Page 1: Enhanced accumulation of fatty acids and triacylglycerols in transgenic tobacco stems for enhanced bioenergy production


Enhanced accumulation of fatty acids and triacylglycerolsin transgenic tobacco stems for enhanced bioenergy production

Akula Nookaraju • Shashank K. Pandey •

Takeshi Fujino • Ju Young Kim • Mi Chung Suh •

Chandrashekhar P. Joshi

Received: 22 November 2013 / Revised: 23 January 2014 / Accepted: 30 January 2014

� Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014


Key message We report a novel approach for

enhanced accumulation of fatty acids and triacylglyce-

rols for utilization as biodiesel in transgenic tobacco

stems through xylem-specific expression of Arabidopsis

DGAT1 and LEC2 genes.

Abstract The use of plant biomass for production of

bioethanol and biodiesel has an enormous potential to

revolutionize the global bioenergy outlook. Several studies

have recently been initiated to genetically engineer oil

production in seeds of crop plants to improve biodiesel

production. However, the ‘‘food versus fuel’’ issues have

also sparked some studies for enhanced accumulation of

oils in vegetative tissues like leaves. But in the case of

bioenergy crops, use of woody stems is more practical than

leaves. Here, we report the enhanced accumulation of

fatty acids (FAs) and triacylglycerols (TAGs) in stems

of transgenic tobacco plants expressing Arabidopsis diac-

ylglycerol acyltransferase 1 (DGAT1) and LEAFY COTY-

LEDON2 (LEC2) genes under a developing xylem-specific

cellulose synthase promoter from aspen trees. The trans-

genic tobacco plants accumulated significantly higher

amounts of FAs in their stems. On an average, DGAT1 and

LEC2 overexpression showed a 63 and 80 % increase in

total FA production in mature stems of transgenic plants

over that of controls, respectively. In addition, selected

DGAT1 and LEC2 overexpression lines showed enhanced

levels of TAGs in stems with higher accumulation of 16:0,

18:2 and 18:3 TAGs. In LEC2 lines, the relative mRNA

levels of the downstream genes encoding plastidic proteins

involved in FA synthesis and accumulation were also ele-

vated. Thus, here, we provide a proof of concept for our

approach of enhancing total energy yield per plant through

accumulation of higher levels of FAs in transgenic stems

for biodiesel production.

Keywords Biodiesel � Renewable energy � Tobacco �Triacylglycerols � Xylem


Increasing energy demands and depleting fossil fuels have

invigorated a renewed search for unconventional and non-

traditional energy resources. The two important renewable

bioenergy sources from plants are (1) bioethanol from

sucrose, starch and cellulosic materials and (2) biodiesel

from lipids and seed oils. Plant oils are used for biodiesel

production and are primarily composed of triacylglycerols

Communicated by M. Prasad.

Akula Nookaraju and Shashank K. Pandey have contributed equally

to this work.

Electronic supplementary material The online version of thisarticle (doi:10.1007/s00299-014-1582-y) contains supplementarymaterial, which is available to authorized users.

A. Nookaraju � S. K. Pandey � T. Fujino �J. Y. Kim � M. C. Suh � C. P. Joshi

Department of Bioenergy Science and Technology, Chonnam

National University, Kwangju 500-757, South Korea

A. Nookaraju � C. P. Joshi (&)

Department of Biological Sciences, Biotechnology Research

Center, School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science,

Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI 49931, USA

e-mail: [email protected]

Present Address:

A. Nookaraju

Kaveri Seed Company Ltd., S.D.Road, Secunderabad 500003,



Plant Cell Rep

DOI 10.1007/s00299-014-1582-y

Page 2: Enhanced accumulation of fatty acids and triacylglycerols in transgenic tobacco stems for enhanced bioenergy production

(TAGs), which consist of three glycerol esters of fatty acid

(FA) chains (usually 18 or 16 carbons long). The fatty acyl

chains are chemically similar to the aliphatic hydrocarbons

found in gasoline and diesel, and these are converted to

fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) for complete combustion

in engines. The FAMEs found in biodiesel have a high

energy density with high heat of combustion, similar to that

of conventional diesel (Knothe 2005).

De novo fatty acid synthesis takes place in plant plastids

through series of condensation, reduction and dehydration

reactions. Free FAs thus produced are transported to

endoplasmic reticulum (ER), where they are condensed

with the glycerol backbone via ER-based Kennedy path-

way that terminates with a final rate-limiting step catalyzed

by diacylglycerol acyltransferase (DGAT). There are two

classes of ER-localized DGAT in plants (Shockey et al.

2006). The type 1 class of DGAT (DGAT1) is known to

contribute significantly to seed TAG biosynthesis (Jako

et al. 2001). The type 2 class DGAT enzymes (DGAT2) are

responsible for processing and accumulation of unusual

fatty acids (Shockey et al. 2006). In addition, oil accu-

mulation in seeds is also controlled by transcription factors

(TFs) encoded by genes such as LEAFY COTYLEDON1

(LEC1) (Mu et al. 2008), LEC2 (Santos-Mendoza et al.

2008) and WRINKLED1 (WRI1) (Baud et al. 2007). TAGs

are typically extracted from seeds and fruits of oil crops for

human consumption and industrial uses. Due to importance

of seed TAGs as food sources that competes with fuel

production, attempts have been made to specifically

increase the accumulation of TAGs in vegetative tissues for

enhancing the total bioenergy yield per plant or per unit

area of land (Andrianov et al. 2010; Sanjaya et al. 2011).

Engineering tobacco to accumulate more oils in leaves

instead of seeds is potentially useful for the production of

biodiesel. However, in traditional bioenergy trees such as

poplars, engineering to accumulate oils in the leaves may not

be a viable option as the collection of leaves in these tree

species is not practical. In this situation, engineering plants to

accumulate oils in their stems or trunks will have a double

impact on bioenergy production because the woody stems

can be used for bioethanol production after oil extraction for

biodiesel production. Earlier, we isolated and characterized

PtCesA1 gene [hereafter mentioned as PtdCesA8A accord-

ing to new nomenclature (Kumar et al. 2009)] encoding

Cellulose Synthase 8A protein from aspen trees which is

highly expressed in developing xylem cells undergoing

primary growth and in secondary xylem cells during sec-

ondary growth (Wu et al. 2000). The PtdCesA8A promoter

was also shown to be highly active in developing xylem of

transgenic tobacco plants. Here, we show that the expression

of Arabidopsis DGAT1 and LEC2 genes under the control of

xylem-specific PtdCesA8A promoter in transgenic tobacco

plants resulted in accumulation of higher amount of FAs and

TAGs in stems. Moreover, use of xylem-specific promoter

avoids any plant growth and developmental anomalies

observed with constitutive expression of TF genes such as

LEC2 (Braybrook et al. 2006).

Materials and methods

Construction of DGAT1 and LEC2 expression vectors

and tobacco transformation

Full-length Arabidopsis thaliana cDNA for DGAT1 (Gene

Bank Accession No. AF051849.1) was amplified with

primers that contain XbaI (CGGTCTAGAATGGCGATT


CATCGATCCTTTTC) restriction sites on either sides and

cloned into the pTOP Blunt V2 vector (Enzynomics,

Korea) and sequenced. The DGAT1 cDNA was digested

using XbaI and SmaI and cloned between the PtdCesA8A

promoter (Wu et al. 2000) and NOS-T in modified pBI121

vector (Supplementary data Fig. S1). Similarly, full-length

Arabidopsis thaliana cDNA for LEC2 (Gene Bank

Accession No. DQ446296) was amplified with primers that



AGTC) restriction sites on either sides and cloned into

modified pBI121 between the PtdCesA8A promoter and

Nos-T as described above. Such Plasmid constructs of

AtDGAT1 and AtLEC2 were transformed into Agrobacte-

rium tumefaciens strain GV2260 using a heat shock pro-

tocol (Dong et al. 2007).

Plant transformation of tobacco (Nicotiana benthami-

ana) was carried out using leaf discs by Agrobacterium-

mediated technique (Pogrebnyak et al. 2005). Transgenic

shoots were selected on kanamycin (50 lg/ml) and were

rooted on half-strength MS medium (Murashige and Skoog

1962) containing kanamycin (50 lg/ml). The rooted shoots

were transferred to commercial potting mixture (3:2:1

peat–soil–perlite; Heung Nung Seeds, Korea) and hardened

plants were established in growth room maintained at

25 ± 1 �C temperature and 50 % relative humidity.

PCR confirmation of transgenic plants and transgene


The presence of Arabidopsis DGAT1 and LEC2 genes in

kanamycin-resistant tobacco lines was verified by genomic

DNA PCR using gene-specific primers as mentioned ear-

lier. Expression of AtDGAT1 and AtLEC2 mRNA in stem

tissues (from base, 1 to 7th internode) of transgenic plants

was estimated by RT-PCR using the primers: TTGGCCG



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GGAT for LEC2. The expression of LEC2 downstream

transcription factor gene, WRI1 and other downstream

genes encoding plastidic proteins involved in de novo fatty

acid synthesis was analyzed using the cDNA-specific

primers as listed in Supplementary data Table S1. Real-

time PCR was carried out using CFX96 Real-time system

(Bio-Rad, USA). Real-time PCR was performed using

SYBR green PCR kit (Takara, Japan). Comparative

threshold (Ct) values were normalized to Actin as internal

control and compared to obtain relative expression levels.

In situ RNA hybridization

To locate the transgene mRNA in stem tissues of trans-

genic tobacco plants, in situ RNA hybridization experi-

ments were carried out using Arabidopsis cDNA-specific

probes as described earlier (Wu et al. 2000). Stems sections

were taken at the 3rd internode from base (stem diameter

5.2 mm) and from 3rd internode from apex (stem diameter

2.3 mm) from 6-week-old greenhouse grown plants and

stem tissues were fixed with 4 % paraformaldehyde in

PBS, pH 7.2. These were dehydrated with water/ethanol/t-

butanol series and then embedded with Paraplast-plus

(Sigma). The cDNA fragments of AtDGAT1 and AtLEC2 to

be used as probes were amplified using gene-specific





ATAC-30 for AtLEC2 genes, subcloned into the pGEM

T-easy vector (Promega) and were used to produce anti-

sense and sense digoxygenin (DIG)-labeled transcripts with

T7 and Sp6 RNA polymerases (DIG RNA Labeling Kit,

Roche). Tissues sections of 10 lm in thickness were made and

hybridized with DIG-labeled antisense and sense probes

(0.5 ng/ll) at 52 �C overnight. Hybridized probes were

detected by application of Anti-DIG Fab conjugated with

alkaline phosphatase (Roche) at 1:750 dilution and nitroblue

tetrazolium/5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-phosphate. Images

were captured using a Zeiss Axiolab microscope fitted with a

CoolSNAP-Procf camera (Media Cybernetics).

Microscopy analysis

Stem sections of 6-week-old control and transgenic

tobacco plants were stained with Nile red (2.5 lg/ml in

methanol), mounted in 70 % glycerol and examined using

a laser confocal scanning microscope. Oil droplets were

observed at 570- to 630-nm emission following 559-nm

excitation by a solid-state laser. Images were captured with

a TCS SP5 AOBS/Tandem laser confocal scanning

microscope (Leica, Germany) (Sanjaya et al. 2011).

For transmission electron microscopy (TEM), the stem

tissues were fixed in 3 % glutaraldehyde and 10 mM cac-

odylate buffer pH 7.2 for overnight. After rinsing several

times in the same buffer, the stem tissues were prefixed

with a 2 % osmium tetroxide for an additional 1 h. After

dehydration using ethanol series, the tissues were infiltrated

and subsequently embedded in LR white resin. Ultra thin

sections (80 nm) were cut with a diamond knife on Leica

U6 ultra microtome and stained serially with 2 % uranyl

acetate and 1 % lead citrate. Sections were examined in

Joel 1200EX transmission electron microscope operated at

80 kV and photographed using a Deben AMT 1.3 k digital

camera (Slocombe et al. 2009).

Fatty acid analysis and TAG estimation

Total fatty acids from tobacco stems were analyzed using the

method described earlier (Jung et al. 2011). Basal portion of

the stems (from base, 1 to 7th internode) of control and

transgenic tobacco were harvested from 6-week-old plants

maintained in a greenhouse, and were ground to fine powder in

liquid N2. The powder samples were lyophilized and residues

were transmethylated at 90 �C for 90 min in 0.25 ml of tol-

uene and 1 ml of methanol containing 5 % sulfuric acid (v/v).

Heptadecanoic acid (17:0) was added to each sample as an

internal standard. After transmethylation, 1.5 ml of 0.9 %

NaCl solution was added and the fatty acid methyl esters

(FAMEs) were recovered by three sequential extractions with

2 ml of hexane. The FAMEs were analyzed by gas chroma-

tography on a 30 m 9 0.32 mm (inner diameter) DB-23

column (Agilent, USA) while increasing the oven temperature

from 160 to 220 �C at 2.5 �C/min (GC-2010; Shimadzu,

Japan). The fatty acids were identified by comparison of

retention times and mass spectra with those of standards.

Estimation of TAGs was carried out according to the pro-

cedure described by Miquel and Browse (1992) with minor

modifications. About 500 mg fresh stems (from base, 1 to 7

internodes) of 6-week-old control and transgenic tobacco

plants were ground in liquid nitrogen and immediately treated

with 3 ml of preheated (75 �C) isopropanol with 0.01 %

butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT, Sigma) for 15 min. To this,

1.5 ml of chloroform and 0.6 ml of sterile water were added

and agitated on a rotary shaker at 90 rpm for 1 h at RT. The

organic phase containing lipids was carefully transferred to a

new glass tube; 4 ml of chloroform/methanol (2:1, v/v) with

0.01 % BHT was added and agitated as above for 30 min at

RT. The chloroform/methanol extraction was repeated for

three more times. The combined extract was washed with

1 ml of 1 M KCl and 2 ml of water. After centrifugation at

1,200 rpm for 10 min at RT, upper phase was discarded and

the lower phase was used for TAG analysis. Individual lipids

were separated on TLC plates coated with silica gel G using

hexane/diethyl ether/acetic acid (70: 30: 1, v/v/v) mobile

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Page 4: Enhanced accumulation of fatty acids and triacylglycerols in transgenic tobacco stems for enhanced bioenergy production

phase. Triheptadecanoic-glycerol was used as standard and

the TAG bands were visualized under iodine vapor. After run,

TAG bands were scraped from TLC plates and their FAs

content was estimated as described above.

Cellulose estimation and glucose release

Precursors of fatty acid biosynthesis in plants are derived

from sugars formed during photosynthesis. Photosynthates

in the form of sugar from the source tissues are transported

into developing seeds and converted via glycolysis into

precursors of fatty acid biosynthesis (Durrett et al. 2008).

Some of those photosynthates are used for cellulose pro-

duction. To check whether there is any reduction in cel-

lulose content in response to diversion of photosynthates to

FA synthesis, we estimated cellulose contents in transgenic

stems. For this, mature stems from 6-week-old tobacco plants

were ground to fine powder and passed through 40 gauge

sieves. The tissue powders were treated with acetonitrile

(ACN) solution (acetic acid:nitric acid:water 8:2:1) at 100 �C

for 30 min (Updegraff 1969). Then the tissue powders were

washed with sterile water and dried. The dried residue con-

taining pure cellulose was weighed and sugar release was

calculated using phenol–sulfuric acid method monitoring the

absorbance at 490 nm as reported by Dubois et al. (1956). A

glucose standard curve was prepared using 2–22 lg lL-1 and

glucose yields of tissue samples were calculated.

Statistical analysis

Data collected from different experiments were analyzed

using Statistical Analysis Software (SAS Inc., USA)

package 9.1. Statistical differences were determined using

a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and means were

considered significantly different at P \ 0.01.


Overexpression of AtDGAT1 and AtLEC2 in transgenic

tobacco resulted in normal plants with minor growth


A total of 25 transgenic lines of tobacco for each of the two

genes, AtDGAT1 and AtLEC2 were generated and selected

on kanamycin containing media and their transgenic nature

was confirmed by genomic DNA PCR using gene-specific

primers for transgenes (data not shown). The transgenic

plants expressing AtDGAT1 and AtLEC2 genes developed

and flowered normally and did not show any develop-

mental anomalies as compared to vector control lines

(Fig. 1). There were some minor differences in the number

of branches and stem diameter measurements (Table 1).

Total RNA was isolated from stem of transgene tobacco

plants and checked for transgene expression by quantitative

real-time PCR with reference to Actin. The expression

levels of AtDGAT1 and AtLEC2 in the stem of transgenic

plants ranged from 0.25 to 0.65 (DGAT1) and 0.5 to 1.05

(LEC2) when compared to actin gene expression (Fig. 2a,


LEC2 TF overexpression in transgenic lines also

induced the expression of downstream TF gene, WRI1

(Fig. 2c). Furthermore, the expression of further down-

stream genes encoding plastidic proteins involved in de

novo fatty acid synthesis as well as biotin carboxyl carrier

protein isoform 2 and acyl carrier protein 1 was also

enhanced in stems of AtLEC2 transgenic plants as com-

pared to that of control plants (Fig. 2c). In addition,

enhanced expression of DGAT1 was observed in AtLEC2

transgenic stems when compared to that in stems of vector

control lines. There was a moderate increase in SUS gene

expression in 5 lines out of 8 lines of AtLEC2 transgenics.

Fig. 1 PCR confirmed 6-week-old DGAT1 and LEC2 transgenic

plants of tobacco maintained in greenhouse. DGAT1-2, transformed

tobacco lines 2; LEC2-4, LEC2 transformed line 4; VC-1, vector

control 1. The transgenic plants did not show any morphological

variations with control vector lines

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Page 5: Enhanced accumulation of fatty acids and triacylglycerols in transgenic tobacco stems for enhanced bioenergy production

Transgene mRNAs were localized in developing xylem

tissues of tobacco

To examine the pattern of AtDGAT1 and AtLEC2 expres-

sion in stem tissues of transgenic tobacco plants, in situ

RNA hybridization was performed using gene-specific

antisense RNA probes. AtDGAT1 expression was observed

in developing secondary xylem (SX) and its expression

gradually decreased in mature xylem (Fig. 3a), whereas no

signal was observed in sections hybridized with sense

probes (Fig. 3b) and control plant sections hybridized with

antisense probes (Fig. 3g). In AtDGAT1 overexpression

line 3, a strong expression of AtDGAT1 mRNA was seen in

developing xylem cells during both primary and secondary

Table 1 Growth parameters of transgenic and control plants of tobacco

Line Plant height


No. of


No. of


No. of


Ave. leaf size

(cm) (L/B)

Stem diameter (mm) No. of flower buds

per plantTop Middle Base

Control 28.5 ± 2.3 17.5 ± 3.6 7.3 ± 1.8 71.0 ± 15.8 6.5/6.2 1.1 ± 0.2 4.2 ± 1.0 6.0 ± 0.7 21.3 ± 5.5

DGAT1 29.4 ± 3.2 19.3 ± 2.3 6.4 ± 1.5 59.4 ± 20.5 6.3/6.2 1.2 ± 0.5 4.6 ± 1.1 5.0 ± 1.0 23.1 ± 6.0

LEC2 32.0 ± 2.3 16.3 ± 2.9 5.0 ± 0.2 61.5 ± 19.0 6.5/6.5 1.2 ± 0.5 4.0 ± 2.0 4.7 ± 1.1 19.1 ± 8.0

Observations were recorded at 6 weeks after transfer of plants to soil. The number of samples for each treatment is 12 and the experiment was

repeated twice. Values are averages for 12 plants each of control, AtDGAT1 and AtLEC2 transgenic lines and are represented as mean ± SD. L/B

refers to length/breadth of leaves

VC-1 VC-10 DG-1 DG-2 DG-3 DG-4 DG-5 DG-8 DG-9 DG-10 VC-1 VC-10 LE-4 LE-5 LE-6 LE-9 LE-11 LE-13 LE-14

a b

c VC-1 VC-10 LE-4 LE-5 LE -6 LE -9 LE-11 LE-13 LE-14





















e m


A e




Transgenic lines











e m


A e




Transgenic lines

Fig. 2 Relative expressions of transgenes in tobacco plants and

expression patterns of LEC2 downstream genes in transgenic tobacco

plants expressing AtLEC2. Relative expression pattern of AtDGAT1

(a) and AtLEC2 (b) mRNA in stem tissues of transgenic plants

expressing AtDGAT1 and AtLEC2, respectively. Upregulation of

LEC2 downstream genes in transgenic tobacco plants expressing

AtLEC2 (c). The relative expressions were compared to that of actin.

The error bars represent the SEM of three independent experiments

carried out from three independent RNA extractions. DG, DGAT1;

LE, LEC2. All long forms of the genes used here are listed in Table


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Page 6: Enhanced accumulation of fatty acids and triacylglycerols in transgenic tobacco stems for enhanced bioenergy production

Fig. 3 In situ mRNA hybridization studies in DGAT1 and LEC2

transgenic stems. Positive DNA/RNA hybridization signals stained in

purple blue color. Arrows indicate the cellular localization of DGAT1

and LEC2 transcripts. Localization of AtDGAT1 mRNA in stems of

DGAT1 overexpression line 3 (a, e) and AtLEC2 overexpression line

5 (c). AtDGAT1 expression was observed in developing xylem cells of

primary (e) and secondary xylem (a) of transgenic plants and its

expression gradually decreased toward maturity, whereas no signal

was observed in sense-probed sections (b, f) and control plant

sections hybridized with antisense probes (g). Similarly, AtLEC2

mRNA expression was observed in a few developing cells of

secondary xylem (c) whereas no signal was observed in sense-probed

sections (d) and control plant sections hybridized with antisense

probes (h). PX primary xylem, SX secondary xylem. Figures are

presented in 9100 magnification. Bar 100 lm (color figure online)

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Page 7: Enhanced accumulation of fatty acids and triacylglycerols in transgenic tobacco stems for enhanced bioenergy production

growth. However, in LEC2 overexpression line 5, AtLEC2

mRNA expression was observed only in a few developing

cells of secondary xylem in mature stems (Fig. 3c) whereas

no signal was observed with sense probes (Fig. 3d, f) and

control plant sections were hybridized with antisense

probes (Fig. 3h). However, all the cells of primary xylem

in young stems stained positive (Fig. 3e) indicating the

expression of AtDGAT1 driven by PtdCesA8A promoter. It

was very difficult to distinguish between cytoplasm and

plasma membrane in xylem fibers as majority of the cell is

occupied by a large vacuole and cytoplasm forms a thin

layer around the vacuole. This is the reason for the

observed staining of plasma membrane in transgenic lines.

The expression of DGAT1 and LEC2 was limited to

developing secondary xylem as the promoter (PtdCesA8A)

activity is seen in actively growing xylem cells. Also, due

to low expression levels of LEC2 TF, the expression could

not be detected in mature xylem cells.

Increased number of oil bodies in tissues of transgenic


Hand sections of control and transgenic stems from 6-week-

old plants were stained with Nile red and observed under a

confocal laser scanning microscope after excitation at

559 nm of light. Oil droplets were observed at much higher

frequency in xylem, phloem, pith and cortex tissues of

transgenic stems as compared to control vector stems

(Fig. 4). The localization of oil droplets was sometimes seen

in pith regions at a higher frequency as compared to phloem

and xylem tissues. Oil droplets were also observed in vas-

cular cambium and ray cells of secondary xylem. Among the

transgenics, LEC2 overexpression line 5 showed a higher

frequency of oil droplet accumulation in pith, xylem and

cortex tissues (Fig. 4e, f) as did DGAT1 overexpression line

3 (Fig. 4c, d); vector control lines showed a comparatively

lower frequency of oil droplets accumulation (Fig. 4a, b). On

an average, two-to fourfold increase in droplet frequency

was observed in xylem tissues of DGAT1 overexpression line

3 and LEC2 overexpression line 5, respectively, as compared

to that of control plants (Fig. 4g). The size of oil droplets was

more or less uniform in all the tobacco stem tissues and

among control and transgenic lines.

The TEM visualization of stem sections revealed the

presence of many small black-colored oil bodies in cyto-

plasm surrounding vacuoles in developing xylem and mature

xylem cells of control and transgenic plants (Fig. 5). Similar

to confocal microscopy observations, oil bodies were

observed at a higher frequency in developing and mature

xylem cells of DGAT1 overexpression line 3 (Fig. 5b, e) as

compared to vector control (Fig. 5a, d), while LEC2 over-

expression line 5 (Fig. 5c, f) showed moderate increase in oil

droplet accumulation in their stems as compared to control.

Transgenic tobacco plants showed increased titers

of FAMEs and enhanced levels of TAGs in stems

Mature stems (from base, 1 to 7th internode) from

transgenic tobacco plants at 6 weeks of age were used for

FA analysis. The tobacco plants typically possessed

16–19 internodes at that time of age. Overall, LEC2

overexpression lines accumulated higher levels of FAs in

their stems as compared to DGAT1 overexpression lines

(Fig. 6a). On an average, AtDGAT1 and AtLEC2 expres-

sion resulted in a 63 and 80 % increase in total FA

production in their stems over control plants (Fig. 6a).

Among AtDGAT1 transgenics, stems of AtDGAT1 over-

expression line 2 showed a higher FA accumulation

(95 % increase over control). However, among all the

lines, stems of AtLEC2 overexpression line 5 showed a

maximum of 133 % increase in FA accumulation over

control stems.

Composition of FAs in the stems showed significant

variation among control and transgenic plants. The results

showed that the common fatty acids, palmitic (16:0), le-

noleic (18:2) and linolenic acid (18:3) contributed mainly

to the total stem FA pool. A steady increase in the C18-

type unsaturated FA pool was observed in DGAT1 and

LEC2 overexpression lines as compared to other fatty acids

(Fig. 6b). The levels of oleic acid (18:1), lenoleic and

linolenic acid showed more than a twofold increase in

stems of transgenic plants as compared to those in control

stems (Fig. 6b). A moderate increase in C16:0 (palmitic

acid) level was observed in transgenic stems while no

significant differences were observed for C16:3 (palmito-

leic acid) and C18:0 (stearic acid) levels between control

and transgenic stems (Fig. 6b).

The fatty acid composition of TAGs from stems of

control and selected transgenic plants was estimated by gas

chromatography. The results showed that levels of TAGs in

stems of transgenic lines were found to be higher as

compared to vector control lines (Fig. 7a). Among differ-

ent FAs, palmitic (16:0), lenoleic (18:2) and linolenic acid

(18:3) were main constituents (Fig. 7b). Among the

transgenic lines, higher levels of TAGs were recorded in

case of AtLEC2 overexpression line 5, AtDGAT1 overex-

pression lines 1 and 5. On an average, AtLEC2 overex-

pression line 5 showed an eightfold increase in TAG

accumulation as compared to those of controls. This

transgenic line (AtLEC2 overexpression line 5) with high-

est TAG levels also had the highest total FA content

(Fig. 7a). The FA composition of TAGs showed enhanced

levels of 16:0, 18:0, 18:2 and 18:3 TAGs in transgenic lines

(Fig. 7b). The overall contribution of TAGs to the total FA

pool in vector control lines is around 4–9 %, while TAGs

contribute for about 13–28 % to total FA pool in transgenic


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Transgenic tobacco stems remain unchanged in terms

of cellulose content

As the precursors of fatty acid biosynthesis in plants are

derived from sugars formed during photosynthesis, we

estimated the cellulose contents in transgenic stems

showing higher accumulation of FAs. It was observed that

the levels of cellulose in transgenic stems were on par with

those of control stems (Supplementary data Fig. S2). Fur-

thermore, the glucose released from transgenic stems did

not show any significant reduction as compared to that of

control stems (Supplementary data Fig. S3). These results

suggest that there was no reduction in cellulose levels and

glucose release due to higher accumulation of FAs in

transgenic stems.


Plants normally accumulate oil in seeds, which have less

storage capacity than leaves and stems due to their smaller

sizes. To overcome this limitation and to address ‘‘Food

versus fuel’’ competition issue, it is advantageous to spe-

cifically accumulate oil in the vegetative tissues for

increasing the total energy yield per plant. In this study, we

report for the first time, the enhanced accumulation of fatty

acids in stem tissues of transgenic plants expressing

Arabidopsis DGAT1 and LEC2 genes driven by the aspen

secondary cell wall cellulose synthase promoter, Ptd-

CesA8A-P (Wu et al. 2000). The transgenic plants grew

normally and were similar to vector control plants except

for minor differences in stem diameter and number of

Fig. 4 Localization of Nile red-stained oil bodies in control and

transgenic tobacco stems. Oil bodies were localized at higher

frequency in LEC2 overexpression line 5 (e, f) and DGAT1

overexpression line 3 (c, d), whereas lower number of oil bodies

were observed in control vector stems (a, b). The distribution of oil

droplets (oleosomes) was higher in xylem, phloem, pith and cortex

tissues of transgenic plants as compared to that of vector control

stems (g). The sections were taken at 3rd internode from apex. Nile

red-stained oil bodies were localized (arrows) in cortex, phloem,

xylem parenchyma and pith tissues of tobacco stems. PX primary

xylem, SX secondary xylem, Ph phloem, VC vascular cambium, Pt

pith, Co cortex. Bar 200 lm

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Page 9: Enhanced accumulation of fatty acids and triacylglycerols in transgenic tobacco stems for enhanced bioenergy production

branches. Contrary to our observations, some growth

reductions were reported by Andrianov et al. (2010) for

transgenic tobacco plants expressing AtDGAT1 and At-

LEC2 under a strong leaf-specific promoter. The differ-

ences in the transgenics between our study and this earlier

study could be attributed to the differences in the strength

and spatial expression of transgene driven by two different

promoters. The use of xylem-specific promoter as descri-

bed here appears to be more specific and beneficial for such

genetic manipulations.

Enhanced expression of DGAT1, the major rate-limiting

enzyme in oil biosynthesis pathway in AtDGAT1 overex-

pression lines appears to have generated higher TAG levels

(Fig. 7a), which have contributed to higher FA levels in

transgenic stems (Fig. 6a). Apart from DGAT1, the over-

expression of AtLEC2 encoding a seed-specific transcrip-

tion factor also resulted in enhanced accumulation of TAGs

contribution and increased FA accumulation in AtLEC2

transgenic tobacco stems. However, the levels of FAMEs

were higher in AtLEC2 overexpression lines as compared

to AtDGAT1 lines (Fig. 6a). As mentioned earlier, LEC1

and LEC2 are developmental TFs involved in storage

product accumulation and their overexpression in green

tissues has been reported to stimulate the formation of

structures similar to seed embryos (Lotan et al. 1998), and

caused increased accumulation of oil in Arabidopsis seeds

(Mu et al. 2008; Santos-Mendoza et al. 2008; Slocombe

et al. 2009) and transgenic tobacco leaves (Andrianov et al.

2010). The LEC1 and LEC2 were reported to directly

regulate another TF, WRI1, which is involved in fatty acid

biosynthesis in seeds (Baud et al. 2007; Shen et al. 2010).

The increased expression of WRI1 mRNA in AtLEC2

transgenic plants in the present study further supports these

earlier findings on transcriptional regulation of WRI1 by


Studies with Arabidopsis showed that LEC2 controls the

transcription of many seed-specific mRNAs controlling

seed oil accumulation (Santos-Mendoza et al. 2008). In our

study, the expression of WRI1 was enhanced significantly

in the stems of AtLEC2 overexpression lines (Fig. 2c).

Furthermore, enhanced expression of many downstream

genes from AtLEC2 encoding plastidic proteins involved in

de novo FA synthesis, biotin carboxyl carrier protein iso-

form 2 and acyl carrier protein 1 and SUS was observed. It

is possible that such upregulation of genes might have

contributed to increased FA levels in stems of transgenic

tobacco plants. Interestingly, the expression of AtDGAT1,

and its involvement in TAG formation, was also enhanced

Fig. 5 Electron micrographs (20,000x) of control and transgenic

tobacco stems stained with osmium tetroxide. Localization of oil

droplets was observed as small black-colored spots (arrows) in the

cytoplasm surrounding the vacuoles. Oils droplets were observed at

higher frequencies in AtDGAT1 overexpression line 3 (b, e) and

AtLEC2 overexpression line 5 (c, f) transgenic stems as compared to

controls (a, b). Comparatively more number of oil droplets was

observed in developing xylem cells (d–f) as compared to mature

xylem cells (a–c). N nucleus, P plastid, M mitochondria, V vacuole.

Bar 2 lm

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Page 10: Enhanced accumulation of fatty acids and triacylglycerols in transgenic tobacco stems for enhanced bioenergy production

in the stems of AtLEC2 overexpression lines, indicating an

increase in TAG levels in AtLEC2 overexpression lines

(Fig. 7a). Also, the enhanced expression of DGAT1 in

AtDGAT1 overexpression lines might have contributed to

the increased synthesis of FAs.

In majority of oil plants, TAGs are stored as oil droplets

in the seeds and utilized during seedling growth after

germination (Jolivet et al. 2004). In addition to seeds and

the mesocarp of fruits, some plants accumulate lipids in

stems, roots and leaves. The plants known for accumulat-

ing lipids in stems include sandalwood, teak, scots pine,

tung and the desert plant Tetraena mongolica. For exam-

ple, relatively high levels of TAG were reported in stem

tissues of scots pine [5 % of dry weight (DW)] and ‘oil

firewood’ Tetraena mongolica (9 % DW in Phloem)

(Durrett et al. 2008) though the mechanism of oil accu-

mulation in these plants is not well studied. However, in

our study, expression of AtDGAT1 native gene was

observed in vegetative parts such as stem and leaf tissues of

tobacco (data not shown) indicating the occurrence of FA

biosynthesis in these tissues. This result supports our claim

to produce lipids in stem tissues, thereby increasing the

potential for bioenergy production from stems. We

expressed Arabidopsis DGAT1 and LEC2 genes under a

strong xylem-specific PtdCesA8A promoter that showed

strong expression in xylem cells during primary and sec-

ondary growth (Wu et al. 2000). Expression of these genes

in xylem cells resulted in enhanced oil droplets accumu-

lated in stem tissues of transgenic tobacco plants as

revealed by Nile red staining (Fig. 4). The promoter

activity was reported mainly in developing xylem cells.

However, under mechanical stress, its expression was also

seen in phloem fiber tissues (Wu et al. 2000). In our study,

oil accumulation was observed in phloem, pith and cortex

tissues apart from xylem though no hybridization signal

was observed in pith and cortex tissues in stems of trans-

genic plants. This could be due to very low expression

levels of AtDGAT1 and AtLEC2 that did not show up in

RNA hybridizations. The oil droplets were seen more fre-

quently in stem tissues of transgenic plants as compared to

those of control plants. We observed that transgenic

tobacco plants expressing Arabidopsis DGAT1 and LEC2

showed 63–80 % increase in total extractable FAs in stems.

Similar to our study, overexpression of AtDGAT1 under a

strong leaf-specific rbcS promoter resulted in accumulation

of FAs in leaves (Andrianov et al. 2010). In the same study,

ectopic expression of AtLEC2 under the alc promoter

resulted in more than 100 % increase in extracted FAs

from transgenic tobacco leaves. Similar results were

recently reported with transgenic Arabidopsis plants


aFig. 6 Contents of fatty acids

in stems of DGAT1 and LEC2

transgenic lines of tobacco. The

total amount of extractable FAs

(a) and fatty acid composition

(b) in control and transgenic


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Page 11: Enhanced accumulation of fatty acids and triacylglycerols in transgenic tobacco stems for enhanced bioenergy production

overexpressing WRI1 under the constitutive promoter,

CaMV35S (Sanjaya et al. 2011). However, in these studies,

leaf-specific overexpression of AtDGAT1 and AtWRI1 in

tobacco and Arabidopsis resulted in minor growth


In general, very long-chain fatty acid-containing TAGs

are found only in seeds. However, an increase in very long-

chain fatty acid-containing TAGs was reported in the

vegetative tissue of the AGPRNAi-WRI1 lines of Arabi-

dopsis (Sanjaya et al. 2011) and in senescing leaves of

LEC2 overexpression lines of Arabidopsis (Slocombe et al.

2009). These reports suggest that seed-like biosynthetic

mechanisms could be ectopically induced in the non-seed

tissues. Enhanced accumulation of 16:0, 18:0, 18:2 and

18:3 TAGs in DGAT1 and LEC2 transgenic lines was

observed as compared to control stems in our study

(Fig. 7b). The compositions of FAs in the stems of DGAT1

and LEC2 transgenic tobacco plants showed more than

100 % increase in the C18 type unsaturated FA pool

compared to control stems. These results reflect previous

reports that 16:0, 18:1 and 18:2 FAs and very long-chain

FAs having more than 20 carbon atoms comprised more

than 90 % and\1 % of total FAs, respectively, in tobacco

seed oils.

In conclusion, here, we have successfully demonstrated

the accumulation of lipids in transgenic stems that have a

potential to be useful biofuel source. Further studies in our

laboratory are aimed at transforming poplar trees for

enhanced accumulation of oils in the stems using a similar

approach. Also, no compensation in cellulose contents was

observed due to higher accumulation of FAs in transgenic

tobacco stems. Our approach has a potential for increasing

the total energy production per plant because the ligno-

cellulosic plant material can be used for traditional bio-

ethanol production and excess oil produced in transgenic

plant stems could be used for biodiesel production from the

same stems. This study provides a proof of concept for

enhancing the production of FAs and TAGs in stems of

transgenic bioenergy plants, where lignocellulosic material

from transgenic stems after oil extraction can be utilized

for bioethanol production.

Acknowledgments This work was supported by the World Class

University project of the Ministry of Science and Technology of

Korea (R31-2009-000-20025-0). The authors declare that they have

no conflict of interest.


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