Page 1: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45

stamina are essential as hoursof work are tairly long anddemanding and you have 10work in a leam against lightdeadlin es.

CoursesProfessional qualification has agreat role for workinq ethc ientlyin an organization. Apart from aprof essional degree /diploma , Irsalso very important to up-datew i th the la test inte rn at ion alstan da rds and compet it ion InIndia there are various Institutesoffe ri ng seve ra l courses Inleath er products de siqrnnq andlec hnology. Some of them are astollows.;. M.Sc. in Leather Goods &

Acc ess oroe s Design (M.Sc.­LGA D)

.;. B .Sc. in Leather Goods &Accessones Design (B .Sc . ­LGAD)

.:. Diploma in Leather Goods &Accessories Design

.;. Certifica te prog ram Inl eather Goods & Accesso riesDes ign .

Leat er Good. 11 ... i lit 5

1. Center for Lea ther Goods &Accessories Footwear Oesiqnand Developmen t Insti tute(FDDI), Minis try of Commerce&Indus.try, Govt of India, Noida201301

2. National Institute of FashionTechnology. New Deihl

3. Anna Unive rsity , Sa rda r Pa telRoad , Guind y, Chennai

(Above hst IS indicative only)

Career ProspectsAn accessory adds to Individual'sfashion sensei If you wish to be ama jo r fo rce in the fa sh i o nindu st ry, then putl rn g yourpassion and skills into accessorydesiqn can pu sh your career togreat heights . Th e beauty of thisbu siness is that you can start yourcraft Irom your kitchen top andthen push your designs to reta iland designer stores lor world toknow . Aspirrng de siqner spursuing a professional course Inaccessory designing can xpoctto find job as designers, productmanagers. brand managers ,visual merchandisers andentrepreneurs in arc IIleather goods, pr CIOU andcostume jew Iry , ta I 'g lltware , w tcho f 0 1handrcratts and hI t I rot Whal' r, more, " yuh I ,

10 hI entr r n, ur Ino1h I

~ 8.00

- Editor

and stra in De siqninqsucce ssfully, on the other handis more of a combination of men talab il it y and ar us nc fin e sse .Creativity with uniqueness can dowonders lor designers So beingcreative and original is of utmostimpo rt an c e . T hey shou ldco mb ine well their men tal abi li tyto constantly' think and come upwi th new Ideas, wi th dexteroty togive shape to their idea s..> Designers are required to

di splay both a high level ofcreative ab il ity and technicalunderstanding 01 productionmethods

-> Fashion awareness . colourand shape sense areimportant

<' Problem sotvtnq skills, timemanagement and a lot of selldiscipl ine go in to the makingof a fash ion de sign

.:. The abil ity to co m m unicate

idea s both Visual ly a n dverb ally

.:. Openness to new let a andInfluence

.> lnt ro st In how 10111, "madn , la ',Lln .llt on With IMn ,onO j I nlf I I

.;. 1'10'1 10.,11, II \

DELHI POSTAL R;E'GD ~ ' I'\I O. DL-SW-'1/4101/2012-1 4U(C)-10 8/200 9.11 Li cen sed to Post w ithout prepayment RNIRNI 2872 8/76 N.D .P.S.O . New Delhi 03/04-2-2012 (~8.00)

in H i nd i a nd Urd u

NEW DELH' 4 - 10 FEBRUARY 2012

- Dr. Satya Prakash Pandeythe technical si de thai is and have a wide grasp ofproduct ion, depending upon the eco nomic param et ers andinterest and aptilude. Both the technica l skills. In-depth atoptions are rewarding . As far as understanding 01 . technology,designing is concerned, wor ld market ing, production and salesove r, design ers have slarted is always an added advan tage.using leathe r as an important Apart fr?m that, studen ts shouldpart of their designer wear and have an Impeccable lIalr lor style ,accessories , which has made perfect arnstrc Skills, greal senseleather amongst the top apparel of color and textures and more .material. The other option being Passion, patience, perseverance,production is also not a bad dedication and, commi tment arepropos ition . On a l tai nin g jus t other comp lem entary ski llsrequisite qualifications in the field requi red lor tn is profes sron.of product ion , one can s tar r Leathe r Indu stry as such, doeswo rking With le a ther not ask lor very special attributesmanulacturo ng companies and but just like any other industry ,tanneries . one needs to be a high achiever,

committed , dedicated and ha rdworker for higher goals . If onehappens to be in the producti online . The work can be quite tiring,es peci ally while workin g in thetanneries and product ion hous es ,often involving a lot of hard work

Eliqibilit -To pursue a career in LeatherGoods and Accessones Desrpn ,passion, super cr eati v ity anddrive are needed . Howev e r,earning a specialized degree in

Civil Services Exam 2012

Unio n Public Serv ice Co m m issio n has not i fi ed Civil Services

Examination 2012. Employment News (English)/Rozgar

Samachar (Hindi & Urdu) will carry i n its is sue dated

11/ 02/ 2012, details of th e e n suing CIVil SERVICESEXAMINATION, 2012.Readers may kindly note and book their copies with their

hawkers. Ag ents may kindly send their req ui re m e n t s alongwith requisite remittance immed ia t el y

leathe r Goods and AccessoryDssrqn from leading fashion andart schools can position you forsleek jobs in fashion hou ses andglam stores. Several fashion andfine arts schools offer speciatizedcourse s as well as g radualeprograms in leather Goods andaccessory de siqn . In order toenroll in as so c ia te orundergrad uate p rogra m s ,students must possess 10+2 andmust pass standardized entrancetes ts . Mos l graduate andadvanced programs entertainprevious on-hand experience In

de s ig n in g and may requestportfolio of creative work togelherwil h college tra nsc rip ts duringadmission ,

If you are crea tivo and, sty lish andhave enough verve 10 transformyour ideas onto attractiveaccessories, then a career Inaccossory designing may beyour stuff DeSigning is a senou sbu s in e ss and II ta k e s acut e

.aesthotic r li nem ent and c reativeknack to do IlJsti c > 10 It Aspumqdosl n I S wanunq 10 rom th1,1 tuon t 1 .k l r ~, " houk t h.1Y HI

up In d .1' lei I 011 n. If nt!



• Nat ional B UildingsConstructi on Corporation LId.invites ap pli catio n s forvari ous posts.


• Indo-TIbetan Bo rd er Po li ceForce req uires Inspectorsand Sub-Inspeclors (HindiTranslators)

• Indo-Tibetan Border PoliceFo r ce r eq u ires HeadConstables (Molar Mechanic),Constables (Motor Mechan ics)8. Constables (Driver)

• Indian Ordnance Factory, Katnirequires Teacher (Primary),Store Keepers and Durwa n

• 'ndian Ordnance Factory,Yeddumail aram requiresA rema n

• fndia Governme n t Mint,umbai invites applications

for various post s.

Page 2: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45
Page 3: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45

. J



round lor

Brielde sc rip ti on01 dut ie s

Pltssport sizeI'tlolo


n u m h ' tr 0 1 J)04 1 Of . en 10

Advt No. 0112012

HeadquartersAndaman &

Nicobar mmandPort Blair

CORRIGENDUMReference invited to Advt No. 0112011 published in Employment Newsdated 12-18 March 1 1 (davp 10101111/0127/10111 inviting appl icat ion s forthe post 01 Lower Division ~lerk.

2. The above mentioned adv e Ise ­me nt In re spect of Qu ali fi cati o nEssential (51No.3 (a) & (b) may beread as follows:-(a) 121h class pass or squivatentqualifica tion from a recogn ized Boardor University;(b) Should passtype writing In Englishwith a rmmrnum speed 01 35 wordsper minute or in Hindi with a minimumspee d of 30 words per minute oncomp uter (35 words per minute and30 words per minu te correspondingto 10500 KDPH/9000 KDPH on anavera ge 015 key depressloo lor each

word) "Follow in g Is al lo added below asSeria l No .80) al 10110'115:-

"Mere possession of minimum edu­cational qualll icaUon does not entlU 3

any applicant to be calied fo rscreanlnq tesVlntervitlw or autom tic

selection".3. All other details pro vided In thoabove advortisement Inc luding th

las t da to of recoivlng th I • t

rom In unr.h. ngod .CSO (L, Pl. H

d v p 1010 1/111 1691111 2N


Totalem oluments


Pay scalawith Pay


PeriodFr om To


(Siqnatu re of Candida te)For Office Record Only

INU' A GOV _II NM IH MINT , MIINDII I(A un it o f H"cu r lt y "rlntln . n d Minting Corpor.tlon of Indl. Umlted)

Wholly nwnetd by OoV1 . o f In d ia .IIdvt:-No.OllADMN/20l? -

Name of Course

(Signature 01 the Candidate)(To be filled by the Authority forwarding the application) :

Certified thai (he particulars furnished by the candidate has been checked trom available records and 'oundco rrect. .No vigilance case is pending or being contemplated against the candidate. There is nothing in the CR dossiers 01the candidate, wnl cn makes him ineligi:Jle ior consideration lor appointment tor the post applied lor.His integrity IS beyond doubtNo minor/major penalties have been imposed duting the lasl ten years.There is no objection lrom cadre clearance.

Name or Positio n h oldO rganlzat lon A lov ol

13 Whether any relalive already working in SPMCILII yes, specify the relationshipDe tai ls 01 compu ter kn ow\o dgo and expe ri enc eDeta ils of training


2 .

16. Details of Bank Draft for Rs. 2001-Name of Bank 00 No.

17 Copies of CertificalesfTestimonlals enclosed --- - - - - - - - -1. 3. 2. 4.

Decla rallonI hereby affirm and declare that the statements made in the application are true and unexaggerated. I undertake thaiany misrepresentation or material omission made in this application form will render the undersigned liable to immediatedismissal.DatePlace

3 .4 .5

1.2.3 .

Receiv ed on :Accepted/R eject ed _

Reason for reject ion: Unde raoe/Overage/Document s ir.comple te/ Anyther reasr;n'l to b'l speci fied ~

4. Index No.: Dat e of tesVlnl erv iew : _Ac lo.nowl cdgom ent Car d

(For Office Usc Only)

Pos t App li ed for Ba rber1. Name2. Father's Name : _

3. Correspondence Addr ess : _(Sam o as at column 6 ot Appli cation) -----Inde x No . __ _ _

Accepted/Rf;ljeclcd and date of test/interv law, if accept edRoason .for rojection : Und erago/Over age/Doc umenls Incomplet e! A nyother reason to be specilred

-- - (S ignat;;; ;-oI C "'Ontro ll ing Offi c ' r)

EN 45/122

4 .


duvp 10604/1 1/0024/1112

SignatureName & Designation .__

Olf ice Address,Telephone No._

EN 45181

5. Age as on closing date (29 Feb 2012)___ Yrs Months Days

6. Cor responden ce AddressHouse No.l StreeVViliage Post Olf iceTeh Telegraph Olf ice _ l)islr~c-t -.- -State Pin --- - - - -

7 . Permanent AddressHouse No.lStreeVViliage Post OfficeTeh _ Telegraph Office __ __ Distri.;- - - -Stale Pin - - --

B. Caste : (attached certificate)9. Educational Ouali tications (a)

(b) _=-==-=- _(c ) _

10. Any addition al quali fications/experience - --------

11. Whether reqistsred with a ny Employment Exch-ang~ - Yes/No12. If Yes, registration No. and Name of the Employment Exchange

. 13. I hereby certify:-(a) That I am not Involved in any criminal case and no crimina l proceeding

is pending or contemplated against me In any court of law.(b) That above particulars menuoned in the application are correct and true

to the bes t of my knowled ge and belie t. \I any of the parti culars mentionedby me are Ioi.nd -tarse at any stage 1 shall be liable to be reject ed/terminated from service without any not ice.

Date' 2012


Attrx recen tpassport size

pho tog raph du lyattested by a

o zetted Off icer

asTo reach with in 60 days from thedate 01 Issue of the aovernsernent Inthe newspapers.Website: Min istry of Power ;ww w.powerm ln .n lc .lnWebsit e o f Bureau of EnergyEffi ciency : www

• davp 34106/111012311112EN 45/118

3. Genera l Instructions:a) Aop/ications should be subrn itre.r with compl ete bio- da ta 01 the candidate

dUly affixed with one recent passport size photograph on lig ht hand corne r otthe aoplicat ion duly attested by a Gazetted Oflicer.(b) One photo should be pasted on Ack Card.

(c) ApplicatIon :Ie subm illed so as to reach Command ln _ Officer, WesternCommand F"rovos t UnI:, Chand/mandir CantHi7, Pln - 900475 . C/o 56APO within 30 days Irom the pu b licat ion o f adve rti sem en t inEmplo yment News along with a ttest ed copies 01 ceruucates and a sell­aocressec envelope With postal stamps of Rs. 221- requ ired lor registeredcover for return 01 aCKnowledgement card .

NoticeRecru itment in Western Com mand

. Provost Uni t , Chand im and i ,- Can ttApptlCalJOnS are invi ted tor titling the post 01 "Ba rnor" from Indian Domiciledebg e candidates meeting following criteria :-la) Category : Gen(bl No. 01 Pos ts : 01(c) Age : 1B yrs 10 25 yrs .(d) Quafil icalions : (i) Malric or its equivalent(Ii) Prof ici ency in BarbersfTrade job .(iii) One year experience in the trade.2. Pay scale Rs. 5200-20200 + Grade Pay Rs 190 '. -+- Allowances asadmissible.

(d) ABPlicants should report at Western Comma nd Provost Unit. Chandiman dirCantt on the date of tes t-interview as per detai ls given in acknowledqe card .No separate letter oth er than acknowledge card will oe Issued.(e) The candida tes should be in possession of ack nc , 'eci/ em ent card and alloriginal documents at the time 01 interv iew. Indlv ioual n"! ,n possession 01

acknowledge card issued by unit will not be entertained.(t) Name 01 the post applied for should be marked on top of the appl icati on in

block letters.PoInts to be Noted.(a) /ncomplete application without affixing photograph or without enclosingattested cop ies of educational certi(icates/showing OdIe 01 birth , castecertificate or if applicant is lound overage on last date 01receipt of app lication

will be rejec ted .(b) Candidates must ensure that no column is left blan k or wron :.JiY filled .Applications not fill ed correctly are liable to be rejected and the onus of suchrejection would be on'tne candidate. Tho unit adm inistrat ion will not enterta in

• .any claim alter such rejection . Th e applica tion format be typed on full size

paper.Ie) No application will be accept ed 'n person or through ;j ~y represen:a tive .The applica tIon must be posted 10 the a~dressed under cI registered cover .

The un it Villi not be responsibl e for any kInd of postal de lays .(d) No TAIDA fOr fhe le sVinterview will be paid Candida te will ,make their own

lJoardin!tlodging arra ngement. . '(e) Un it w,lI no t be ro spons lbl e to pay any damages ,n case of InjUry (0

candidate du ring the test. rApplicatIon for Recru itmen t '

1. Post applied tor ~ , h ,2 Name of candidate (IO IJloc k lu tte rs)

Father 's Nam e

ate of 8 1rth


Page 4: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45

Planning c om m l5 S W)fl r ef~UIn lor Rosoarch Oftlcer (

SO 01 Rs 6600/- (Pre-revPay h Itd pu tallon (IOC IUOlO9 S 0


Olhce r '/Iorklng In thePublic Sector Undena(i) Holdin g anatoqo(Ii) W ith 5 yea rs' se

revised As. 800(ill) p ossessin g the e

below(b) FOR PAO MOTI'The Depa rtmental Aeconsidered and 10 cadeemed to have bee"-he departmental ofv,,11 not be elig ible fdeputationists sha ll01 deputa 'on / contImmediately precediexc eed thr ee years

2 Educallonal qualif(Sci en ific ResearcES SENTIAL(,) aster's degr

Bachelor's Deor eqUIvalent c

(II ) 5 years" exoerPlanning and

DESt A A BLE:(,) Exper ience ,

Exa mination c( II) Knowledge of

In dra ft ing tee3 AGE LIMIT : The

Term Contract) s4 DUTI ES ATT AC H

of data . prepara uc5 PE AI OD OF DEI

deputation m anotor some otner org,three yea rs . The Iinstructions con taMemo. No . 2129/9 'and In Ihe case ofconcerned author

6 CRUCIAL DATEapplication I.e . 60advertisement IS ~

7 HO W T O APPLY(i n duplicate ) Iraand who can be •of intimation abeIO:lOWln 9 oocumproiorm a as at •Commissi on. AlY! llhin si xty da(i) Up-to-dat e

tor the lasSec re ary

(II) Integ" y c­Deputy Se

(Ill) V ig ilanceor cnrmnaand

(IV) Lis a m'No psnr

8 GEN ER AL : Athe pre CII

not appucabtero per cnann

co nsid ered Aformat or 11\0:

9. The details..h ttp://w .....w

14 4 2 7

- ,t 5 '1 3

0 u

11 ;> 3


'10 10 3 2 5

:J 2 0 0

20 10 3 2 5

7 3 2


3. All other entries \Jill rom ain unehangud

dn vp 10 1 0:>J111~ 9 90 1 1 112

·N I / \1


(f) FOR: Para 1 (r) Harne or Po st · Mat " Oth '& Lilt Operato r) . - er s (Cane man, Hammer ma n , Black Smun Wl ld~ r


I Po ol : Mal e (Fill er Gener al Mech onlc) :There IS change in(d) In Para 1 (n ) Nam e 0

number of vacanc ies

(e) FOR . Para 1 (p) Name 01 PC'"' Milte (Upholster)


Ser Name of Recru iting Scale of No . of Reservat ion

No. Post Aut hority pay and Vacan- UA- SC ST OBCGrade Pay cies

(n) Mate Commander Works As 5200- 38 19 6 3 10

(Filter Engtr,eer, Kirkee 20200 with

General Commander Wo·rt<.s Eng ineer grade p::ly 95 47 14 7 27Mechamc) (Naval Works), Mumbol Rs 1800/-

Commander wo ~.s 7 3 1 1 2Engineer , Visakhapatnam

Commander Wor ks 50 24 8 4 14Engineer , Cnenn ai

Commander Wo," s Engineer 29 15 4 2 8(Air Force) (No rth), Bangalore

Comm and er Wor ks 49 24 7 4 14Engin e'llr, Seeunderab ad

Command er Wor ks --45 23 7 3 12

Engin eer , Nagpur I

Comm and er w".~ 50 25 8 4 13Engin eer . Port Blair

Com mander Wor .sEngin eer , Deolali

6 3 1 0 2

Commander Wor KS Eng,"('~

(Au Forc e) . Phuj56 28 8 5 15

Commander Worl's Eng ineer(Army) Jodhpur

93 47 14 7 25

Commandor War: s Engineer(Naval WOrks) KeChi

21 11 3 1 6

Scr Name of Rec ru iti ng Scale of No. of Reserva tion

No . Po st Au thori ty pay and Vac an ·Grad e Pay cles VA" SC ST OBC

(n) Mate (Fill er Commander Works Engineer . As 5200 - 19 09 3 2 5

Genera l Kllk ee 20200 with

Mechan,c) Commander Works Engl noer grade pay 93 46 14 7 26

(Naval Works) . Mumba i As 1800/-

Commander Wo" s Engineer . 7 3 1 1 2

Visakhapaln amCommander Wor~s Engineer . fiO 24 8 4 14


Commander Works Eng ineer 26 13 4 2 7

(All Force) (North), Bangalore

Comma nder Works Engin eer , 28 14 4 2 8

Secun derabadCornrr ander Work s Engin Jer, 30 15 5 2 8

NagpulCommander WorKS Enginee r, 45 22 7 4 12

Port BlallComm ander WorKS Engin eer , 4 2 1 0 1


Comm ande r Works Eng ineer 56 28 8 5 15

(Air Force), Bhu j

Commander Wor~s Engineer 66 33 10 5 18

(Army), Jod hour

Comm ande r Works Enq in- er 16 8 2 1 5

(Nava l Works) Koehl



















8 3 1 5

13 4 2 7

5 2 3

0 0 0

3 0








Rs 5200- 17

20200 ....i thI-:::--t--:-+-+-+--Igrade pay 26Rs 1800/-

Scale of No. ofpay and Vacan­

Grade Pay cles

Recru itingAuthorit y

Commander Works Engineer(All Force) (North), Bangalore

Commander Works Engineer,Secunderabad

Commander Wor~ s Engineer.Chennai

Commander Wor~s Engineer,Nagpur

Commander Wor~ s EngIneer,Pori Blall

Commander Works Enginee r(All fore I, Shu)

Comrnnnder Works Engin eer(Arm y). JotJhPU ..,r ~

Comrnande;-Wc,rk [n9lnu r(Nava ' Works) Koehl

(I) Maw[Carp enter) I-='c.:;.::..:=--- - - - - _

(c) In Para 1 (I) Name of Post: Mate (Carpen ter) : There IS change in number ot vacan cies.FOR

Ser Name ofNo. Poal


48 14 25

8 '}

4~ 25 4 13

26 13 2 7

19 10 3 5

25 4 1349

50 25 8 4 1:-

3 2

31 16 5 2 8

83 43 12 6 22

14 2 4

Recru it ing Scale 01 No. of Reser vat ion

A"Ulhorily pay and VacanGrade Pay ci es UW SC ST OBC

Commander WOl Rs 5200· 38 20 6 2 10

( EI~ ncian) En ..,eer. Klrkee 20200

Commander Wor Engineer with qrade 100 51 15 7 27

'Naval Works). Mumbal pay

Commander Works Rs 1800/- H 9 2 5

Engineer Visa apatnarn

Commander Wor s 49 25 7 13

Eng,neer Chenna i

Commander WOl s Engineer 26 13 4 2 7

'A" Force} (Norm ). Bangalore

Commander Works 28 15 4 2 7

Englr.eer. Secunderabad

Commander Wor~s 52 27 7 4 14

Engineer, Nagpur

I Commander Works 60 30 9 5 16

I Engineer. Port Blair

ICommanOer vor-,s 7 3 2Engineer. Dedlah

Commander Works Engineer 33 17 5 2 9(Air Force). Bhu!

ICommander Works Engineer 94 48 14 7 25

I (Army). Jodhpur

Commander Works Engineer 18 9 3 5(Naval Works) Koehl

Page 5: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45

: 1

I ! .

28 years

.1: •.


• :- I I . • • : . I

Pay Band-2 Rs. 9300-34800+Gradepay of Rs. 4200

01 (One) PostUR (Unreserved)

No. of post and reservation status _~

Advert ; erne" t No. 02/JHT/2011 Dated 04.02.2012

• . I • I '

pplications are invied for the po t of Jr. Hindi Translator in Central Road Research Institute. New Delhi as perdetails given below:

uniorHindi Translator

In addition to pay. other benefits suchas LTC. Leave. Leave Encashment and Medical Facilities are also admissible as perRules.

Essential Qualifications and Experience :. • CRRI reserves the right not tofillupthe post. if itsodesires.Master Degree ofarecognised University inHindi/ English withEnglish / Hindi • An Application Fee of Rs. 100/: (Rupees One Hundred only) is payable inasamain subject atdegree level; the form of crossed Demand Draft valid fo~ a period of atleast 6 months

OR from the last date ofreceiptofapplications. Demand Draft shouldbe drawninfavourofDirector,CRRI payableatState BankofIndia.CRRI .New Delhi

Ma ters Degree of a recognised University in any subject with Hindi as themedium ofInstruction andexaminationwithEnglish as acompulsorysubject at • Applications (i) not accompanied with prescribed application fee. (ii)degree level; without the requisite Informationasked forinthe Applications Format; and

(iii) received after the due date will not be considered . Incompleteapplicationswillbe outnghtlyrejected.

III.How10 Apply:Application forms can be downloaded from OR can beobtained from Cenlral Road Research Institute. Delh i Mathura Road, P.O.CRRI, New Delhi -1 10025In person or by sendingarequest alongwltha self­addressed envelope of the size of 23x1 1 cms. affixed withpostage stamps ofRs. 10/-. Requests for Issue of application forms by post received after05.03.2012willnotbe entertained.Applications completed in all respects. in the prescribed form along Withapplication fee in the form of DO (Issued by State Bank of India only) for Rs.1001- (Non-refundable) for general and OBC category candidates valid for atleast 6 months, drawn In favour of the Direclor, CRRI payable at State Bank ofIndia, CRRI Branch, New Delhi. should be sent to the Controller ofAdministration Central RoadResearchinstitute. Deihl MathuraRoad ,P.O.CRRI .New Delhi- 11 0025 soas to reach onorbefore 05.03.2012. Noothermodeofpayment of fee will be accepted DO Issued by any other bank will not beacceptable. Application received after the closing date shall not beentertained.CRRI will nolbe res ponsiblefor any postal delay.

Application form duly signed and completed in all respects with thefollowingdocumentsshouldreach theCONTROLLEROF ADMINISTRATION

<t. ... . .. 1

CENTRAL ROAD RESEARCH INSTITUTE, NEW DELHI -110 025 in a closedcover super subscribing "APPLl CATl ON FO R THE POST OF_______ _ _ POST CODE ADVTNO. ,onor before 05.03.201 2.

1. Candidate mustenclose the following certificates/ documentswhilesUbmitting hisI her Hard copy oftheOnlineApplicationForm:.

a. An application fee of RS.100/- (Rupees One hundred only). separatelyoreach post. which shouldbe onlyintheformof Crossed DemandDraftpayableat New Delhi and drawn Infavour of DIRECTOR,CENTRAL ROADRESEARCHINSTITUTE, NEW DELHI.

b. Attested copy of Matncuianon orequivalent ceruhcate withmarksheet.

c. Attested copy of Mark Sheets of Degree/Diploma and Certificate Issuedbytheconcerned authority.

d. Attested copy of experience certificate(s), If applicable.

IV. Applications submitted without enclosing the relevant documents /certificates.asmentioned at SI.NO.1 ,are liabletobereiecteo.

V. Appl ications once made cannot be Withdrawn . Application fees oncepaid will neitherbe refunded onanycount norIt can be held 10 reserve forany other recruitmentor selectionprocess.

VI. Canvassing in any form and / or brlnglOg In any Influence. political orotherwise, will betreatedasdisqualificationforthepost appliedfor

VII. Intenm enqures related to thiS rccruument wIll not be altt'IH1 .0 tentertaineo

ORBachelor's Degree withHindiand English as main SUbjectsoreither ofthe twoas medium of examination and the other as a main subject plus recognisedDiploma/Certificatecourse In translation from Hindi toEnglish and Vice-versaor two years experience of translation work from Hindi to English and Vice­versa in CentraV State Government Offices, including Govt, of IndiaUndertaking.

I.AgeLimits and Relaxations• The date of determining the upper age limit, qualifications and / or

experience shall be the clos ing date prescribed for receipt of ApplicationForm i.e.. 05,03.2012

• Relaxation of 5 years will also be admissible to those who had ordinanlybeen domiciled in the Kashmirdivisionof the Stateof JammuandKashmirduring theperiod fromJanuary 1, 1980to December 31. 1989 subject tothe productionofrelevant Certificates fromtheConcernedAuthonty.

• Relaxationof age upto five years may beallowedto Council IGovernment/PublicSector Undertakings inaccordancewith theinstructionsanq ordersissued bythe Government of Indiafrom time totimeinthis regard .

II. General Instructions andTerms& Conditions .

• OnlyIndian Nationalsneed apply.

• Theperiod ofexperience forthepost,whereverprescribedshall be countedfrom the date of acquiring the minimum educational qualificationprescribed forthe post.

• The appointmentwill be in the Central Road Research Institute, New Delhiunder the Council of Scientific &Industrial Research (CSIR) which is anAutonomous Body. Theappointees arealso liabletobetransferred/postedIn any of the Sister Laboratories / Institutes of CSIR situated anywhere inIndia, as and when required.

• Applications from employees workingin CSIR, Government Departments.Public Sector Organisations, Autonomous Institutions and Government­funded Research Agencies will beconsidered only if their applications areforwarded through proper channel and with a clear cerllficate that theapplicant will be relieved within one month of the receipt of appointmentorder. However, candidates can send an advance copy along with thenecessary application fee (wherever applicable) before the last date ofreceipt of completed applicationforms.

• Merely fulfil/ing the minimum prescribed qualifications and experience willnot vest anyrightonacandidate for beingcal/ed for Test/Interview. Adulyconstituted Screening Committee shallscreentheapplicationsreceived forvarious posts for short-listing the candidates to be called for Test /Interview. The candidate should therefo re mention in application all theQualIfIcations and expenences in the relevant field over and above theminimum prescribed Qualification duly supported With thedocuments. TheInstitutereserves the right to call for test/interview, only those candidateswho In Its opinion are likely to be SUItable and no correspondence Will be

crllcrtalnt:dIn 1111::; regard.

Page 6: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45

Note: Tho Bank "'1oO<V""fill up the Va<:a"""", In thethe followlOgconditions: N. Ea) Ed ucation al Quall OcatlArt Ex -seNlce Man having10 be a Matnculale . TheDischarge Bool<and suIn th e event of any certiflCnecessary endorsementThe Service Test & Exa"lIn the Soldier's Dlsch<irelev ance to the Bank.The Candid ate" are req'lor examination at the IIce rtl f"ocate/" wmbe aceeb) Age limit : Normal agoana 30 years lor SC/ST) iAnn ed Forces + 3 yearsdispute regar ding age, thibe final.c) expe rie nce : Ex~

actually in military senneand ammun ition in the rrud) Description of OutProper1>es.e) Pay and Allowances 'scal e 01Rs.6350-~723o-22Q;

4 3Total emolume nts at thef) Orthopaed ica lly handl~enera l In struction,,;ap ply.B) Date of Birth asCertificate/Ce rtifica te ofbe acce pted as a proof d1C) Candidates shouldRecrui tment Zone 01 MI(eXclUding Vidhartl ha RJHavel i.0 ) The ex-servicem en ,recruumera~e, eithetE) Employees appointedefi ned contribution "NF) Me rely ful filli ng elig~Bank reso rves Io rder to restri ct Icommensurate:td1!:lrngard s h all be final r

G) 'Defi ni ti on o f Ex"!any rank {whether asAir Force 01 the 100De lence Secu rity CjSe na and Ihe Para ,his/her pe nSIon. oraltributable 10 mililaror other disability pefro m su ch se rvi ce afrom such service alhis own request 01ineffici ency, and haoof the foll owing cafE

i) Person with disa

H) Selection Prochave to underg o SIS of the ir perffou nd sUitablewll10 vacanci es andbefilled by l e ca



Ministry ofStatistics &Programme

ImplementationCentral Statistics


dlSclp llnoUlllV r Ity

a t c 1111 ut r

I nIf

March 23, 2012

Reaccredited with 'A' Grade by NAACSilver Jubilee Year (2012-2013)n_. l~ Research 1H3IOR) " vlle s app llC311()flS loe acJml$SlOIl to lheJna,ra GanctJ L"\Sblufe of ~e ....... .....·.. ~

loIIowo"ll prc>gronwnes. no Au us12012.1 M se ( Econom ics} : ThlS ls a lwo-yeat Pfoor~CQtM\ e no 9• . . M Sc. OgtanYTle Il",clude one 01the loliowlOQ

Eligibility: MlOoITlOm qual,loea""" IOf acmss~ 10 ~ Bcen / B Sial I BSo. (physICS ordeOrees Of U'lef eq.walenls eA I B SC "" conomcs .. 'pl1ne andI,rsl () V\$JCW"

m.11hemcUICS) /B Ted1./ B E at leasr~ SKOOdcMStOOlOf E~;:~.e r scCQl"lddry level orlOt ether dl.ScJPlles. The appllc:anl musl have Slud ,eo malhemahCS 01shoul d be abh~ 10dCmonslral e eqtJIVa1enimal~ltcal abthty.

Some need-basedschOlarstJpsarea\la,jaOle10 MaSletSslu(Jenl$asperlr.stllule·sl'lOl'ms The secondycar Maslers slL!denls areellOJble 10eeoeess lOIereSito wor1l.asGrawa le A$StstanlSand aepen()ngupo'1lheavaliabtl yandllOlJTls.rntgNbe awardedsucn~SlSlantstJps

2. II.P hll. I Ph.D. (Development Stud~') : These are InierdtSC1phnary programmescommeno~ August 2012. The durallon 01 MPhil. programme IS Iwo years and \hal 01Ph.D.prr,jlrammeISfourycars

Ehgi~ lI rty : Monrmun qua"o<:ahonlor admS~on '0 !he MPIloI and Ph.D pregralM1' ll1C~de one01 tile 101l0\W10 del"ees 01 I/leIr eqwvaJeOlS MA / ~tSc '" ECQO()lTlIcs / MSIal , ~ Sc.(physICS Qt MalhematlCS Qt EOVUOMlenial Scenee 01 Oo,ral'onsResea ,ChI i MBA 1M T,Go': 11.\ E •B Tech I B,E WIth a l le as I 5 5~'" aggrcgale mar1l.s lorEconomICS osopsncanc 60--.JgorCCj21cmarkStor ottl~r dlsopl Theappbcanl mustnavestuoed MaltlemallCS al ine h'Qtlcr secondary level orsl'lC.Ud beable lodemMStraleeQJNa1enimathematical abd1ty

Stipend; MProI /Plt O SludenlS receveamonlhfySllpend 01 RS.12.000.· ,nllletorsllwoy,ars Thosestudents. wholulI~llhe terms andcmclhOllSlOtPh.D reO'SlralIOll. would recerve arnonltlly stipend()/Rs.18.000I· a"erPh.D.reglSlrahO<O InlheIhorO year.

selection Procedure: Candrdales Wlil beseieeeconthebas's 0I1heor pe~OImance 111 a wnll' n testandan,nleMew Thewnnen test emphasizes general apl~ude. anal)1o<:at aM,IYandmathemal,caJs,~ls TheICSI \V111 be heldon Sunday, Apll l 29,2012 allhefollOWingcenlrcs Alvnedabad. AJ:ahabad.ChaOdogam. BangalOfe, Bhopal, Bhuoaneshwar. CheMa,. GUlVahal'. Hyderabao. Ja,pur. KoI'ala.lud<tlow, Murnbar, Nagpur. NewDeltu,anc Thu\1vananlhapuram The lest vcnoe WIll be nOIl'ICd tn It'ICcallieuer. Based on tnepel1O'mance tIlltle wnllen test S~.()I1 listed caooca res \v.1I be easeo 101 an"'I ''''ew at iGlOR aroundltle lasl wee' 01June 2012 Second etass relurn ra,lla reoy IheshoneSiroute from tnc place of resIdence 'Mil be pald 10the canclloales lfltelVtcwcd The deOSI()fl 01 theInstrtuleWIll be Itnal

EN 45/33

HOW loApply;

(1)ByPosl;""p1lcallonlOOT'S alldprospecluSmaybepU'chased IromtheIns"luteSiudenis' 011 ceona wOl1oogday (Monday 10 fnoay.9 15am 105.45pm) Ihe reeuesl lOtIheappllcallonlorm 10 pla'opa~er should haveIhecanc.dale'sname. dale01 bloh, SU. address acaoem,cquahhcahons. Choceolleslcenlreelc

(21Inleroel Download: Applocahon101m can alsobedownloaded areCly Irom1M\',ebslle OIIGIOR(

Requesll or apphcallO<O byPOSI andInlemel downloadedapphcall~ns lormsalong" ,111 aban, drall 01Rs.SOO!· (non·relundablo)on lavour 01 Ino,ra GaodIU InSillule 01 Developmenl ResearCh (IGIORIpayable al Mumba maybe senl by post 10;he 51udenlS 011ce, iGlOR Gen A K VaCya Marg5anloshNagar,Gorcgaoo (EaSI). Mumoa, . 400 065(E·mall solllce{rlg ldr ac.rn) Pal.".,enl ,n anyOIh~rlorm\\111 nolbeaccepled

il lSSlronglysuggesledIhal lheapplrcanlsshould useIheOnlinelaclhty

(3)Online Appllc.ltJO<O : CanOodalescan1" lheappLcahon101m onhoe ava tableal www""eapphcahonleeISRs.300r- only

Reservalio<o: Aescrvahon 01 seals lor SC/ SI / Pnysleallydosab'ed ealecones wI/b e as ~er IncGove"''''ent 01 India rlJles SuCh appl'canlsneedn()I subln,l any apploca ll~ lee bul arc ' ecuored 10enclose a copy01ttle Casle CeodlCJle / Medocal CeolllCate <as Ihe casemaybe) aloog Wllh I ellroquesl lor appilCalro<o lorm These SC I 5T / Physrca lly <losabled apPIocanlS Subml hng l()O'l1sck>wnIoaded Irornlhewebsolearc requlledloallachaCOlly oImenocessa')'CcolflcalC

Lasl date lor Issue 01applicallon lorms by POSI March 19, 2012

ustdale tor rCC1!lpl 01completedapphcalion I inlemeldownloaded and Online Appircall o<o lorms

Aggreg ele%

COII l/nu od Oil P


I I II I I I I IPin Code [ . D~ I I I

I I I I I II·1 i i i i i

Pin Code I I I I I I

Mark s Obta ined Ineach Sub jeet

oi l

'Jill/'bi and Wil ling ann whOsHlyon Iltell ·mr.·Cl lOn rn. y be lorwilf d, '(j


Se<vlce No.lP A No. Ran k Unit Serv ln gllast serv ed

4 tneulallon Cest,hcale Board! UniverSity _5 100ennodlal Certlflcal e O. Boa rd! University _6. Are you son 01 a sNVing or retired or deceased Ofl icer/AirmanlNCs(E)/Aw Force UOII Cadre Civ,han OR are you a serving NC(E)? IF YES. menlion

dalails (F ill In RED INK).

Exam Passed - SUbjectStud ied

Matriculation!Equiva lenlExamH13tion

7. Educa tiona l Oua"' rcatlOOs :

'ntem",d"'lefEqu iva lenlExa minat ion

A.12026/4/11 -CAGo v ernm en t o f India


I I I I·:Slalel -:J

12. Permanent Home Address:

8 Ac:1lievemen ts in Sports:ra! Sports Discipline: -r-r-__,..- _

(As per para 2 0 1 the Adverti soment!(b) Level 01 representation: _(As per pare 3 0 1 the Advertisement)

9. Height' ~ cm10. lclentiijcation Marl<. _ _ ---,---, _11. Acldresses for Corresponden ce:

Sl4le C =:J13. Nal ionalUy:o=T I I14. Are you Married? (TICk ( ,I') Ves or No) VES 0 NO 0i s . Have you been discharged Irom the Indian Air Force/Indian Army/IndianNavy or dismissed from any govergmen t organ izal ion? Sl ate: Ves or NO.11yes give delalls.

Page 7: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45

Tel. No.(if~ny) -'- _

State :


Percentageout 01





1-__-'1 LI__~

(Victor James)Under Sccroa try 10 Ihe Government 01 India

Tole 23095367

B to -Data Annexure

ContlnufJd 'rom page 14Applications .-ecelved afte r the prescnbeo date and/or incomplete rn anyr poet sh 11 not be considered Selectee ctucers sha ll no: be allowed towllhdraw hi /he r appncauon.

10-4-2Q-971 0-:!QQ-1171 0-6llQ-13750 (20 years).

.3 2 4 3 4) Date of Birth : A)ttate of allowances WIll be Rs.13,804/- (approx.) (As recorded in ---O-a-te---

cfrsabledpersons will not be eligible. . School Leaving B)Age as onl1!.] GntduateslOegree holders are not ellglbte and need not - ---


recorded in the School Leav ing Certif lcatelTransfer 5) Educational r------, r- - - - ..., r----~OomicilelBirth Certificate issued by Municipal Corporation will Qualification: I I I I I LI --- - -'

:.of age. As on Std. passedd have studied In an ed cationat Institution situated in the I

of Mumbei Office of RBI, viz., Institutions In Stale of Maharashlra 6) Name of Educational Institution L=========================~a Beglon) , State of Goa and Union Territory of Dadra aM Nagar last attended: rl

L. _ PLI:.:a:.:ce=...:...: --'==--'- - - - - - = :.:..::..:.....---'

i) C"SC:J ST r=oec;=~===GE=N=I____:.____,

ii) I Ex-Serviceman I DIsabled Ex-Serviceman

a) Date 01joining the Army :b) Date olDischarge Irom the Army :

iii) Displaced person from Jamm u & KashmIr betwee",n ...,;;serVIceman': "Ex-serviceman means a person , who has served in 1-1-1980and31-12-1989 I Yes I I No I

a combatant or as a non-combatant) in the regular Army, Navy and ., .fidian Umon bUI does not indude a person who has served in the iv) Ex-employee of Banking Insbtu\lonslGov1 Office retrenched after at

:COtRS. the General Reserve Engineering Force, the Lok Sahayak least one year's service I Yes I I No \Mllitaryforces and who has retired from such service after earrunqwho fias been released from such service on medical grounds 9) Proficiency In Sports/ Extra Curri cular Acti v iti es.

ry serviceordrcumstances beyond his control and awarded medical If any: - --- - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - ---:- - -------- - --­nsion, or who has been released, otherwise than on his own request 10) Languages kn ow n:

as.a result of reducnon in establishment , or who has been released -------------------- - - - - - - ----S8MCll after completing the speci fic period 01 engagement, otherwise than at DECLA RATION

\ by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or I declare that all,nformabon and particulars furnished herem above are true and correct. I unde rstand thallI any 01as been given a gratuity and includes personnel of the Territorial Army the infonnation is found incomplete/ incorrect. false or rmsteaomq, my candidature IS habte 10 be cancelled at anylegories, namely: Penslon holders forconlinuous embodied service ; stage before appointment and if appointed. my appointment is hable to be terminated houl orbility atllibutable to rnihtary service and Ii)Gallantry award winners compensation in lieu tnereot .I also understand that my candidature Wlil be considered subject 10 cnlena I concl

roee•• : The cand idates shortl isled Ior the posts of security guar d may stipulated in the advertisement.written lest and! or interview and their selection will be made on the Place: -----nnance In Ihe written te I and / or interview. Accordingly, candidates Date : SIgnature o1lheApplicant -----be placed on lis\lo be prepared for the post of Security Guard subjec tpservatlOn requ irem ents . Furth er, not more than 20% of the posts will Enclosures :

caooKlates haVin edu catr nal uall fication s above std . X.

Page 8: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45

Chiel Exec l

Can~onmenl Board/Cle

Conflnued from page 1

IV. Post lor whic h the ~

From ' ToB. Whether SCIST9. Any olher informalithe post




The Director General, FlshaptSurvey oIlc:dla. Botawala Chaml>ers.Sir P.M Road. MumbBi - 400 001Invlto s applications 10 ,m up onevacant posl 01 Bosun (Certilled)rOllorved for ST (Group 'B', Non'Mlnlstorlal) in the Pay Band (PB-2) atAs. 9,300-34,800/- + Grade Pay ofRs. 4,200/· cocrOSponding to the prrevised pay scale 01 Rs. 5000-150eooo / - on direct recrunrnem basias detailed below.essentlat Ouallllcatlon:iif) 12th Std. pass or equivalent.Iv) Po ssession ot Certillcatecompetency as Mate Fishing VesIssued by the Mercantile MarlDepartment.Ago : Uplo 30 years (relaxable u35 years lo r Government servIn accordance with the Instruelioorders issued by the CeGovernment) . The crucia l datdetermining \he age lim~ shan belast da le pre scribed tor r9Cei~

applications.ptace of posUng: At anyoneBase s loc at ed i n Gu(Porbandar). Maharashtra (MuG08 (Mormugao). Kerala (KcTamil Nadu (Ch enn al), APrad esh (V lsakhapatnam)Andaman s (Port Blair) with AllTransler LiabUity.The ap plicat ions along wIattes t ed true copies ofCertil icates of essential quatif1Cshould reach the Director GeFish ery Surve y of Ind ia, BotChambers, Sir P.M. Road, M~

400 00 1 withIn 45 days: ' EN~-----------..

Cantonment SoarClement Town

CorrigendumReterence th is ottlce recrutadvertisement No . 134/CBCdated 10.08.2011 .The Cantonment Boatcpu blish ed the tecnadvertisement tor the ISataiwale. & Ma il tor the ecandidntes . Now the Can

• Board has changed the qUifor this post as literate (the cknows readin g & writing ac andida tes have ai resapp lied, not required to 81again . Th e li terate candilapply within 15 days tronpublication 0'1 th is adveApp lication 10011 is ava ilawebsite at CanlonmelC lement(ww w. c b c l em en tt ow n.1No . 1341CBC/Off ice at the Cantonme

o Clement Town, Dehrad51

N 1 (8 )12011/CIITov mm t 0' Ind a

y er AppellatTribunal (CAT)

Mlnl.l ry 0' Communl callon. &In'o rm at lon Tochnology

(0 I' rtmont 0' Informationhchnology)

Th" <.;ytl t API' 11.11. 1 nbunal (CAT)ha I. , n 5"1 up .11 Now D" lhl by theMini str y 01 Communica tIOns &tnt mmat ton r nc nno to y , Gov er n ­m nnt o f hull,1 to btJ n r rlb un n t lOmJ\Ul 'l c<l lf' lJllOl1 U10 a p l Is Pfflt rr fj(jaO,1l n b l lilt o en o n rnBdo hyAd jUUl cu tlng Q ttlc r un d 'H theInl ounntlon 1 f!ch nology Act 20002,1 ne 1 ribllnal propo os 10 fill up onepO'J1 I)' fJflv n to S ct;m ta ry In th e pee­tevreco sc nle 01 pe y 0' As .6500-200 ­105001- (corr~lipondln 9 10 rov iSedp y bnnd 01 R• .9300-34800/- & GP01 Rs.4800).s . Tho d OUJlls contai m ng elig ibilityco nd iti o n s and o the r ter m s ctappointm ent arc gwen .'" An nexure-l.4. ApplicatIons of eligIble and WlII"llo l fl c er s , who can .b e sp a r edIm medmte ly in cas e ot setecuon, maybe torwarded through proper channel,nthe prescribed proforma given inAn nexu re-II , to Sh R.K. UppalReglslrar. Cyber Appellate T"ounal'Minis try of Communications andInformat ,on Te chnology . JeevanBharli (U G) Build,ng, Ground Floor,Outer Circle, Connaught Place. e"Delhi along with copies 01 the ACRdossie rs lor the last lIve years dulyattested by an .oll icer not below therank 01 Under Secretary Or equivalentand Vig ilance Cle arance /DisCiplinary Clearance with in the 30day s fro,," the date 01 receipt of tn,sAdvl .5. App licatIons which are not "I I~

properly as als o l illed up prolormarecewec after due date. without ACRDossiers. Vigilan ce and OiscipllnaClearanc e will not be enleriaineJ.Once se lected, the applicantwill nOIbe a llow ed to wi thdraw lIi5111..,application.6. ThIs Adv!. is also availableatCI>.TWebsite: w ww.catl n.

(RX Uppal)Regis trar (CAl)

Annexure-IGenera l term s of appoint ment1. The maxim um ag e limit lorappointment on deputation shall benot exceeding 56 years as on theclOSing date at receipt of applicahOllS.·2. Period of deputation includingper iod 01 deputation in another ex·cadre pos l hel d immediatelypreceding this appointment in thesame or o th er organi zat ion ordepartment ot the CentralGovernment shall o rd inaril y notexceedin g one ye ar in the l irstins tance.Eligib ility Condit ion s:Pr iva te Se cretary to Chairperson,CAT(i ) Of ti c er s In the Cenl ralGovernment or Sla te GovernmentsOr In Cour ls ho ldin g analogous postson regu lar basis and having a degreeIrorn a recogni zed Univers ity: or( i i) Stenograph ers Grad e 'C' witheigh t yea rs service in the pre-revisedsca le 01 pa y of Al1.5500-175 ·9000(c orrespondi n g t o rev ised payb and o f As .9300.34BOO & gradepay of Rs.4200 or equiv alent andhaving a degree lrom a recognizedUniv ers ity .Desirable: Pro le rence will be givento persons having experience'" legal

and JudiCial wo rk.

EN 45/131

(S ignatu re of th e Applican t)

A nne xu re- III

Whether belongs to Scheduled Caste/Scheuled Trib e

lit h , th ,1 dpplK.AIi Ons (II' tlllpllt (110 ) 0 1 oUglb le 0 111 l ' S , rw tlO a rfv u I t l }(~ \.;00 Id IP O to- th e abov no t ~ and wh o could h e t pa r .d ma y t l f ~

t. I Ihr uOh prop r cnan net ) 10 this Muu slr y t tnu lo llo wl"g nddrr" ;f) w ithin1 '0 months h om th e dat e 01 punhcnnon o f lh d dvcrl lsem cnt fl pphco11l0n SIt; I d al ter th t.' due date w ill no t no co nsidered

1 2 3 4 5 6



9 Particulars of experience wi th reference to job requirements indicatedin Annexure-I during last 5 years (tndicate the nature 01work donedunng the last 5 years)


( K. Murnll lUn d t;t( ~ecrot ary

o (EstLIIGP·I)Room No.319. ' (3 ' ~ lng, 3rd Floor

Sena Bhavan, Ne w Dcl l-~ 10105

Anncxu ro-I

Eli g lb Ili t )' eonu ttt ons for the post s of Contract Pu rchaso QUir e" , D epU.

0' De fen c e Product ion . M in is try 0' D ef en c e

I Pos t Contract Purchase Oltlcer. General Central Service Gmu ·A·.

Ga cited on·MlI1istenal . B- d-32 Pay Scale : Rs. 15600-391OO/-+Grade Pay 01 RS.6600l"n Pay an3 Mode of Aecrultment & Eli gibil ity Conditions :I) o rneers under the Cenl ral Govt. holding analogous posts; ~~ eOCO-275­II) l"IIl h at least 5 years service m posts 111 the pay scal~ a -3 'Rs 15.600-13.500/. (pre- revised) or eqUivalent, (Re Vised Pay PB .39100+Grade Pay Rs.5400/- and .HaVing experience of contract & purchaSe procedures. problems of ,m?o~substitution and procedure lor g-anlll1g assis tance to manufactunn:JU"" S I

vanous lorms for developmont and product.on of Defence Items.4 . Period of Deputall on :Pened 01 denutanon ," cludlng penod 01 depu tation In another ex-cadre postheld unmcd iately preceding trns appoin trnent III the same or some otheroroanl>allon/department or the Cert tra l Govl. S11.111 oromarny nul exceed 3(tn"ree) years. Moximum age for appomtmcn t by depu lat,on sh,,11 not exceed56 years as on the closing date 01 ' ~CClpt 01applic:atlon .

Certificate(To be furn ished by the Em 10 er)

Office/Minisl ry/Department .. ..... ......... . p yCert ili ed that Shri/Sml.lKm ..

regul ar Group 'A' Off icer ·i~..ih~ ·~~y · ~~~ i i·R·..· · · ·iS a

(Grade Pay) in Pay 'B and-3/ has renderedea~ lea:; ~5600-~9100/. ~6600/ ·post in Ihe pay scale 01 As. 8000-275. I 3 500 / ( years serv l" e In thePB - ~ As. 15600-39 1OO+Grade Pay Rs: 54~d:~e .r:vlsed)" (~ev ised Pay ·diSCiplinary /vIgilance case IS pendrng or con le r .Iso cer tif ied that noDetails furnished' in Annex ure II are correc\. mp ated against hlr1llher.

Dale : (Signature of tho forward lng au th or ity)

(') Str ike out Whichever is not app licab le. SEALdavp 10201111/246211112

I IApplications arc mVlled on plain paperalong withIhe following ternponsry positions (co-terminus Wit~~~~ ofblo-<!ata and le.lImomals forproJeclS Apply w,thm 10days ofappearance Oflh is Pd ~ec.t) In D T and DBT Spons d

JRF. a vertlsement are

I. One (Rs.16,000+ .HRA) 10 work 'I' . . m 0 DST fu ded .

rep Icallon m ArchaClL Mm . qualifications or MS ' . n projcct on ON \M icrobiologyl BlOlechnolo~y . Candid Ie m e

th c In LIfe Scicnces! Bi oeL /

I' . .. I u live c1ell~ U " ml try/no, experience m rno ecular biolollY techniql ' GC SIR Nl-T /I l .

[ , bAtt. I I~ ISprefcrable 1'1 ' I " U ,;I.. One ,ll em Illiton conlruct hn ' ( . , l r••.S.h.

~ tied ' . . I· M000 fi iI)un proJecl all 1:IlV vnus Minimum qu rr ' Ixe III Work . . .ulolln wi th prior expcncncc of w",kln!! ill . a I IClltloll IS I lUlr it wi lh • In u I II I

I r can h lab. 1'1 ' Il • I lI\C ubJcr. ,I\ au\

I I , "I ' .• I •

Ann exu re -II of pers ons spon sored for the po st 01 Contruct P:.: rchaseOlt iccr ,Department of De'ence Production, Ministry of DelenceI Name2. Date of UIr1h

(completed years of age)DeslgnallonOlf,ce /addlessScale 01pay & present pay(a) Service to which belongs(bl Substantive appoin tment held. II any(c) It on deputation deta ils

7. QuallllcatlonsEN 45/34 B Particulars of service (commenc tng w,th the presenI post)

~----------------------------....I Penod Post held ClaSSIfication Scale at Oillcefrom (date) to (date) 01 the post pay

Applications in general proforma are tnvrted for engagement 01 undermenlloned position s under the time bound ICAR Niche Area 01 ExcellenceProJeel ent itled . "Development of biosensors fo r diagnosis of Pes tedes petits remlnants (PPR) and Brucello sis" funded by Ihe EducationDiviSion oI ICAR. New Delhi.

The engagemen t(s) are purely on temporary/contractual basis, co-(erminuswith the project or eartier, depend ing upon perlromance 01the candidate. Theservices 01 the person so engaged will automatically stand terminated withtermination of the project and the Institute will hold no responsibility for paymentof emoluments/regular employment after termination of the time bound project.Name & Number of Position: Research ASSOCiate (One)Essential qualification: PhD degree in the discipline of BiolechnologylMolecularBiology/ BiochemistryNeterinary microbiology OR Masters degree in thediscipline 01 Biotechnology/Molecular Biology/Biochemist rylVeterinaryMicrobiology with lsI Division or 60% marks or equivalent OGPA wilh at leastIwo years of research exper ience as evidenced Irom fellowship/A ssociateshlpfTraining . Published research papers will be desirable.Desirable quallfical/on: Working experience 01 handling animal virus , celllines and laboratory animals. Exper ience 01 molecular biology lec hniques ,synthetic peptides , and immobilizalion of bio-molecules etcAge limit: Maximum 40 Years for men and 45 yeais for women as 00 date 01interview . Relaxation for SC/ST/OBC as per rules.Emoluments: 23,000/- per month + HRA admissible as per rule (For Maslerdegree holders)24.000/- per month + HRA admissible as per rule (For PhD degree holders )Name & number of Position: Senior Research Fellow (One)E.sstntlal qualification: Maslers degree in the discipl ine of Biotechnology/Mc;:eculor BiologylBiochemistryNeterinary Microbiology .CJ slro b le quallflcal/on: yorkmg experience of Molecular Biology Techniqueshandling c.~1/ Ime and laboratory . 'Age limit: .'aY.lmum 35 Years for men and 40 Years for women as on date ofmterVIew. Relaxation for SC/ST/OBC as per rules,Emoluments : 16,000/- per month • HRA admls51ble as per ruleDafe of walk -ln·lntervlew;'17. 02. 2012 .Reporting Time & Venue: 10:.00AM li t DiVIsion of Vete nnary BiotechnologyIndian Veterinary research Inslrtute, IUllnagor, Bareilly (U.P.] 243 122

g liQlbl candIdates ma y lend theirapplication In advonce 10 p roBoP. Mlshm ,, . SJ Invesligator, ICA R·NAE Prol ct & H ad DlvlGlon of Vet erinary

p:rnc~ ology Indian Veterinary re arch Inalllut o, IwtnogiH, Baroilly IU.P.]Blote n ' fO a h b ( r . /Jnu ullund Ihe wlllk-in.243 122, ~llh all original cc rN I lollld gr . No TilDA will b provid eu ,. / I W 8 ong "'th ,'nfervia"", The Inl rell candldot c 'n y ulGO vi if III .

ring in tl •(, r app .•.uAAJ Ivri.nlc.inw b ,I ...... .

Page 9: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45

.: : .

EN 45/3

10. Nature ot present employment i.e. Ad hoc or Temporary or Ouasl ­Perm an ent o r Permanent.t1. In case the present employmen t is held on deputation/cont ract bas is.please state- (a) The date of initial appointment (b) Period of appointment ondeputation /cont ract (c) Name of the parent ottice/orqanization to which youbelong ,12. Additional details about present employment. Please state whether worl<.ingunder (indica te Ihe narneot you, employer again st the rele vant coturnn)(a) Cen tra l Gov t. (b ) St ate Go vt . (c) Autonomous Oi qarusauun (d)Government Undertaking (e) Univer sities (I) Others13. Are you In Revrsed Scale of Pay? If yes. give the date from which therevrsion took place and also indicate the pre-revised scale.14. Total emolumen t per month now drawn15. Additional informa tion, II any, wh ich you would like to mention in supportof your SUitability for Ihe post[This among other things may provide inlormation With regard to (I) additionatacademic qualifications (II) prol essional training and (iii) work exoerienccover and above prescribed in the vaca ncy Circular/AdvertIsement. (Note :Enclose a separate sheet, if the space IS insutuclent .)16. Whether belongs to SC/ST /OBC17. RemarksI have caretully gone through the vacanc y circ ular /advertisement and l amwell aware that the Curr iculum Vitae dUly supported by documen ts submi ttedby me WIll also be ass esse d by the Select ion Committ ee at the lim e 01selec tion for the post.

Signa ture ot the candidateAddress _

Count ersigned

(Employer With sea l)d avp 5110 1/11/0011 11112

Dale ' _

Curriculum Vitae Profo rm a1. Name and Address (in Block Letters)2. Name and Address of Ihe office3. Date 01Birth (in Christian era)4. Age as on c los ing date 01 receipt 01 applica tio n5, Da te of reti rement under Cen tral Gov ernm en\ A ules6. Educational Qualifications7. Whel her Educational and other qualifications required lor the post aresatis fied. (II any qualification has been treate d as eqUivalent to the oneprescribed in the Rules , state the authority for the same)

Qualif ica t ion /Experience Qualif ica tion/ExperienceRequ ire d pos sessed by the olflc er

Essential (1) (2) (3)8. Please state clearly whether in the light ot entnes made by you above . youmeet the requirement of the post.9. Details of Employment , in chronological order . Enclo se a separate sheetduly auth enti cated by your signature. if the space below is insufficient

11 An y other IOformatlon ..12 Dotalls 01 Certillcales enc losed .I h ..

ereby dec lare Ihal Iho above Information IS co rrec t 0 the bo t 01 m '~nowledge dnu nOlh,ng hil S been conce aled and d,stor cd If at any I,m.> I ;~S~1~~~blo Ihat"I\! c

toncealed/ l1lslorteu ,m y malenal 1r1l01 1"I,on my appo ll1tm' nt

e la e or summ.lllly lermlOa l 'onPlace: .Da te , ..

Sliln,llu r > of Ih C " "I" aldevp 10801l11/009B/l 11"

Off ic e/ Post From To Scale of Pay and Nature ofInstitution hefd Basic Pay (rev ised duties (In

& pre-rev ised) . det ail )

() u r t In l w (l.lB/OL) 0 1 it rncoglHlf~d unlv'tl s.ll y Ot f u.",1 mf ive y IIf nllpurHlOco In h ..ndltng lelVlCO & other leg I maUP.f5 loclU"Jlnqtho ll. In tnu co url :01 or tub u n.ll alh mnxunum "90 nrmt to r PPol n llnnnl by d opul At,on or absorp1IQn sha" no 'be IC Ctlo tllng!.lti yo I i1S on clO'Slng d., lu 01recolpt 01apph~abons Othr;f}t'~who apnly tor tho pd sl Will net be allowod 10 Withdraw their c ilndldatu reSutJ 50fluonlly. tTha uppucr lions 01 Willing Oft lCIJUI who 5att,ty the cordttlOll5 mantlon~n txrva mnv be se n t to Iho undcrslgnod In lhis 01 11c~ th ro ug h propYl cha nnelIn tho p ro terma gIV~I' below no t latfJl than 1'5.04.2012.Whil e lorwarding applicallons , an In tegra ty cernbcate: \Jlg_lanefJ cteatancec crunc ato. it cnrutrcate 10 the et tec r thOlt no discip linary action/proceoo1ngs IG

pendlng/conlemplated agains t the otticcrs. a sta tement shOWIng the majoe Ofminor oeneures . If any Imposed on the otnce r dUring the prcoxSlng 10 years ,should be anecned . Photocopy 01 CR dossiers duly attested on each pageby the competen t authority fo r the last five years alo ng w ith the gap shoet r1any should also be . forward ed ak>ng w ith the applica1ion . Applications shouldbe sent along with all required docum entsllnformation . Incomplet e apcncauonsWill not be entertain ed .The Curriculum Vitae (CV) du ly supported by documents. w ill be assessedby the Selection Committee whi le se lecting ca ndida tes fo r appoin tmen1 to thepost on deputation o r abso rp tion basis ,No te : Applications sent In compliance to earlier vacancy circula r {" s uedvide No. 15·GE.I/ 205·2 010 dated 04 .01 .201 t & ad verti sed in theEmployment News dated 19·25 March , 2011 will not be considered. Allsuch applicants will have to apply again . (Anadl Misra)

Asstt. Comptr. &Aud ito r General (P)

An n ex ure-A

EN 45/ 5


Tota l

Mark("to) &Div i s io n

(1\. ""'099A aan , DlmClor (CA)

E'l< 4S /00

Paste here recen tPassport sizePho tograph dulyattes ted byGazell ed Oi llcer

1" 11 A 1ft 1i' II


tN~",. j C ;-;;-go-;; ERO"k!~ II tnt k.ll m .1I - ,-,,-,- ~ liO '

An", H) M ru one ..,1IO;>

---- ----- ---

eA) Matricula tion orurvaient ,


Scm. Oh. en B asemanl, 'A ' - Wing. Ne w Deihl - 110011A,r t " , \." Co mmumcatron Ce ntn mvues appl icauons from eligible Indianp~:(::l~ Jv(,~P 'C' post or La scar In the P.' y Band Rs. 5200·20200 GraJe

E••• ntlal Qualific ation~;;;~~~~~~::;:;:;:;;=.~

The Station CommanderAir Force Communication Centre'A ' Block Sena 8hawan, New Deih l · 110011Applica tion lor the Posl 01Lascar1. Name of applicanl (Block Lellers ): .2 Falher's/Hu sband's Name : ..3. Nalionalil y ..4. Date of Bi rth : .

5 EducationaI Oualrlical ion :·

6. Caleg ory Gon/SC/ OOC: .7 Se x (Male/ Fil ma Ie) ' - ..

8. A l1ur for Correspondence ' . .. ..

9 Pe rr".n ~t ddross .

10. Experience , it any·· • · •••· •.. · ·.. •


01 lIleIn Gujaral

rashtra (Mumt>ai).I. Kerala (Kochi).

' a~ ( enna i). Andhra(\ ..a hapatnam) and( Bla ir) All In<lia

Cantonment BoardClement Town

CorrigendumRe ference th is off ice recru itmentadvert Isement No . t341CBC/5984dated 10.08.2Ot1.The Cantonment Board /ladpub lished the recruitmentadvert isement for the post ot"SataIWale & "'e il for the 8th passcandidates. Now the Cantonmenl

. Board haS changed the qualifICationtor this post as literate (the candidateknows reading & writing only) . Thecandidates hav e alrea dy beenapplied, not required to apply onceagain. The Iite rale candidates canapply within 1,5 days from the datepublica tion ot this advertisementApplica tion torm Is available on thewebs ite ot Canto nment BoardClem ent Tow~(www.cbclement1own .o rg )No. 1341C8C1Office of the Cantonmenl BoardClement Town , DehradunDated:

Chiaf Execut ive Offic erCantonment Board/Crement Town

Continued from page 16

IV. POSl for which the post was heldFrom To8. Whether SCIST9. Any other information relevant forthe post

Signalure of the cand idat eComplete off ice address

Cerl lf icale 10 be furn ished by theemployer1 PartIculars fum ished above by ShrilSm l./Km ._ ha ve been

venfied from hislh er record and foundcorrect.2. No Vigilanc e/d is c ip linar yproceedongs ar e pending orconfemplated ag ainsl Shr ilSml.Kum_________ H is / h er In l egr i l y IS

cert if ied.3. No major o r m inor pen ally wasImpo sed on ShrilS ml/Km _

in the last 05 yea rs as per reco rds inthu MInI Slry/De pa rtmen t4 Allesled co pies of ACA Dossiers

l or th e las l five yea rs are enclosed.

Pl ace:Dal O

S,or a tu re ot Comp eten l Aulhont y

'Name and Deslg nallon Si ampEN 45/44

at CA.ean lrL

(R. I<. Uppal)R-.g lstrar (e AT)

Anne.xure-Is o t ap p o m t m en t

ax mu ag e ' r- : u»on deputal sna il be

eo n9 56 years as on th ere 0: recetc: 0 1 8 _ at fC.ViSof c eputa tlon mC'UCl tng

cJepu:a : n &r. a no ther e x ­s t eld ,m med ia:e ly

9 : IS a pporntmem In th er o ther organiza t Io n o r

''''I of the C en tra lenl sh all oralna ,, ' y no9 o ne year i n th e f irs t

ers in Ihe C en tr a lnt or S tal e GovernmentsS holding analogous poSISbaSISand having a degreeognlzed UniversIty; o rgraph ers Gr ade 'C ' w ithservice In the pre- rev ised

ay of R9!550o-1 75 ·9000ondlng to revIsed p ay

s. 9300.34800 & g rade.4200 or equivalent andegree from a recognized

Condit ions:ecrerary 10 Chairpe rson.

Annexure·"for the post of .

DeSignationirth100/11 1\ Pro f e s s i o n a l

Page 10: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45

M.Se.81U n+versHindu Un(7) Dev\GUlbargDevUn iGarhwa(16) Jaw,01 LucknUnivers i(23) UnNof PuneVidyanBhagalQJaunpurElIglblllVe terinrAsststatOn ty t1therealworda ,ellglb ll

12. M.~

Eliglb lor Its III

shownVETEF(B.V.S·H.P. KG.B . fIVel erinZBClPIVISHWS. FORVeterlnof IndiacandiTURAIl(RISORIS!HortieAgric\lNIVlure ,Agr l(AgeS11)lSI(in BANIB.VlecOCproShlMJby: fB

ur ,·1\Inn

(5lgnolur9 01 the APPh... "I)

P rOform a

(A d iclTechnical) '8. Educational Qualifi cation ca em

Edu cation al Bo ard / Year of Percentage Elecllve

Qualif icat ion s Un ivers ity Passing of Marks Sublect


Name of the Jo in ing Date Leav ing Date Dural ion Des ignati onOrgan isal ion Y M D

1. Name

2. Da te 01 BHth

3. Dat e 01ro tlremen t under Cantt,ll C1uv t 'ull'S

4 . E:tJucallol1al Qu ,IIrIIC,ltIOI1', ,\I1d ' I) ' \'1'11()ll ,II'ltlS WI th ,tli n ' It .111" 1( ' 01 qualihCollioll s/ pl 'llI'l1 ' l, r( '1111 ' l1 I Ith ('Il tl CoIll' 1l ,1 \'qulv,,11 nl to 1111' UI1I' Ill< I tr

W I" ~ t ,U , '1 )1 \ 11 (HI 1111' lui

. , ,. • tal!' L1eolrly will til , I III 111 ' Ii lht I I I t\ . • l ilP Ot~ t

(Enclose copy of cert ificates)

g Expe r ience

(Enclose copy 01 certificates)10. Name & Address of the Present Employer wi th contact nos . (If any)11. NOC subm itted : Yes /No12. Vigilance/A dmin istrative Clearance : Yes/Nof do hereby declare that havi ng unde rstood conten ts given In the Ac vcrusernent I submi t theapplication and the information fumished is true and in case any of my declaration and docume ntsall ached herewith found to be un- truelbogus and il I am unable 10 produce relevant doc umentsin support of the eligibility condition wi thin s tipula ted time. my candidature may be cance lled atany stage of recruitmen t process. In the even t any wrong statement is detec ted/no tice d evenafter my appom trnent, I he reby agree that my services are liable to be terminated WIthou t anyno lice.

Dare : 20 12 Slgna!ure

EN 45/15

7 . Sex: Male/ Fema le

Telephone No.Mob ile No.& E-mail10

1. Nam e of th e Po st : Economic Oll ice r A nnexure-l2. Classificat ion: General Centr al Service. Group 'B' Gazetted. No n- M mistenat3. Pay Band and Gra de Pay/Pay Scale : Pay B and·2 (Rs . 9300 -34800/-) + Gra de Pay As.4600/- .4. Number of post : One

5. Eli gi bilit y : Deputation or A bsorpt ion : Officers under the Central Government . (a) (i)hOld i~g analogous pos ts on requtar basis in the pa ren t cadre or de partment; Or (ii) with fiveyears serv ice In the grade rendered alter appointment thereto on a regutar basis In posts In PayBand -2 In the scale 01 As 9300-34800/- With G rade Pay of Rs .4200/ . o r equiv alent In the parentca dre or department; and (b) Possessin g th e follOWing educauonal quatitications , namety . (i)Post -Gr aduate Deg ree In Econorn ic s or Applied Economics o r Business Economics orEcon omet rics Irom a recognized University , or (ii) Post Graduate Degree In Mathematics 01Statist ics or Commerce wit h at least · . )one pape r In Economics tram a recoqmzed umv rSI\ (tTwo year s ' exponence,'" th e field 01research,lnvesligatlon, collection com pl lali on. ln terpret,,!' nand ana lySIS of Stalislical data ,

[Ponod of deputation InclUd ing period of deputation in another x-cad re post held imn eopGrecedlng tnis appointm ent in the same or some o the r O rgan isat ion ~ r 0 p utmunt t tho' lr \

overnment shall ordmalily no t exceed Itdeputauon shall be not exce . u ee YOdr s The ma XHll111ll .lgtl l ll1\lt I rap mtm nt ,

edlng 56 year s as on the closmq dah' 1It e r, I" t ! ,I t ' -

Secr etary


(LX II trlllil )IJnd ' r 'j 'crr tmy to IIi Govt. u f In d ia

' Ill. No . 2 062 09

Pro forma

Visa khapatnam Port TrustGeneral Adm Inistration Depart ment

(Personne l Divis ion )


Visakhapatnam Port TrustGen eral Admlnlstr tlon Departrn nt

(Personnel Division)E t N tI N 01/2012 Dt 1101 2012mpoymen a c o o .

S. No. Nome 01 Ihe 1'.... ,

1 , Sr ov Chi", M.'tl "",1 0"'"",

2- INo 01 Posts 03 (till"") (Unrll,clved)

3. • .,N1cRtlon CI ••••· I

4. Senl" 01 Pa) ~ 11\()(l(l ·4oo ·208 oo (' tw is <od P"y 5<:<11"01 ~ 32!100 511()(l(l)

5. IWhnlher SolOClrOn or NOO·Se'cctlOn S,' locl,on

6 U~AIIt'hmll 45 YC<lrs

r r.I t ;':',,~ 1 3nd O th", QUo11dIC llions (I) M OOS dcgrpe trorn a 1t..~gnil'ed

0'ib00 'or r I rocru m 11 University(II) A PosI·Gr,ldual" medical degree," thoSpt.>CI' ICd specia hty 'rom a H.~OOllllOd

Unlvonu ty

i (III) pos t quahficatlonoxpenence 0110 yoarsIn a hospital In the ro tova nt field ofspecializauon

8. WhetherA ) a . A) NoBI IC<II al OuallflCations b) YesIC) Expenence lor Drrect recnnts w,1Iapply c) No

the case 01 Promotion / absorp non /Idcputatoon

9 IPeriod 01 Probatoon (on years) N.A.

10 IMethod 01 Recruilmenl By direct rec rUitm ent


1. Name of lhe Officer :2. Dale of Birth :3. Dale of Relirement :

4. Present post held along with Ihe deta ils of earlier post held in chronol ogical order :5. Present basic pay and pay scale of the pos t indica ling detailed break up 01 emoluments :6. If applicanl is on revised pay scal e indicate the date l rom which revision took place and alsoindica te Ihe pre-revised scale :7 Service 10 which the oWcer belongs :B. Educallonal qualifica tions '9. Other qua lif icalions :10 . Experience :11 . Whether belongs to SCIST :

Other Condit ions: ." . 01 2012i . The candidates shoukf possess Ihe requ tstte expenence and qua liflca tlons as on 01. . .2. Upper age 11mII 10 meextent 013 year s in the case 01OBC Candidates and 5 years rn the case0' SCIST Candidates will be allowed. The OBC Candidates have to submit the latest castecernncate regarding their aB C Status as well as exclusion Irom creamy layer in the proformaprescribed by the Central Government. The upper age limit is also relaxable lor Governmentservants as per extant rules. The S CIST candidates have to submit the latest caste cert rncate:3. Candidates. it appointed will be govemed by Ihe New Pension Scheme, which came into lorc eIV e I. 01.0t.= and other Rules & Regulal ions 01 vrsaxhapatnam Port Trust. Details Will beintImated a t the time a t appointment.4. ApplICation ., tho modelproIorma avaIlablein VisakhapatnamPort TrustWebsrtewww.vlzagport.c.ombe dcMf1loaded and Wed in be submitted along with full particulars 0' Name. Address. Date 01 Birth,Owl:focationsand Experience ere.• WIth relevant copies01Certilicates, testimonials. two recentpassport

s e photos, tetes : Caste Certlfocale Whether belongs to OBClSClST. duly anested should be sentthrough the Competent Authonly o f their Organization to reach "The Secretary. Vlsakhapatnam PortTrust. Vlsakhapatnam-530035" on or before 27.02.2012 Superscribing the cover "Applicationto the post of Senior Depu ty ChIef Modlcal Officcr (Class-I)".5. Applications o f those already in service should be got forwarded through their Employer dulytumishing " No Objection Certificate" , along with the ACR's for the last 5 years.6. Depending upon the requirement . VPT reserves the right to cancellrestricVcurtail theRecrUItment process without any further notice and without asslglllng any reasons thereof.7. 0 advance copy of applicat ion from the applicant will be accepted . Competent Autnonty of therespective Organization must forward every application . Those applications . which are forwardedby the Competent Authority of the respect ive Organisation, will only be considered.8. Incomplete applications and applications received after due date and applicatio n which are notforwarded by the Competent Authonty of respectiv e Organizations will summ arily be rejected. Insuch cases, no correspondence from the applicants shall be entertained .

No.A-12023/2/201 1-E.IGovernment o f India

Ministry of Commerce and IndustryDep a rtm en t of Industrial Policy & Promotion

Udyog Shavan, New Delh iSub: Filling up of the post of Economic Off icer on depu tat ion or absorpt ion basis in the Ministry0 1 Commerce and Industry (Department of Industrlat Policy and Promot ion).

Se.rvices of a officer are.required lor the post mentioned in Ann exure-I . The pay of theoflicer selected Will be regulated In accordanc e with the Departm ent of Personnel and Training'sOM No. 6JB/2009·Estl. (Pay II) dated 17'" Jun e. 20 10. •

2. Applications for the post are invltod in the proforma at Ann exur e-It trom offi cers who are Willingand who fuUiII the eligibilit y condi tions mentioned in Ann exure·1. Off ice rs who volun tee r for thepost wilt not be permilled 10 with draw Iheir nam es later .

3. As the requirem ent is urg enl , it is requested. that the application (s) (in duplica te) in th eAn~elure.1I along with the compl.ele and up -to -dal e CA/APAA dossier , Int eg rity Ce rti fica te .Major/Mmor penally statement dUring the lasl 10 years of the off icer(s) Who could be spa red in/he ev nl of selecnon , ma y be sen I to this Department within 45 day s from th e date of pub llca uonOf lhls Advl. m Employment News. Appl icalions rec eiv ed after Ihe du e dal e or Witho ut IheCOfil'd(JIllfilVA nn ual Pe t formance Apprai sal Reports, Integrity Cer tificate or Major/Minor penaltylalom IIIor olhuv/I fJ found IncmllplfJle Will not ~o con sidered , While forw arding Ihe applica tion (s)

II lfJily b v fit ' d and 'corrifled IIial Ih o pa r tic ulars furn ished by Ih o o ff ico r(s) in his/th eir, he IIon(" ) f I wrrOCI and IIlil l no dl' .Glphll o1r y Cil u is pendInn or contemplal ed af/au1Sl the

01/c r( ) ,

Page 11: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45


arch, 2012

It C ff

arc h, 2012



21 sl March, 2012

tor det aIled In l o rmat a


6it. l'etonlary, 2012

21 t Mllrcn, 2012

61h F.-.bruary , 2012

vis II U S al our website : hIt

Sta rt 01 On llno Application Process

Clo sing 01 Online Application ProccsS

Start of Iss ue of offline Appllcallon Forms

(on ly b y po st)l asl date lor Is sue 01 offline Appli ca tion

Forms (only by po st)

t.a st dale of submission 01 completed

ol fllne Application Forml as t dale lor submission 01 confirmation

pago of online Application Form



Dec lar H\l on

I do hereby dect,lre hal the particular s urn by M a

I<.no.-r1edge and belief

Importent Notc: (I) There are dillerenl sets ot Prospectus- lor each progra e .,nd Ihe eforeca ndida tes are adVised to apply separately In case hey WIsh 0 apply tor more han oneprogramme I.e (1) For M Sc BIotechnology OR (2) For Sc ( grl) V Sc Blo'ec nolngy OR(3) Fo r M.Tech. Biotechnology programme (II) Appllcalton Forms Clln be submitted byReg islered/Speed Posl 10 Section Otflcer (Admiss ions), Room No .28, AdmlnlslratlveBlock, Jawaharlal Nehru Un lversily , New Deih l - 110067 and nollo any olh r particlp lin<;l

Un iversity. The completed appll ca llon Io rIO must reach JUan or b lore arch 21 .2011 . JNU will not accepl responsibility lor any poslal delay or irrogularlly or \0 sin



j!umON FEElSCHOLA~SHI~Fee shall be charged hom me admitted candidates as per the lee struC1ure of the concernedUniverSity. Candidates selec ted lor admISSIOnare generally ehgible lor scholarship at the rates

prescribed by the Department 01 Biotechnology . Government 01 India

~OW TO APPLY]A candidate can apply either "Online" or ·Offllne". Qn!!ne~pp!lcal io-'J-,-Cand idates can applyOnline on payment of prcscnbed fee It they have access to a comput er. a pnnter and Internetby logging on to JNU webSite www In or www I"Uon1•ne in "The sues have beendeSigned in a 'user Irlendly' way to help cand idates lor applyIng Online m a step-by'steplashion. Online applicat ion portal Will remain open lrom 10:00 At-. (1ST) on 6th Fcbruary. 2012till 5:00 PM (1ST) on 21st March . 20 t 2. OJ!!!ne~pplica Lqn~ Set 01 Application Form andProspectus can be obtained throug h Post by sendIng crossed BanI<. Dralt for Rs .2601· (Rs .Two Hundred sixty only) drawn in lav our of JAWA HARLAL NEHRU UNIVERSIT'f payb le atNEW DELHI alongwit h a sell addressed (unstamped) envelope 01 the minimum size ot 30cms x 25 cms . clea rly ,"dlcatlng the programme 01 study lor which the ApplicatiOn Form ISrequired on the sell.addressed envelope to the SECTION OFFiCER (ADMtSSIONS), RoomNo.28. Adm in istrative Block, Jawahar'al Nehru Un iversIty, New Deih l 110067CandIdates seekIng a set of Applicati on Form and Prospectus trom Nepal are requlfed 0 senda Demand Draft of RsAOO/. or equiva lent In us Dollars oney Orders and Cheques are notaccepted PLEASE DO NOT SEND YOUR REQUES"T FOR SET OF APPUCAnON FORM AND




~ESERVAnONICONCESS10~a) Be ell(l,-II0 . t 5%, 7 Y,." ann 3% 01 seal • • nall be re. erved 10r .S , 5"T and PN slcallyChallenged (Handicapped) (PH) candidaIllS reSP,<lGll\!ely II the SClS"T and P ~apdldatel whOhave pa.sed the qlJahlyinll e~am,"allon are eligible to apply Irrespecti ve 0' !hBlr percentage 01mark. In the qu hl ylng degree examlnaOon. OBC reservallon• wher or awl ca e. w I l)B

implemenled as per Ihe policy 01each particlpatirig UnIversity .

b) Cll!lc<:I I IQrL!9LK al l)m r1 MJgO'1l!~ to'l'omarks will be added 10 'he overall marksscored by a Kashmlr l Mlgran' candlda'e In IhO entrance examInation. Atter adding 10% marks .In case he/she is covered In the cut -olt poin' In me merilllsl. he/she will l)B oltered admlS.lOnstrictly In aCCOrdance wtth hlslher tnter-se rnent alongwl'h other candidates subloct 10 h,slhe rmeellng the minimum pre.cnbed ehglblhty requirements and also sublect 10h,s/her producing vabdregtSlraUon documents issued by the noUli ed autholl\les certltylng 'he candidat o's Kashmirl

Migran t status .

• Bota y. ZG ihot c no Blolntormatlc FOR AlNNA UNI

loctr hem' 'IV Bloon no (Ing. Ilharmacoill \ hl1l>l"'11 liood T'ti«urKlllWtCh"",latry&P.\1 :c.. roaJso I\lllll FORCOCHINUNlVERSIlYOFSCIENCE:A


Candkl tes with M SC In Mar ne BlOleG!' lllo9Y. Mall a BoO gyl 0 B &.Envlronm ntal Blol llChoOloll Y are also o.llglbte FOR WEST BE.NGAL UNIVERSITY OFTECHNOLOGY : C ndidale. wllh M.Sc. In Bloenll",eerln1l8' B alSO el 9 ble.Only thoae candldatoo who have paalad th . qualltylng examinatiOn In 2010 0'th . ,.eltBr Including tho88 who are appearing In 2012 are .IIglbta to apply . In otha,word l , th088 who hava paaaed the qu alily lng exam in ation PRIOR to 2010 a,a nol

eliglbl. 10 apply.

n\lcated by

N lureofdull s

p m n n10 r ryor

P Y Bandand Grade

Pay andB Ic Puy


"'.Tech (B lotoc hno lo gy) Programm e at (1) Anna Univ ersity . Chennai; (2) CochlnU Sl Ity of Science and Technology. Koch~ Kerala ; &. (3) Wesl Bengal University 01

T hnolOg y, KolkatsE.lIgl

bIi ty : MInimum 600/0 marks or equivalent grade 10 anyone. B Tech/B .E In Chemical

e mgIBlochemlcal Engmeering.lndustnal Biotechn ology. leather Technology. Chemlst ryl•BIomediC3

1Engtn Itlg. Charmcal T00lOology.B Pharma .ORM Sc In Biolechnology.

lIg1bntt y: BIIchelor's degree under 10+2+314/5 pattern 01educa\lon wllh at least 55% marksr~'b' OQIJ/V'lIlent grade point average from any recognized university In the concerned subjects

er againsl each university : 1 FOR LALA LAJPAT RAI UNIVERSITY OFEfllN ARY AND ANI Al SCIENCES, HISAR : Veterinary Sc,ences and Animal Husbandry

B sa H.) recognized by Veterinary Counc il of India. 2. FOR CH. SARWAN KUMARH P. KRISHt VISHWAVIDYAL AYA, PALAMPUR: Agflcullure . Hort iculture or Forestry. 3. FORG';.8, PANT UNIVERS t1Y OF AGRICULTURE & "TECHNOLOGY, PAN"T NAGAR : Agriculture ,

ete ary SCiences. Horticulture or Forestry . Students from Bachelor of Science (B.Sc. In

ZBClPCM and B Sc.(Blotechnologyl are also eligible . 4. FOR INDIRA GANDHI KRISHIV1SHWAVIDYALAYA, RAIPUR: Agriculture, Biotechnology (Agriculture). Horticultureor Forestry .5 FOR MADHYA PRADESH PASHU CHIKITSA VIGYAN VISHWAV IDYALAYA, JABALPUR:

etetlnary SCience and Animal Husbandry (B.V.Sc. & A.H.) recognized by Veteflanry CouncilolJnd'a wilJ'1 m,"lmum OGPAlPe rcentage 01marks 6.OOItO.00 or equivalent lor general catcgoryc <ldldates and 5.50/10.00 equivalent for SCiST /PH cal egory . 6. FOR KERALA AGRICU L­

RAl UNIVERSITY, TliRISSUR: Agncullu re. Hortlcullure.or Forestry .7. FOR MARATliWADAK 'SHrll/DYAPEETli, LATUR(MAHARASHTRA ): Agriculture. Hortlcullureor Forestry . 8. FORo 'SSA UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE & TECHNOLO GY, BHUBANESWAR : Agriculture.

'Ii lCuJlure. or Foreslry . 9. FOR TA Mi l NADU AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSt1Y, COIMBATORE:rJculture. Hortlcull ure. Forestry or B. Tech (Biolech) , B. "Tech (Horticulture). 10. FOR


AgrICulture. Hort icull ure. Forestry. B.Sc. (Agrl!. Biotechnology)/B .Tech. (Biotechnologyl lB .Sc.(AQ B,o echo )/B .Sc. (Agn) In Blolechnology from recogn ized Agrlcull urallHortlculturaVFor.

try Un arsi tles . 12 FOR RAJENDRA AGRICU LTURAL UNIVERSI1Y, BIHAR, PUSAs-AMASTIPUR): BiOlechnology/Agrlcultural Horticulture. Cand idate s With Bachelor Degreen B ology (3 Years corancn) Will have to spend 3 years in M.Sc. prog ramme. 13. FOR GURU

ANGAD DEV VETERINARY AND ANIMAL SCIENCES UNIVERSITY, lUDHIANA: BV scs A HIB.V Sc. or B.Sc. (Biotechnology/ Agrlcull ural Blotechnologyl Medical) or B Sc. (Hons .) Bio '

nOIOgy/B iOChemlstry/MlcrobiOIOgy/Molecular Genetics or eqUivalen t degree With m,"imumOGPA of 6.00 (ou t of 10.00) or at least 60% mark s in aggregate. Candidates admitted to Master's

o r mrne in Animal Biotechnology with bas ic qualificatIons other than B.V.Sc . a. A.H degreeall gel M.Sc. degree in Animal Biotechnology. 14 FOR NAGPUR VETERINARY COllEGE,

MAFSU, NAG PUR : Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry (B V Sc . a. A.H.) recognizedby ele nnary Councrl 01 India . rs. FOR ASSAM AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY , GUWAHAn: Fpr admISsion into the M.V.Sc . programme In An imal Biotechnology , a ~andldate has 10 passS V Sc. a. A.H Irom a recognized university securing a minimum OGPA of 7 00 in 10.00 sc areor ~ulvalent . In case of SCiST candldales. the minimum requirement of OGPA is relax able

to 6.50· in 10.00 scaleOn ly these cand ld at el wh o have p aaled the qualifying examination In 2010 orthereaft er Including thOl e who aro appoar lng In 2012 are eligible to apply . In othorwordl, thol o who have po ssed the quallly ing examination PRIOR to 2010 are not

eligib le 10 apply for taking ad missi on .


Page 12: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45


Continued from " '2Medical Officer . 6ub-DOphthalmology Sur

d ) TIle Ott"" Bacl<WlI rdPersonal Intarview ."FOR .1 OF CERTIFIAPPLYING FOR APPshould onvariab\y contareg'stration 01 i.e. 13.

e) Persons with DlaaModical Certlhcate as

I) A recent. recognczabl'lleller for person~1 Intephotograph shou beadvised not to change

g) Candidates serving inbanks and flnanc,al intheir "mployer at tho Ucon sidered.

h) Any dispute arising oCourts situated at

i) No Travo lling AllowaHowever, unemployand fro 20«> Class Ra lprod uction 01 evldeThe Bank will not be

j) No candidate Is permWHILE APPEARING

k) Canvassing in any Ican didature withou t a

I) A ll cand ldatea willn u m b e r of vacanced ucati on al certlllCJ01 disab ility In theIn support 01 their

m) Any request for cnan) In case any dISpute I

version WIll preva il.0 ) Th e Bank takes nop) Candidate s are adv '·

su rety for servi ng th,or leaves/abandonsher lead ing to term irbefore specified pebank up to the exterbefore jo ining the Bl

Sca le

Man age me nt Trai nees

q) Appointmen t o f sel erequirements of IheRules o f the Ban k.

r) Bank ing is a versatoAccording ly. the Ma,acqui re overall kno.necessary on·the· joCol lege/Centres. soact iv ities .

6. ACTION AG AINST CCandid ates ale adVIsedtalse , tam pere<l . tabr\calthe appli ca tK>n form .At the tim e 01pe rsonal• • using un lair mean• impersonating Ol• mlsbehavlflg Ifl th• resorting \0 a ny

selection or

• obtainlflg supportSuch a candidate malhab le:(a) to be d isqualllll(b) to be debarred

recruitment con(c) for termin ati o n7 . HOW TO APPLY 'WWW,pn bindia ,Ifl (LIN!T RA INEE IN JMG SC7.1 Applic atio n Fe

3 Yoor s

Ex -s rvlc e Commissioned Oll 'eor,Inc ludi ng ECOs/Sacos. Who ha,~renUared at least 05 yoars m~'tary ..,.,,~

nd have been reteasee on comptet"", Of:sslgnmont (Including thOse Who,.assignment is duo to be completed "'TIhtnone year from the lasI date lor re<:e'pt 0/applicat ions) otherwise than by Way 01dlsm lssel or discha rge On accOunl 01

'sconduct or Inatflcloncy or on aCCollnt~' physical disabiht y allributable to m,lItary~orvlce or on invalidment - 5 Ylla..

domiciledrdlnarlly been

5 whO oro 0 K Stat dunng ---+::-:~;;-;:;Ic';;-C;;-;;;';j;;i;,;~()jj;;:::AlI'p"'''''" D,v15lon 01J "In Kol,hrnlr . 12 800101.60 to;l1 ' __-

Ex _Sorvlcemen

f me so whO diedChildrenllomlly members a . ,

984 riots s per Govt 01 India guldeltnes.










13-02· 201 2

APRIL- MAY (2012)

30-0t ·2012

To b advl aed on benk' aweb,1I0


IBPS Scole obtained inCWE tor POsIMTsheld during 20 11Minimum Tola lWOIl!hted ScoreC&T EG_OIlYGeneral ' 136OBC , 125SCIST/PWD 113IndiVidual Test Cut · off sCAl G RXGeneral ' 24RESE RVE 21(I.e SCISTIIOBCIPWD)




JMG Scale I


Graduate in any discipline wilh60% marks OR equivalentqualificat ion lrom Ihe univer ·sityllnstilule rocog niZed by theGovemm ent 01India andworking knowledge 01MS Officc .

For SCISTIPWD: Graduate inany discipline with 55%marks OR equivalenl qualifi .cation from the universitylInstotute recogniZed by theGovemm oot of India. andworking knowledge ofMS Office.

punjabn~!:~k(A Gncn.u"(/.'U

. HRD CivlalonHead N W Delhl·110607

7 Bhlkalll c.rna Place.

No. 01Poata

Minimum 20YearsMaximum 26Years

775TOTAL . s ilalisation benelits. retirement





Grad'" Scale No. 0101 post vllcancle.


JMG SCALE' 775 116 58 209 392

HRMeased aocommodatJon, Leave FareConcessIOll. he PGA. CCA~ omcrpelQUisll8S shag be as pet Bank rules.2. RESERVATION OF POSTS

TOTAL 775 116 58 209 392

ManagementTrainees inJMG Scale·'

POlt Post Age as on Educational Qualifications IBPS SCOR E (as perCode (01.07.2011) as On (01.07.2011) vali d I BPS score

card) as on open ingdate 01 On li n eReg istr ation


The number o f vacancies as .'so tho number ot reserved vacancie s Is provis io nal andvary acco rdi ng 10 Ihe ac:lual requ/remenl 01 Ihe Bank.

:;'::'Ud s 5ulHjuota fOl' Minorities Commun/llee as per GOd'gTu~OI~~~ _Other Backward, I sla1d for: SC • SCheduled Caste; ST - Schedule n e, "

~':.s":.~'::::: General Category; OC: Onhopaedlca/ ly Challenged: HI: Hearing Impaired ; VI:VISually '/mpairod. Persons WI/h DlSabol.ty (PWD) includes HI , VI and ce ,


(A ) Ra. arv.rlon for SCISTIOBCIPWO candldalos wil l be pr ovldod as per Governmen lgUldallnos. ida 'II(B) As tne reservation lor VIIHVOC candida tes Is on horlzonlal basis. the sete c too cand les WI

be placed In the appropria le calegory ro which Ihe candidate belong s. The de/mill ons of the= lo9Orios 0/ disa b ility shall be as por Govr of India guidelines. II Is clarifi ed Ihal II may not beposs iblo '0 em ploy ph ys ica lly challenged candida les al all off,ceslbranches o t rhe Bank and ~heywill have to work in the posts identlli ed by the Bank as sUllable (or them.(C) Onl y cand idates willing to serve anywhere In Ind ia may apply.3. ELlGIBILlrt CRITERIA :.3.1 NATlO NAUTYI CmZENSH1P:

A candidate must be either i) a Citizen of India or iQa sub ject 01Nepal or iii) subjec t 01 Bhutan orIV) a TIbetan refugee who came over to India before 1st January, 1962 with the intention ofpermanently settling in India or v) a person of Indian origin who has m'grated from PakIStan.Burma. Sri Lanka. East African countries of Kenya , Uganda. the Unoted Repubhc of Tanzama(formerly Tanganyika and zanzibar). zamb ia. Malawi, za ile. Ethiopia and Vietnamwith the.~ntent'onof permanently sellfing in India. Provided that a candidate belonging to categones (I~. (,"). (IV) &(v) above shail be a person in whose lavour a certificate of eligibility has been ISSUed by theGovemmenl of India. A candidate in whose case a cert ificate of elig ibility is necessary. may beadmilled 10 the personal interview conducted by the Bank but on final seleclion. the oller ofappointment may be given only after the necessary eligibility certilicale has been iSSUed to him bythe Govemment of India.


,n tne 1 ' er age hmlt is cumulatove aNOTE' TIle relaxation ,n upp (EXSM) : men who fulfill the revised dolVllboo as

. I E Serviceman d Ex-ServlCo I & AdDel lnl tlo n 0 x· , os shall be treate as Affairs Dept. of Personne m'nlStralhe(i) Onlythose cand,dal, India Min,stry 01 Home d ted·27 .10.1986 as amended from e

laid do.... on Gov\. 0 36034151851ESII (SCn a

Reforms NotifICation No, t Job on' the civil side after ava'hngIll.

bme. no has once joined ,n a ~ov . employment. his ex -Serviceman s\a\~~Q An Ex-Se~icemah~mwas an Ex_Serviceman for hIS re-

~en~~sp~:;:~oof re-employment ceas::S~a n dldates In the Officer cadre . .or I lor Ex-sorvl ceme

TIle", Is no reserv at °l~h Disab il ity (PWD)

Delinl! lon: person~e: 01Dlsablhtles: . one sul lenng lrom Locomotor Disability orDelinotoon of Cate~ooca llY Challenged (OG) person IS than 40% of relevant disab.lity (as col1ltoed(a) An Ortha:;' I Persons who suffer Irom not lessst Govt) would be eli!l'ble for reservatlOll ll

Cerebral a sy. , ed by the Centerl ta e •b a MedICal Boa rd appoint .

s~rvicesl posts of the bones. JOintsor muscles leadong to SUbslantlalLocomolor DIsability means d,sab~'ty b or any form 01 cerebral palsy .restriction of Ihe movement of the hm s essive conditions of a person ch~raetenzed byCerebral Palsy means a group of nO~tiP';l~ bra in insult or injunes occwnng In the pre.abnormal motor control posture resu ng nt

natal peri-natal, or Infant per iod of developm~ 'e persons In whom the sense ot hearng IS(b) Deaf '& Heanng Impaired (HI) . the deaf re ~~talloSS of hearing m both ears . They do no

non- functoonal lor ordInary purposes of he' e . f ed speech Hearing Impai rment means losshear. understand sounds at all even Withrai~~~~ conversat;onal range of lrequencies.of sixty decibels or more tn the be tter ear ed persons are thoseasuflering from blindness or

(e) vrsuauy paired (VI) : TIle Visually Impair

low vision , , rson suffers trom any of Ihe following conil' tlOnsBlindness - refers to a condiuon where a pe t ceedinq 6/60 or 20/200 (Sne llen) in the(I) totat absence 01 sigh t. (il) Vls~?1 acut,t y. no f~~e field 01vision subtendinp an an91e of20better eye with correcting lenses. (III) Lirni auon 0

degree or worse , f . I functioni ng even alter trealmenlPerson with low vis ion - mean s a person with impairment ~ V~S~~y capable 01 using vision IOf theor standard refractive correc tio n , but who uses or I~ ~ en '3.

p lanning or execution o f a tas k wi th appropriate aSSlsllVe devlcc.4. SELECTION PROC EDUR E . •4.1 Selection for Ihe post o f Management Trainees will be made on the bas is of perlormance InCommon Wrillen Examination (CWE) lor the po st 01 Mana gem ent Trainees held dur ing2011 conducted by IBPS and Personal Interview. The Bank reserves the rlgh\ \0 changethe se lec tion procedu re, II necessary.4.2 PERSO NAL INTERVIEW: ,Depending upon Ihe number ot vac anci es. the Ba nk reserves the fight to call OlIly .thosecandidates who have sufficiently high IBPS sco re in the stipulated Common Wntlen Exam.,atlonfor Personal Interv iew.

The to tal marks lor Personal Interview will be 100 Candidates have to obtain min imum 40marks to qualify In the Personal Interview.4.3 PERSONAL INTERVIEW CENTRES:

The Interview will be held al CHENNAI , DELHI, KOLKATA, MUM B AI, LUCKNOW &CHANDIGARH cen lres only and the address of the venue WIll be adVISed In the calilellers, Theaddress 01 the venues WIll also be displayed in Ihe Bank's webs ,te atleast one week belore 1hedate s for comm encem ent 01 Personal Interviews .

Note: (i) Request for cha nge of Centre 01 Personal Interv,ew sha ll NOT be entertai ned.(ii) Bank leserves the right to cancel any of the centres andlor add sonne other cen tres. dependfl gupon the respon se. adm inistrative feas ibility . etc. Bank also res erves the righl lO allo t the candidale10any of Ihe centr es other Ihan the one he/she has opted for .~ GEN ERAL INSTRUCn ONS

a) Before apply,ng for the above POSI, the can dida Ie sho u ld ensure lhat he/she fulfi ls the ehglbihtyand other norm s menlloned in this advertisement. Applications. once submi tted. will not beallowed to be withdrawn and Ihe applica tion lee/ postage. once paId. shall be neithOl re.fundednor held in reserv e for any other exa mtnafion , The Bank would be Iree to rejec t any applocaliOll,at any slage of the RecrUItment Proc ess , ,f the candldale is found ine ligible lor the posl. forwhich he/sh e has applied. Th e dec ision olthe Ban k reg ardtng eligibility 01the candida tes, tilestage at which scrutiny of elig'bi lily is to be undertaken . qualifications and olher ehg'bohlynorms. the documents to be produced for the purpose 01conduct of ,nlerviL'W. selection a cand any Olher maller rela ;ng 10 recrui mcnt WlII be hna l and bonding on the candidale Nocorrespondence Or pers onal enqUines hall be ente rtained by the Bank In this regard " anyshortcomingls ,stare detected even after appoontment h' slher services are liable to betermlnaled

b) Dep ending upon the number 01 vacancies the Bank reserves the right to call onlythose candidat es who have sufficiently hi~h IBPS sc o re In the stipu laled CommonW

' E I B lor thentten xam n ation lor Personal Intervlew. Mere beon9 Invlled by the an ePerson al Inlerview shall not Imply that the Bank has been satisfied beyonddOubt abOUt dcandidaIe's ellg'btlrty. Candldal es who do n ot satisfy the eli g ib il it y c:ri1erta and who 0

ad _~~nol pr uce the photocopies a well as the originals 01 all the documents ._.,be submitted as adviled In this notll cation a. well 81 In the Intervlew call I n r. 10<any reaso n, Whatsoe ve r. Ihall n ot be pennitted to pa rtici pa te In the penonll lnt •evon thou gh they m ay have obta in ed th e d ired I v I 01 IBPS core In the ComWrilt ,,~ Examination fo r reett. 01 POs! T. in 2011 nd have been called lor penIn terview .

c) Cand idat es shall produce ooglnal castet rolcvant Cert lflC<ll 5 al lh time of Pfalhng WhICh hlSlher candidature w,ll be canCelled QOC Can I . v ~ 9 m:;;L"'f~!J.YI ""·hav c .10 produce QBC c rtlftcale with Non-er amy I 'y I elau.. t the \1lt1InIC,:,,'cw & an undertaklng ,n Ih present> forr~ .t r • 'rdln ' non Aln

cloSIng da l 0 1 I I Ir. lion TH E CO MP T NT AU l ~ RITY lOR 1HI I .C RnRCAT TO SCIST/OBCIPWD IS A UNOHt.•

-C- Fo r SC/S T/OBC D I .C , I roct M gl t l .l\ , I Add 't" n , I 0, t...:~'SS'on llr/Add '1I0'1.1 1 Dy >nlln , I n'rll ,If , 1111 1 "(;.~ - IVI 'On M.t !)1 I I .t ell . IUk .I M " y l It ,' 11 I I ,. \lit ,

o rnmm I(H1' , /Chlt I Pr j .

I" l) IIh /Ie M ' ,. I( ne y M, i II h ' / 1\ .h i'III'" I I I hi I I I

, f II . Y "' I' h" 10 /I It Vt'llI11 0 1111 f ' l n, I I , ,. til , I,,,, k .' f I Ih I II) HI .\1" .1 who , ,, 1ht I I+ to, It I I t II( It .' 11 ,U hliC H hi' h l' l r 111111\0 I"ml' t il, f • • 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~':,~,~,n~ w III 1M tril ll,(, WI»),IIJI, ('11/1'1'" 1 '1 I " 'II",,..,. I 11,1 ".I ,II . ...

J " " II., ( , 1111 11' I." " ( II I h ,," .,t I , I- --_._-- -----


The educalional qual ilication prCSCObed lor the.POSts is minimum. Cand idal es must possessabove qualiflCallons aa on 01.07.2011 . and mUSIsUbmil marks sheets & Degree ',SSUed fromthe UrllV_ty. d called lor PeraonsJ Int"",lew.

II Candida musl SpecifICally indICate tho c1aSsldlVision and P6<centaQi! 01 mark s obtaInedcalcula ted t.o the n ~..t two declmala in the r levant column of tho apphcaloon. Where nopercenta of marks IS awarded by the UnlVers,ty. but only CGPNOGPN DGPA IS award ed.the me should be COOYe<1ed nlo percentage in terms of convers ion norms of univ ersity inI r rd. Illea IrldJCatJrlll tho CGPNOOPA/DGPA in the apphcation . Candidates Wlllh 10 produce document VldOflClr111 conversIOn formuta of unlV r Ily If called for interv lCwCanold should be holdlf.g a valid IBPS SCore c:lrd & shOUld ha '

A H UIJJECr and In aw t as spec ified at POml3 2 abovev,e c:J:ta;;: IBPS Scor eIn conducted by IIlP~ , Mumba i lor ionary ·OffICOsI ,n 0 moo Wn ll en

2011 :lIQUid lJe tllo to Ploduc It Or r Managll mlJOI TralneosI Ig'n I Scar caru 111 rt 1 thme"lloned tho nolon ppi oc;,loon form , II callttd lor lurt h r I I uppo 0 e

h ' 1 P ronal Int rvl_. Ilctlon proc S aI H IN UPI' It AG LI MIT

Page 13: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45

ICatThe 1CortiTimeareonl~

macaooPR2) IIndEli10SUSE01(1la



The t!!progrcbe decof LifeComp.ELiGIIfor adExa ment itli[


QQ(A) M.PHtELlGtBIlevel) wi

(B) M.AEUGIBIcdocati



, ELlGtBHis tory

• - at th o lollowlng 51 clll08 : Ago" . !.;" nlln • of tudy t k Guw~fIIoIU. Goa , Gorakhpur. GWaltof'

XAMINATION -tou lull ,Im o P, og~lI1 l . DulU'Pur. Q"nq ,O'UI, rtnnctn. Sambalpur. SOCUnd~IObao.H NT NO "lml eto n 10 va II ,,,, 'ot, ll l'h"IIJUn,pond l hl!fly, I'uno • n Jn c O ox" m,na l,on at Kathmandu (N~Paq

2 ,,€I 2., 20 1 'or I 411tHHloil. l ... oun , H II P tn u , I Will hold 0 0"" I •

m ln . ll on on M \ • • , f (,llll IJI. ( '1,'"llly.Ht1, C "Nold,', Pnl1l NI, ~'IIl~1I HHf Un!"' " I YI 0' 111\' UIIIlI n n.. , M 1\1'" N"9'" , n In ,II ( , . k

' U 10 '" I II< ~'I{'" M ,d'U,II , l/l • I V,s"khal',III1.11 n8 0n.) li d ,I I" " st on" year s wor ex pe ll~nce'!'UI. J, mmu 1\ " , .1\<' ;:"llll r,'". ' I, V'Jlyllw "cl,',IIH ..I 11 111 nny rrt . 1 I a t !,O"l. m,uk s,' I ~()% mark s and rn I!!ast ono yoar'.

',." ,lhuu, ,nalllh .,," ll m.ll, ~:,,' 0 1 o. mi ll li on wlthOll' MUll S III llUlI with ;11 Nur IIIU wllh ,,, 10 ,'

rl hI I en n n I nn) ~ r~:~ III,:~~'r~I:IIIP or M Tt~ 1~" ',?,:; : oN u , ""I iV ItlSTo n Y, POLITIC AL SCIENCE ANOAMM OF STUDY : "" ,,'rll nee ,n COlOlI1Un ICS GEOGRAPI ,

I ;;=~';';'~~:':':';=-":"';'i;IN~T';';'N=Tr.I;;:O;;N;;:.ii.IL---'Si"Truu;jiDiilrn ION I 011 ,ANI!;A liON (e) M.A. In : ECONOM , h li nd Socio log y: oachclo'~3 d'_(.~re'J In any

I 11 Ii Al l \1 f i lII INU II NA1NllllNATIONA! I I AL SOCIOLOGY HI;tory, Goograp Y w,lh al lea st 4!>% ma r ,s . ) M.A. ' 0

H A I T I' 1111 L 01 )(;11'" It, . I AN CI NTIlAL A. IAN. . IITY (n) M,A, In 1 "ducal, on 10.2 t 3 pa ll orn

01 educauo n 'fi lth alL 1 OIl:\ H QP~1 T ' OUTH'\51 I'A NrSI KOIll: AN ELlG I,UI : under 101;>.3 pall",n .ony dlSClpllno "ndor 01 or ill Oachelor's level, ulhor as11 \\ .1 P 'I H s iunu , ItlNE , f j/tO S1A{ I SAND I.ATlN (E~iSCIP~::: I C8 : Oolcl1olor' deg,eO ~ I; ,C': ", thor at 1012 10~. [l achelo"s degree rn any d':,cIPlrn,;

1\ TlI I ~R ,\ 1Ut I '. r ,[lIAN, UN \1 \~IAN 5 TUlllE coo . 1<1 M·,tncm,' · I 01 science .I J\MlERI(""1\:!HLIl'1 • E tn . 1LI II . • 0 f lJ, ' I .\ ClNl R, ,. , toast !;O". marks. ,II (c) M.A . In pot tt c 50% mark St' n nd 01 rmamertt : sub «narv or as hOOOU,", ~"catlon a t leasl(8) F nl I r Int rnall n.1 Politic, organlzn:

oSoclolo v. Oolone 10 2 13 pa ttern 0 e ~

f f al ( , HI. t t· 1, nil S , G g,apl,V:,O% ma,ks or MaslOl'S uodor • LI FE SC IENCE~ ESEARCH IN MOLECULAR BIOLOGy10 m 'I .111'" ns .1n All,' SI II s w,t" al It ,15 o Maslor's dogreo [ IV. SC HOOL O F F INTER DISCIPLINARY:NETICS. DEVELOPMENTA~ BIOLOGy:

. d ., "I S 1<" es 'Vlth .11 I -ast 60· marks 01 ' tl onal Logal (A ) M.PHILJPH,O . IN AREAS ~T BIOTECHN OLOGY, G OBIOLOGY, nADIATION AI 0 CANCERc .' " 'h a t tea51 '5 mar 5 (~) For Cootro :~~a~~I~~~ marks or an GENETIC ENGINEERING, PLA NEUROBIOLOGY, MICR

L B (Th' t ' car) de roo .11t ,B"cn" '5 dog,ee w,th a an M A w.!n CELL OIOLOGY, IMMUNO;~g~i-RUCTURAL OIOLOGY ee w,th at lea st 55% mar~s Of

r ...,th at toast 55 mar s In the agg,oga le or , an 'LL M BlOLOGY.OIO ·PHYSICS un M Sc or equ,valent deglor

'Physica l Sci ences. as VIP-II a'a as e 1 Iho sub Is wn n at 1~"'S t 55·. marks In tno aggregaletl,oonal Trado d 'd tes WI .' . I manes •( ) For Contro for IntOLna = . ELIGIBILITY Can I a . I Sciences , B,o,n or 1.1 Sc (Velerlnary Sciences) deg'e

pth at 1 51 5 rna 5 In the .1gg,egato c - - - k d lamlhanty With equivalent grados, In Blologlcha r 1.1 Sc (AgncuItUre) or 1.1' Sc or eq uival ent degree in alii';;pm I : 35'" 5 e rcc on EconomICS ...lIh at least 50% mar s a n a] South B B S or 1.1 Tee 0 " h Ing the ". _a. I' a S:atlS . • u I Bachelor's Ievol (d) Eor Contro for SOUIr"S;:~~~ H,story those wntt M eh .ole, Candidates av Biophysics , Biotechnology, Bolany,

asl As, n S uth Wc. t Paei.!! Stu los: Mastcr's degree ,n Poht,Cil d' A ~ Studle~ With 55% marks arc also 9 'ncluding Biochem,stry . I or in Chemistry or Physics areE - - G _. Soc y Delence, Interoallooal Rolal /oos ao ro SUbJects 01 Lll e SCIences,' logy Physiology. Zoo ogy ,

r )., h S al SCiences w'th at M croblology Pharmaco ., I t aSI mar s r Mas c" s degree In HumaOll,es and ot er Del. marks (e) For Geoetlcs. I. . amme in Modero BiOlogy

a I mar S olster's 'd egree In Nalural SCIences wllh at least 65 X. • H - also elig/ble ' . ted int erdIsc iplin ary progr . . .'M . d ee In PohtlCal SCience, ,story, S I LIFE SCIENCES : An Integra qu iv alcnt) in Blolog,cal . Phys,cal 01Canad ian and--!-ati!LSJ!Jdl os,"- aster s egr . I . d other allied (8) M. c. n , B Sc. or 0 Tech or e 55 % marks.

E n " Delence/StrateglC StudIes. loternat.ooal Re atlons ao , In ELIGI BILI TY : Bachelor s degree ( . f educa tion With a t least5 lOCI Socu l ~,ences aod Humanrlles vith at least 50% marks or Master s degree I l S 'ences under 10+2+3 patt ern 0 J" a ural nces " ,th at leasl 60% marks. (/) .EQ.LU"'§.Jili!..dlYs;.,Master·s degree rn Pohtlca Agncultura CI L SCIENCES

e rs' rv. E ornlCS, Soc,ology. Delence/Strateg.c Studies, '~teroat,ooa l . Relat ions, IV. SCHOOL OF ENVIRONMENTA S INCLUDING INTE FiJISCIPLINARY AREAS OFH ""an t 5 I'; al leasl SO% marks (g) M1...Q1her_ C_ontres: Masler S degree In . ;olillcal tAl M.PHILJPH.D. IN ENVIRONMENTA\S~I~P~~'S ICS , BIOREM EDIATIO N). CHEMISTRY (AIR.Sc e HIS'ory Economics Inreroallon,,' RelatIons and Area Studies with at leasl 50 •• marks BIOLOGY(ECOLOGY, BIOTECHNOLOG AND PHYSICS .

Mast~ 's deg;ee on Hum~nllr es aod other Soc,al Sciences WIth at least 60% marks or WATER, SOIL POLLUTION) , GEOLOGY . h 01 baSIC or applied sc ience Or MBBSI t 65%arks lent In any brancasr", s degree '" atura l Sciences wrrh at eas m . ELIGI BILITY :M Sc degree or eQUIva

(B) M. A. in : POLITICS (with specializa tion In International Rolations) or B.Tech./B E. with minimu m 55% marks . . AN INTERDISCIPLINARY COURSE WITH

EL IGIB ILITY : BaChelor's deg ree in any disc iplioe under 10+2+3 palle rn of educatIon w'lh at (B) M.Sc . In ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES . OM RELEVANT AREAS OF BI OLOGICAL,least SO·. marks . ENVI RONMENTAL ORI ENTATION. DRAWN FR

(C) M.A. in : ECONOMICS (with specialization In World Economy) CHEMICAL . EARTH AND PHYSICALS CIENCES. t bas ic or applied science under 1 0+2~~ELIGIBIUTY : Bache lor'S degree (With 5Qok marks In aggregate) in the follOWing sublee s ELIG IBILITY ' Bac helor's degree ,n any branch 0

under '(}..2+3 pattem of educat ion: Econom ics(Honours) wllh Mathemati cs as subSIdiary palt ern of education w,th at least 55% marks. SCIENCES Ib· S ' t ' (H ) th OMPUTER AND SYSTEMS .suofee:: Mathematics(Hons .) with Economics as a subs idary su leet ; or tatls ICS ons . WI IVI. SCHOOL OF C TH E DEGREES IN COM PUTER



HINDI, TAMIL HINDI TRANSLATION, ENGliSH, LINGUISTICS, JAPANESE AND SPANISH. ELIGI BILITY : Mas ter's degree in Computer Sc ience or MathematIcs . or StatistiCS orELIGIBILITY : (I) M.PhIlJPh.D. In Langua ges/Subjects other than English, linguist ic s Operational Research or in any branch of Sc .enc e or Bachelor's deg:ee In any branch 01and Hindi Trans lal/on: Maste r's degre e in the concerned language/sub ject With at leas t Engineenng or Master of Com pute r Applica tions (M CA) With a t least 55 Yo marks .SO% marlcs. (II) M.Ph IIJPh .D. In Engli sh: Master's Degree in English 01 linguistiCS or (B) M,C.A . (MASTE R OF COMPUTER APPLICAT IO NS) . 3 YEAR PROG RAM M E OPEN TOSociology or Hislory or Political Science Or Philosophy or Folklore or Film & Commllnicat ion CANDIDATES WITH ADEOUATE COMPETENCE IN MATHEMATICS .

Studies or Cullure Studies or Comparal iYe literature with at least 55"10 marks . (il l) M. Ph l ll ELI GIBILITY Bachelor 's degree in any disc ip line with adequate competence in MathematicsPh.D. In Lingulsl/cs: Master's Degree in lingUistics or any olher discipline with at least 50% under 10+2+3 patt ern o t educa lron wi th at least 55% marks .marks , (Iv) M. PhIVPh.D. In Hindi Translation: Master 's '; egree in Hindi with 50% marks and

English or any Indian language as one ot the subject at B.A. level other than Hindi or Master's IV II . SCHOOL OF PHYS ICAL S C IENCES Idegree in any Indian! Foreign language wilh 50"10 marks and Hindi as one ot Ihe subjecl al B. (A) PRE·PH.D.JPH.D. IN PHYSICAL SCIENCES /CHEMIC AL SCIENCES/MAT H EMATICALA level. SCIENCES.

(B) M.Phil. In PORTUGUESE ELIGIBILITY : (a) For Physical Sc iences , M .Sc. degree in Phys ics, Chemistry 01ELIGIBILITY: Masler's degree in Portugu ese wil h at least 50% marks or Masler's degree in Malhematics. With at least 55"10 mark s. Candidal es hav ing majored in Physic s or Chemistryany other Romance language (Italian, Spanish. French. Romanian) or in Eng lish wilh atleast should have had Ma lhematics at least up to the B .Sc . level. Exceptions ca n be made in case

SO% marks and an Advanced Diploma in Portuguese with atleast 50 "10 marks. 01 applicanls wi lh STech. (Electronlcs/Electncal) degrees provided they su ccessfully qualify

(C) M.A. in: ARABfC, CHINES E, ENGLISH, FRENCH , GERMAN, HINDI, JAPANESE, KOREAN, Ihe enlrance examination. (b) For Chemical Sciences , M .Sc. degree in Chemistry 01

LINGUISTICS, PERSIAN, RUSSIAN, SPANISH AND URDU. • PhYSICS, With at leasl 55 % marks . Candidates maJonng In Ch emistry should ha ve specialization

ELIGIBILITY :(i) M.A. in Engli sh and linguistics : Bachelor's degree in any discipline In Anal .ytlcaIlOrganicllnorganic/PhYSical Chemistry/Chemical PhysiCS/ Polymer Ch emistry at theunder 10.2·3 palt ern of education with at leas t 50"10 marks. (II) M.A . other th an English Master s level. (c) For Mathematica l Sciences , M .Sc. degree in Mathematics, w ith at leastand L1ngulslics: Bache lor's degr ee in any discipline under 10+2+3 palt ern of educ ation 55% marks.

(6) M.Sc . in PHYSICSWllh at least 45% marks with adequate profic iency in the concerned language.

(0) B.A . (HONS .) In : ARABIC, CHINESE, FRENCH, GERMAN, JAPANESE, KORE AN, EfLiGI BILlTY : Bachelor's degree (With Physic s as one 01 the SUbjects) under 10~2+3 pallern

PERSIAN, RUSSIAN AND SPA NISH (WITH ENTRY POINTS TO BOTH 1st AND 2nd YEA R). ~0~~~:~;0:r~~hp~5% m~rks In the aggrega te (or in PhYSICS, Chemis try and MathematicsELIGIBILITY : (ia) For B.A . Hon~sl Yean : Senior School Cert ificate (10 +2) or , I YSlcs onours,

eQwvalenl exam ination WIth at least 45"10 marks. VIII. S CHOOL O F ARTS & AESTHETICS

(Ib) Certificates issued by some Madrasas with at least 45"10 marks. Names 01 Ihe Madrasas (A) M.PHIL./PH .D.: The Schoo l oilers M .Phil/Ph Dare dela,led In the Prospeetus. Visual Studies, Theatr e and Perfo l m an .. .. programme in three d ifferent streams .

iu) F:QLB.~ons.L-!2nd Year) : Firs t yea r ot Bachelor's degree or an examinati on M,PhII.lPh.O. is th ro ugh a se pa at ce Studies and, Cinema StUdies . (A dm ission 10 therecognised as eqUivalent thereto with al least 45"10 ma rks under 1 0 .f 2 ~3 pallern 01 educa tion vi va-voce) reentrance examination fo r each discipline followed by aWIth adequate proficiency In Ihe Concerned language, ELI GIBILITY: Masters degree In an " .

UII. SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES) (B ) M.A . IN ARTS & AESTHETICS :\~IS~P lin e With at le ast 50% marks .

(A) M.P HILJPH.D. Programme IS oltored by the follOWing Centres whic h have their stUdy of the Vis ual, Cinematic and P ~ chool offers M .A programme WIth cr oss disciplinaryCUrricular and research work organized on interdisciplinary baSIS With a fo ELI GIBILITY: Bachelor's degree und:: ~r;:';;3Arts.

pro lams 01 IUdy: cus on some major I I X. - S C H O OL-O F - C- _ _~Ile l n 01 ed uc ation With at leas t 500 maLSCENTRES _ _ OMP U T ATION A L AN _ _ _ __. _ _ ...,tCONO ;lIC S TUDIES AND PLANNING . Hlf TORICAL STUDIES rOllTICAL STUDIES (A) PRE· PH. O/PH 0 IN COMPUTATioN _ __ _ __ INTEGRATIV E CIENC ESRI G/0I' At LJEVEI OPMEN r (GEOGRAPHY, ECONO rcs AND POPULA TION T D [ ELI GIBILI T Y: (, Ma Irs 0 AL B IOLOGY A N D BIOINFORMATICS _JYSl


< (rx.IOLOGY)" -DUCATIO AL TUOIFS Irs Gi l I 'G U <' S),' ~OCIA~ '''he 'n Phy les at l t .;!~of' III " ny bnn ' C'!'llC' U I, I h't:, O· r I. { I, JI<;TORY f fDUCATIONj ,OCIAL r OlCI I A D - (, 0(,;)1 OG 0 I lled by Gove'! P"1t C~ ~I~ Her Clen"" A t Ir)Pd ( At , J 'DIES I ' r 'JE"/C POLICY ,(,; UNIT ti LAU If , Ur, 'If..h I J[J ,U h Mel

... I ' Eng,n cerrnq £3 Ph ' (e\ 13 T ~JCIBII/TY .v:, II r d rep In lil a "Ubj P("f cOncerned with iltl olst 50. mar requi rement o f 55"0 marks . rrn I df' up!! Or II ~I

eu ," all cI lib) 01 Hum~nl If!~ '/JIlIt al I a t 55% m Ik r ' ", ks or Ma ler st r ,,10 I II i'" f 0% mar' Fo r Cenlr, 1 St dl .' ""lilSI r < degree In Nat ura '

- Of U es In S ,"nCl Policy ' M '~ I "oclil l SCI' Ie. or Hu nalllll • or l W M . aSll' ror an l m rm t "Iilh 55% rna rkd !i reo In NilfuI ;I' 5C1anCB~ 01 B chelr,,', do S or

th U " OJ • • , grr'c In F nglner li ng or T hWI vu ,. mll rks For Centre 01 So cI I /II dl I ec nology or

I I Cc n and Communlt Hr - In BOC' SCion (: or Olio , rll c,plinc' 1I1110 J Y ealth.PM MA ; R 01 PU B LI C If I\lTtf)/PIf,D . ' (10 public hr"l lIh With !}O% rn ,k

Page 14: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45


28th March, 2012

21st March, 2012

5th March, 2012

6th February, 2012

21st March, 2012

6th February, 2012

., I AD~ERTISEMENT NO. : 01120121vaca~~~~ns a~ '.nvlted from the eligible cand idates 10 fill up the existing

Iear , e vaca 'lQes as may occur, and the posts as m..'y be c:reatedwith in one


• hfroeom the date of preparat IOnof panel for the pos t of (i)Personal A.'>Sistanls In theIg urt of Jharkhand In the pay I f R

4600/- (plus other usual allowan ces a:ca

~ 0 ~: 93~.34800/- with grade pay ofCivilCourtsof Stata ofJharkha d ' th pc I1Jleh n) Enghsh & Hllldl Stenographer inof Rs. :?400/-(ptus other usu~ ~~ e pay scaleof Rc;.5200- 20200/ - with grade pay(Iii)Stenograp her for the C.B I eou~a~~~~ RSb~r I1Jle) on t~~porary baSIS andRs.5200-20200/- with rnde an a and Ranchl, In the pay scale ofshall be valid for Ste n<~raJlh:~~:':t,RSC1~~ on temporary basis. The waiUistpanelhislher applica tion in the prP..s 'b~ f iV1 urt only. Eli ch candidate should SUbmitJhar1<hand High Co urt Ran~' o~at addressed to the Registrar Geneml,appl:cationwill be 17'" F~brua 2~1r2eglstered post ooly. The last dale of receipt f

Thry, .

a application fonnat r 'b' Irecrulbn nt be ' 0 19 1 II ty cri teria li nd other cond iti

may • downloaded from offi I ._"'MNW.J ilhi ll' aa we"",.oof Jtl<ll1<hal HI 1 It I

Date : 17.01-2012 :yp~nJ r

latr ru n ,

Start of Onli ne Application Process

Clos ing of Onlin e App lic at ion Process

Start of Issue of offline Appl ication Fo rms(only by post)

Last date for issue of oHline Ap pllcallonForms (only by po st)

Last date of submiss ion of completedoffli ne Applicallon Fo rmLast date lo r subm iss ion o f confirma t ionpage of online Application Form

Cand idates' wh o are due to appear in re spe ctive qUill ify ing ex am ina ti onpr.e~cribed for eligibi lity for admission to a parllcular programme are alsoellglbie to appear in the ent rance exami natl o n. In th e event 01 thei rselection: they will be adrnu ted only if thei r res utt s of th e q ualifyin gex.ammatlon . ar~ . decl ared before 141h August , 2012 an d lh ey fu lfil theminimum eligibility requirements as prescribed in the prospectu s.

The University does not offer corr espondence courses .

While the University , on ils part, shall ensure ti mely de sp atch of Appl ic ati onFor ms soon after re cei pt 01 t!1e request from in tendi n g candidates , i t w i llhow ever, not accept respons ib il it y for any postal delay or irregUlarity 0 ;lo ss In postal tmn slt . .

coAn y d isp u te with regard to any matter relating to admission sh all be :subject to the jurisdl cll on of Delh i Courts on ly. ~

For detail ed inf o rmatio n viSit 0 b . Zur we s ll e :~lIw\V \V. w

TltAl t u ur e I. II lHU or lit ApfJll c t tn n r orm tor each Ca te gor y t.e ,nnd n' '''I0ry '0' (Atlml•• ton throu g h f: tl l rRnco E Jlomlnfttl o n),{Dlr c t I\lJl11l ••lo fl 10 Ph .D . J1foo, ,,mm" 8) n n d Cetogory 'C'

(Ad m ll Ion uf JIH h old r. ). CA mB d"I"••h a uld th e ret o-e clehr ly Ind lc at o on the• If Itthtr ."d erwntc pe, th Cn tngory tor w hleh tho Appllcli tion Form I. requ irod

by tnnm.t or tu 1m l.tllo n ' h rn u II rntr nco I .umln tlon undor C'll"go ry-A above and

r llll eRlo 01 Prollclnncy (II ,1·TlIl1o P roqr mmo) untJ er C tcgory -O cove,c . nd ltJ len upt upto m stmum o f thr FI Id 0 1 'udy In a ,1 0 9 10I\,ppllcullon t-erm tor Ih . ,Ul10 I vol of Pro(Jrlunm B l.u . COP(Part -TimfJ) o r B.A.(ltono.) (ls' Yo r) or M.A./M.Sc./MCIl or M.PhIl/Ph .D.,l're·Ph .D./Ph.D., IA.Tech./Ph .D ., M .P .tt./Ph.O ., nnd "rn not r oq u l rod 10 su b m it s porato AppllcHtlon Forme foroneil flold 0 1 l u d y . In ceae ft candlente 8u b m lt s moro Ihnn one Application Formfor Iho ."mn lov I 01 progrommue 0 1 study , hl.ther candldaturo will bfJ roiectcd .ttowav.,r, I h l s rOlllrlctlon w il l not opply to cnndldnlns who apply for DirectIIdml.lon to Ph.D. progr mme under Cntego ry .B above, JRF holdor. to M.Phll./Ph .D . nnd Pro -Ph.D.lPh .D. proqremrnee u n dor Cn 1ogory-C above find DiplomatAdvanced Dlploml1 of Proficiency (P art -n m o Programmes) under Category-Dnbovo. Candldatos ore required to aubmlt sep ar ato App li c ati o n Fo rm for eachField 01 Study lor admlulon to B.A. (ltons.) 2nd Yoar un dor catogory A above,Dlroct Admlslon to Ph.D. programmo undar Catogory-B above, JRF holders toM.PhIl/Ph.D. and Pro-Ph .D.lPh.D. under Category-C above and lor Diploma andAdvanced Diploma (Part -TImo) programmes under Category-D above .

ItO~ U LilITLY. : A candidate can apply either "Online" or "Ollllne" 9,lll!.!lJL.i\l'l'lIcatLonlCandidates can apply Online on payment 01 prescribed tee il they have access to acomputer. a printe r and In te rnet by logging on to JNU websi te www.jnu orwww.Jnuonline .in . The sites havo boen des ig ned in a 'us er fr iend ly' way to help candidateslor applying Online In a step-by-step fashion. Online appncauon portal will remain open from1000 AM (1ST) on 6th February . 2012 till 5:00 PM (1ST) on 21st March. 2012 . 9..!!!!!'...!'ilpp llc-"J IQ!L~ Set 01 Appllcalion Form and Prospectus can be obtained through Post bysending crossed A~nk UraH lor Rs .300 /· (Rs. Three Hundred only) drawn in favour 0 1JAWAHARLAL NEHRU UNIVERSITY payble at NEW DELHI alongwith a self addressed(unstamped) envelope ot the minimum size of 30 cms x 25 ems , clearly tnoicannq theprogramme at study lor which the Applicat ion Form is requirec on the selt -addressedenvelope to the SECTION OFFICE R (ADMISSIONS), Room No.28, Admln lstrallve Block,Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Deih l 110067 . Candidat es seek ing a set ofApphcanon Form and Prospectus from Nepal are required 10 send a Demand Drafl of Rs.4001. or equi valent In US Dollars . Money Orders and Cheques are not acc epted . PLEASE DONOT SEND YOUR REQUEST FOR SET OF APPLICATION FORM AND PROSPECTUSTHROUGH COURIER. PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE Will. BE NO CASH COUNTER FOR SALEOF SET OF APPLIC ATION FORM AND PROS PECTUS. BPL card holder s will be issued aset of apphcalion form & prospectus free 01 cost on submlssi ion 01 a copy of the BPL cardISSUed by the compete nt authority showing their name in the card.



l u n d f II I 1 " \ p i li In o f

National Institute of Public Cooperationand Child Development

5,Si r; Institut ion al Area, Hauz Khas, New Delhi - 11001~

(An aut on omous Bod y under th l! aeg is of the Min istry of Women andChild Development, Govl. of Ind ia)

Applications are invited from Indian cillzens for appoin tment to the 10llowlngposts:


A. For Nalional Institute of Public Co~~atio n and ChIid'Develo pment -11. Depuly Drrector (AcClis .) (one pOSI) ~n tr3ns f (! r~, -'--

PB·;J01Rs . 15600·39100+ GP dl.'put,l1ton basis at NewRs 6600/· Deihl

2 'Ass lstant Admln lstra1tve O iiicer (One po ill On t ra~ s f ur on - - -PO·2 of Rs 9300·34800 + GP Rs 420U/ · Deputation Ila sls' ,11 I

J§rade Pay IS und er reVISIon) Inu or"

lB. For Nat/o-na ' Chl~d~n F.U':;-d (~F) 0.?d~pu~1tion ~aBI!l -on~ y I11J111clion Oltreer (AcClis.' (one po st) fA t Now 0. 11 11

PB·2 of Rs. 9300 34800 , GP Rs 4200/-

NOI~~radeJ.' ay IS un~er _re_'v_,slo nl __ _ t:::~~::~~:::::::==:===~==7=======~~~~~~~~~

• For detail s regarding qua~ifIr.ation , aoe, oxpe rience, application form elc.candida tes mayreter 10 Institutes websit e www.nlpccd.nlc.ln. The Inst dn lo

r f cand llt s dlfCCtl}' to Ph D. progmmmo either on the"10<1 and vtva-voce both as may bo decided by each

and \ \'1 t£'l Semesters In all Schoo lsIC cntrcs. In addI tion directIII Centre f Comparative Pohtlcs and Polincal Theory. Adult

es d Study ot Discnminalion and Exclusion. Candidates are reqUIredd \ 3,3 s IS ., &lch Centre/School belore applying lor admission in Winter

Caod ldat s are adv ised to reter to the admissIon announcement belogparately.

lCategory-DI PART-TIME PROGRAMMESThe Un/verslly will hold Entrance Examination (In Delhi Centre only) for admiss ion 10Certificate ot Profic iency and Advanc ed Dip loma In Mass Media In Urdu a one -year Part.TlITleProgram mes of Study in the School of Language. Literalure & Culture Studies . Since theseare Part-TIme programmes , these are Intended for candidates residi ng In Deihl NCRon ly. AdmlSslOfI to Dip loma ot Pro~c lency and Advanced Dip lom a of Prof iciency will bemade on basts of the past acadernlc record of the candidate which will be assessed '"accordance with !he criteria laid down by the University for selection .PROGRAMMES OF STUDY : 1) Advanced Diploma in Mass Med ia ," Urdu2) Advanced Diploma of Protrciency in Pusnto, 3) Diploma of Proficiency in Pushlo and BahasaIndonesl8. 4) Cert ffica te of Proficiency in Mongolia~ , Push to, Bahasa Indonesia and Urdu.EUG la /U TY : 1. Advanced ,D lp ioma in Mass Media in U.!dl! : A Bachelor s Degree under10 .. 2 ..,3 pattern of educat ion WIth at least 45%. ma rks in aggregate With Urdu as one of the

sUb/.OCIS a t High School or Intermed iale or a.A. Level. 2. Advanced-illplg_mJLoLEr,ofic iency:~~JOrSChOOI Certificate, (llh2) or equiva/e~t with at least 45% marks in aggregate and Diplom a0, . roflC,ency. In language concerned. 3. Q!ploma of ProficielJ.£Y : Senior School Certit icate:'10-..,2) or equivalent WIth at lea~t 45 % marks in aggregate and Certificate of Proltcl ency in thean~uage concerned. 4. Cert l f,cale of Profici<m£Y : Senior School Cert ihcate (10.2) or

equlva tenr "lIth at leas t 45% marks in aggregale.


~OREIGN NA nONAlS: All fore ign n;lionals present in India are required to appear in lheentrance Exam lna l~on subject to their fUlfilling minimum eligibil ity requirements as prescribed forIndian s tudents as IndIcated under Category 'A' ab ove . However, in the event of lhei r selection~hey "':"11 be considered for admission subject to equivalence of ttieir degrees as per eligibilit;requlfeme nts .

RESEfWAnON OF SEATS . 27% seats are reserved for OBC candidates (non creamy layer) 4 .15% ;/nd 7.5% of seats· are reserved for SC/ST cand idate s respecl ively in all programmes 01study. 3% seats are reserved for P~sically' C12allenged (Handicap ped ) candidates (wi th a

Birl~ Institute of.Technology &

Science'Pi/a ni, Rajasthan

Research Posi tion inSpec troscopic Study of

Soft Matter

II IS proposed to fill -Up one post ofJRF (proJecl sponsored by AdityaBirla Groups) under Pro f. Subil K.Saha , Deplt . o f Chemistry. 8 r(s,Pi/an i Please log on to following linktor details: h llp:lldlscovery.blls­p I/an I. c.fnldisc lp llnclchcmlstryl"ksah /lndex ,htm /. Appl y \ i1 hcom plefe bio-da la alon g withn!iCe sary onclosures 10Prof. SulJilK. Saha <subilksaha gmall. cCJm ...bofore 25.02. 12 by o-ma,Ior po~t

EN 45171

Page 15: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45

,--u;v r, onO(!Cd~ ~ On

ott a. rl!S rr 'nScl n ce n. (3) S<:~

Com pu te ' & S'Y ta mEno/i ronme n I ~cl nAe \Ile ll Cs t9) SchoolBiolecnnol09Y In)'-Ao1eeu1ar M ed lc",e •\0 ctlec \r. thO a 'l d,labadmtssion In V/ mtorEligi bility : Car>dtdatoon JNU web '}l l 0 (d irect adrruS::iolOn to PCandidates enjoylnrequi re d to produc et ime ot adm\ s st o nexemptl on ot th" nuIn stit u ti ons tee at edA candidale can apcan apply Onhno ona printer and IntwV'iYJ .tnuonl inc Inc and idaleS for apptWill rc mai n ODC" tro215t March. 2012can be ob talncd tHU'l dred only) draNEW DELHI alo5 le "r 30 cms x"2,\.poh ca tl on FormOFFICEA (AD ' ISU nive r s i t y . ew ta re nol acce ptodAPPUCATtON FeTH T THERE wleFOR AND PRO'2·S! M arc h 20 1,APpli caUo n ForI'

ApP catIon Form::)e ~ od '5

(i) f,om 61h Feb(Ii) From l . t Sol~!)p1 catlO "': Formm · onsoon So'Oc 9,"",ng Janu a~ach are as 01~ '"'J. 'h _ ~,

o"ecr admlsSIOl dlT' 551 0n r' W

\ n', ·- ----

. •• Win hAV O to aSSis t th e O lf OCtof 'd tasks HcJShO ulpulS on dlllo renl asPecl1 01

I shlng the asSlgne

me rn~,or 60ttwar ~ 1I1 th eso areasrammo'S In ccom~ol. If 10 tcally pions conductlog r Olea~~3 01 Rs. 15600-311100 ~ Grsde

p.og I 010. SCi nil II nd Buoko IOWO'd) In the Pay Ban 's Dogroe on SlatistlCs ¥lllh III01h11~ , CVD/U~ b 1 0~s~ICS) 1 Post· UR. -, Fil I I ClosSMaSle~ lz ed Unlvers,ty. OR 2"" CIaas~) Sciaoli l l 'C (SIal nllo l quollllColions iv(;leol a 'OC~gvo ~ 1 subjec l Irom a recogn'l eoroy 01nl.lIlIOO: E"~ IO .SI III tlcS or e~uPI' 0 degree 10 ' 0 e b eets rola ted to heallh resea.Ch10 MedIC I Statls

tlcsltotlstlcs WIll' spl n o~pe rleoce In the S~altl on s: (I) Docto rate Degree In

Mastor's Dog.eo In 5 HI ,olOoHClllleactl! Ig

Deslrablo quail" d ldaloS wllh tlrst class rolevantunlvorslly (II) FoUl ~~;lhl q lJall "cntlOns;z~~ Unlversll y lor con co In Blo-StallstOCs In recogniZedallOr oblalnlng ~I IICS tro rn recog

narchfTeachlng exporIOn Is (Ill) Knowle dge 01Slatlstlcal

StntlstlCS/lllO·SID ' ~, POll Docloral Ra.~ wed In te rna llonn l lou r~a ~pllcation packages like MS.degreo. (11) Ad(:IlI~:~ lIcntlOnS In peor r~v ~ PI ' I NFO , EPI-STAT ~rystal Reporls , SOL Server.InstltulO(S) WIll p l ollware IIko SPSh' r programmes like V~, b requlrementa: To contribute.olalod comp~t~ . Fnmlllll ll ty wllh ot ~will be on advanlOge. ~IC,pale In evaluation 01on'golngoru co. Fex ~~grnmmlnglJavO SC~'Pal methodologIes end par nd ua,nlng. plan and undertakeo rocle, ASP volopment and stahst c rommes for rasearch a toke and to assist the Dlroctor10 sollwMOde mruc To develop prog CVD Diabetes and S r ca s and any other dut ies P,o~;I~o.ent · aspects of cnnce~~ctlng'resoarch In thrust orrosoarcll o~' wltll othor sclenlls ts In ~on OBC) - In th e Pay Band-3 01and 10 wo~ the Director 01 thS Con re:, Po st _UR and 1 Post I~ns ' MBBS Degree recognIZedaSSlgnl~~ tI~1 ' ll ' (Modlca l) (2 pO~:~5~00 : Essenllal quallflc:~ (I) MD/MS Degree In Medoclne/(6) ~~600-39100 ~ Grod e Pay of t Deslrabl o qu alillcotlon macology from a , ecognlZedRS'MCI lrom a recognIZed un lve r ~' r;'e rapY/Blochoml~ trY/ Ph~;,ence In the relev ant sublects ,nby r /P&SM Pathology/RadIo I Researchlt eachlng exp Job requir ements : To developSU ~g ~:'ty (i1) Addlllonal Post Doctor: of Computer APpllcation\ on dillerent aspects 01Cancer,Unlve Ized Instltute(s). (Iii) Knowledg plan & undertake researc th other scienllsts ,n conductIngrecog

nes for research and tralOlng, Director and 10 work WI

~~6ra;;;:;'etes & Stroke and to assist the P Band-3 01 Rs. 15600- 39100 ~se~rch ,n thrust areas 2 Po sts - URI - In tho ay Tech or equ ivalent Degree 10

~~) Scientist 'B' (progr~mm:~n\lal quali f ic ations : BiE;~~llon SCience from a recogOlzedGrade Pay 01 Rs.5400 . Es I format ion Techno logylln 0 2 ears experience ,n the relevantElectroOlCs/Computer SClenc~~cc 'B' leve l cert ifIcate With . ~computer Science/ InformatIOn

OIverslty OR possesslOg ~O Ulvalent Degree In ElectroOlC zed University . OR 2"" ClassUrea OR Forst Class Master s or e/~CA & M Phil from a recsogmncellnlormal,on Technology/a · I t,on Science . /C mput er c,e . edTechnologyltn orma ree In Electron,cS 0 in relev ant area from a recogmzMaster'S or eqUivalent D~9M Phil subjects + Ph 0 degree h De ree In Elect romcs/Compu lerInlormatlon SCI<;nccJM:~li llcatl O n s: (I) Doclo~a te or M.Te~ter A~pllcatlons from a recog n,zedUnIversIty Desorablo q h I gyll nformation SClenccJ c om) Add tlona l Post Doctoral Research/SClenccJlnformallon Tec :~~ forst class relevant degree. (II . & Inetworkong (iii) Knowle dge 01UOIverslly lor candIdateS t m administ ratIve and HardwareVB NET with knowl edge of Crysta lteachIng experience I n(~bles erver, ASP.NET progr~,:"mlng, f oftwa re pac kages relating toComputer ApplicatIons compilation etc .) . Speclhc use 0 :TO deve lop software applocatoonAeports, Dala processong, dded advantage Job requirements , is and reporting under theCancer Registries w,lI be a~~a capture , checking . proceSSing, a n~:i~ave to ass ist other seniorprogrammes for d l s eas~oltware programmers . The I ncumbe;~; D'fabetes and Stroke tow ardsguidance 01 the senior d fferent aspecls of Cancer , 'sCientists 10develop outputs on I Grade

nductlng research In these areas. P Band -3 o f Rs. 15600-39 100 + . .c~) Sclontl st 'B' (Statlstlcs)(1 Post - URI - In th: s ~~ster's or equivalent Degree In Statlsl'csl~ay 01 Rs.5400: Essonllal qua lt flcatl~ns : First Cia rom a recognized Umversity . OR 2"" ClassBlo·Statlstlcs wllh spl. In MedlcaV Blo-Stat,stlcs fd e In relevan t subject from a recognizedMasler's degree In Statlst lcs/Blo-Statlstlcs ~ Ph.D egre n Statistlcs/Bio-Stalistics Irom aUniversity Doslrabl e qu alificati ons: (I) Docto rate Degree

d, ree (i1) Add itional Pos t Doctoral

recognized Unlv.ersity for cand idates WIthforstclass ~~I~:~~t n l~~d i ~s t i t u te(s). (i ll) Knowledge 01Research/teaching experience In relevant subjeclS NF6 EPI .STAT & applicali on packagesstatistical related computer software like SPSS, EPI-I 'I'ke VB Cr ysta l Reports, Sallike MS·Offlce, Fox-Pro. Familiarity With other . p~lf~:~~~~v~n tage ' Job requirements: ToServer, Oracle, ASP Programming/Java Script HI I other scien tISts In dat a analysis usingwork under the guidance of sentor StallstlClan and ass st esea rch progiammes In the area ofmodern medical statistical tools, and 10strengthen on-going r

expanding cancer research actiVIties. . , 0 0 for Scientist-C and 35 years lorAge lim it : Not exceeding 45 y"ars lor Sc'en t,st- , 4 year~ nd SC/ST/O BC candida tes inScientist-B Relaxable upto 5 year s for Government servan 5 a .. f m hmeaccordanc~ with the Instruchons issued by the Department of Personnel and Traln ln~ rases forto tIme in this regara. However , the presc ribed age may be relaxed ,n exceptlona . ca .experienced and quahlled candIdates. One time age relaxation IS also allowed to SClenhltc andTechnical staH working ,n long term projects in ICMR Inshtutes/Centres fo r posts advell'sed.under HRSC, 2007 provided they meet essent ,al qua hficahons and experience for t~e post Witha view to proVide them oppo"unity to compete with other cand idates as per Councils le tter No .6/1/2007-Admn.1I dated 28.3.201 t .Genera l Rela xatio n Clause: Age , qualillcation and expe rience will be relaxable in des elVlngcases as mentioned in the RecrUitment Rules of Hea ilh Research Scientist s cadre of ICMR,2007. Allowances as per Central Gove rnment Ruies are adm iSSIble on the abo ve pa y scale.Beneltts of new restructured Defined Cont ributory Pens ion system are adm issible as pe r prOVISIoncontained on the Mlmstry 01 Finance. Depa rtment of Economic AffaIrs (ECB & PR Division ),Noti lication No, 517/2003·ECB & PR daled 22-12-2003 effective from 1-1-2004 . Private pract iceIs not allowed , however, non-practicing allowance (NPA) is adm issible to medica l graduates onlyas per rules o( the Council . Cand idates ca lled for interv iew lor the pos t of Sc ientist _0 will be pa id1sl class rail fare and candid ates called for interview for the post of Sci ent isl _ C andScientISt· B will be paid lind clas s rai l fare by the shollest route on production of documentsApp li cat ion s from employees working In C ent raliS ta te Govt. Departments/Public SectorUndellaklngs and Gov!. lunded research agencies mu st be forwarded th rough proper channel.Advanc e copies of applicallons will be cons ider ed subJect to the con diti ons thai a "No ObJoctionCerhll cale - from the employer Is produced at the tim e of personal discuss ion. Ap plication receivedafter Ihe closing dat e will not be consi dered . Cand idates ca lled for personal discusslonlinl erv lewhave the option 10answer in Hindi also.

Appl ication forms and other information can be obla lned from the office of the Direct or .ln ­Charge, National Centr e for Disease Informat ic s and Res earch (Ind ian CounC il of MedIcalResearch) , II Floor 01 Nirmal Bhawan-ICMR Complex, Poolanahalli, Off N .H .-7 , adjacent toTrumpet Flyo ver 01BIAL, Kannamangala Post . Bangalor e.5621 to ,n person or downloaded fromICMR webs ite www ,lcmr.n lc .ln and NC D IR website www _ncdlr lnd l a .org /www.ncrplnd la .org on or before Ihe closing date Appllcdtio n lorms dUly completed In allrespects and Signed by the apphcanl should be senl on Ihe a ove menhoned addless and should .reach (he centre on or before the clOSing datr along WIth attested copies of the cerlif lcat es Insupp ort 01 date of bllth , educa tional quahflcatlon . expellence elc and a crOssed Ind 'an Post IOrder (IPO) lor Rs 100/· (Rupees One hundred only) payable to the Ollector-In -Charg NC OIR.Ban galoro The enve lope conlalnlng apphcalions should be sUperscnbed Appllcatro n lor the

0" -- _-CandIdates appl Ying for more than one post hould gIVe separate appl cali n(WIth prescnbed postal Order) for each of he pos ts apphed The SC ~T a physlcall handl a pcand Idates (PH) arc exempted from t e apphca Ion lee payable , form IPO IPOs ar p \ ,\,by all Olher candIdates including ICMR employees Incomple tClla e appllca I n or p II _\I

• wlihoUI POMal Orders Will nOI be cntert a lned Ap phcil ,on rece' ,', the I In twhal everreason ISliable to be rejec ted ApPlicat ion th c £" C ' tor Or t \ \11edu Cilllon o1 l quafl llc9110ns a d suapo rt lng dacum I I IconSIderation Un gnpd II'camplcl< apphCil h nor llJlJl all \for/ mhou Postil l Ord" r apphc<!l.on rec 1\ d I tp I tNOTE: (1) Ph .D or 0 dl' Jlec In ubleet, r lev \ 111 hbe Irpat eo eqUlv IICnI t I rei' y 'ars' pI''' IIC, r, ~ I IM Tech (h''jrc!' w,1I h(' Il' I rrc j fOl (lirr I rr'( lit • nl

r,~Jl1h t D'lc v I a ' ell 'nll t ·C " !'I 1111' P I \ ,In h< 111 11or " II'nil I 'IJ h'v I II "I ll 11lvl'I y 'I ) '''1 'III , 'I" rll,Irlt l rVI"W/~ , • ~ n, \ dl t.U ~ .1\ 11 1, Hw .\1 pll ,\1In,,', II "I h I'

0 1 11 111 UltI'{ 1111 lH'II" I,,1 Il Mil Will b loll,ll III 1111 I, (J "

',II1(I "j<lIl)' lll l) il " n'l 1'1)1I11l,11 0' ,>III1'loul I I 1111\11 Ill' 111III d l 'Ill,lhlle,l llo ll [Ill P PUSI ,II 1111 ,III ill(h I I I 11 I,----------

f matics andNational Cen tre for Disease In orRes earch Bangalore

_AI I orch) Wellllre.(Indlsn Council 01 M"" CII I He IIh and F ,nllyDepartment 01 Heallh A search, Mlnlst?'lodill nt 10

Government 0 n hall l 0 11NH-7, Ad ll~ dla)Nlrmsl Shlwsn-ICMA Compl (II Floor)i p~~~~n~n~lora - 5112 I~~~'~'~ 10 poslsTrumpet Flyov.... 01 SIAL, In nsmln ll;o~ March 2012 lor IhO10 uv 01developIng

Appllcllions a Invlled upto 5 p.m. Frldoy, 01anced wnhtil 01 Inoblh

cecont advancOsTh s new perm nen l tnsUtuto of Ie A ha b en com eve nd stroke throu g r " to und erHtkea nat tOnsl r SOArch da ta 58 on ca nco'Jdtabeto I coU bern t/v. now-'One.. SOa rcatio n of th isIn electronic Informallon t chnology \ llh a n ~ lOOs arch in mos alll" ~ o T~Oc~neor Registry8 I I, p'domk> .11, ellnl .,1and C:lr~'O~~ d no under th ft NaIIO~: In;o It slnc o Ih onew contr~ Is ag.1In51 Iho b., kgrcund ot I h Dcllvill as Ihat nnvo g~np and tho p.ojaclSPr r rnrn (NCRP) and the specrnc r~e~~e entl.o acllvlty 01 the N U~lt ot tho NCRPcornrn ern t 01 tne pro r mrn In 19 . ted by Ihe coordinating ICMR premisesunder 11 has n duec:led , monitored and oX~C;hICh Is noW k)Cnlod In II new

ated al B ng.1tore This coordlOahng unit li se tod scienl if lcbecome th lu rum 01 Ihe NCOIA Id d v. luablo Inlem.lIon. lly ac~o~d to esllmato

Ov the ye rs the ,ancer r~lstncs have prev e ( iSlry arc"S. ThiS has he p I and araafa on the Incidence and patterns ot cancor ~n Ihesea~cr GOOlro' , h,ighlighled cou~~ In Indian

lhe rna nIlooe 01the p.oblem, Idontlly prlontles In ~ quest.,ns In clinical patle~l, c bringing Inlos ift ics f resoarch and pOfOrod oul cnll cn d r thiS prog ramme w I e . . hi Ssett gs The cancer allas Protect lI1at was carricOout u~ ceancer in the North East gave onslg

lessharp focus the ""Iuely dllter I magnitUde and p.1ltem 0 ation Technology. The sa":,ePllOcl~rchon lo ' pewor nd pot hal 01 Ihe 100101ElectronIC Inform will be helpful lor sellIng resethat ha V'O gone onlo est.,bI1shlllg the cancer research databa~e However all processes reqUiredatabases III D.abeles. Card,ovascular DIseases and S~o~OIS WIth s~pe for easy Chang~ .in-<le th analysIS III the context 01 needs versuS avalla e I verilication analys sInformation Te<:hnology th at Inc lud es e lec tro n ic cap,tur~;are application programmesand on l ine report ing Involves ex tens iv e development 0 ~jor port ion of t h o ~ork t o ,b eI nd nel worklng . This actlvlly would con stitut e a

l~e NCRP and the MlsslorliFunc\lOn

undc rt 8kon b y the now centro. Further. miormalron 0 bs lt es www .n crp lnd o ISta l e Ol ~n l s 01 the NCDI R can be v,ewe d on the we__.ncdl rl ndi 01 Rs 15600-39100 ~ Grade Pay(1) SCientist ' 0' (Medical) (1 Post - UA) -In Ihe Pay Ba,nd,-3 t de ;ee recognized by MCI from01As 7500' Essential qua" 1/catlons:(ij MBBS or equlva en g . MedlcineiSurgeryiP&SM ,a r~nlZed Unrverslly. (II) Etght years R&Dlteaching exper~~~~es Inall er obta ining essent ialPal ology/Radiotherapy or equJvalent rn recognized l.n ~~SIt~~ to handle R&D Projects inqualrtrcatrons (I) out of wtllch alleasl2 years In a managen~lfl 11 ns' (i) MD/MS in (MedicincJa team effectively ,n a dorecllng capacity. Oeslreb le qua ~~ , ~rsli or MBBS with Master InSurgery/P&SM, Palhology/ Aadiotherapy) lromla~ecognr~~ac~~g ";perience in Ihe relevantEpidemiology/PH (Ii) Add/llonal POSI Doctora esearc e A rca tions Job requirements :subjects .n recognIZed rnstltule(s). (ill) Knowledge of Com,ruterS::'~h and i rainlng on diHerentTo assisl in developing and conducting p:og~aOlme'~h :h~~ sclentisls in conducting researchaspeels 01CancTer, CVD. Dbelabne, 'Isl'Seaxnpdecsl'ooro t~ ap~:;id:'guidance on various medical aspects toIn thrust areas. he lOcum II pllcat ionslhe ream of softwar e programmers and starisrlclans for developing so wa;e ap ted to

rammes lor enerat/ng sclenr/llc In/ormat/on and reports. The candidate ISa so ~xpec .::::;:, a good knO~ledge on Ihe application ot epidemiological tools and pall erns of pallent care rnconlrol of Cancer, CVD, q iabetes and Stroke. 00-391oo + Grade(2) Scientis t '0 ' (programmer) (1 Post -UA)-In the Pay Band-3 of Rs. 156 , .Pay 01As 7600' Essentiat qualifications: (i) B.E./B.Tech or equivalent Degree In Electromcs/Computer 'Scien~cJ Inlormation Technologyllnformatlon Science Irom a recognized University.OR I " Class Master's Degree in Electronics/Computer Sclence/l nlormation Tech~ology/

Information ScienccJMCA & M.Phll or equivalent degree from a recogniz ed Umv,erSlt~. ORpossessing DOEACC 'B' Iovel ceOificate.OR ?... Cfass f:01asf~ r ' s D~gree ..!n Ihe above mentIonedsubjOC1s + Ph.D. degree In relevant subjectlrom a recognlzeaO mversrty.Toll Eight years A &0 /teaching experience (speclaHy in disOdse Informaties) including exposure 10 programming orproject management In Electronics/ Compul er SCienccJlnformation TechnologyllnformatlonScience after obtaining essential qualifications (i) out of which at least.2 ye~rs ISIn a ~anage"aV

supervising/directing capacity to handle R&D projects In a tea~ effectIvely ,n a dlleclrng capac llyafter obtaining essential qualilication. (I). Desirable quali ll catlons: (ij M.Tech Degree ,n relatedscience or engineering .subject or Ph.D. in Ihe Elec tron ic~/CompU le '. SclenccJlnf.ormatlonTechnologyll nlormatlon Science from a recognized UniverSIty for candidales WIth hrst classrelevant degree. (II) Addit ional Post Doctora l ResearchlTe~ch lng exp~~lence in sys temadminlslt alion and hardware & networking subjects in recognized InSlltute(s); (III) Skills In diseasedatabase management such as Data Capture, Data Mining, Data warehousing and standardIZIngof archival data. Experience In handling huge and multiple dalabase. (iv) Knowledge of ComputerApplications (Sa l Server, ASP. NET Programming, VB.NET) with knOWledge of Crysta l Aeports,data processing, compllalion elc. Specific use of software packages relallng to Cancer Reglstnes,.. II be an added advantage. Job requ irements: To set Project goals, planning, schedul ing anddesigning as pan of sol tware development life cycle. The incumbent wil l lead the softwa redevelopmem team In developing soUware application programmes for data capture , checking,processing, analysis and reporting Understanding and analyzing requirements and transla tingthem Inlo Software Requirement Specification would be a major task. Trouble shooting , monitoringand overall responsibilily lor software development activily and data base management will restwllh Ihis person. Training and guiding the Junior software programmers and coordinat ing with thecentres from where data Is being received would be an additional activity. He/She will have toassist the Director and other senior scientists to strategically plan the major soltware outputs ondHlerent aspects of cancer, CVD, Diabetes and Stroke towards conducting research in theseareas.

(3) Sclonllit 'C' (Medlcs l) (1 Posl - UR) - In the Pay Band -3 01 Pay scal e of Rs, 15600.39 100~ Grade Pay of As. 6600: Essential quali fi cati ons: (I) MBBS or equivalent degree by MCl froma recognized University . (Ii) Four years researchlleaching exper ience in Medicine/Surgery/P&SM, Pathology/ Radiotherapy (or eqUivalent) alter obtaining ossential qualifications. (I).De~lrable quali llcati ons: (I) MD/MS in Medlclne/Surgery/Palhology/Radiotherapy/P &SM oreqUIvalent from a recognized UniverSIty for candidates with first class relevant degree. (ii)Additional Post Doctoral Researchlteaching experience In tim relevant subjects In recognized.nstltute(s). (Hi)Knowledge of Computer Applications. Job requi rem ents : To assist in developinga~d conductmg programmes lor research and training on different aspects of Cancer , CVD .Diabetes and Stroke. The incumbent ISexpecled to provide guidance on various medical aspects10 the leam of soltware programmers and statisticians lor developing soltware app licat ionsprogrammes tor generalrng sc'entlflc information. .

(4) Sc ientist 'C' (Programmer) (1 Post - UR) • In the Pay Bond-3 of Rs. 15600-39100 ~Grade Pay 01 Rs. 6600: Essentlal qua li llcations: (i) B.EIB.Tech or equivalent degree from arecognlzod Unlversrty In Eleclron lCs/ Computer Science/Information Technologyllnformal lonSClenc~ OR possessing DOEACC 'B' level certIficate with 2 years exper ience OR First ClassMas,er ~ or equfvalenl Degree in Eleclron lcs/Compuler SClenc'ell n fo rmatl~n Technolo /Informal/on SClencolMCA & M.Phl( from a recogn ized UnIversity OR 2"" CI M ' gy(,qu,valent Degree In above mentioned subjects ~ Ph 0 Do '. ass asler 5 orrocogOl/ ed UnIVersity IiI) Four years R&D/I hi . gree 'n relevan l sublect from a

eac ng (Jxpenenc" n Eleclron ' siC S ' eJInlormallon Technologyllnformatlon SCience/ Com uter A IC omputer Clencqu.~IIflCallOns (I). 0 .Irable qunlillcatlonll : (') D~toraterp e~l~n alt er Oblalnlng es sent'al

np fJr ~1"nCl)/l nlo.m al on r " chnology/l n rmaiion SCt O~ ,,/C Ilch Degree In Electron ics/'1 Umv r rty lor Candldal wlfh fll st cia's releViint d fl' n omp uler Applicatto', Irom a

f viI'chileaeh no t p, n,r ~r n t, t relovant ubJoc s III r • (II) AdOltlonal Po Doctora lof C IPIN' App 110 I JOb r qul r 10 nt 0 a 5 t til III erl In tllut ll ( ) (III) Knowledge

I s IS , I r ~ltw'lI •I 01 Ofillarr d i (J lop'nl 11 !hl In'luel, el n ' cpr ,arnnH r, In all, n nq ~ p, r! r I 'of, "rjt v lopm II lil r c~c~ pr,,!. I jO II'" plann' ng, sell d' l nq "nd

:Jpmr> 'II r In 1ft" t '" )trw" Ir" 0 ,I, I t I" d'ng th. II ,Ire• , In I 10 lJ tI 0(" " r Iy I ,HId. pr,rf ~ n, "'rlr, ,I I "nltn rJ I • • , t d ("plu., , ctll G~'nq

rr\ w tt r 0' J iI, '. If> J I / .0 f lO'li ' Y J.I" I' II UlftnrPll l ypur fthHnl lItll fleJ IhnI . "' I IIIf I r ' In

fII '.J 1/'1 fII, lor rr p' ,rlq'I"llI t' Jt" Ir1t m,ll "I Will t, ' IIII,tnc, monll UIIIIIl WillI IIIfJ <I""ll1th , 11l1l1f" ' UIt W,III'


Page 16: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45


sf icre ~ I a


~ .

oad free ac I a'l(,, <

, 'r




r erAn opportunl Y or 10" Sidcar er on m rchanl shIps as a R ling

2360 sea ts every SIll: mon ths at 34 DG Shl r Govt )appro ved ratings traimng Inslilules . 50% seals r erve<lfor ITI Engineering Trade (2 yrs c ourse) ,

ElIglblll~ . 40% aggregale marks in 10 from arecogmzed Board wIlh SCIence (Pass), a hemahcS(Pass) and minimum 40% Marks in English 11\ 10"' , or

10+2, or Diploma or DegreeFor I.T.I _ Pass In 2nd Year Engine rir g rade tromDGETISlate approved course WIth minimum 50%ag regate marks In fmal year an minimu 0% rna s

in Engl ish as above.

~ _ Not les s han P years 6 m.,,, {"ars as on 1 Ju'v 2(1 1_ Boft'

',re 3'" 0 99-1,

m '


Cl o ing d at e:

24t h Feb 20 12

( ETIH'h 'larch 2012at 27 center

Page 17: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45

-trr interv,ew Is p!:Qposed 10 be held at Animal (;enelics D,vision aton lli.02.201~ r engagementof one RA and one SRF in a ICAR

w p ojecl e liU'l'l> "pevelopment of t, ,,nsgenic .goat as anove l proteins of therapeutic importance usmg Sperm-

" '''~~<C" ('''S''''MG T) method " and two SRF I., NFBSFARA, ICARfunded project entilled "RNAi mediated comperative fllnct/on al enetysis 0

immune response genes in ruminants end fish against Mycobacterium ev/umsutisp p. peretubercutosts end Mycobecteri um tottuitum" on purely contractbasis. For qualification and other details. the interested candidate may visit towebsi te www.ivri.nic.ln

EN 45/83

Castes orSCheduledTribes, nat anystage 01 selection the Union PublicService Commission is of the opinionthat sullic ient number of candidatesIrom these~~munities possessing

the requisite experience are not likelyto be available to fill up the postsreserved lor them

Director (Admn.)EN 45/42

01 PB-:!, Rs. 9300-34800 + Dlr ecl 35GP Rs. 4200----

01 PB·2. Rs. 9300·34800 + On short -term Below 50GP Rs. 4200 contract years- ------ - ----

01 PB-l . Rs. 520D-20200 + Purely temporary 35GP Rs. 2800 agai nst li en

nalator:r's degree of recognised University inIIs1have EngiJ hat gradUillion level in

& Hindi in case of M.A (English).rdll as an optional subJecl 01+2 level

lallon lrom urcu,

OMR application lormat whic h can be ob tained bydepositing prescribed fee of As. 150/· (As. 751· for SCISTj in shape of Demand Droit in f'lvour of Director(NCPUL) except for Sr. No.2. Application giving name.age , quallt rcat lon, ex perience lor the post 01 Sr .Stenographer (E) mean t lor short-term contract may berouted Ihrough their employer. Per son with disab ili ti esand Women candidates are exempted lor payment01 lee .

2. Appflcanls who wish 10 apply for more than one postsho uld submit separate applications . Candidates whoare already mployed should intimaIe therr employers

" and brin g NOC at the time 01 mterview Incompleteapplications/no t in OMA tormat/received alter theprescribed dale shall be summarily relecteo3. Nal/onal Council lor P remotion of Urdu Language IS an

Ufonomou body undlJr the Ministry of Human ResourceD v p1llenl, Govt of India .

4: I noicates ale liable to be posted In NCPULOl e anyp rt 01 Ind

ro I on Wilt be available to ell Ible categon 51m ot p sons 85 per Govt of India ord I In

Date :

1. Cerl lf ied that

qualilicahons and expCll cnc

Signature 01 the Cand

Address . _



Page 18: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45


EN 45141

Percentage EqutVall r.ce75-1006>-74~


<legreo ''''''' ." o=odr'od !<nogn \JlY'"""Y~'1l/~Soae :.ryol '"


O=Ou<slanOOgA=VeryGcoo6=GooaC-AverageD=BeIow ""e<ageE-Poo<F=Fa


~ UNIVERSITY GRANTSCOMMI SION~ (Selection &Awards Bureau)~ Bahadur S'hahZafar Marg, New Delhi - 110002NQ,F.15=11201H SA-IDPolicy File


No. 01 Vaca ncies Pay Band & Grade Pay

1 (One) PB· l ~ 5200·20200Reserved for OBC Plus Grade Pay ~ 28001-

oWATERWAYS UTHORITY OF INDIA(A Statutory Body und.r Mlnlltty of Shipping, Govt. 01 India)

Head Office:}'-13.Sector-1 , NaiDA, U.P.· 201301.

1 T·3 (Library/lnforma ion!Documentation Staff)

UR-lkn. 1>d. SC Scheduled CJ~ S;· Sl:IIO!l'Jled lnoo. OBC-ou.. B.1c1twa" C' ssesHandcallPec.OH-o.-."<l(ledlcaIy Ha.'ld~•Postssane! Uleareas 01OlTHll 'lgItr1OcaI1/T1IlOf1iIlCt PIonEasl"'IOn 51 . 31C1llnese-2.~apa'leSe- )G..-monlCand Ro'" a"", St . • : 10IF", 3.German· .Span""-2,1ta-\a'" .PortMordorn Ind ia n nguag'l< 8 (Bengal-2 M<lat a!am-2.Tam Mara • ~,

aNota .I Candocl:>teo ~lC3_s as pteso>b(,jtryIn! IJGC lor",~,e posts ..... al>lm L- ...:..::~:.::_::~

51.No. Ilame 01 Pos '

EN 45135

Edycatlonal oyaJllicatlonW.ltl!!!.i!.l : Bachelors degree in Library science I Library Informalion science orequiva lenl qualif ication Irom a recognized university,~: (I) 3 years Experience of working in relevant field in a Universitylln stilutelCouncil or any other organization 01reput e,(ii) Knowledge of one foreign language.A'6diCg . 18 years to 30 years as on the closing dale of application. Relaxableto ancidates as per rule. No age Iimil lor ICAR Employee s.Genorallnstrucllons lor candidates & Proforma tor application will be availableIn our ~ebslte hltp:/lwww.nlrjafl.res.ln

AsslI. Administrative Officer (Adm.1

Appllca Ions 'l re In vited f rom Indian Citizen for the fo llowing post atNIRJAFT (ICAR), Kolkata

In!and WeterHays Authority of India Invites applications for fillingup of tnt! post of Hydrographic Chi t In the Pay Band-tv ofRs. 37.400-o7,O<i0/· + Grade Pay ot Rs. 8,7001. on Deputation basisInitially lor a pertod of three years, which may be extended foranoth r !WO years.Interested candidate possessin g requlslte qualifications andI xpen n- may submit their applications to Secrelary, IWAI, Nelda so

Ias to • t him within 45 dar. from th da of publication of thl

clv,.. m ' Complet details and prescribed form t f applicatiOn

Imav 111 ded m th. websll of IWAI ~.lw I.nlc.lnSEC T

• you

Page 19: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45



1. Advanced CIW/CAM2 . CNC MachInes an d t3 . PLC/SCADAlDCS En

Please vtslt www.dPhone, 0'

Name o f t


InIlllIIonIll ..._ ..,.,.......,.....lIfin ....T~-.,.,.......,ISIlOaIao prooIlloa.........""""'"I.!&ga1~Es>uI.PlII1IJDA8l~~EW!!I.Potto!HtIOlUI'IIT.1&-'2li



~ as per rUes. 'lIwI UliQovemnenI shoUdaWt1lwol.9IBuslanl._ onSECONOCLASSrai ' ~basOO onfadJ:n sud1..~falIon,P!APPUCATlONS) Wll be tile cuI-<>Il daIoidisctoponcy is nolicod. (11) Incall8_1IrllpnMsIonal ard rNrfvarydel!MEIJjQQ OFAPPlYIHG FORDlEp(l

(11 AppI"lC8tions will be rea!ivedV .0220 I2.CardidatBsrNrf~cuprosorvad lor Iul1JnI reIot9nce(2)TheAutrrarous Body. duly'nlicatrQ thoi~ noedtobe~ atlhe fmea~ slII>ulaIod beIlM. (4) Tlv>applCanl_ enlsr tlle00Pa5tNlrIlber ard Regtslration No.

lho Sli~ _ wi! be

~of carddales dairrtOIgendInanycaoenotla 1l1an07.C3.l~~-GendarlB\llSClSTcand'!!!aIg-AteslodCS19YCPmQlllwill!d!Hbl1!!nIPWIllEx=StMctmon -A:IBslad CS19Y 01(7)The GENOERISCISTIPV~~1ll8 ~Ii9'~ImIIll\l!~ttjdays oiling 1118 on-6ne llQllIc:aliaj

T& I

T &I

T & \

T & I

T & I











_______-l MOllE OF SELECTlON_

T& I

Gro!! ~molu;"~ IR,. ~7100/.

21400/. j15700/.

R 13400- IR 1 ~ \

l '

-~-;p.-~ ­Rs.46OO1.R 4200/·Rs~4001·

Ra 2000/.R 19001

t '

• to :::l'




. •• : I· '




_ (~Rs,-9J<!l~'

(PB2 Rs ~JOO-34aOOI ­

P_B .!l~ 5200·?O1OO/.IPB1)Rs. 5200-202001,(pB1)RI 5200·202001·





· t·


• t . ' ESSENTIALMINIMUMQU" LlflC"TION . rooI""'" 0'1 MAinBnyoubjottwi1nHindiand. ubjod or asmodl\Jm oIe"rrJnalion at Dog Ie1edJV8 sub jed at Deg_lev"IOR MAin



· t ·

(b)HindiTypingSpeod@30 w.p.m. (e)Ca)GtaduallOn w4lh6O'lI matItJ I first~ asdedanld=~"'":ii<nowtadge inEnglish Typewri1ing desJtallle)C"DipIomaar.,;n;nunoneyeerd<nllOn WI~

t ' '

onoo/Llbru'Y & Inform."""-c;;;;j"""", ,nd MB&tB( Sdog_In LJIlm'Y SO • • t · · · ·. . MODEOFSElECT101I

SSLClSSC/MATRIC+ mlNTCINAC in 'InslnJmentation' trade

SSLClSSClMATRIC + mlNTCINAC In 'BookBinding'trade

SSLClSSClMATRIC + mlNTCiNAC In-Weldlng'1rade

SSLClSSClMATRIC + mlNTCINAC in "Wireman' trade

SStCISSCIMATRIC + mlNTCINAC In E1eclto~lating !rllde









POSTNO NO OfVACl<HCES RESERVEDFOR . . _""""'/0_' ond~o-~as-'say I-~ OR n-.....",lh. . .. . tn~ndi/E""".,l\hEnglsh /Hindi ..acom.,......., mediumo'e~ U~ u~-';" .....ofexamination.1Deo"'...... ":""-

~ n ' •.".... . bjeCIIorailhorollho""".' l el0dJV8S\tljed or .. ,,~lum l e\edJVO s\Jlljetlpu. aEngliSll.

s c:crnpuboty/~' and EngIiSIl l HInd< a. 0llIl1l"'i00IY modlum01""",,*,,,I\on endlho .- IS~~from Hindi to English.ny..tlje<:lWllllH tndt '... l eIodlvo~or ei\her 01lhe """as .,_ ~.ortwoyea,. expeneneearntmdi and English.' a>ITl'Ulso<y . fromHr.di toEnglish . nd~•• -~ OipiomO Cot1l_ eoune InT__ind<Jdtng Governmenl olln<laUOO«1Blongs.and~ine-aJ/Sta"'~()IlIces· •


1-~---1---~'-----1I--~:---'--j HVDUoence Ie) MustPossess PubficSeMce Badge. ~stalUlorY.

a vandUgl>l Vehicle driving Licence.1--=- + - - -7-- - + - -;;;;--- -j Ca' SStCISSC/MATRICULI<TION Cb)3 YEARS EXPERIENCE .(e)Must possess




J 2D 3 SC SSLClSSC/l..lATRiC + InlN TCINAC InEledlical trade21 2 ST22 1 OBC



1 SC. , . . ,


, . l' .



Page 20: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45


Ministry of Def ence

Defence Institute of Psychological ResearchLucknow Road, Timarpur, Delhi-11 0054

Foll owln9 lellowshlp IS avail able Iniliall y for a period ot two years (extendable as perrules). The ORS and slipend applicable to these fell owships Is given bel cwr-

51. Fellowship ORS Slipend AgeNo.

1. Junior Essenlial : Rs. 16000/- p.m. 1st and Maximum 28Research Posl Graduation Degree in 2nd year. Rs. 180001- p.m. year s (Rela-Fellow (02) Psychology. Specialization 3rd year It retained as xable by 5

in Organizational Behaviour/ JRF. Rs. 16000/- p.m. years forHuman Resqurce Manage- during the entire tenure. SC/ST and

menVApplled Psychology with The HRA. and Medical by 3 yearsFirst Division wherever facilities shall be admlss- for OBCdivision or equivalent grading ible. Contingency grant candidates) .is awarded. upto a maximum of Rs.Desirable: 15000/- per annum for 2(a) Preferably UGC/NET or years. The contingencyState level eligibility test. grant wili be increase d to(b) Knowledge 01 Statistical Rs. 20000/- per annumpackage & computer for the subsequent years.applica tions

2. Research Essential: Rs. 24000/· p.m. lor the Maximum 30Associate Ph.D in Psychology Special- entire tenure 01 2 years. year s (Rela -(01) zation in Organizational Beh- The HRA, and Medica l xable by 5

aviour/Human Resource facilities shall be years forManagemenVAp plled Psy- admissible. SC/ST andchology with First Division Contingency grant upto a by 3 yearswherever division or equiv- maxim um of Rs. 20000/- for aBCalent grading is awarded . per annum tor 2 years. candidates) .Desirabl e:Publ icatrons in reputedjournals.

Type wrilten apphcahon wllh complete bio-cata along WithPhotostat copies of all relevant certificatesshould reach Tho Director DIPR, Lucknow Aoad, Timarpur, Delhi- 110054 with in 21 days Iromthe date of publication of the advertisement. Affix a recent passport size photograph on the righttop corner oflhe hrst page 01 application. Send a cro ssed Indian Postal Order of Rs. 10/- drawnin lavour 01 Directo~, DIPR . Lucknow Road, Timarpur, Delni-' 10054 along with the appl icat ion~Candldates ~elonglng to SC/ST and aBC are exempted from Ihis payment). Candidates working~n Govt/Publlc Sector Undertak ings/Autonomous Bodies should apply Ihrough proper channel.Candidates who have submitted thei r Ph.D thesis may also apply. However, the Research

Ass ociatesh lp shall be awarded only al te r th e cand idate has been awarded the degree orprovisional certl/lcate."

Candidate~ will be required to produce CertificatefTestimonlal in Original al the time of interv iew.ThOS~ ~avlng quahh~ UGC~C51R1NET/GATE examination shall be preferred.Trave ItflJ Allowance rs applicable as per existing Govt. orders.You are also requested to bringproof of your journey (AaillBus Tlckets).

It may please be noted Ihat oiler 01 fellowship does not ce nter on Fellows any right for abs orp tio nin DRDO. Ida vp 10301/1 t /0792/t II?

EN 45/67

eN 4 "

Signatu rnNaOlUD · Ignatt n

II le'

Bio-Data Proform a1. Post applied lor 2. Name and address ot the applican t 3. Dat e of Birth (in Christian era)4. Present post held/service to whi ch belong 5 Menti on whethe r Centr al GovernmenVStateGovernm enVCourtlTribual 6. Date of appointm ent In the present grade I) On regular basis Ii) Onad hoc baSIS (If applicable) 7. Presenl Pay Band and Grade Pay 8. Educational QuahficatlOns9. Experi ence. if any 10. Date fl l return Irom last p.x·c dre pos t, if any 11. Wh ether belonging to5C15T/OBC 12. Any other relevant information

(Sign turCertificate by the parent department

The inlormati on furnis hed by the candida te has been venll ed from recor,fs <lnd IS t uml tcorrec t.

24 We ek s24 Weeks24 Weeks6 Months6 Months6 Months

24 Weeks

3 Mont h s

3 Weeks12 Weeks


1S-Feb '1222-Feb '1222·Feb '1229·Feb '1229·Feb '1229·Feb '1213-Mar '12

t3·Feb ·12OS·Mar 't220·Mar '12

Start Oate

k>r """" """ pool .ooo!d .ond ...porate .pplicatlonafor oach poll. The appl lion for on-ll00 mgt,trntlon wII be hoated In the ISRO ....lHilo bo3t""",n 06.02.2012 aro!.' 10 . Illf It>o/r appIicnl on-lin<I be_ 0602 2012and27 02 2012. Uponraglatrnboo, appllcanll willbe provtdodwithanon-lIneRaglw atlonNumbet,which shooldbe carafuUy

10 Iwanably WIth a 'NoOhjflction CDrtlfJ<Jlto' fromtho omploytllOOOCQmod, by Ihosoalr&.'ldy Inomploymontundo< CDntrnlJStato Govornmen~ PublicSecIorUndcl1a1:ing ort """ Roon. No on tho...-.e. (3)ThornWIll be anApplication Foeof, 1001- (RupoesorlO hundnldonly)(non-rofundabto) foroachapplication (oach posl) .DemandDrafI~ {SCI, Sd1edultod Trib8 (SD,Ex-Sarv1at"",nnndPe~wlthDisabl1l1iM (I'WD)caro!idato,ara8JWmpled fromtho poymontol.AwlicallonF... Bltlje<:lto1llB

name01 tho providedforIhesameinIheYotlbapplaboo Alt8rfil,ngIheonlineapplication. tho "lll'icMIhas10send tho DOwithh_FullNamo(asentorodInIhe webappIc8tion) .01"" 00 , (5) flltwe no!ll thaltl1eappiaboo••1n rnspod 01whicnDOshaVB not beenI1lCllivod WIth Namea. monboned in tho on-lIne .pplication and RegislrationNumberon tho ravena .

(6) \ , S 1: -S<lMC8n.." aro!I'WD candldate."111 have10 send tho certlficale Indica"'" agalnsl eachcalegory••• below. duly indicating tho Name.Post No. andRegn. No. on Ihe ravena :SC'STIPI\, stalUl and th<>nlfore e,empllonfrompoymentofAppIicallon Foewillbeconsldorod onlyIf tho cortificate,asbelow,Is_ within10daY' offii ngof tho on-lineapp4i<:atlon\

lNn 07.03.1012.-toy"" Pmdpal of thoCoIogo wllMl taststudlOd ORattestedc:opyof1llB PANCDr<lNote(.IDCsnlICoIlogo IDCDrdlPassportIOriving ueenS<l



(formerly DOEAC Cent r ), CAL/ CUTIAnAulonomous Sclenlific Sooety of Oepartrnen of Information Technology.MIniStry of Communications & Informd:ion Iecnnotoqy, Governmenl of India)

NIT Campus P.O . Calicul 673601. Kerala, India

. Government of India


EN 45/85

PG Diploma~ Courses' .Government~of India

Please vfslt www.doea for details of courses, plac em ent, etc.Phone: 0495 2287266. Em ail : trng@doeacccal/ .ln

Short Term Programmes

Name of the cours e

1. Embedded System Design2. V1.SI Design & Embedded Hardware Design3. ASIC Design and Ver1flcatlon4.. Infonnatlon System SecurityS. Networldng & Mobile Computing Security6_ Software Technology7. Industrial Automation System Design

1. Advanced CAD/CAM2. CHC M achfnes and He Pan Prog ra m m in g3. PLC/SCAOAlDCS Engineer

-=- CXIP)'01tnl>dicalcertiftc:altlIssuedtoy tho~Icnt I.4edlcaIBoan!.CXIP)'ot~Cert6:a18

::E~~~:::~-&IMcemM~~' Dtsd>argo Cer1i:\cate Of Ihe DemandDran and'No 0Iljec00nCartJ1Icata' ln respectof candid. las employeduro!arContrnlJState GovemmenUPubllcSoclOfUndertaldng/~Bodysllould

. {R&IU.1$B.Q. !&11l1M!I!lAl1PQ[\RQ-I.d.Jt'\mln.l'.u~l'2!.t..llJng.lo~ Inan envolop supen;cribtng POST NAME POST NUMBER--,CATEGORY--.WlIl1in 10 ...byIhe Cllfldidal8s and InSl)' casenot latsr than07.03.2012. ;;;

1. Accounts Assi stan t 01 Offi cero; of the Central Govurnm ent hold ing(Group B, Non- (an tler- analog' ' 0; posts on regular basis; or with threeGazetted, Non, pated) years rr;jular service in the pay scale of Rs. 5000-Ministerial) Pay 8000 l - ' revised) or with eight years regularBand As. 9300- servic . the pa, scale of As. 4000·6000 (Pre-34800 Grad o Pay revised) or equiv i ,ent and hav ing experience ofAs, 4200 work in!J dS Senio r Acco untant or Accountant, in

the scale of As. 4 JOO-6000, who have undergonetraining in Cash & Accounls.

No.3/11201Q-DRT(Admn.)Subject : Filling up 01 one an tic ip ated vaca ncy 01Acc ounts Ass istant In the Debts RecoveryTribunal, Ern aku lam on deput ation basis.Applicatio ns are invited from eigibl e candidates In Ce: 'ral GoveromenVStale GovernmenVCourts/Tribunals lor Iill ing up the lollowlng pOSI on deputa.. 1 basis >- ---------:-:--...,

51. Post & Pay Band No.of aua l ifo~'l lion/Ex pf .ence and service conditionsNo. vacancy for the pOSIS.

Government o f IndiaMinistry of Finance

Department of Financial Services

Debts Recovery Tribunal(Ke rala & Lakshadweep]


5th Floor, KSHB Office ComplexPa.tarnpilly Nag ar , Kochi-682306

Tel. No. 0484-2 324900Fax No. 0484-2323500

The applicants ;;hould be below the age of 56 yea r~ on the last date of rece!pt of the appl i.: I lion.The selected candidate will be on deputa tion for a " Pflod of Ih ' ee years which may be exte ndedor curtailed by Ihe compelenl authority at rts discr , on as per rules and Will be governed by lhelefms <lnd conditions as conllllned in the Da PT O.M.No. 2129/91- Estt. (P?y I) da ted 5-1-~4 asamended tram lime 10 tim'). Appl icatio ns from eligible candlda les along With attes led cOPies ofAPA As If)( '" u las' live yoars and Vigilance clea rance may be forwarded to the underSigned

h I Withi n a pe riod o f 45 days Irom tho date 01 pub lication of th iSthrough proper c anlluadvortillement (G.E .Nampoothlrl)·

As II. Registrar

T& I

T& I

T & I




T& I


Page 21: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45

Number of yearsservices rendered

P centageDivisIon and



-- ---t-------t------(

Date 01Discharge

Experience II any : d)(Copies attested by a Gazetted officer 10 be enclose (YesINo)Whether two sell attested photographs Au ached d iI and enc lose a copy 01d sWhether Ex.Servlceman , if yes, please furn ish the etace rtifica te :

Whether OH Type of Disabi lity Percentage of Disability

Name of Orqamsauon/ ature ot • ark Date from vrucDepartment Oes.qnauo» employed

Date of Entry inArmed Forces



10 Whel her employed In Governrnen IPSU"f yes furnish followmg de ails

9 Whether PHP. If yes furnish followmg details and enclose a copy of d isab ility cert lncat

Page 22: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45



computer softwares

Pro ficiency in use 01com puter softwares

Proficiency in use 0 1

Joumallstlc experience/ aplltude for publicrol atlon s work /knowle9ge of Sanskri tor any other Indianlanguage / experiencein construction sector

Master's Dogre e /profi ciency in use ofcompu ter software






Full time MBA / M W / two yours PostGruduute Diploma from Govarnmenlrocognizod University / Instituto withSpecialization In PM&IRlHRM

06y oo-;:;'-;;xporlonc-o In Industrl;1relallons having proficieneYin use ofmultlplo trudo 'unions ucenu rlo, Functio nal computer softwarecapubilillos shou ld bo inclusive of thoroughknowlodge of labour lows and servtco regulallonsand application of HRM concepts, tools andprncllcos, such as rn n n power planning,performance management, career managemont,succosslon plan ning , competency modelling,competoncyappralsal.

Mastar:;. degre e In Hindi with English upto 04 yoars oxperlenco In terminology work ~n Hindi orDegree level or Ma ster's Degree In English translallon from English to Hindi & Vice-versa,with Hindi upto Degree level. Minimum preferably of technical or sclenllflc nature Inthroe months Diploma/ Certificate In Govommentl Seml-Gov emmentlPSU /Autonomoustranslation from Govt. recogn ized 'bodles .Institute/Centml Translation Bureau.

Degree in Civil Eng ineering from 04 years oxporlunce in planning and execution ofGovernment recogn ized Un iv ersit y/ wide range of civil engineering projects.Institute .


Three years Diploma In Civil Engineeringfrom Govt . recognized Institute/University.

28 years


22 years

Upper Ag e ason

01.02.20 12

Jr. Engineer (Civil)I 5- 2 Rs 9760+

Iincrement 3% (open)01 -HHSr. StenographerS-2 Rs 9760+incremenl3% (open)01-0BC




S.No Post/Sc ale of pay(IDA)/No. ofvacancies






- --------

Full time MBA / MSW / two years PostGradu ate Diploma from Governmentrecogni zed University / Institute withSpecialization in PM&IRlHRM

Qualified Co mpany Secretary.

~Qual ified CompanySecretary.



45 years

42 " ears

40 years

- - ---~

1B years experience in Public Sector ~r larqe Priva~c Degree in LawSector enterprise. Candidates working In Publicsector/Gov!. in the IDA scale of Rs. 32900-58000 orequivalent for the last 3 years are eligible to app ly.Similarly candidates working in Private Sector asfunctional head atleast for the last three years andpreferably reportin g directly to Ch ief~ecutive/B.~~rd

Member are eligible to apply. Functional capa bilitiesshould be inclusive of thorough knowledge of labourlaws and service regulations, application of HRMconcepts, tools and practices, such as manpowerplanning, performance management, careermanagement, succession planning, competencymode ling, comp eten cy appraisal elc. Exposure inindustrial relations hav ing mu ltip le trade unionsscenario is desirable. _

Degree in Civil Engineering from Gov! . 15 years experl~ n ce in plan ning and execution of I M a s t e r s 0 e g r e erecognized Institute/University wide rang e of civil eng ineering project ,out of which a nd lor h a v i n g

3 years experience In one step below post if working : th orouqh c o mpu terIin GovernmentlPSU or should be drawing mon hly I softwar kno- edgeI salary not less than Rs 60 ,00 0 du ring the I st threIyea rs, ifwor ing in private sector,t _ _ _ _ _ _

I 5 yea rs expert nee, Candidate should have L.l Grad I

excellent communication & drafting skills. AdequateI expenence reoutred in leg al compliance as per I

: Companies Act , 1956 and SEB I regulations/e-filli ng I

Iof documents with exposure to public is uo/dividendrela ted ma tters, handli ng of Investor's gnevances

Jand coordina tion wi th other requlatory agenci 5 , IStock Exchanges, ROC etc.

- -- - - - --- - - - - - -- .12 y ears experience. Candidate shou ld have I Law Grad uate sll CWAexce lle nt communication &draft ing skills . Adequate Iexperience recu rred in legal compliance as perCompanies Act, 1956 and SEBI re gulations/e-fiIl ingof documents wi lh exposure to publ ic issue /dividendrelated matters, handling of Investor's grievancesand COOrdination with other regulatory agencies.Stock Exchanges, ROC etc.- - - - --- - - -- -- -- - - ---- ---------

42 years Deg re e In Mechanical Engineering from a 12 years experien ce , out of which two years Proficiency in u eGovern m en t r e c o g n iz ed Institute / experience in the IDA scale of Rs 24,900-50,500 or computer so areUniversity. eq uivalent for those working in PSU/Govemment.

Candidates from Private Sector should also havtolal post qualification oxporionce of 12 yoars and \should be drawing monthly salary not bel w Rs50,000/- during th e last two Yf!<Hs. 11l"', irablnexperience in Design I Enqinu ring ot Mtchanica! !systems for con i based Thorrn: I POWt r PI,HlI'haVing 250 MW capaclt ie., or abovr in tilt' 10110 1111areas: '

General Manager(HRM)E-6 (Rs 36600-62000)01-UR

Additional GeneralManager (Engg .) CiVilE-5 (Rs 32900-58000)01 - a BC


"3" Dy. Company SecreE-5 (Rs 32900-5800 ] )01 - UR

4 - Ass II. Comp-a-ny- - - ISecre tary IE-4 (Rs 29100-54500) I01-UR

-5- Dy. General Manager -­(Engg) (Mechanical)E-4 (Rs 29100-54500)02 -UR

Page 23: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45


Il New Oelhl111 tu m l 'h

Paste your recentcoloured passportsize photograph(00 not staple




Ref erence page No .

For the Office use only

To ,The Presid ing Officer (Recrui tment)

Sa inik AramgahRailway St ation New DeihlNew Delhi-11 0055Sir ,I do hereby apply tor the post of Civil Sal alwa ta a t Sil lf1ik Ararnqah, Rallw Iy Statiagain st Rol erence Pag e No . _ ot _ (Na me ot N iws Ag one ,

Ihe fo llow ing par ticulars .

1. Nilm e (In Capital Lett ers)2 Fat ners Nam e

3. Oat ot B irth

(Atto slt!d copy 10 be ne l l . ' 'I

Age JS on 01 Se p 201 1

5, Identi fication M Ilk :

kin d of postal delay .6. No TAID A for the test/interview will be pa id . Candida tes wi ll make their own board ingllodging

arrangements for testli nterview.7. One self -addressed envelope aff ix ing postal stamp of Rs . 5/. and two recent photographs

along with application fo rm .B. Only selected cand idates would be informed it their sel ection in due vacancy after ·the selectionprocess and no correspondence on the SUbject wou ld be entertained ,

Application Form for the Post of Civil Salalwala at Salnlk Aramgah,Railway Station ,New Deihl

____ of . (Na me of New s Paper),------,

Index No . 11.. -'


23 .

4 .

5.678.9 .

p, III n it ", ., I n "p" IVlh ,.dllllhi I Ill" I ",ply 11"11,, on ly . 110 on ll il M "NSfMOf) E 13 rE~MlrTED .l~ "did t . hn ull i log an to our WQh lte w ww ,, )n h ln d l .In & c ll r;\.l: on the Lln~.,

II I "dtmn "t Alll1ly un lint' rO f fhu poe ' o f MnnAf16mnnt h a l" .

II . I h I II 11 r.t tou hi prnvhJ"d h y Itl o fJ nch .tUm tJI!p<l5It of too mu st bn.qlJotOfJrn the apptv.alVmnu Iho Orlllin I C h vu ucn r mil I b" ubmillad ulong with c" py ,, ' Applicatio n

. ubm lth -d onune " thu In ll'trv le w cAli l"tI~r ' th o limo of P6raon I Interview .

III. l ne ( , nOldtitu ~hourd lm v , vi\ lId pr I sonil l om ull KJ A. Moulin Numb..,r Th" postat i\ddlf.:s~t m.ul IdfMnhllo no hould ltn me i1~ m(J1os lfl rod oo llnf] at tho tIm e 01 Common \lIlrtten(II minanon nn ld In 20 11 This will una ble himlh or to recewe call lett er' mteevie ...... ao oce ereby tllTltI lV M S Ap pllc.l Hon rnghltrutlon on ou r wobs lto Will ope n hom 30 .01 .2012 and the tasto .u u for f U\J i loring ap pt lcaucrt s On -Line I ~ 13 .0 2 .201 2 . On-Line appllca Uon s are to bep roce • •lU by R GOmpUIOrlLOd system. Appli cat io n ahou ld be ch eck ed and afte r checkingba ubmi llad by clicking su bm n button. II I. "aaontl81 th at th" application la propnrl yand complo toly II l1ad In .

IV. Candtda tus should keep a printout 01 tne duly submitted application (, should sign and attl!hls/her photograph on such print oul 01 application (, keep the same ready tor subrmssion

CANDIDATES-.AB.El',-DVISE~D_T9 r;"G ULARLD StT THE.JlcANK~$...'!"LEBJ!IIE.E.OR TiM£...IQILME U!'DATE$,7. 4 CALL LETTERS FOR THE PERSONAL INTERVIEWCall le tte rs for Personal Inte rvie w are to be do wnl oad ed from me Ba nk's webSitewww.pnbl ndla.l n(U NK- Recrul tmont) . Comm unicati on wllh regard to dat e/v enue ot interviewWill also be sent on the email ID/mob lle. NO COMMUNICATlONI1NTl MATtON WILL BE SENTBY POST .(i ) The can di da te shou ld have B val id personal email Id & Mobil e Number. The postal

addross/emali id/Mobli e no shou ld be same as registered on lin e at the time of CommonWr itten examination held In 20 t 1 Candidates should ensure that their personal emailID/mobile no (as specified In Ihe online application form while applying for Common WntlenExamlna 10n(CWE) co nduc ted by IBPS In 2011 for the post o f Probationary Ofticer/lanagement Trainee) Is kept alive during the currenc y of the recru itment project .)Candidate sno rtttstec for interview will be required to submit the following documents:·

Oriqinal lee payment receip t (CBS challa n)Valid IBPS Scorecard lor the stipulated examinationAllested copy 01 SchooVBoard ce rtif icate or any other doc ument showing proof 01 age

accepta ble 10 the Bank.Arrestee copies of Mark sheets / certificates in supp ort 01 Educational Qualification;Attested copy of certificate of Computer Course , as app licable ;Caste / PWD any other related ce rtificate as applicable.Photo identity proof .Personal B lo-Data Form(To be downloaded from bank's website)Candidates serving in Govemment/ Pub lic Sector Undertakings (including Ban ks & FinancialIns ti tutio ns) will be required to submit their applications accompanied by a "No Object1Ol1Certificate- from their employer , in the absence of which thei r candidatu re will not be considered .

Cand idate has to affix hls/her photograph on the call letter & submit the origina l fee paymentreceipt & submi t documents before/while attending the Personal Interview wi th out which he!she will not be all owed to take up the Interv iew .Cand id ates w h o do not satisfy _the el igi bili t y cr iter ia and who do not produce thepho to co p ies as well as the o rig in als o f all the documents required to be submitted 8Sadvised In this notification as well as In the Interview call letter, for any reason , whatsoever,shall not be permitted to participate in the Personal Interview, even though they may haveobta ined the desired level o f IBPS Sc ore and have been called for personal Interv iew.

In case of any difficulty a candidate should contact on the tollowin g phone no{s) at Head Off ice:

PHONE NO : DIRECT : 26170363PB X : 26102303 (EXT : 339, 354) .

It is for the ca ndi date to ensure that he I she has met with the eli gi bility c ri teria andc om plied wi th th e requ irem en t s and ad h ered to the Instructions c ontained in th isadvertisemen t as well as In t he app lication torm . Before submitting the o n l in eap plication , Candida tes are, therefo re, adv ised to carefully read the advertisement &

complete the application form an d su bmit the same as per Instructions given In th isregard .La st Dat e for Registrati on o f Online Ap plicatio ns

03 Years

trom Ind ian


Ma tricu lationor its



1B yrs to25 yrs

A ge li mitas on date

~ 2.00 lacs

Amount of Bond

~ 50/- per candida te (only postage charges)

~ 200/· per cand idate

Pay Scale

Rs. 5200 -20200with Grade Pa y

Rs . 1BOO/·


Government of India

Gro up '0'02

SCIST/PWD ca tegory candidates

GeneraVOBC/ EX SM category candidates

ec cane ' ates IS subject to their being declared medically fIt as per them ots ' e Ban . Such appointmen t will also be SUbject to the Service & Conduct

e Ba." .is a versat ile activity , which needs all round grooming 01 the selected candid ates.

Ing'y, the Managemen t Trainees, recruited/selected in the Bank, will be required toaeq 're overall knowledge of various facets 01 bankin g for which the Bank will provi denecessary on-lhe-iobllheoretical training at its branches/otflces including bank's TrainingCol _e'Cenlres. so as to enable recruited candidares to perform /undertake all type of bankingacrn.~tJes .

6. ACTIO N AGAINST CA NDIDA TES FOUND GUILTY OF MISCON DUCT.Cd JOBres are eavisea In lIle ir own interest that lIley should not fum ish any particulars that are, e, tampered, fabricated or should not suppress/conceal any material info rmation while li lilng uflme applica t form.A: me e ot personal interview, if a candidate isJhas been found gui lty of:. , using unfair means durin g the Selection process or• impersonating or procuring ' impersonation by any person or• mISbehaving in the Personal Interview or taking away any docu men ts trom the venue• resoning to any irregular or improper means In conn ection with his/her cand idature by

selection or• obtairung support for his/her cand idature by any means ,Such a candidate may in addition to rendering hrmself/hersell liable to criminal prosecution, be

Ole:(I) to be di.qual if ied from the selection process for whi ch he/she is a candid ate .(b) to be debarred , either permanently or for a specitied pe riod, from any examination or

recruitment con ducted by the Bank.(c) tor termInation ot serv ice. it he/she has already jo ined the Bank.7. HOW TO AP PL Y: TH E ADVERTfSEMENT CAN BE VIEWED AT THE BANK'S WEBSITE:­www.pnbind (UNK> RECRUITMENT>ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE POST OF MANAGEM ENTTRAINEE IN JMG SCALE-I.7.1 Application Fee and Postage Cha rg es (NON-REFUNDABLE)

Category No. of Cl as s i fi cationpost

Gen era l

Ministry of DefenceSalni k A ra m g a h , Railway Station, New De lhi -5 5

Applications from ma le candi date are invi ted for the post of 02 (two) Safa iwala

Nat ional eligi ble candidates .

General In structi o n s.:'.' Applica tion giving complete bio-data of the candidates in block capital le tte rs , affixed wi th a

reeenl passport size phot ograph on the right hand corner ot application in A4 siz e pap er. Theapplication so . as to reach "Otticer Commanding . Sainik Ar am gah . Railway St at ion . New Delh i·ES on o r before 21 days from the date of advertising,2. Pncrocop 'es ot Education cerliflcate, Marks sheet, B irth Cert lficato , CasIe Cer tif icat e d uly

attested by Gazellea Officer , enclosed along with the applica tion are accept edJ . A vm rten tes to be conduc ted for filling up the po s t. After screening o f applications call le tter

/I be ,ssued to he candidates wh ose applications a re acce pted .Candida e mus' ens ure lh al no col um n IS left b lan k or wrong ly fi llod. Appllcatlons not fi lled

OfrBCt' or o verwriting am liable to be reject ed and tho ?nus 01 sueh reject lon would be on Ihe

ale hifTselt, Tne unit admin is tra tion will not ontort III any cl lin a f er such rtJlcclion.application will be accop ted In p rson or th roug t, .lt y representative. The lIpplicalion mu st

led to the addressos under unregls to red c,)vo r Thu unit wil l no t bu ra sp onsihla for any,..~~~ .... .;......:. C:on ti llu




Page 24: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45



Pro ficie ncy in use ofcomputer software

Knowledge of STAADP RO and AUTOCAD .

KnOWl ed g e o fAUTOCAD an d 3 0software fo r generationof walk thro ugh I walkaround animationpresentations etc.

Profic ie ncy in use ofcomputer software likeproject managemen tsoftware, SKM powertools modelingsoftware etc.

Master's Degree Iproficiency in use ofcomputer software .

Syslem, coa. ering In Water like wagonProjec t Engl~elnvOIVing equipments screenshandling plan 5 o rs. crushers, m s otc .ti pp le rs, conv~~korsraclalmers , pu Pum &poddle/(eedors,s a tems involving va~sposalAsh handling sys of ny ash. slurry I

pressure conveying . Ineeringsystem etc . stom engineering, engerators,Plant layout , sy turbine , gonoct/villas for stoam .

dansers ole. & commissiOning~~dering, Exe~~tlO~~r~~~t/~onora tor /Malerialof EPC for Bo er P ond all/ed equlpmenls. .handlingl CHP & AH process capabili ty,Exposure to con~~~lfI~al/ons, osl/mation/

propa ra l/~3E~pre~ontive ma lntena nca In ERP. in Law/C ivilevaluation In sales & markeling of Degref n e 0 r i n g ,

g~':~:~'af;~:~:~~~~a ' t~~~i~~l~'n:~b~,~d ~~ev~ ~~m~ul~~ ~t~rtew~~~Esta l~ hC~~t:'~~:eS~f var ious .sale & ':::rks~~n~ ~e~;v~~t I n forma ti~n~7;":::gle, •~I" promotlo; ~'::;.:~:;"~", ~",., Tooh"""9Y ::':~~g '~Indian Real Estate market In e Ie islation and sa les & m a li tlrend , new d~velopmen~he a.~~ pr~fiIe requires Pleas ing pers~~: n~customer requirements . I ~e et lng targe ts , w it h e :<c e &proven track re co rd n , nveyance deeds, c o m m u n i c a t i o ndocumentation like sale ~eed~a:s and financi al presentation skills.triparti te agreement Withdevolvement Cus.tomerinstitutions, crea tion an~ pro ced ures &practices .Relationship Managemen d 4 years expe rien ceCand idates having 6 yearsf~ Manager (E-2Ievel)can also app ly for the(~s'r~ve~' respective ly. Such& Ass U. Mana ger - idered only in case of no n-:e~i'::itlii~~f:~~~dC;:;:~ t E-3 /evel. ,

. . the field o f process08 years expe~,en~e In la n nin g preparinghydrau l ic de Signing.. p . g drav:,ings project.. d eng lneenn •specifications .an 10 ment etc. for Water'reporting , buslnes~ 1e~~u~n t Treatment Plants ,Sewage , Industria . W t r , SeweragePumping Stations, Rese,,:,orrs, a eConveyance Systems, Drainage etc . . .

. . deSigning06 years pos t qualification expen~nce In an ofof heavy struc tures of all nature In a comp yrepute.

06 years post qualification experience in plannin~ ~de s igning of la rg e res i d en t i ~ 1I com merci acomplexes including intenor de Signing . •

06 years pos t qua lifica tion exper ience in t~e fiel d o fdesigning, planning, pre paring spec~ficalJon~ andengineering draWings, project reporting, businessdevelopment for electrical engineering works.


06 yea rs experience in planning and execution ofWide range of ciVil engineering projects .

04 years experience in planning and execution of Master 's Degree Iwide range of civil engineering projects . proficiency in use of

computer software

04 years eXPEfne nce in planning and execu tio n of Master's Degree Iwide range of mechanical engineering projects. proficiency In u e of

computer Softwrtre

04 years expe rience in planning and execution of Master's Degre /Wide range of electrical engineering projects. profiCiency 10 use of

computer sottwar

02 years experience in execution of Wide range of ProfiCiency In use ofcivil engineering projects . computer softwares


t---- -_.. _ --'"T:---

02 yoars experience in execu tio n of Wid~-;;g;of l~cy ~n u eelectncal englneenng projects . computor sotr, ar .

02 YO,,,, o'ponO"", 10 0'0,"1;0" of wido mogo o} P, ,Mechanical engmeenng proj ec ts . ~


1 I v I ,llld 0 1 Y rl1 In IHI' o j

1h II


- - after graduation) withFull I',:"e .MBA (M ketlng Irom Govt,oclohzatlon In ar .sp . I ed University / Inslltu ferocogn z

Degree in Civil Engineering . , M.asterDegree In PUblic Health Engineering ,EnV iron m enta l En g ineering. f r o mGo vern ment Recogniz ed Inst itute IUniversity.

Degree in Civil Engineering , Mastersdegree in Structural Engineerin~ fromGovernment Recogn ized In stl tut l;! IUniversity.

Degree in Architecture from Governm entRecognized Institute I University.

Degree in Electr ica l Eng ineer ing fromGovern ment Recognized Insti tute ,University.

Degree in Civ il Eng in e e r ing fromGovernment recogn ize d Un iversity'Institute.

Degree In Civil Engineering fromGovernmen t recog nized Un ivers ity'Institute

Degree in Mechanical Engineering fromGove rn m en t reco gn ize d Univers ity/Inslilut e.

Degree in Electrical Eng if)eering fromGove rn m en t recogn iz ed Un ive r s it y/Institute.

Deg ree in CiVil Engineering fro mGOv e rn m e nt r e Co g n iz e d Insti tu t e!University.

Degree in Electrical Eng ineering fromGovernm en t r eco g n iz e d InstitutelUniversity.

Degree in Mech anica l Engineering fromGo vern m e nt r e c o g n i z e d Institute'University.

Qua lified Company Secretary.

35 years

Upper Age ason

01.02 .2012

35 years

35 years

35 years

35 yearsI

35 years

30 years

30 years

30 years

25 years

• 25 years

25 years

-- 1 - 30 yoar '1: 0 - 25 year

POStlScale 'llf pay(IDA )lNo. ofvacancies

6 Manager (Marketing)E-J (Rs 24900(50500)02 -UR01 - (OPH) ONOUOAl/BL

7 Manager (PHE)E-3 (Rs 24900-50500)01-UR

8 Deputy Manager(Structural)E-2 (Rs 20600-46500)01 -UR

9 Depu ty Manager(Archi tectural)E-2 (Rs 2060D-46500)01- UR

10 Deputy ProjectManager (EleCtrical)E-2 (Rs 20600-4 6500)01- UR

11 Depu ty ProjectManager (Civil)E-2 (Rs 20600-46500)01- UR01-SC02-0BC

12 Sr. Project Execu tive(Civil)E-1 (Rs 1640D-40500)02-UR02-SC03-0BC

13 Sr. Project Executive(MeChanical)E-1 (Rs 16400-40500)02-UR01- OBC

14 Sr. Project Executive(Electrical)E-1 (Rs 16400-40500)01 -ST

15 Project Execut ive (Civil)E-Q(12600-3250 0)12 - UR03-SC01-ST05-0BC

16 Project Executive(Electrical)E-Q (12600-32500)01-UR01-0BC

17 Project Executive(Mechanical)E-O (12600-32 500)02 -UR01 - OBC

18 SOCretarialOfficor

E-l (R lG400'''0500)-0 (Rs 12600-:J2500)

01- Uf<

I ~


I t

Page 25: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45


Percentage ofmarksobtained

Month & yearof passing

of P,ofu;J ncy In U SB ofco m pu t r softwaros

I II 0 ' Pr ohcmnc...-y 1f1 U ofco m put r 5<Jltw8rell

Name of theuniversity

Name of theinstitution

dated drawn on \(Bank) for Rs 1?0/- (Rupees One hundred only) is

Duration orthe course

ExamlnalJOn Whe:her fUllpassed limeI partlime

1(, A PP

Demand Draft No.


AHIX recentOilS500rt size


ACvl. No. 0 1120 12ApphcatJon No..... . .. .... .I !O be IIII~ by NBCC)POST A PPLI ED FOR


t 1'p.J: t(\(f And! or romo ..I from rh sorvrces 01th Corpocatron oftor JOinIng, If u l Any Slage II is fou nd th ai '"'ormabOn furni shed In tne a~.catx>n isI' to 01 s f,c I oo"ecLl 'uN In'ann uon nnd attach proof lhcroo' by way o f a tteste d pbotocopms of the original documentsicertificatM etc.• ure th 11the m inIm um en1 na laid oown tor tho posts are tulfi llod .

(Clv,I , M :ha," land Elect" I) are re rved lor Ex·Serviceman One pes t of Project Executive (Civil ) I. reserved fOf Persons w,th DisabIlity (Heari "ll. " ' Ih D••obolrty can also apply for any of the abova cost in eccomance WIth DOPT OM No,3603 513/2004- Estl (Re.) dated 29 12.2005 . ReservatJonagainst

oo r served OBC Wlll be al' pI ble as pc r DPE OM NO.6161201 1-DPE(SCIST Cell) dated 02.0 1.2012.

~:;;~~~::~~:::.~~~:'::." of C8ndodlll95 Ago rol;l'atlOn for SClSTIOBC/PhyslClllly challenged candidates wi ll be as per Governme nt gu id"'ines in Ihis regard Age Rela.<ationforE' rendered ontheArmed forces plus 03 years Upper age limit not applICAble in CAse01depanmenlal candidates h8VInganea st three years balance service .

81>010<...,'", ,,,,,••'01'). ''ing In t the pos ts reserved lor disabled persons should not be less than 40%" • lOll aga 51reserved vacaooos - if suff'Clont number 01reserved calegory persons are not available on Ihe bas is of laid down general standards . the geoora l standards, '" fillup the reserved posts

nt. Sem,-Govemmonl O<gamzatooniPubhc Sector Underlaklngs and Autonomous Bodies should route lheir 8pplical ion -THROUGH PROP ER CHANN EL' or-furnishERTlFICATE' at the I,me of vmtt n oxamlna hon , mterv-ew tailing which Ihey wi ll not be allow ed 10appear in wn tten examination !lntervICw and reimbur sement of raIl fare will also

X1C :><O a<l1",,-SS,:bIe1'0ltlem undel any arcumstancesDCa tes called for ,nlervl8Wlwntten test WIllbe paid 10 and fro raIl fare (other than RaJdhanilS hat abdi Express) · 2nd AC steeper tor E-6 Ievel. 3rd AC sleeperfare for E-3 to E·5

~!'l ~,nd SIoo&l_Class , others i.e .below E-31evel from the nearest ral way statIOn f he declared place of residence by the shortes t route beyond 30 km. subj ect to production of rail ncket,ca ates w II reQU red to serve inanypar1of India Of abroad as per lhedl ere"tOn recuuement 01NB CC.,q,ng the ,mum requirernent Wlli rot vest any nght for selec tion tesV Inlervlew In case of 0 erwhelmlng response , NBCC rese rves tna' right 10 sborutst the candidates by fixing revised

:y coreoa.In case of non-suol:lb'hty of candida tes lonhc post apphed for NBCC at its c .scronon can oHer a suuablo post in tho lower level .Fn. BeneMs HRA , CPF. Gratuoty. Leave Encashment Perks Performa nce Related Pay etc '" II be acmlsSib le as per NBCC Rules.

s e c reserves tne "', ... cancel trns acverusernent andfor the se p ' :-r ~ for nny ot the above posts w tnout ass g"l ng any reason"" 8C_"""'" sh ou ld be superscribed w,th theAdvt No and post app',ed for. ApphcatlOns ,n the pre sc nbed format along with attosted photocopies of oduca tionaUPro fession al qua lificat ion ,Age . Caste &cerux..1 slappficeloo fee Should reach 10tne Execut iv e Dlroctor (HRMI. NBCC Limitec , NBCC Bh awan , Lo dhi Road , New Delh i-110003 Iat e. t by 05.03 .2012

, .t1 ~I() I TIlt " , 1.,( 111",11,111 .f l lt ut, ' b u hy w y of lnt,r"'~ CJrby wKY(Jf 'Nnlt I t ft t t0410wedbYl n t f'IW7W



'A GO VPN,.,..,M" of India Enterpri5~ \

Pay scale I

sa.drawnin brief

Signature ot tho C lldld. t


(please attach caples of experience certificates)

(p lea se attach copies of cert lficates/markshee tl' I

12 DETAILS OF EXPERIENCE (in ch ronolog ical o rd~)-: -



S.No Name 1\adrlrp« Po t Penod Jnh

01 tr.e V71;' "'J ne-e F,r To l o~ .:




Place :

Dale :






MAILING ---t FULL ADDR ESS OF PRESENT_ _ _ ____--+..:E:::M:::P..:L:.:O:.Y, ER, IF EMPLOY ED

I3 I GENDER (Put a tick marx)


5 / AGE AS ON 01.0L

6/CATEGORY (Put a ticl( nark)


8 ADDRESS (Plea se give full postal address with Postal Pin No.)


MOBLIE NO. _r-r---- - - - '- -----------1..---- - - 1


Page 26: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45

ttee;m temar t::I Cates blgmg

of 11 Gener I Manager (Tech.' on~ lar bas for a penod of t least 6 years

d o~ess g tl;l essent ial edUCatIonalqlJ'al l airons a nd esse t al e per encest/pO,ated In 00 umn 3 OR

) By deputation from officers und er theCent ral Gov nm nt or State Governments orUnion Ierr tto rtes or UniverSit ies orRecog n zed Research lnst rtuticns affiliated toGov ernment of Ind ia or PUblic SectorUnd ertakings or Sem i Government orStalutory or Autonomous Organiza tion s andother Government Bod ies(i).holdIng analogous posts on regu lar bas is;OR

(ii) With three yews of regUlar servIce In theposts In the Pay scajo of RS.164oo.400.20000/· or equrvatant: OR(iii) wi th six years of regUlar ssrvrca in theposts In the Pay Scale of Rs. 14300·18300/_orequ ivalent: and

Po ssesSing tho essent ial oducatlOnalqua'if(cations and essen tial exp erienc estipulated In column 3.

A .Essenl/al Educational Selection through Se arch-c um- Selecl/ onQuallfical/on Commll/ee:

Dog r e e i n C I v II (1) From internal cand idates holding theEngoneerong f ro m a post of a General Manager (Tech.) on areputed Ins titution of regular basis lor a period of at least 6 years

To c h n a log Y . 0 r a and pos sessing the essential educationalrecognized Univers ity. qualificatl9 ns and essential experienceB. Essential Experience stipul ated in column 3. OR

(i) Should be wor king In (2) By deputation from officers under thean analogous post or the Central Go vernment or State Governmentspost next below (General or Un io n Territories or Un iversi ties or

Manager/S upe rint end ing Recog nized Research Institutions affiliatedEngineer or equ ivalent) to Go vernment of India or PUblic Sectorfor at least 6 years on aregular baSIS: and Underlakln g s or Semi Go vernment o r

(II) 18 years experience at Statuto ry or Aulonomcus Organizai lons andGroup 'A' (Pay Scale o f other Governmenr Bodies :

Rs .8000.275.13500/ .) or (i) holding analogous posts on regu lar basis;equivalent leve l post or OR

higher; and (ii) with three years of regular service In the

(11/)12 years experience in posts in t~o Pay Scale ot Rs.164.00.400.H lghways/Road/Brrdg e 20000/· or equivalent: OR

Engineering o f wh ic h (Iii) with six years 01 regular servi ce In the

minimum of 3 years posts in the Pay Scale o fRs 14300.18300/.orexperrence In Planning eqUIvalent; and

and Quality Po ssessin g the essentIal eoucanonatq ualill ca ' ions and essential experiencestipulated in column 3.

B dge Eng,n enng ofVi Ic minimum of :3years oxpcdence nStandardisat lon ,ResearCh & Deve lopment.

Interested and eligible candidates may apply In the format Indicated below:-APP LICATI ON FOR THE PO ST OF _

1. Mode of recruitment viz Prom otio n /Deputation (whereverapplicab le) [please specify!

2. Name of the Cand idate (In Bloc k letters )

3. Fathers/Hu sband 'S Name

4. Date 0'Birth in Chrisnan eralin dd /m m/yyyy format)

5. Permanent Address (with PIN Code)

6. Address for Correspondence (With PIN code)

7 E·mall address. Phone Numbers(OHicn. ReSIde nce & Mob ile) alongWith Fax Number, il any

B. (a) Relig ion

(b) Whether be longing to Min orityCommunity. if yes, please specify

(c) Whe ther belongIng to SC/ST /OBC. iI yes please specify . _

(d) Whether physically d isabled. if ye s please spec ify . _(e) Gend er: Ma le / Female

9. Derails ~ t Educational Qualifica tions Irom Matnculanon onwards (Enclose a separate heel.dUly au thenticated by your signatures. if the space be low ISinSUffiCIent)

SI.No . ( t) (2) n rr (4) (5)-a. Examlnallon passed

b. Year ot pa ssing

c Name 01 Collegef/nstltule

d. University / Board

e. Main su bjects

f. Total aggregate & percen tage o f ma rksobtained , d iVISion and r':!m arks . ,tany '-- I ...l.-

10. Details 01experience (In Chronological order) . Enclose a sep ara te she et, dUly au nenucated b\yo ur signatures. ilthe sp ace below ISInsuN,clenl

Sl.t~o . (1) (2) (3) (4)a. Nam e of org an izat ion

b. Posl held w,th dales (In dd/mmlyyyy lormat)

c Whether working on perman':!nt / regularor ac hoc, lem po rary. quasl·p erma nent ordeputation or co ntract baSIS


" Whether scale 01pay IS on CDor IDA pa ern or n 0 h e- DApall rn Please Spec"

Page 27: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45
Page 28: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45



of thO folloWIngt~;~~~i~~~ul!'e(II f@1 81l~xeeedlng6/60 orij~n e I )V!suBla ily:",ot . nofthafleldof'

01 8) OlallibsonC!l!O:~c 'ng IBn8BS;or.(e) IImitaPOin the bett~ey&W1th tworse ft tltoatment oran angle 0(20degtoB

0fvl~uelfunctlonlngevonBI CSlng vision lor

8 n with Impalrmo n 0 tlaIly capablB 0 uLoWVl8lonJl\llenll8p~ on tM w 05 ot )S P9 liVe devlce.sta dllld reTriictlvc co.rrectJ ik th approp .0 th better eat In thetliepannfngoroxeculionofa as 160 decibels or more In e

He ring Impairment [HI] me~s loss 0 cov under theconvorsatlonal range ortreq~:no';;j _All the cases of OC person areOrthopaedlcally Ch.llengbili~orcerebraIPaISY. cI ~ '3adi ng to sub stantialcategcryofLocomotorDlsa . I the bcnos. JOInts mus 9

hilitv means dIsabIlIty 0 f ere ral pal sy.l.Ql;Q(noj '<l!J.U I Iho limbs or any forms 0 c n charactertzed byrestriction oltho movemonto ress ive conditions of a ~rso 'n in the pre­Cerebral palsy means a group of no~;~rogg from bra in Insu lt or injunes oecu m g

control posture resu I .

~~:r;:~-~;:or Inlant penod of developm;nt In services ' pos ts who su ffer lrom not le55' uld be eligible lor teserva IOnOnly such persons wo .

than 40% of relevant disability.

NAnONAUTY I CITIZENSHIP: . ct of pal or lit] a ubje<:tof Bhutan orAcandidate must bo either iJa citizen of India o~ ii] a06,u~J:i 962 ith the Ir.' n n orpormano ntlyivj a Tibotan refugee who came over to India bo.ore who as ra'oa IT m a'ottling in India or v] a perso~ of Indran onglOanda . .,it epu • . • • ." ~~ldod

Sri Lanka. East African Countnes 01Kanya, Ug . 1m.,enll y sa I,.. ' ,n India pMalawi, Zaire, Ethiopia & Vietnam with tho lOlenlion ~r' v above shall be a pe rson In whos.ethat a candldete belonging to categories (,I), (hi), (IV)th ~~ver'lment of India. A Candidate 10favour a certificate of eligibility has been.Issued by 0 .:> ay be admitted to the GroupWhose case a certificate of eligibility is necessa7 ~ction the offer of appointment mayDlscussion/intetvlaw conducted by the Bank. but on fina 5~ d by the Government 01 Indiabo given only after the necessary eligibility certifica te ssueIs produced. .r,

6. RElAXATION IN UPPER AGE LIMIT:(I) Scheduled Caste I Scheduled Trib c.mdld ate~ - by 5 years;(1/) Othor Beckward Classes cand ldateo - by 3 j''3ars;

(iii) PersonswithDlsabililies- by 10YO~~; . , .... n of J&K Stale during 01 .01 .80,tp.(Iv) All persons who are ordi " Bf11y domicil d n Ka shmlt 0 VI. 10 • 5years; riots - b 5 ears.(v) Persons (Ch ildren I Family members of these) affec l w by 1984 y Y d

. th ECOs I SSCOs who have rendere(Vi) Ex-servicemen Commissioned Office rs Including ose . tat least 5 yea~ Military service and hay,; been releasee on completion of assiqnrnen(inc lUding those whose assign ment Is du to be comp :~ted ~thln one year l.e 0nn ~~before 31.12 .2012 ) oiherwise than b y of 0 srmssa or d ischarge on a~u tmisconduct or inefficiency or phYSICd d•.5abill~1 a ribu Ie to Io lta ry service or onInvalidment - by 5 years


a] The relaxa tion in upper age limi t to SCi T )B C canwith only one of the rema ining ca teqon _ '. h lCh aabove in Point NO.6 (iii) to 6 (vi)

bJ Persons eligible for age re laxa tior un reat the lime of Inte rview from the Oi - "ct~any other authority des ign ated In 1" r'elfect lhat the cand idate had ord inarii 'dUring the period from 01.01 .80 to 31 .12 .'

c] Persons elig ible lor age relaxaUon under (v) ab o e m ust produDistrict Magistrate to the effectlhat they are eligible fa' re lie' in tePackage for 1984Riot Affeclcd Persons san ctione d y tMc severn, -~r.vide Ministry 01Finance. Dept. of Financial Sorvices co m munica tiondated 27.07.2007.

dl An Ex'servicemen Who has once joIn ed In a GoV!. jo b on the civil si de afte r avantng thebenefits given to him as an Ex-servicemen for his re- employmenl. hi s Ex-service m en sta tusfor the purpose of re-employmenl in Government ce ases.

Thoro Is no roservatlon for Ex· ervlcomon In the Officer Cadre.lICATIONFEE & INTIMATION CHARGE (NON -U 0 BlE):

r: Y=.J Amount of Fees /Intl~..: -" e h- rg tUno- -1_,~ 50/. [Intimation Ch __


8 I) 01.07.2011 (1I)clu8Ivo).

knowledge Qf Hindi, If not

on;wIth.el)% marks /SC/ST/PVVD candidates - GmduaUonwith 55% marlcs].

Page 29: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45

If ahort ll. t.d for Group••lon and Int.rvlew, at the tim. of Group Discu • • lon IIntarvlew, candida••• to .ubmlt the following documenta ' t.:ertlf1cate• .(I) Pr1nt-out of On~ln• • ppllcatlon aubml1tld to th. B.nlt wllh Phot~ & Signalu ...

aff1••d at appropriate place .(II) Copy of On-llno .ppllc.tlon aubmlltod to lOPS(III) Paym.ntCh. lI.n / NEFTReceipt, Pdnt-oul of GO.nd Inta",""C.II Lett.r(Iv) !BPS SeD'" C.rd(v) Proof of D.'. of Birth al0"ll wllh proof of cartl nca le for . ge ralaxal/on,lfany(vi) Cortlflcatea . nd M.ddl.ta from SSC I aSLC I X ald, 10+2 f PUC / Intonntdlale ,

Gradu.tlon, Poat Gradu .tlon (If . ny) etc(VII) C. ata C.rlIfica'aln caso of SC/ST/OBC category candldalas & M.dlcal C.rlIfIcateln

ca•• of PWD candld.toa(vIII) Any oth ar ",Iavent documenlaOdglnal. of the documonta ahould be p"'04IntDdfor Yedncatlon. Candld . las wtll not beallowed to lek. up Group Dlacuaalon .nd Inlarvtewwllh ou1 productIon oflhe documenla.

13, CALL LETTERS:The candidates who have boon shodJlslod [e a mentlonod In Point No. 8) wUlonly be called forthe Group Discussion end Intervlow and their details and schOOulo for Group Disc:usalon andInterview will be made evelleblo In Bank's websilo www cooarabaok com All theoammunlcotlono viz. call letters for Group Discussion /Interview etc .. will be sent only to lI>e...gla tore d o-<nsll given by tho candldata. Roquest for sending 10 difforont e-mail Idsubsequently will not be entertained . Alternatively tho call tetter fOI Group Discussion andInterview can bo downloeded from the Bank's website.Bank will not take respanslbJlfIyfor late rocclpt / non-rocolpt of cali lelta</ any communlcatl<ln 0­

mailed due to technical reasons or whatsoever to tho candldale. Hence cand ldotee areraquIBtod to ko.p ,",cit of tholr applicati on alatue by Ylsl tlng Ban k'. wabslla aa wetl asch.cltlng of tholr rag laterad .-mall . ccount from lime to time dudnll u.. recruitmentproce••.

14. ACnONAGAINST CANDIDATES FOUND GUILTY OF MISCONDUCT:Candldetes should not furnish any particulars that are false, tampered, fabricated or suppressany matedol Information while roglotedng the application and submitting the Certified copies /testimonials.At the time of Group Discussion/interview /during selection process , if a candidelo is or has beenfound guilty of using unfair means or impersonating or procuring impersonation by any person ;or misbehaving in the GD / intorview holl or taking away any documents from the vonuo; orrusorling to any other Irregular or Improper means in oannection with hlslher candidature for theseloctlon; or obtaining suppart of hlslher candidature by any means , such a candidate may Inaddition ta rundedng hlmself/hBrself liable to cr1mlnal prosecution, shall be liable.(0) to be disqualified from tho GD /I nterview / seloctlon proce ss for which he /she Is a candidate(b) to be debarrvd, olther permane ntiy or for a specified period from any examination or

selection held by the Bank.15. GENERAlINSTRUCnONS:

a} Condidates have to rugister on-line through Bank's website only. No other means ofappl ications shall be entertained.

b) Call ing { admission 10 tho Group Discussion I Interview Is purely provisiona l withoulverification of ago / qualirlCBllon / category elc. of the candida tes. Mere rerelpt of cali letterfor Group Discussion / Interview does not imply that the Bank is satisfied about II1ecandidate's eligibility. Candidates should ensure thoir eligibility before applying / a\lend lngthe Gmup Discussion / intorview. Bank ruserves righl 10 reject ineligible candidate'sapplications at eny slage and the fee peld by Ineligible candidates shall be farfe ited .

c) The Application once made will not be allowed to be with drawn and the feo once paid will nolbe refunded on any account nor would this fee be held In reselVe for future examination Iselecll on.

d) Applications whiChare Incom plete 10any CBSPeelwll! be re!ected and the lee will be fo!fejled .e) Candidates will have 10 appear for the Group Discussion and Interview at thei r own

expen ses.However, outstation SC/STLPersons with Disab ilit ies category candidates call ed tor GroupDI.culllon and Inte rview for JMG5- 1pasts wi ll be paid IIclass 10& fro train fare or &cIualexpens es incurre d, whichever is less, by shortes t mute on production of proof af trave l.The ebove concessi on will not be edmlsslble ta SC I ST / Persons with Disabilities categ orycandidates wha are already In S8NIce In Central I Slate Govemment, Corporations, PublicUndortakings / Local Government , Institution s and Pancbayats etc .

t) Candidates serving In Gavernment { Public Seelar Undertaldngs (InclUding Banks) arerequired to prod uce a MNo ObJltcllon ce rt ificate" from their employer al the time afInteNlow, In the absence of wh ich thelr candldature will not be considered.

g) Candidate. willi ng 10 serve In India only ahould apply for tho pMl ofProb. tlo nary Offlcer•

h) Decision of the Bank in all mallors regarding eligibility of tho candidate, the stages at whichsuch scrutiny of eligibility Is to be und 9rtaken , the documents to be produced for the purposeof lhe conduct of GO and inla rview , selectio n and any other matter I"lllating to reauitmont willbe final and binding an the candi date. Furthe r, the Bank reselVeS right 10 stall I cancel the

.reaultmont partially I fUlly at any stage dud"ll the roa\Jilmenl process at Its dlscrolion,which will be final and binding on the cand idate.

i) No oarrespon donce or personal enqui res shall be entertained by the Bank .J) Bank may, at Its discreti on, hold re-examination / re-grou p discussion / re-lntorview

wh erever necessary In respect of a cen tre I venue I specified post orcandldatels.

k) The shortl istod candidates are requ ired to submit all the documents pertaining 10 Age,Qualifica tion , Experience , Caste etc at the time af GO I interview. These documants will beveri fied with originals at the timo of GO /Interview. If any cand idate Is faund Inelig ib le whileveri fying the documonts, he / ahe shall not be allowed to la ke up GD /lnteNiaw.

I) Cand idates belonging to SC / ST I aBC I Persons with Disab ilities categones shauld keepfeady an attested copy of certificate Issued by competent authority In tho prescribed forma tas stipu lated by Government af Ind ia. In case af cand idates belonging 10 aBC category,certificate should specifica lly conteln a clause that the candidate doe s not belong to creamylayer soctl on exclud ed from the benefits of resoNation for Othe r Backward Classes In Civilpost & sarviea s unde r Government of India. aBC caste cert ificate shou ld not be morn thanone yea r old .

lliEJ~.QME.EIEtiI.AUIl:lQBI.1Y..E.OB.II:iE I~SIJE_QEII:l~1.IELCAIE 0 SCJ_SJ IQBCJ.eEBSQ~S-.WJlliDLSl\lIDJIlE.$~S SW QfB;I) f.QL~d Castes I SChedul ed Irlbcs I Other Backward Clas Q) Distri ct

Mag istm ta / AdditIOnal District Magistrate / Collectar I Depu ty Com miSSIOner / AddillonalDeputy CommiSSIoner I Doputy Collector / F,rst Class stlpendary ag istra to I CityMag istra te / Sub-DIVISional Mag istrate (no t bolow tha rank ot Firs t Class sl1pendaryMagistrn ta) /Taluk Magl slralo / Exccu hve Magistm te / Ex1rtI Ass.stan t Commls ,on (0)

Chie f Pres ide ncy Magistra tal Addi tion a! Ch,of Pre s,de ncy Mag,stra tol ",dMagistrate (111) Reven ue Officer nol below the mn" ot TlIhs, ldar (IV) IIofficer of thoArna w~ere the ca flll ld to and orh ls t m Iy nDml , tly reo

II) E!lr E' " 11h.Q!.~l2lli!ic . AJthor C IIy .n 11 Iharity IIIhoDi l\ t nctlovolcons. ~hng ot C;h lof M diC 10, I . • uh·O, I 10 ID,stn ct nnd li n Ort hopnd,C' Oph'hnlm ~ I r NT . l

III ) Pre cd d Form of C, , OBC, PB nk'. w II c n r k.

r r qu i t , du Ih • rtl c It goIIhl _


I1Pli c lion pront out a long with Regl tration Numbor

I ) CoIIl>Ct Ine candldalo'a CO f FInal chIoUan Is property ~y 0 .... Poyment Cnallan from tno E1nonen PI . '0 vorifyName&DPCodeHurnbe<;OO & Ino dotolla of Tranaacllon Saquence No., Bran ch

(v) Log onto bank wobslto ' poalto.'eom notodln thochal nbylhoIlmnchAu\hor1U..lo repplylng on.lln

Payl"llthe amou nt through NI! FT In any oth r Bthrough oth er Ban ka): enk (If the cand lda l opt a for payme nt

(,) Fdllho NEFT cha llan ... roquirodbyth bank Ith El rlcIa• NnnlCof thoA . w ono rydelBnanaundor;

ceo,,"t . Cen.ra B. nk Racrultment ProJect -112012Account Number 117320 1002243

Payee Bank C.nara A.nk, Sou lh End Road Branc h, Bang.loraIFSCCodo CNRBOOOl173

(11) Make payment

(hi) Collect NEFT Paym""t R pt. Pie... check thaI n>colpl Is propet1y a'gned & thadetails of NEFT UTR No., IFSC Code of the SendIng Branch, of the Send ingB.nk, CIty, D posit D.Ie, Amount .le aM noled In the challAn by tho eMnch;~~~ K1eandly wri'e IBPS CWE-POIMT 2011-12 Rsgl slrBtion Numbar, Nome,

a B nu ., logoryonlhobackofthBNEFTRecolpt.('v) Log on to bank C41lU1ltll1l1ok.comfor applying on-lino.

Aftw onoo/lna .-olawl/on, c.ndlda'.a .... raqu .'ed '0 wrtle their Regla'ratlon Number onth.bBc ofll>ePaym nlCh.llan /NEFTR.calpl.

The application / intimation charge s should be paid belwcon 30 012012 and 15022012(lx;:~d Is InclusIVe) . . . .

evan if the."..1dale o.freglslru1ionchanges duo to loch nlcal ....sons, tho valid dato. for paymontof applK:atJonfee /Inlimabon charges will not be changed .

Payment of twe by j)ttmand DlIft I ChaRU./ Money OrdOIl / Poalol Ordoll etc will nol betsf and .uch apDflgllon. willb••ummadly ..Ieclod.

50% 20% 30% 100%


Tho selection for tho post of Probationary Orrocors is on the basis of Soom obtained in stipulnlodCWE for POlMTs + Group Discuss ion + InleNiew.

Tho GD and Intorview win be hold at major centres across the country .

~l2!IIlSliJl&.lIll!mJlI1<l..Dllmt~2f:fll~.l8illklll-'iBM!S the rigl1tl2.-W2flllst ruaulslte numceroicaLl9J.dll ~Jta Qd 00 the CWE soalll.Jl.l<l!.Q.lIDl~QfJ~II1UJ1~ided by the BOOk~""'LIIX..-"-,,:-.:,, .hOI1liS1o.d..J;andll1al es will be lriJJIJI!UllLGrllv.lLDlsw s&!lllLlIrnLlnl erv!llw.Tho C9<1IM & eddrvss of the venue, time & date for Group Discussion and Inlervi ew will beinformed to the shortiisted candidates in the call letter end cand idates have to attend for thesame at molr owncast. The details of shortlisted candidatas for Group Discuss ion and Interviewwill be hosted In our wobs ite. Requesl for change of Centro will not be entert ained. However, theBan reserves Its righ t to change/add/cancel the date, time, centro , venue of the GroupDiscussion and { or Interview and to call Ihe cand idates for the Group Discussion and / orInteNlew at any other Centro or hold supp lementary selecti on process for particular date /sessJon{venoe{ centro / selofcandidates at Itsdlsaetion, under unforeseen circumstances , Ifany.The Iotal marlls allatted for Group Discuss ion aru 100 and for Interview aru 100. Cond idatesIlava to secure minimum marl<sas decided by the Bank at each level of selection process andonly those candidates will be considered for pmparation offinel rank lists .

The final rank lists shall be prepared on the basis af TWS soares obtained by the candidates Inthe stipulated CWE for POIMT + Group Discussion + Interview,with Ihe follOWing _ Ighta ge;

Total Weighlo d Slo ndard Score (CWE) Group DI5Cuaelp n Interviaw Tolal

Tha final selection for the pasl of Probationary Officer Is on the basis of rank lists drawn based onlhe Tolal Marlts calcu/aled as above (oul of 100 marl<s).Mere eliglbUJiy { admission to the GD I Interview { pass In GD {Interview does not Imply that theBank Is satis fiod beyond doubt aboU1tho cand idates ' eligibility and shall not vest any right In acandldale for seloctlon. Tho Bank would be tree to reJeeIthe cand idature of any cand idate at anystage of !he reauitment process,llhe {she is found to be Ineligi ble and I or fum lshed Inoarrect orfalse informa tlon I certifocalas I documents or has suppressed any male rialfacts and the feespaid by me Ineligible candtdatoa sha ll be forfe ited . If appointed, such a candidate may basummad ly removed from tha services of the Bank.

The Ban k reserve. the right to change the .elecl/on procedure / hold . upp lem enloryse/ocl/on proce ss, If neces..ry, Tho ch an ge. If any, shall be fntlma1ed to the can dldatoathrough ourwobs"" I email In advance.


While appeadng for !he GO and InteNiew, the cand idate should produce pholo Identity such asPAN Card I Passport I Driving Ucence {Voters Card / Bank Pass Book with Photograph / Photoembossed Crcdl1 Card for vedflcation. If the Identity of the candidate Is In doubt, the candida tewill not be allawed tor GO and Inte rvlew.


The selected candidates wil l be on probation tor a period of two ynrs (:z.4 month . ot actlye..rvlco) from the date of joining, as per the rules of the Bank.


The selected candidates for the pasl of Probationary OffICers have to deposit a sum of ~ 25,000/­al the lime of joining as security Deposit. Condldales have to serve for a minimum period af 2yelll1i. If the candidate a1ler appoin tment leaves the Bank for any reason before 2 years , thesecorlty deposJt will be forfeited.


Candidala s are requested 10 read the contents of the advertisement and ensure their eligibilitybefore applying.Tha eligib le candidates afe required to apply ON-LINE through bank's web site\'liiI'lJ;;:Illlllil.tUIO.II.~. The gulder.nas for fillin g on.lineapplication are as follows;

~ Candidate s should have a valid pe raonal e-mail Id (the sa me emall id regl. tered withIBPS CWE.PO/M T 2011 .12f this e-mall id shou ld bo ko ptfu nct lonal till co mpl etion ofth la recruitment project. All tho communication wHl b e se nl to th e cand ldalas onlhls

e-mail Id o nly.~ Candidates should have remitted the requisite fee In any branch of Canara Bank OR

Candidates should ha ve remitted the requisite fee In any other Bank through NEFT and

should have details o f payment made.}- ?leose note that wl thoU1va lid payment dete ils, on ·llne reg istrntion of app licat ion will be

summarily reJeded . Fo r dela lls Dr Iyment, check Po int NO.7.). Canef ates are required to vi ~ , the Ban k's website -.Careers

• R uilment pago end click on tho link "Recru itm ont Project - 1/ 20 1.2 - . Probn.tlone~OffiCI,r • and apply for the pos t. Alternatively, candidalas cnn click the link Recru itm ent

scrOlling In the "Announcemenr co lumn.Tho link fo r roglelmllon o f l p -!l callon will bo opon on our webelte on th o dataa

Indica ed alth o top ofthla adv I , i.em en t. .,. I t" I' n ,n all the requimd part iculars, candida tes shall submillhe application on -line .

rAil t1 as &hou ld tako utmo s' ca ro to turn lsh thlJ correct detall~ whilo filling In on -lineI p , 0 11. Subml loot Incorr ct I ta l II Informa llon In tho online ap p lication wil l

r her Cilndld tu r.lnv li d

, GOPYol'h in I I

lOrd af,,'Y for you r r

e of tho { ndld t '" II

,n n ,t "PP Fir In' rUl, d i'l atull

rid p lor

Page 30: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45


7 .

N.BtruePropretwolakefinsonday5 .

Authorlsad Signatory

Branch Seal :

Canara Bank. South End Road. Bangalore

lOP Code-1173] -112012"-nk Recruitment P eelC.n.......


06/2010Pharmacist Gr. III03

Centralised Date of Reporting Exam Date of issueCategory Name of the Post Employment written lime of Duration of duplicate

No. Notification no. Exam candidate call-It Iter

The Written Examination for the post of Pharmacist Gr.1II against categ~ry No. 03 of CE06/2010 isscheduledto beheld on 12.02.2012 (Sunday) as per programme given below.

Page 31: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45



Performance MedaV(last 2 years) Position


(Signature of the Cand idate in English)


arne a t e event mwhich partiCipated

individualfTeam events

_ _ ___ _ _ _ _ P.O. _


_________ P.O. _

Dlst _

PtN _

nO l "0'2IU CI r, I P~ SPORT811 '" PHOTO TCJ BE



N III l l f lhl) t.;.cln\JuJ.tln(In Cilpll.,11 It r)

I Itl! r' N urno & O ccnpauon

0,11 of B'rth ns on 01 01 2012(tn Cbn 11 sn ora).1) In Figureb) In WordN Ame of Spo rts DISCiplineEducational Ouatiftcaucn (AttachedAttested ccpies of ceruucate & Marl< sheet)Detaus of Recognized sports acnlevernents as per norms (last 2 years) attached attestedcopies

V,IIDist _

State, _


P.5State _

Neares t Railway Station _

Ident,ficallon Marks (,) _

(ii) _

51. Name at the Date of IheNo Champ,onship Venue Championship

7 Pre ern Address


8 P rrnanent -\ddress


13. Employmenl Exchange Registration No. (If any) : _

14 Specifimen Signature and Thumb impression of the Candida te


SI. No. In English In Hind i Thumb Impress ion in Black Printers Ink

15 Nos. of enclosures

10 Nationality

11 Caste (URlSCi5TIOBC) _ --,_ _,_-- - ---------- - ----­(Attached attes ted copies ot'SCISTIOBCCerntrcate ISSUed by competent authonties)

12 Details of Poslal Order '



(SIgnat ure of the Candidate in Hindi)



DECLARATIONI do hereby declare that the statements fumishe d above are true to the best of my knowledge .If any irrequla rity noticed at any stage, my candidature /serv ice may be tenninated.


2. Father's Name

3. Age

4 Residential Addr ess

5 Annual Familv Income(in words & Figures)

6. Oate of Issue

7 Signature of rssurnq Authority

8 0:;1 irnp of I~ ,rlJ <JlI thonly

Note : f-COflOI1lI 'all y backwar sso Will m an in candidate who family mcorneman R~ 01),001) P in In, 1ht. 01, 'I"g .ru tnonu .11 u tno nzed I uCWli,IJC II lo r Ih-, , U ' 01 ,dr>n tl ylll 'l c... nonll oil y b,ICk" lid classes

.) 0, net M1It)l',tr." m n hel R'lv""ue offlror , p to the level of T.~hs lldi1f

II) SIUln;! mt;·.Jt P lli", " t of Lo'" Sabha lor person, of th If own consli lu . nC)

III) 5PL Cll ro or any oth.::r c.::rtotocat ISSUOU by Ce ntra l Governm ent lI ild rpoverty alleViations Diagrammed Ql lzz nt MS r ISSUed by Rtl ilway s

IV) Silti ng Mern b r o f Parliame nt of Ralya Sabhn fOI perSOI1 ~ or lho dlstll ' t 11

MP s normall y resido

' Name of Post Office from where IPO issued Postal Order No. Date of tssue Amount


IIoroup In Jun r Nnt lona l Kebadcn Champ-on hlp .

men t WIn be consKlered " they represented-B Cham shIp Evant I a wcrio Cup (Junlor/Sen,or

, .. en'or ca t gory), ASian Games (Se nior ca tegory )_ _) OR, <11 least 3m Position ,n any Category C4 , O R . at least 3rd Posruon In SenlorfYouthlJunior

st 3m PositIOn in Natlo",, 1Games OrgaOll<>d under aeg,st on OR, at least 3rd POSit on m All Ind,a Inler Uruvers tv

at!9'S of Associat n of lndran Unrvers res OR, 1sl Posllton~~;'~~,,:~a~=::shi s (Senior Category )" men' above shou be conducted under the aeqrs 01reoogn L el

re Sports Fec erauons and also recognized by the Rauway SPOrtsB The spans ach ievements snouio be rn the rrururnurn rrnrnediate

. ars a scoos person should be an acuve player For this purpose . eviousyears from the date of rece ipf or apphcation or dale 01 no Ihcat,on s auld 00

accou t . Therefore , sports achievem ent of curren t year 2011-12 and previous IWOear I.e. 10- 11 & 2009-1 0 shall be taken Into account therefore spans achievement

a er 1 04 2009 shaA only be considered lor appointment For tms purpose concluding~ or :no aha , ' nshlp shall be taken into account

DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS : (I) For Game skIll. physical fitness and coaches observanonel<J tJial : 40 maN (i l) Assessment of sports achievement as per norms 50 marks(iIi) Educa tional quaAlication : OS rnarxs, (iv) General ,ntellogence/personaloly etc 05 markst tal : ~ 00 marks .

6. AGE : The age ",i ll be reckoned as on 01 01 .201 2 . The candidates should not be Ieha 18 years at age and nol more man 25 years (t.e the date or birth should be between

01 .01 .94 to 01 .01.87). No age relaxation (Upper or Lower) shall be permissible lor recruurneru7. POSTAL ORDER : Crossed Indian Posta l Order of Rs. 40/· drawn In favour of FA" CAO ,

Easlem Ra' Y. KoIkata payable at GPOlKolkata shou ld be attached WIth the apphcauonform SClST, EX-5erviceman, Phisically nandcappeo person & Mlnorily candidates (Muslim,Christians, Sikhs , Buddh ists, Zorastrians [p afSlsJ) and candidat es belonging to Economicallybackward classes (whose family income is less Ihan Rs. 50 thousand per annum) neednot pay this fee . The Economicall y backward clas s cand idate s have to produce rncornecertlficale on letterhead in prescribed format (Annexure-B)

H.B, CerJficale in p'uof of the above ISSUed by the authorit ies authorized to Issue such certificateshou ld be endosed by the candidates With the application forms for gett ing exemption frompaying processing fee . The amount of IPO neither refundable nor will be kept reserved forany other purpose . IPO ISSUed before the date of pub licat ion of this nonnca tion WIll not beaccepted . Any typo of suit of daim cannot be filed in any cou rt for transfer or refu nd of tneamoun t8. General tenns & conditions for recruitment :,) The selection will be conduded through trial (by trial committee) followed by interview (by

Recru itment Committee), Trials by tria l committe e shall be con ducted in presence of allmembers of Tria l Committee and Recru itment Commitle e Trial s or the candidate shall beconducted to assess the ir Sports performance and suitability. Triat Cornrruttee shall giveits recommendation in term s of either FIT or NOT FIT for cons ideration for next stage .Alter trial on ly the FIT candidates shall be con sidered for the next stage l.e. interview stageby the Recruitment Committee. Interview of the candidates shall Invariably be held on thesame day, jus I after tria l or at the mo st next day of the trials.

Ii) The said rec ruitment will be m ad e in Ihe sp o rts discrptine mentioned above .NI) The candidates will be subjected to their medical examination by Railway Medical Authority

after due selection.iv) All the candidates ge tting the appointment through sports Quota will undergo provisional

per iod o f two years . . .v) The applica tion in pres cribed forma t WIll only be entertained. .vi) The selected cancrdat es shall fill an d sign a ·SERVICE BOND" for 5 years In a format

at the time of appointmenl aga inst sports Quota. . .vii) All the columns should be filled neatiy and clearly by the ~and ldate s him self In ball pen

(b lue) , Cutting o r overwriti ng/era sing WIll be disqualification of the c~ nd l d a tes.viii) All the co pies of the certifica tes in regard to age, cast , educa tional Quali fica tion, sports

Qualificat ion . and ot her quallficauon dul y attest ed by Gaze tted Offic er should be enclose d

along with the applica tion . .'Ix) One pas sport size photograph du ly signed .by the candida te on the Iron t Side lop should

be affixed in space pr r vrdec in the appli cation form duly attested by Galtltt~d Offi cer andtwo passport s ize pho tog rap hs also be signed on the top of the Iront Side sho uld be

attach ed along with the app lica tron form , . " t: f > hx) Two self addressed enve lop size 23cm ~ 10cm with postage stamped R ",I · or eac

envelop should be enc lo sed wi th Ih'.: ap plIca tIon IOfm. . ,Xi) The decision o f the Railway Autho rity In all matter r"'1'Illng to ellYlbllily, ,lcepla nc

d or . rrosnonde nc N'II , ' e-nt M il l< 1.1reI cnon of appncan- otc (1111 on II al an no flnQUlf) J ." ", III hrv 'I ellOlil jon Ihis aCCO'Jnt. Tile Ra 'way Admi, rsi rauons do I 01 II der t ke '"! r _~,l{,fep ly 10 the ca ndida tes no: Eo I ctr (1 0: nol call ed ror r:lc t I I e '1

d I r I~ f cun! ul ,ct , .ur S illtl no " , ' .X") hI' appli'=<ltion 15 /tabl/! :t> be '''J /j( 0 I any u ' .. h t ag III I

a, Indict ed on the prol orma or ny co lumns are lett J 'an k " morl 'S not ,ng 0 ",n

ar,y c') lumn It should b filled 'N IL , I m for appolnlnwnl Nilrnpl'li) Merc cal l1Og fo r trla /l lnt u rv iew dOtls no t conf~r ac':!mr~~~t n~r r~c/ll itmen l CO\T1rnittec Will be

of successful ca ndida te ': declared to be, s~ y I ~ I" or)(ll 11 11 departmentfll venflcat lonnoUfled separa le ly who s! can didature sha I e pure Y r ro~ ~ I mpleted and found genuineof itll teshmon/al s o lc, as deemed nec essary are no co

~tv) Canvassing in ilny m annor WIll lead 10 disqualificati on of the ca ndidate

i:V) r °TNDA will be paid 10 tho ca mJidales , ... d as "APPLI CATION FOR)E ., h I tlo n should b" supers crhle

~l 'IIveloPfI containing t 0 apple;] OR';: ~ OUOTA FOR 20 11.12".APPOINTMErn IN GR(JUP·D AGAINST SP •

Page 32: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45





I ,ot

I dothe

(Ca nto a

16 .




Pap er-I General Knowledge, English & Hindi 1-1/2 Hrs \ 100 Marks(Objec tive type)

Pap er -It Prof ession at Test I1- 1/2 Hrs 100 MarksTranslation (English to Hindi and Hind i to English) I





Interview - 20 Marks.-The Candldates, who obtain the prescnbed passing marks In writtenexa min ation, will be ca lled for Interview to check personal bearing, response. aptitude,general level of intelligence etc .

(d) Detailed Medical Examination:

Cand idates short-list ed in order of me rit will be putlhrough a Deta iled Medica l Examination10 assess their fitness.

Merit List - Merit lists in each category namely, Gen , SC. ST and OBC wlli be drawn on thebasis of total marks obta ined by the cand idates in the written exam ination & interview. Thecand idates shall be short -listed tor Dela iled Medical Examination (OME) as per the category'wise vacancies on the basis of this mer it.Appeal against rejection In detailed medical examination:i) Cand idate declared unf it in detailed medical exam lnauon , it not satisfied With the findings

of the Med ical Off icer , can subm it an appea l for tus re-med ical exarmn auon With dulyfilled Med ical Fitness Cert ificate in the prescribed proforma (Annexure 'V I') as a pieceof evidence abou t possibility of error of judgmen t in the dectsion of the Medical Officerat the time of Recruitment.

Ii) The appea l lor re-med ica l examination will not be taken Into consmerauon unl ess Itcon tains duly lill ed medica l fitness certi ficate In the prescnbed proforma (Annexure'VI ') , a note by the medical prac titioner concerned to the effect that it has been giv en Infull knowledge of the lact that the candida te has alrea dy been rejected as unli t forappoin tmen t by a Medical Off icer;

IIi) The appeal for re-rnedical examination will not be taken Into considera Ion unless theoriginal Rejection Slip issued by the PreSiding Off icer IS enclosed and re-ExarmnanonFee of Rs. 25/- is also enclosed In form ot Indian Postal Order or Demand Draft In thename of Commandant. Base Hospital ITB Ponce New Deihl

IV) The appeal should be subrmttac within 15 days rom the da te of rejecnon 0 theauthonties to whom the appucauon was ,"Illally submitted I e " Direc to r, AcademyITBP, Post Office - Mu ssoorle, Dlslt - Oehradun (UKO) - 248179", ho WIll r

the same to Ouec torate General . ITB Police , New Deihl atter due scru Iny Ilh reledotails The appea ls rece ived after 15 days Will nOI be an tertamed ,TBP II tresponsibte for Postal delay

v ) The decision of the Re-rnedrcat Board 01 ITBP shall be final and no 2nd apenterta rned as per Govt. ms trucuons and also no reply 01 I e correappea l WIll be given/entertained

Candidates who are already In CentraVSlale Gov servic inc luding 0 rtmen I CandllCSltelsend the" applica tion through proper channel With 0 OBJECTIO C IFIthmr Empl oy r Appli c at ion rec e ived uncut proper chann I ndCEATIFICATE will al 0 be relect ed

13. All eligible candtda t II be dUly Informed about t

throu h mit C rd Candl tes hould come <luly rIh " ow n rran m n at R run t entrefor d m ellrllury, ' any, to I In. Idu

TA!OA will b ndrnt Ib l In ampl t pp~epond nc:. on th l II t I

on d

/Q of wo



urumo nt will have 10 submit

Ches t in cms

For Malocand idates onl y

Unexp anded Ex panded

80 85




1'10 157

15 relaxable lor SCIST by 5 years and lor OBC by 3 years.retaxable lor Govemment servants upto tive -years in accordance

ons or orders issued by the Central Government.efaxable upto 5 years in the lollowing categories:-and dependent lam lly members of thos e kille d in 1984 riots and

In ~ojarat. Sc/STIOBC relaxation as per Govt. instructions will beikrrejl and dependent lamily member shou ld produce a certilicate

rom the Co/fe ·tor 01 the concerned Dist rict wher e the victim was

se 0 a/l persons who had ord inarily been dom iciled in the Sta te of JammuKashm ir dur ing the period trom 1st day ot January 1980 to 31st day ot

December 1989.

tlt'VICemlln:- An Ex-serviceman, who has put in not less than so-months cont inuou sMce in the Armed Forces, shall be allowed to deduct the per iod of such servi ce tromactual age and if the resultant age doe s not exceed the prescribed max imum age by

ore than three yea rs , he shall be deemed to satisfy the cond ition regarding age limit.GiAir,lONAL QUALIFICATIONS: .'

!rot. Inspector (Hindi Translator)

agre e trom a recognised university in Hind i or English with Hindi and Eng lish as!IY or electi ve sub jects or as the medium of examination at the degree level. ORDe,gree trom a recog nised unive rsity in any sub jec t other than Hindi and Englishi d English as co mpulsory or elective subjects or either of the two as the med ium

On an d the other as a compulsory or elect ive subject at the degree revel. OR(ee trom a recognised university in any subject oth er than Hind i and Englishnglish as the medium of examination and Eng lish or Hindi as a compulsory or

6 or as medium of examination at the degree leve l. ORgree from a recognised University WIth Hindi and English as compu lsory or

or either 01the two as the medium of examination and the other as compulsorybject plus a recognised Diploma or Certificate course In Translation from Hind i

y ce versa or two years expenence of Iran slation work from Hindi to English1[1 Central or State Governmenl Department includ ing Gov emment at India

work ing knowledge of com puter application or equivalent ,ector (Hindi Translator)

~",zed unlverslty With Hindi as one of the main subjects and English as:<!nd working knowledge of computer app lication .


Page 33: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45


(wi th sea t o' ott ice)

!.Onida <jhl'!l 01ollh" S alP)

w ....h

II I IUf wrlll nt ' h " bun

State/U nion Terr itoryPlace _ ..-~--Dale -----. Please delete the words whIch are not app licable@ Please quote specitic Presidential OrderDelele me parag raph which is not applicable.NOTE: The term . ord inar ily reside (5) used he re will have the sam e meamng as 10 Sect ion 20 01

Ihe Representalion 01 Ihe People Act . 1950 .

.. The authorities competent to issue CastefTribe Cer titicates:(a) Distr ict Magls tra te/Addilional District Magistrate/Coll ector/Deputy Co mm iSSIoner /Addi tion al

Deputy commissloner/Dy Collector/1st Clas s Stipend iary Mag istrale/Sub- Divisional Magistrate/

Extra.Assistant CommisslonerfTaluka Magist,a te/ Executiv e Mag istrate.(b ) Chief Presidency Magistrate/Addi tional Chiel Presidency Mag istrate/ Presidency Magistrate

(c) Revenue Olticer not below the rank 01Tehsilda r.(d) Sub ' Divisional Ollice r ot the area whe re the cand idate and /or his lamily normally reSidesNOTE : ST candidates belonging to Tamil Nadu State should submit caste certiticate ONL'I



Th is is to cert l. ,Kum . _ SonlO aughter 01Shdi IS m I ~Z~~~. - -- - 01 V i\\agelTo


~ -l·kDistr ict/Di isio _ ':.. m the _ State belongs to the____'"-' ".:I'-.,,/ Community wh ich is ,ecognized as a backward class under:

(i) Res olut io n No . 1201 1166/93 -BCC(C) dated to/09/93 publiShed in the Gazette 01 IndIa

Extraordinary Part I Sec tion I No . 186 dated 13/09 /93(i1) Resolut ion No . I 2011 /9/9 4-BCC dat ed 19/ 10/94 pub liShed mthe Gazette 01 India Exllaordmary

Pa rt I Sect ion I No . 163 dat ed 20 /10/94 .(iii) ResolullO

nNo . 1201117/9 5·BCC dated 24 /05/9 5 published in the Gazette 01India Exllaordmaty

Part I Sec tion I No . 86 dated 25 /05 /9 5

(IV) ResoluliOn No . 1201 1196/9 4.BCC dated 9/03/96(v) Resolution No . 120 11144/96-BCC datecl 12196 pub lished m the G azette 01India Exltaotdin"t

Part I Section I No . 210 dat ed 11/ 12196(vi ) Resolution No . 1201111 3/97 ·BCC daled 03112/97(vii ) ResGlution No . 12011199/94·BCC dated 11112/97(viii) Resolution No . 1201 1168198·B CC dated 27 /10 /99 .(IX) Resoluti on No . 12011 /BB/9B·BCC d,ll d 6/12 /99 publlSl1CIlin th ' G<lZCtl

Part I See llon I No 270 da ted 00112/ 9(x) Resolutio n No 12 011 /36 / BCC d lled l)t\l0 \ '0 \l I ubll!'h 11 In

Ex llaOrdmn ry Poll t 1 Secllon I 7 ' d \\1 1\ 4/1 4/ \

If\ 0 ' trtC\lOIV15 10 n ·

Union 1 "'lory' b long 10 Ihe Ca les{Tflb" "gOI d I a Sch dulud C, stes/SChllduled T"be, ' undul .

Th. Con \llullOn

(Schuduled C I I) orce r. 1050 me Cons\llUllOn(S nodu' d T"b el) oroo r. , 50 _ _ .IM Consti tulion rsc eduled C~I ) UnlOfl1 rlli orio order. HJ51' Iho Conl\lluhOn (Scheduled Tflbos) UOIon 10lll10"es OrdCl. 111'>1 '(As amended by me Scheduled cnstes and Schedule d 11ibes IModilica lion) Ord"r . 1956. meBombay HoorgaOlz

nhonACI. 1960, mo Punlab Reorganiznl ion Acl . ., 966. the Slale ot Himachal

Pradesh Act , 1970, i ne North Eastem Aleas Reorganization Act , 1971 and theScheduled Castos and Scheduled Tribes OrderS (Amendment) Act , 1976)The consmution IJammu & Kashmll) SCheduled Castes Order. 1956 .The Conslltu tlon (Andaman t. Nicobar Islands) Scheduled Tribes Older . 1959 as amended by

Ih J Schedule d Castes and Schedulo d 1r ibes order (Amendment Act ) , 1976'The ConstltullO

nIDadra and Nagar Havell) Scheduled c astes Order 1962.

The Constltul lOn

(Dadra and Nagar Haveli) Scheduled 1ribes Order 1962 0The Consti tution (PondiCherry) Scheduled Cas tes Order 1964 @

The Consl itut ion (Ullar PladeSh) SCheduled Tribes Order 1967 @

The Constilution

(Goa . Daman & Diu) Scheduled Cast es Order 1968 @

The Consli lution

(Goa. Daman & Diu) Scheduled Tribes Order 1988 e .The Constilution (Nagaland) Scheduled r uces Order 1970 @ .

The Constitution (Slkkim) Scheduled Castes Order 1978 e .The ConstltullOn (Slkkim) SCheduled TribeS Order 1978 @ .The Consl ltul lO

n(Jammu & Kashmll) Scheduled TribeS Order 1989 @ .

The Constit ution (Scheduled Castes) Orders (Amendmenl) Act. 1990 @ .The Constl tullO

n(Scheduled Tribes) Orders (Amendment) Ordinance . 1991 e .

The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Orders (Second Amendment) Act, 1991 @

The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Orders (Amendment) Ordinance, 19962. Applicab le 10 the case 01 Scheduled Casles. Sch eduled Tribes persons who have mig, aled110m one Slale/Union Ternlory AdmlOlslratlon. This certl ticale ;s Issued on Ihe basis 01meScheduled

Castesl Scheduled Tnbes ce,"ticale issued 10ShlllShrimati Falhe,/Molherot Sh ill Sh nm all/Kuman ' . 01 vlnagellow n '

______ 10 DiSlncVDlvision ' ------- ot Ihe Slate /Union Telllto ry '

___whO belongs 10 the --Cas ' nbe whIch 15 recognised as a Scheduled Casle/Sch eduled Tribe in the Stale/Un ion Temtory '

ISSUed by the dated__------------3 Shrl1Shllmat l /Kumari and for' his/her lamily o,dinarily reside (s) in village/town' ------__-- of Distr iCtlDlviSion·_ -ot lhe Slat e IUmon Territory 01-------Signalure _

.. Designat ion ----

nn ly)

Paste her e yourrecent

passport sizephotograph duly

atlested byGalelted

Off icer

[ ](For Off ice Use onl y)

\r1\ , , "\ t I ttl

....p 10 1 ntl 1 n I uum .."tttl ... t,mp

Un",panded CmsE,panded cms



-- ---


Signature of Head 01 Olllcewith ollice sea l

Annexure ' II'




Roll No .

Name of candidate . --- - - - - - ­

Father's Na m e : ----­Date of Birt h : __- ------ -Educational Q uali fication : . .-- - --

ProfeSSional Qualification ' - - - -Rresent p osta l Address : - - -- --vIIlage/Mohalia Post Qffice - --Tehsil -- p olice Station -

Dlstl __State

Pili Co de No . -- - -- - ---VIM tl r belongs to Gan /SC/ST/Q BC/ Ex.s e' viceman Category (please spe Cify)(Signalure 01 Candidate)

Full Nam e.

I\ }

v )VI) - - - - ---

NOTE:ap y tv It he tul dis all he ellgibilily conditions as mentioned In the advertisement

IS3DpQ!nlment al tater staqe)DEC LAR ATIO N :

I do ere Ydeclare that all statements made in Ih is appllcali on are true . comp le:e and COli I toe best or my 1lOV>1edge and belief. In the event 01any information being found lalse or Incorrecl

or mel.g I. ' be ng detected at any stage 01 the recrUilment process. my candidalU' Owill slanacance ec ana all my claIms at me recrUitment Will stanolotfelled . I also unders land that It at anys:age I am f uno orme RecrUitment Board 10 have used unfa ir means in the Written examlnatloptest or nave ..alated any of I e Rules/RegulationSgoveming the conauct 01selection rocess mcan:l iOature can be cance lled or be declared 10 have failed by the RecrUitment Board al It 50 e

disc'alienPlace _


(Slgnalure 01 the Candidate)

Full arne

Dec larat io n/undert aking - fo r OBC Candidal es onlyf. sonldaughter of Shr i - - res ioent

o villag e/town/CIty dist nc t Sla le____ _ _ _ _ - - --hereby dec lare that I belong to the _commurn ty wh ich IS recogn ised as a bacl<ward cl ass by the Government of Ind ia tor the purposea reservation In services as per orders conta ined in Department of Personnel and Train ing Olt iceMemorandum 0 36012122193· Estt (Sc n. dated 819/1993 . It 15 also declared that I do not be long

10 persons/sections (Creamy Layer) ment ioned in Column 3 otthe Schedule to the abov e relerredOffice Memorandum, da ted 819/1993 . whiCh is mo dified vide Department 01Personnel and Tra in10got ,ce Memorandum No .36033I3I2004 Es tt .(Res .) da ted 9/3/2004 and da ted 14110/2008 .Place' Signal ure ot the Cand idate


Candidates already in Govem ment Serv ice musl submit their applicatio n through proper ChannelwI!h the folio ving certificates duly signed by the ir employer agreeing to release them , in case

11l1ally selected for the post 01 in Indo- Tibetan Border police Force.l Cert ified that Shll holds a permanenVtemporary post under

Centra VState Go vt .i . Certified also that he has submitted his appli ca tion to this depa rtm enVOlt ice on__---In Cert ified also tha t Shri Will be released in ca se 01 his selection lor

the post of in Indo·T ibetan Border police Force.

Place:Dated :

NOTE:. To be fi lled in by the ca ndidates In BLOCK lellers .


Page 34: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45

I dthlorCastteCl






'CH OAT£'.:-

• hould 5e<,eJ the" Apphca ions (duly ' .lIed n Hrnd 0' ~ng S

nd . te l.dml Card duly "lied. In the preser bed p'o'tjr-nar . I '11' The ... ~ IIcahon, el her Iype wntten or nea ~I a"lCl'" en

nly' full size pi In paper With passport srze photographs aff"e'J ony G zr li nd Ol lie r should be sent atongwith ppli catlon lec and

~ r 12 to the " In pec tor Gen eral , (Nort hern ) Fronti er , ITBP , Post­n, dun (UKO), Pin co de· 248146 " so as to reach on or before tne2 Ih Fa' I uary, 201" lor all Sta tes ex cept lor Assam, Meghal aya,I:oram, - nlpur, 1\1 galand, Trlpura, Slkklm, L adakh Division of

'51 .. L huul-Spi t l Distr ic t and Pangl Sub-Division of Ch;;mba Oiurictco r Isla d Gnd Lak shadweep for which lasl date is 2nd "arch,





,n I ,'f '


I 2.3.

J ...5.

T 6.Ii7 .

C 0 T I ,8.H I

" 9 .

f' "', 10 .T

n 11.12 .

, a' " <;.OfT LEOnc e7a"'" ~ ' 0





(vi i)

(vii i)


13. Candidates who are already in CentraVState Govt. service including Departmental Candidatesshould send their application through proper channel wi th NO OBJECTI ON CERT IFICATEfrom their Employer. App lication received wi tho ut prop er channel an d NO OBJ ECTIONCERTIFICATE will also be rejec ted.

14 . App eal in aase 01 reje ction in detail ed medical examination:'.

i) A candidate. declared unfit in detail medical examination, if not sati sfied With me findingsof t~e Me~lcal Officer, ca n submit an' appeal for his re-medicat exarninat lon WIth aMedIcal. Fitness Certificate as pe r Annexurc-"VI ·, as a piece 01 evidence about thepossl.blhty 01 an error of judgement in the decision of the Medical Olficer.lhe medicalcertlf ~cato will not be taken into Consi deration unless it contains a note by the medic Ipract it ion er concerned to the elf t th . .

ec at It has been given m lull knowledge of the tactthat the cand idate has already b I .. een re ec ted as unli t for appointment b a ('d,c,11Offi cer. The ~ppea l will also not be laken into consideration unless It c ntain I I

,Re-examinat ion lee 01 Rs . 25/- through Indian Postal Ord r or Demand Dr It 111 111nam e ot COmmandant Base Ho . I ITBI db th P , spuat, P, New Deihl ,1nd reiccuon lip [I'ssu e y e residi ng Otl icer. The appeal shOUltl b Ibl Ill" within 0

the dale of Issue of the Re' ti SI'Jec on Ip (In whi ch III • flllding 01 Ih, I

commu nicated to the candid te) to til" In t GP <. p .c I • 1 I t (N rtlt In

os\ · Suem dwal,DI It. - Duhr dun (lJ KD) Pin d. 4 14 . Tn

C T fE. T can J j-Ies belongIng 10General and aBC category will be reqUIred

r I "dab ) as npplication lee m lorm of Centra l Recru itment Fee Stamp~ FS ~ al Ore r Cro" lo(J Demand Draft drawn in favour of " tn spee tor General,

( 0"" rn) Fro tier, ITBP, 'Payabl at - 5 61· 'f A Dchradun, Cod e No - 0739 ·.


Ed a' ona Cern ca e

D~ e of b rt cert ticate Matnculatl n or 10th Class certificate Issued by Nallonal OpenSch I as prool of date 01 birth.,

Scheduled Caste Scheduled Tribe/aB C Certificate (if belonging to any at thesecaieqones) ssued by an authority not lowe r than Tehsucar or SDM 'ole-- SClST'OBCcernticate as ..po.rcable I"US! be in prescribed proforma as given belov

DornrcueCertificate rssuec by local revenue authormes tor verifi cation 01 cmzensnonoclaiming relaxation in height and chest.

DISCharge certihcate for Ex -Servicemen.

V<:l!rl Dflvl"l8 t icense (fer candidate applying for the post 0' Con stable (Driver)

Protess tonar/e xpenence ce rtif icate.

IPOIB n' Draft of Rs 501- (fo r General and aBC Candidates onty)

Two seu-a ddresse d envelopes of 4-XS' size with R 5/- postaqe stamps all, d oneach envelope.

Enve lope cont inlng App lic ation must be prescribed in bold tetter "APPLICATIONFOR TH E POST OF ( ) IN I:r BP"

All the original doc ument5/certificates as applicable are required to be brought at thetime of recruitmen t test.

the nstrucnons

o 2

p o 5 ears 1'1 the following ca teoones -, m bers of those kill i" 1984 nots and nots 012002 In

't.:axa' as oar Go '1 mstrucnons Ii: be 1'1 aodinon Ctuloren andoe" s Cu ~ orodu e e ce .Iflca le to mat e tee from the Conector of he

e ' e v 1m as .ineo

5 ears a for aBC by 3 year

;1 hrj ollgl 110 candldat, ,hall be ,' r;LJ ' d Admit c rd' to appo ar in0 ' 1 and Vf nu', uf rfjCrUll rn 'nl IOIlI will bIJ Indlcat d In Adm it card .

to unde rg9 It I ' 10110",11 , te' \

rsoos 0 had ordman y been oormcueo In the Slate ot Jammu & Kashmir.rc I ' Sl cay 01 January 19801 0 31:t day of December 1989.

;- An Ex-serv.ceman. 0 ha~ put In not less U,iln SIX months cor tmuousb Armea Fo ces, shall be allowed to oeduct the penod 01 such setvi ce Irom hisact age u .. ::l if the resu ltant age doe s not exceed the prescr ibed max imum age by more

an three years. he shall be deemed to satisfy Ihe condition regard ing age limit.


) Ey Slght:The rnrmmum dis tan t vision should be 6/6 and 6/9 of 2 eyes without corre ction/0Ul aung 01 glasses

ca ares mus t not have knock-knee, nat foot , varicose vein or squint in ey :. and theypo se s high colour VISion n.ey must be in good mental and bodily h alth and

rom ny nysica: d teet 11k Iy to ln tart re with the euicrent erformann of tho



De crlption Height Chest In ems Weight

In ems Unexp anded Exp andod

Candidates belong ing 10 Sched uled 162.5 76 81Tribes category

Rei xetlon:· MInimum heIghI & chest ofcandidates failing In the categories 01

ProportionateGamwa lis, Kumaonis , Gorkhas , Dogr as,Maralhas and candIdates belonging to 165 78 83 to heigh t andthe States 01 Sikk irn, Naga land, age as perArunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Tr ipura, medical

I cram, Meghalaya. Assam, Himachal standardsPracesn & lada~h div ision of J&K State.

For all excep t the.categories menti oned 170 80 85above

Page 35: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45

Maglstr lllC/

Annexure- I

Ann exure- 'VI'

DI ' rie l M

I , h ,'da r

r"bnl /AIllVw mnenl 'or t

on Deputati o n basis In thepost o f Protoco l Assistant

lyh l til ' I tu , I JOI

yll r

EN 45/109

no l ppli C . hl leAr E

CAl IINI 5 5 C InlF dl~al "~nrn,",,t1on)MI.DI - Will ' 11111 al lor re mo _

J su"rOltll d oll ly .I lon g 5/0 I1rl WI) 1~l am lned by me

c,II",,,t.,t. of on dille

-,,;~ ,;;iOf"cer forIho knowlodge lhat M;.ltOO'medlcaiiy unlll by thlJ , __ has been dec. In ITOP due to _ __

e7;or of ludgment NameIn my oplOlon, this is an Signature & ad cal Practitioner

With seal 01 M • _

AeQlslratron No -- - - ~al Council)(Mel/State

A~dress _

wtlldl fJVtH I• 0 '" t

p o IC'lrllllUd 11111 Mr

.1 1'

.,t 110"1" ,·,1 nav2 I, tllP. undllTSlgnod,Slo ShnIh,' PO l of


Nalure 0/ present employment, i.e ad·hoc or temporary or permanentIn case the present employment is held on deputation please sta te(a) The date 0/ initial appoinlment(b) Period of appointment on deputa tion

(c) Name 01 parent ott,ce/Organ izal ion 10 whic h you belong

Additional details about present employment: Pleas e state whether working under­(a) Centra l Government(b) State Government(c) Autonomous Organisations

Are you in revised scale of pay? II yes, give the date from which the revis ion took place andalso indicate the pre-revised scale

davp 19112Jl 11022811 112

p ow drawnAdditional in/orm ation , it any , which you wou ld like to m r . .the post. (Enclose a separate sheet If the . en .'on m SUPPort of your su itability forF Space IS Ins u ttlclent)ull postal address of forwarding au thori l with nWhether belongs to SC/ST Y ame & telepho ne numberRemarks


Profo rma for applica tio n for the


d postal address (in Block leiters)1. Name anwith Telephone no.Date of Birth (in cn r.snan Era)Date of rellrement under Central GoV!. RulesEducational Qualifications .

00 you hold analogous pos,t on regular basts rendered atter appointment there to on aDo you possess live years service m Ihe grade . G d Pay Rs 2000/- or equivalentregular basis in the scale of PB·l Rs. 5200-20200/· W1~ .: a~ter app~intmect thereto on a

7 00 you possess eight years' service in the grade ren e~ d Pay Rs. 19001- or equ ivalentregUlar basis in the scale of PB-l Rs. 5200-20200/- wIth . : : ard/University or equivalentDo you possess Twelfth class cernticate from a recognrz 0 k

00 you possess mInimum one year experience in Protocol wor s' . Central GovernmentDetails 01 employment. In chronological order (~tar1ing from entry ture if the space be lowservice) Enclose a separate sheet , dUly authenticated by your signa ,



IS InsufflC.ent

Period of Basic pay & Basic Pay Nature ofOff,ce/ Post held

appointmentOlgan lzatron With scale service Pay scale (rev ised)

whetherof pay from 10 (pre-regul ar/ad-revised)

Pay G.P. Basic noc/d epu tanonin pay

PB1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g




Dale Pay scale Basic pa y Dat e of ReVised scale of ReV ised I(pre-revised) (pre -revised) revis ion 01 pay

pay , PB & G.P. bas ic pay

\15. Total emoluments er mon th n


Date :


Signature of the ca ndidateFull office address & Tel No

(~~ rtlflcate to be tu rn ished by the Em 10 Annexure_IICerllflod that lhe partiCUlars furnished by P ycr/H ead Of Off ice/Forwarding Authorlt )educa l lonal qua lifications and exp ene nte~ _ are correct an d he/she po s y~ . Also cert ified that:- en loned In the vacancy circul e eI Th ' ar .. ere IS no vigilance Or disc ' rii. Hi~/Her integ 't . Ip Inary ca se pending/co I

.Y " Y IS cer tified . n em plated agatnst ShnJSIiI. HiS/Her CR Dossier in orig inal is e I mt

attested by an oft of the nc os ed/ Photocop ies 01 the ACR fenClosed rank of Under Secretary I th s or the la:t 5

IV 'No major/minor penalty h b ( 0 e G ov t 01 Indld r .1v A I t 1 as een Impo d

IS 0 maJo-Iml r pen It se On him Pr dil Ie Impo 'd On h - unng Ih I \.' 1

'mll I dUli l q the 1.1 I



LI I of nc lo Ul •

(. 'r lko OUI WhiCh I'; notdllVp 55 103/ 11/00 Pplir..llJl" )

20/ 1112

TehslVTaluka _


Of T 5 1Jd,a t, and" ere tho Rndldllu and/or his family resides . . I


o Shri is permanont

o. A-35DI41D2I201'-Admn. "

Union Public Service CommissionOho ;p ur House, Shahjahan Road , New Delh i-l 1006 9

Subject: F fling up lh e poSI of Protoce! Asslsl ant ( CIvil Service, Group- 'C '• Gazened, • ln lsterla/) In the office of UPSC In the sca'I! of pay of Rs. 5200-

• With Grade Pay of Rs. 2400/- In PB-l on Deputatio n basis. "SOO 10 ' ill one post of Protocol Assistant General Civil Service, Group. C Non.

ISlenalon rneoffICe of UPSC In lhe scale of pay 01 Rs. 5200-20200/- with GradePB- I on Depulation basis.

ditlons:Oe p ura t ' n ; -0 ers Under Central Govemment.

, analogous poSl on regular basis: or

(II \\1: f ve yea rs: servce in the grade rendered aHer appo lntme nr ther eto OIl a regular baSIS ine scale at PB-l Rs. 5200-202001- wilh Grade Pay Rs. 20001- Orequivalent, or

" e. years' service In the grade rendered atler appointment thereto on a regular In lhescale 0 PB- Rs . 5200-202001· with Grade Pay Rs. 1900/. or equivalent, or and(b) Possess ln9 the educational qualificat ions and experien ce as under:(i) Twa h fro.. a recognized Board/ UniverSity or eqUivalent; and"'1 M imum one year expenence In Protocol works.

ot..t: F e purpose 0 computing minimum qualifying service lor appointment on deputationbasis, the servICe rendered on a regular baSIS by an Officer pnor to tst January 2006 r.e. the datef • which t e revised pay structure based on the 6th CPC recommendation has been extendedshall be deemed to be service rendered in the corresponding grade pay/pay scale extendedoasee on the recommendation of the Commission except where there has been merger ot morethan one pre-revised scale of pay rnto one grade with a common grade pay/pay scale, and wheretrus benefit will extend only for the post(s) for which that grade pay/pay scale IS the norma lreplacement grade withoUl any upgradation.

3. list of duties anached to the post of Protocol Assistant In the oHice of UPSCa. lOOking after all travel arrangements inclUding reservat.ons.b. AsCertaining and informing the correct arrival and departure timings.c. Seeing otf and receiving them at the altport and/or railway stations.

d liaison.wi th the Airport Authority , Passport Office, Tourist Office. and Airline & RailwayAUlhorities.

e Arranging VIP lounge at the airport and see thar the Hon'ble Chairman/Members are not putto any sort of Inconvenience While proceeding on official tours.

I. Arranging vehicles for travel to and trom airport/railway station,

g. Co-ordination work in connection with official conterences and visiting foreign delegation.h. Arranging accommodation at the Advisor 's Suile or any other arrangement as may berequited.

Arranging vehicles tor traver dunng the periOdof Iheir stay tor offiCial business.j Any other miscellaneous work as may be enlrusted to Ihem trom time to time.4. RegUlation of pay and other terms of deputatlon :_

The pay of the selected candidate will be regulated under the provisions conta ined in the DoP& TO,M No. 2129/9 1·Esff. (Pay-II) dated 05101/ 1994 as.amended time 10time.5. Age- lim it :_

The maximum age-limit lor aPPorntmenl by deputation shall not be exceeding 56 years as on theclosmq date of receipl of applicalionsPer iod of deputati on: •

PeriOd of depu talion including periOd of d~putalion in another eX'cadre post held . d' t Ipreced'ng tho . t I h .mme la e y

I . IS apPOrn ment n t e same or other organization/ Departmenl ot Ihe Central Govtshall ord.nanly not exceed three years. .

7. Appllcalion (in duplicale) in Ihe prescnbed proforma (AnnexUre.l) of the eligible candidatesz: services can be Spared Immedlalely on selection, together with the certifica te from theOrwardltl9 AUlhonfy (In proforma Annexure-ff) along wilh Ihe fOllOWing documenls(I) /ntegnty certlhcate .

(ii) list of major/mitior penalties imposed, it any, on Ihe offiCIal during Ihe last 10 years ' (it nop:nalt y has been Imposed a '.Nil'certit,cat e should be enclosed) ,(Ill) VIgIlance clearance certificale.

(iv) All estOdphOIOcopies ot the ACRs tor the last five ea s •each page by an olticer nOI below Ihe rank of an Und yS r (2006-07 10 2010,11) (aHesled 0nThe l equlted document s mentioned al Ihe end of A er ecretary to the Gov!. of India).Sachdev.a, Under SeCrelary (Admn.), Union PUbli:n~:%~ , may be forwarded 10 Sh. Neeril )Shah/ahan Road, New Delhl. 110069 wilhln 45 days of th ce C~m~ ls s l on , Dholpur Hou se,!:foP/oymenl News/ Rozgar SamaChar Applic ations n Il e publi ca tion ot Ihe Advt. In thelhcxe r tyecJvlJlhoul Ihe r{-'Quislle cerlif,cates and nec~s orw:rded through prop er channel or8 Thr. CiWdldales who app/ , for Ihl) pos wi ll nol b ~~ ry ocUmenls will nOI be enl erl ill nedu qu r ffy e a Owed 10 withd raw Iheir Candi datur e

Go ver nman t ar ri ve 10 have a WOr kf orce w h o re ll tcandid Ie. re ncoutllg d 10 pply , ec s ge nde r bal an ce and women

Undur SeCrOlary (Admn )PUblic Survlc e Cornm l Ion

Tel , No . 011 -23301 202

Page 36: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45

(Signature 01 applicant)

5.200- So 'ars Singles20.'2001-

I Doubles Uplo 6th PositionYautt) Singles Upto 8th Posulon

Juniors Singles Upto 8th Position

General Instructions/Conditions:(a) Documents to be enclosed: Attested copies of educational qualifications. experience. including proof of date

of birth. physically handicapped certificate duty signed by competent authority for candidates applying for theabove post (haVing Age limit 18 to 30 years being SC post). two self·addressed envelopes duly allixi ng postalstamp of Rs 5/. and application mentioned below dUly all ixed recent passport photograph as per lormat so asto reach this unit on address ment ioned at para 1 above on or before 03 (Three) weeks from the date ofpublishing of th is Ad by post . Application will not be accepted by hand. (b) Incomplete/illegible applicationswill be invatid and application received afte r due date will not be accepted including postal delay: if any. Nocorrespondence w/II be entertained. (c) No TAIDA. lodging/boarding is admissible. (d) The above vacancies areat point No. 95 of cycle XVI and hence the same have NOT been reserved for persons with disabilities . (e) Ex.Servicemen /ullilling !he requisite critena for the post may also apply. (f) URlST/OBC candidates who applyagamst these posts y ,II not be given age and other concession meant for URlST/OBC. (g) Merely lu lli lling thebasic selection crtteria does not automatically entitle candidate to be called for tesVinterview. (h) The appointingauthority reserves tt)e right to reject any application without assigning any reasons. (i) Place of work EME DepotBn. with all India service liability and Field Service liability is also applicable. (k) New entrants to Central Gov\.Service will£ome Under New Contributory Pension Scheme.

davp 10103111/0101/1112 EN 45/127

18 to 25 Vrs

18 to 28 Vrs

Age li mit as onclosing dt


~._--~ --

Category No. of Post Age lim it as onclos ing dt

I~en 04 18 to 25 Vrs

SC 02 18to 30 Yrs

OBC 01 18 to 28 YrsTotal 07

Category No. of

lIen 33-

OBC 18

Total _ L-~~

Age Jim t as onclosing dt

18 to 28 Yrs

18to 2 rs

o. ot Posts



OBC 05

Tota l 13

Nole Out 01 07 vac , one (0 1) vac reserv ed for Ex-servicemen and one (01) vac reserved for ?hysicallyhandicapped (HH) (Backlog).MazdoorFor

Corri gendum

Recruitment of Firemen and Mazdoor in23 Field Ammunition Depot

Refer advert isement for recruitment of 04 x Firemen and 13x MazdOor in 23 Field Ammunition Depot published inEmployment News and Punjab Kesan on 12 Nov 2011.2. Due to increase in the number of vacancies , the following amendments may please be carried OUI::Fir emenFor Read

Nato I(a) Out of total 51 vac , live (05) vac reserved tor Ex·serv icemen, four (04) vac reserved for physically handicappedpers (2 x HH and' 2 x OH) and two (02) vac reserved for meritorious sports persons .(b) Age limit for PH for both vacancies i.e. Firemen and Mazdoors will as under.-(i) Gen - 18 to 35 (ii) aBC· 18 to 38 (iii) SC· 18 to 40.(c) The age limit for mer itorious sports person is 18to 30 yrs for Gen cat , 18to 33 yrs lor OBC cat and 16 to 35 yrslor SC cat. Meri torious sports persons should be in poss ess ion of cert ihcate at the competition awarded by thefollowing and a copy of same should be attached with application :-(i) International Comp entlon- Secretary of the National Federation of the game concerned .(il) Nali ona l Comp eutton- Sec retary of the National Federation or Secreatry 01 the St ate Association 01 the gameconcern ed .(iii) Inter·Universily Tournament - Dean of spor ts or othe r officer in ov crall charge ot game 01 un IV rsitv c(lv) Nalional/Sporls/Games· Director or AdditionaUJoinl or tal school Deputy Director in over all charggames for schools In the Directorate of publ lc inslituuonsreducatton f lhe state(c) Age limi t for Ex-Servicemen and Physically Handicapped pers rem ins arne as published ,n \l arh3. Til e candidates who have apphed earl ier need no to app ly aqam , thOir applications \r ridconsidered.4. Supporting documents reqd to be submitted alongwith application form arc as m nti npublished in Employment ~ews and Punjab Kesari on 12 Nov 20115 For calculation 01 age the la t dt 01 rec eipt 01 application l o r originonly be taken Into account.

Application form alongwith supportln documents trom IrAmmunition Depot, Pin 90972:1, CI 56 APb by 1 0 hadvertl IIment In Employment N w .

:O:()().12:00 hrs




11 March 2012(Sunday)

14-15 April 2012

7MIY 2012


are invited for admIssIons to a 3-year MBA Program (Part-TIme)imps world dess management education to workinge CIMse5 are scheduled dur ing evening hours (615 pm

~ on 4 Of 5 worldng d,llYS (Mondayto Friday).

ndAdmission Ruults


um B.EJB.Tech. or equivalent- or Masters dogrDe in relevant-

11February2012 Monday

Q1IIif at: [email protected], For any further clarificotion, phone:

97034,26691723,26591171 Fax: 011-26862620/28682032

Of.qulI.lifieation lind appl ication procedure etc., please visit I.I.T.:

umOf60% mariesin aggregate (of a/l the years / semesters) or 6.75II 10 point scale or f,:quivalent in the above mentioned degree

I'lImmes'llre essentilll for admission.inimum Of2 years of post qualifying degree work experience as on 01

,~ .on..pwGovemment of Indl. rulesn Process includes a Written Test. Group Discussion and Personal..per the following schedule:

Page 37: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45

CIVilian Mcrt(Ordinary G

(p) Grau l

(r) Mali

(s) Groo

Itl Safa



(TA = Techn' "be.OBCEx -S = Ex-~

Genoral,e(8) Ag e : (IiCycleRell'5 ye ars 101tor poSISEx -S ervic' bl ,(b) ReserLa yer st,OBC carlayer sta(c) Canlca le goro(d) It alsent tOI(e) Cargiv en cq uah1l1requill(I) Cabearh(g) TlDelelpubh(h)enVE



(d) Cycle Rep'!

(e) Masa\chi

(I) Mess Wa


(h )


rnl n I N

C nlm,lIIl,lnt



EN 45/50

B/s eleel2 00g VoUINo. 2(2YAFTlK TribunalArmed Forces

h KolkataKolkata Benc ,CI de Row . Hasllngs, Kolkata

6, y WB) • 700022( altdelhl.n lc .ln

Web sit e: www. . I Kol katad F orc es Tri b un a . .

Arm e ta Invi tes applicatIonBench , Kolk~ nd ld at es lor

th e ehgl ble ca '. /from deputat ion baSISappointment O"mplOymen t basis torcontrac t o n ra-e to one post o fe period at one yea r

O Puty Registrar. .e di 9 eligibility critena ,

Details reg":a:i~nal qualificationS &tenure, edu I'mlt etc. for pos t areexpenence, age I AFT's website :giv en In thewww.altdelhl .nlc.ln. allApp lication comple\~h In

A CRr espec t s (al ong w dDossiers l or th e last live years anVig ilance Clearance) as stated I~the above website should re acthe Reg istrar. Armed Fo rcesTr ibu na l, Kol kata Bench, Kolkata

5'" Mar ch 2012 pos i tively .~~Pllcallons ; ec el ved alter thestl ulated date w i ll no t beco~sldered . (Bhl m Charan Maltl)

Regi st rarEN 45/ 20 EN 4Sn3

For det ai l s : www.s ainikschoo lpun g lwa .n lc .i n

i .TI.;;ttzi:n;:IDif&i{w1i1'!otUf"lm'J. ¥rlh"lI·rl,III~ •._,.- '0 ePoal(Sn

(Production, n01. Oy. Mlln.U·

r1 OO-t0500) en l Rs . 282 00/·

(PAY s If"OR.,. Monthly Gfos. 6mo~U:M Ph.rrna w ith ..Ao 1::;1\" ~k.J' be B Ph rme Wlt:l ComPAny nnd ~nouldC nd III PhftrmaeeutJell II S c tK)f1 o fY1 dB •••lCf'le' b Drug. AuthOnl y 'Of n d 9 dtt hverybt' " roved '( I 0 of modttrn fU

lormur,llIOn , h ':.:lO =,puter ISf.~s l I'Jy5lt~," !'l Know (1fttOC) On'" Po at (Be )

02 A••lst ant Mnn ag er 2500 ) 67 2/. (Pay SCl.IlRRs 1 26~~hIY Gross um olu",on l ' ~~ .2 ~ yo~ rAg9IlmI140Y~i" id be B PharmalM .Sc . WI o 0 1

C p ndK1ale shO~_ Wlth 7 ~enr expofle nGC

Know1c 9fJ I.L::.------:--==~;:;-;Ieq>eOf!nce Of B .,no.

computet IS eSS n(kI~Chan l c.a l ) One Po s t (Sn03 . Chargll'man G9~J~24 500) - Ag e l lm .l 30 yt!ors

(Pay Scala Rs . nts Rs 16 340/.Monthl y Gross umOlu~e I na In M~chanlca l Eng9. Wlln 1Cimd,duhJ should be rp bl . PharmaceuhCC11 Con cern .

car expenance. p:e fcra y III~wtttdge ofcomp~te.r IS ens:;~t~\ST)

04. ChargemanGr~;~I~) _Age Limit 30 years(PayScaleRs.9 163401-Monthly Gross emoluments ~SOjPIOma in CIvil Eng,"eert~Candida te shoU~d ~ Degreh 1 ear expen ence of wo rk rnfrom a reputed institute W It f Y bl in Pharmaceu ticalr n Project Pro era Ycons true 10 d icom?ute~:!: esser-tio:'Conce rn . Knowle geC ucllon) One Post(ST)

as. ChargemanG~~~;:5OO ) _Age lIm't 30 years(PayScale Rs. R 163401- .Montryly Grosse~u:~~r~~ wi th 3 years experience InCaod ida te should be . eo can dida te from DrugPharmaceutIcal Industry. ~~ro~f computer IS essenti al.Authonty nece ssary. Know e ge

06 Stenographer - Two Posts (ST). (PayScale Rs.9000-21000) molumenl Rs 15480/-

Age limit 30 years . Monthly Gross t~ 60/40 w p m ' In Engli shCandidate should beE Glra~u&a~I:~ 1 Wlth 2 yea rs experi enceShonhandlTyplng ng ISIn Industry. Computer hteracy ISessent ial. CPF

For above all pos ts In add ition to pay otherterk~ V I~edlcaiGratui ty Group Insuran ce. Leave Eneas irn en •Relmbu'rsem ent LTC and Conveyance Allowance aresdrmssible as p~ r Rules. High er sta rt can be cons .c ered Inexcep l10nally deserving case s. Can didates em ployed InGovernment/SemI Governme nt! Autonomous body sho uldforwa rd lh elr appnca uons through pro per channel. lnt e.restedca ndidates sho uld app ly Within 15 days giVing full pa rticularsend a pass po rt sue photogrnph10The Chief Man. ger (HR)

p s mentioned In 51NO.1 to 4accomr:nodatlon &. limited tree ete ctncuy un its for 5 1No 1, 2 . s 3 . ~~ess du nng the s ession . Forare entItled for Free MeSSIngfor sell With the Cadels In Ihc Cadets Ilt erenlly abled persons IspOSls. menlloned In 51No.5 & 6 reserva hon and rclaxatlo n 01age lor d sl roduce nece ssaryapplicable as per the eXIsting govemm ent rules and such appllcanls mu P

valid Dlsablli ly Certl ficale Issued by Compele nt Authorlty/Medlc al Boar~OUld be intlma led lal er.Date 01 Written Test and Interview : Date lor Wrtllen Test and Intervlcw a Iicat ion lormal asHow to Apply: Eligible and interested candidates may apply In Ihe prescnbed pphotograph to theavaIlable at www .sain lkschoolpunglwa.n lc .ln Wllh one recent passport SIze ~N land )' along'Principal Sainik School Punglwa, Punglwa BPO. Medzlphema SO. DISI - Peren I aga g" x 4") andWllh Xerox copies 01the marks sheet. teslimon lals unstamped sell addressed e~ve ope \ 'Pr inc ipala DO for As 3001- (for Gen) & As 1001- (for ST/SCIOBC) (non relund ablel In avour 006759 •Sainlk School Punglwa' payable at State Bank 01 tndia, Medzlphema Branch {Code·h d li o fLast date o f 'rece ipt of ap plications In the school Is w ith in 21 days fr o"'. t e pa e Ipu blication of the advert isement in Employment News. No T AIDA IS admI SSIble . nnc' pa

reserves the righl to reject incomplele appllcahons d I I t railv elThe School adm in istration rese rves th e right to ca nc el the vacancy due to a "'. n spo licy reas ons.

EN 45/59In Ihe Emp loym ent News.g The cruc,al dale for dete rmIning the age limI t shall be the clOSIng da le to r receI pt of application10. Photocopy of Ihe follOWing Document s/C ertifIcates 10 be attached along wllh applicallon dulyallested by a Gazetted Ollicer .

(a) Matriculat ion certi fica tel Municipal ity Birth certllical e in suppon lor date 01 birth .(b) Marks Sheel 01educational qualiflcalion mentioned aga ll1st the post applied .(c) SC/ST/OBC ( Non- cre amy layer ) cer li lic a te jf applic able duly au thenhcated(d) Discharge certif Icate In case of Ex .s erviceman .(e) NOC In origInal from their present employ er In case 01 Go vem m ent Serv an tNa to: Or ig inal certifica te should not be sen t w ith the applicat ion . T~se s h ould beproduced o nly at the ti me of interv iew.

11. Incomplete/jllegible !inel igIble applications will be deemed inva lid and rejected wllhoullntl"'.at'onto Ihe cand ida te. Only eligible candldales Will be ca lled lor wntlen exam,nahon prOVIded selt­addressed envelope wilh posta l slamp of Rs 51- 's enclosed With the ApplicatIon Formt 2. Merely fUlfilling Ihe bas,c selectIon cn lenon does no t automatically enhtle a pe rso n 0 b ecalled tor lesVinterv,ew .

13. App lications wi ll be short -lis ted on Ihe baSIS 01percent age of m arks obta ined In Examlnalionlor ess ent ial qu alili cal lon.

14. The number 01vac an Cies are sublect to Change Fun hcr the employer ha s th e ngh t 10 cancelor modify thiS nohtlGatlon wl/houl aSSignin g any reason thereof.

15. Canvass ing 111 any form Shall dlsqualily the cd nd lda te No enquiry or correspondence \ 111 beenlertalned on subject.

16. Sylla ou s lor wrlllen test will be as pe r ess entia l qu aiJllcalton m enhon ed a ainst e h _17 No TAiDA 15 admiSSIble Dur ation of the test can be 02 to 03 da g ac P05\

make thell own arrangement lor lod ging! Boarding dur ing the t(,SVI~:~~;~ore Candldato III

;: ~~e deCISIon 01 appolnhng aUlhonty regMdlng seleclton/reioction VIII be IInate recrUl tmenl process can be cancell ed /p ost d/

pnor not lce/asslgning any rea son s at any stage po ne Sus pended/te lmlnated , Ithout any

Applica tion Form1 PO ~I appli ed lor .• .. .. ._. _... .. ._. _... _..

2 Name 01 Ihe Candida te ,, _•.

3 . Falher 's/Husband Name , __ ,,_,

4 Dale 01 blnh (prool enclOsed )

5 . Corresponden c e add ros _.

6 . Ro rmanon l hOlne ddrlrcss

7 . Ca tll [lory (SC/ ST/OIlC/G ll n/1 ' M)(Pillol pn CIOSI'(1)


D Ed oeoree from a r~nllOO~ ;J E poncnco 10

trmverstry . pasts .licondary levelleach at SontOr C WIll10 CIlSE .lI,haled SChool(s) Pr<>-

eference Hav lI'lg:=:SPOrtS. Ifl tcrcst '"Ira euncvtar aetrvltlcsI hObbies

:~d aptitud e for rcstdonhal~nte WIll be given prefer ence.

Past Expe rience to teach at Sec·ondary level," CBSE all ihatedschool(s) will be gven preference.HaVing prof icien cy In Sport s.Inte res t In extra curricularecnvrtlesei obores and aptitudefor residenti al schoolli le andprOftClency in computer WIll begiver preference.

Higher quahfcation may be givenpref erence.

Kn owledgo of sho rth and andabili ty to correspond in EnglishWIllbe considered an additionalqualifocahon

Knowledge of shorthand andability to correspond in Englishwill be considered an additionalqualifIcatIon.

mum H'!1I11 OlVl'Oass '" B 50d<>gree in Ma ths WIth B.Ed trom arecogOlzed Unrvers1tyAge below 35 yrs as on 01 May20 12

M."imum " Drv/C lass In Gradu­ation trom a recognized u rnvers­try and past exp erience in s imil ar

toll •Age below 35 yrs as on 01 May20 12.

Graduate and proficiency in usingComputer (MS OffICe) WlIh atleast 2 years office expenence Ina Govt. or Educational Inst,tutKln.Age below 50 yrs as on 01 May2012.

Malr iculation and proficiency In

uSing Computer (MS Office).TypIng speed 01 al leaS1 40 wordsper minuteAge below 50 yrs as on 01 May2012.


Upper D",is ionCIeri< (UDG)(One RegularPost)

3. ASS1 tOt' .,Mat~s (TGn(One RegularPost)

Lower DivisionClerk (LOG)(Two RegularPosts )

4 . Lab Ass is tants(Three Contra·ctual POSIS·PhysICS/Chem-istrylBiology/Computer 50.....nce). Consolo."red SalaryAs . 90001- Por


S .


PerkslBenellt: (A) Pay and Allowances will be as per the VI CPC. For SI NO.1 & 2 - Pay BandAs.9,3OO-34,800/- WIth Grad e Pay Rs 4,800/-, 51 NO.3 - Pay Band As.g,300-34,8oo/· wi thGrade Pay As. 4 ,6001 · , SI NO.5 - Pay Band As. 5.200-20. 200/- w'th Grade Pay Rs 2 ,400/- andSI No 6 - Pay Band As.5.2oo-20.2001- With Grade Pay As. 1.900/· and poliCies 01Sa,nlk SchoolsSoc iety and appl iCable r erms and Cond itions of service WIth cena,n pnvileges at a tully reSIdentialschool . Selected candidates will be on proballOrl for a period al one year. extendable 10 Iwo yearsbetore confirmalion. Pay .DA, Gralu l/y, Contnbutory Pension Scheme , LTC , Bonu s, GroupInsuran ce and Med ical Allowan ce. subSIdised schooling for maximum 11'10 children. Aenl free

- -Addre.. Place o( Po sts Vacanc ieswo rk UA SC ST OBC fata l

Comm andant Devla/l Chowkldar 01 Nil Nil Nil 01Artillery Sta tic (N,!sh lk)Workshop EME Maharashtr aPin, 900482 Labourers 03 Nil Nil Nil 03C/O 56 APO


S.No Post . Qu ali fica tions & Exper/enco Suitable for persons with d isab il ity(a) Chowkldar (I) Malricu /al lon or equvalen t The post Is not reserved for

(II) Should be conve rsanl With Persons with Disab ility.Ihe DUlles 01 Chowk,dars

(1)) Laoourer Ma lncula tion or oqu lvalenl The posl Is not resorved lorParsons with D/sabllty.

Headquarter Southern Command (EME)Direct Recruitment of Group 'C' Vacancies in the Corps of

Electronics and Mechanical EngineersApplications are invitedJor direcl recru itmenl from Indian Nationals for the unde rmen tloned

[ " " •• "",." m~'~", . ..,." ~'" "',"

2. Pay Sca le, M,nimum Educahonal Oualoflcal lon, Expenence. Age Llm,' and SUitabIli ty forpersons w,;h disab ilily are as under'.

3. Pay Scalo.

(a) For po sf mentioned al Seria l No 2 (a) 10 (0) Pay Band · 1 Rs 5200 ·20200 . Grad e Pay Rs18001·

4. Ago /1m II:

(/I) For POSls at Sorial No.2 (e) fo 2 (b) 18 to 25 years5 Agi rolaxatlon . :

(a) Go vernment Servant· Uplo 35 years as po r orde r/instruction :Ssued oy fh e C entra lGovurnmrml

(0) Et- eIVIl<OO1 n..suIVlClJ rond erlld " I Army, Navy and Air Force plus three yea rs(Cj Other BackwiHd Cia R- three ycalll lor fhe vacanCIOs reserved lo r Ih is caleg

b. Posl m~ntlOnlld abo~u if, ~tJjccllo All Indl iJ fransl or Ilabilily and f1 0ld SerYiC~ lIab~I~~ Au lus.7 CandidaI • wrll Iwd iJlJpllC<JI'on 1"0p rly eil illd In an "nyulope to tho add I

• ross mont onodaga/nlllhi pOI' ' ppllDd ror UIIOU h ordinary pos ! no I tured apphcallon w,lI no t be accepted

C nd~le ar I !l sIOO 10 up !lr rtb lJl word ' Ap p l/ call on for tho post 01 _.__.~-- 011 III P of 1"/1 onv olop whli ~ nd,ng III applICd100n IorIO Supara l ap rlilc I' I

llJf lor oaclfpo f. , a IOn s

I d I /J fOI r Wip, ' ppl lCdl lOrt I ? 1 d y. Irll m II I "a lll ut 1.11 II I hu pUu c. on u ladY 'fl i. IImcnt


Page 38: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45


Signature ot th candld al e

DisabIlity %Hearing Loss decibelsVisually acuny __-

( T,mI d o cu m ent on th

(a) OH·V esiNo(b) HH -Vesi No(c) VH-VesJNo

AcknowledgementJ Ad m i ss i o n

0 \

0'1 en !lo

0001 00 00

01 00 00 01 00 00

00 01 04 011 00 02

00 00 02 04 02 00

00 00 00 01 00 00

00 00 00 01 00 00

00 00 03 06 00 01

00 00 00 01 00 00

00 01 04 10 03 02

00 00 06 '2 00 01

00 00 01 02 00 00

00 00 00 0' 01 00

00 00 03 06 03 00

00 00 05 10 03 0'

00 03 03 13 03 01

01 08 36 97 20 '0

(Surname) (Na me) ("Father's!Husband's name)

(Surna me) (Name) (Fathe,'s name)


Age on Date : ___Vrs ____ Months ____ Days

-_ -_ , ..-.














Stat e of orlg,n

II yes, please ment ionthe caste and commun ity

Name til lull(in Block letters)


(I) AcademIC' "-'-' --(ii) Expellence .

Certified that the parti culars mentioned In Ih e applicatio n torm am c ,ocI and IIU to Ihll oest otmy knowledge and bellel 1\ found taise at any slage my service may b tenmnatcd WIthout

no ICC.Place:Date:

10 Particulms of copies ofdocuments attached

9 Experience ,f any

Cont /nuod from page 428. Natlonahly -.--... .., ,,,'--'

9. Educational QualificatIOnS (Proof enclosed)

8 Educational andTechlllcal Qualifications

6. Whether Ex· Serviceman

7 Whelher physicallyHandicapped

Slrike out whichever Is not applicable.

d evp ' 0"2111/00'3/'112

5. WhetMr belong s toSC /ST/OBC .

4. Date of Birth

DeclarahonI here::"; ~::!,:.aro "nCi, alii s~ale~e~~smade In ~ e ~ophcahon are rue comp'e." :!.,.,~ co-rec t '0the bes t 01 ray knowledge and belle t. In mo event ot any Informatlo being fou d talsellncorrecor inehglbihty berng detected before or alter the le sVrnterv lew , my can dida tu re w,lI stand

automatically cancelled

Date : _

3. Postal Address WithPin Code

2. Father'slHusband's Name

(In Block letters)

Append i x

Pho graph

cat~gory/po t (c) hould areo possoss know' 04

lodg kills to au""d to muluple work. (d) Fo' Cycle 02

Rep air only: At Ie.:st one yea r expe rienc e ot workrng

from reco gn ized organization (0) For Tindel Only: 0 1

Should bO a good swimmor

Formet fo r Ap pli cation

e read lh o 'General Term 1\ Conditions' carnfully and till the application accordInglyany deViation Irom the same wlll dlSQuahly the candidate)

lion for rhe po t of r-------,"n,1 Oof nee Ac d em y, Kh ad ak w nsle , Pu ne-41 1023


FatlQlleman (Mrs)

(P) Groundsmao (MTS)

(f) Mall (MTS)

(5) Groom (MTS)

(I) Safarwala (MTS)

Tota l Poala(TA ~ TecI1nlcal Anandant. MTS =Multi Tasking Stall . SC =Scheduled Caste , ST =SchedledTribe. a BC =Other BackWard Class. UR =Unreserved (Gon). PH =physically Handicapped

Ex-S = Ex-Sorviceman .Genera' Term. & Condition. :·(a) Age: (Q The age Iimil for all pests mentioned above is 18to 27 years except for the pest otCycle Repairer (TAl tor which the age limit is 18 to 25 years. (II) Rolaxation ot upper age limit ot5 years for posls reserved for SCIST IS admiSSible. (III ) RelaxatIon of upper age limit ot 3 yearstor pests reserved for aBC is admiss ible . (IV) Age relaxation for physically Hand icapped .Ex-ServicemanlGovt . servants is appl icable as per the Govt orders. (v) No age relaxation is8dmi~sible to SC/STIOBC candid ates who apply agains t unreserved posts .(b) Reservation will be appl icable only 10such OBC candidat es who do not tali under the Creamy

Layer status.aBC candida tes are required to submit a valid certificate regarding his/her having non-creamy

layer status ISSUed by the compet ent authority(c) Candidates selected under PHIEx -Serviceman quota WlIi be adjust ed against the respec tive

category Ie SClST/OBClU R.(d) II apply illlj. for more than one post . separate applications In separate enve lopes shou ld be

sent for each post.(a) Candidates are reqUired to submit applications on leg al size papers on ly as per the ' format'given at 'AppendlX' beloW The attested cop ies 01cert ificate s regard ing caste status, educallonalqualdrcalionslexperience 1\ date of birth must be auached . Ex-servIceman candidates are also

reqUiled to attach copy 01 Discharge Certif icate .(f) Candidates are to attach With application a self-addressed envelope of size -gYz x 4Yz

bBaring po stage worth Rs_ 51· affixed thereon .(g) The completed application 10 prescllbed 'format' should reach 'The Commandant, NationalDelence Acad emy, P.O. ND A Khad akw as la, Pune · 411023 ' within 10 days from the date of

publicatIOn of tms Aovern ement.(h) Incomplete or uns igned applications and applications received Without 'Self-Addressedenvelope/postage', or preSCribed cert ificates and appncanon received alter the due date wlli be

rejected summarily ana no COlrespcn~~~=c WIll be entert ained(I) rnose working In Govt Establishments , Publi c Sector Und ertakings and Autonomous Bodieshould apply through proper channel Advance applications Will not be conSidered.

UlThe crucial date for reckolll ng of the age limit WIllbe the clos1l1g date of recelvrng the applicallon(k) While send ing the applications. the candida tes arc requ ired to subscribe on the lOP of

velope l!ppll a 10lli.ol.Jhe P.Q..~ ojAgain al;!l~~s rvcd r.J!YLSILQ.~C.lf!:i'-E..!:.Servlcerna..!.l or_Uj}!es.elY


(I) Srnce the app hcat ions may be short·hsted mere lulhllment of essenllal quahhcations andsxpenence does not ves t any flghl In a nandidate lor beIng called lor test slinterviewS. Allapplications rece ived WIllbe scrutinized/screened and Selection Committee will organize a written r- .-JiOIJ~ilLJ-.\

I t tor short -listed candidates to be called for TesVlnterview. ThiS Academy reserves tho fightfOcall lor TesVinterv lew only those candidates who in ItSopinion are hkely to be suitable and will

not enrertam any correspondence in this regard(m) Cnndidates should specifically note Ihal the applicalions receIVed after the clOSing date lorany reason whatsoev er (such as envelopes wrongly addressed. dehvered elsewhere , postal

delay etc ) will not bo ento rtalned by this Academy(n) Academy reserves the fight no t to hll up alilhe posts. If so ensues . The number of vac ancies

ated above may very i.e. increase or decrease at any stape

Page 39: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45

Minimum,. Veara

and axlmum33Vu..

for all posts .




ai'Kl 1IleY 1WI

ITOfTI 0 meln list.l1fanIn olf"4l8noJmont .<'A.-,tr.l'~1f,'J:lt!i¥!~1 co

b vo to pr......~ ~..T.:>;00 the ca IClaI l:8nd!dato or nOtP~1lI~ tho candlde U 13 ed

rificat on Is lIaolfto 0 orte . nt/Publlc SeCtor Unoo an II in Govemment/Seml.GOVomr:em omployee at tlmo ol docIJ

vUl) EIT1PIoyod pol1lOO8 working octlon certlflcatO' ITOfTI the Preq Ired to produce"No Ob) V fin Rallwlffve~catton at DFCCIL, Now Dolhl. dards as defailod In ChaPter- 0

Medical standards: A-3 medical =':t"_.IndlanraIlWllY••gov·In~1ca1 Facility, LTC.Medical Manual VolA, which can be AccOrrltTlOdatlon, Liberal Compa~rformance Related PayPetb " AllOWancM: HRAIL~ed roach and other fringe benoflts.

Baskot of Allowances WIth:010:=emos are also In tho offing . ny and have proml(PRP) and Superannuation ne h core category 01 the compa

spec:ta· Engineers are t eearNr pro tor ~t1ontohlghorgrades.opportunltfea p - .............. 'ollicaS oIlhe company. 1.2012 may stbmit thoPI- of Po..lng: In tile I""l""- dl!lonS 01eligibility as 00 01.0 fol low tho ApplicationHow to Apply: cendldatos satisfying~~ndldotos are advised to ~cell.Org and I l\-up theapplication In the preecribed lorma~dedfrom DFCCIL'lI webslte lit~o appl ica tion sho uld beFormat and the same may~~ ·Ih BLACK BALL POINT PEN 0:. nd dralt ehould be eon tsame In ENGLISH LANGU WI loto with all rospocl with rna

rly signed Application Fonn camp:;::9h Ordlna~post only at the following address .


Inatructlon.: FCCIL's esne at will1) Application on A<4 size paper as per fonnat given at D

poslBag The applica tions sen t Ihrough

entortalned through ordinary post only at aboveted unde r a" y circumstances since the samecourier/speed pasVregistored post WIll not be ecoep .are not acceptod at Post Bag Address by the past a1aulhonhes. at hislher own nsk as the

2) Candidates apply ing for more than one pool .w ill be doI~eS~ate sim ultaneously. However,examination will be held for nil the three categon es on tho sa I 111 be sum manly relected .candidate submitting more than one appncanon lor the same pas w '1 I of belonging to

3) SC/STIP HIOBClEx-servlcemen/J&K domiciled app lican.ts ShOU I111~~~~s~~~ by a prescribed7f.....~-------~------------_~ t these groups. PH applicants to enclose cop f disab ility ~~ I e arm only an d not ie s s

medical aU1horitylCompelem AU1horily. Tho lr d sabi ll ty sno u ~ et~on posts EX'servlcementhan 40%. Other types of disabilities are n • acceptable or

fse ice ~ElI1lficatc issued

candidalos should submit self attested Pho ° ' copy of the de ence serviby tho Comp etenl Autho rity. bed by

4) Only candid ates haVing OBC certificate lor the rrent hnancta yea r in the lormal prascrCentral GoV1. will be given the benefit of OBC reoorvalio

5) Cert ificate for proof of age or educational quail' ons should not be attached althls n:t~

c~ndidalos shou ld satisfy thernselvaa thoroughly about the" igibi Iy in an respects 0applying.

6) Candidates may keep pnorocopy of application and demand draft sent for future record.

7) Candidature will be cancelled at any stage 0/ r rurtmen process or after recru,tmontl\Omlng, Incase any in/ormation Provided by he cand date IS fou '0 be false or s not to In conformitywith Iho eligibility crtteria mont oned in this advertisement

8) Applica nts should clearly ·ndicate th r order 0' P r nee fo' :> eXCllTlm tlor can ens, out 01Deihl, Mumbai, Kolkata and Che i tor Wntton Test 'n he appl cat '0 l. II he numbor 01candidates applylng for a partICUlar post are I 58, than the exam,'l8tioo lor post may beoondueted at DELHI only

g) Application not 8ubmitted in the p esctibed forma and not aocompanied w th thedocumentsllee will be summarily rejected.

10) C dates workingIn GovtJPSUslaU10n0mous bodle should apply through prope chan

11) The envelope conlaining the application shOUld be supe d" ppllcatlon for01················. ··· 2012 " . Onl' v should contain only app 1C8l"a Demand Oratt.

12) Journey fare for appeanng ,n the written test WIll

Last d ll te l or receipt of application : 30 day. from

lA OBC re80rvetIon Indicated above, sub-quota of 4.5% for minorit ies In terms 01DOP& T'sdeted22.12.2011 as circulated videOPE's OM dated 02.01 .2012 shall be provided.

I in8fl1u1e award ing diploma must be recogniZed alther by Cenl raVState GoV1. oror 9chnlcal Boarda/UnlvorsJllesll6tabliahed by CemreVStalo Govts .

!lI:1Y U~ awards grades Instead of maries, applicants should dearly mention theequlva m oltho grades In terms of aggregate martcs and lhen write percentage

Out of~ e rnatlca .

~1\OII"'1on: The UPPer age- Iimll Is relaxab le as under subject to submission ofcilIrl:JJcate:

'!n~y.all1ll for SClST,

Yll«ra for 08C canddale.,

~ }I'8eIII for PH applicants (101aJ 15 years forSCISTand 13 years for aBC),

I=' Ex>tl8l'Y1c:emen, uplo the eX1entoISeMce rendered In delence plus three years provided~ put rTJOnIt 8Ixmonths IIOrvice after atlestatton, 88 per Ex-solVlCOmen (Re-

enl In Central Civil Servlce and Posts ) Rules, 1979 lind Gavt. of India ordersfrom ltne-fo-Ilmo.

E!)r yoara for the candid whohad Onllnarily been domiciled In lhe stato of J&K dUringpe..iod01.01.80 to 31 .12.1989 provided cartfflC8te forthe same issued by BOOISOO is

II, -P5CtllIClMffl the application .

~): Ra..200 for UR & OBC applicants. No application foe Is requ ired foriIt"""'iOlIm(In C8ndldat8ll provkjed photocopies of SCIST/dl bl lltylEx-se rvioomen[~C*lil«l wfIh appllcatlon. The feo shou ld be paid by dema nd draft drawn in favour of

hI.Cand Ie should wrtte Name , Post Applied for, Mailing Add ress andL G1Ion the revenl8llde 01Demand Ora .

Page 40: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45


4 .j

Nature of conesScale of pay

van t to till post applied for

ourauo n

Organl/ .l110n NatulfJ of thft Rem ",,",strnrn wlHHU trainingrm,olvo(J program me

From ToEmployer


Name of the post

(Signature of the cand idate)

If the Ofhce r draws any special pay the fOllowing lurther information may also please be

furn ish ed '(I) 'IJhelher the appomtrnen t to which the special pay is attached ISa tenure appointment.

and(II) Whe her me special pay has boon specitrcally sancuonec for u E PGS In aoou on to

the scare of the pay rn lieu of a sepa rate pay lor the POSt.For us e by the Off ice forwardin g the app li ca tion

No. __ _ _ Date ' ----The abo ve en til es have been ver ili ed from the records avauaote In thIS offi ce and found

correc tIn the event 0 1 hIs/her setecno s to the pos t of SRO (Scienutic Rese arch) he/she wll erelieved within 1 5 days Irom the dale ot the Intimation of the result to the candIda eThe Integrity Certl lic ate. VigIlan ce Cle arance and No Malor/Mrnor penalty Certifi cate In Ihe

prllscrilJcd formal arc ' given ,His/hllr Con fidential Heport Dosslerl photocopies of Annual Confrdentlal Reports lor lhe la

live years (duly attested) are enclosed


'1 De tails 01 service:

d av p 5410111110049/1112

\AuthomedDated '


Cerl lhed Ihat no mInor/malar penally has been Imposed on Dr IShll/ Srnt(d signallon) ~ who ha applroo for the ~t of Senior 11 h t I, r •

I1csC,l rch) III Ihe Planning Comnll Ion on Ir,tnsl ll r on UcputJlIOn b,ISI'. . dunn\lthlAuthl ",.,ll 'I I

D,1t (I

12,' Expenence in the subject field of selec tionNote: Kindly furnish the copies of the publ ished work highlighting achievement s in the lield ofresearch/ formulation/ des ignl planning or in the execution/formulation of the plan/projects

13. (1) Present postal address with PIN code No..(2) Telephone Number

(a) Offic e(b) Res idence(c) Mobile

tnt or m nn on about ttlf) po t lH'ld(I) PI f' 5P.IlI po t h .hi(II) f 1111 scale 01p,IV(hi) PII.! Pil l fM Y(Iv) 5 poc i" 1pay . " any(v) W hOlhor thn post Is huld on rngulill bas is or on adnoc baSIS or on deputation basrs?(VI) Date hom which hold(VII) 11 Iht1 pros nt pos t held on regUlar ba SIS was Inlttally held on adhoc baSIS. the date hom

which the post IS held on regular baSISB II the p re se nt post IS not h,:ld on regular basis

(I) Post held on regular basis(II) li s lull scalo 01 pay(Ill) Date trom which hold on regular basis

9 Post. If any . which tho o ttic e r holds In a substan tlv e capacity10 (1) (a) Is lhe present po st an analogo us post rn terms 01 the Department 01 Personnel l.

Admll1lSlrall ve Retorms OM NO.19017127175·Estt.(0)Pt Dated 7 3 647(b) In case lhe presen t POSI which IS rega rded as analogous IS 111 a non -C en tra l

Government ottrce, the fdllow lng information may be given .(i) Duties auacneo to the post(Ii) Dale of last revision of scale of pay(iii) Whe lher governed by Central DA or tndustnal DA?(iv) Amount of Dearness Pay etc" admis sible on the minimum and ma"'lTlum ot

the scale of payDearness payDearness AllowanceInterim Relief

(2) If the present post is not an analogous post(a) The dale trom which the post in PS-3 RS.15600-39100 ~ Grade Pay RS.5400

(pre-revised pay scale Rs. 8000-275-13500] or equivalent or high er scale held onregular basis

(b ) In the case 01 the candidates workll1g In a Non-Central Government ott Ice(i) The full scale 01 pay. which is'equiva lent to Rs 8000-27 5·13500 (pre -revised)(II) Dale 01 the las t revision of scale of pay(iiI) Whether governed by Central DAllndustnal DA(IV) Amoun t of dearness Pay etc .• admissible on the minimum and max-mum 01 he

scale of payDearness payDearness Allowance

- Inle rim Relief

Signature_Name ----

(S eal of o ff ice) Des ig nation --- - --INTEGRITY CERTI FICATE

After sc rutiniz ing Annu al Con tiden\la l Report s of Dr .lSh ri/Smt IMs (designation)____, who has applied for the poSI of Senior Research Qihcer (Sclenllflce Research)

~n the Plannrng Commission on transfer on deputatIon baSIS, It IS certlhed that h,slher Integnty ISbeyond doubl [To be Signed by an Ofhcer of the rank 0

Dep uty Secretary or above With sealDat ed _

VIGILANCE CLEARANCE CERTIFICATECerllfled that no VIgilance case or dISCiplinary proceeding or cnmonal proceedIng 's either pendingor con tllmpla ted against Dr IShrilSmt IMs __ __ _ _ ,(deslgnatlon) _who has appl ied for the pos t of SeOior Research 01 Iccr (SClenllhc Research) on Ihe Plann,n

Comm ission on transfer on DeputatIon baSIS.

4 .



Rc l1

14 Wh ethe r belongs to SC/ST15, Any other relevant informationDatePlace:Note:

n ad M 'r. N w D Ih l-11 0001

12025/05/2011 -Adm. II

Gov rnm nt of In dio

h v n,

lanning.Yo jan

Qualif Ica tions r ossessed by the officer, which aroeqUIva lent to or higher than qualifications prescrlbll d

Quafrflca l ron prescr ib ed

01 Indust" or Govemment Department dealing with

R sea rcn and Development . Pro du cu on , Plan nin g. Formu lat ion ,"'~ra <sa l of Dev el pmen t Scheme and Assessment.

eot m e field t scienntrc and mdustnal research and experiencen te and re rts

E II IT : '-"e a age t r aopom ment by transfer on deputation (mcludlng Short-~Er"' uac: sna t e c 56 years as on the clos,ng date of receipt of appli cations

n ES ATTACHED TO THE POST : To assist the Seruor otncer of the drvlslon In collect ion• ca a or .. rat 0' notes and memoranda

= PERIOD F DEP UTAT IO N/CO NTRAC T: Per iod of d putanon mcludrnq the pe riod ofn a • er ex-cadre post held immediatety oreced ing this appo intment in Ihe same

e O' e -gan Z on departrne to t e Cen ral Gov emme nt shall no ordinarily exceedears - e e . and one ns 0 the oeouta uon \',, 11 be regulated according to the

s co ta ned Ifl t e Governmen ot Ind ia, Department of Perso nnel & Traininq Ofhce.. emo 0 2 ~9 91·Estt . (pay- II) dated the 5th January, 1994, as amended Irom time to timea d In the case ct those corruno on contract. the terms will be settled in con sultati on with theconcerned au thor.ry - .

;; CRUCIAL DATE FOR DETERMINING ELIGIBILITY: The clos ing date for the receipt ofa ocauon I.e 60 days from the date of the Issue of the Emp loyment News In which thea ruse • ent published will be the crucrat date tor de terrmn inq elIgibilityHO W TO APP L Y: App hcat ions duly tilled In . in the prescribed proforma. as at Annexure-I(i n duplicate) fro m the elig ible officers who are desirous 01 being con sid ered for appointmentand who can be spared tor tak ing up the as signment within a period of 15 days l rom the dale0 ' murnanon abo ut the selection may b.. forwarded thro ugh proper channel along with theo;!<?W'"g documents [the documents required at (il) to (iv) are to be submitted in prescribed

prc'orma as at Annexure-It a long wIth the appncauon] to Under Secretary (A- II), PlanningComrmss ion. Room No 516, 5th Floor, Yojana Shavano Sansad Marg . New Delhi · 11000 1Vo'ithin sixty days from the date of pub licatron ot trns advertisement(r) Up-to -date Conhdent lal Report Dossier or photocopies of Annual Confidential Reports

lor the last five years (duly atte sted by an Officer not below the rank of the Und erSecretary to the Governm ent of Indra) or equ iva lent : andIntegrity cern ica le, In the given fo rm at , Signed by an Off icer no t below the rank ofDepu y Secre ary to the Government of Ind ia or equ rvarent : and

III) VIgIlanc e Clearance, In the gIven fo rmat. ind ica ting that no discrptinary proceedingsor crimina t proceecmqs are 'lither pen drng or cont emp lated against the Offi cer concerned:

and1 '1 IS of major?minor pe~" ' t l "s I an "noosed on the candida te dUll ng tne rast 10 years/

,.0 cenauy Ceruncate n 'h " give" format.e " ENERAL Applicant shoe d en ••U' a' 'e poucauon IS compte e 111 "II respect, and IS m

he preset. eu format No cotun n o' II • f rma. st.ou d be left blank Wher ver mtormauon ISnot applicable or rul, It may pie. e t.e so s at d Only complete applications received throughprop er cnan nel '1long WIth ,ii i ,he doc ume nts on or bo to.e the speci tred ctosinq date shall becons idered App hcations received tte r the las, da le or thos e whrch arc no t rn Ihe prescnbedrorma t or those wtllch are mco-n ple te o r ao -ance applicat ron s Will nOI be considerec

9 The deta il s of the vacancy 'S a lso a \ alla ble on Plann in g Comm rsslon webSite , I e"1- Ilp:l!w 'w .plannlngcomm lss lon ,g o v. in " un der the Iin 1<, "Appoi ntmen ts/Jobs'.

(subh ash Chander)

Under Secret ary' to th e Go vernment of Inelia.A NNEXURE-I

PRO FORMAApplicat Ion for the po st of Se n ior Research Offr cer (SClenl rhc Research) on f'romotr on!Transferon deputation (lOcludlOg short -term contract) basIs' to be submJtled In dupllCale

(Please strike off whichever is not ap plicab le)1 Name2 Dale of birth3 Da e of retirem ent (under CenlraVState Govt rules applicable 10 the officer)

4 (a, If he /she belongs to an organized service. liS name(b) Name and complet e address of the Cadre Con trOlling AuthOri ty

5. Educational Qu alif ica tions

Page 41: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45

02 .



Piease paste arecent Passportsize Photogrph

duly seu-anested

Months Days

Yes I 0


The Gene ral ManagerHigh Explosives Factory, KhadkiPune- 411003

Sub :Appllcati on lor the post of .Ref ' Advertisement No. .. .Dated.... .

Published in ...... .

YearsWhether Ex-Trade Apprentices of Ordnance FactoryIF YES a) Name of the Factory '

b ) Balch NJ ..d) Penod " f Apprenllce: From .e) Dale 01 Passing CTVT

Name In lull(In EngliSh Bloc Letters)(As written m SSC Cert.)Father's I Husband 's Name ....(English Block letters)Nationality " .Sex ( Malo/Fem ale) ,," .Oato 01 Bir\h (In DDIMM/YY format)

(Attosled copy of School Certificate showmq L-o CD C=r I IDale of Birth to be enclo sed) . . (Dale) (Month) (Year)Age as on the last dale of subrn isslon at application

10 )



• baSis TIle se~lIoo process wi. oorn~of:II me e ldriCIlY on.D!ement • 01 WrlttOfl test w~t be In bilingual t.e.

est foo..markS. The' e:: ~~or etrade will be broadly as that olthe

N ~JJ''''a~~::=~:.:~ trad: : nd as per the functional requirement of that

trade . . . The trade test (practICal) will be conducted to lest'Trade Test (practICal) 01100 m.arl<s. . Th s llabus lor the trade test (practiCal)the skill of the candidates In therrrelev~nt f:e:~ se~'.~kllled grade 01the re\eVanttrade.will be as per the trade test spacificat n a Iv e wrltten test On the basis 01All eligible candidates will be call.ed for.a~I':~I1~'for trede test (Practical Test) 01merit of wri~ten test .marl<s: ca~dates :r of vacancies In the respective trade. FinaltOOmarks In tho rauo of 1.3 to ~n'r' bined marl<s In the written and trade testmerit will be decided on the bas a com . I uall e marks being equal,(practical test ). In the selection ~r;:ess , o~e~~~g~~:,~o,y ~nd sister Ordnance

train~ Ex·trade. A~~~nU~':r~c: I~~ o~er In which they are stated . in ~tween~~~:':dsh~~ :~e AP:'entices 01the recruiting factory , preference shall be given~

. e Ex Trade Apprentices secure same rnathose who are senior I.e. If .two or mar .' nlort Seniority of Ex .• Tradethen preference shall be gIVen on the nasfs o~ ~~ de%ded on the basis of OFB 'sApprent ices of the recru iting O.rdnance Factory20Q3sa S' 'larty in between the trainedtetter No. 13108103 ·AIHRD dated 15/17-12· . Iml • .apprenf ices of the sisler Ordnance lactories. preference shall be gIVen 10 those whIO

are senior as mentioned above . II ' dRoJectlon of Application : The appllcalion shall be summarily rejected on fa oWing groun s ,1) If applicat ion Is received after the closing date lor any reason whatsoever.ii) If' Dale & signature Is not appendesJ In the application form on the pre~rib.ed places.iii) If: the candidate does not put "Left Hand Thumb Impression' on the appllcation form at

the prescribed column,IV) If. the ago of the candidate exceeds the prescribed age limit on the clos ing date .V) If tho ossenUal qualification is not possessed by the candidates. .vi) If , photograph (sell Signed) is not pasted in application torm and the signature IS not

parlly on the photograph and partly on the applica tion form and same Is not accompaniedby two marc copies 01 the same pholo graph. .

Vii) If cop ies of all supporting documents duty auested !?y Gazzetl ed Olt lcer are notenclosed. •

viii) In case of OBC Candidates, if aBC declaration is not signed by the candidate andrecent "Non-Creamy-Laye r" Certif icate is not encl osed .

ix ) If application is nOI complete in any respect as pee the requirement given In theadvert isement.

CAUTION TO ALL APPLIC ANTSSome unscrupu lo u s elements m ay ap p roa c h you with the as suranc e of procuringappoin tment for you in the fact ory th rou gh illega l grat if icat ion . You musf not loll prey tosuch fals e assurance or expl oitation and must not en tertain or oncourage such ele mentsin any way. It is emphas ized and reassured that the Se lection Tr ad e Test w ill be donepurely on merit. In a transparent manner.Applications should be submitted 10 The General Manager, High ExploSi ves Factory. Khadki.Pune (M.S ). Pin· 411003 in the touowinq forma t






limit:~ at trade apprenticeship.

rs for SC & ST. .or OBC Candidates on product ion of Caste CerUficate with "Non ­

..clause issu.,p by the Competent Authority.i1 lIOn to the period citservice rendered in the Defence Services lor

proqUCliOn 01 Discharge Certil icate lor Ex·Servlceman issued by

"<lr the post of Fitter Electronic, must possess National Council for Vocational Train ing(1ilCTVT) Certll icate In the trade Electronic Mechan ic, failing which by ITI or equ ivalent

a/Cert iflcate holder in the respect ive trade •E(lr the post of Filter Refrigerat ion, must poss ess National Council for VocationalTrainmg (NCTVT Certif icate in the trade Refrigeration & Air condrtioning , failing which

n or equivalent Dlplorna/Cernt icate holder in the respective trade.e post of Fitter Ins trument. must possess National Council l or Vacational Training

certifocatein the trade 01Instrument Mechanic. lailing which by ITI or equivalentaiCertilocate holder In the respective trade.

fl.: The candidate should affix his I her recent (not more than three months old)photograph on the app tlcation form at Ihe prescribed piacs duly signed by

e cand idate's signaturo on the photograph should be In such a way that signaturethe appl icat ion form He/She should also enclose two more copies 01the same(self s igned on front of photographs and name and post I lrade applied should

on the back of the photog raphs).: The closing date 01 receipt of applications will be 21st Day Irom the date of 3)the advertisemont in tho Employment News exclud ing tho dato of publication.- 4)ij t1\ e dverti sement IS pub lishod rn the Employmont News on 05th 01 lhe " 5)

clOSing dale will be 26th 01the month , if the closing date lall s on Sunday orthe nex t working day vAil be taken as Closing date of the receipt of applica tions ..00 Rupees Flfly Only) through crossed Indian Postal OrderlD emand Draft

il jij:l a nkprawn in tavour of The General Manager, High Explosives Fac loryPayablo at G'pO/PUNE. in case of Demand Draft Payable at SBI. (E'xemptoonfor SCIST. EX·MAN, PH & Women applicants)

rlmenta l Candidates with 3 years connnuous service (addition alST anlt 3 years lor OBC).

Qualllicatlon:al Council for Vocat ional Training (tlCTVT) Certit rca te In the relevant trade lailingbY tTl or equivalent Diploma I Certit icate holder.ns e g the C.P.W Trade I Post NCTVT certificatc in "Attendan t Opera tor In

leal Plant (AOCP' r failing which by ITt pass or equivalent Diploma I Cernticate

1io!d.~ .or !li e iJpst of MillWright, must possess National Council for Vocational Training

T\!JJ. Certihcate In the trade of Millwright or Mechanic Machine Tool MaintenanceTM),Ial lng which by ITI or equivalent Diploma/Ce rtificate holder in the respective

Page 42: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45

EN 5/ 133

Paste your 1Rec ent

passport sizephotograph

duly signed byyou on It

Signature of the Applicant

davp 1020111 1I2469/1112

9. Experience (Attested copy of certificat e to be encl osed) :10 Demand DraltlI. P.Q. No . Date & Bank/P ost Off ice deta ils :11 . Medium of Examination prefe rred : Eng lishlH ind i


I hereby declare that the Informa tion given in this app lication IS true. com ple te and correct a thebest of my knowledg e and belief. In the event of any Inl ormatlon beillg feu nd taise or i~c._rrect ori~complete or. illegible, my can didatu re is liable to be rejected or cancelled and In the event ot anydIscrepancy In til e parti culars being detected after appointment . my services are hable 0 be

terminated without any not ice :0 me .

Da te:

Name of Exam Year of Subject Name of msutution

passed passing Boardl recognized by


Post -Appli ad For : AromanEmployment News Adv\. No. Dated .. _

ToThe General ManagerOrdnance Factory .Yeddumailaram . 502205Medak Dis\. (AP)1. Name In Fulr (BlOCk letters)2. Fathe r'slHusband's Name3. Date of Birth

(Attested Copy 01 the certif ica te to be attached)4. Age as on the last date of receipt of application5. Categor y (SC/ST/ OBC/Ex-Servic emen/PHP)

(Attested Copy of the cert ificate to be attached)

6. Nation ality7. FuJi postal address lor communication wi th Pin Code :

(Also ment ion nearest Railway station)8. Educalional . Technical & Professional Qualifications:

(A\l ested copy of ce rtificates must be enclosed)

ece'~ Of~• r,;! edalq Po :Ill

tti,j! servie lIati e lli'llmirr any er n d. de OilInaM aetory Boaid ·SCiST candidates and ~.Mlhlary persor>Q8 called tor Ex~minalJO Will tie paid only SInglesecond class Railway lare or Bus tare tor to al>dlro jollmey chargeable by Ille shortest rotJ\eprovlde.

dthat the distance traveled by RalllB s each way excj!eds ;30 kms. on produc1


onginallickets and original caste certif icate. Private travelers' tlekets win not be entertaIned.g. The candidates working In Govemment Sef'/lCeiPSUs must subm,t their applteation through

proper channel along with the certifica es from their Head of OtlicelEs\ablishmenl tllal novigilan ce or disciplinary case Is pending nor contemplat ed against tb~ and that they have

no objoction In releasing them in case of select on.h. Mere submission of application does not guarantee being called lor lest. Incomplete applications

or applications without Demand oran, attested copies of testimonials and photographs and• also those not conforming to the required specification will be summarily rejected and no

correspondenc e will be entertained In this regard .Ap plicati ons rece ive d aft er th e last date will not be acc epted . Ordnance Factory .y eddumailaram in no way is respons ible for any postal delay.One recen t passport size phoiograph (not more ' th an three months old) duly signed bythe applicant should be pasted on the top of the application at the place provided and two

more cop ies of the same enclosed with the application.k . Def ined Contr ibution Pension Scheme Is applicable. The earl ier GPF scheme and

pension scheme are not applicable.The date of Examination will be intimated to the eligible candidates in due course.

m. Canvassing of any kind willdisqualify the candidates .n. Only selected cand idates would be informed 0 1 the i r selection in due course . No

correspondence in this regard will be entertained.Format 01 Application

2 Hours







a Cl ould include both verbal and non·verbaltype. The testsim larit es and differences, space visualization. prob lem

iog. VIsual memory, discriminat ion observation .metICal number series . verbal and non-verbal ser ies

,~,""'N"'" Oil elementary nre l ighting Irom a recognized institutebIe of perfonn lng strenuous duties. This requirement will be

ce Test shall be done only for those cand idates who qualify In the


sess prescribe,d phys ical standards and qual ify in the Endurance tes\.

Maximum Nu m ber 01 DurationMarks Qu estions

dlible) Crossed Indian Postal Order or Demand Dralt from any Nationalizedr '01 General Manager, Ordnance Faclory Medak (for General and OBC

Page 43: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45

B. Sa

7. N"I

6. AgE

Applicc1. N arr2 . Fa tl3 . Pen4. Pre :

5 . D al l


Whetheror OH

Whetherce rtltlcal

Name 0Organ iSIDepart

Appl lca tiocantonml

16 .17 .18.19.20 .21222324



I ,

Remarks , If


Rec en tpasseo rt sizep h o t o g r ap h

duly Sella ttes l ed

parlially onI ap p li c ati o nand partiallylon ph~lograPh


- - - - - --'-,~-.



and. ge

Div i


I '

Yea r 01Pass ing

- 1-

SI. Nam e of Name 01 Board/No . Examinati on Univer si ty

, Of prlnl' d 0 1 written n ally pet' he to,",Hun QUkt b ,Jul y :~~:t f "'lJrl ' ). lfnu h r fh cd ndtdat shOUld ti ll

, ' Ill'Jtoym nt H Vi InhJHn UOI1I not nppll~ ,ui , UltJ s ame hOUIfJ ' IJ

fl\ Jb I hJl nll In th l tl pl lf 111110 'ollfl It ny hi 'fI, f 0 1 t lplo (Joe 'f;G fl l tnol mOl' ' "an ;jII rtl ( I ,110" It " ," It lt .Jppll t dint .tt·) ,Id f f n rn Ol e ( t nd lff A'~ 8houltJ 19ft on pallod

f1H ?'t1 I" ~IJ;l lt VOlt II I I'li l)l fHJ"lpll Oil IiP III tu)fl"I !lY on th photoyreph and p8rUAl1y onmonth II j: w,y III t I II I l\ tlUl UI-JP it'!! I' r "I S o f .. m" pt1/JHJfJ' ph "'am. a t c ndloa tephul l

) 11\ til 1(' : 11 ' fHHd I fOil I I II I tl l tNO '110ft l .l JP 7hIt)fHJWIHl hi dpphr..:t.tl0n fhaapplic8honppll :I~n. Ikt tJ Wil li ' nllll ' I I k Il tI o f I J l h YH J:IJq, hJ'JUld LJ au tud lJ'I G.tlctt.,.-j 'Jfhu~r ont-Inet pu ll.:ll d IJV 11111 (."'t Jltl, t l" AllIIn (~l ,tl If .1 ' I M 1rl,1,l] t!, OffJf1 Inll r-J<.tn r I . I a 'SI (M P)_

mu I III I I Jr ,If It) rh o (,,-,I 'If. ) •A ll p l l . li n ll '. houlcl b . 1( f I M on or Uf I II ttl'l ,.IIJ!'ilfHJ d Jl.\t I I .. .101i 8111HlIIJ t tl I h ttl l t r1 In hold h .tt",. on th onv lo pe... N 111 of th po.' . hnu ld LJ wr t 8. SClS f /Pl tP .:Inti )(-S r / ll .Orn n mu~1 P.f\ rj apphr-..atK)rl

"'I"lie lion I ,- c .tndldal . c"P.I·Ord rrOem nd Or It In t your 01 Genttr.t '''an.ger,I In th to un of era• • d Indl8n Po t f lt t y only ). rhp. Po sta l Oil''''' shou\d bf3 uerjOrdnan F.ctQr y. lI,.,el fa' fl • . 501· (RuP • nt a nd 1$ ulng d iltu o f pQ I Oroer hould be

bl lion 0 1 ttl••4dve,fl&Om k -'- l fM tetl me (Jolt o f pu IC. ' I n01 re fund bl Q Cand lddt~6 5 9 rQ1(:l~ tOft ". e~ mUStm lCall W d arlV fhft .i pptrc rnon lL'J /d b lhty ce rt lficate/Ol scnarqe c rbh cate 'M h appt1C4ttonpn 10'08 copy at their Gil tp c rtitl a t" ISd

IOrlM 1 I h d by me App licant I. oe tect ed I an y staqe10 If anY 1,IIaelincorrec t Info rmation u rn - "Iu·dle .. '0 l aki n g legal action a9 in" him. '

. III b ceneaU d without p i 0hi. c "dltJ tu ro W Ie un th fo ltow1r"'] documo'1ts f)1horw s e It w dl b e ' oc t(:j

Th plrc .1100must be followed wII e d1 1. e P ~ n e will be ontorta lned m m.s reqarsummanty an d no corte nonde C Ed lanai Technical Qua hhcatiOn. Gas 0 expenenca

(a) Copies 01 required certifica tes d( l~ca I a BC cerltl 'Cale rr "51 Include No.,-eream'f tayeretc) duly attesteo by a Gazelte 0 icer

clause . d d by the candle']te I ultally on lhe photO':jraph and(b) Photo pasted on appucouon an siqne

partially on lhe applic a tio n h t I same onqm tr-mlv ;l t t fl c h ed 'Nt h thp. ~pp lea ton(c) Two additional passport Size p 0 os 0 . .(d) Proot of Date of Birth duly attes ted b'f a GaLelt ed ~- f ceo

•2 Th.' followmg ap pl icati On Will al,.,o be SUM"Ha nly ,el c. ,P.O f

(a ) AppllC.l tlon Without post.,1 ordertDD (l'/hp. rever applocabl

fb) ApplICation Without signature Ion app ll c ~I ,on and pa led, 10) Ihu rt'lO r'l press.on 0 e

c =tnd d elte Ih Q ~ rhS8m~ntc) .o\ oplication tn o ther 'l l. lO prp- c nbed pr ol orma n ~ r: ~.

d Application receIved a fte r the d ue d elle for any f . J .,on

el App lCallon recl" v<'O throu gh FAXI) I""omple <'appllc ,.tlon ed .g) " spap r eulttng should not be used as application lorm Appllca ,on NIHbe releel due

to mlsm<ltchmg o f record s/d a ta . av er-Nrltlng and unclear d?",:u rn en t(h) Appllcal lon not conlormlngll ull liling to the reqUired speCilic . 'Jns/ehglDlli ty clltena Will also

be rejected(II Applicafion nol I",v lng Declarall on applicable for a BC and unden ak,ng applicable lo r Ex·

Serv lcem a n -, 3. The Ordnance Factory. itarsl management wi ll no t be respons,ble to r late/n on -receip t of call

IC·· rs lor wrwen examtnatlon tes t due to delay In pos tal ch annel1~ ,Iec ed candlda :es Will be mto rmed of the" sele ction m due course15. SC ST camJidales called for TEST will be paid trav eltng allowance only once as \leI

x t "':I Central Gov t rules after produci ng tourney Iicket16. C nd datc already tn gerVlce In Cen tral Govt depa rtme nl/Stale Gov t departmen l/Semi Govi •

department must submit his/her applica tions throu gh proper cha nne l along WIth the cent ficetefrom hIs/her Head 01offlce/Es lablishment tha t no Vigilance or dISCIPlinary case IS pending norcon\Cmpla ted against him/her.

17. It lhe numbers of applicallons received lor the above post are on I,"ge scale and wnere. It willnot be convenien t or pOSSible for thiS factory to call all eli gIb le candidates lor Test. theGene ral Manager may restr ict the number of candidates to be ca lled for test to reasonablelimit on the baSISof higher qualification/des ira ble qualif lcal lon .

18. The General Manager reserves the righl to Inc rea se/de crease the number of vac anCiesdepending upon the actu al requirem ent withou t any n'lUce an d these vacanc ies are furth ersubject to any subsequ ent orde r of Co urVMoD /Ordnanc e Factory Board .

19. In case of non-conformity betwee n the adv ert isement pub lished in ElNews and Local News­paper. then the adverhSement pub lished ,n ElN ews may be tre ated as correct.


To.The General Ma nagerOrdnance Factory . Itar s, (M.P.)

Sub. Application for the post at __(Name of Ihe posl IS to be meniioned)

Ret - Adve rtisement No . _ dated1 Name of applicant as per matnculal ~rtl;;-cate

(In Capl lal Ictters)Fath er's Name.Sex (Mal e/F ema le)Da te of BIrth .

Age as on the last dme of recelpt";;lapplicationWh ether belongs to SC/S T/OBC - --- -(Mention the ca lego !', & en I t- - - - - - - ---- ---aBC ' .. . c ose tes ted copy 01 ce lllf,ca te 'r -.1m a G azelled oll l:er

certlhcat e sho uld Inc lud e No n-Cream y Layer cl au se)Educallonal qualifica tions (1 Gth onwards)




flll) iluJ

I! " 'I PI! I

,fit I f ' ' ' )

2 hour

Durar lo n

). 1, ", " nI tor Or l v

1 pur Go 'I. 'ui ~ nJ

• I ~ 'IItt I

III b,.t for 5. ,11 '

, I

' 'I n ParI · II

'If' v.n lltJn p;( "mlll.1 110n ttl ".n

MaximumMar ks

25 Part- I


o ,r r- Ilr ~nd Of C·J Y Jar

lliUld II



Filter -\utoFitter Auro Elec trica l

(10 Standard)

(ObjecflvelMulhpfe Ch

OIJreCliva/Mull lplo C~

~ It In a mmimum.qu al'!" ~ ." Tr .1 The can

'd. Ihe total nurnla GIllS

, receipt I1:? '/ ' H C': for In u"

10 2 ' years tor Ih -

(l t ,. ar' r! ida1IJs se cure" J a I r Hoe sentority., r,. ,


Gen!!ra l Intelh90' CP.

Gener al A t, or '-- J

TechnIC" 1<'" -t--;".:...::.:..::..:..::.:.::..:.:.:.::::!::.::....:~

• The a' Appren l ice Cert i fical e (NA C) and Nal/ona' l 'rade Ccrt,hcby atlonal Cou ncil 01 Vocational Tra in ing (NCVT) In lhe relev nl rade \as ua IC3 required for the above posts . Degree and Diploma In Er g naceep ed as requ red Q ahhcatlon for the above posts . Only \\hen appllca~' C -as men:' ned above will not be available, then only applicants With ITI r equ v ,enl D t'

Ccn ocate ers will be considered :?OR AMBULA NCE " OTOR DRIVER (OG) (51. No.5) :E:.sen tla l :I) Passed alnculatJOn or eqUivalent examinatiOn

('Q Must possess dnvlng licence .(iIt) Knowledge of mamtenance and minor repairs .(IV) Preliminary knowledge 01 Fll st aid:Delirable : 3 Years experience of onvin g hghVheavy vehicles04. (A) MODE OF SELEC TION FOR INDUSTRIAL EMPLOYE ES

(SL NO. 1,2,3 and 4) :(I) The selectIOn process will compnse of objective lyp e wnllen examma tlon of 100 marks and

Trade test (PractICal) of 100 marks The duration of written examlnal ron will be of 2 (Two)hours. Selechon will be made stnctly on the basis of combined marks obta ined 10Ihe Wnllenand Trade test (Practic al).

(ir) All efiglble cand idates will be called for wrill en test. Only those candidates who alia In mm,mumQualifying marks (i.e. 40% for Genera l and 35% for reserved vacancy of SC/ST/OBC /PH Pand Ex-serviceman category) in the wnll en lest Will be called for Trade les t (Prac tical) Th enumber of candrdates to be called for Trade Test (Practical) Will be restricted 10 the ratio of1'3 10the numbe r 01vacanCies on the basis of men t of wnlten tesl

(III) In the selee: ~ " process. other things being r , la l I.e marks being p.qual. Iramed Ex-TradeapprenllC'l S ,. e recrUllmg Ordnance Factc ncJSl Ie- ractones shall be given preferenceIn the ord81 ., NhlCh they are staled. If Iwo 0r mor" ex· trade apprentices of OrdnanceFac '~ ' es S€ e the same marks. lhen prt:1 nce slmll be g ven on the baSIS of bat ch­senlonly Ho ~ ,e r . If no Ex-Trade Apprent ices of Ordnance factones are availab le. in su chcases. the rr I WI ll be decided on the basis of • 1) Higher Marks In wri tt en test Ind ivi duall y& (2) Ag e sen iority, in that order

(iv) The syllabus for written test for a trade Will be broadly as Ihal of NCTVT examInalion sylla busfor that trad e The syllabus for trade test (Practica l) Will be as per trade test spec ificahon 01the semi-skilled grade of he relevan t trad~

(8) MODE OF S~LECTION FOR AMB ULA NCE MOTOR DRIVER (OG) (51 No.5) :Wri tt en Exam ination : (150 marks )

Page 44: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45


nd correct

(M.R. Beerh)Director (Administration)

Tel. : 23389014 .

Si gnature of the Cand id at eEN45170

Signalure of the cendl d.'.

nVIC f MA N ONLYI wldI Itot tI.

lor und I m nlillm t In the b ne fn dmlslibh 10 IU '86l'V1Cemon In term s l')f tnf) E,. ·ervt(;emon (H emptovrn nl In Ce ntr I C Ivil S rvice. lln(J Po tl ) Rules , 1979, as amliSnded from

li m " to l im e2 I at 0 und 'It no th I I h II no t bu ohQ'blfJ to be appo inlfld to a v cane y rMaNed for ~ .

.rvk: m n In rega rd to the roc turtment covered by this ft . mlnahan . It I have at any time p(~r tosuch appomtment. secured any em ploym en1on the CI vi l IldfJ (Includ ing Pubtlc Sector Und etta\r.W".g .Autonomous Bodies/Statutory Bodles, Nallonali.od Banks. ete.) by availing 01 the concas.lon 01resnrv uon of v canctes admissible to E:x-servlcemcn .D t Signalure ot the cendldeleL1at at anclaaurea: .(I) Ago Prool Ceruncate (2) Marksheet 01 10th or eq uw atan t examination (3) SC/ST/OBClPHP/

Ex -servtcernan ceruncare (4) Indian Po. tal OrderlDD 01 As SO/- lor General ano OBCcane-cates (5) Two extra passport size photographs (6) Copy ot NACINTC exarmna 10<1(7)Copy. 01 Technlchal qualiticabon (8) Copy ot DriVing licence and (9) Co pies ot exp<!nencescomtrcares tor AMD(OG) II any

davp 10201 /111254111112 EN 45/119

No . A. 1202411!201Q-Ad m n. (LD)Government of India

Ministry of Law & JusticeLegislative Dep artment, New DeIhl

Sub/ee l Ap IIItment to the post 01Upper Division Clerk in the Official Languages Wing. LegislativeDepanment . Inlstry 01 Law & Justice on deputation basis.One po t 0 1 Upper Division Clerk In lhe Ott ical Languages Wing 01 the LegislatIve Department ,

111 S Y0 1 Law & Jusnce is required to be filled up on deputation basis. The post 0 1 Upper DIVISionC erk belongs to General Central Service. Group "C' (Non-Gazetted) (Ministeria l) In the pay band01 Rs 5200·20200l-wllh Grade Pay of Rs. 2400/-. Deputat ion/absorption to the said post is to bemade from amongst the offleels:-(I no log analogous or equivalen t posts ; or(I) 5 year's regular service in the grade of Lower Division Clerk or equIvalent having 2 yearsexpcnence In establoshment and administration work .De. lr ab le :-Ab,Ioty to Iype With a spead ot 30 words per mlnul e in English.2 The depanmental officers In the leeder category who are In the direct line of promot ion shall notbe eloglble for conside ration for appoin tment on deputation . Simila rly . deputation lsts shall not beeloglble tor consideratlon for appointment by promotion .3 ApPOintment to the post on deputation will be lor a per iod of three years . It Is requested thatappbcancns from suitable State Government OWclals in the prescribe d profo rma (given below).who possess lhe requis te qua lif icat ions and experience. and are willin g to be cons idered forappomtrnent to the pos t. may be forwarded tQ this Depanment together with their up-to-date CAdoss iers and Vigilance clearance at an early date and wllhln 60 days from the date of publica tionof the vacancy in the Employment News.




Name of Ihe Off icerPost for which to be cons idered(a) Date of Birth(b) Date of retirementEducational and other qua llf icalions possessed by the Otticer :Whether fulfils the essential qualifications and experience presc ribed for the post under therecruitment rules :Present AddressPresent post held on regualr bas is under the Central/Sta le Government with Pay Band +Grade Pay

B. Date of appo intment to the present grade9. Permanent post held under the Central/S lale Gov ernm ent and scal e 01 pay .10. It belongs to Scheduled Castes/Sche duled Tribes/OBC :11. Brief particulars of service with nature of duties performed :12. RemarksPlac e :Dale :


Min imumOu.lllle . ll onrequlrttd

10+2 with diploma ,nLaboratory Tedlruclazlfrom any recognll&<lInslitullon


16 to .25yrs .


Tota l

Laboratory Assistant

~ Monlhs~

[§j Female I

f-- - ----- - - - - --- ---- - - -- ,- .........ffice of the CantonmentBoard Jammu Cantt.

2. Age Re lJLUt n(1) er age limIt is relaxa ole oy 05 years tor SC&ST. 03 years for OBC and · lO years lor

yscall)' ancncapoeo cand idates. (Ii ) Age relaxation lor persons will be governed as per thers ;ssueo by the Government trom time to time .

3. Gove . em stoves to have a workforce which reflects gend er balance and women candidatesa e raged to ap4. Last oate for rece;pl of applicat ion is 20.02.2012. In case of cand idates from Assam . Meghalaya .;. eIla l Prades h. Mlzo<am. Man ipur . Nagaland. Tripura . Slkkim . J&.K. Lahau l &. SPltl Dis t: andPang. Sub-DIvision "Of Chamba Distt of Himachal Pradesh , And aman &. Nicobar Islands orLakshaoweep. the last dale for receipt of application is 27 .02.2012.5. candidates will have to appear in wnnen test and intervie w for whIch date and lime Willbe . • 'ed to the candida tes. No TAIDA will be paid .e_The applica tion should be In the prescribed proforma given below and sent in an envelope5UPE!rscribed as "APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF La bo ra tory Assistant"

Sharmlsthe Ma lt rsPROFORMA FOR APPLICATIO N Chief Executive OHlcer

Jammu Can ttApplicatiOn tor the pos t of1 arne In full (,n bloc k lette rs)2. Falher's/Husband's Nam "l3 Perman .~n l Address~ . Present Posta l Add ress

5. Date of 8 inh

6. Age as on 20.02 .2012

7. N" tional ity

8. Sex


ese r


Sepa rate sheet m'ay also be attachedDeclarat ionI hereby declare that all part iculars given In Ih e appl icati on are tru e. complete and corr ect 10 Ihbest 01 my kno wlodge and beli ef. In lh e eve nI of any inlormaticn found raise or ill 0 11 ct orinelig,hilily bein g de tected befor e or anerthe lest and inte rview. my candldature Will stand c Jl1celland my claims for tho recru rtrn nt torteitedPlace'Da teNor eu:Enc los ures :- 1.Two passport si ze photoqraph s du ly attes ted by a Ga zett d Oll ic

a tuxoo on the lorm and oth er enclosed wi th Ih e appli ,l liol1) 2 . All' tcda le 01DIIlh 3. Att est ed photocopins of all marl-.s :,h et a d de rt' .texc eption ..1achtcvomants 5. Two s If addressed el1\'l'lop ~ ~ llh

Name o f th e o rgan ization Period of Service Post held

Atta ch photoco pies duly attes ted by a Gazetted Officer In case of private l"Istitution. it IS to beme ntioned whe the r the course is recogn ized/alt ilfated by Government.12. Experience

r Cl lI s s! % o f Subjects

g Dlv/slon/ mar ks taken

G rad e

--- --

Year ~

p " s inUniversity!CollegelSch ool

9 Marital Status

r;;:;:-;--+--- - L-

Page 45: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45

Annexur 'I'



._- ]

Paste here you~recent passpor tsize photographduly allested byGazelled o tucer

Signature o' Hoad of Olhe"Witholhce sealANNEXURE 'II'

------ )

I~__-(For Ofllc e Use only)

Nolo . To bo 1II1ed In by Ihe candldalos In BLOCK leitersNome 01tho c ndld 10 : _

Falher 's Nomo _Dolo 01 OIrth _Educntlonal Qualil ication _Prolosslonal Quolllico tion _Pr sont Postal Addross : '---_Viliagel Mohall a . Post DUlceTehsll . Pollee Station _Dlstt . State _

Pin Codo No, .Whether belongs to Gen.lSClST/OBClEx-Serv lceman Category (Pleaso speclly)

Centre 01 Recruitment _Date and time of recruItment _Date or Issue _



Roll No,

III Corlllled also thai Shrl villi bo released In Close 01his solec1l0n fortnu post of In Indo-Tioetan Border Police Force

Place.Daled :


2.3.4 .5 .6.


1.2.3 .

Signature 01 Issuing authorilywith soal

(Note : Cand idate when called for written lest, sha!' bring own ball pen/pencil , clip board elc )

(To be filled by ITBP)

This is to cert ify that Shri/ShrimatUKumar i' son/da ughter of_ of village/town ' In Distr icl/Divislon • of the State!

Union Territory' belongs to the CastefTribes whic h isrecog nised as a Scheduled Castes/Schedul ed Tribes' under :-

(Signature of Candidate )Full Nome :



A cand idate who clalms to belong to one of the Scheduled Cast es or the Sch edule d Tribes shouldsubmit In suppo rt or his claim an attested/certified copy of a cert ificate In the to~ given belo~ ,

from the Sub-D ivisiona l Ollicer or any other ollicer as indlcaled be low of Ihe Distr lct In which his.parents (or surviving parent) ordinar ily res ide who' has been des ignated by the State Governmentconcemed as competent to Issue such a cert if icate, If both his parents are dead, the ollicersigning the cert ltlcate should be of the district In which the candidate himself ordinarily residesotherwise than for the purpo se ot his own education. Wherever photograph Is an integral part ofIhe cert ificate , the Commiss ion would accept only attested photocopies of such cert ificates andnot any other attested or true copy.

The form of the certif icate to be produced by Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tr ibes candidatesapplying for appointment to posts unde r Government of India .

The Const itution (Scheduled Castes) orde r. 1950 , the Consti tution(SCheduled Tribes) order , 1950 .the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) UnionTerritor ies order , 1951 ' the Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Union Te rri tori es Order, 1951' _

(As amended by lhe Schedul ed Castes and Scheduled Tr ibes (Modificati on) Order, 1956 . theBombay Reorgan ization Act , 1960, the Punjab Reo rgan izat ion Act , 1966, the Sta te ofHimach al Pradesh Act , 1970, the North Eastern Area s Re0'9anization Act, 197 1 and theScheduled Cast es and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 1976)The Con stitu tion (Jammu & Kashmir) Sch eduled Castes Order, 1956 .The Const itu tion (And aman & Nicobar Islands) Scheduled Tr ibes Order. 1959 as amended bythe Sche duled Cas tes and Scheduled Tri bes order (Amendment Act ), 1976· .The Constitution (Dadra and Nagar Have li) Scheduled Castes Order 1962 .The Con slit ution (Dad ra and Nagar Hav ell) Scheduled Tr ibes Order 1962 @ .

The Constitotion (Pondicherry) Scheduled Castes Order 1964 @ .

The Constitution (Uttar Pradesh) Scheduled Tribes Order 1967 @ .

The Constitution (Goa , Dari an & Diu) Scheduled Castes Order 1966 e .The Constitu tion (Goa, Daman & Diu) Scheduled Tribes Order 1966 @ .

The Con stitution (Nagaland) Scheduled Tribes Ord er 1970 @ .

The Con stitution (Sikkim) Scheduled Ca stes Order 1978 @

The Constitution (Sikkim) Scheduled Tr ibes Order 1976 @ .

The Constitution (Jammu & Kashmir) Scheduled Tribes Order 1969 @ ,

The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Orders (Amendment) Act, 1990 @

The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Orders (Amendment) Ordinance, 199.1 @ .

The Constitution (Scheduled Tr ibes) Orders (Second Amendment) Act , 199 1 @

The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Orders (Amendment) Ordinance, 1996

2. Applicable In the case 01 S.cheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes persons who have mlgr teoIrom one StatelUnlon Territory Administration. This certif icate is issued on the basis of the ScheduledCastesl Scheduled Tribes certifica te issued to Shri/Shrimati Father/Motherof Shrll Shr lmatt/Kurnar!' 01 village/town' In Oist nct 'Division' of the StatelUnion Terntory ' who belongs to the _ _ _

Caste!Tribe which Is recognised as a Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe 10 the Stat e/UOIon Ternt ryiss ued by the dat ed . _

3. Shn/Shrlmati/Kumari and lor ' hislher family ordinarily residets) In village/town' _

-- 01 DistricVDivislon ' of the Sla te /Unlon Tc rnt , "

Box tor Signatures1of the candidate

(For O"Ice Use only)

Paste here yourrecent passportsIze photographduly attested by

Gazetted .Oltlce r

Space tor Central RecruitmentFee Stamp

Unexpanded CmsExpanded Cms

iv)v) _



It r the prescribed 30 days wllhou l relevant documonts will not nc onterfalnUll ITUPwHinot be' responsible tor any kind 01postal delay ete.The decision of the Re·Medlcal Board of ITBP shall be final and no second appeal will beentertained liS per Gevt . Instruc ttons and also no reply 01 the correspondence/secondappeal will be given/ontertalned.

f 5. All eligible candidates will be dUly Inform d about tho dale and venue 01 the rocrul tment teststhrough admit card. Candidates should come duly prepared lor 6.7 or moro days tay underIhelr own arrangements at tho Recruitment Centre. The Governmont sh II nol b rcspon Iblclor damagollnJury if any, to the Individual suslaln ed during the Phynlenl Efficiency Tust .No TAIDA will be admlnlble. Incom plete app llca llon. will be sum m rlly relected andno Correapondence on thl. will b entertelned, No app ltc"lI on alter the le.t dato ft.mentioned above will be accepted.

Date of blrth _Profess ional qualification _

Category (GeneraVSClST/OBCIEx.Servlcemen) _al10nality & Religion --=-_

State of which candidate Is ordinarily a resldenl L ...-J

Do j't>u claim age relaxation (YesINo) _

Permanent Home Address:VlllagalMohalla _Post Office _Tehsll _District _State _Pin Code No. _

Telephone No:-STD Code _Present Postal Address (If any):Vll1age!Mohal1a _Post Office _Tehsll _

District _State _Pin Code No. _

Te lephon e No:- STD Cod e _Physica l SlBndards :-He~Ht CmsWeight Kg.Do you wear Spectacles? (Yes /No ) _Particulars of present emp loym entif any, with post serv ice number/name ot Deptt. etc.

1. Name I State: _

2. O. & Date 01 IP emand Oralt & Value (In Rs.) _3. ame _

(as recorded In the Matriculation certillcate)4. Falher' ame _

5. Ed tlonal IltIcation(Wlth Subject)



t5 .

16. List 0' enclosures:­I)ii)


The candida tes are requested to gOthrough Ihe recrultmnnt nollli cation and confirm lholreligibility In 811 respects before submlttln an applicat ion.For Iroquent updates relal ed to r rultm nt In ITBP, pie se vlsll www ,ltbpollco,nlc,lnand _w.llbp,gov.ln


(oro be tllled In block I tlore)Roll No,

DIG (Estnbllshmont)Ole. Gon, ITBP

NOTE: (Candidate sho uld apply on ly if he fulfills all the phys ical standards ment ioned in theadvertisement to avoid any disappointment at later stage)

DECL ARATIO NI do hereby decl are that all statements made In this application are true, complete and correct tothe best ot my knowledge and belief. In the event of any information being found false or incorrector Ineligibility being det ected at any stage 01 the recruitment process , my candidature will standcancelled and all my ctairns of the recruitment will stand forfeited . I also under stand thai if at anystage J am found by the Recruitment Board to have used unfa ir mean s in the wr itten exam ination/test or ha ve violated any of the Rulesl Regulali ons gov erning the cond uct of selection process, mycandidature can be cancelled or be declared to have failed by the Recr uitment Board at its salediscretion,Place _

Dated (Signature of the candida te)Full Name:

Declaration/undertaking· tor aBC Can d idates on lyI, son/daughter of Shr i resident

of village/town/city dis trict State_____ hereby dec lar e tha t I belong to th e . _

community wh ich Is recognised as a backward class by the Government of India lor the purposeof reservation In servlces as per orders conta ined In Department of Personnel and Traini ng OlliceMemorandum No.360 12122193- Estt . (SCn, dated 6/9/1993, It Is also declared that I do not be long

10 p6l'sons/soetlons (Cr eamy Layer) mentioned In Column 3 of the Schedule 10the above referredOffice Memorandum, da ted 8/9/1993 , which Is modified vide Dep artment of Person nel and Traini ng

Off leo Memorendt . No .3603313/2004 Estt .(Re s.) dated 9/3 /2004 and da ted 14/10/2006.

Signature of the Cand idat ePlace: _


Candidates 'already In Government So rvlce mu st submi l Ihe lr applic ation through proper cha nnel

WIth the fo llowIng certif icates du ly ~Igned by Ihelr emplo yer agreo lng to release them, In case

flnally eilleted for th ' po t of _ In Indo·Tlbotan Bard r Police Force .

Signalur•• De Ignatl n

(WIth • . II f oll lc,,'Sta le/Union Terril oryPlaceDate

, Please del te thu words whl n t ,Ippll .Ihl

Picas quat po . Pre Id"l1l1,11 Old rDu ll ttl the naph whi ch IS not PI lie lIll'

hold a p rmanent/tumporary post undor

ubrniliod hi lIpp l/ca li orl 10 thl [) partm nt/ O'It cu on

Certifi ed Ihat Shrl

Cenlral/S tat Gov i

Cort.t/ud also thot h h

Page 46: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45
Page 47: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45

, t

32 years

35 years

38 years

36 years

36 years

36 years

COlltrnuod on p Igc 5 I

Minimum 01 year work ingexpenence In Govl.lPSUslPrivate Orqanlzauon in theline.

t ) Mintmum 05 years work ­ing experience 10the lin ealler obta ining Forman'sCert ilic ate lo r 12th passcandidate s. 2) Minimum 02yea rs wo rking experiencein the line atte r obtainingForeman 's Certrticate lorDiploma holders.

Minimum 02 years work ingexperience in Marketingline aller obtaining RegularMBA (Marketing) Degree.

Minimu m 02 years workingexperience In MaterialsMana gement atter obtainingDegree in Engine ering

Qualified CA OR ICWA.Preference may be giv en toexperience d cand idat es .

M immom 02 years work ingexperience in chemicalcontrol laborato ry pre fe r.ably In ce ment industriesalle r obtaining M.Sc. withChemistry Degree.

MInimum 02 year s worKing 38 yearsexperience in the lino afterobtaining Degr ee in MiningEngineering.

Ma .lm u mAge IIml'• • on0' ·03-20'2

Minimum 05 yoars wortung 42 yearslIpOrlllnce In GOY' IPSUal

Pnvete O rg .10lLatlQt1 In thelin n .1I10r obtHmlng OogrceIn Mining lnep.ringrnoee who n ro working InGovl.lPSUs, out 01 05 YB3rsworking expe rience. tV/oVeltr s oxperience Is essen ­11011 In the ne xt belowscale 16400·40500/8600·250- 14600 (2007/1997 paysc ale s) .

• II I t' t'n tied ' I the (le r 11l~11o' d ,l I


1) Graduate from a recogni­zed umv ersity. 2) The candi­dates will be given one dicta ­tion test in English at 80 w.p mfor 10 minutes. The candida­tes \\1111 be requrrec 10 trans ­cribe the matter In 50 minuteson computer 3) ComputerCertificate from a recognizedInstitute.Desirab le: (1) Diploma InOltrce Management & Sec ­retarial practice lrom any recognized InstJlute (2) Know ­ledge of Word Processing wilhMS -Word 97·2000IXP Spreadsheet With MS- Excel 97 ·2000/XP , PresentationGrapmc s With MS -PowerPomt, Pno toshop-B 0 verCorel Draw 10.0 ver.. PageMaker. E-mail & Internet

1) (i) 12th Pass (i~ Shouldpos sess Mines F.orcman'sServ ice certificate underMMR Act, 1961. OR2) Diploma in Mining & MineSurveying with Foreman'sServ ice Certificate und erMM R 1961.

Degree in Eng inee ring froma recogn ized UniversitylInstitute ot repute.Prelerence may be given tothe candica tes having PostGradua te Diploma in Mater­ials Management disc iptme.

Regular MBA (Marketing)from a recoqnized UniversitylInstitute 01 repute.Prelerence may be given tothe candidates having Deg­ree in Mining Engineering .


QualifiCAti on.

01 roo In M ining F:nglne cfIny/AM IE wUh aeccoo ClaM'MUll ) Manager 's C rtlhcatfl01 Comp hm cy (no tr icl od )under MMR 1061

0'(UR )






MANGU SINGtl RAJVI MARG. PAOTA, JODHPUR (RAJ.)T I phon no. 0291·2644 J92t.15445 2JI2 544707. F811 no. 0291 .2 544 523

E· rn II: logrnll, W . 111l:www.lagmll.nlc .lnINVIT I!

t 10 1 Ita vunous ·m ln " !1 c tnc

Mlnlno Fnglll IH(Pay ac uten s 20600·46500) IE·21

Accounts Officer Grade-II(Pay ScaleRs. 16400·40500) IE· ')

Asstt . Male rials Officer(Pay ScaleRs. 16400-40500) [E-1J

Jr. Stenoprapher(Pay ScaleRs 9550-2 1300) (W-6)


02 Asstl . Mining Engineer 02 Degree In M,,,,ngEngglAMIE(Pay SCale (0100C wi th Se co nd Clas s MineRs.164oo-40500) IE·' ) & 01 U~ Manager' s Ce rti fica te of

Competency (Restricted)under MMR 1961

03 Sr. Chemist Grade-I 01 M .Sc . in Chemistry tram(Pay Scale 16400-40500) (UR) a recogn ized University.[E-l ]



06 Sales Otlicer 01(Pay Scale (Reser -Rs. 16400-4 0500) (E-') ved

for OBC)

07 Qua rry Foreman 03(Pay Sca le • (010BCRs 11600-26250) [W-9J & 02 UR)


MaXim um age Relaxati o n : MaXimum age relaxabte 05 years lor SCIST candida tes and 03 yea rs or OBC candidate sGeneral Cond :ti ons :· 1. For the post of S No . 01 1007 the candidates wno are v,;orklnS In Pnvate OrganizationsIndustnal Estab l snmeru. tn e annual turnover 01 he orga niza tion sho uld be rmrurnurn 01 Rs -10 crores (Prcot to ballached)2. Depend ing upon Ih' num ber 01 applications re eived. the e ccuon cruena ma y co mpnse ot wn I n to t an j 01III ervrew All the aopllcauon: received within due dal e In re ponse 10 thls advertisn ment sh II be con. ler l orsho rl- II5""9 by a Sere nln9 Comrruttae and on tv candrdates rer ornrnendod by Ihe ere I1Ing Cfo r tes: andl orl tmvlew rhe dt "IS on ot I r an Q nl on ho~ " I' 9 Will I ll al dn d no C

r"'spe.1 . ' I DC An1flrt trnt:d ~ . r l m t r of n ""I t ~ary • trl ••gf'lll " t; (l IeII I' en" • a r( Iflc' Ih>' n I

[3es,de 5 Ba s l~ Salary, DA HH A PF GratUity elr c. f) ,


App llca l lo ns s t10uld reach th e offic e 01 Genera l Mana " r on the ab ove add .. 55 In th e glv n

10,0 3.20 12. Apphcatl on s receiv ed after due dale Will nOi be con . Idmed Therefore. c:lnll idateIIm ely 5ub-mlS5lun of application s

f) C c; f) (i IeI I jJt. rutf~ • rr '1ri .,

Conlin llod on pogo 5:1

. .,


, n ' Ilegr'EnQlnA p.f

'" G'Il lcal' 5 JOf'

• r 9 I I I I l P P ( lo;;l a' Q-~600~ 2 1 rl,')'~ Itn " r" rJ ~1

o~ ed I ,",01. I Ur rJer lor R. 10/-{able a l I rnan tJag H POSI Oltlce.,GIST ar (J ) C drc r.yenlpled from IhlorSClI lJC .. .. "App lic a tio n fo r SRFco!)le It 1 11tion to the typ ew li llen

f II le Appllt ltlon by o·m nll to e-mail lD"no logrn ph

M~lriculationll 0 ..2 wi th D Iploma In

Rs 1 0 . ()OOI ~ Anima l tiusba ndry or J OC in AnimalHusbandry and vetenn ary SCiencesan d th e Ca nd id a t e shou ld h avewdUn gn c ss to work In Malnad reg iono f Karna taka ,

ElectroniC?s and Radar DevelopmentEstablishment

Dr. K.P.RameshaPrincipal Invest ig ator

KLD A Pro jec tSRS , NDR I, Bangalo re.

EN 45/93

40 years as on the dale ot interv iew (Relaxable In case 01SCIS1: c.andfOales as per norms )2. M.! mum age l im it IS 45 years in case of Women ca ne.oates .PIKe ot P05tlng: Soulttem Campus 01N.D.A.!. Adugodi . 8angalore-560030 .Ourot lon : Up to 2014Term. " Conditions1. Above posmon IS purely lemporary. lim e bound and co - terrmnus with Ihe~ eme Of' earner depend ing on the performance .2. The a ntment wiUbe term inat ed either with the termination of the sch em eor even bt>lore al the discrelion 01 Ihe Compelent Autnonty,3 The Insl nule or ICAR WIll have no liabilrly. whals oev er, lor Ihe personsrocNlt ed under Ihe Scheme.4 The Competent Authonty reserves the nght to hll up or not to li ll up vaca ncyas notified in tne above aevernsernent,5. The initial otter wIll be lor a per iod of on e year at Ihe l irst Instan ceextendable upto me end of the project subject to salis facto ry performance.6. No objectIOn cert ifica te from the employer is prelerred if already in theserv ice elsewhe re.7. No TAIDA will be paid 10 atten d the mterview .B. Canvassing/political pressure in any form will render the cand idatedrsqualdled tor the pos ition .9. The decision 01 the Director , NOm , Kam al will be l inal and binding in allrespects .

C.V. Aaman Nagar. BangaJore-93LADE: Advt. No.0112012

Electronics and Radar Develcprnent Establishment (LRUE) IS on e of the R&DEstablrshments s7l up under the Defence R&D organizallon to address theservices needs in the field 0 1 Ra da r. Elec l ro n ic Systems and rela te dTechno log Ies.We Invlle pro so ecnve candiates to vi s rt o ur we bsite a t._.d rdo .org

LRDEmvites applica tions from the cand idal es lulllll ing the follOWing conditionsfor Ihe appolOlment to Ihe post of Research Fellows for a pe nod of tw o ye arsas per the dela ils given below.I, Name 01 the Po st . SENIOR RES EARCH FELLOW (P)No. 01 Posts ' THR EEOuollli eatl on:

went/af ' MEJEquivalenl with t l/ q :lrv'Slon at both Graduale & Post Graduatelevel Engg

Dn /rable : 1. to 2 years experience In research or desiqn & development inthe area of Sig nal Processin!}/M lcrowavesfAnt ennas/Power Electrorucs.Subject EJecl ronlc sfECElETEAge IImll : 32 Yea rs (relaxable by OSyrs for SC fST an d a yrs for OBCca ldates)

StJeipend : Rs. 18.000/-p m . w,th 1' 'lA s Medical racumes acrmssro.o as oerru s

Contingent Grant : An amount o' "5 15 000/· per annum IVIIIoe provioed asa Contingent gran t to each SnF tp )DAfCCAIBonus/LTC/& Rell/e m' " BenentsrNot Adrmss uneII. Name of the Post : 'UNIOn il['F;EAnCH' FEI LO WNo, of POSIS TWOEs&enlJal 'on BE / r r

I £:lcctroniCj l: C f:: /Com11111' 2E ( ar" I r I ~au:e IJ

:1(1 r c.' .000 I l,t

'ura t " mOJrM' ·",g I fi. H h J

" .r l-Jf TC lr'rI . III r I Pr ' I.9~24 , c.. II am Jr, I





,.. . . .:~

. ,'.-'. , .

Page 48: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45

Vlllag e/Mohalla/House No. _ ,- _Post Office Teh _

Police Station Dostt. _State Pin cod e _


2 .

Aflix photograph(Not more than03 monlhs Old)dUly attested byGazetted Officer

'aim ,nc lud ing educauonat

11) :-

Admit Card lor Written Te aVlntervlew(To bo tilled by Ihe candidate on a sep arate sheet In double space)

.-------,Index No.

Name 01 1'051 applied for

Cal egory : OBC/S T/SCI G E fPH/Ex-ServlcemenFull name 01 the candida te (,n bloc k letters)Father'slH usband 's Name (In block letters]

Fu ll address. House No Street V \ITeh - I

----- ---- OlslnCl _ St te Pm CodI undertake that t WIll produc \I d - __

e a ocumen! st ,mOOials (In ong nal) regardlllgca legory. quail flCallOn. elc at the lome of I Vln erv'ew fa lhng \ len 1 I 0unde rtake the tes t and ,nlerVlewDate : _


--< I ~ to bring wrillen rnatsriallike PenIPenc[VCtrpIkliiilIdatu are, ....u r...

- . I th all onnlnal educalioi\al/.EiiCall a a IOKliteport on the date olwntten lest a ong ~

Calle certtildtes etc . doc rnenlS II to be forwarded by regisleredApplication stong wilh above supporUng ulIle following address .·

Tha CommandantNortham Command Vehicle DepotPIN·1I08OlIS

ClO 541 "'PO erl sealed In an envalope to the addres14 . Candldales will forward applocatirn ~ropghyOfdlnarylRegislered Posl. Candidates are

mentlOf1ed sgslnsl tile post applied"~ ~~atlon for the post 01 ;requested to superscribe the words pp at Ihe envelope wh~e sending the applicatloriand the Category of ~he ~ndldate on:~ t~~ach posl. Applocation 'wlll be rejected nlorm . Separate aPP"ca~ ~~~~~~S:'II be acceptee by posl only . No application wlllbesuperscnbed ::n':v~;~if,ce gate . One envelope should contain one applocatlOnonly .accepted by I sts vacant is tenlative . The recru itment process can be cancellelU

15. ~~:p::~~~::"':ted by Ihe Commandanl. NCVD Wllllout ass igning any reason:.,st anya e The-decision 01Commandanl NCVD Is final and no appeal. wlll be enl~aln . . .

~~:aitempI bv any eanencate to inlluence the setecncn process WIll resqtt ln dlsqualn,cstlOfl16. of Ihe candidate from laking any further part In the selecllon process . (Rahul Kumar)

Col.. Commandanl


Comma ndentNorthern Command, Vahlela DepoPI/'l -eoeoes .C/O 511 -APO1. Category: OBC/ST/SC/GEN/PH/Ex-Servicemen: . _2. Name of the Post applied lor : _3 . Full name of applicant (In block letters)4 . Falhe r'slH usband 's Full name _ :- _5. Date of Birth (In Christian Era) _6. Educat ional quali lication _7. Present occupat ion8, Present Postal Address:

9. Permanenl Address: _10 . Nationality:11. In case 01 Ex-Serviceman .• _

(a) Date of jOining serv ice _(b) Date of leav ing service(c) Total colour service _

12. F.mploymenl Exchange/Zila Sain ik Board Regn No . _(Attach attested comes 01 "II certificates in support o f you'qualilrcalion cernncatej, _

13. Detans 01 orotess.onat Expenence (if any) _14. Delails 01 enclosures (relevant encl strictly as per adveruserm

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)15. TOlal No . of enclosures


I2J .4


al Boa rd wll h mini mum

decision 01appointing au horily regard ing seleclion/reJection will be tinal.ond/l101l1:· All appo lnlmenJS ar&inltially on temporary basis subj eclto indiv idual.tWo years probalion subject to salislactory performance.

lldates lU~lIl1ng the required terms and condilrons may forward app llcal ion bylb the lof1ow!ng Documenta/CertiflCales:_

~ of under?1ml iOned documents will be forwarded dUly attested by a Gazelled


to 2 :Vealll r " upper age limit fs relaxable10r SCIST upto 5 yearsen 10 Pliya'l;lIlI>' l:Iandlcap~ upfo 10 yeers).

be ae ennlnad es uniter. -(patlod 01service rendered In Anned Forces plus lhree years grace) not

25 YIlI.candidates who apply against general posts will not be given any age and olher

Ion meant lor OBC .

Id 01be more than the maximum and less than the minimum prescr ibed age on th'e01receipt 01!tie application .

age over and above the age relaxaUon is admissible to those canerdates wholci!ed in Jammu and Kashmir between 01 Jan 1980 1031 Dec 89. Photocop y of

certificate duly al1ested mUSIbe enclosed wherever applicable.menl Servant - Upto 35 years as per orderlinstruc1ion Issued by Ihe Central Govt.

cruCial date for reckoning ege limit shall be the 'a.t dste 01receipt of 01 SUbmiss ion at application Is 22 days from the dale of pub licallo~ of this


andanl. NCVD will nol be respons ible for any postal delay or any injury which mayduring the phYSICal lesl/endurance rest !nd any other inJUry. which may OCcur during

P(PC8Ss of testing/selection.

Aj:JpIlcatlonreceIVed alter tile the clos ing date will not be entertained under any circumstances.i:labllity of Servlce:- PresenUy NCVD located at Udhampur (J&K) and Its dEtach rnen t at

nnagar. Rajouri. Akhnoor. Pathankot and Leh. However ; the posts have all India service'il!l!ilrly including field as per ·Civilian Defence tield serv ice liability Rules 1957.G~ e. lime and place 01 TesVinlerview: will be Intlmatad to the eligible candldetes .If) No TAIDA WIllbe admissible 10tile candidate lor appearing In the lesllint ervlew. Dura tion

01the test can be 02 1003 days or more . Candidate will make Ihelr own arrangement lorl<X4l ingIBoarding during lhe wrlnenlpraclicaVinterv,ew test.The selecllOn will be mane slriclly on Ihe bas is of ment. All cand idates on Ihe selectpanel will be oltered an appoIntment SUbject to Medical Examinalion. scrunnv of produc eddocuments and olher salisfactory requirements before aclual appoinlment. The reservepanel will be operated slriclly as per menl only and In case. if a candidate lrom thelleJe'ct panel refusbs appointment or IS'disqualified. The reserve panel will not be

ive to any subsequent requirement i.e. addl vacancies in Ihe same year or next

Page 49: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45
Page 50: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45





5) Ir(8\'I

6) 1s

7) E8) E


DU RWIlSca loPay BarRs .52OPlus GrcRs.1S00


AGE UIaBC calNOTE :1) Tf

i.e2) n

a(3) Tl4 )

EN 4 124

Countcrs~(Emp loyer w,th Seal)

An n e :Jture"" 1

Emp loyer with SealEN 45 /40

Annual Tumover atthe Industrial estab.Iishm ent (Pool

10 be attaChed)

Salary/PaySca le

.. nee ovar and above prOSCri~ In

d (III) work tUcporto hoor it rhe space 18InsuUicmnt) .

ce~ifica~eslteStimon ia ls in original a l Ihe limeof 101erv,ew Ihose havlOg qualitiod UGC/CSI R/NETIGATE examinalion s ha ll be p re lerred .II may please be noted lhal o lter 01Fe llowshipdoes not Confe r on Fellows an righ t t rabso rp tion in DRDO.

dnvp 1030 1/ 11/07481111 2

PeriOdFrom to

Org anization(FUll name &


) " ol8, " lnnll 'r Inlng an Enclo." a loporale I C) IAb sorPllon/A o'employmentfl


,lIllt;/lhO" ·C(I" \ rlAdv"rll ",nnnil (NOI". lor d"pul loon (1STI for '"AbsorptJon'" C and idatesIII" Vuc II1cy rc" you ri m npplylng 0 only ollglb 6 I )15. PIn IJ - . 10 wh (Che'nlr aVSlillO Ooyo rnm nl~ n ~o, S hOf1 1arm Contrae .

(Oltl ce (. unrlor 0 tJlIgUJIf1 on yu,n~:; .oov~rnmon l O'O,H,I"a llo,," .ro 0 . rd 10 (I) Aesearch pUbllCa!i"".0, _ \\o'hfl'lhur bnlongs 10 SCiS r I o-cate Intc rmn tlcn WIth,' , ~ App rec iation ( III) A'flllatio n wtthu . cJ idnlo5 mo y n I ship/O f re iJ17. n em.uks (Tho C,," I cis (II) Aw ard6lScho r othor InlormaUon .:'Ind m potfa and spftclnl pro 0 nll/ aocl ellos mJ ( Iv) ony

;110 pro,,,..lonal bod'Osllnl l ll~"ol II th e spa c u I. In. " II,clont) nl And I am woll awaro Ihat tho(NOl O: Iinc lo au .. l " p" ..IO 511 ~~" vacanc y cl rculmlndvu rtl.~m~o will also be assesSed by thoI hnvu colrofully {}one fhroug (I od by docum ent s subm itted y

Curriculum vrmo duly supr~1 0 01setecucn for Iho post. Signalur" 01 the Candid. loSolcclion Commilloe al II,e m Addr e ss _


Dated the

No Malo rlMlnor Penally Cert ifi cate

f Sh . a regUlar who is beingThe records 01 serv ice a " in the Department 01AgricukureconSidered for appointmenllo the post at · d th t noand Cooporation on deputali on basis, have been carefUlly scrutin ized and It IS cern e amajor /mino r penally has been imposed on him lor the last 10 years.

D.O. nO ·.. · ·.. ·.. · Name at Bank Amo unt ('):~;':::.:.oc" " /hOI 'h. d,.I.gI", ",,,,, '" ,"" "d00"00' ,,;;;..~; ""<>wi""

(Nam e and Signature of the applican t)

E N45/ 43

Co nl/

n u od

fro m p ago 51 bl t JODH PUR inThe applica tion should contain a crossed Demand Draft 01 As. 1001. paya 0 a .favour 01"FCI AAAVALI GYPSUM AND MINEAA LS INDIA LIMITED: along with attested c~p'esat all the certl'icales. lest imonials and experience . For S C/ST cand idates Dema~d Dra~1 IS notrequi red . Cand idales employ ed in Cer:! trallState Govl./PSUs shOUld lO.ute their app llca l lonsthrough proper chan nel.

Outstalion cand idates called for inle rvlew S.No. 01 to 06 shall be pa id single AC, ' " and S.No .07& OB singl e sleeper class 10 & fro lare by sho rtes t route agalnsl pre senlati on of proo f of Irave L


Mln lralna_1I COmp an yMangu SIngh Ra/vI Marg, PaOla , :Jod hpur (Raj)

Website : w ww. lagm l c.lnApp llca l/n form for the

POSI OI ..1 Name of the applican l (In fUll)

2. Fathe r's Nam e · 3. Mother's Name ..4._ Date of Birth · · · 5. Age as on 01-03 .20 12 ..6. Whelher SC /ST/OBC .7. Addre ss tor communication .B. Telephone/M obife No _ .

Fax No e-mail address it any ..9. Qualifications :

S. Designa lionNo. and Place

of POsling

10.· Expenence

S.No. Quali ficat ionName 01 Year of Div is ion Percentage

R em arksUniversity/ pass ing

01 marksBoard/Inslitu tion


Continued f rom page 50

414 0 06 (M S) along with the applicat ion(Ca ndidates belon ging to SC/ST and OBC .

exemp le d from this paymenl) . Candidat=~working In GOVVPUbllc Sec lOr UndertakingSIAuton om ou s BOdlo s ShOUld apply th ro ughpr Oper Cha nne l.Canc;1 ld ale s wili b

e r eqU Ir e d 10 prOdUce

Qu all"catlon/Exper/ence Possessedby th e oHlcer(3)

Anno xuro II . Name 01 th o po st ; Assisl anl CommIss ioner (Quali ty ContrOl & Cerlllicallon/Se edsDevelopmenl)

2. Number 0' pasts : 2 IT",,) .

3. Classi l lca llon 01poat : General ConUai Service Group' A' Gatlllled Non .mln/Slerlal4. Pay Seale: AS.3000-1OQ-3500-125-4SOO Irevlsed to As. l por 5~ CPCj &('urther ""'ISOd 10P8 :3 (As.156OQ..39I oo)+GP AS.66oo/. as per 6'" CPC) .5. Age l ImIt: Themaximum age-llmil lor appainrmenr by depulalion (ISTC)shall be nor exceOdong56 years as on tne C/os/ng date of receipt 01appllcallons.

5. EligIb il ity Cond illons lor apPointment on doputallon basIs (Inc lUd ing shar I


): OtIrcers 01 the CenrraVState Govemmentsl Public Sector Underta ~lngsl AutonomousBod ies! Agneullural Universltiest RecogniSed Aesearch Instil ullons or Counc/ls possessing theloIJcwing service, educallonal qualilicallons and e"l>!' rience are eligIble:.Service r- (a) (I) holding analagou" poSls on regular basis In the parent codre/Departmenl; or(II) WIth 5 Years' regular service In pOsts in tho pay sca le of As.22oo-4000 (revisod to Rs.80oo.13500 as Per 5 CPC) & (further revisOd to P8 :3 (Rs. I 56 00'39 100)+GP AS.54001. as Per 6~CPC) or equivalent, or (I II) With 8 years regUlar service in the scale 01As 2000-3500 (revised toRS·6500-I OSOO as per 5th CPCj & (Iurther reviSed to P8 :2 (As.93oo'34800)+GP Rs 46001. asPe: 6'" CPC) Or cq uiv,,'ent •

7. Educa tional Quantlcallons and Exporlenco:. (I) Masler' S degree In Seod Technology orMasler's degree in Agriculluret Ag riCUltural BOlanyl Botanyl Agron omyl Plant 8

reeding and

Genelics wrth specializalion in Seed TechnOlogy IrOITJ a recognized University or eqUivalent. (II)5 years' eXPerience in Ihe field 01 Seed Produ ction/S eed Mar~ellngl Seed Certillcallon/SeedToslin g! Seed Qual ity Conrrol. •.

Note I ; On ly Officers Irom CenlraV Stale Govemm onrs are eligible lor being considered forapPointment On abso rption basis.



2: The Departmental o/lice;' /n the teeoer ca tegory Who are in the direct line 01promotionShall nOI be elig ible lor cons ide rat ion 'or appointmenl on Depulation. SImilarly depUla tlonls t shallnot be eligible lor COnsideralion lor apPOintmenr by promol ion.8. Place or po sting: New Delhi

9. Period or depulatlon: Period of deputa llon (ISTC) inc/udlng period at depula tion (ISTC) In

another ex-eadre pOst held immediately preCeding this appointment in Ihe same or some otherorganlZOtionlDepartmenr 01 the Cenrral Governmenr shall ordinarily nOI exceed 3 years .10. Duties and respons ibilities attached to the post; (1) Imp/emenlation and monitoring 01seedAct 1966, Seed RUles 1968 & Seed law Entorc ement in the country. (2) Specifi cal lon of theminimum labeling! ieedcertifieal lon Slandard. (3) Revision & updal ing 01 Ihe minimum seedcertification slandard and release of Inter,s la le important varieties. (4) Amendment 10the SeedsAct & Seed RUles. (5) Notifiea llon of varielies under Sect ion 5 of Ihe Seed Act , 1966. Tec hn ica lguidance to certifieallon Agencies, Co-ordinalion of Ihe functioning 01the certif icat ion Agenc iesand various Slale seed leSling laboratories. (6) Work relaled to New POlicy OnSeed Development;the main objective is 10 provide Ihe besl planling male rials to the Indian larmers to increaseprOductivity, larm income and export earnings.

ScmNnlzing the seed Export and Import proposals of publi c and privale seed sectors.

An nexure IICurriCUlum Vllae PrOformal. Name and Address (In BlOCk Lellersf :2. Date of Birth (in Chrislian era)

3. Dale 01 retiremenf under Cen traVSlate Government RUles4. Edueallonal Qualifications

5. Whelher Educa lional and olher qua/ificalions requ ired lor the POSI are sallsfied. (It anyqualiflcal ion has been treated as equivalen llo Ihe one prescribed in Ihe RUles, s la le the authoritylor Ihe Same)

QualifICation/E xper iencereqUired

EBSentlai (1) (2)Doslr ed (1) (2 )

B. Please state clearly Whether in Ihe light 01entries made by you above , you meelthe requiremenlof Ihe poSI " •

7. Details. 01 Emp loymenl, in chronOlogical order. Enc lose a separale sheel dUly aUlhenticaledby your signa lure, " the space below is Insulticient _.Ott/c e/ Po sl From To

SCale or PayNature ot

'nat/ l u t/on .held .and BaSic Pay

dUt/es (Ind et ail )

•. """. ,,' "" " " '''ploy"" ".•.Ad ""'" T.""""" " Q~".P.~"." " P"",,~,9. In c~se. th e pre.sent empl oyme nt Is held On deputation/conlracl basis. pl ease stale) ( ) Thdale 01 tntt,a l appotntmen l a . e

(b) Pellod of appolntmont On deputallon/contracl (e) Name of Ihe pa ren l olllce/ 0 , Iwhich you belong . rg an zat on 10

10. Additi onal dOla/ls aboul presen t Omp/oyme n/. Please stale whe lh ' ki .1

. I . er Wor ng unde r (IndicaIetlllJ nIJmlJ 0 your o~p oyor ag'lIn sl tho r%vant cOlumO) (a) Central Go vt . (b) Sla te Gov;"'tO~omous Org.W IS;Jflon (d) GOvornmem Undortak/ng (0) Universllios (t) Olhers I. (c )• lI ~ a slu to Vlhe /h er you aro wo rking in Ihe samu Deparrment and . h

) r I odlJr 10 IOlJdlJl g rado aro tn I I) leoder grado

'2 A, n YOu illl1!JVJ 'd $cullJ 01Pay 7 /1yo ,glvo Ihl) da lo trom whlcll 1110 r v. iI 0 rnd'Clllo thl, pr r VI IJd cnle 0 IS on look placo al ld


To' " li mo/urn Is /1''' monUJ noVl II'l WO


4A·f·' • ', rlu l in lo rrr Ilfm , II oy, wllf<./l Y/JtJ lVould /lko 10 trlOII /llm in •

llir I .upPOl! I)f Your SlJllaVllill' '0/11/8 , m oo ll OtllO ~ IIr/ll'l rtlllY ' UlJvill tJ ill 'o rm I/cm wl lh rell U I (/ .

f lJ ) dc}Ulliond ' lie (j rille






Page 51: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45

Two hours


General In,elkgonce (10'h Standard) Objec1ive type 25

Am, your Passportsize PhOloqraph nere notmore than 3 monthS old

duly sell !iignedl tn addl'lOn enclose

02 Passport size

Day Month Year Pholog<aphs duly stgnedNationalay by the candidat e)

Educal lonaVTechnicaVProfesslonal quahhcallOO. start from MatoculatlOO or equrvalentlAttested

copies should be enclosed}

Dated :

davp 10201",/24 6411112

to Nearest Railway SlatIOn \1 Whether photos not more than 3 months old enclosed duly self sognedby he cand e

12 LIst 01loll owmg documen ts attached (Attach docu ments as per tbe order,<OVflf a tile)I) Coote o! EducatlOOa echmcalJPr e IOnat quahllCallOl\S cen iCa'es d'Jly at s'ed by

a Gal ettcd Ott,cm .) T recent oassoor Size pho t rapns duty s I SIgn ov '(AI Ie,) N.D C trom the pre ent em OYCl. II employed n Government O'·PSUs IC

IV) CoPy 01 Cas e certifIca te duly al esled by a Galetted 0I1iCelv J Proal ot possasSlng DeSirable quahhcat s t any Attested cc es should be ed

VI) Bank Dr.tfVl PO .." h amoun t & Ban OratVlt>G Nc - --

f 3 Lell Thum Impress lOl1 of cand ldaIC·\

4 Numerical Aptitude (IO'h Standard) ObjeCtive type 253 Enghsh language (10th Standa rd) Oblectrve type 502 Genoral Awareness (lOtn Standard) Objec\IVe type 50

Name 01 BoardlUnlverslty Year cil SUbjectS 01 [)<vJ"ll, 01

Examination passing Exam,"atlQll Marks


9 Whelher belongs to SCiS TIOB Clex- selVlcemenlPHP category


51. Sublect Marka Duratio n ofNo. ellem\ na tl on




Noto: Grading 'Mil be done based on mark s obt ained In V.Jntten Tes t



Post apph~lor

Em ptoyment News Advertisement No &.Dat e

Name and addres s(In block let ers)

ame of FatherlHusbandPresent/Correspondence AddressDate of BIrth (In Chnstlan era)Ago on the last date of subml ssjon of applICatIOn

• General Awar ene ss (ObicetlvO Typo Mu ltiple Chok;e oue suonsl 50

3 Quantltativo ApllU Jde (Base Ar lthmeUc:Skill) 50(QbieCtiveType Mul1lple ChoO<e Quesoonsl

I G_ral Inl I enee (Objec' ", Type M fpe ChoO<e Oues

2 Eng".h \.anguoge(Baslc Knowledge)(ObteC'lve Type Mulliple ChoiCe Oueslloos)

NOTE · I The qu esuon W\1Ibe set both in Eng li sh & Hindi for Part-I , \11 & IV .NOTE - II Thole wUl be negativO m arxl ng of 0 25 ma~ tor each wrong answer.SCheme 01 on lor the po.' of Ou rwan:(I ) MEASUREMENT OF PHYSICAL STANDARDS:Must bo Phy SM:ally tit tor the cut-es of Ourwan as per pocdled sta ndard inchcat4ld bakJw.(01 He'gI1' WIthout Shoes 165 ems. (b) Chest Un-<l.pllnded 77 ems.. eXpllnded 82 em'(c) Welgl1l 45 kgs.(2) SCREENING TEST:(ScrccOlng Tes t Sh.ll1 bo done only lor lh ose candldat cs who Quality In the moasur ement ot

Phy scal standards)a) 01 tOO mtrs. In '5 seconds Th is IS tt\ o next scrcorung testThose who Quahly Mil be canoe tor wt ttte n testb) Wnllen Tesl : On ly lor tnos e who po ssess Il'cscnbed physical standards and quality In the

sc rocnms tests

Del l rnb lo : 8asH: know\edge of Computer appticaucnhaVlng '0' Lov el cert,&ca te as per Departm ent ofElectron ics Accroo lbon Commit1ee C ert lhcate


Es sentl al :.) Must pass Matnculat.",.. or equrval nnt examln atlOfl

01 senoot.Ii} Must be Physk:alty fl lor Ihe duhes 01 Durwan as

per spec,!ted standard rolcated below(a) Height WIthout Shoes 165 cms(b) Chest Un-expanded 77 ems . expanded 82 ems(c) Weight 45 kgs.Oesl ,ab l. :f) Ex ·serv iceman .iijTh ,ee years se<VCC as Homo GuardlC",,1 Oelonevo lunt eer and tra Wl ing in at loas t b.,sk: and rotre shecourses ,n Home Guard and CIVil Defence

(mci us rve 05 years relaxation to SClST)

UR ·03SC -0 1OBC -Ol

No.of Re.ervod Ou.lltle.tlon.poIt tor0 2 SC .()1 Ea aentlal : 10 . 2

ST -Ill

No .of Ros erved Qu . Uflc s tlonsp o st tor

05DURWANSUI. 01 pay

Band-IAs 5200-202001­Plus Grade PayRs.1 8OOI-







AGE U IT: Between 20 and 27 years. (05 yoars relaxalton for SC and 3 yoars rolaxatlon lor

OBC candidates for the post which is reserved lor them)NOTE :1) Tho cn.ocial dato lor delermining Ihe age hmn shall be the last date 01 receipt of apphcations

1.0 , 21 days from the date 01 publica tion 01 the advertisement in the Employment News.The last date of rece ipt of applica tions Is 21 days trorn the date of pUblication 01 thisadvertisement. Appl icatIOn receIVed alter the tast dale will not be considered .The new recrullee sha ll be gove rned under me new ·Oelined COntnbUtion Pension Schemo·The candldales ful!t ll ing the roq uisn e quahhcat ions may submit the rr appl ication s to theGeneral Manager , Ordnance Factory. KaIo I-483 503 . Name of post should be clearly indicatedon !he lOp of the apphcat ion and envelope in block letters .Incom plele doc uments. copi es of cert if icales wilhou l attested from a Gazetted Olt icer(includ..g Cast e certlllCate. Mark sheets 01 EducatlOOal 1\ Techn ical Qualil ication , Dale 01Birth CertlflCale ), withoul enclos ing 02 photographs duly srgnedby the candidate , appucanon swill be summ anly rejected and no corr espondence WIll be mad e/entertained '" this regardThe number 0 1 vacan cies mentioned above can be increased/d ecreased lor recrUItment. II

so warrantedex -servicemen are ehglble lor ago relaxa tion as per rules.Ex-selVlCemen candida te should submit dIscharge certlhcat e along WIth the apoucauon.otherMS e the applica tIOn WIll be rejected.Relaxable lor Govem menl servan ts m accordance with Klstrucll(lllS or orde rs .ssueo by the

Gov emmenl from time to lime10) The candidates should be beWare 01 unscrupulous elP.fT1ents who prorruse selection The

selecll(lll would be on merrts only in a transparent manner and c.lndldates should not lall

prey 10 th IS exp loltatl(lll11) SelOOIOn I be based on Wrrtten Test and SkIll Tes The Gener t anager rcserv s the

righ l 10 rosl nc1 the numbel 01 candidates to be called lor the sad les ts12) AppolOtmenl ' are propos ed to be ma de at Ordnance Factory. Katm but alle r appointment

the candtdatos are ltable 10 be pos ted to any other Ordnance Factory '" Indoa13) 08C candldates should subrml necessary cert.hcale In the prescnb<.ld loomat 01 Gove rnment

of India issu ed by com petent aulhOnty to the elteet that he does not belong 10 the person!sec1ion (a eamy laye r) which should be updafedlvalld at the last date 01HlCClpl 01apphcatlOrt

14) Medical ccrtlhcat e for Phys ica l Handl(;;lpped candidalcs should have been ISSUed by thccompetent authoTrly nnd shouk! be on prescribed formn t apphcablc lor reservatron In robs •under Gov emm t 01 India and the P.H candlllntos should sub,m the attested photocopy

o/ IM sam e nlongwith thOlr applicatIOn.IS) The Appltcallon Fee : A CIOSsed Ind lOn Postal Order or Demand D,aftlrom any Nahona hled

Bank worth As 1001. ( One Hundred) for the pos t 01 Teacher (P'imary) 1\ As 50 (Afty) for

No .11200'201Q(NHHM.Governmenl o f Ind ia

Ministry of TextilesNaUone' Hendlcreft s nd Hand looml MUl eum

Preg I i Meld an, Bh Iron Ro d , N w DeihlSubj cl : Filling up Ihe pOlI o / As . 9300,34800 and Grade Pay AsAdmln . lrat1ve Ollicer In NeUonal 48 00 , IS gOIng 10 fall va canlIf,ndicr./Il and Hand loom s w e f.l 92012 and IS proposed to be

u um on " T r ans f er on filled up on "Transfer on DcpulalJOOQ9pu l lion" . ba SIS· 'rom among t officers ~ervHlgun• •_1tv AdmIJ1 Ir live O/lIC r '" 10 Central Govemm 01. pas "~~Ing

y B ncJ 2 P Y Seal educ I tOna l quallllcation and

Page 52: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45


Format Mix latestpassport size


(1) Name of the Applicant (in block lelters)(2) Fatl1 rsnam o (3) Dal e of Birth (4) Relig ion (5) Whetherto SC/STIOBC (6) Full postal address (7) TelMobile No . and e-m ail address (8) Essential lot at(Educational & PrOficiency in typ ing) (9) DomICIl' (10Details of expenonce (If any) (11) D t .1 1 aOmit (12) Sign ature 01 Candidate ' Itll:\t P 3CEnvlliop s should be supers n cd \ ap ••l ltpost ot •A 51 tanl (HlI1dl T pl ·t •

I) I'G O ree InAr'.sIComlSdenoeiAgn.5eJ( V I .Scl El.E. lrom re<X>llrUed Un!ve<'slty.(.1) MinImum 3 yr. . oxperience '" tho

. uporvleory level proferably in fo<TT1<J1alIon.Impl.,menlaUon. monl1Dfln\l and ovalua1lonof dBVOloprnen projedSlllCMlMS "' thesocoal sodor.

Typed applica tion on plai n paper in the form at given belowtogether with attes ted copies of ce rtifi ca tes/ testimonials10 support at ag e, essent ial qu al ifi cations. domicile.experience (il any) along with a cro ss ed Bank Draft ofRs.100/· (Rs . 501· lor SClSl) in favo ur of Nati onal powerTraining Inst itute paya ble at Durgapur shou ld reach'IOthe Head of Institute. Na tiona l Power Training Inst~ule.

City Cen tre, Durgapur-713216 (W.B ,) by Reg istered!Speed Post wl1hln 21 days lrom the publication ot thisadv ertisemen t.

tlOfl of annual cco untll , ,pi nnlng & budgeting, fUndn U tlcC"'.ountinu poUe , prop" m _ I o f achumes , morntQr\ng. uJQ:rtlery of k)a,.. andtmcot, ''' .oIUon . udltlnO. nnand al pprlJIS

I lBnt / Ofl 1M nugor-;;tG;;;;UI.;;l~t 16400 3% 40500 (IOApn~..m) E. I 1eve 1

Delarls 01 Employment in chronological order:

Nature of prosent omployment, r,e.. Ad-hoc or Temporary or Quasl-permanent or Permanent.Additional Information. if any,which you would like to mention in support of your suilability for the posLWhether any punishment awarded to the applicant during \he last 10 years and also whe ther any aclion orinquiry is going on against him as far as his knowledge goes.

IOrganizatio n I Post held From To Scale of pay Nature of dutiesand basic pay (In dotalls)

I 1

------------------------------- -~O!:.OBM~

Name ollhe post apphod for

1 Name and Ad<:res ( th telephone No. & email address)Paste latest

2 Dale 01birth and tho date of retirementphotograph

3 Whether oelongs to SC/STIOBC

4 . Eaucatlonal QuahrlCOtI9n.

Exampaaaed Board! Univ. Courwe durwti on & Whethor % ofmarbl

year of rogular/pvtJ Div isioncOrBspondence



(Namo and Signature of \he applicant) I

~~ \(To be filled by the PSUI Minlstry l Department ooncemed) I

Certified that the particulars (especially w.r.l. para 8 above) fumlshed above by \he candidate are found to be Icorrect as per official records . \

Signature & Designation of I

the Competent Forwarding Authority \EN 45195 with Telephone No. & Office seal \-----------------------------------------------------------------~

J.2!;l~ SIIis for economic development of Scheduled Tribe s:ldon ficallon. formulaUon. aeruuny.npprDlssl o!~~~""'le lIWarenea&among tho largel group: MDnI10nnQOrganIzing \nIlrungprogrammes and on-thO-5p<> . $lUT1ont on the largot group 1 beoolidaries;and evaluation of projects I schom<JS and =. ~';'~F~"':.nd t . State Govemmenlll : The incumbent shaJUalSOO1c;oonlination ",illl thO ChaM 17'"9 AiJ" Ah_E lem Slates end the Job Involv • eX\9f1SMl tounng IO!' tile

of 'h~ Zonal Onlcecovering all No,u r :/10 In-<:harge u ~ d luaUonof NSTFDC'sasSiStedunits1sche""'S.purpose of Inspeclion, mon<lOringon ova

~Unfonnation J_c..2ffili!i.lu11!; HRA. mer perks a'lll al'owsncos such as conveya nce .I Besdes the baSIC pay, dearness alloWa~ (IDA)~<~~ neW5~per1lTlll9azine reimbursement. etc. upto~01

mod109 .chlldronod\Jcauooanowanco.,,?_ e","t~ Co~ratl9n In addition. other benefits such as PRP. LoC.the bassc pay are adrTllsslble as r ru",S 0hosplla IZ3UOO rCimbuI"SCrTlCf'l. etc., are also adm,sslb/e. e lion stl pay scale or (II) to craw pay

2 Tho ",c;umben Uhave the opbcn eIther (I) to get ~!S p~: fiX: :'~I~O~as :mlSslblO undor 1,"0 rules 01 theof thO post he by him III h s paront depa:1mentP us PtUofficer on CDA pattern he will be entitled for secondCotlX>fDtkm H vnr. If the tncumbcnt IS a govcrnmon I •

3. ~=%um ago limit for appointment 00 depulation shall be 56 years as on the closing date of tne receipt 01

4 . ~I~:'~ candidatesholl be 00 doputatioo for a period oflhreo years,whl~h Is furtho~·::\~'1o~b~~ing caned \0<5. Merely fulnlling tho pro.cribed eligibility conditions will not vest any right .'n the can ,

i nlerview/select~n . I Ifill' the Ilglblllty criteria may apply through propor channel late. 1by 29h

Fobruary,6 In tere sted candldatos u I Ing C

20 12 In thOproformagIVenbelOW:r:IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII: 5IIIIIIi 6.I 7.I 8.

National Power TrainingInstitute

(Eastern Region)(Under the Ministry of Power, Govt. of India)NPTI (ER), Durgapur invites applications from domicileholders of Wes t Bengal lor the pos t of Ass istant (HindiTypist) (01: Unreserved).Pay sca le : Pay Band Rs.52QO-20200+ Rs.1900/-(GradePay)Age Umit :'25 years as on 15.08 .2011Enential Qualific ations :(1) Mat riculation or equivalent from a rocoqn ized Bo rdor lnstitution, a

(2) Proficiency in Hindi Iypwrtin~ willi a ..of 25 w.p.m. rmrnmurn speed

Desirable : Prof iciency to work on ComputerNo TAJDA will be p Id t h . .Intorviewltest How a ate candlda tos called forlare by th . h ovor. Single roturn sleeper class rail

e s orl est route will b . bcandidates belonging to SC/ST 0 relm ursed to theol.the tickot s . COmmuOlly on production


Employment NewsEast Block-lVLevel-5, R.K. PuramN_ Delhi-110 06Il


. Editar1al : [email protected]

Advertisement : [email protected] : 'Rozgar', New Deihl

Eciblal 26195165Adver tisement 26104284

Tele Fax 26193012

Cirwlation 26107405

Tele Fax 26175516

Production 261n529Accounts (Advt .) 26193179

Acco unts (Cir,) 26182079

NOTICE/; s brough l to the notice o f Employm ent News that50"18 cnva ts websites are upload ing the material o f o ld andcu ren t ISSueS of Employment News end putting them on th eir

ebs.res .Coilyng to/ a ll pu~lIshed content including art icJe sii n /o rm atlon ,curre nt as w ell as o ld , in Employment News, p ub lished byPu:, lications DIv iSio n. Ministry o f Information & Broad ca sting .

Govern ment a In dia. belo ngs to Emp~oyment News.a published material or part mereot of Employ m ent News

s o ld be reproduced in any form .


Readers willing to subscribe to EN may send a sum of Rs.350 for the annual subscription of EN/RS/RS (Urdu) in theform of Bank Draftl IPO/MO in favour of Employment News,Govt of India, payable at New Delhi. It may be sent toBusiness Manager (Cir. & Advt. ) Employment News ,Publications Division, Min. of I&B, East Block IV, Level V,R.K. Puram, New Delhi-110066. Please write your addressclearly in Block letters with PIN Code alongw ith mobile!randline No. and E-mail. The language of EN (English/Hindi!Urdu) must be clearly mentioned . The commencement ofthe first issue after subscrip tion money is received by ENmay take up to 6 weeks.Employment News is despatched by ordinary post.

K. GanesanO"ector GeneralAnurag MisraDirectorGhanshyam MeenaDy.DirectorOilbag SinghDy.DirectorHasan ZlaSr. EditorSuryakant SharmaBusiness Manager (Gir.)Ha/lnl~nl

Edilor (Advl)Seema RaniEditor (Glr.)V.K. MeenaJI O"ector (Produ ction)P. K. Mandai8 r ArlJsI1(.". Manllal

nt Otr ,C r

Page 53: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45

EN 45198



Co/tif,ed Ihal Shrl _resident 01 viii go ot -

District - - --- - - (Ga hw2. It Is runner certlhed that : above are considered as r •

• Residents of entire area m~nlioned In tlOnIn height measuremenllor recrUltmenlK I Dogra Maratha, Slkklm,es) lor re xa

umaon " f h UnlOT1 of India ,in the Para MIlitary Forces 0 t e hi &KlNorth Eastern States which Is cons~red lorHe belongs to the Himachal Prades J ntln the Para MIlitary Forces 01the UntonrelaxatIOnIn height measurement tor recrultrne

01 India. TnbalslAdivasls community whICh is conside<ed lorHe belong s 10 ent lor recruitment in Para -Mil Itary Forces .relaxal lon in height and chest measurem SIgnat ure ---::-:_~

. t te/Sub-D ivislonal Magistr atefTehs.ldarDistrict Magis ra ,

Ann.xur. 'VI'

davp 1911 2111/0223/1112

Office/ Po I held Fr m To •::.1 of PayInlltitut ionl ~nd orvlc Clr lh catlo llOrg n fse tl on Cadre to (Group) of th

hlch I pc t and b rebel n9

subject at tho degree level ; or Master's degree 01a recognized Unive rsity or equrvalent In anysub ject with English medium and Hindi as SUbject at the degree level. , . .Experience: Five years experience ot uSing/applying lerm lnology (terminologICal wo rk) In H\<\Q\

and translation work from English to Hindi or vice -versa , preferably of lechnlcal or sctenuncliterature; or Five years experience of teach ing in Hindi and English or research to Hind, or En~hsh .Note .l : Qualil ications are relaxable atlhe dlscrenon of the Union Public Service Commlssion Incase ot cand idates otherwise well qua lified .NOle.2: The qualilicalions regarding exper ience is relaxable at the discretion ollhe Un ion PUblicServ ice Commission in the case of cand idates belonging to Scheduled Castes and the ScheduledTribes if, at any stage of select ion, the Union Public Service Commission is of the op inion thatsuff icienl number of cand idates Irom these com muni ties possessing the requ is ite experienceare not likel y to be avai lable to fill up the vacancies reserved lo r them .Desirable: (i) Knowledge ar level of Mat riculation 01 a recogniZed or equ ivalent of one 01 thelanguages other than Hindi mentioned in the Eighth schedule to the Constitution . (II) Degree orDiploma in translauon In Hindi to Eng lish and vice-ve rsa from an y recogniZed UnIVerSIty orequivalent.

B io-Oata Prol orma

Applicat ion lor the POSI of Joint Director (OL), Department 01 OffiCIal Language Imstry 0 HomeAnaors, New Deihl

Name, deslgnat,on and lull ott ice address'(In the BlOCk tetter ) (WIth Telephone No.)2. Date 01 Birth (In Chnstlan Era'3. Date 01 retirement under Centr al Government rule s4. Educahonal QualificatIOns5. Whether EducaUonal and oth er Quallftcallon

requITed lor the post are satished (II any qualihca tOn has been treated as equivalant to the oneprescnbed In the rules, state the authon ty for the same)

Qualifications/Experience QualifIcations/Experience pall ... drequired by the oHlcM(I) (/I) (III;

6. Please stat u clearly YVhr'lhor In the light 01 entn s made by you above you moet he req uuemeots01 the cost :

7 Det aits 01 mploym nt, m chronOlogica l omeEnc lose a seoarats she I, dUly alJl enticated b . your sIgnature

n It

G Z tte of IndIa Exlraordinary

h d n Ih Gazetl 01 India

ed In the Gazelle of Ind... ExtraOrdinary

ed In the Gazell e of 100... Extraordltl ary

No. 5118/2011 - OL{Services)Government of India

Ministry of Home AffairsDepartment of Official Language

2"" Floor, Lok Nayak BhowanKhan Markel, New Deihl- 110003

ecn- Fi ling lip the posts of JOint Director (OL) in the Central Secretarial OHicial Language ,on d utation basis

e se ices of sUItable otncers are urgently requued for appoin tment to the post of JOinto (01.) in the Central Sec retanat Ofhaal Language, Ministry of Home AHarrs, on deputation

e Pay Band·3. As 15600-39100 wIth Grade Pay As.76001- ne qualifications ande reOUlred for tne post and other details are given In Annexure·1 The Pay of selected

be regulated in accordance With the Department of Personnel and Training , Officeorandum No. 2129191-Eslt (Pay-II) dated 5-1,1994 , as amended from lime to lime.

U6a1ed that the applicalJon (In tnpllcate) in the gIven proforma (Annexure- II) of suitab le,lind eligible ottlCeTS and Whocan be spared rmmedJ8tely may be sent to the underSIgned

within 60 days from the date 01publica non 01thISAdvt in Employment NewslAozgar Samachar,et ' the following documents (I) Photostat copies 01the Conhdent lal Repons of appllcanl

e las t Ii e years r.e from 2000-07 10 2010 -11 Each page of the phOlocoPV should be dulya Group ".... - Gazetted Ott'cer (II) Integnty Cen il,cate (III) Certn'cal e confirming 'hat

plllaryNigilance case IS ertner pendi ng or being contemplated agains t the Olhcer (Iv ) Anl owing major or rmnor penalt ies, If any, Imposed on the applicant dunng the last 10no penalty has been Imposed a 'OIl' cert/tlcale may be enclos ed ) (v) Cadre clea rance

act at the app licant

"",·_"""",t100 received alter the closing dale or wilhout the attested Photostat copies of.Conhdenllalor wItIlo ut recommendation of Ihe concemed offIce or otherwi se found incomplete are

be rejec ted. OffICers Who apply for the post w,1I not be alloWed to withdraw therr candldalureu nlly . While forwardln the appllCalJons,il may be verified and COr1,fied that the panlcuta-s

lid by the off ICer are correct /1 may also be connrmoo lhat In Ihe event of select ion lor1m l, the orr,cor concerned Will be relieved of ms duties

(Sural Bhan)Oeputy SDCretary

Te/aphon No , 24617764Annexure-I

e and 0 her detail rroqurrea fo' the po I of JOin DIr~ctor IOl) In the...,.".... .""......""nat OIf I Languag MIOIslry of Hom e All all s, New Deihl

I : Joml Drr ctor '0 1)( I

G nervB

Page 54: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45
Page 55: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45

ThiS iDistn'com"(I)


5. " rnd,.tc, a,mdelsustaOaPIaCI

,. '(00


3 . 03'u

4 . ENire



urll1g t

.t ,I

Onlyrnalece M ,·rial 1]'







(I)(g)(h )

(d )


(c )

(b )

" " I u m 11

2. Age l im it : 18 yrs to 25 yrs(a] General Candidate . C 18 yrs 1028 yrs 2 (a) & (b) Is admiss ible to

Noto(~ke la:a~~nrvue~o~:d~~~I~ ~~~g~ over and above the a~:el: i~~I~~end ,a9~;~oa~ f~:c 1989. Dom icile certifi catetnose candidates who have domiciled In the State of ~ 8ot~ b~elief Commissioner Jammu shoul d be atta ched by suchissued either by the concerned District Magistrate or y e .cand idates . ed 'n the advertisement for the rece ipt of appli cations .3. Age will be calculated as on the last date ~rescnb I i1abilit of post or change in WE . .4 . Above mentioned vacancies may vary sublect to the.av~ . Y e conducted. The stan dard of quest ion paper Will5 WRITTEN EXAMINATIO N : - Common wntten examinati on Will b the number of applications received the~ appropnate to the quallllca tion prescnbed for the post. Depen~ln~ u~:siS so as to reduce the eandidates to bedepot reserves the right to short-list the applicati OnS on a rallona oglca .called lor tesVlntervlew. d I I II 'ng three patts depend ing upo n the type of6. INTERV IEW :_ Personal Interview will also be conducte n 0 OWlvacancy and marks of 20 will be equally divided. . h de for eqpt maintenance and handling etc -(I) Fire matter awareness fTechnlcal matter awareness perta ining to tetra .

(II) Gen awareness .(ill) Gen conduc t . f 40'40' 207 . lo r physic. ' test : wntten test and ,ntervlew Will be In the rat io 0 ~-' riven be low (Annexure- I)8. Candidates fUllilling the above qualifica tions wlll submit their applications as per fOrmat gl

along with the tollowing - .. -"h d r of Application am1(a) Two passport size photographs duly attested by Gazetted O!ficer, one on nght an co rneother on the Admit Card Will be affixed on the given formats ( An~exure- f & II) .(b) Attested copies of relevant documenVcertificates as follows ,-(iii) Attested copy of Matnc cert ificate showing the date of birth(iv) Attested copy of OBC (where applicable) as per format given below ( Annex.ure-III ) .(Application 01 candidate s not furnishing cert ificate as per Annexure-III Villi be .reJected) - .(c) Sell-addressed envelope duly affixed with postal stamps of Rs. 25/- reqUifed for registered cov er for return 01

Admit Card.(d) Attested Photocopy 01 Domicile Certif icate . . ' .(e) Certificate from the doctor lor pnysic a! standard on the following lines Is required by cand idates who are applyIng

for the post ot Fireman :-(i) Height without shoes (Ii) Chest (un-expanded)(iii) Chest (on-ex pansion) (iv) Weight (v) Physically fit

9. Application along with above mentroned documents should reach the Commandant, Ord nance T rans it Group , PIN ­909097, C/O 56 APO within 21 day s from the date of publication in the Employment News (be ing counted as the lirstday ) by registered post. No applica tion will be entertained all er the due date . No app.lcat lcn will be accep ted Inperson/ by han'd crtnrougn any representative . Application not accompa nied with requisite docume nts will be rejected .10. The SC/ST & OBC who apply against unreserved post wlll not be given age and othe r co nce ssions m eant lor SCIST/OBC . SC/ST/OBC selected on merit vis-a vis the general candidates will not be counted towards SC /ST/OBC

quota .11. Place 01work will be Ordnance Trans it Group, NRS Pathankot subject to All Indi a Field Serv ice liability , th ere aft er

individual can be posted any whe re In India ,12. The post 01 Mazdoor and Fireman are Initially on temporary bas is subsequently to be ma de perrnanent aft er

comp letion of probation period of 02 years .13-,The candidates should be in possession of Admit Card sent by OTG and all original doc uments lor ve rification at

all times .14. Only the candidates whose applicat ions are found In ord er will be sent ca ll letters and the list l or the same will alsobe displayed on Ihe notice board at the main gat e of OTG two days prior to the date 01 tests .15, The number of posts/vacancies a~e tentative . The rec ruitment process. can be cancelled/suspended/terminatedby the Commandant, Ordnance Translt Group, Pathankot at any stage and his dec lsion in th is regard is linal and noappea l will be enlertained.16. Note :.(a) While lorward ing the app lication the envelope should be clearly mar ked "APPLIC ATION FOR THr POST OF

MAZDOOR/FIREMA N (Dele te which ever rs not applicable)"Please note that mcornplete/unsl qneo app llca tion and ac-n lt card , over wr iting/eraser/ln ,colfect intorrnauon.

Nfon a~tes:ed ~ht~~ra~hsil ~Itho~t ell~loSI~g attested COP' 1S ct relevant certiticates as appli cable, any colum n0b apPtlhca Ion d~dt ahn WI If eThrelecte dan . are n~t eligibl e tor test/intervtew . The onus at such rej ect ion would

e on e can I ate imseu. e unit a rnmistraticn will not enter tain any cl aim aft er such rejectionCandidates ~ho Wish to app ly for ~ore tha n one post will ha ve to apply lor ea ch oost se ar t I ' d" 11lor all tests In respective categories. . p a e \ an WI appear

Cand idate who apply aqainst aBC category shou ld atta ch and produce the Othr r Ba kas per the format giv en be low (Annex ure -III) duly signed y the approp t - h c ward Classes ce runcateNo TNOA lor he t p. s tf i ntP.fv l~w will be paid Cand idat es w;1I ma ke th ir na ebaut on ty .test/ intorvrew ~ ow n oardlng ll od g lng arr anqem ont tor

OTG will not be responsi blellialJle to ~<lV any comp ens auo In caR t t I I b

· - " 0 of Inlury/ric '1 ' " , "d"egis ra 10fl 0 app .cation y no me an 15 gua rante e 01 er Iployment

Cand idat ss Will produ ce Iheu ollglnal doc um ents and adrnu ,'- r I " ,;' .not be allowed to appear In the recnntmen test e li me 01 recrunmcn' nth 'r\ ISl

No extra welghtage Will be g,ven for addllionaLhlgher qua:Only selec ted candidates Will be Informed l)t s Iecuon In '1I:lC~ Ion lo r .recruitmentbe entertained. Ie "ourse,,~ ca rr s lwndenC l

It may please be no ted tha all Contral empi ecs who1.1.2004 Will be govern ed bv Nl;;w Deflneu C 'b HC ,IPpOlnh d II) Go ernn" 1\; ',Ill"' , 1\A d ' II II ulion P I I 'all ell '

ny ISPUtO with regard. to 111(' recruitmen t Will b b' nil' \ 01111 " I r~u lecllu IUflMllCllon of P,llh,lnk

Conl/nuod on pI/go 9

I er" Narn

ros (In lull)

Abbrev iat ion s UsedUR: Un-ReservedOBC: Oth er Backward ClassST: Schodu led Tri beA1SL, All India Service Liability :

Forma t of Application Form

or equiva lent 2_ Training In Upavasidyas ould not be less than two years from

. at Recognized private Institution. 3. At least twoe s Ayurvedlc . Pharmac ist on a recognized Ayurvedlc

tal or Pl\armacy.: DISper1s' g e lCines and store keeping.01 odt : eerut

I s for th e post 01 Sr. Nur se Grllde-It at 51. No.4. are to bot to Jo in t Gene ra l Man ager/ Admn, Metal & St eel Factory, P.O.

apore- lIw .bganj, Ols t . Nort h-24 Parganas, (N) pln- 743144 .(West

B gal).. Four Sr_Nurse Grade-l l UR-03 ,OBC-01

.Pay Band 2: Rs. 9300-34800+ Grade Pay Rs. 42001­

Age: 1S -27 years .s litiClltlon. Eaentla l: (I) Passed 10+2 or equivalent examination with

SCI e SUbject (II) candidates should possess Certificate as Registeredurse and Midwil e having passed General Nursing & Mldwilery course from

II of ursing or other institution recognized by the Indian Nurs ingit. (111) Minimum Two years experience In a recognized hospital out of

whicll one year In Operation Theatre. (Iv) Must have working knowledge of

Co pulers .Qe&nble : (I) Possessing a recogniZed Certificate in Public Health Nursing.

go of H,ndi and Local Language. Preference may be given to Ex­A Y Medical Corps Officers if suitably qualrtled,Out : Nursing In OFHIMSF Hospital.Place of Work: Ishapore rNawabganj North 24 Parganas. wllh AIS LNote l or 5 1. No.4: (/) Nam\! of post applied for must be clearly written on thetop of 011velope ( in Bold Letters). (II) Candid ates should Aff ix a recent (notmore In an 3 months old) Se lf- attested Passpo rt size photograph onapplication form and enclose two more copies of same photograph duly selfattested with his application.Instruct io n and Add ltlo n ~ 1 Inlormatlon lor Cand ida te s1. Separate applications are required for each post quoting advertisemenlno. and 61. no. 01 the post. 2.Self- attested photocopies of educationa l/reservation categoneslexpenence certificates etc., if any, should be enclosedwith the application , 3.Upper age limi t relaxable for SC/ST/OBC , EX­SERVICEMEN, Physically Handicapped, Widow, Divorced Women andWomen JudiCially separated from their husband and Govt . servants etc . asper rules 4,Only those SC/ST candidates who are not employed anywherewill be paid TA for att'?nding interview, Ifadmissible under rules ,S . Applicat ionIf' any case -houlrl not be sent to Centra l Employment Exchang e/LocalFr c1'pnot>

1 Adve rtl ement No2 5 ,nal number 011 e post

Posl applied for4 r arne ot Employm ent Exchange where registered if any[) Employme 1E~changb Regl r l ion, No 11 ~ny

arne I)f the: applrc anl (Mr/ .1ISS /Mrs )

lrn Bloc~ Leuers)7 0 Ie of Blrm Date Month Y ar

Page 56: Employment News online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi 4 - 10 February 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 45

F.', ,.5188

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(In Hondi) _

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Rank _ .ctM!l mem

OrgiJruzahon Ot~l I St.11e s.-.cela" _ " ;lf1

HcJSh,. ,,~ rtIOQaI(lQ In '"'' grogr~ 'K '''''bes orgamz U"\ll Ot~ t r C!

IStatel a l Itev~

I f

Con tinued from page 8

10 Nallonahtyt 1 C~tego ry 10 whIch cl ong (SC ST/OBC)(All ch Photocopy 01 Cert lf lca le)12 Whe lher E> Serv 'com In (Yes 0)t 3 Whf'\he' I>h SIC lIy It ,lndlca pe<l (Vo" N o, . , ")r I I Q Uu lf



o. P.manerot Add • ('OIItCt't PIN \Ade)

1 I!duutlonal qualifle.aUon :.tQ",,""- P o...., ; Vo.. " P...... \ .-., ' % .. mon. \ - "'''''---' ]

,_.._._.__..--,. \(I) Qlsl/Slale IovoI (.) N~t.onal ~"

(M} lnlema lJQn4al 'evef

3 Da le 01 M1try Into 1M;~

4 ~ 1I\1I'T1UtT' M embet'ahlp'\n Gn:JucK lor the Last three 'Ie .....

I•••• no te : K indl y endcM ActMI metnbef'1J\lP ce rt.1k:ate of lpf b ee )WI"" ts...,., by~ co. :'tdIUlOn8f (5&G) . Group Leader ($&G). tMtnd organtzat 'on CommisSl('Jl'\¥a."", r (f'\eprofot1'N • •

neW\Jre "8 .

S Scouts & Guida. Aeh'ev.menl :-

SINo lovel of proQf8mmo Narne 0( programme "'ace

F""" To. Inl~rnahonDI programm~

b National programme'NatlOl"lal JambOOree

c 10(h3n H.. I1"......y J ambOoree

d. P S J1C JpallOn onSlate le~ptOOlam me I RelliOs., SpeollJ Seoul/Gu ide CoursosPlonoonnglmil ptngl slandard

IJUdgIngc:ouraeIVOCOJllOt\.a1cratl: cou rse

,. OIStrlc:tIUl'ItI~lJl«!sloomP'9f1hons T

ts WheIhOr you are adJ\le mclmber SIOCC 1.151 Wee years? If yes. endoso i1~esl~ tet1.fae-IM

Year Typo Name 01 progr8 1'N'fWl1

2008 -2009

2009- 201 0


17 Man.s of IdeotJfIc ltJon • (.1) __ (b)

' 8 Other quahrlQt01 :' •

19 DetaIlS of Demand Cta" /Postal orderIName 01 - ' cttce , Bank I Senal No & Dale

\Amount e

\LI~ of ondosures .,

DECLARATIONI M~eby declare that I nave carefully read tne COnditions of eng'bl!ay ana that I nave

satisf:cd my self of them. AJIthe mformati on grven and stateme nts made In is appheabOnarc true. com plp.te and correct to th e best of m y knO\"Jlcdge and behef. I aiso know that In theevent of any part \:U1:Jrs or Infonnahon gIVen here III 109 fourld false or Incorrect, mycandida ture for U·... oXo3tTllnabon and for the w t-cte s...IeC"Jon IS lia bl e to be rejwlll(1 orcooceneo a t any S:~ J of th e se~l()nor mereancr

~.- Signa ture of rh. CJInd lda te0 ... Left hand Thu m b Impre ~sion of candidate


Cerllfte.11edItl.,1 ShnlSmtIKlJ _ _ Sor 'Daughle r , I-


",PPLICATION FORMAT,,~ lor .,..hwh.. Group -0 ca'-OO'Y IhttJlllOh Scoutt & Go.Ad44 QUQt...

E~'"Unhc. No "S&GI1Dlt ., '1(1DboIn'*l" fftndw'EnQhWltr;'tt" u,"dlcY"lntwooJ'hMontl~)

I "'_by' .ppIy Jot rll(Allll"..nt lor Ihe po.e .,~~ '" r-.oI'Qme reE",lHoymllntNolQNo 1/S&GI201, ·1'1PMI~IQl(Gloup 01 _

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Dlsillct Mag ist,a teDeputy Commissioner etc

( Signalu re 01 the applocant)

~---- ----- ---(S'gnatu,e 0 1 Ihe applicant)

TunStale -__

__Vill __ _Tell _

__ Stale _



D ,y a, In tho Employrnont Nfl

" on ths~e 01 pu

FOR OFFICE USE DNL Y2 . _d e 01 Receipt

tion ) _

P t Olllc ..Dl&trlelPI lA'<le NoHouse 0

P 01 Oll ieDIOIrlclP Cod-;--;;- - - - - -

la) _(b) • _

(c) _ --::---;-_ _ .,----:-.,----.,---_-.,---__t t above Pilrt-euJars mcntfOned in tho applicanc n ar e correc t and true to th e best of my

be' It any rtcolars m ed by me 1$ found raise at an y stage thon I shall be liable to bee wrthOU I any nonce

l I , "",::Io:' .....s

Anne xuro-II

ADMIT CARD(To be Iilled by the candid:l~e on a separate sheet In double space)

Fu l ame 01 the candidate _( In k let ers)F~thet's r~ame (In block leners)FosVcategory applIed to,Full Address .-louse No_ Vilt _

Post Otft(;e Tell, Dtstrict .tare

PIN Code No _ _I "ndertaka thai I WIllproduce all documen ts/te stimonlals (in original) rega,ding date 01birth, cateqo ry. quanncanon.'.tc- at t" e nrne 01 test/lnterview failing which I will not be - liowed 10 undertake the test and mtervrew I runne rJndertake Ihat I am gIving all Tests at my own risk and not claim any compensation 10' any kind of Inlury/deathsustained dunng PhysicaVPract ical tes ts .Date ' _Place ' . --,

TO BE FILLED BY 0 ro, C/O 56 APOYour applica lion tor the posl ol -,----,---,- has ,)Jen accepted/rejecledlooservalions raised in case 01 reject ion) . _Dale and time tor lesllinterview Date time _lin case ot appl icat ion accepted)




4 _

Place - Ordna nce Transit GroupPathankot

Enlry will not be allowed without adm it card I ~SUed by 'JTG, C/O 56 APONote : All documents In or iginal regard ing brrth, casts ; ;ducation will have to be produ ced at the time of lesllmterview, faJling which the cand idature is to I,,, cancelled. Cantndate should bring stationeries like Pen, Penc il

etc, for wntlen lest. (OIC Recruttmenl Cell)Dated : Annexure _ III


( G L Dept 01 Per & Trg, OM lo .J60331~ I -Es tl (Res) dated 02-07· 1997)Th,s is to certify tha t _ Son 0 1 0 1 ViIIDistrict/Division In h 1 5tale belongs 10 thecom munity which is recognrzed as a bac kward ck, ~ under - •"(i) Govemmenl 01 India, Min of Welfare Resc '· -n No l ' .,l 11i68/93-BCC (C) nated the 10l h Septembm, 1993,

pcbllshed In Ihe Gazetle of India, Ext' aordin? " , Pan -I, ~oc loon I , No. 186, dal ed the 13:h v otembCf, 1993"(iii Govem menl of Ino,a '-1ln of Welfare, Resol uroonNo, 12011/9/94 -BCC dal ed Ihe 19 Octol ~ , J94, pubhshed on

the Gaz etle of India, Extraordinary, Part· ' , Se:loon I, No 63, daled Ihe 20lh Octob er, 19.4"(/Ii) Gr.",em menl of India , MIn of Welf are. Peso lullcn No 12011n/95 -BCC (C) dat Bd the 24th M I 1995, pubhshod

ill the Gazetl e 01 India , ExtraordInary, f' art-I :eclo on I No 88, daled Ihe 251h May , 1995' (,i) Govemmenl of India, Min of Welfare, Resolu " ')~ No 1201 J/44/96·BCC daled the 6th Decem , 1996, publ shed

in Ihe Gazetl e 0/ India , Extraordinary, Part · I, ,ection 1 "~ o, 210, dated the l 11h December '996_Shn _ and/or his fam,ly ordi n. rily res ld~ IS) In tile _ _ _D.slrl c tlDlvislon of the _ _ _ State -:-111 5 IS also to cer:l fy that he/sit e doe no l belong 10 theper sons/sec tions (CR EAM.Y LAYER ) mBntioned in col:Jmn 3 0' Ihe Schedule 10 the Governm ent 01 IndIa Depart ment01 P ersonnel and Tralnrn g OM No 36012J22J93 ,E~tI (SCT) daled 08-09·1 993Dated'

SEA Lstrike out whic hever '5 not applicable

davp 106 03111100 31/1 112


IOn and

return 01
