Page 1: Enhanced Three Tier Security Scheme for Data in Network

International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) – Volume 2 Issue 2, Mar-Apr 2014

ISSN: 2347-8578 Page 126


Enhanced Three Tier Security Scheme for Data in Network Nikita J. Kulkarni1, Prashant Erande2, Neelima Jadhav3

Department of Computer Science and Engineering,

ZES’s Dnyanganga College of Engineering And Research, Pune,

Maharashtra, India


In Three Tier Architecture, access nodes, act as authentication access points to the network, to detect the Data prov

nodes to transfer their aggregated data to data req. A node sends data request messages to the Data prov nodes via a

access node. These data request messages will initiate the stationary access node to detect data prov nodes, which

transmit their data to the req node. Using two separate key pools and having few data prov nodes that carry keys from

the Requester key pool will make it more difficult for the attacker to launch a data req node replication attack on the

network by capturing only a few arbitrary data prov nodes. This scheme is divided into two stages: static and requester

polynomial pre-distribution and key discovery. Also for access node replication attack, we will use a 1-way hash chain

algorithm in conjunction with the polynomial pool scheme. In addition to the static polynomial, a pool of randomly

generated passwords is used to enhance the security.

Keywords:- Data Req , Data prov, key pre-distribution, 1 -way hash chain algorithm


The Three Tier Security Scheme is

basically used for increasing the security of

the system. Pair wise key distribution

service is provided by the system to the

normal user for password authentication.

Two separate polynomials such as requester

polynomial pool and static polynomial pool

where the keys are stored and from these

pools pair wise keys are picked randomly by

data req and data prov. Due to which

network security is improved. Replication

attack to data prov is reduced. So our aim is

to provide the normal users with a simple

and secure data transfer. To secure the three

tier network architecture from node

replicated attack using two separate key

pools, one for the Data req node to access

the network, and one for pair wise key

establishment between the Data prov; Also

stationary access node replication attacks,

using authentication mechanism between

the Data prov and the stationary access



The key distribution [3] problem is

an active research area in wireless networks.

The main concept is to pick a set of keys

from key pool by data prov node so that any

two data prov nodes share at least one

common key. This idea is further extended

to two key pre distribution schemes [3]: the

random pair wise keys scheme [4] and the q-

composite key pre distribution scheme. The

q-composite key pre distribution scheme

also used a key pool, but required two data

prov nodes to compute a pair wise key from

at least q pre distributed keys that they

shared. The random pair wise keys scheme

randomly picked pairs of data prov nodes

and assigned each pair a unique random key.

Both schemes improved the security over

the basic probabilistic key pre distribution




Page 2: Enhanced Three Tier Security Scheme for Data in Network

International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) – Volume 2 Issue 2, Mar-Apr 2014

ISSN: 2347-8578 Page 127

In the proposed scheme, we use two

separate polynomial pools: the Data req

polynomial pool and the static polynomial

pool. Polynomials from the Data req

polynomial pool are used to establish the

security between Data req and stationary

access nodes, which will enable this Data

req to access the Data prov for data

collection. Thus, an attacker would

compromise at least a single polynomial

from the Requester polynomial pool to

obtain access to the network for the data

collection. Polynomials from the static

polynomial pool are used to as certain the

authentication and keys setup between the

Data prov and stationary access nodes.

Priority wise, each Data req randomly picks

a subset of polynomials keys from the

Requester polynomial pool.

Figure 1: System Architecture

In this scheme, to improve the

network security to Data req replication

attack as compared to the single polynomial

pool based approach, we intend to minimize

the probability of a Data req polynomial

being compromised if Data prov captured.



In many security applications one-

way chains are an important cryptographic

primitive. As one way chains are very

efficient to verify, they are recently

becoming increasingly popular for designing

security protocols as one way function can

compute their low-powered processors

within milliseconds. Two new concepts for

one-way hash chains are introduced in this

paper which significantly improves the

efficiency of one way chains. The first

construction, the Sandwich-chain, efficiently

does verification of one way chain values if

the trusted chain value of one way is far

away and smaller bandwidth for one-way

chain values is provided. Our second

construction, Combo Skip chain, features a

new lower bound for one-way chains in

terms of storage and traversal overhead.

Figure 2: System Flow


Notation: Data prov – u; Data req node –v;

Stationary Access Node- a

A) Stage I

1. Generate Requester Polynomial Pool

called M of size |M|

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International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) – Volume 2 Issue 2, Mar-Apr 2014

ISSN: 2347-8578 Page 128

2. Generate Static Polynomial Pool

called S of size |S|

3. Randomly give Km (Km >1) from M

to each v

4. Randomly give 1 polynomial from M

to each a

5. Randomly give subset of Ks from S

to each u

6. Randomly give (KS -1) from S to

each a

B) Stage II

7. u finds a such that; a can establish

pair wise key with both v & u

If (direct key establishment)


1. v sends K c

(encrypted using

K v a) to a

2. a receive message

& share pair wise

key with u

3. a sends K c

(encrypted using

K a u) to u




1. Find the

intermediate data

prov node.

2. Establish pair

wise key with

help of

intermediate data

prov node.

3. Establish direct


using other data

prov node.


C) 8. Using secure key pair

establishment data req can request data

from data prov node.


In our system, system will ask user

to login by entering the details. After login

into the system the user will enter how much

number of nodes is required i.e. data req

nodes, data prov nodes and stationary access

nodes to construct the three tier architecture.

User will manually enter the number of


Figure 3:- Structure of System

After entering the number of nodes

the three tier architecture is created as

shown in figure 3.In above figure user has

entered five data req nodes, five stationary

access nodes and five data prov nodes.

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International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) – Volume 2 Issue 2, Mar-Apr 2014

ISSN: 2347-8578 Page 129

Following are the operations used for

constructing the path from data req node to

data prov node through stationary access


Polynomial Pool Generation

Polynomial Pre-Distribution

Key Discovery

Enhanced Three-Tier

In above figure it also shows two

panels below which display the direct and

indirect path between data req node and data


Figure 4:- Generation of Polynomial

For the generation of the

polynomials binomial expression is used as

shown in above figure.In which user is

asked to enter the degree of polynomial,size

of requester pool and static pool.These

binomial expression produces number of

keys or polynomials randomly.

Figure 5:- Polynomial Pools

As described in above section, system

contain two pools i.e. requester polynomial

pool and static polynomial pool.These pool

contain polynpmials or keys.Keys from

requester polynomial pool are distributed to

data req nodes and access nodes.Keys from

static polynomial pool are distrbuted to

access nodes and data prov nodes. Keys are

randomly given Km (Km >1) from requester

pool to each data req. Keys are randomly

given 1 polynomial from requester to each

access nodes. Keys are randomly given

subset of Ks from static pool to each data

prov. Keys are randomly given (KS -1) from

static pool to each access nodes.

Data prov finds access node such

that access node can establish pair wise key

with both data req and data prov. If there is

direct path establishment then,

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International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) – Volume 2 Issue 2, Mar-Apr 2014

ISSN: 2347-8578 Page 130

Figure 6:- Direct Path

In above figure, user select source

node as M1 and destination as S2.M1 sends

a key to access nodes. Here A3 receives

message because A3 found matching key

i.e.95608 with M1. A3 also shows available

keys of data prov i.e. 582083, 1777467,


In direct path panel it shows:

M1:A3 95608 S2 :{ 582083, 1777467}

These shows that M1 and A3 have

matching key {95608}.A3 and S2 have

matching keys {582083, 1777467}.

If there is indirect path then, find the

intermediate data prov node and establish

pair wise key with help of intermediate data

prov node.

Figure 7:- Indirect Path

In above figure, user select source

node as M1 and destination as S1.M1 sends

a key to access nodes. Here A3 receives

message because A3 found matching key

i.e.95608 with M1. A3 also shows available

keys of data prov which is an intermediate

node S2 i.e. 582083, 1777467, 1156083.S2

founds matching keys with destination node


In Indirect path panel it shows:

M1:A3 95608 S2 S1 {582083, 1777467}

These shows that M1 and A3 have

matching key {95608}.A3 and S2 found

same keys which is an intermediate node.S2

and S1 have matching keys {582083,


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International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) – Volume 2 Issue 2, Mar-Apr 2014

ISSN: 2347-8578 Page 131

Figure 8:- Generation of Password Pool

After matching the keys to enhance

the security of the network or system

password pool is generated.System will ask

user to enter the size of the pool and R is

randomly generated password where user

can manually enter any value for R.

Figure 9:- Password Pool

As shown in above figure passwords

are generated.Each password contain

combination of digits and alphabets.This

password is distributed to only stationary

access node and data prov.Stationary access

node contain R-1 password from pasword

pool and data prov node contain R password

from password pool.

Figure 10:- Password Matching

After the mechanism of matching the

keys between data prov and stationary

access node, password matching proccess is

started between stationary access node and

data prov node.Password matching process

is running with the keys matching process.

As shown in above figure user will

select M1 as source node and S1 as

destination node.Password pool is generated

and password distribution is done by using

MD5(Message Digest).R-1 passwords are

assign to access node,R passwords are

assign to data prov node from password

pool.Path is displayed in the direct path

panel which shows direct path establishment

between data req and data prov.

Direct path given:

M1:A3 {1099861} S1 { 2243364}

Above path shows that M1,A3 found

matching key {1099861} and A3,S1 found

matching key {2243364}.In password

matching,Rth password from R-1 of

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International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) – Volume 2 Issue 2, Mar-Apr 2014

ISSN: 2347-8578 Page 132

stationary access node gets matched with R

password from data prov and more secure

path is constructed between data req and

data prov.Data is transferred with enhanced

or more security.Due to the enhanced

security in the system attacker is not able to

crack the password provided by the

password pool to the stationary access node

and data prov node.


In this paper, it generation of a three-

tier security framework for authentication

and pair wise key[4] establishment between

data req and data prov. Network security is

improved due to data req replication attacks

by using polynomial pool based key pre-

distribution [3]. Using two separate key

pools and having few stationary access

nodes our system will not allow an attacker

to gather data from data prov by deploying a

replicated data req. One-way hash chains

algorithm is use for conjunction with the

static polynomial pool-based scheme.


[1] .H. Deng, W. Li, and D.P. Agrawal,

“Routing Security in Wireless Ad Hoc

Networks,” Proc. IEEE Comm. Magazine, pp.

70-75, 2002.

[2]. L. Eschenauer and V.D. Gligor, “A Key-

Management Scheme for Distributed Data prov

Networks,” Proc. ACM Conf. Computer Comm.

Security (CCS ’02), pp. 41-47, 2002.

[3] H. Chan, A. Perrig, and D. Song, “Random

Key Pre-Distribution Schemes for Data prov

Networks,” Proc. IEEE Symp. Research in

Security and Privacy, 2003.

[4] D. Liu, P. Ning, and R.Li. Establishing,

“Pairwise Keys in Distributed Data prov

Networks,” Proc. 10th ACM Conf. Computers

and Comm. Security (CCS ’03), pp. 52-61, Oct.


[5] A. Rasheed and R. Mahapatra, “A Key Pre-

Distribution Scheme for Heterogeneous Data

prov Networks,” Proc. Int’l Conf. Wireless

Comm. and Mobile Computing Conf. (IWCMC

’09), pp. 263-268,June 2009.
