

Good afternoon! I’m Josh.I’m @joshteague of @fullstory.

Engaging engineering in design.

Here come the neckbeards.

Two things this afternoon.

Quick definition of “design”.

Putting it to use with engineering teams.

+ Q&A #invisionwebinar

What is design?

Problem solving!What is design?

Iterative problem solving!What is design?

Creativity is just connecting things.

What’s creativity?

— Steve Jobs

Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn’t really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while.

What’s creativity?

— Steve Jobs

Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn’t really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while.

What’s creativity?

— Steve Jobs

Iterative problem solving!What is design?

Iterative problem solving for users.

What is design?

Iterative problem solving for users humans.

What is design?

As somebody once said: It's kind of arrogant to think the only reason people exist is to use what you built. They actually have lives, like, outside the experience they have using your product, and so the first step of designing in a human-centered way is to recognize that they're humans.

— Margaret Stewart, Facebook

Iterative problem solving for humans.

What is design?

Iterative problem solving for humans.

What is design?

Iterative problem solving for humans.

What is design?

Iterative problem solving for human need & desire.

What is design?

Working with Engineers.

Sit with them.

Engage sooner.

Get “real” as fast as you can.


Know your back-end engineer extremely well.

Provide the right kind of deliverables.




Regularly commit teh codez.

Invite them in.

And drop in on their meetings, too.

Never “hand off”.

Encourage flags.

Get cozy with constraints.

Make decisions just-in-time.

Always be painting a picture.

A design process that includes, informs, and pushes engineering throughout is a

better one.



[email protected]

@joshteague / @fullstory

