Page 1: Ei607   assignment presentation prompts

Use these slides to help guide your thinking around the key areas of the assignment task

Populate the slides with your own ideas for your assignment

Bring them to the session and share your slides / ideas with a small group

EI607 – Assignment Presentation

Page 2: Ei607   assignment presentation prompts

"In the emerging, highly programmed landscape ahead, you will either create the software or you will be the software. It’s really that simple: Program, or be programmed. Choose the former, and you gain access to the control panel of civilization. Choose the latter, and it could be the last real choice you get to make.”

Rushkoff (2010)

Discuss your understanding of the title

What are the key words in this?

Why is greater emphasis placed on these?

How will you shape your introduction?

Title & Introduction

Page 3: Ei607   assignment presentation prompts

LO1: critically analyse recent policy developments and current curriculum expectations for Computing at KS1 and KS2

What is the current landscape?

How have we got here?

What key policies and reports have contributed to the shaping of the current curriculum?

What challenges are there to the implementation of the computing curriculum?

What possibilities does it present?

Critique of current policy

Page 4: Ei607   assignment presentation prompts

LO2: provide a clear rationale for the development of pupils’ digital literacy AND computational thinking

What are the key arguments for developing these skills?

How does the curriculum address these areas?

Are there any challenges to the development of DL & CT?

Rationale for developing digital literacy and computational thinking

Page 5: Ei607   assignment presentation prompts

LO3: critically analyse effective pedagogy for computing through the synthesis of a range of relevant theory

What experience will you draw upon to illustrate your understanding of effective pedagogy?

Which readings will support this?

What are the challenges to effective pedagogical approaches when implementing the computing curriculum?

Ways forward

Page 6: Ei607   assignment presentation prompts

Discuss further the works your are drawing upon for your paper.

Key readings