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Effective Leadership Skills

Continuing Education Workshops

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This article was brought to you by Jenny Jordan

Continuing Education Workshops is a way to keep up with the ever changing world personally I like change and adapt quiet well to a changing environment but I still insist that it sneaks up on you when you are not watching and you could easily be left behind. What is important to note and understand that change does not happen selectively?

It starts as a ripple on a pond and before you know it the ripples have made their way right across to the other side of the pond. As the world progresses, so do all the industries because of technological advancement. Some ways of doing things are being faced out as other change oriented techniques are adopted. For instance, news skills are imparted in the education institutions daily. For this reason, the syllabus is changing with introduction of new courses popping up everywhere.

This does not mean that those who went through the previous system are half baked. What this means for the individual is they need refresher training in order to acquire and update their skill level. Therefore, it is important for adults to undertake the continuing education workshops. This entails training sessions for people who hold college or university training.

Professionals from all backgrounds have embraced this form of continuing education workshops to build on the knowledge of nurses, lawyers and teaching staff. The professionals in these fields enroll in the courses to refresh their skills in their line of their specialty. It also helps them beat the competition especially for those who are in private practice. Additionally, since this change is inevitable, it is not strange to find organizations that are enlisting their staff.

In each way the characteristics of the classes are entirely different. With some may be in form of seminars, study online programs or even conferences. The duration of the workshops also differs. It can be a one day one on one affair, or go for weeks and sometimes months. When a person wants to enroll in the continuing education workshops, it is important to look for one that fits the profession the individual is in. The person needs to register, meet the requirements and the fee. These three factors depend with the course, the duration, the certification to receive once the workshop is over and the location of the continuing education workshop.

Their listings can be found online, in the universities, colleges or as advertisements on the newspapers. An individual needs to choose one that fits the objective. This should not be undertaken to get a certificate only, it should be with the aim of acquiring the skills.

Continuing Education Workshops – what to look for:

• The location of the workshop – Is it too far such that you have to make accommodation arrangement? In some cases, when the classes or seminars are held in within the institution, accommodation is provided.

• The length – You need to understand this because it can affect your schedule especially if your employer cannot grant you a study leave.

Page 3: Effective Leadership Skills

This article was brought to you by Jenny Jordan

• The certification – If you are doing this just to acquire skills for your own benefit, the certificate you will receive may not have a great impact. If you expect it to have an impact in your workplace and you’re C.V, make sure it is from a registered body or organization.

• The fee – Consider the charges included in the fee structure. Are there additional fees you are supposed to pay in order to sit for the exam or get your certificate? The amount should also be within your ability.

Above all else ensure that you meet the registration requirements and you submit your application in time as if you miss the cut off you may be disappointed to know another such course may be repeat in another six months or more.

These continuing education workshops will give you a new lease of skills in your career.

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This article was brought to you by Jenny Jordan

Effective Leadership Skills

Continuing Education Workshops

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This article was brought to you by Jenny Jordan
