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Project: A Week Of Eating


For the next three weeks, you will be engaged in an important project that could affect your future. You will start by documenting (for your new blog) everything you eat for 7 days and nights with photos, videos and descriptions(estimated calorie content required). These artifacts are the foundation for the rest of the project, so DO NOT forget to record every aspect of your diet.

Then, you will work through tasks and create products. These tasks will vary and sometimes require teamwork. Technology skills will also be learned and sharpened. You will be required to create a menu(meal plan) of nutrient rich, lower calorie foods (two days or 8-12 meals).

Additionally, you will cook and/or prepare one of these meals at home (under adult supervision) and have that adult take pictures or video of the event. Make sure to take a picture of the final product before eating it!

Finally, after reflection, you will write a 200 word summary of what impacted them most during the project. The blog will need the artifacts mentioned above to be displayed online. This project should be done because it could help extend lives and provide better quality of life.

Products to be graded:

*Menu/Diet Plan

*A Blog (will contain a section for each artifact listed and much more)

* Cooking a Healthy Meal (photo or video evidence)

* 200 word impact summary
