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Page 1: Entrepreneurship Bootcamp

Boot Camp EntrepreneurshipWe would like deeply to help in some small part

to make this world a happier place.   We feel most are not as content as they could be, do not use their capacities as much as they could & do not even know what is truly possible if they were only to make efforts at changing their mindset/program! Not many people dream of

working long hours in a job or business with limited potential, yet so many of us are. I know I have! You get up to an annoying alarm clock, you get stuck in traffic on the way to a job you don`t want to do, where you`ll take orders from a boss or a client you probably don`t like, knowing that you`ll get paid a wage that is limited no matter how hard you work.

Page 2: Entrepreneurship Bootcamp

Entrepreneurship Bootcamp

Things are changing and the current crisis shows no signs of easing – the old system is staggering to a long and overdue death. But what will replace it?A quick clip in my video here reveals a film by Ian Mackenzie and insight by Charles Eisenstein on the rise of a new economy more in keeping with our authentic core values and respect for our home (planet earth).Some will be stuck in the old system, refusing to accept its fate. Whilst others have awoken to a new way of doing things, a new way to join together and earn a living that involves everyone, comes more naturally and does not depend on competition for growth!

Page 3: Entrepreneurship Bootcamp

Entrepreneurship Boot CampWell, it’s not to go into details about what caused my life perspective to change, but to put context around the fact that I changed!Before January 2008, I was desperate to be free from the world of 9-5 work, the traditional, yet very limited and now outdated way of making an honest living.  And I mean desperate! And my main motives were to be free, but wealthy!  I am not ashamed to admit that during my 20’s I was driven by money  and had a dream to be retired by 40 years of age.  Well, I am 35 now and not retired, but there’s still time yet.  Although my motivations and dreams have changed somewhat – money is no longer my main fuel for motivation.  I now realise it is just a natural, energetical by-product of adding good value to society.

Page 4: Entrepreneurship Bootcamp

Entrepreneurship Boot CampThe world is not the same today as it was yesterday……….this

week as it was last week………this year as it was last year. Perhaps seems obvious and of course things change in many minor ways on a daily basis – nothing ever stays the same!What I mean exactly is the world is changing seismically on so many levels and there is no going back.
