Page 1: EOC Management and Operations (G-775) Unit 7 Activating and Deactivating the EOC

EOC Management and Operations(G-775)

Unit 7Activating and Deactivating the EOC

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Page 2: EOC Management and Operations (G-775) Unit 7 Activating and Deactivating the EOC

Unit Objectives

¨ Determine when, how, and by whom the EOC is activated

¨ Define “time-phased” activation and determine when appropriate

¨ Analyze incident needs¨ Determine when and how to deactivate

the EOC

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Activating the EOC

NIMS General Criteria SEMS Criteria Decision varies by jurisdiction Document the process Who decides to activate the EOC?

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NIMS EOC Activation Criteria

When a Unified Command or Area Command is established

When more than one jurisdiction becomes involved in the response

When the Incident Commander indicates that the incident could expand rapidly

If similar incidents have required EOC activation When the CEO directs EOC activation When threshold events described in the EOP


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SEMS EOC Activation Criteria

GENERAL Criteria for Local EOCs: Resources required beyond local

capabilities Emergency is of a long duration Major policy decisions are needed Local or state emergency proclaimed Activation of the EOC is advantageous

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SEMS EOC Activation Criteria- continued

OA EOC Criteria: 7 guidelines per G-611 (e.g. Two or more cities

activate their EOCs)

REOC Criteria: 3 requirements per CCR Title 19 Regulations (When any OA EOC within region activates)

SOC Criteria: 3 requirements per CCR Title19 Regulations

(Governor proclaims state of emergency)

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Who Decides to Activate the EOC?

The decision making process varies, but should be documented in policy, plans & SOPs.¨ All personnel must understand:

¨ Who makes the call (with backups)¨ Circumstances for activation¨ Levels of activation¨ Who calls EOC staff (and how)¨ “Auto Activation” Policy¨ Who is the “ESD” is by ordinance

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NIMS & SEMS Activation Levels

Time-phased levels of activations NIMS & SEMS levels of activation Basis for levels of activation Check- IN steps

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Time-Phased Activation

¨ Time-Phased or Activation Levels may be appropriate when:¨ An incident occurs that is expected to

build over time¨ There is a warning period before the

emergency¨ In preparation for planned events

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NIMS Activation Levels

Note the 3 time-phase/levels Is this used in California?

Level 3 (Monitor)

Key personnel only

Level 2 (Partial)

Key personnel and personnel from

responding agencies

Level 1 (Full)

All personnel

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SEMS Activation Procedures

Level 1 (Minimal): EOC Director & P/I Coordinator

Level 2 (PARTIAL): EOC Director,

Section Coordinators,

Branches, & Units as needed

Level 3(FULL): All

EOC Positions

Note the 3 time-phase/levels Is this used in California?

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ICS Plain English Activation Levels




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Basis for Activation Levels(Per NIMS)

Is all this in your Jurisdictions EOP or EOC SOP/G?

Activation levels should be based on the jurisdiction’s hazard analysis.

The decision about the level of EOC activation should be based on:Established “triggers”

General Guidance & Communication with the Incident Command

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Check-IN Steps Formally check-in at the EOC with

Personnel Unit in Logistics

Check-in with your SEMS Supervisor Operations Coordinator

Get a Briefing from your supervisor Review the Action Plan for the Op Period Review your Position Checklist

Role, responsibilities & tasks

Log in and Do Your Job

Is all this in your EOC SOP or Position Checklist? IN

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Activity: Analyzing Activation Procedures

Work in your groups Review the EOC activation procedures Complete the EOC Activation Checklist Select a spokesperson

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Deactivating the EOC

¨ Increasing & Decreasing EOC Staffing¨ Deactivation Criteria¨ Check- OUT Steps¨ Recovery¨ Post-Incident Activities

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Increasing & DecreasingEOC Staff

Increasing & decreasing EOC staff should be primarily dependent upon: EOC objectives for the Operational Period Determined by the EOC Action Plan Assisted by the Demobilization Unit





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Deactivating the EOC(per NIMS)

Communication with the Incident Commander or Unified Command is the best way to determine when to deactivate the EOC

The EOC Director makes the decision

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Check-OUT Steps Get a “formal demob order” by your supervisor If another person is relieving you, provide a

relief “Briefing” before you leave Clean-up work area, “log out” and transfer any

remaining open items to the appropriate person Complete all required “forms, reports, time sheets,

claims, log, etc.” & submit to the proper person “Formally Check-out” with “Personnel Unit,”

return all non-expendable items & get a debrief Be prepared to provide input to the AAR

Is all this in your EOC SOP or Position Checklist?


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Transitioning to Recovery How does the EOC transition from

response to recovery? When does recovery really start? What are the factors/indicators to

FORMALLY transition into full recovery mode?

How is it done smoothly?

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After-Action Analysis & Reporting

Should involve: All key EOC personnel (EOC Mgmt & Gen Staff)

The Incident Commander(s) Jurisdiction leadership (CEO, Mgmt & Gov Body)

Others as appropriate (e.g., stakeholders)

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Summary¨ EOC activation criteria¨ EOC activation levels¨ Increasing & decreasing EOC staffing¨ EOC de-activation criteria¨ Questions & Answers
