Page 1: English assignment 1 (how to produce an attractive sketch)


According to Picasso, each and everyone of us possess a certain extend of creativity but we lose it as we grow older. I believe that the reason for this unfortunate situation is because we tend to listen to people who criticize us which will only bring out the negative mind-set in ourselves thinking that our creativity work is wrong. There are lots of ways to improve our creative thinking and one of them is by sketching. Majority of us would show rejection like "I am not creative, i can't draw" but the best thing is we don't have to be artistic to produce a simple sketch. All we need is some confidence. But the question is " what are the steps to produce an attractive sketch?.

Here are some basic steps to start off an attractive sketch. You should use the right material such as, graphite pencils of various grades, an eraser and a sketch book. I suggest a good quality material to have higher detail of sketches. The key part is to select a subject so that you have an aim to what you want to sketch. Taking too much time on choosing the subject is not advisable as it could make you lose your interest. Place your paper or sketchbook at the right position on a cardboard frame depending on how you want to sketch it. The important point here is to focus on your subject and to eliminate all distractions.

Then comes the observation, your observation is extremely important as it defines what you are about to sketch. Getting the proportion and perspective right is vital to ensure a stabilized drawing beacause having a stabilized drawing will definitely give a better grasp on understanding the complexity and intricacy of your drawing. Having a grid is very useful when it comes to drawing shape outline. you must always refer to the grid to get the perfect proportion. just to be on the safe side, take some pictures of the subject as it may be altered as time goes by.

Once all the fundamental requirements have been adressed, it is time to advance to the main part which is finalizing the plot by adding in the details such as windows, doors and columns. You should always take precautionary steps to not overwork the drawing by darkening every line you see as quoted by a famous artist, Jim Woods "leave things the way it is will make the sketch look fresher". Adding proper shading and lighting by manipulating pressure on pencil will do you good in achieving an attractive sketch. Pattern is very important because it reflects creativity thoughts flowing through your inner brain. Last but not least, clean up your drawing, make sure that it looks neat and always prevent your paper from smudging . Also rub off unnecessary lines that may steal away the focus on your sketch.

We can conclude that the production of a good sketch is highly depend on the preparation, detail observation and meticulous effort from a person. One may produce a horrible sketch but that does not mean that the person cannot produce a good sketch. All he or she needs to do is to keep on improving by learning and continously practice as practice makes perfect. You must also enjoy and feel free to stretch your imagination beyond your limit in order to fully ultilize your potential capability to the maximum as

Page 2: English assignment 1 (how to produce an attractive sketch)

quoted by Albert Einstein "Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand".
