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International Journal of Nursing Studies 45 (2008) 191–202

Electroconvulsive therapy and the work of mental healthnurses: A grounded theory study

John Gass�

School of Nursing and Midwifery, Faculty of Health and Social Care, The Robert Gordon University, Garthdee Campus, Garthdee Road,

Aberdeen, AB10 7QG, UK

Received 13 March 2006; received in revised form 17 August 2006; accepted 19 August 2006


Background: There is a long history of nursing practice in the area of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). Opinions on the

involvement of nurses in this treatment reflect the wider debate on its use in the professional and popular media. There

is extensive literature on the issues raised by this particular treatment but little research into what nurses actually do

when working with patients receiving ECT.

Objectives: The research question was: How do mental health nurses work with patients having electroconvulsive therapy?

Design: This was a Grounded Theory adopting a ‘hybrid’ approach to the methodology influenced by the differing

perspectives of both co-originators, Glaser and Strauss.

Settings: The research took place in wards and ECT departments in two hospitals in Scotland.

Participants: Twenty-four mental health nurses, including 4 students working in National Health Service hospitals in

Scotland were accessed through purposive, then theoretical sampling. This included non-participant observation of

nurses in their work with patients throughout the treatment period and unstructured interviews.

Methods: Analysis was based upon the constant comparative approach with open coding of data that was examined

and compared for similarities and differences. This determined further data collection and theoretical development with

regard to their properties and relationships to other codes until the point of saturation.

Results: Nurses’ actions in ECT characteristically involve two role groups: relational roles and treatment roles and two

dilemmas: uncertain role and uncertain relationships. The core category ’being there’ comprising ’engaged’, ’present’

and ‘detached’ accounts for nurses’ actions in the ECT drama, approaches to difficulties encountered, and,

paradoxically, how such actions contributes to this. Slipping is postulated as the basic social psychological process

enabling nurses to manage their contact with the patient.

r 2006 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Keywords: Electroconvulsive therapy; Mental health nurses; Grounded theory; Being there; Roles; Relationships

What is already known about the topic?

The nurses’ role and responsibilities are well docu-

mented in respect of electroconvulsive therapy


e front matter r 2006 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


224 262645

ess: [email protected].

Systematic audits and surveys have questioned the stan-

dard of nursing support in the administration of ECT.

What this paper adds

How nurses enact their roles in caring for patients

treated with ECT.

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Demonstrates the challenges encountered by nurses

in their work with patients and colleagues when

involved in ECT.

How nurses handle their contact with the patient and

colleagues during ECT.

1. Introduction

The terms nurse(s) and ECT nurse(s) are synonymous

with psychiatric-mental health nurse(s) within the text.

They also distinguish between those who have a specific

role in ECT treatment settings and nurses working

primarily in hospital wards or departments.

Nurses have participated in the administration of

electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) since its earliest beginning

in Europe, North America and the UK. ECT evokes

strong opinion within the nursing (Jones and Baldwin,

1993, Dawson, 1997), and medical (Masson, 1988;

Breggin, 1993; Freidberg, 1977) professions, and amongst

the general public and users of mental health services. ECT

remains a debatable treatment (Coppock and Hopton,

2000; Johnstone, 2000, p. 185) considers ‘‘ECT is one of

the most controversial treatments in psychiatry’’.

Nursing objectors in the UK to administering ECT

have been severely dealt with through dismissal (Bailey,

1983). Even so, the debate over nursing objections to its

use continues. Clarke (1995) suggests that if it is against

their conscience nurses should be able to refuse to

participate in ECT. Coombes (2000) reporting on a

Nursing Times survey suggested 68% of respondents

wanted an extension to existing opt-out clauses in place

for abortion and in vitro fertilisation procedures to

include ECT. Keen (2000) supports opting out suggest-

ing that it is a question of to who nurses should be

accountable but recognises the restrictions placed upon

nurses through the assumption that nursing is subordi-

nate to psychiatry. Parsons (2000) disagrees, arguing

that ECT is a proven treatment and refusing to assist is

an abandonment of the nurse’s duty to care.

NICE (2003, p. 5) recommends ECT in those with

severe depressive illness, catatonia and prolonged or

severe manic episode to achieve short-term, rapid

improvement of severe symptoms after adequate trials

of other treatments have proven ineffective, or when the

patient’s condition is potentially life threatening.

However, Johnstone (2000) recognises official and

unofficial views remain divided with ECT seen as safe

and effective or as a destructive process. Pedler’s (2001, p.

16) survey of people’s experiences of ECT confirmed

similar problems with some respondents positive to it and

others against it. The most commonly reported permanent

side-effect was memory loss and problems in concentrat-

ing. Of those who had received ECT within the preceding

two years, 40.5% reported permanent loss of previous

memories and 36% reported difficulty in concentration.

A survey of nurses who worked in ECT clinics within

the UK reported by Mahoney (1998) identified respon-

dent frustrations. Half functioning as ECT coordinators

had no job description, a quarter received no specific

training and given previous audits of ECT services in

England (Pippard and Ellam, 1981, Pippard, 1992),

questions about the quality and standard of nursing

support for the administration of ECT are raised.

Similarly in Australia, Munday et al. (2003) identified

knowledge limitations in important aspects of ECT in

nurses who had key responsibilities for care. More

recently new standards for the practice of nursing with

patients receiving ECT from the National Association of

Lead Nurses in ECT focus on clinical and emotional

support Chatterjee (2005). The work of professional

groups, for example SEAN (2004) has done much to

enhance the quality of ECT services. Guidelines on the

nursing role and procedures involved in the administra-

tion of ECT (Bray, 2003; Halsall et al., 1995; Ritter,

1989) are helpful but little research exists about what

nurses actually do when working in the complex

situation with patients having ECT. A point illustrated

when examining the references for a review of literature

on ECT by Challiner and Griffiths (2000) and in North

America where Froimson et al. (1995) record that

between 1966 and 1994 only 19 publications in Amer-

ican nursing journals focused on nursing and ECT. The

research reported here provides a Scottish perspective

intended to fill this gap and further inform nurses in this

area of practice.

2. Method

Using a grounded theory approach (Glaser and

Strauss, 1967; Strauss and Corbin, 1990), nurses’ work

with patients having ECT was explored. The differences

between the co-originators’ views upon the method have

been well documented (Glaser, 1992) and the researcher

acknowledges that this influenced his methodology. The

style adopted was in the general spirit of grounded theory

but did not adhere to one specific approach. Utilising

elements of both Glaserian and Straussian (Stern, 1994,

pp. 219–221) approaches to grounded theory resulted in

elements of the descriptive character of the Straussian

method and the emergent theoretical style of Glaser

(1992, 1998) being evident. Such an approach to

grounded theory development has been considered as

moving beyond the original methodological boundaries

(Cutcliffe, 2005), who argues this is better described as a

modified grounded theory.

The research question was:

How do mental health nurses work with patients

having electroconvulsive therapy? This included an

exploration of nurses’ roles in the context of ECT and

how they were enacted.

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2.1. Participants

These were qualified nurses (20) comprising ward

managers, staff nurses and enrolled nurses and students

(4) on a mental health branch programme in years 2 and

3 of their course who had received classroom-based

preparation for ECT. All participants were working in

two hospitals within a Scottish Health Board practising

in an adult or old age mental health setting where ECT

was provided on a twice weekly basis. Selection was

based on: willingness to participate; direct experience of

working with patients receiving ECT and on theoretical


The first participant was chosen purposively in one of

the hospitals and thereafter through theoretical sam-

pling (Glaser and Strauss, 1967; Glaser, 1992, 1998)

where such concerns directed further sampling. There-

fore, participants were included on the basis of the

emerging theory with the researcher going to where the

person was practising or following up a potential key

informant on the basis of information provided in the


2.2. Data collection

Data was obtained through non-participant observa-

tion and unstructured interviews consistent with multi-

method routes of data collection in qualitative research

(Smith and Biley, 1997, p. 21). This countered the

potential for flaws in the subsequent analysis when

based upon a single data source (Hammersley and

Atkinson, 1983). Through observation the researcher

was able to directly access the area of interest,

particularly nurses interactions with patients and others

prior to, during and after the patient’s treatment. This

involved collecting data on wards, travelling to treat-

ment, during treatment, returning to wards and during

the patient’s continued recovery. During periods of

observation the researcher did not take a direct role in

activities. Observation notes were sometimes made as

events were unfolding and when this was not possible

as quickly afterwards to retain as much information as


Coupled with observation in most instances, 24

interviews were made in the participant’s place of work,

in accordance with the approach discussed by Wimpen-

ny and Gass (2000). The researcher used unstructured

formal interviews which were tape recorded and

transcribed as quickly after the event as possible, and

informal interviewing during observation. In the tape

recorded interviews the researcher sought to bring as

little structure as possible, adopting an open-ended

stance (Rennie, 1996) but focused on the research

question. Initially, field notes and spontaneous informal

questioning from observations revealed substantive

areas and questions for comparison. Thereafter, a

general opening question was offered at the beginning

of the interview; for example: ‘could you tell me of your

experience of working with the patient having ECT?’ In

total 78 h of observation and 21 h of interview data were


2.3. Data analysis

By comparing incident with incident, patterns identi-

fied were given a conceptual name (Glaser, 1992); this

determined further data collection and theoretical

development regarding properties and relationships to

other codes until the point of saturation. For example

very quickly it became apparent that nurses’ involve-

ment in ECT was important and this led to exploration

of this issue in different locations and with mental health

nurses acting in different roles such as ECT nurse or

ward nurse. Theoretical coding was supported by

writing memos and theorising about ideas as they

emerged whilst coding for categories, properties

and theoretical codes (Glaser, 1992; p. 108) at the

time they occurred. For example Selling ECT was

categorised as an important phase of the ECT drama

and, therefore, the researcher questioned the data in

the following manner: what gets the patient to treat-

ment? How do nurses handle the treatment situation?

This led to further theoretical sampling about nurses’

roles with patients. This movement to a more selective

coding served to delimit the emerging theory (Glaser

1998, p. 50) and focus on the core category. The core

question had become ‘how do nurses handle their

relationship when working with the patient?’ It had

become apparent that nurses had no control over

whether they would be involved in ECT and subse-

quently only control over their relationship with the

patient. Therefore, this aspect of how nurses controlled

their relationship through the interaction with the

patient directed the latter stages of theoretical sampling

and the emerging theory.

There are strengths and weaknesses in this research.

The findings are grounded in data elicited from

participants who had personal involvement in the

phenomenon. In addition an audit trail (Parahoo,

1997) recording the researcher’s thinking and actions

was used showing how analytic decisions were made

(Guba and Lincoln, 1981, 1989). Peer review of the data

(Field and Morse, 1992, p. 121) and examining emergent

trends occurred through discussions with colleagues and

this coupled with returning to some participants to

discuss the emergent theory supports the credibility of

the findings. Limitations include the small size, limited

geographical coverage and potential researcher bias due

to a single researcher data collecting, analysing and

interpreting the findings. However, with respect to bias

some (Shipman, 1997, Morse, 1998; Cutcliffe and

McKenna, 2002) recognise there is a necessary bias in

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such research and would not attribute significance to


2.4. Ethical considerations

Ethical approval was obtained from an NHS Scotland

regional research ethics committee and permission for

access by writing to directors responsible for nursing

services. Participation was entirely voluntary with

informed consent obtained in writing from nurses

following a verbal and written explanation. Patients

who were not the focus of the study were provided with

a verbal and written explanation that the nurse working/

accompanying them was being studied. All patients

having treatment during periods of observation gave

consent to this. Any participant could withdraw their

consent at any stage in the study. To ensure confidenti-

ality no person was identified in the data from field notes

or interview recordings.

3. Findings

Consistent with the hybrid methodology the findings

presented up to the core category include a combination of

theory and description. Nurses’ working relationships with

patients having ECT can be set in a context of gaining the

patient’s acceptance of treatment (selling ECT), attending

the treatment (getting there) and receiving treatment and

recovering (treatment–recovery). Such a context is likened

to a drama with patients and mental health nurses playing

their respective roles. For nurses there were four contextual

properties to this drama:

(1) images of ECT: where opinions were polarised,

some positive others doubtful, considering ECT inap-

propriate and unnecessary; (2) involvement: this was

considered inevitable with little or no choice for the

nurses; (3) perceived patient category: including ‘reg-

ulars’, ‘first-timers’, ‘worriers’, ‘typical cases’ and

‘refuser–resisters’; and (4) relationships: considered

central to the nurses’ activity. It is within this context

that nurses act in two characteristic roles.

3.1. Relational roles

In their relationship with patients the nurse develops

roles of ‘information-giver’, ‘persuader’ and ‘supporter’;

where sustaining the relationship is viewed as an

essential part of their work. This involves providing

details about the ECT process and responding to

patients’ questions and concerns; the ECT nurse has a

primary role here but this function is supported by the

actions of other nurses:

I see everybody before ECT and explain to them

what’s going to happen to them.

Judging what the patient can accommodate; e.g. ’first-

timers’ means keeping the details simple, breaking

information giving into small packages:

It’s hard for them to perceive why it’s happening

especially if it’s the first time it’s happened so you’re

trying to break it down into chunks.

When seeking consent or when patients have doubts

persuading is important; obtaining the patient’s agree-

ment is always preferable:

You would hope to get someone to agree, first and

foremost or like you’ve got to go through a section.

Persuading can take the form of information-giving

and backing up offers of ECT from the psychiatrist:

Some patients can like let things go in one ear and

out the other they’re just not receptive enough, they

need that back up from, from the nursing staff.

Some patients are unreceptive to the offer of ECT and

become distressed at the thought of it, here additional

details and support may influence the patient’s decision

to accept treatment:

When they hear the words ECT sort of thing you

often do have to go in afterwards and pick up the


This illustrates the links between giving information,

persuasion and support. Persuasion is coupled with

support in ‘picking up the pieces’ after the initial shock

experienced by the patient at the prospect of ECT.

Sometimes the persuasion occurs at a critical point e.g.

immediately before treatment:

They have had patients refuse ECT at the last minute

and I’ve been able to go and sit with them and talk

them through it.

The period of waiting for treatment is a crucial time

and supporting, for example by distraction by nurses

can be helpful. This includes talking about anything,

bringing humour into the situation or focussing on

positive aspects of ECT to reduce tension:

You’ll read out the jokes and have a laugh and it

seems to like pass the time quickly.

Tell them how much better they’re doing since

they’ve had their ECT or just anything to keep them


These interventions are established within the rela-

tionship with the patient where sensitivity to her or his

feelings is essential:

If you know somebody well you can go on how

anxious they are, so to actually say to somebody

what they might be feeling is a great relief to them.

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3.2. Treatment roles

The ECT nurse’s supporting role to medical staff as

anaesthetic helper and treatment assistant involving

‘theatre work’ and ‘gatekeeping’ contrasts with other

colleagues who do not have the same type of function.

However, a role common to both groups is that of

‘forcing’, in which case the ECT nurse’s actions are

usually limited to the treatment environment. The ECT

nurse is distinguished from ward-based colleagues by a

skill profile which provides role clarity in the treatment


She’s involved with erm drawing up different things,

sometimes with the oxygen, bagging people with the

oxygen and things like that.

I think they view me differently because I’m the ECT


Setting up for treatment requires specific knowledge

closely linked to the anaesthetist’s requirements invol-

ving work in organising the environment, checking

equipment and sometimes preparing anaesthetic agents:

In the treatment room the nurse draws up syringes of

suxemethonium, anaesthetic agents.

I do more than some of the junior doctors.

This specialist technical and supportive role enhances

the differences between the ECT nurse and other nursing

colleagues. The nurse’s relationship with the patient

focuses on ‘getting there’ receiving the treatment and

returning to the ward. However, ECT nurses are the

gatekeepers for this process, controlling access to and

egress from the treatment subject to the authority of

medical staff. Establishing the patient’s consent is


If somebody came through the door and erm, er, they

disagreed they would get sent back to the ward.

This ‘gatekeeping’ role may result in conflict when a

nurse’s desire to return to the ward with the patient is

not immediately met by the ECT nurse controlling this


I’ve had a student quite angry because I’ve not let

them take the patient back to the ward.

There are occasions when nurses become involved in

forcing treatment usually when persuasion, inevitable

resistance and further persuasion has failed. The

patient’s inability to recognise her or his predicament

and accept treatment, coupled with a view that the

situation is severe and life threatening is important for

nurses when considering ‘forcing’:

I can appreciate why they’ve been made to have

ECT; maybe they’re so psychotic or so depressed and

they’re unfit to make the decision.

The decision to treat with the support of the multi-

disciplinary team is medical, but nurses make it happen,

albeit acting in a subordinate role to medical authority.

In some cases their separation from the decision to give

ECT contrasts with the requirement for them to make

the patient comply:

Although the rest of the team agreed with it, they

would never have to do all the hard work to get him

there; they wouldn’t have had to listen to him

screaming ’no’, they were the ones that were too


Forcing may occur with or without direct physical

contact involving restraint; the absence of physical

resistance is less distressing, however, when ‘forcing’

requires physical restraint the event becomes more

distressing for those concerned:

He was so angry he spat on us the whole way to ECT

Modern practice requires the patient to be given the

treatment in purpose-built units (Freeman, 1995; Scot-

tish Office, 1997). A consequence is that ‘forcing’

treatment can be a public drama where the patient and

those ‘forcing’ are apparent to others, and embarrass-

ment and a sense of indignity for the patient is not an

uncommon experience:

There’s visitors floating about in the corridor and it’s

just horrible you know.

This act is contrary to popular images of caring

professionals. Forcible treatment, for example with

medication does occur in the restricted environment

(behind closed doors) in psychiatric hospital wards. But,

in the case of ‘forcing’ ECT, it may be a more public

affair and as such more stressful for the nurses involved.

3.3. Dilemmas

Two emerged for the participants; the first was

‘uncertain role’. Transferring patients over for treatment

is the focal point for this dilemma. Until this point

nurses have played a significant role in ‘selling ECT’ and

‘getting there’, however, after this opportunities for

involvement in the treatment setting are limited. The

lack of activity and a sense of not belonging for nurses

could be like being on stage with no lines to say or

without any direction:

I think sometimes you are made to sort of, feel a bit

uncomfortable sometimes and as though you’re a bit

of an inconvenience you know.

A perception of being superfluous to requirements

because their skill profile does not help inclusion in

activities taking place:

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Fig. 1. Being there.

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Because of all the paraphernalia you sort of get

elbowed out of the way for the machinery

There may be difficulty in responding to technical

requests regarding the treatment but some ECT nurses

perceive their colleagues do not seek involvement and

abdicate their responsibilities to the patient:

I sometimes feel that you’re sort of left reassuring the

patient plus directing everything else and I do think

the ward staff should take a more active role.

In contrast, some nurses perceive they are excluded

and liken it to being passive observers as the drama


Well, it used to be very pro-active and you used to

have a, have a role and now it’s on the sidelines just

stand back.

Although nurses are required to attend treatment

with the patient establishing a role is difficult within

the ‘treatment culture’ of the ECT environment. The

distinctions between nurses are heightened by the

strength of professional bonds between the ECT nurse

and anaesthetist. Some nurses perceived they were

excluded within this environment; inhibiting their

actions towards the patient and subsequently ‘opting

out’ from this part of the treatment process.

Uncertain relationships: the second dilemma is role

dissonance when forcing treatment. This can be distres-

sing and in some cases results in the breakdown of the

nurse–patient relationship:

It makes you feel terrible because you’re physically

manhandling somebody.

Offers of comfort by the nurse in a ‘supporter’ role are

combined with forcing, sometimes physically restraining

the patient. The contradictory messages conveyed

(comfort and support coupled with physical restraint)

may negate any potential benefits that may be derived

from the attempts at supportive interaction with the


It’s you’re going to be ok, we’re not going to hurt you

but yet we were holding him; verbal reassurance was

sort of counteracted with the physical restraint.

Consequently, nurses find themselves acting in simul-

taneous, but contradictory roles and cannot respond in a

manner that ’listens to the patient’. The resulting

dilemma forces self-reflection and subsequent doubts:

If I was to speculate and put myself in a patient’s

shoes and how I’d be prior to ECT I would be

thinking, well the nursing staff’s supposed to be

helping me and here’s me terrified.

For some, the dilemma is recognising that forcible

intervention is wrong but that nothing can be done

about it. There is no control of the situation; the

prescription of the treatment is a medical and multi-

disciplinary team matter and nurses are required to get

the patient to the treatment. Not only does the patient

experience powerlessness in this situation but so does the


I know deep down in my gut my feeling is that ECT is

wrong no question but you still go through with it.

3.4. Being there

The core category ‘being there’ is dimensional and

comprises three sub-categories: ‘engaged’, ‘present’ and

‘detached’. These inform our understanding of nurses’

work with patients treated with ECT. ‘Being there’

extends along a continuum from a closeness between the

nurse and patient exemplified by a humanistic relation-

ship at one end, to a distant, unresponsive relationship

state at the other end. In between these two extremes is a

position whereby the nurse is ‘present’. As with any

dimension a subject may be located at any point upon

it hence the potential for variability (Fig. 1). This

dimension is analogous to a spherical structure compris-

ing an inner core, a middle layer and an outer layer and

surface. In ‘being there’, the case of ‘detached’ can be

understood as an inner core that reveals little of the

person buried deep within. The middle layer, being

‘present’ has the person within, closer to the surface

revealing more of the individual. The outer layer equates

to being ‘engaged’ with the person who is the nurse

exposed and visible at the surface.

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Fig. 2. Nurses’ work with patients having ECT’.

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These sub-categories illustrate the nurse–patient

relationship and how nurses act in the ECT drama.

Thus, the nurse’s actions in relational roles (informa-

tion-giver, persuader and supporter) and treatment roles

(theatre work, gatekeeper and forcing) are influenced by

the state of ‘being there’. Fig. 2 illustrates the

hypothesized relationship between the major categories.

3.4.1. Engaged

Nurses who are ‘engaged’ develop awareness of the

patient’s knowledge and experience focused on under-

standing the patient’s feelings and concerns. Such

qualities were evident either in descriptions of working

with patients or in their actions where being ‘engaged’

means coming to know and understand the patient’s


Attempting to put yourself in their position, how

would you be feeling if it was you.

The patient feels I can talk to this person you know, I

can get these things off my chest.

‘Engaged’ nurses empathise with the patient’s experi-

ence, not merely her or his illness but of their treatment.

Me being with somebody, not just physically being with

somebody but being with somebody in your head.

This resonates with the practical or clinical work

Taylor (1994) refers to; where the quality of what she

describes as ‘being with’ is expressed. This example of

the nurse–patient relationship is interesting, particularly

in an environment circumscribed by the use of somatic

treatment approaches. Although these interventions are

under the authority of the psychiatric profession,

‘engaged’ nurses endeavour to continue to practise in a

manner that is consistent with a humanistic perspective.

Actions directed towards seeking understanding and

meaning in the patient’s experience of her or his illness

through empathising and focused towards change are,

on this occasion, centred upon the patient’s experience

of having ECT.

However, putting themselves in the patients’ position,

seeking to understand their experience evokes strong

feelings; particularly when nurses become cognisant of

their own feelings about the patients’ existential state.

She would become quite tearful and things and it

kinda, you know what I mean, ’god what am I doing

to this poor lassie’, you know?

For ‘engaged’ nurses, recognising and being open

about one’s feelings is important. Sometimes they may

not verbalise feelings about what is happening to

patients, but nevertheless they are evident to others.

I could see it was probably hurting the staff nurse as

much as it was the patient you know, to go through


In this instance, the patient’s pain at being made to

have ECT was equally apparent for the nurse who,

under these circumstances was simultaneously an

instrument of coercion.

When ‘forcing’ treatment occurs there is the prospect

of contradictory actions by the nurse; typically a

response which echoes confirmation of the patient’s

feelings followed by the opposite action of making the

patient have treatment. One nurse describes how she

wanted to be less distant and professional in her actions

with a patient forced to have ECT.

I wanted to be more empathic and easy going and,

you know, more like a friend, if you like, type of


In considering this statement two observations can be

made. Firstly, whilst the emphasis is humanistic, the

interaction is a compromise. A compromise between the

ideal as espoused (humanism) and the reality of a

coercive role (in this instance social control), and is

rooted in the overarching power of medical authority

and the necessity for the nurse to comply with her

employment status. Secondly, there is a sense in which

the nurse adopts the trappings of humanism, but this

becomes incorporated into the coercive actions to

follow. This nurse wanted to be considered as an equal

at the same level (the position espoused in being

‘engaged’), but the reality of the situation meant that

she could not. Under these circumstances she was always

going to be in a position of authority in her role in

relation to the patient.

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A conflict of allegiance may happen when being

‘engaged’ contradicts the actions that the nurse has to

take in practice.

The dilemma’s you’re no sure if it works but you’re

saying to folk well, aye it does work, you know what

I mean, that it can work you know.

This nurse indicates he cannot be as honest as he

would like. It appears that his own experience contra-

dicts what he is able to convey to the patient about the

treatment. In this way he covers up or masks his own

beliefs about what may happen. Unable to be authentic

he presents an image suggesting otherwise to the patient.

A reality of ECT contrary to his own experience is

presented undermining the basis of the humanism

implicit in being ‘engaged’. The patient is unaware of

this, but all the same the deception undermines the core

attitude of genuineness (being a real human being—

honest and true (La Monica, 1979, p. 3)) espoused for

humanistic relationships.

Covering up like this is an example of how the state of

being ‘engaged’ slips this time into the state of being

‘present’, with a professional aura. ‘Slipping’ is a

compensatory basic social-psychological process en-

abling a nurse, who has been ‘engaged’ to function

within the ECT drama and meet the demands made by

virtue of the roles required to be played. However, the

consequences for the relationship with the patient may

be significant.

I expected the trust to have gone, well what little trust

was there really I expected it to have gone and it had.

She didn’t want to speak to me, she didn’t trust me.

3.4.2. Present

In being ‘present’ nurses’ actions are consistent with

an adjunct role to the psychiatrist in providing treat-

ment. It is characterised by the distancing technique

adopted by professionals aware of the potential emo-

tional difficulties of getting too close to the patient.

These nurses act in a manner that avoids internalising

feelings from the patient. It is an instrumental state,

where the relationship is essential for the successful

performance of the nurse’s roles in the ECT drama

where enabling treatment to take place is the priority.

Unlike being ‘engaged’, the attention of the nurse who is

‘present’ is directed towards the process of treatment

rather than the patient’s experience. This suggests that

whilst the relationship is the central focus, it is

orientated towards an agenda created by the nurse

rather than with the patient. It is an agenda that is

explicitly governed by the ECT script.

Well you just try and try and try to get them to come

round to your way of thinking but you know what’s

best, to try it, give it a shot give it a try.

The nurse who is ‘present’ carries out his or her role in

a professional manner exemplified by attention to the

patient’s needs for comfort and support during the

treatment process.

In the lift it feels cold and the patient appears to

shiver and the nurse comments about this. She places

her hands on his shoulders and makes a point about

the cold saying ‘where’s the blanket?’

This illustrates the distinction between ‘present’ and

‘engaged’. In the latter, the statement would have been

qualified and the nurse’s response addressed directly to

the patient. Whereas in this case it was an appeal to

others present. This reluctance to relate to the patient’s

experience was apparent when a nurse chose not to

respond to the patient’s concern about her memory.

Almost immediately the next patient arrives along

with a nurse who asks her to take a seat whilst she

places the notes in the anteroom. On return the

patient says to the nurse that she finds it hard to

remember what day it is, there is no response from

the nurse.

Here the nurse avoids being drawn into an interaction

focused upon the patient’s experience of ECT and her

concerns and thus avoids placing the patient and her

experience at the centre of the nurse’s activity. Action is

focused on the process of ‘getting treatment’.

I know it’s, I’ve done this, it’s a procedure to go

through and it’s not very nice but I think maybe it’s

just how I’d like it to be done if I was having ECT.

This is an egocentric interpretation of the experience,

rather than seeing it through the eyes of the patient. The

focus is upon control and is congruent with using the


Maintain that relationship with them because they

might not want to go, sometimes it’s been used as

consent to treatment.

The nurse who is ‘present’ acknowledges this instru-

mental function. It is suggestive of a strategy where the

nurse, by cultivating the relationship, uses this as a

means of insurance for possible difficulties in the future.

The relationship is used to secure treatment and

‘present’ is synonymous for how the nurse is expected

to act in both relational and treatment roles within the

drama. It is the state that is most consistent with the

patient ‘getting treatment’ and is likely to achieve this

with the least amount of difficulty for the nurse


3.4.3. Detached

The ‘detached’ nurse’s distance from the patient

extends beyond any therapeutic distance associated with

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being ‘present’ and occurs under two circumstances.

Firstly, the nurse engages in activity with others, usually

hospital staff, and does not attend to the patient as a

person. This does not extend to nursing activities such a

liaising with colleagues or conveying relevant informa-

tion associated with the patient’s care. Secondly, the

nurse is unresponsive to the patient’s verbal or non-

verbal cues which may indicate anxiety or concern.

The patient looks restless and is sitting in the

wheelchair. Both nurses meantime are chatting away

they talk about the television, what was on last night

and who had been seeing who.

Here the patient exists as a commodity not to be

engaged with. Another nurse also pointed towards this

type of behaviour:

I found that the patients were just left in the room

and when ECT was due just went up and gave them a

shout to rise.

The significance of the perception of the patient being

different, contrasts with the actions of the nurse who is

‘engaged’ or ‘present’. In the former, the nurse will seek

interaction with the patient and in the latter will focus

on the treatment process.

The unresponsiveness of being ‘detached’ extends not

only to the patient but other members of the treatment

team. Here the patient is to be given intravenous

anaesthetic medication

The patient finds this uncomfortable, muted reassur-

ance from the anaesthetist who says she is sorry.

Again unsuccessful, the ward nurse doesn’t move, the

consultant looks in her direction, it seems as though

he is trying to make contact with her but there is no


In this example, the inertia of the nurse contrasts with

the discomfort of her patient and the activity taking

place around her, centred upon treatment. The beha-

viour expected by others in the situation appeared to be

in accordance with being ‘present’ to act in a profes-

sional manner and help the patient to accept the actions

of the treatment team. Quite openly, the nurse acted

outside of the expected script, by not following the cue

presented by the psychiatrist to act in a supportive role

exemplified by being ‘present’ whilst the anaesthetist

inserted a cannula in the patient’s vein. In this case being

‘detached’ may be seen as a means for managing contact

not only with the patient but also the treatment team as


In a different situation (waiting room) the distance

between the nurse and patient is evident.

The nurse plays with his plastic staff identity badge

for a couple of minutes, thumbing it through his

hands. He seems a bit uncomfortable and fidgety,

eventually he relaxes a little and puts his large feet

upon the coffee table, stretches and yawns but saying

nothing to the patient who remains silent sitting

slightly forward on her chair.

Here the nurse could be considered completely

disengaged preventing him from confronting not only

the patient’s but also his own experience in the ECT


4. Discussion

The sub-categories of ‘being there’, and, in particular

‘engaged’ have some resonance with Barker et al. (1999)

who identified three sub-categories (Ordinary Me);

(Pseudo Ordinary or Engineered Me); and (Professional

Me) to the core of ‘Knowing you, Knowing me’ in a

study exploring psychiatric nursing practice. The ‘en-

gaged’ nurse’s relationship is compatible with, a

humanistic ideology centred on being rather than doing

(Watkins, 2001), with empathic qualities analogous to

those outlined by Zderad (1969, p. 659) who views such

relationships in terms of: ‘‘I am with the other but I

know I am not the other’’. Being ‘engaged’ means

developing an understanding of the patient’s experience.

However, the actions of nurses who are ‘engaged’ with

their patient in the ECT drama cannot be considered to

be therapeutic in the manner described by Peplau (1952,

1962, 1994), Travelbee (1971), Taylor (1994), Horsfall

(1997) or Reynolds and Scott (1999). The nurse’s

circumscribed role within the ECT drama, geared

towards ‘getting treatment’, cannot be construed as

focusing upon the type of therapeutic objective asso-

ciated with the above. However, this does not mean that

the nurse’s interaction with the patient does not seek to

realise the therapeutic potential afforded by the time

spent with the patient.

The feelings evoked in the nurse by the patient’s

experience appear consistent with Peplau’s description

(1994) of empathic observation. Here the nurse’s

discomfort within her or himself is evoked by the

patient’s anxiety. Empathised anxiety from the patient

in distressing situations involving ECT can be difficult

for the nurse leading to self-questioning and doubt.

Consequently, the boundary typical of a professional

distance (a feature of being ‘present’) could in these

instances be lowered.

Peplau (1987) describes the capacity to feel or

experience the same feelings as other(s) in the same

situation as ‘empathic linkages’. Such feelings can, in

turn, be transmitted by the nurse non-verbally to the

patient. It is possible that ‘engaged’ nurses may develop

such (potentially therapeutic) linkages with patients.

However, in the context of forcing the patient empathic

linkage can present difficulties. Simultaneously, the

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patient’s anxiety and the nurse’s distaste at what is being

done are made apparent. In this context the states of

‘present’ and ‘detached’ can be viewed as conditions that

prevent such empathic linkage occurring and therefore

role dissonance for the nurse.

Therefore, a nurse who seeks to be ‘engaged’ when they

have a prescribed role of ‘forcing’ is problematic. Hopton

(1997) identifies such difficulties when nurses espouse the

use of person-centred methods within services required to

apply prevailing mental health legislation. Similarly,

Tennant (1997) argues that the obstacles to therapeutic

nurse–patient interaction have existed for years within

acute in-patient facilities because of tensions between the

nurses’ responsibilities as custodian and any therapeutic

ambitions that they might have. Higgins et al (1999)

recognise this dilemma and the tensions between these two

approaches rooted in differing ideologies. This is indicative

of the limitations of the one-to-one nurse–patient

approach espousing holism and humanistic values identi-

fied by Evans (2001), who suggests that beyond acknowl-

edging the feelings of the patient there is little else that can

be said in this context.

In the circumstance of ECT, when it is impossible for

the nurse to make her or his perceptions transparent,

‘slipping’ is the psychosocial process that enables the

nurse to handle the situation. The difficulty for

‘engaged’ nurses is one of authenticity in their relation-

ship with the patient. By slipping to being ‘present’ e.g in

a forcing situation will enable the ‘job’ to be done, but at

a cost to the nurse and patient. For whilst it enables the

nurse to fulfill the role required in the drama, there will

be a personal dilemma (uncertain relationships) experi-

enced as a result of playing this role.

In contrast, by being ‘present’ the nurse avoids

empathic links (Peplau, 1994) or what Zderad (1969)

described as part of the internalization phase in the

process of clinical empathizing. In this case, the

emotional overtones of both the patient’s and the

nurse’s situation can be kept at a distance. This is

reminiscent of Towell (1975) who noted how nurses

emphasised the importance of a good patient relation-

ship but in some instances were driven by a desire to

retain control. Here control relates to the manner by

which medical servicing with the administration of ECT

is ensured; and, the primacy of the psychiatric model

over the nurse–patient relationship is accepted in

practice (Sullivan, 1998). Thus being ‘present’ enables

the nurse to undertake such roles as ‘information-giver’,

‘persuader’, ‘supporter’ and sometimes ‘forcer’ without

the dilemmas of those who are ‘engaged’. This

acceptance by adaptation to the prevailing biomedical

ideology (Strauss et al., 1964) is consistent with

Morrall’s (1998) view that nurses should embrace the

social control function associated with their degree of

contact with the patient and their historical connection

to the psychiatric profession.

The ‘detached’ nurse’s relationship is typified by a

mechanistic but unresponsive presence. McKie and

Swinton (2000, p. 38), examine the virtue of ‘care’ and

out of four possible meanings of care, Blustein (1991)

identified, it is ‘‘to have care of (responsibility)’’ that

they consider may provide the focus for a ‘‘detached,

professional model of nursing’’. Such a focus might view

responsibility for getting the job done, delivering the

patient as the caring action of the nurse. The inadequacy

of this mechanistic approach to care is well documented

in adult mental health services within the field of ‘special

observation’ in patients with suicidal intent (Reid and

Long, 1993; Duffy, 1995; Barker and Cutcliffe, 1999;

Cutcliffe and Barker, 2002; Scottish Executive, 2002).

The phenomenon of ‘detached’ may be explained on the

grounds of distancing as a means of defence (Menzies

Lyth, 1961; Handy, 1991) where distance provides security

for the nurse from the anxieties occurring when exposed to

the patient’s emotional turmoil. In this context there is no

necessity for a relationship between the nurse and patient

but merely the acceptance that in order to provide support

and comfort the nurse should be familiar to the patient. By

evading contact with the patient being ‘detached’ can be

understood as an extension of the professional distance of

being ‘present’ or; an extreme form of detachment Menzies

Lyth (1961) within the context of a socially constructed

defence mechanism. However, unlike the fragmentary

contact with the patient in Menzies’ analysis, contempor-

ary care is patient-centred where the relationship between

the user and practitioner is the ‘core element of mental

health nursing’ (Scottish Executive, 2006, p. 20). Therefore

given the difference in environmental contexts the presence

of ‘detached’ nurses should be a cause for concern.

5. Conclusion

‘Being there’ helps in understanding nurses’ relation-

ships with patients and their ‘relational’ and ‘treatment’

roles during ECT. The contradiction between the

espoused humanism of the nurse who is ‘engaged’ and

the requirement to make an unwilling or reluctant

patient have the treatment creates a dilemma with

respect to her or his relationship with the patient. Thus,

‘slipping’ postulated as a basic social psychological

process occurs shifting the balance of the nurse–patient

relationship in the direction of being ‘present’; any nurse

who remains ‘engaged’ in a situation where the

authenticity of this state of ‘being there’ is compromised

will experience role dissonance and stress.

Being ‘detached’ may be an indication of burn-out

and the need for professional support particularly in the

form of clinical supervision. Reviewing the ideology for

nursing practice would provide an opportunity to

examine the values that underpin the relationship

between nurses and patients and refocusing activities

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of nurses towards engagement rather than supervision

and custody may be possible.

The updating of technical skills of ward nurses

relevant to treatment and recovery areas is important

and the role of the ECT nurse is crucial to this and

should be strengthened to ensure consistent provision of

care. This could involve regular updating of ECT

practice and include the practical activities involved

when in the treatment and recovery areas.

Generalisation from these findings to other popula-

tions within the UK and internationally is not possible.

However, it is possible for ‘being there’ to be indicative

of nurses’ relationships not only ECT but other

nurse–patient contexts. It is, therefore, recommended

that the characteristics of the dimension of ‘being there’

be explored in these wider contexts.


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