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I.C No. : 690501035115

Matric No. : PPG/20597/11


10 points why Malaysian Students are weak in English

1. Lack of practice

Students seldom do English exercises on their own unless if they have been asked to do so by their teacher or lecturers. Practice makes our english more perfect.

2. Lack of vocabularies

Students have limited vocabularies. They do not know the words they should use to in explaining something in English and sometimes had a difficulties to eliberates the topics of their lessons.

3. Mother tongue Influences

Students usually used their mother tongues in their daily communications since they were borned. It is hard for them to change it into English in their daily conversation among friend or somebody else.

4. Lack of reading

Students have no interested in reading English materials like magazines, newspapers and novels. And this also contribute for their poor vocabularies

5. Lack of using dictionaries.

Students hardly use dictionaries although they do not know the meaning of certain words or phrases in their reading activity.

6. Lack of encouragement.

Parents do not give either moral or material encouragement. For example, they do not provide any English reading materials and no internet acess. Internet is a very good medium for students to gain knowledge which mostly written in English.

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7. Do not know the importance of English

Students do not know or never think why do they have to learn English. For them, English is only a subject which they must learn and pass it in the examination.

8. Not confidence.

Students always think what people will say if they speak English wrongly either in grammar or pronunciation. This is one of the reasons why they do not want to use English at all.

9. Not interested to watch English programmes

Students usually watch Malay, Chinese or Tamil programmes on television. Although if they watch English programmes, they will read the subtitle . They never try to understand what they listen.

10. Not interested to study English

Students have set in their minds that English is a difficult subject to be learnt and lable it as a boring subject because they do not understand the meaning of words.