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Page 1: Environment vs Ayurveda


By: Dr.Panchajanya kumar . Deevi(M.S) (Ay.)

Page 2: Environment vs Ayurveda

Contents• Introduction• Forestation• Biodegradable• Animal conservation• Detoxifying techniques• Techniques for optimum consumption• Eco friendly attitude• Conclusion

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Introduction• This is my own dream to present a topic like

this, which is an Eco friendly one.• Ayurveda is a life science which treats and

prevents the diseases with the products of environment.

• So Ayurveda will survive till the Environment exists. We can also say like this Environment will be Sustained till Ayurveda exist.

• How can Ayurveda…..

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Forestation• Ayurveda is the major system of medicine

which use small shrubs to big trees for various purposes.

• To that Ayurvedics follow certain guide lines for collection and cultivation.

• So to gain the herbal medicine Ayurvedics do forestation and cultivation.

• Utilization of drug as a whole rather than Extraction makes low utilization of plants, which is also good thing to keep the earth green.

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Biodegradable• The Hospital wastes of Ayurveda are almost

biodegradable.• The medicines are of Herbal or Mineral or a

mixture of both which are easy to dispose in to the earth after their expiry.

• The pharmaceutical waste of Ayurveda is also biodegradable and some of them are good manure for cultivation.

• The plastic and other artificial materials not used for treatment makes Ayurveda an Eco friendly system.

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Animal conservation• Animal products are used for various purposes

in Ayurveda.• To do so Ayurvedics maintain animal

conservation .• The products used from animals are milk,

hoofs, hair, horns etc. mostly no need to kill the animal.

• The above point is clearly mentioned for two purposes to give relief to the animal lovers and to protect the word conservation.

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Detoxifying techniques• Ayurveda specified certain plants having this

Detoxifying nature.• By using these plants we can detoxify a

poisoned man as well as a poisoned Environment(water , air , soil etc).

• Detoxification means a lot, its not simply sense poisoned is detoxified.

• Eg: fluorosis is like a poisoning which effects people of Nalgonda a lot which is answered by Ocimum (Tulsi )plant.

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Techniques for optimum consumption• In Ayurvedic system each and every part of

the environment given importance.• Which makes the utilization of natural

resources from Daily usage to the Drug.• Eg: Neem- plant is used for Twigs-tooth brushing and tongue cleaning.Leaves-for medicating the bathing water.Seed oil –for external application over scalp for

healthy hair etc.

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Eco friendly attitude• Ayurveda treat a Human-Plant-Animal a like..• The evidence for this is Ayurveda for Humans ,

Vriksha Ayurveda for Plants, Pasu Ayurveda For Animals.

• Atmavat sarva bhutani- Bhuta daya-these are the basic values taught by Ayurveda.

• Yagna-japa-homa-bali etc are included in the treatments of Ayurveda which are having their direct effect on Environment as well as wellbeing of individual.

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Conclusion• Ayurveda not only taught us to live healthy , it

also taught us to love nature and live with nature.

• Love Ayurveda - Live Ayurveda –Give life to Environment.

• Wandering for a planet with life is mear waste of time With out changing our life style..

• DPJ Kumar(me)

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