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NOTICE: This report is only a GUIDE from the full version of “End Ovarian

Cysts” System. You have the Right to Reprint and share this report to others.


The information presented herein represents the view and experience of the

author as of the date of publication. Because of the rate with which

conditions change, the author reserves the right to alter and update his

opinion based on the new conditions. The report is for informational

purposes only. While every attempt has been made to verify the information

provided in this report, neither the author nor his affiliates/partners assume

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Dear friend,

I want to welcome you and congratulate you for taking your treatment and

your recovery into your own hands by deciding to take this report and move

forward. If you’ve suffered from ovarian cysts for even a small period of time,

then you’ve been through what many other women in your shoes have


Living with the symptoms of ovarian cysts is tremendously unpleasant. Not

only does it come with pain, bloating, irregular periods, discomfort to what

can be described as excruciating pain, the anxiety and sometimes even

shame of infertility, as well as a broad array of other symptoms, but maybe

the worst part of this affliction is the difficulty that many doctors seem to

have diagnosing and finally, if ever, treating ovarian cysts. As women

suffering, we understand that a pill is not the solution. What we are suffering

through deserves attention, respect and proper treatment.

Before I begin to get into the treatments and changes that finally brought

me, a nine-year sufferer relief, I want to talk a little bit about my struggle. I

feel that it’s important for me to pass on my story and for you to understand

that what you might be going through now is not abnormal or anything to be

ashamed of. I’m not saying that my doctor’s gender had anything to do with

it, but for years I felt shameful and embarrassed speaking to mostly male

doctors about what I’m sure just sounded to them like my “time of the

month”. I got fed up of wakening and stepping on the scale only to start my

day 5lLbs overnight. I was taking care of myself, but felt like I had no control

over my body. I was bloating, retaining water, and if that wasn’t enough I

was experiencing pain. I could not count on my periods to come when

predicted, and sometimes I would go months without them

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This was the beginning of the battle, and was more of a nuisance that

anything – it was not until my battle with infertility began that I really started

to worry about my body and consider the possibility that maybe I was

suffering from something even more serious than PCOS.

To make a long story short, over the next few years I tried every trick in the

book, including “watchful waiting” to get my life back. Some of my tricks

failed miserably and wasted my time. There were years that I suffered

unnecessarily, just like you are now. It took a long time to stumble upon the

solution, and knowing that I had found it and others were still out there

suffering didn’t sit right.

In the chapters that follow, I want to hand to you the methods that I have

pulled together through years of research, trying and trying again to finally

find the NATURAL solution to my problem, and yours. I want you to know

that this solution does not involve some hormonal cocktail, or experimenting

with birth control that can confuse your symptoms by introducing a laundry

list of side effects.

Best regards,

Amanda Clark

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An Ovarian Cysts Overview

Ovarian cysts develop as fluid filled sacs on the ovaries. In most cases they

are small and harmless but may become problematic under certain


Each of your ovaries is about the size of a walnut on either side of your

uterus. One of your ovaries releases, once a month, one egg that is protected

by the follicle. The release of estrogen prepares the uterus to receive the egg,

which if not fertilized, results in the shedding of the lining of the uterus –

otherwise known as your period.

If the follicle does not release the egg to the uterus, a simple or functional

cyst is created. This is a fluid filled sac that looks like a bubble. These are the

most common form of ovarian cyst, and are not associated with disease or

cancer. Generally, this type of cyst will disappear on its own.

There are several different types of these non-threatening, functional cysts:

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Corpus luteum cyst occurs if the egg has been released and the follicle fills

with blood or fluid – usually resulting in no symptoms.

Follicular cysts occur when the follicle collapses upon itself and can grow up

to over 2 inches, resulting in sharp pain in the middle of the menstrual cycle.

In most cases these cysts produce no symptoms and disappear by


Hemorrhagic cysts arise when bleeding happens inside a cyst. This can also

cause abdominal pain.

All of the above are normal, occurring in most women at one point or

another in their lives, and for most of us, we probably won’t notice, or may

disregard them as part of our menstrual cycles. Now, I’m going to review

several types of cysts that are more serious and life threatening.

Dermoid cysts are not a regular part of the menstrual cycle. Dermoid cysts are actually a type of benign tumor and contain fat and occasionally bone, cartilage and even hair. They generally effect young women and can grow up to a frightening 6 inches across. This type of cyst can also become twisted; this is also referred to as an ovarian torsion. If you’ve lived through this, you know that severe abdominal pain that this condition can cause.

Endometriomas or endometrioid cysts are sometimes simply referred to as endometriosis. These cysts can grow up to 8 inches in size. Endometrioids occur when the tissue on the uterus wall grows into the ovaries. Endometrioids can cause severe pain during menstruation. The actual term endometriosis refers to the presence of endometrial glands

and tissue outside the uterus; this can sometimes lead to problems with

fertility and conception.

Polycystic-appearing ovaries are characterized by their large size, usually

making ovaries twice their normal diameter. In this condition, sometimes

multiple small cysts are found around the ovary.

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Causes of PCOS and Ovarian Cysts

Causes of ovarian cyst and PCOS are varied, and as I mentioned previously,

multifaceted. They range from metabolic to genetic, and now I would like to

speak about the conditions that are necessary for the body to produce, or

allow for these intruders.

Assessing the conditions necessary for cysts to develop will allow me to

explain to you the type of internal environment that you will need to create

in order to permanently eliminate these unwanted intruders from your life.

I mention this next fact because it may be something that you’ve

experienced- not to discourage you, but evidence seems to support a genetic

link to PCOS. Your condition and mine may have been inherited – that is not

to say that the cysts themselves have been inherited, but rather the

environmental factors that they require to flourish.

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Even though you or I may be more likely than others to develop cysts, there

are necessary factors that need to be present in order for this predisposition

to manifest itself. Consider this example – we all know someone who is able

to quickly see lovely results from sitting out in the sun. A friend of mine will

get a beautiful tan in what seems like minutes, while I can lie out all day and

get no color, except for an eventual burn.

My friend naturally has a desirable genetic precondition – but there are

outside factors involved. In fact, the two of us are exactly the same shade of

pale most of the year; she needs the sunlight to bring out this natural affinity

for color. This is an example of a genetic trait with only one factor – but in

the case of PCOS and ovarian cysts there are many factors that contribute to

whether or not the condition will appear.

These range from the mental and emotional environment that we live in, to

our diet and insulin levels, cellular inflammation, as well as the hormone

levels in our bodies. I’m going to take you through each of these, and make

this complicated patchwork of contributors simple and easy to understand

and treat.

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Insulin and PCOS

The insulin system is the body’s way of managing sugar. A strong link has

been established between PCOS and metabolic disorders such as diabetes,

high cholesterol, high blood pressure and insulin resistance.

Insulin resistance is a metabolic condition that is directly related with weight

gain and PCOS. Many of the women who I have been lucky enough to talk to,

had never been taught about this link by their doctors, this is truly sad, but

I’m happy to know that I can provide this critical link to you and others now.

Understanding this connection is KEY to overcoming your ovarian cysts and


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Insulin is produced by the pancreas and is released into the blood stream in

order to regulate blood sugar or glucose. When this process is out of balance

due to a combination of environmental and lifestyle factors, the result is

insulin resistance. In this state, blood sugar rises, but is not properly reacted

to with insulin. Some of us may have a genetic predisposition to insulin

resistance, meaning that when very few external factors are present, we are

still prone to the condition.

The glucose that we ingest, in the form of sugar and carbohydrates, is

converted by our bodies from calories to energy. When the body fails to

properly utilize this sugar we create insulin resistance.

Insulin production by the pancreas is disrupted; the conversion of sugar to

energy does not occur effectively and sugar is therefore stored in the body

as excess weight: fat.

Insulin resistance is just one factor in the big picture. There are also major

hormonal contributors, which I would now like to talk about.

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Symptoms & Indicators

Before you begin any treatment regime, please consult your doctor for

proper diagnosis. Although I strongly advocate a natural and holistic course

of treatment, your doctor will be able to assist you in confirming that you do

suffer from PCOS and ovarian cysts. If you have not yet confirmed your

suspicions please take a moment to consider the symptoms below:

Irregular menstrual periods

Or lack of menstrual periods



Thinning of the hair

Increased body hair growth

High blood pressure


Insulin resistance

Hormone imbalance: Increased cortisol & testosterone

Painful menstruation

Spotting between periods

Pelvic and abdominal pain during periods

Pressure in the abdomen

A sensation of fullness in the abdomen

Aching lower back and thighs


Weight gain

Breast tenderness

Difficulty emptying the bladder

Page 12: End Ovarian Cysts PDF, eBook by Amanda Clark

Learn more about this important information, methods, and treatment.

Simply visit www.end-ovarian-cysts.comand purchase a copy of “End ovarian

cysts” today.

Here is an example of the extensive information that you will discover by

adopting End Ovarian Cysts system

Table of Content

An Ovarian Cysts Overview Page 6

Causes of PCOS and Ovarian Cysts Page 9

Symptoms & Indicators Page 18

Medical Treatment of PCOS and Ovarian Cysts Page 20

The Natural Three-Step Method Page 23

Get Relief Now Page 24

The PCOS and Ovarian Cyst Elimination Diet Page 27

Supplements Page 33

Managing Stress Page 39

The Proper PH Balance Page 42

And So many other information you can discover.

To get all of the steps of how to get rid of your ovarian cysts problems in

order to boost your chances be free from this aggravating ailment, go to the full copy of ‘End Ovarian Cysts’ today.