Page 1: Enterprise Java - Regular ATKT - SEM - · 2020. 9. 19. · Q18). which namespace is not used for A) B)

Enterprise Java - Regular ATKT - SEM - 5 1. What is the Latest Version of JDK? a)JDK 8 b)JDK 7 c)JDK 12 d)JDK 14 2. What does EE Stands for ___________________ a)Enterprise Edition b)Edition Enterprise c)Easter Egg d)Electrically Erasable 3. J2EE is an extended version of: a)J2SE b)J2ME c)J2SM d)J2SS 4. The __________ defines an API for communication between the Web server and the application program. a) Servlet b) Server c) Program d) Randomize 5. How many JDBC driver types does Sun define? a) One b) Two c) Three d) Four

6. RequestDispatcher presents the __________ package. a.javax.servlet.http.* b.javax.servlet.*** 7. When the control is passed from one servlet to another servlet without coming back to the server and involving a network is known as ____________ a.Servlet Request b.Servlet Response c.Servlet Chaining d.Servlet Session

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8. When RequestDispatcher interface exchange the information among different servlets over the network within a Java application is known as ____________ a.Servlet Collaboration b.Servlet Chaining c.Servlet Dispatching d.Servlet Request 9. Which of the following methods, forwards a request from a one servlet to another resource on the server. a.public void forward(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response) b.public void include(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response) c.public void send(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response) d.public void receive(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response) 10. How to get the object of RequestDispatcher, which of the following is correct? a.getRequest() b.getResponse() c.getRequestDispatcher() d.getInclude()

11. ___________ is a technology to Servlet which allows the mixing of dynamic and static web contents.

a. Servlet b. JSP c. EJB d. JSF

12. JSP technology is consisting of the following feature ______________

a. WORA b. Platform Dependent c. Inefficient d. Inconvenient

13. In MVC Architecture, JSP work as:

a. Model b. Controller c. View d. Presentation Layer

14. In JSP, Initialization is done by calling the________ method.

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a. jspDestroy() b. jspInit() c. jspService() d. jspInitialization

15. A server side comments is of the form:

a. <%-- comments --%> b. <!-- comments ... c. <%= ------- %> d. <%@ directive attribute="val

16. ______ is the java API for SOAP web services.


17. EJB applications utilize the _____________ to look up for references to utilize all EJB-based functionality.

a. JNDI b. Remote EJB interfaces c. Home EJB interfaces d. EJB JavaBeans

18. Contract the term JMS? a. Java Message Service b. Java Monitor Service c. Java Message Session d. Java Monitor Session

19. Which module does the Entity bean represent the persistent data that is available in the database? a. Server-side component b. Client-side component c. Home Interface d. Remote Interface

20. Which of the following is responsible to maintain the state of Session Beans:

a. Stateless b. Stateful c. Singleton d. Message Driven

21. ________ in java means storing data in a RDBMS.

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a. Persistence b. ORM c. Mapping d. COM

22. When a RDBMS needs to be transformed into an OOP model known as _________________

a. Impedance mismatch b. ORM c. Persistence d. COM

23._________________ provide API to retrieve objects of Java from RDBMS

a. Impedance mismatch b. ORM c. Persistence d. COM

24. Which of the following is the advantages of ORM:

a. System Architecture b. poorly-optimized SQL queries

c. Automated mapping of relational databases d. leaky abstractions

25. ____________ represents persistence annotations which helps you to define mapping metadata.

a. JPA b. EJB c. ORM d. JSF

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Dept: BSc IT

Exam Type: Regular

Sem: VI

Subject: Advanced Web Programming (AWP)

Q1). A delegate in C# defines................

a) a Indian Government representative

b) a class that encapsulates methods

c) a means of passing arrays into methods

d) a substitute for an inherited method

Q2). Boxing in .Net allows the user to convert?

a) a integer type to double

b) a reference type to a value type

c) a value type to a reference type

d) a double type to integer

Q 3). A Constructor..........

a) is used to create objects

b) must have the same name as the class it is declared within

c) all of the above

d) maybe overloaded

Q4. How many web.config files that can be there an ASP.NET application?

a) One

b) Two

c) Three

d) Four

Page 6: Enterprise Java - Regular ATKT - SEM - · 2020. 9. 19. · Q18). which namespace is not used for A) B)

Q5. A _______ is an identifier that denotes a storage location.

a) Constant

b) Reference type

c) Variable

d) Object

Q6) Web.config file is used…

A. Configures the time that the server-side code behind module is called

B. To store the global information and variable definitions for the application

C. To configure the web server

D. To configure the web browser

Q7) How do you register a user control?

A. Add Tag prefix, Tag name

B. Add Source, Tag prefix

C. Add Src, Tagprefix, Tagname

Q8) Which of the following is NOT the property of TextBox in .Net?

A. Text

B. Size

C. SelectedIndex

D. Font

Q9) Which of the following is NOT a property in Site Navigation API?

A. LastNode

B. CurrentNode

C. RootNode

D. ParentNode

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Q10) Select the data type which is NOT supported by range validator.

a) Integer

b) Double

c) Character

d) Date

Q.11) Which among the following is NOT an exception?

a) Stack Overflow

b) Arithmetic Overflow or underflow

c) Incorrect Arithmetic Expression

d) Devide by Zero

Q.12) The ________ is a dictionary collection, which means every item is stored in a separate

“slot” using a unique string name.

A) StateBag

B) Variable

C) Datatype

D) View

Q.13) ASP.NET uses a _______ to make sure your view-state information can’t be altered

without your knowledge.

A) view code

B) app code

C) password

D) hash code

Q14) The ______ setting specifies the number of minutes that ASP.NET will wait, without

receiving a request, before it abandons the session.

A) id

B) del

C) timeout

D) wait

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Q15) __________ allows you to store global objects that can be accessed by any client.

A) Object

B) Access

C) Stateless

D) Application state






Q17). TO Creat new dataconnection which data source we require

A) server client

B) microsoft sql client

C) microsoft sql server(sqlClient)

D) sql server

Q18). which namespace is not used for




D) system.sql

Q19) If you are using the DataSet and you have to display the data in sorted order what will

you do?

a. Use Sort method of DataTable

b. Use Sort method of DataSet

c. Use DataViev object with each sort

d. Use datapaging and sort the data

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Q20) What are the three main objects when working with a DataSet?

A) DataTable, DataColumn, and type.

B) DataTable, DataRelation, and DataAdapter.

C) DataTable, DataColumn, and DataRelation.

D) DataReader,DataAdapter, and Command.

21.) Which attribute is used to define namespace?

A. XMLattribute

B. Xmlns

C. XMLNamespace

D. None of the above

Q22). Which event is not there for Login control

A) LoggingIn

B) LoggedIn

C) LoginError

D) LoginStatus

Q23). How to implement authentication via web.config?

A) Include the authentication element

B) Include the authorization element.

C) Include the identity element.

D) Include the deny element.

Q24). AnUpdatePanel control defined on a page. Button control is placed outside of the

UpdatePanel. How to cause the UpdatePanel to execute an update.

A) Set the Trigger attribute of the UpdatePanel to the ID of the Button control

B) Set the AsyncPostBackTrigger attribute of the Button control to the ID of theUpdatePanel

C) Place the button control on the update panel without script manager.

D) Add an AsyncPostBackTrigger control to the Triggers section of the UpdatePanel. Set the

ControlID attribute of the AsyncPostBackTrigger control to the ID of the Button control.

Q25). How many types of triggers are present in update panel?

A) 2

B) 3

C) 4

D) 5

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Faculty Name: Disha Roshan Bhakta

Department: BSc.IT

Exam Type: ATKT New

Semester: 5

Subject: Artificial Intelligence

Sample Questions

1. Artificial Intelligence helps to build machines that are

A. Soft

B. Manual

C. Autonomous

D. Hard

2. When a system does right thing it is termed as

A. Smart

B. Expert

C. Fast

D. Rational

3. Turing test was proposed in year

A. 1950

B. 1955

C. 1960

D. 1965

4. The branch of Artificial Intelligence which helps for computation

A. Economics

B. Mathematics

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C. Language

D. Neuroscience

5. The branch of Artificial Intelligence which helps for thinking

A. Psychology

B. Linguistics

C. Economics

D. Mathematics

6. __________ is the process of looking to sequence of actions

A. Problem

B. Location

C. Search

D. Cost

7. The lowest path among all the solutions is referred as

A. Smallest Path

B. Basic Path

C. Path

D. Optimal Path

8. The execution algorithm performance will depend on

A. Time Complexity

B. Space Complexity

C. Optimality

D. Completeness

9. The maximum number of successors in a tree is known as

A. Depth

B. Branching Factor

C. Height

D. Successors

10. The uninformed search in which exploration happens only in one direction is

A. Breadth First Search

B. Depth First Search

C. Unidirectional Search


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11. The search which helps to find states in opponent to one other

A. Breadth First Search

B. Depth First Search

C. Adversarial Search

D. Local Search

12. In MINMAX MAX will choose the state with

A. With greater heuristics

B. With less heuristics

C. With equal heuristics

D. With no heuristics

13. The test which is true at the leaf nodes of Game Tree

A. Final test

B. Solution test

C. Terminal test

D. Path test

14. The value of utility function will be positive when

A. MAX wins

B. MIN wins

C. Draw Game

D. MAX lose

15. The value of utility function will be negative when

A. Draw Game

B. MAX wins

C. MIN wins

D. MIN lose

16. The first order logic for "All birds Fly"

A. ∀xBird(x) → Fly (x)

B. ∀xFly(Bird) → Fly (x)

C. ∀xBird(x) → Fly (Bird)

D. ∀xBird(x)=Fly (x)

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17. ∀x man(x) → drink (x, coffee)

A. There are all x where x is a man who drink coffee

B. All are men

C. All are coffee

D. All are men with coffee

18. Some boys play cricket is represented in First Order Logic as

A. ∃x boys(x) → play(x, cricket).

B. ∃x boys(y) → play(x, cricket).

C. ∃x boys(y) → play (z, cricket).

D. ∃x boys(x) → play(y, cricket).

19. First Order Logic Contains

A. Constants

B. Predicates

C. Functions

D. Connectives, Constants, Predicates, Functions

20. The process where knowledge engineer works with domain experts

A. Knowledge Representation

B. Knowledge Graph

C. Knowledge Acquisition

D. Knowledge Process

21. PDDL stands for

A. Planning Domain Definition Language

B. Planning Degree Domain Language

C. Planning Domain Distort Language

D. Plan Declare Define Language

22. The properties of Backward State Space Search

A. It is hard

B. It is complete

C. It is sound and complete

D. It is hard and complete

23. The algorithm developed by Avrim Blum and Merick Furst

A. PlanG




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24. GRAPHPLAN takes input planning problem expressed in form of





25. A clause which contains at least one positive literal is known as

A. Truth Clause

B. Single Clause

C. Main Clause

D. Horn Clause

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CHAPTER 01: The Internet of Things: An Overview

1. What is the equation of IoT?

a) Physical object + controller, sensors, actuators + Internet

b) Physical object + controller

c) Physical object + compiler+ intranet

d) Physical object only

2. What is the full form of UBICOM?

a) Uniform Computing

b) Universal Communication

c) Ubiquitous Computing

d) Uniform Communication

CHAPTER 02: Design Principles for Connected Devices

1. ubicomp is often also referred to as

a) green computing

b) ambient computing

c) Distributed computing

d) cloud computing

2. Which is not the Design principle of connected device?

a) Easy adoption

b) Privacy

c) Backward compatibility

d) Difficulty in access

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CHAPTER 03: Internet Principles

1. Data is sent from one machine to another in a ________________

a) statement

b) points

c) packets

d) continuous

2. Voice over IP (VoIP)—computer-based telephony, such as Skype—is an

example of

a) IP

b) TCP

c) UDP

d) DNS


CHAPTER 04: Thinking About Prototyping

1. ________________has competitive advantages in industry.

a) Closed source

b) Open source

c) Public source

d) Private source

2. Choosing right platform for IOT devices involves------

a. Processor speed

b. Networking

c. Power consumption

d. All of the above

3. Tapping into the community deals with

a. mass personalization

b. mass production

c. sketching

d. finding resources available

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CHAPTER 05: Prototyping Embedded Devices

1. What is the speed of operation in Pi 3?

a) 900MHz

b) 1.2GHz

c) 1GHz

d) 500MHz

1. Raspberry pi is an example of------

a) Microcontroller

b) Actuator

c) SOC

d) ROC


CHAPTER 06: Prototyping the Physical Design

1. What method of 3D printing uses a laser to harden liquid plastic layer by layer? a) SLA b) CLIP c) SLS


2. What does SLS stand for?

a) Standard Laser Selection

b) Selective Laser Solution c) Selective Laser Sintering d) Selective Liquid Sintering

3. Which method of 3D printing melts a plastic filament and builds the object on

a plate layer by layer?


b) SLA

c) SLS

d) FDM

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CHAPTER 07: Prototyping Online Components:

1. What does the three R's of recycling mean?

a) Reduce, Rewrite, Reward

b) Reduced, Rewriting, Recollect

c) Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

d) Reuse, Recycle and Reward

2. What are constrained devices?

a) Devices with limited resources

b) Devices with limited consumption

c) Devices with limited designing

d) Devices with limited connectivity


CHAPTER 08: Techniques for Writing Embedded Code

1) OS activates special reserved memory called memory, when system runs

out of memory.

a) Power Memory

b) Virtual Memory

c) Real Memory

d) Shared Memory.

2) ROM is only Memory

a) Read


c) Real


3) is semi-permanent type of memory

a) ROM


c) Flash

d) USB

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CHAPTER 09: Business Models:

1 Fast-food franchising began in the

a) 1930

b) 1950

c) 1960

d) 1990

Q. 2 Tim Berners-Lee’s first demonstration of the World Wide Web in

a) 1930

b) 1950

c) 1960

d) 1990


CHAPTER 10: Moving to Manufacture

1. What is the first step towards selling your idea as IOT product is to provide it as


a) Kit

b) Design.

c) Logic

d) Both A and B.

2. Which process combines component placement and routing to define

electrical connectivity on a manufactured board?

a) A PCB

b) Board.

c) Design

d) Software.

3. Which possibility is the highest contributor to cost overhead for manufacturing


a) Transportation and logistics

b) Energy and utilities

c) Plant control flow operation

d) Energy management and resource optimization

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CHAPTER 11: Ethics

1. REMs stands for__________.

a) Rare Earth Map

b) Real Earth Map

c) Rare Earth Magic

d) Real Emission Mappings

2. In the digital world, moving data rather than physical objects is faster, is safer,

and has a lower environmental cost.

a) Lower environmental cost.

b) Lower economical cost

c) Lower electricity cost.

d) Lower material cost


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Faculty Name: Mr Vinay Vilas Shahapurkar

Dept: BSc IT

Exam Type: ATKT (New)

Sem: V

Subject: Software Project Management (SPM)

1. The phase with which project management life cycle starts before software development life


A. Planning

B. Execution

C. Initiation

D. Closure

2. RFQ in project bidding stands for

A. Request for Quotation

B. Request for Question

C. Response for Quotation

D. Request for Question

3. When Scope change is initiated from team members it is referred to:

A. Diamond Plating

B. Gold Plating

C. Platinum Plating

D. Silver Plating

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4. _____ is uncontrolled changes in scope. This can be because of interference from the customer

or a misunderstanding by the project management team and is also known as requirements creep

A. Scope In

B. Requirement In

C. Scope creep

D. Requirement Creep

5. Which development model is a combination of classic life cycle model and iterative

development model?

A. Spiral model

B. Agile Development model

C. Prototyping Model

D. Scrum

6. Which is not an important artifact for scrum methodology?

A. Product Backlog

B. Sprint Backlog

C. Sprint Burndown Chart

D. Process Description

7. Life Cycle stages of ATERN Model

A. Feasibility, Exploration, Engineering, Deployment

B. Planning, Analysis, Design, Coding

C. Requirement, Engineering, Deployment, Maintenance

D. Analysis, Design, Coding, Testing

8. If the Project deadline is tight which model is suitable?

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A. Prototyping Model

B. Evolutionary Model

C. Waterfall Model

D. Spiral Model

9. What is Pair Programming?

A. It is a programming process, wherein a programmer writes the program twice just in case.

B. A development method, where two developers work on the same workstation.

C. It is an algorithm that finds pair numbers in a set of integers.

D. It is a way of rectifying errors in programs by looking for pairs of errors.

10. Which of the following is NOT a practice of Extreme Programming?

A. Test-Driven Development

B. Small Releases

C. Shared Code and Responsibility

D. Empower Customers

11. Which of the following is TRUE for Critical Path?

A. It is a path having maximum number of Tasks

B. It is shortest Path in terms of Time

C. It is the longest Path in terms of Time

D. It is the path with largest amount of float

12. Lagged Activities are used when

A. Two activities can be started in parallel provided there is a delay between 2 activities

B. when activities can be completed later

C. When activities are not required

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D. when activities are very important

13. Hammock Activities have

A. Maximum Duration

B. Zero Duration

C. Optimum Duration

D. Negative Duration

14. Critical Path is that Path where:

A. Delay in any one of the activities on this path can delay the project

B. there is maximum float

C. attention is not required

D. Float has to be greater than 5

15. To shorten Project Duration

A. Duration of activities on Non Critical Path should be reduced

B. It’s not possible

C. More resources should be allotted to activities on non-critical Path

D. Duration of activities on Critical Path should be reduced

16. EV/PV is the formula for





17. In this log only those defects that are agreed upon by the uthor is logged

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A. review summary report

B. Review log

C. Review charter log

D. review preparation log

18. Preparation phase in review process is followed by

A. rework

B. follow-up

C. review meeting

D. planning

19. Weekly or monthly progress meetings may be associated with

A. reports that are oral, with formal written minutes

B. reports that are largely oral, likely to receive and generate written reports

C. with forms

D. providing early warnings

20. Day to day responsibility of the project progress is in the hands of the

A. team leader

B. project manager

C. project steering committee

D. developer

21. ___________is designed for realizing task-oriented teams.

A. Project format

B. Functional format

C. Matrix format

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D. Structured format

22. Team structure doesn’t denote the ___________ structures in individual project teams.

A. reporting

B. responsibility

C. communication

D. motivation

23. ____________ is provided with an authority to assign work to the team members and to

monitor their work.

A. The chief programmer

B. Team structure

C. Matrix format

D. functional format

24. What the communication is to achieve.

A. purpose

B. responsibility

C. who/target

D. when/frequency

25. The person who initiates the communication.

A. who/target

B. when/frequency

C. responsibility

D. purpose
