some

services advertisements because it has significant effect on perceptions.

(Goldsmith, Lafferty, & Newell, 2000) explored The Impact of credibility of corporate and celebrity in

advertisements on consumer reaction using questionnaire filled by 151 respondents. In the research

corporate honesty, corporate expertise, endorser attractiveness, endorser honesty, endorser expertise,

attitude towards the ad, attitude towards the brand and purchase intensions were considered. Correlation

technique has been used to identify the relationship between variables. The result shows that corporate

credibility plays important role on consumers’ reaction to advertisement as credibility of celebrity do.

They suggest to considering differential effect of corporate credibility and celebrity credibility for

further researches.

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(Rosbergen, Pieters, & Wedel, 1997) examined the amount of visual attention to advertising using

experiment tacking observation of 230 participants. In research usage, relevance, prior gaze duration,

attention, pleasure, familiarity, brand attitude, initial attention, risk probability and scanning were

considered. Regression technique has been used. In result researcher found that subjects remain involved

in head line, pictorial, pack shot and body text in advertisement. The research suggests that advertiser

can use research’s methodology to improve their ads.

(Callott & Lee, 1994) studied use of animation and animated spokes-characters in television

advertisements using content analysis in TV commercials. Level of animation (animated, non-animated,

or mixed live action and animation), product classification (durable, non- durable, service industry,

public service), and product name are considered. Cross-tabulation and chi-square techniques have been

used to assess the level of animation used in advertisement. The findings show that animation is

becoming more dominant in advertising.

(Tripp, Jensen, & Carlson, 1994) investigated the effect on consumer attitudes and intentions when a

celebrity endorsed in multiple products using questionnaire with the help of two different studies. In

study 1 Tapping perceived credibility, likability of celebrity, attitude towards ad, attitude towards brand

and purchase intentions were considered. MANCOVAs and ANCOVAs were two tests have been used

in the research. The results indicate that the celebrity in the ad affected perceptions of celebrity

characteristics while the test ad affected ad, brand, and purchase intentions. In study 2 was the

qualitative type of research in which interviews were conducted and result of interviews shows that the

multiple product endorsements indirectly effects on consumers' perceptions negatively. They also

suggest considering ad contents for future researchers.

(Dawar & Parker, 1994) investigated Consumers' Use of different product specification (Brand Name,

Price, Physical Appearance, and Retailer Reputation) as Signals of Product Quality using questionnaire

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responded by 691 respondents. Nationality, ethno-geographic trade area, national behavioral clusters and

level of engagement in retail sector were considered. Analysis of variance, ANOVA and correlation

were used in the research. The result indicates that there is significant importance of brand name, price,

physical appearance and retailer reputation as signal of product quality. They suggest the need of

increasing number of samples and cultures/countries to explore further.

(Olney, Holbrook, & Batra, 1991) studies effect of ad content, emotions in ads and viewing time of ad

on consumer responses. The research considered viewing time, commercial appeals, and uniqueness in

ad, emotional aspects and ad contents as variables of the study. Regression technique has been used for

the research and the result shows that for a reasonably representative set of commercials, the emotional

dimensions, attitudinal components, and viewing behavior could be moderately well explained by

various aspects of advertising content.

(Kamins, Brand, Hoeke, & Moe, 1989) studied The Impact of Two-Sided versus One-Sided Celebrity

Endorsements on Advertising Effectiveness and Credibility. It is an experimental research considered

advertising evaluation, sponsor evaluation, purchase intensions, annual sales, number of employees,

types of business classification and proportion of companies. Multivariate Hotelling T2 and one tailed

T-test were used. The result shows that advertisements with two-sided celebrity endorsement have

significant effect on advertisement credibility. These findings suggest that to identify effectiveness of

two sided celebrity appeals on advertising strategy.

(Park & Young, 1986) examines The Impact Background Music on Brand Attitude of consumer using

questionnaire in which Cognitive Involvement, Music, and Brand Attitude Formation are considered.

Correlation and ANOVA technique have been used in the research. The result shows that ads perform

significant part in brand’s attitude formation in consumer’s mind. Also the researchers suggest that the

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ads contribute in brand attitude formation in two ways. One is communicating the key concept of

commercial and also contributes to create positive attitude formation towards ad.

(Mitchell, 1986) explored The Effect Components of Advertisements on Brand Attitudes and Attitude

Toward the Advertisement using experimental research data. Attitude towards brand, attitude towards

advertisement and behavioral intentions were considered in the research. ANOVA analysis technique

has been used and result shows that components of advertisements have significant effect on brand

attitude and attitude towards advertisement. Further researcher suggests that individuals may have

different attitudes towards brand researchers need to assume these differences.

(Mackenzie, 1986) studied The Role of Attention in Intermediating the Effect of Advertising on

Attribute Importance using questionnaire filled by 31 respondents. Ad characteristics, Response factor,

Recipient characteristics, Attributes were considered in research. Regression analysis and Chi-Square

analysis were used to test the hypothesis. The result shows that attentions play significant role in

mediating the impact of advertisement on perceptions. Researcher also suggests identifying moderating

factors between attention and importance.

(Brucks, Mitchell, & Staelin, 1984) examined the effect of product information in advertising. Two

different types of analyses were used to accomplish these goals. The first is an input-output analysis to

examine the effect of the different nutritional information formats on product beliefs and evaluations.

The second involves a model to examine the moderating effects of nutritional knowledge. Perceived

product class beliefs, nutrition brand beliefs, Recall of the information, Measures of other product

attribute beliefs and purchase intentions and Tests of nutritional knowledge have been considered in the

study. ANOVA was used to determine the different message levels had an effect. The findings show that

no statistically significant differences were found for absolute nutritional content (ANC) or any of the

other variables for advertisements. However, for three of the five products for the conditions significant

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differences were found on the absolute nutritional content (ANC) variable, which used the easy-to-read

format. The results of this study also indicated that the subjects did not use the amount of nutritional

information presented as a simplifying cue in making nutritional evaluations. The study also suggests

that individual’s perception could vary according to different condition and situation so the researcher

should be directed at understanding which contextual cues individuals use in selecting between different

information processing strategies. They also suggest that the knowledge of nutrition information is a

multi-dimensional knowledge therefore in future researches the researcher should consider the different

dimensions of knowledge of nutrition information.

(Gorn, 1982) studies Music effect in Advertising on brand choice using questionnaire filled by 244

respondents. The study considered attention towards product information in the message and direct

change in attitude of viewer. Classical conditioning approach has been used in the study with the help of

two experiments. The result of experiment one suggest that the association between product and music

can affect product preferences. The result of second experiment suggest that when a viewer is in

decision making mode can be affected by information that a commercial contains and if the viewer is

not in decision making situation the decision is not affected by information that a commercial contains.

Researcher also suggests that large number of audience may be in non-decision making situation while

watching the television. Reaching the audience through emotionally touching background features may

make difference in decision making.

(Moschis & Moore, 1982) studied The Effect of Television Advertising using questionnaire filled by

683 respondents. Consumer’s role perceptions, consumer activity, materialism and sex-role conception

were considered in research. Correlation has been used to measure the effect of television advertising.

Result shows that television advertising viewing and all four variables are partially correlated and they

suggested the need of short term and long term effect of advertisement differently.

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Chapter 3


3.1 Research Methodology

Three types of methodologies are there that are exploratory research, descriptive research and

explanatory research.

Our research methodology is descriptive research. Descriptive research method is most commonly used

method; the descriptive research is used to find out the reason of something happening. The purpose and

research question of this study indicate us that the nature of this research is descriptive because the tool

used to collect the data is questionnaire.

3.2 Research Approach

We have two types of research approaches to conduct the research qualitative and quantitative research.

The relationship among dependent and independent variables can be find out with help of quantitative

research. In quantitative research we use numeric and statistical data to determine the relationship

between variables. It can be done through large scale surveys using questionnaire and historical

statistics. Qualitative research is a study of opinions, behaviors and experiences. These data collection

method is in depth interviews of participants.

In this research we adopt qualitative research method since in this research we are determining

the relationship between a dependent variable (Brand Choice) and four independent variables that are

jingles, animations, celebrity and product specifications and features.

3.3 Sample Selection

The random sampling of TV viewers of Karachi who used to watch TV advertising regularly and make

daily purchasing decisions.

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3.4 Sample Size

Sample size for the research is 122 from Karachi. Since it is not possible to collect data from whole

country and larger sample size.

3.5 Data Collection

We have to sources to collect data for research that are secondary source and primary source. For this

research the source used to collect data is primary source because television viewer has been directly

approached to collect the data.

3.6 Research Instrument

The instrument used to collect the data is “Questionnaire” having liquored scaling technique.

3.7 Statistical Tool

After collection of data regression and correlation method are used in SPSS software for implementation

of data and to check the significant of variables.

3.8 Source of Data

Data is collected from television viewers of Karachi who take their purchase decisions in their daily life.

3.9 Data Collection Technique

Data collection technique is questionnaire having liquored scaling.

3.11 Variables

There are five variables in this research:

1) Brand Choice

2) Animations in advertisements

3) Jingles in advertisements

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4) Celebrity in advertisements

5) Product features or product specifications in advertisements

3.12 Model

Y = α + β1A + β2J + β3C + β4F + µ


Y = Brand Choice

α = constant

β1 = coefficient of animations

A = Animations

β2 =coefficient of jingles

J = Jingles

β3 = coefficient of celebrity

C = celebrity

β4 = coefficient of features

F = product features

µ = error

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In this chapter analysis of empirical data collected has been disused. To identify the effect of different

appeals of advertisements on brand choice empirical data analysis has been conducted. In this chapter

detail of samples, description and samples analysis has been included on behalf of different appeals and

correlation analysis between them. With the help of research analysis through SPSS (statistical software)

the analysis and result has been interpreted in this chapter.

4.1. Descriptive Statistics

To explain the data and its essential features descriptive statistics are applied. For quantitative

explanation in manageable form descriptive statistics are applied (Yin, 1994). Descriptive statistics helps

researcher to summarize huge amount of data in simplified form. There are two parts of descriptive

analysis Univariate and Bivariate. Calculation across cases of single variable at single occasion included

in univariate analysis. Distribution, dispersion and central tendency are main characteristics of a single

variable. To express the characteristics of some social phenomenon bivariate descriptive analyses are

used and establishing similarities or differences between characteristics of categories bivariate

descriptive analysis being used.

4.1.1. Demographic Data

Mathematical and statistical study of human populations’ distribution according to composition, size and

altitude is called demographic data. Government, marketing researchers and opinion researchers use

demographic data to conduct their researches. To understand the distribution of respondents according to

their demographics the demographic statistics have been used in this research that are occupations, level

of income, job category and age. In this section the result of descriptive analysis have measured with

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interpretation of results. Below is table containing statistics of demographic data with their category and


Table 4.1: Demographics Data Analysis

Category Frequency Percent

Age Category

18-25 33 33

26-35 31 31

36-45 24 24

46-55 6 6

Above 55 6 6

Total 100 100


Male 74 74

Female 26 26

Total 100 100


Diploma 1 1

Graduate 68 68

Post Graduate 31 31

Total 100 100

Monthly Income

Less than 20000 51 51

20001-40000 43 43

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Above 80000 6 6

Total 100 100

Four categories are mentioned in above table that is age, gender, qualification and income. According to

respondents’’ age the most number of respondents are aged from 18 years to 25 years. Those are 33% of

total population. According to gender distribution the male respondents are 74 out of 100 that show

74% of population are representing males. 68% respondents are graduates according to distribution of

qualification. Highest numbers of respondents are earning less than Rs. 20,000 as mentioned in above

table that are representing 51% of population.

4.1.2. Frame work

Response of 100 respondents was obtained through questionnaire in which respondents were allowed to

give their answer on a scale of 1 to 5 in which 1 is denoted by strongly disagreed and 5 was denoted by

strongly agreed. Descriptive statistics with statistics summary represents the distribution over

describing, is known as measure of central tendency and measure of dispersion. Mean value is the most

fitting measure of central tendency for interval data and standard deviation is the most fitting measure of

dispersion for interval data.

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Table 4.2: Frame work of all variables

Descriptive Statistics



Deviation N

BRAND CHOICE 3.3967 .33103 100

CELEBRITY 3.5639 .36288 100

JINGLE 3.6153 .61110 100

ANIMATION 3.8302 .63461 100



3.5000 .49547 100

The means, standard deviation, and number of respondents in the survey are mentioned in above table.

That shows the animation has highest mean value that is 3.83 followed by jingles at 3.62.

4.3. Reliability analysis:

Reliability analysis is applied to check the reliability of data through which we can indentify that our

data is either reliable for research or not. In reliability analysis to find the internal reliability of

instrument Cronbach’s alpha is used. The value of Cronbach’s alpha must be greater than 0.7 to qualify

the reliability test.

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Table 4.3: Reliability Statistics



N of


.706 5

In above table the number of items measured for reliability analysis are mentioned in column N which

are 5 and the value of cronbach’s alpha is 0.706 (70.6%) which shows that our data is reliable.

4.4. Inferential analysis

Making conclusions, predictions, recommendation with the help of information collected through

research are dealt in inferential analysis (McQuitty and Peterson, 2000). On the basis of probabilities

observed in analysis used to make judgments between different groups are done with the help of

inferential statistics. So, inferential statistics are used to interpret our data to suggest or recommend our

findings in general conditions (McQuitty and Peterson, 2000). Also, inferential analysis in about making

decisions for a relationship whether to ignore measures of associations or influence during a process and

it should be taken seriously. Inferential statistics can also give details to show one theory more precise

than the other.

4.5 Multiple Regression

Multiple regressions is a statistical method to find out relationship between one dependent variable

depending on more than one independent variables. Social and natural sciences researches use multiple

regressions very frequently in research. Regression analysis transmits method for analysis and modeling

of various variables and with help of these systems researcher to spotlight the relationship between

multiple independent variables and a dependent variable. Particularly, regression analysis also explains

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researchers about the changes in the values of dependent variable which occurs due to change in values

of any one independent variable and remaining independent variables remain unchanged at same time.

The variations of the dependent variable around the regression function are also explained by regression

analysis and it can be explicated through probability distribution. Generally Regression analysis is used

to understand the relationship of dependent variable and independent variable that is which independent

variable is connected with the dependent variable. Structure of relationships also discovered through

regression analysis. Regression analysis can also be used to determine about fundamental relationship

occurs among dependent variable and independent variable.

Table 4.5: Regression Coefficient

Model β t p VIF R2 F

























.552 29.15

Table 4.5 shows statistics of all variable both independent and dependent variables with their beta value,

co-linearity value, significant value. The value of β shows us the nature of relationship between

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dependent and independent variables. The positive value of β means there is positive relationship

between independent and dependent variable. In above table celebrity, jingle, product specifications

have positive impact on brand choice and animation has negative impact on brand choice. Β value is

used to form regression equation which is:

Brand Choice decision = 1.672 (constant) + 0.262 (celebrity) + 0.306 (jingle) – 0.234 (animation) +

0.166 (product specification)

The t value in table 4.5 shows the relative importance of each variable in above model. P value shows

significance of each variable. In above table values of all variable are less than 0.05 which means each

variable has significant effect on brand choice decision of viewers’. VIF value shows the coefficient of

multiple co-linearity which means variables are greatly connected with each other. When two variables

are highly correlated it means both variable are showing same phenomenon and both are showing same

information. Multi co-linearity exists when the value of VIF is greater than 10. In above table the VIF

value for all variables are less than 10 it means change in value of any variable does not affect on values

of other variables. Value of R2 in above table shows adequacy of model with is 0.552 that shows

independent variable (celebrity, jingles, animation and product specifications) can predict 55.2% of

variance in dependent variable (brand choice).

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Table 4.6: Correlation







BRAND CHOICE 1.000 .609 .290 -.244 .415

CELEBRITY .609 1.000 .043 -.559 .190

JINGLE .290 .043 1.000 .698 .105

ANIMATION -.244 -.559 .698 1.000 -.118


SPECIFICATION.415 .190 .105 -.118 1.000

Table 4.6 shows correlation between all variables. Dependent variable (brand choice) is 0.609 correlated

with celebrity with is strong positive relationship between brand choice and celebrity. Value of

correlation between brand choice and jingle is 0.290 with shows positive weak relation shipment

between celebrity and jingle. The value of correlation between brand choice and animation is -0.244

which shows there is negative weak relationship between brand choice and animation and finally the

relationship between product specification and brand choice is positive with is moderate relationship

with correlation value of 0.415. for celebrity the correlation between celebrity is weak positive.

Correlation between celebrity and animation is moderate negative relation and correlation between

celebrity and product specification is weak positive correlation. Correlation between jingle and

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animation is strong positive correlation and correlation between jingle and product specification is weak

positive correlation and correlation between animation and product specification is week negative


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5.1 Conclusion

The section discusses the finding and conclusions are based on to investigate how the respondents are

influenced by different appeals of advertisements on brand choice. The basic purpose of this research is

to explore that which appeals of advertisement gain most attention of viewers. The appeals of television

advertisements used in research are celebrity, jingles, animations and product specifications. Which are

most commonly used appeals in advertisements these days. The industry selected for research is

beverages industry of Pakistan because advertisements of different products of beverages industry are

growing frequently in Pakistan.

Table 4.5 shows, all four appeals commonly used by advertisers have significant effect of viewers brand

choice decision. The value of unstandardized Jingles in advertisements are most effective to get

attention of viewers and to affect their brand choice decision. After jingle animations are second appeals

that effect viewers brand choice decision but its value is negative that means increase in animation in

advertisements will decrease the brand choice decision because too much advertisement may get

childish impact on advertisement. The respondents of our research are above 18 in age therefore they

advertiser cannot attract their attention with childish effect in advertisement. Celebrity is followed by

animation and product specifications are at last.

Table 4.6 shows that relationship between celebrity and brand choice decision is most strong as

compared to other independent variables related with dependent variable, further relationship followed

by product specifications, jingles and animation with negative relation and all four variables affects

significantly on each other.

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5.2.1 Implications and Recommendations

Beverages industry is growing quickly in Pakistan, companies are introducing new brands in market. To

penetrate in market and to get attention of consumer. Marketers use different tools for marketing of their

brands. One of more common tool is advertising. In advertising selection of right appeals that attract the

viewer to choose advertised brand is very important. The purpose of this research is to identify that

which appeal of advertisement is more effective to get attention of consumer and to affect their brand

choice decisions. This research also help advertiser allocate their advertising budget on most effective

appeal to make their advertisement effective.

After conducting the research we can conclude that jingles in advertisement are most effective appeal

that can attract target viewers. Advertiser can concentrate on inclusion of catchy jingles in their

advertisements to make them effective. Animations are also creating some attraction in advertisement

but increased number of advertisement can effect negatively on brand choice decision of viewer. So

advertiser has to be careful about inclusion of animated characters and other graphics. Since this

research has conducted on beverages industry. The products like juices, carbonated drinks and tea does

not contain much different features like electronic items, communication devices and other products

therefore mentioning features in advertisement may not make any difference in advertisement. Use of

celebrity in advertisement is also necessary now days but featuring any famous celebrity could be

expensive and affect the advertising budget. Advertiser can feature non famous celebrity in their

advertisement instead of famous one that will save their budget and also previous researches proved that

non famous celebrities are more effective then famous one.

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5.2.2 Future Recommendation:

This research has few limitations; the research was conducted in Karachi only due to time and cost

restrictions and the industry for research was beverages industry. There are many other growing

industries also in which competitors try to influence consumers’ brand choice decisions through

television advertisements. Researchers in can research on other industries like telecom industry,

appliances industry and other FMCG products. In future researcher can also consider different

geographical areas to explore the effect of different appeals on advertisments. Researcher can also work

to identify either attraction created through television advertisement with help of different appeals

effects on product sales or not.