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By Ella O’DellSurrey Kids Conference [image] n.d. retrieved from:

Improving the Health Status of Australian Youth

- Cardiovascular health

- Cancer control

- Injury prevention and control

- Mental health

- Diabetes mellitus

- Asthma

- Arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions

- Obesity

- Dementia

Analysis of physical activity in regards to Mental Health, Injury prevention and control and Obesity

- 60 minutes of physical exercise is recommended for children

- Brings health benefits, such as;- Reduces risk of breathing problems- Reduced risk of hypertension- Reduces risk of high cholesterol- Reduced risk of type ii diabetes- Reduced risk of liver disease

Healthy School Programs Used around the School

Mental Health- All teachers and staff are trained in

recognising that a child may be in distress

- School councillors are employed for extra help

- R U OK Day- Physical activity is used throughout

lessons to relieve tension and stress

Injury prevention and Control- Teachers and coaches are trained in the correct

manners in regards to warming up, cooling down and stretching

- All areas of the play ground as supervised. Ensures;

- Hazard free areas- Year groups have their own area to

play- Having appropriate areas in extreme

heat and coldness

- Road safety is taught and has participative workshops

- Children participate in The school swimming and water safety program

Obesity- Crunch and sip- National healthy school canteen project- PSSA sport of Fridays- Out of school sporting teams- NSW premier’s sporting challenge- Jump rope for Heart- Hearth Smart Mobstyle

ReferencesAIHW: Mental Health. (2012, January 1). Retrieved January 25, 2015, from Bureau of Statistics. (2008, March 7). Retrieved January 22, 2015, from[email protected]/mf/4829.0.55.001/"A Healthy and Active Australia." Healthy Active -. Australian Government, 14 Jan. 2014. Web. 26 Jan. 2015. <>."Australian Bureau of Statistics." 3303.0. Australian Government, 24 Mar. 2014. Web. 26 Jan. 2015. <[email protected]/Lookup/by Subject/3303.0~2012~Main Features~Leading Causes of Death~10001>."Australian Sports Commission | AIS." Coaching Children : Participating in Sport : Australian Sports Commission. Australian Government. Web. 26 Jan. 2015. <>."Background to the National Healthy School Canteens Project." Background to the National Healthy School Canteens Project. Australian Government, 22 Oct. 2013. Web. 26 Jan. 2015. <>.

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