
ECHOES Weekly-November 18, 2018 Our Savior’s Lutheran Church 2124 Viola Rd NE Rochester, MN 55906

WELCOME VISITORS! "Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has welcomed you, to the glory of God." Romans 15:7 We welcome new visitors and old friends, long-time Lutherans, Christians from every tradition, and people new to faith. To those who have no church home, want to follow Christ, have doubts, do not believe, you are welcome here. Regardless of age, color, culture, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic status, marital status, abilities or challenges, join us, you are welcome here. You are welcome to worship, to celebrate and sorrow, to rejoice and recover. This is a place where lives are made new.

Altar Flowers are given to the glory of God from Phil & Amanda Kuper in honor of Olivia’s 5th birthday.

Remember in your Prayers:

Concerns: Edie Jensen; Lorrie Swancutt; Bonnie Storlie; Jean Sanders (Connie Leckband’s mother); Terry Wagner; Marsha Dick

Military Concerns: Austin Nicklay; Aaron Holst; Chris Sikich, Margaret & Catherine Maher; Paul Schroeder; Clark Rose; Eric Brown; Scot Heathman, Ryan Nordstrom, Dan & Kelly Pickett, all our service men and women serving in the Military and all of our veterans who have served.

Missionary Partner: Palliative Care Program at Iambi Hospital, Tanzania


Mark your calendars for Saturday, December 1st at 9 am for the Getting Ready for Christmas Party! Like we’ve done in the past, we’ll be decorating the church building for Christmas, and having activities for the kids. Please bring frosting and/or sprinkles for cookie decorating.


The Ronald McDonald House of Rochester, Minnesota provides a home-away-from home and offers support to families seeking medical care for their children.

In 2017, The Ronald McDonald House of Rochester, Minnesota served 761 families from around the United States and the world. The House is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Governed by a volunteer board of trustees, the House hosts 42 families each night and has been in operation since 1980. (Taken from the Ronald McDonald house website.) November is the month that, we, as a congregation collect much needed items for the Ronald McDonald House here in Rochester. Please put your donated items in the marked basket in the Narthex during November.

Ronald McDonald Wish List Non-Perishable Food items Example: Granola Bars Fruit Snacks, Juice Boxes Cereal, Crackers Flour/Sugar/Oil/Spray Soup Box Potatoes, Etc. All Paper Products Example: Toilet paper, paper towels Napkins, Kleenex Heavy duty paper plates Paper cups/bowls Cleaning Supplies Example: Toilet cleaner/Brushes Anti-bacterial hand soap Liquid laundry soap Bleach, etc. Garbage Bags Example: 7, 13 and 30 gallon sized Sandwich bags w/zipper

THANKOFFERING TODAY What is Thankoffering? It is a time to gather in worship to thank God for our great blessings. Thankofferings are offerings given as an expression of thanks. It can be something as significant as a child’s first step or a recovery from illness. It can be something as ordinary as making it home safely from busy traffic or listening to a bird call. Lutheran women have a tradition of combining our prayer of thanks with an offering gift, a thankoffering. All of the special offering collected is sent to the Women of the ELCA to support the ministries of the organization at home and abroad. The quilts made by our congregation will be on display in the sanctuary during both services. This year, each quilt will have an envelope attached where people are able to place a donation that will help cover the cost of sending these quilts to Lutheran World Relief.

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FAITHFULLY FIT Thursdays at 8:30 am. Come to the narthex at church to do chair exercises, balance work, and routines with light hand weights. Laughter, another good part of keeping fit, and conversation make an enjoyable morning hour. All are welcome.

Come a Stranger, leave a Friend

2018-19 ALTAR FLOWERS Here’s a quick look... Nov. 25—Rohde & Fohrman Dec. 2—Hagquist & Meyer Dec. 9—OPEN

Dec. 16—Pickett Dec. 23—OPEN Dec. 30—OPEN Jan. 6—OPEN

If you would like to give Altar Flowers, see the sign-up sheet on the large bulletin board in the hallway. Cost is $35.00 and the flowers are yours to take home after the last worship. The new 2019 Flower Chart is up. Cost of the flowers in 2019 will be $40.00.

ANY TIME is the perfect time to take advantage of walking in the church. 8 – figure 8 laps around equals one mile. If coming over lunch, please call first.

MUSIC PROGRAMS AT OSLC Grace Bells directed by Bev Gronvold. Practice on Thursdays from 6:30pm—7:15pm. Senior Choir directed by Ruth Benning Practice on Thursdays from 7:20pm—8:10pm.

JOIN US FOR MEN’S FELLOWSHIP We meet on the 2nd & 4th Saturday of the month at 7:00am to study the Sunday Bible reading. All men are welcome to attend. Coffee and juice are offered. Bring your own breakfast roll or sandwich.

QUILTING IN NOVEMBER Join us on November 27 (note change of week) at 9:00am in the Fellowship to tie quilts for LWR. Everyone is welcome. PS:

Remember to think about us when cleaning your closets of bed sheets, mattress pads, blankets & yarn.

LIVING PRAISE CHILDREN’S CHOIR Children of all ages are invited to sing in Living Praise. This informal children's choir meets after GIFT every 1st & 3rd Sunday (Funky Bunch days). There will be a light lunch and fellowship followed by about 45 minutes of rehearsal. Parents are welcome to stay with the grown-ups reading Mark, run a quick errand, or just sing with us. We will sing once or twice a month at the GIFT time. Contact Alecia Meline with any questions. Next rehearsal: Today—November 18

A NOTE FROM THE SALVATION ARMY Bell Ringing has begun. A great way to make a difference in the lives of those in need this Holiday Season is to ring bells or donate to the Rochester Salvation Army Red kettle Christmas Campaign. Your time at the red kettles helps to provide life changing programs for our neighbors in need. We truly appreciate your support. Please visit to register to ring.


GATHER GALS will be meeting the 2nd Mon-day through May at 6:15pm at Dunn Bros N.

ADVENT MEALS & WORSHIP Join us for Soup & Bread Nov. 28—Chicken Dumpling

Bacon Corn Chowder Dec. 5—Chili & Chicken Noodle Dec. 12—Chicken Wild Rice & Beef Barley Dec. 19—Ham & Bean and Broccoli Cheese Serving begins at 5:30pm in the Fellowship Hall Worship begins at 6:30pm

Sarah Circle Date: November 19 @1:00pm Location: OSLC Hostess: Pat Heath Co-Hostess: VaLinda Wondrasch Bible Study: Group

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THE SUMMER 2019 YOUTH MISSION TRIP will be to Williston, North Dakota to stay at Upper Missouri Ministries on July 14-19. The cost of the trip will be about $250-300/youth. Please give Cassie $100 deposit by November 17. This trip is open to all this year’s 6-12 graders.

ST. MARKY MARK'S FUNKY LUNCH And you in your 20s-40s! Why not stick around after GIFT and join us for our hour-long, every-other Sunday gathering where we read through the Gospel of Mark? SO! If you wish you knew more about Jesus and have wanted to read the Bible but wanted to read it with people in a similar life-stage who wouldn't judge you for not knowing 'everything,' or whatever, we hope you can stay after GIFT! Lunch and childcare are provided! Next Meeting Date: Today—November 18

LAY MINISTRY NEEDS YOUR HELP! The most important task of the Lay Ministry Committee is to take home communion to members unable to attend church. This involves a monthly or every other month visit. The rewards from the visit far outweigh the time involved. Please contact Pastor Fred or myself if you are interested in helping. Doreen Markus, 281-1700

CONFIRMANDS QUESTIONS Sayer Flynn If God created us to be different from one another, why can't we get along? Courtney Holm How can we change the world? Alex Train How do we know that God hears us when we pray?

Family outing to the Grizzlies Hockey game!! Let’s go to the hockey game on Saturday, November 24th at the Rec Center. Start time is 7:05. Group tickets in advance are $8/adult and $5/youth. Let Cassie know by the 18th if you’d like a ticket. Come cheer on the Rochester Grizzlies!!

CHRISTMAS FRIENDSHIP BASKETS December 15th—10am Packing baskets December 16th—Deliver It is a tradition of OSLC to give Christmas Friendship Baskets at this time of the year. Please bring the items to the kitchen by 10:00am, December 15th or anytime the week prior to the 15th. Please mark clearly "Christmas Baskets". We will pack the baskets at 10am on December 15th. We will need volunteers to help deliver them after the 8:30 service on December 16th. Items needed: Metal Tins or wrapped shoe boxes Items suggestions for baskets: Cookies, Breads, Fresh fruit, Small jars of jams and jellies, Wrapped candy, Coffee, teas, or hot chocolate packets, Note cards and stamps, Napkins, Small containers of hand lotion

The cost for each plant will be $17.00. Please put the form with a check, made out to OSLC (poinsettias in memo), in the offering plate or leave on Joanne's desk in the church office. Thank you to Scott & Wendy Moon and Sargent’s for supplying the poinsettias. All proceeds from the sales will benefit the OSLC

Youth. Your poinsettia will be available for you to take home after the Christmas Eve/Day Worships. Forms available on the Narthex counter or in the church office. Purchase deadline is December 16.

LET’S MAKE LEFSE! On Saturday December 15, 9:00am Come and be part of the fun! This is an opportunity for us to do something together as a community of faith that isn’t directly related to worship. Everyone is invited. If you know how to make it, great! If you don’t know how to make it, but want to learn, great! If you don’t know how and don’t want to learn but just want to hang out, great!

8:30am Worship Assistants Special Music: Sax Quintet Britton Block, Eric & Kelly Rogelstad, Pam Shulze, Bev Gronvold Greeters/Offering: Shirley Jorde, Megan Valen Communion Assts: Diana Schroeder, Wanda Hagquist Usher/Offering: Kathy Norby, Dorothy Satre Prayer Reader: Mary Ann Smith 8:30am Sound Board: Tim Pickett 10:00am Sound Board: David Flynn Coffee Prep: Ruth Moran Coffee Clean up: Treats: Stewardship Team Offering Counters: Bill Nicklay, Joleen Carlson Altar Guild: Diana Schroeder, Joanne Heathman Organists/Pianists: Ruth Benning, Mandy Lambrecht, Bruce Rohde, Jan Matson

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Gracious God, your generosity waters the world with goodness, and you cover creation with abundance. Awaken in us a sense of thankfulness for all that you have provided, and use our hands and feet to share your abundance with the world; through your Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.

Mark 8:1-9

1In those days when there was again a great crowd without anything to eat, he called his disciples and said to them, 2I have compassion for the crowd, because they have been with me now for three days and have nothing to eat. 3If I send them away hungry to their homes, they will faint on the way — and some of them have come from a great distance." 4His disciples replied, "How can one feed these people with bread here in the desert?" 5He asked them, "How many loaves do you have?" They said, "Seven." 6Then he ordered the crowd to sit down on the ground; and he took the seven loaves, and after giving thanks he broke them and gave them to his disciples to distribute; and they distributed them to the crowd. 7They had also a few small fish; and after blessing them, he ordered that these too should be distributed. 8They ate and were filled; and they took up the broken pieces left over, seven baskets full. 9Now there were about four thousand people. And he sent them away.

Sunday, November 18 P.F. out of town 8:30am Thankoffering Worship 9:30am Quilt tying 10:00am GIFT Worship 11:15am Funky Bunch Bible Study 11:15am Living Praise Monday, November 19 P.B. day off Joanne off—Bev cover P.F. out of town Early Weekly deadline 1:00pm Sarah Circle 6:30pm Women’s Board Tuesday, November 20 Joanne off—Bev cover, morning 3:00pm P.F. @ Dunn Bros. N. Wednesday, November 21 P.B. out of town Joanne off—Bev cover

9:00am Bulletin Prep 6:30pm Thanksgiving Worship Pie Fellowship follows worship Thursday, November 22 Office Closed P.B. out of town P.F. on call Happy Thanksgiving Friday, November 23 Office Closed P.B. out of town P.F. on call Saturday, November P.F. on call P.B. out of town Sunday, November 25 P.B. out of town 8:30am Worship 9:30am Fellowship 10:00am Gift

Office—289-3021 Website: Pastor Ben Loven—[email protected]; cell 701-580-1559 Pastor Fred Rengstorf—[email protected]; cell 507-273-4939 Joanne Hamilton, Office—[email protected] Carole Joyce, Family Ministry Consultant—[email protected]

10:00am GIFT Worship

Next Week: Matthew 15:1-13 10 Bridesmaids

8:30am Thankoffering One Body, Alive

OPENING “Come, Ye Thankful…” ELW 693 PRAYER OF THE DAY pg. 5 Weekly ANTHEM “Come Thou Fount” Sax Quintet BIBLE READING Mark 8:1-9 MESSAGE Melissa Psomas HYMN OF THE DAY “For the Fruit of All…” ELW 679 DISTRUBUTION HYMNS “Praise and Thanksgiving” ELW 689 “Let All Things Now...” ELW 881
