  • 7/30/2019 Electronic Structure of Materials- Nanotechnology-can


    Electronic Structure of MaterialsElectronic Structure of Materials

    Teerakiat Kerdcharoen

    Capability Building Center for

    Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

    Faculty of Science

    Mahidol University

    Objectives of this Lecture

    New tools that help scientists understand materials at the


    To understand how electronic structure determine atomic

    structure (nanoscopic structure) and finally macroscopicproperties of materials

    How materials function from the nanoscale point of view

    Basic of nanotechnology

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    State of Matter/Materials


    Liquid Gas


    Many materials have unclear boundary

    between each state, and may have somephases in between.


    Polymers have transition between plastic

    and glass phases

    State of Matter/Materials

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    Understanding Scale

    Structure of Materials

    Macroscopic structure

    - shape, roughness, hardness, flexibility, strength etc.

    (process engineering and manufacturing)

    Mesoscopic structure

    - morphology, grain or particle size, phase

    (materials engineering)

    Nanoscopic (~Microscopic) structure

    - molecular geometry, electronic structure


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    Structure Characterization

    Macroscopic structure

    - Mechanical properties (hardness, strength etc)

    Mesoscopic structure- SEM, TEM, Optical microscope, XRD

    Nanoscopic structure

    - STM, AFM, SNOM, X-Ray Crystallography

    Mesoscopic Structure

    Morphology of the surface

    (grain, domain, phase)

    Pictures from R. W. Siegel Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (left and middle)

    Picture from NASA Ames Lab (right)

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    Nanoscopic Structure

    Atomic resolution

    Pictures from NASA Ames Lab

    Nanoscopic Structure

    Atomic resolution

    Pictures from NASA Ames Lab (left), Nature magazine (right)

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    How small is nanometer ?

    1 nm= 1/1,000,000,000 meter

    1.74 meter




    Electronic structure

    Chemical force

    Geometry of molecule,nanostructure

    Electronic properties



    Mechanical properties

    Electronic Structure

    Materials Properties

    Why Study Electronic Structure

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    Atomic Orbital

    Home of electron = orbital

    Probability defines shape & size of orbital

    Pictures from




    Chemical Bonding

    A bond is the force that connect 2 atoms together

    H-F (hydrogen fluoride)

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    Molecular Orbital

    Example: The case of Hydrogen Fluoride (H-F)

    Molecular orbitals are homes ofelectrons in a molecule.

    Molecular OrbitalExample: The case of Hydrogen Fluoride (H-F)

    Electrons condense into some regionmaking chemical bond

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    Molecular OrbitalExample: The case of Hydrogen Fluoride (H-F)

    Some homes span only over a limited

    space or only on one atom. The

    electrons in such orbitals are localized.

    Theory of Electronic Structure

    Electron is represented by wave function

    Electron density is the probability to find

    electron at a location

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    Theory of Electronic Structure

    To find the wave function and other properties,

    one must solve the Schroedinger equation



    Electrons in Metal

    The model:

    Electron gas (particle in a box)

    Each atom donates one electron and the free electrons

    can go wherever they want

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    Energy is discrete (Quantum State)

    Fermi Level

    When we fill up the

    states by electrons

    the most top level is

    called Fermi level.

    Filled states

    Empty states

    Fermi level

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    Band Theory

    Band Theory

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    Band Theory

    Electronic Structure Calculation

    Electrons are described by wave function.

    To know the properties of these electrons,

    we probe the wave function withappropriate operator.

    Hamiltonian Operator

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    QM: Born-Oppenheimer Approximation

    Electron is 1800 times lighter than protron/neutron

    Wavefunction can be expanded by a set of functions.

    Slater determinant preserves antisymmetry principle andintroduces orthonormality of the wavefunction.

    Total wavefunction is a product of one-electron wavefunctions

    (molecular orbitals).

    Hartree Approximation

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    Molecular Orbital is a linear combination of Atomic Orbitals.

    Molecular Orbital

    Atomic Orbital

    Atomic Orbital is based on radial function and spherical harmonic.

    Nowadays, atomic orbital is usually based on Gaussian Type Orbitals.

    Construction of MO

    Quality of atomic orbitals can be controlled by mathematical functions




    Construction of AO

    Examples: H-F

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    How accurate is the calculation

    Chem. Phys. Lett. 321 (2000) pp. 78-82

    DFT Calculation

    STM Experiment

    Frontier States


    (Lowest Unoccupied)


    (Highest Occupied)

    The frontier states involve in electronics and


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    When electron steps down from higher energy level to

    Lower energy level, it release photon.

    1) Transition due to defect

    2) Interband transition

    3) Intraband transition

    Chemical structure from electronic structure

    Molecule as we know, is a soup of electrons and nuclei.Bonding is only interpretation or explanation of this soup.

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    Molecular Mechanics (MM)

    - depend strongly on concepts of bonding

    - neglect the electronic degrees of freedom

    - follows the Newtonian laws

    Molecular Mechanics consider a

    molecule as system of rigid ballsconnected via springs

    MM: Energy Terms

    Energy of a system is a sum of all interactions

    within and between the springs

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    MM: Valence Terms

    Valence term is the relative energy of a


    MM: Valence Term

    Valence terms are interactions within the springs.

    A spring wants to relax to its original shape.

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    MM: Valence Terms

    Picture from: Peter J. Steinbach, Introduction to Macromolecular Simulation.

    MM: Cross Terms

    Cross term is due to coupling between 2

    springs. It is a correction to independent

    spring model.

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    MM: Cross Terms

    Cross terms are interactions between 2 or more springs.

    Cross terms are corrections to the independent spring model.

    MM: Non-Bond Terms

    Non-Bonded term is interaction betweentwo balls.

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    MM: Non-Bond Terms

    Non-bond terms are interactions between the balls.

    Non-bond terms are long-range interactions.





    0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0





    r, nm

    MM: Non-Bond Terms

    Non-bond terms are interactions between the balls.

    Non-bond terms are long-range interactions.



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    MM: Sum of Energy

    E = Stretching(C-H1)+Stretching(C-H2)+...

    + Bend(H1-C-H2) + Bend (H1-C-H3) +

    + Bend(H1-C-C) + + Bend (C-C=O) + .

    + Torsion (H1-C-C=O) + ... +

    + Torsion (O1=C-O2-H4)

    + vdW(H1-H4) +

    + Elec (H1-H4) +

    We can design nanoscale devices

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    We can model the machinery

    We can simulate nanoscale phenomena

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    Capability to manipulate, control,

    assemble,produce andmanufacture

    things at atomic precision

    What is Nanotechnology ?

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    Nobel Prize in Physics, 1965

    The principles of physics, as far as I can see, do

    not speak against the possibility of maneuveringthings atom by atom. It is not an attempt to

    violate any laws; it is something, in principle,

    that can be done; but in practice, it has not been

    done because we are too big

    The problems of chemistry and biology

    can be greatly helped if our ability to

    see what we are doing, and to do things

    on an atomic level, is ultimately

    developed---a development which Ithink cannot be avoided.

    There is plenty of room at the bottom

    -- Special Lecture in 1959 --

    Richard Feynman

    1800-1900: 1stIndustrial Revolution

    Automation Age

    1900-1950: Quantum Revolution

    Atomic Age

    1950-2000: IT Revolution

    Electronic Age

    2000-2050: Biotech Revolution

    Genomic Age

    2050-2100: 2ndIndustrial Revolution

    Nano Age

    Nanotechnology is the Future ?

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    The Law of S-Curve

    Nanotechnology in Nature

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    Moores Law

    CPU is doubled in performance every 18 months

    The feature size for device in a semiconductor chip is decreasing

    by a factor of 2 every one and a half year

    The number of transistors the industry would be able to place on

    a computer chip would double every 1.5 years

    Gordon Moore

    Co-Founder of Intel Corp.

    Cost of constructing a new Fabs will double every

    3 years

    Moores Curve

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    Mechanical Nanocomputer

    Electronic Nanocomputer

    Chemical / Biochemical Nanocomputer

    Quantum Computer

    The first mechanical computer was designed by Charles Babbage

    (Cambridge University) in 1837 called Difference Engine No. 1

    K. Eric Drexler proposed a design of mechanical nanocomputer

    based on rods and gears made of molecules in 1988.

    Pictures from Acc. Chem. Res. 34 (2001) 445.

    Mechanical Nanocomputer

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    Electronic Nanocomputer

    Continue a miniaturization of current electronic computer

    Elementary components are based on soft materials, i.e. organic

    molecules, semiconducting polymers or carbon nanotubes, instead ofinorganic solid-state materials

    Use only 1 or few electrons instead of billion electrons

    Use self assembly or other patterning techniques instead of


    Chemical Nanocomputer

    Computing is based on chemical reactions (bond breaking and


    Inputs are encoded in the molecular structure of the reactants and

    outputs can be extracted from the structure of the products

    Adleman proposed DNA computing in 1994 for solving

    Hamiltons path problem

    Picture from

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    Quantum Computer

    Based on proposals by Bennett, Deutsch and Feynman in 1980s

    Use quantum bit (qubit) from the physical properties of materials,

    i.e. spin state, polarization.

    Parallelism in Nature

    Hybrid System

    Integration between Silicon and Carbon systems

    Life and Non-Life Integration

    Mechanical, Electronic, Chemical and Quantum Integration

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    Aviram & Ratners Molecular Diode

    1974 : Aviran & Ratner proposed a model of molecular rectifier

    Discovery of Conductive Polymers

    1977 : Shirakawa and MacDiarmid (Nobel Prize 2000) accidentally

    found that doped conjugated polymers can conduct electricity

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    Discovery of OLED

    1987 : Kodaks scientist developed organic light emitting diode


    Picture from Kodak and from

    Richard Friends group

    Single Molecules Conduction

    1996 : Tour and Weiss demonstrated electrical conduction in

    molecular wire

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    Discovery of Molecular Diode

    1997 : Metzger discovered first D-pi-A molecular rectifier

    Organic IC

    1998 : de Leeuw succeed to fabricate organic IC made of 326 all-

    polymer transistors

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    Single-Molecule Switch

    1999 : Tour and Reed demonstrate negative differential resistance

    behavior in molecule

    Picture from Mark Reed

    Invention of Dip-Pen Nanolithography

    2000 : Mirkin invented Dip-Pen Nanolithography

    Picture from Mirkins Group

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    Scanning Probe Microscope

    Scanning Probe Microscope
