Page 1: Emergency Management Issues Special Interest … Guides/EMI SIG...Emergency Management Issues (EMI) Special Interest Group (SIG) was established in 1986 as the Emergency Preparedness


Emergency Management Issues Special Interest Group (EMI SIG) Keynote Briefing Book

Page 2: Emergency Management Issues Special Interest … Guides/EMI SIG...Emergency Management Issues (EMI) Special Interest Group (SIG) was established in 1986 as the Emergency Preparedness

EMI SIG Annual Meeting Keynote Briefing Book Updated July 2020

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Our Mission

The Emergency Management Issues (EMI) Special Interest Group (SIG) was established in 1986 as the Emergency Preparedness Special Interest Group and renamed in 1991 to include all phases of emergency management planning, preparedness, integration, response and recovery. Under the guidance of an elected Steering Committee, the EMI SIG has provided a collaborative network of experienced emergency management professionals across the enterprise who:

­ Share Lessons Learned and other useful information

­ Promote emerging emergency management technologies

­ Leverage resources ­ Benchmark operations ­ Address major and recurring issues ­ Encourage best practices ­ Assist in the dissemination and

interpretation of policy ­ Assess emergency plans and

programs ­ Develop guidelines ­ Verify compliance with DOE orders

Our Members

Membership includes DOE and contractor emergency managers, coordinators, planners, technology experts, continuity personnel, analysts, first and field responders, trainers and others who provide support to DOE/NNSA emergency management operations through their membership in the following EMI SIG Subcommittees:

1. Continuity of Operations Subcommittee (COOPSC) 2. DOE Meteorological Subcommittee (DMSC) 3. Emergency Public Information Subcommittee (EPISC) 4. Emergency Readiness Assurance Subcommittee (ERASC) 5. First and Field Responders Subcommittee (FFRSC) 6. Subcommittee for Emergency Management Planners (SEMPER) 7. Subcommittee For Emergency Management Technologies (SEMTECH) 8. Subcommittee On Technical Analysis And Response Support (STARS) 9. Training & Drills Subcommittee (TDSC)

Our Impact

The EMI SIG community has volunteered countless hours and a plethora of expertise in several enterprise-wide emergency operations initiatives to better implement the DOE Emergency Management Program. During the 2019-2020 term this included, but is not limited to:

Exercise Design Workshop and Exercise Builder

After a comprehensive review of the DOE Emergency Management program in 2014, the Office of Enterprise Assessment, stated that “Sites do not always use exercise planning activities effectively to improve the emergency management program.”

In order to promote standardization across the complex, the EMI SIG and their support contractor took it upon themselves to create a two prong solution that included a common training curriculum (Exercise Design Workshop) and standard set of design tools

Page 3: Emergency Management Issues Special Interest … Guides/EMI SIG...Emergency Management Issues (EMI) Special Interest Group (SIG) was established in 1986 as the Emergency Preparedness

EMI SIG Annual Meeting Keynote Briefing Book Updated July 2020

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(Exercise Builder) with the capability of producing shareable Exercise Plans in the preferred EA-33 format that:

­ Foster an effective and consistent approach to exercise design ­ Ensure exercise documentation is complete and standardized ­ Incorporate HSEEP fundamentals ­ Relate the core capabilities for first responder disciplines for ease of inserting off-

site assistance ­ Assist the exercise designer in creating a standardized exercise plan with

objectives needed for evaluation of performance ­ Proven for all types of exercises and drills including full participation COOP


Comprehensive Emergency Management Guide (EMG) NA-41 hosted a workshop where EMI SIG designees reviewed and incorporated subcommittee comments, along with existing content to create a Comprehensive Emergency Management Guide (EMG) to ensure it captures the way DOE sites and facilities should conduct business. Comments were electronically captured in the DOE 151 Guide Collaboration page (shown in this image) on Core Program, All Hazards Technical Planning Basis, Programmatic Elements, Response Elements Guide and Biosafety Facilities.

EMI SIG Subcommittee Products

The following products will be completed by the close of 2020:

­ Continuity of Operations Subcommittee (COOPSC) will update the 2013 COOP Coordinators Good Practices Guideline developed by NA-43 with current COOP Program requirements and Coordinator knowledge, skills and aptitudes.

­ DOE Meteorological Subcommittee (DMSC) will present a DRAFT version of the DOE Meteorological Handbook at the Annual Meeting and will be used as a resource to support and assist Meteorological Programs at labs, plants, and sites across the Enterprise.

­ Emergency Public Information Subcommittee (EPISC) will update and launch EPI 230: Social Media and EPI 340: Joint Information Center Management online courses, as well as deploy the Kaizala Social Media Simulator Application that will allow users to safely practice their social media play during drills and exercises.

Page 4: Emergency Management Issues Special Interest … Guides/EMI SIG...Emergency Management Issues (EMI) Special Interest Group (SIG) was established in 1986 as the Emergency Preparedness

EMI SIG Annual Meeting Keynote Briefing Book Updated July 2020

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­ Emergency Readiness Assurance Subcommittee (ERASC) will complete a comprehensive review of ERA 101: Readiness Assurance Overview and ERA 131: Managing Corrective Actions Overview course material that will be used to update online training on Readiness Assurance program requirements and the management of corrective actions.

­ First and Field Responders Subcommittee (FFRSC) will publish Site Fire Department benchmark spreadsheet and continue to employ their Training Working Group to focus on improved collaboration of training content and effort across the NNSA/DOE first responder community.

­ Subcommittee for Emergency Management Planners (SEMPER) will conduct a Pandemic Lessons Learned Panel during the 2020 Annual Meeting, using the information and data they collected from their Pandemic Lessons Learned eTool. They will also announce the availability of the Emergency Management Template Repository (EMTR) that will initially include All-Hazards Emergency Management Plan Template, Emergency Management Plans, Procedures, and Checklists that will be accessible to all EMI SIG members across the Enterprise.

­ Subcommittee for Emergency Management Technologies (SEMTECH) will present a compendium of information sharing software and technologies used by various EOCs throughout the Emergency Management Enterprise. This will encourage the use of common hardware and software solutions making procurement, deployment and sharing more efficient and cost effective.

­ Subcommittee on Technical Analysis and Response Support (STARS) created the Chemical Screening Repository that can be used at any DOE/NNSA site or facility to conduct a hazardous material assessment providing common thresholds and definitions across the Enterprise. Members also created the Emergency Management Analyst Training course that will be deployed in 2021 as on online course to fulfill a recognized gap in the development of new technical analyst.

­ Training and Drills Subcommittee (TDSC) updated and launched ETD 101: Introduction to Training and Drills online course that describe the requirements of DOE/NNSA Training and Drills programs. The training incorporates changes in DOE Order 151.1D and the EMG.

EMI SIG Annual Meeting Significance

Each year 250-300 emergency management professionals from across the enterprise come together to attend a multi-day event to exchange information, ideas and resources with the goal of identifying common policy issues, standard procedures, current initiatives, lessons learned and best practices to better implement Emergency Management Programs across the Enterprise. These sessions are closed to the public and press to ensure secure environment for open conversation regarding possible OUO and UCNI subjects and or materials. The Site Benchmarking eXchange (SBX) fosters standardization and common practices across the Enterprise by providing exhibit booths for labs, plants and sites to benchmark documents or materials/applications such as company-directives, emergency procedures, checklists, manuals, guides, hand-outs, technology/systems, etc. on a wide variety of programmatic areas within emergency management and continuity of operations programs across Enterprise.
