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This edition published in Great Britain in 2010 by Quest, an imprint of Top That! Publishing plc,Marine House, Tide Mill Way, Woodbridge, Suffolk, IP12 1AP, UK 2 4 6 8 9 7 5 3 1

Editorial Director – Daniel GrahamCreative Director – Simon Couchman

Art Editor – Matt Denny Website Design – Paul Strandoo

Commissioning Editor - Lorna ThomsonEditorial Assistant - Claire Holmes

Written by Gordon Volke

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, ortransmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise,

without the prior written permission of the publisher.Neither this book nor any part or any of the illustrations, photographs or reproductions contained in itshall be sold or disposed of otherwise than as a complete book, and any unauthorised sale of such partillustration, photograph or reproduction shall be deemed to be a breach of the publisher’s copyright.

ISBN 978-1-84956-079-5

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British LibraryPrinted and bound in China

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, incidents and dialogues are products of the author’simagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, events or locales is

entirely coincidental.

Written by Gordon Volke

The Astral LegaciesElephants’ Call

Published by Quest.Quest is an imprint of Top That! Publishing plc,

Tide Mill Way, Woodbridge, Suffolk, IP12 1AP,

Copyright © 2010 Top That! Publishing plc. All rights reserved


The Astral Legacies

How the book works …

Join Abu in his quest to find the fourth Astral Legacy by

searching for the hidden locations online. At key points

in the book, the elephants provide Abu with precise

information relating to the destinations that he must visit

in order to complete his quest. Each GPS (Global

Positioning System) coordinate that is transmitted by the

elephants represents a precise location in Africa.

By entering the GPS coordinates into the GeoLocator

function on, you will be able to

travel with Abu on his quest. Click the elephant icon on

the revolving carousel, then select the ‘GeoLocator’ link

to begin. For example, try these coordinates – they will

take you to the Soccer City Stadium in South Africa.

26°14'05.27" S,27°58'57.90" E


Elephants’ Call

When you ‘arrive’ at each new destination online, you

will discover the famous landmark that Abu is seeking.

Enter GPScode here


Click onthe redarrow toreveal thelocation

Use thisslider tozoom inand see thelocation inmore detail

Explorethe areain moredetail byclickinghere


The Astral Legacies

As the adventure unfolds, keep a note of the locations

that you find. When you have identified all ten key

locations that Abu visits on his quest, enter the words that

make up each location into the ‘pyramid’ grid at the back

of this book. If you have inserted the correct answers, part

of the location of the fourth Astral Legacy will be revealed,

highlighted in grey. You will then need to solve one further

clue to gain the full name of the hidden location.

Log-on to to report the location

of the fourth Astral Legacy. If you successfully enter this

final landmark, the quest is complete and you will be able

to read the thrilling climax to Elephants’ Call online.

Once you have completed the pyramid, the letters, highlighted in grey, spell out part of the location of the fourth Astral Legacy. A final clue must be solved in order to gain the full name of the hidden location.










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Elephants’ Call

Important Hints & Tips

• Enter the GPS coordinates accurately, including the

compass direction.

• Use the ‘Notes’ section at the back of this book to

record the locations that you identify as you progress

through the quest. You will then have everything at hand

to complete the ‘pyramid’ puzzle at the end of the book

and finish the quest with Abu.

• The elephants have provided additional clues to help

you fill in the pyramid puzzle correctly at the back of

this book.

• If you are still unable to work out the locations that

Abu visits, log on to The names

of the locations are revealed on the photo carousel on

the Elephants’ Call section of the website.


The Astral Legacies


‘SCRAMBLE, SCRAMBLE!’ ordered the

loudspeaker, the unmistakable note of urgency and

alarm in the voice telling the pilots that this was no

training exercise. Moments later, the F18E Super

Hornets roared into the air from the deck of their

American carrier, climbing to 40,000 feet as they

scanned the skies for the unidentified flying objects,

whose coloured lights had been sighted all over the

Mediterranean and whose existence was confirmed

by a myriad of fast-moving dots on the ship’s radar.

‘Bogey at 90,000, clear as day,’ shouted Flight

Lieutenant Chuck Levenson, better known as

‘Spoony’ for the six spoonfuls of sugar he always

had in his coffee. Accelerating his Hornet up to its

maximum speed, Spoony thundered upwards to

intercept the mysterious aircraft … only to discover

that they had disappeared the moment he came

anywhere near them.

‘Gee, that’s awesome!’ he exclaimed, as the


Elephants’ Call

unidentified craft faded from view in the wink of an

eye. ‘Must be doin’ Mach 10 at least!’

Then, suddenly, the lights in the sky and the dots

on the radar screens went out, as if someone had

flicked a switch. The Hornets returned to their

carrier with no further evidence of this apparent

threat to humanity and, after the newspapers had

picked up the story and run with it for as long as

they could, the world returned to its usual busy

confusion, putting the sightings down to freak

weather conditions, equipment malfunction and

military weapon testing – the usual explanations for

such events.

Meanwhile, in a secret bunker deep below the

Pentagon in Washington, an experienced code-

breaker leapt from his desk and demanded to speak

to the President.

He had spent the past week, day and night,

trying to break the code of a signal picked up from

the mysterious craft. Now, he had cracked it!

‘Mister President,’ he shouted down the phone,


The Astral Legacies

‘It says, “approaching halfway. Now, it’s the

Elephants’ Call.” What do you think it means, sir?’

‘I haven’t the faintest idea,’ replied one of the

most powerful men on Earth.

* * * * * * * * * * *


Chapter 1

Poor, Little Rich Boy

The Botswana Blue Diamond was the guest of

honour at a party held by one of South Africa’s

most wealthy families. It was positioned in the

middle of a huge, circular dining table, sparkling

and flashing like a blue light on the roof of a police

car. Even though this was a family party, there was

a security guard on duty in case anyone tried to

touch the exquisite diamond. Much to the delight of

the hosts, the guests were mesmerised by the

magnificent oval gem, in the same way that people

inadvertently stare at a television that’s been left on

in the corner of a room.

Abu Tamba knew the history of the diamond

very well. The fifteen-year-old boy had been told

about it often enough by his mother and father, and

by the tutors and servants who saw to his education

and looked after his well-being. The Botswana Blue


The Astral Legacies

Diamond was the foundation of the Tamba family

fortune and the reason for their current status as

one of South Africa’s most eminent families.

The beautiful blue diamond had been found in

1909 by Abu’s great-grandfather, Joseph Tamba, a

penniless migrant worker from Ethiopia. Although

Joseph was young, he had a mature head on his

shoulders. After selling the rare gem on the

international diamond market, he invested the

money in buying land. Joseph bought the land on

the South Africa and Botswana border, in the

location where he had found the original diamond.

Joseph’s intention was to see if there were more blue

diamonds in the area. It was a shrewd gamble that

paid off handsomely and transformed the Tamba

family into one of the richest in South Africa. Soon,

Joseph had established the Tamba Mining Company

and owned several mines that yielded large

quantities of the rare blue diamonds.

A hundred years later, having been owned by the

last Tsar of Russia, a shipping magnate, an oil


Elephants’ Call

tycoon and several film stars, The Botswana Blue

Diamond had come on the market again. The

Tamba family had placed a successful bid for the

diamond and now it was back where it belonged,

in the heart of their family.

This was the reason for the party and why Abu

found himself wearing a stiff dinner jacket instead

of his usual tee shirt and jeans. He felt silly, like a

miniature version of his father, but it was his

mother’s wish – and there was no arguing with Mrs

Tamba; she made the rules and everyone had to

obey them!

Standing at the edge of the crowd, waiting for the

gong to summon him for a delicious, six-course

dinner, Abu felt a light touch on his arm.

‘Looks like a big, blue eye watching you, doesn’t

it?’ commented Thomas Lindemann, a lifelong

family friend and trusted business employee.

‘Oh, hello Tom,’ replied Abu, his face breaking

into a smile at the arrival of his favourite grown-up.

‘Don’t know why they’ve got the security guard.


The Astral Legacies

Who on earth’s going to steal it?’

‘It just looks good,’ teased Lindemann, ‘And so

do you.’

‘Yeah, right!’ retorted Abu. ‘I look like a


‘There’s no pleasing some people,’ chuckled the

wiry, middle-aged man. ‘One minute you’re

complaining that your mother won’t let you grow

up. Then, you’re allowed to dress like an adult and

you moan about it!’

‘It’s not the same thing and you know it!’ scoffed

the teenager.

‘Well, while we’re on the subject,’ said

Lindemann, leaning forward and sounding more

serious, ‘Your mum’s in a good mood tonight. Why

don’t you mention the idea of going on safari that

we talked about? You might catch her at an

opportune moment. Your dad’ll back you up. He

told me so yesterday.’

‘Thanks, Tom,’ enthused Abu, giving Lindemann

a hug. ‘I might just do that!’


Elephants’ Call

The extensive dinner and the toasts that followed

went on for hours and Abu was bored stiff by the

time he was allowed to leave the table. He made

straight for his room, eager to get out of his formal

clothes. Looking in the mirror as he cleaned his

teeth, Abu observed his reflection. In recent months,

his body had grown to be that of a man, with broad

shoulders, and a strong, barrel chest. But, he was

far from feeling or acting like a young man.

Abu was an only child, the sole successor to the

Tamba dynasty. From the day he was born, he’d

had the best of everything. Abu had not been spoilt

– ideas of fairness and respect for others had been

instilled in him from an early age. But, he was

overprotected. Other than his birthday parties,

which he shared with the offspring of family

employees, he had never mixed with other children.

Nor had he been allowed to do anything on his

own. Up until recently, this had not bothered him.

Abu was content for his servants and tutors to do

everything for him. But, now he wanted some


The Astral Legacies

freedom. He wanted to be allowed to grow up. He

wanted to stop feeling like a boy and start feeling

like a man – and a safari adventure could be just

the ticket to achieve this!

* * * * * * * * * * *

Abu’s mother was sitting in the drawing room and

was holding a half-empty champagne glass when

Abu decided to speak to her about his safari idea.

Plonking himself down on the sofa beside her and

kissing her on the cheek, Abu complimented his

mother on the success of the party. Seeing a big

smile spread across her face, he pressed on with his


‘Mu-u-m,’ he said, in a deliberately casual voice,

‘you know how much I love animals.’

‘Yes … ’ replied Mrs Tamba, suspiciously.

‘Well, I’d like to see some in their natural

environment,’ continued Abu, becoming slightly

breathless as he got to the point. ‘I want to be


Elephants’ Call

allowed to go on safari in some of Africa’s national


There was a long and almost unbearable silence.

‘Okay,’ said his mother, simply.

‘What did you say?’ gasped Abu, his jaw

dropping incredulously.

‘I said okay, you can go on safari,’ repeated Mrs


‘I’ve been telling your mother for ages that you’re

too mollycoddled. So, she’s agreed to let you go,’

added his dad.

Both of them were nearly knocked backwards by

the hugs given to them by their overjoyed son.

All Abu wanted to do was rush back to his room

and start packing. But, as he started to head

upstairs Mrs Tamba called him back.

‘There are two conditions to this trip, Abu,’ she

said, suddenly sounding far more serious. ‘The first

condition is that you must phone me from time to

time to tell me where you are and what you are

doing. If you can’t get a signal on your mobile,


The Astral Legacies

which is very likely in many parts of Africa, then

make sure you find a landline. I must know that

you’re safe and well. The second condition is that

Tom accompanies you. Your father has kindly

agreed to give him some time off work in order to

make the trip with you.’

Abu had no objection to either of these

conditions. So, he gave each of his parents another

bear hug and hurried off to tell Tom the news.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Next morning, in a grubby office in downtown

Johannesburg, Thomas Lindemann sat with his feet

on a paper-strewn desk, speaking to a woman on

the phone.

‘Yeah, we leave the day after tomorrow,’ he said.

‘So, I’ll have to do the switch tonight. Should be

okay. The Tamba’s are going to some charity event

and won’t be back until midnight. The kid keeps

pestering me, but I can keep him at bay. This time


Elephants’ Call

next week, honey, you and I are going to be in Las

Vegas with more money in our pockets than we

know what to do with. Bring it on, eh? Bye then,


Lindemann put the phone down and fished in his

pocket for a small box. Opening the lid, he took out

a fake blue diamond and turned it over and over

again in his fingers as he went through his plan for

the umpteenth time.

Tonight, he would open the safe in the Tamba

family’s vault and replace The Botswana Blue

Diamond with a paste replica. Then, to smuggle the

precious diamond past security, he would sew it

into a secret compartment in a rucksack that he’d

give to Abu for their trip. Once on safari, he would

simply take the rucksack and sneak out of their tent

in the dead of night, never to be seen again. It

would be as easy as taking candy from a baby. For

that was how Tom regarded Abu – a baby!


The Astral Legacies

What happens next?

When you have identified the ten key locations that

Abu visits on his quest, use the elephants’ clues to

help you place them into the pyramid grid on pages

132–133. If you insert the words of the answers

correctly, part of the location of the fourth Astral

Legacy will be revealed, highlighted in grey. Enter

the letters in order, from top to bottom and left to

right, into the grey boxes below. The missing seven

letter word of the location relates to the shape of

the puzzle.

When you have filled in all of the boxes, log-on

to to report the location of

the fourth legacy. If you successfully enter this final

landmark into the website, the adventure is

complete, and you will be able to read the thrilling

climax to Elephants’ Call online.

Read the book … find the hidden locations …

solve the puzzle … save the world!


The Astral Legacies

Orcas’ SongThe North American Legacy. Book 1

Tigers’ SecretThe Asian Legacy. Book 2

Wolves’ GambitThe European Legacy. Book 3

Elephants’ CallThe African Legacy. Book 4

The Astral Legacies Series - Out Now!


Elephants’ Call

Condors’ QuestThe South American Legacy. Book 5

Penguins’ PetitionThe Antarctic Legacy. Book 6

Dolphins’ CryThe Australian Legacy. Book 7

Available from all good bookshops.

The Astral Legacies Series - Coming Soon!


The Astral Legacies

About the Author

Gordon Volke’s commercial writing career began in1972 when he was responsible for inventing thecomic antics of Dennis the Menace, Minnie theMinx and The Bash Street Kids in the UK’s best-selling comic, The Beano.

Since this auspicious start to his writing career,Gordon has gained plaudits by originating materialfor Snoopy (Peanuts), Tom and Jerry, Popeye andGarfield, and has been the principal contributor fornumerous comics and magazines, including Twinkle,Thomas the Tank Engine, The James BondExperience and Jurassic Park.

In 1998, Gordon began writing for The Tweenies,the Bafta award-winning pre-school series, scripting44 of the 365 episodes.

Over the years Gordon has originated children’sbooks covering most genres and age categories. Helives near Brighton on the south coast of England.