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  • 7/23/2019 Epidimiology Chapter 4


    Chapter 1

    What is epidemiology?

    Key messages

    Epidemiology is a fundamental science of public health.

    Epidemiology has made major contributions to improving population health. Epidemiology is essential to the process of identifying and mapping emerging


    There is often a frustrating delay between acquiring epidemiological evidence

    and applying this evidence to health policy.

    The historical context


    Epidemiology originates from Hippocrates observation more than 2000 years ago that environmental

    factors influence the occurrence of disease. However, it was not until the nineteenth century that the

    distribution of disease in specific human population groups was measured to any large extent. This

    work marked not only the formal beginnings of epidemiology but also some of its most spectacular


    1 The finding by John Snow that the risk of cholera in London was related to the drinking of water

    supplied by a particular company provides a well-known example; the map (see Figure 4.1)

    highlights the clustering of cases. Snows epidemiological studies were one aspect of a wide-

    ranging series of investigations that examined related physical, chemical, biological, sociological

    and political processes.

    2Comparing rates of disease in subgroups of the human population became common practice in the

    late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. This approach was initially applied to the control of

    communicable diseases (see Chapter 7), but proved to be a useful way of linking environmental

    conditions or agents to specific diseases. In the second half of the twentieth century, these methods

    were applied to chronic noncommunicable diseases such as heart disease and cancer, especially inmiddleand high-income countries.

    Recent developments in epidemiology

    Epidemiology in its modern form is a relatively new discipline1 and uses quantitative methods to

    study diseases in human populations to inform prevention and control efforts. For example, Richard

    Doll and Andrew Hill studied the relationship between tobacco use and lung cancer, beginning in

    the 1950s.4 Their work was preceded by experimental studies on the carcinogenicity of tobacco tars

    and by clinical observations linking tobacco use and other possible factors to lung cancer. By using

    longterm cohort studies, they were able to establish the association between smoking and lung

    cancer (Figure 1.1).

    Definition, scope, and uses of epidemiology


    Epidemiology as defined by Last9 is the study of the distribution and determ inants of health-related

    states or events in specified populations, and the application of this study to the prevention and

    control of health problems (see Box 1.2). Epidemiologists are concerned not only with death,

    illness and disability, but also with more positive health states and, most importantly, with the

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    means to improve health. The term disease encompasses all unfavourable health changes,

    including injuries and mental health.

    Definition of epidemiology

    Epidemiology is the study of disease in populations and of factors that determine its

    occurrence; the key word being populations. Veterinary epidemiology additionally includes

    investigation and assessment of other health-related events, notably productivity. All of these

    investigations involve observing animal populations and making inferences from the


    A literal translation of the word 'epidemiology', based on itsGreek roots e- (epi-) = upon,

    o- (demo-) =people,and o'o- (logo-) = discoursing, is 'the study of that which is upon

    the people' or, in modern parlance, 'the study of disease in populations'. Traditionally,

    epidemiology' related to studies of human populations, and epizootiology', from the Greek

    wo- (zoo-) = , tothe studies of animal (excluding human)

    populations (e.g., Karstad, 1962). Outbreaks of disease in human populations were called'epidemics', in animal populations were called 'epizootics', and in avian populations were

    called 'epornitics', from the Greek opvt-(ornith-) = bird (e.g., Montgomery et al., 1979).

    Other derivatives, such as 'epidemein' ('to visit a community'), give hints of the early

    association between epidemiology and infections that periodically entered a community, in

    contrast to other diseases which were usually present in the population.

    The uses of epidemiology

    There are five objectives of epidemiology:

    I . determination of the origin of a disease whose cause is known;

    2. investigation and control of a disease whose cause is

    either unknown or poorly understood;

    3. acquisition of information on the ecology and natural

    history of a disease;

    4. planning and monitoring of disease control programmes;

    5. assessment of the economic effects of a disease and analysis of the costs and economic

    benefits of alternative control programmes

    Determination of the origin of a disease whose cause is known

    Many diseases with a known cause can be diagnosed precisely by the signs exhibited by the

    affected animals, by appropriate laboratory tests and by other clinical procedures such as

    radiological investigation. For instance, the diagnosis of salmonellosis in a group of calves

    is relatively straightforward (the infection frequently produces distinct clinical signs).

    However, determining why an outbreak occurred and using the correct procedures to prevent

    recurrence can be difficult. For example, the outbreak may have been caused either by the

    purchase of infected animals or by contaminated food. Further investigations are required to

    identify the source of infection. When the food is suspected, the ration may consist of several

    components. Even if a sample of each component is still available, it would be expensive and


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    possibly uneconomic to submit all of the samples for laboratory examination. Consideration

    of the risk associated with the consumption of each component of the ration may narrow the

    field of investigation to only one or two items.

    There are many examples of the investigation of diseases with known causes that involve

    answering the questions `Why has an outbreak occurred?' or `Why has the number of casesincreased?'. For instance, an increased number of actinobacillosis cases in a group of cattle

    might be associated with grazing a particular pasture of `burnt off' stubble. Such an

    occurrence could be associated with an increase in abrasions of the buccal mucosae which

    could increase the animals' susceptibility to infection with Actinobacillus lignieresi. An

    increased number of cases of bone defects in puppies might be due to local publicity given to

    the use of vitamin supplements, resulting in their administration to animals that were

    already fed a balanced diet, with consequent hypervitaminosis D and osteodystrophy (Jubb and

    Kennedy, 1971). An increase in the number of lamb carcasses with high ultimate pH values

    could be associated with excessive washing of the animals prior to slaughter (Petersen,

    1983). These possible explanations can be verified only by epidemiological investigations.

    Investigation and control of a disease whose cause is either unknown or poorly understood

    There are many instances of disease control based on epidemiological observations before a

    cause was identified. Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia was eradicated from the US by an

    appreciation of the infectious nature of the disease before the causal agent, Mycoplasma

    mycoides, was isolated (Schwabe, 1984). Lancisi's slaughter policy to control rinderpest,

    mentioned in Chapter 1, was based on the assumption that the disease was infectious, even

    though the causal agent had not been discovered. Edward Jenner's classical observations on the

    protective effects of cowpox virus against human small pox infection in the 18th century

    (Fisk, 1959), before viruses were isolated, laid the foundations for the global eradication of

    smallpox.More recently, epidemiological studies in the UK suggested that cattle develop bovine spongiform

    encephalopathy (BSE) following consumption of feedstuffs containing meat and bone meal

    contaminated with a scrapie-like agent (Wilesmith et al., 1988). This was sufficient to

    introduce legislation prohibiting the feeding of ruminant derived protein, although the causal

    agent had not been identified.

    Although the exact cause of `blood splashing' (eccymoses in muscle) in carcasses is still not

    known, observations have shown that there is a correlation between this defect and

    electrical stunning by a `head only' method (Blackmore, 1983); and the occurrence of this

    condition can be reduced by adopting a short 'stun-to-stick' interval, stunning animals with a

    captive bolt, or using a method of electrical stunning that causes concurrent cardiac dysfunction

    (Gracey, 1986). Similarly, there is a strong correlation between grass sickness and grazing,

    and the disease can be almost totally prevented by stabling horses continuously during spring

    and summer, although the cause of the disease is unknown (Gilmour, 1989).

    The cause of squamous cell carcinoma of the eye in Hereford cattle ('cancer eye') is not known.

    Epidemiological studies have shown that animals with unpigmented eyelids are much more likely

    to develop the condition than those with pigment (Anderson et al., 1957). This

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    information can be utilized by cattle breeders to select animals with a low susceptibility to this neoplasm.

    Epidemiological studies are also used to identify causes of disease (many of which are multifactorial and initial

    poorly understood) so that the most appropriate disease control techniques can be applied. Thus, the identification low levels of water intake as an important component of the cause of feline urolithiasis (Willeberg, 1981) facilitate

    control of this syndrome by dietary modification. Investigations can also be used to identify characteristics

    animals that increase the risk of disease. For example, entire bitches with a history of oestrus irregularity a

    pseudopregnancy are particularly at risk of developing pyometra (Fidler et al., 1966); this information is

    diagnostic value to the clinician, and is of assistance when advising owners on breeding policy.

    Acquisition of information on the ecology and natural history of a disease

    An animal that can become infected with an infectious agent is a host of that agent. Hosts and agents exist

    communities that include other organisms, all of which live in particular environments. The aggregate of all fac

    relating to animals and plants is their natural history. Related communities and their environments are term

    ecosystems. The study of ecosystems is ecology.

    A comprehensive understanding of the natural history of infectious agents is possible only when they are studied in t

    context of their hosts' ecosystems. Similarly, an improved knowledge of non-infectious diseases can be obtaine

    by studying the ecosystems and the associated physical features with which affected animals are related. T

    geological structure of an ecosystem, for example, can affect the mineral content of plants and therefore can be

    important factor in the occurrence of mineral deficiencies and excesses in animals.

    The environment of an ecosystem affects the survival rate of infectious agents and of their hosts. Thus, infection w

    the helminthFasciola hepatica is a serious problem only in poorly drained areas, because the parasite spends part

    its life-cycle in a snail which requires moist surroundings.

    Each of the 200 antigenic types (serovars) ofLeptospira interrogans is maintained in one or more species of hos

    Serovar copenhageni, for instance, is maintained primarily in rats (Babudieri, 1958). Thus, if this serovar associated with leptospirosis in either man or domestic stock, then part of a disease control programme must invol

    anecological study of rat populations and control of infected rats. Similarly, in Africa, a herpesvirus that

    produces infections without signs in wildebeeste is responsible for malignant catarrhal fever of cattle (Plowright

    al., 1960). Wildebeeste populations, therefore, must be investigated when attempting to control the disease


    An ecosystem's climate also is important because it limits the geographical distribution of infectious agents th

    are transmitted by arthropods by limiting the distribution of the arthropods. For example, the tsetse fly, whic

    transmits trypanosomiasis, is restricted to the humid parts of Sub-Saharan Africa (Ford, 1971).

    Infectious agents may extend beyond the ecosystems of their traditional hosts. This has occurred in bovin

    tuberculosis in the UK, where the badger population appears to be an alternative host for Mycobacteriu

    tuberculosis (Little et al., 1982; Wilesmith et al., 1982). Similarly, in certain areas of New Zealand, wi

    opossums are infected with this bacterium and can therefore be a source of infection to cattle (Thorns an

    Morris, 1983). Purposeful routine observation of such infections provides valuable information on changes in t

    amount of disease and relevant ecological factors and may therefore indicate necessary changes in contr

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    Infectious diseases that are transmitted by insects, ticks and other arthropods, and which may be maintained

    wildlife, present complex ecological relationships and even more complex problems relating to their contro

    Comprehensive epidemiological studies of these diseases help to unravel their life-cycles, and can indicate suitab

    methods of control.

    Planning and monitoring of disease control programmes

    The institution of a programme to either control or eradicate a disease in an animal population must bbased on a knowledge of the amount of the disease in that population, the factors associated with

    occurrence, the facilities required to control the disease, and the costs and benefits involved. Th

    information is equally important for a mastitis control programme on a single dairy farm and for a nation

    brucellosis eradication scheme involving all the herds in a country. The epidemiological techniques th

    are employed include the routine collection of data on disease in populations (monitoring a

    surveillance) to decide if the various strategies are being successful.

    Surveillance is also required to determine whether the occurrence of a disease is being affected by new factor

    For example, during the eradication scheme for bovine

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    18 The scope of epidemiology

    tuberculosis in New Zealand, opossums became infected in certain areas. New strategies had to be

    introduced to control this problem (Julian, 1981). During the foot-andmouth disease epidemic

    in the UK in 1967 and 1968, surveillance programmes indicated the importance of wind-borne

    virus particles in the transmission of the disease (Smith and Hugh-Jones, 1969). This

    additional knowledge was relevant to the establishment of areas within which there was arestriction of animal movement, thus facilitating eradication of the disease.

    Assessing the economic effects of a disease and of its control

    The cost of the control of disease in the livestock industry must be balanced against the economic

    loss attributable to the disease. Economic analysis therefore is required. This is an essential part

    of most modern planned animal health programmes. Although it may be economic to reduce a

    high level of disease in a herd or flock, it may be uneconomic to reduce even further the

    level of a disease that is present at only a very low level. If 15 % of the cows in a herd were

    affected by mastitis, productivity would be severely affected and a control programme would

    be likely to reap financial benefit. On the other hand, if less than I % of the herd were

    affected, the cost of further reduction of the disease might not result in a sufficient increase in

    productivity to pay for the control programme.

    This introduction to the uses of epidemiology indicates that the subject is relevant to many areas

    of veterinary science. The general agricultural practitioner is becoming increasingly concerned

    with herd health. The companion animal practitioner is faced with chronic refractory diseases,

    such as the idiopathic dermatoses, which may be understood better by an investigation of the

    factors that are common to all cases. The state veterinarian cannot perform his routine duties

    without reference to disease in the national animal population. The diagnostic pathologist

    investigates the associations between causes and effects (i.e., lesions); this approach is

    epidemiological when inferences are made from groups of animals. The veterinarian in

    abattoirs and meat-processing plants attempts to reduce the occurrence of defects and contami-

    nation by understanding and eliminating their causes. Similarly, industrial veterinarians,

    concerned with the design of clinical trials, compare disease rates and response to treatment

    in groups of animals to which different prophylactic and therapeutic compounds are


    Types of epidemiological investigation

    There are four approaches to epidemiological investigation that traditionally have been called

    `types' of epidemiology. These types are descriptive, analytical, experimental and theoretical


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    18 The scope of epidemiology

    Descriptive epidemiology

    Descriptive epidemiology involves observing and recording diseases and possible causal factors.

    It is usually the first part of an investigation. The observations are sometimes partially

    subjective, but, in common with observations in other scientific disciplines, may generate

    hypotheses that can be tested more rigorously later. Darwin's theory of evolution, forexample, was derived mainly from subjective observations, but with slight modification it has

    withstood rigorous testing by plant and animal scientists.

    Analytical epidemiology

    Analytical epidemiology is the analysis of observations using suitable diagnostic and statistical


    Experimental epidemiology

    The experimental epidemiologist observes and analyses data from groups of animals from which

    he can select, and in which he can alter, the factors associated with the groups. An important

    component of the experimental approach is the control of the groups. Experimental

    epidemiology developed in the 1920s and 1930s, and utilized laboratory animals whose short

    lifespans enabled events to be observed more rapidly than in humans (see Chapter 18). A

    notable example is the work of Topley (1942) who infected colonies of mice with ectromelia

    virus and Pasteurella spp. The effects of varying the rate of exposure of mice maintained in

    groups of various sizes provided insights into the behaviour of human epidemic diseases such as

    measles, scarlet fever, whooping cough and diptheria which followed similar patterns to the

    experimental infections (MRC, 1938). This work demonstrated the importance of the

    proportion of susceptible individuals in the population in determining the progress of epidemics

    (see Chapter 8); hitherto, changes in the virulence of a microorganism were thought to be the

    most important factor affecting epidemic patterns.

    Rarely, a `natural' experiment can be conducted when the naturally occurring disease or other

    fortuitous circumstance approximates closely to the ideally designed experiment. For instance,when BSE occurred in the UK, outbreaks of the disease on the Channel Islands (Jersey

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    Types of epidemiological investigation

    and Guernsey), which maintain isolated populations of cattle, provided an ideal situation in which to study the disea

    uncomplicated by the possibility of transmission by contact with infected animals (Wilesmith, 1993). This add

    credence to the hypothesis that the disease was transmitted in contaminated feedstuffs.

    Theoretical epidemiologyTheoretical epidemiology consists of the representation of disease using mathematical 'models' that attempt

    simulate natural patterns of disease occurrence.

    Epidemiological subdisciplines

    Various epidemiological subdisciplines are now recognized. These reflect different areas of interest, rather th

    fundamentally different techniques. They all apply the four types of epidemiology described above, and c

    overlap, but their separate identities are considered by some to be justifiable.

    Clinical epidemiology

    Clinical epidemiology is the use of epidemiological principles, methods and findings in the care of individuals, w

    particular reference to diagnosis and prognosis (Last, 1988), and therefore brings a numerate approachtraditional clinical medicine, which has tended to be anecdotal and subjective (Grufferman and Kimm, 1984)

    is concerned with the frequency and cause of disease, the factors that affect prognosis, the validity

    diagnostic tests, and the effectiveness of therapeutic and preventive techniques (Fletcheret al., 1988).

    Computational epidemiology

    Computational epidemiology involves the application of computer science to epidemiological studies (Habtemariam

    al., 1988). This includes the representation of disease by mathematical models (see 'Quantitative investigatio

    below) and the use of expert systems. These systems are commonly applied to disease diagnosis where th

    incorporate a set of rules for solving problems, details of clinical signs, lesions, laboratory results, and

    opinions of experts; examples are the identification of the cause of coughing in dogs (Roudebush, 1984), and tdiagnosis of bovine mastitis (Hogeveen et a!., 1993). Expert systems are also employed in formulating disea

    control strategies (e.g., for East coast fever: Gettinby and Byrom, 1989), predicting animal productivity (e

    reproductive performance in dairy herds: McKay e t al., 1988), and

    supporting management decisions (e.g., decisions on replacing sows: Huirne et al., 1991).

    Genetic epidemiology

    Genetic epidemiology is the study of the cause, distribution and control of disease in related individuals, and

    inherited defects in populations (Morton, 1982; Roberts, 1985). It indicates that the disciplinary boundary betwe

    genetics and epidemiology is blurred. Many diseases involve both genetic and non-genetic factors (see Chapter

    and genes are increasingly incriminated in diseases of all organ systems (Figure 1.3). Thus, the geneticist a

    epidemiologist are both concerned with interactions between genetic and non-genetic factors - only the frequen

    indistinct time of interaction may be used to classify an investigation as genetic or epidemiological.Molecular epidemiology

    New biochemical techniques now enable microbiologists and molecular biologists to study small genetic a

    antigenic differences between viruses and other microorganisms at a higher level of discrimination than has be

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    possible using conventional serological techniques. The methods include peptide mapping, nucleic acid 'fing

    printing' and hybridization (Keller and Manak, 1989; Kricka, 1992), restriction enzyme analysis, monoclo

    antibodies (Oxford, 1985; Goldspink and Gerlach, 1990; Goldspink, 1993) and the polymerase chain react

    (Belak and Ballagi-Pordany, 1993). For example, nucleotide sequencing of European foot-and-mouth disease vi

    has indicated that recent outbreaks of the disease involved vaccinal strains, suggesting that improper inactivation

    escape of virus from vaccine production plants may have been responsible for the outbreaks (Beck and Strohma

    1987). Similarly, infections that hitherto have been difficult to identify are now readily distinguished using the

    new molecular techniques; examples are infection

    withMycobacterium paratuberculosis (the cause of

    Johne's disease) (Murray et al., 1989) and latent infection with Aujeszky's disease virus (Belak et al., 1989). T

    application of these new diagnostic techniques constitutes molecular epidemiology. A general description of

    methods is given by Persing et al. (1993).

    Molecular epidemiology is part of the wider use of biological markers (Hulka et al., 1990). These are cellu

    biochemical or molecular alterations that are measurable in biological media such as tissues, cells or fluids. Th

    may indicate susceptibility to a causal factor, or a biological response, suggesting a sequence of events fr

    exposure to disease (Perera and Weinstein, 1982). Some have been used by veterinarians for many years, for

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    instance, serum magnesium levels as indicators of susceptibility to clinical hypocalcaemia

    (Whitaker and Kelly, 1982; Van de Braak et al., 1987), serum transaminase levels as markersfor liver disease, and antibodies as indicators of exposure to infectious agents (see Chapter 17).

    Other subdisciplines

    Several other epidemiological subdisciplines have also been defined. Chronic disease

    epidemiology is involved with diseases of long duration (e.g., cancers), many of which are non-

    infectious. Environmental epidemiology is concerned with the relationship between disease

    and environmental factors such as industrial pollution and, in human medicine, occupational

    hazards. Domestic animals can act as monitors of environmental hazards and can provide

    early warning of disease in man (see Chapter 18). Micro-epidemiology is the study of disease

    in a small group of individuals with respect to factors that influence its occurrence in larger

    segments of the population. For example, studies of feline acquired immunodeficiency

    syndrome (FAIDS) in groups of kittens have provided insights into the widespread human

    disease, AIDS (Torres-Anjel and Tshikuka, 1988). Micro-epidemiology, which frequently

    uses animal biological models of disease, therefore is closely related to comparative


    (Chapter18). In contrast, macroepidemiology is the study of national patterns of disease, and the

    social, economic and political factors that influence them (Hueston and Walker, 1993). Other

    subdisciplines, such as nutritional epidemiology (Willett, 1990) and subclinical epidemiology

    (Evans, 1987), can also be identified to reflect particular areas of interest.

    The components of epidemiology are summarized in Figure 2.1. The first stage in any

    investigation is the collection of relevant data. The main sources of information are

    outlined in Chapter 10. Methods of storing, retrieving and disseminating information arediscussed in Chapter 11. Investigations can be either qualitative or quantitative or a

    combination of these two approaches.

    Qualitative investigations The

    natural history of disease

    The ecology of diseases, including the distribution, mode of transmission and maintenance of

    infectious diseases, is

    investigated by field observation. Ecological principles are outlined in Chapter 7. Methods of

    transmission and maintenance are described in Chapter 6, and patterns of disease occurrence

    are described in Chapter 8. Field observations also may reveal information about factors that

    may directly or indirectly cause disease. The various factors that act to produce disease are

    described in Chapter 5.

    mponents of epidemiology

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    Causal hypothesis testing

    If field observations suggest that certain factors may be causally associated with a disease, then

    the association must be assessed by formulating a causal hypothesis. Causality (the relating of

    causes to effects) and hypothesis formulation are described in Chapter 3.

    Qualitative investigations were the mainstay of epidemiologists before the Second World War.

    These epidemiologists were concerned largely with the identification of unknown causes of

    infectious disease and sources of infection. Some interesting examples of the epidemiologist

    acting as a medical `detective' are described by Roueche (1991).

    Quantitative investigations

    Quantitative investigations involve measurement (e.g., the number of cases of disease), and

    therefore expression and analysis of numerical values. Basic methods of expressing these

    values are outlined in Chapters 4 and 12. The types of measurement that are encountered in

    veterinary medicine are described in Chapter 9. Quantitative investigations include surveys,

    monitoring and surveillance, studies, modelling, and the biological and economic evaluation of

    disease control.


    A survey is an examination of an aggregate of units (Kendall and Buckland, 1982). A group of

    animals is an example of an aggregate. The examination usually involves counting membersof the aggregate and characteristics of the members. In epidemiological surveys, characteristics

    might include the presence of particular diseases, weight, and milk yield. Surveys can be

    undertaken on a sample of the population. Less commonly, a census, which examines the total

    animal population, can be undertaken (e.g., tuberculin testing). A cross-sectional survey records

    events occurring at a particular point in time. A longitudinal survey records events over a period

    of time. These latter events may be recorded prospectively from the present into the future; or

    may be a retrospective record of past event

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    A focus of an epidemiological study is the population defined in geographical or other

    terms; for example, a specific group of hospital patients or factory workers could be

    the unit of study. A common population used in epidemiology is one selected from

    a specific area or country at a specific time. This forms the base for defining subgroups

    with respect to sex, age group or ethnicity. The structures of populations vary between

    geographical areas and time periods. Epidemiological analyses must take such

    variation into account.

    The scope of epidemiology

    A particular type of diagnostic survey is screening. This is the identification of undiagnosed cases of

    disease using rapid tests or examinations. The aim is to separate individuals that probably have a

    disease from those that probably do not. Screening tests are not intended to be definitive; individuals

    with positive test results (i.e., that are classified as diseased by the screening test) require further

    investigation for definite diagnosis.

    Diagnostic tests, including serological surveys and screening, are considered in Chapter 17. The

    design of surveys in general is described in Chapter 13.

    Monitoring and surveillance

    Monitoring is the making of routine observations on health, productivity and environmental factors and the

    recording and transmission of these observations. Thus, the regular recording of milk yields is

    monitoring, as is the routine recording of meat inspection findings at abattoirs. The identity of

    individual diseased animals usually is not recorded.

    Surveillance is a more intensive form of data recording than monitoring. Originally, surveillance was

    used to describe the tracing and observation of people who were in contact with cases of infectious

    disease. It is now used in a much wider sense (Langmuir, 1965) to include all types of disease -

    infectious and non-infectious - and involves the collation and interpretation of data collected during

    monitoring programmes, usually with the recording of the identity of diseased individuals, with a view

    to detecting changes in a population's health. It is normally part of control programmes for specific

    diseases. The recording of tuberculosis lesions at an abattoir, followed by tracing of infected animals

    from the abattoir back to their farms of origin, is an example of surveillance. The terms `monitoring'

    and `surveillance' have previously been used synonymously, but the distinction between them is now

    generally accepted. The national and international aspects of surveillance are reviewed by Blajan

    (1979), Davies (1980, 1993), Ellis (1980) and Blajan and Welte (1988), and some animal disease

    information systems are described in Chapter 11.

    Monitoring and surveillance can include all of the national herd. Alternatively, a few farms, abattoirs,

    veterinary practices or laboratories may be selected; these are then referred to as `sentinel' units,

    because they are designed to `keep watch' on a disease. Similarly, horses can be used as sentinelsfor Venezeulan equine encephalitis virus infection (Dickerman and Scherer, 1983), and stray dogs as

    sentinels for canine parvovirus infection (Gordon and Angrick, 1985), the infections being identified

    serologically. Other species of animals that also

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    are susceptible to an infectious agent can be used as sentinels for the infection in the main animal

    population. For example, wild birds can be used to monitor the activity of St Louis encephalitis

    virus, providing early information on the activity of the virus at a time when avian infection rates are

    still too low to pose an immediate threat to man (Lord et al., 1974). Domestic animals can also be used

    as sentinels of human environmental health hazards such as carcinogens and insecticides; this topic is

    discussed in detail in Chapter 18.


    `Study' is a general term that refers to any type of investigation. However, in epidemiology, a study

    usually involves comparison of groups of animals, for example, a comparison of the weights of

    animals that are fed different diets. Thus, although a survey generally could be classified as a

    study, it is excluded from epidemiological studies because it involves only description rather than

    comparison and the analysis that the comparison requires. There are four main types of

    epidemiological study:

    1. experimental studies; 2. cross-sectional studies; 3. case-control studies; 4.

    cohort studies.

    In an experimental study the investigator has the ability to allocate animals to various groups,according to factors which the investigator can randomly assign to animals (e.g., treatment

    regimen, preventive technique); such studies are therefore part of experimental epidemiology. An

    important example is the clinical trial. In a clinical trial, the investigator assigns animals either to

    a group to which a prophylactic or therapeutic procedure is applied, or to a control group. It is then

    possible to evaluate the efficacy of the procedure by comparing the two groups. Clinical trials

    are discussed in Chapter 16.

    The other types of study - cross-sectional, case-control and cohort - are observational. An observational

    study is similar to an experimental study: animals are allocated to groups with respect to certain

    characteristics that they possess (trait, disease, etc.). However, in observational studies, it is not

    possible to assign animals to groups randomly because the investigator has little control over the

    factors that are being studied; the characteristics are inherent (e.g., sex, weight or normal diet).

    A cross-sectional study investigates relationships between disease (or other health-related factors) and

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    hypothesized causal factors in a specified population. Animals are categorized according to presence and ab

    of disease and hypothesized causal factors; inferences can then be made about associations between disease a

    hypothesized causal factors, for example, between heart valve incompetence (the disease) and breed (the

    hypothesized causal factor).

    A case-control study compares a group of diseased animals with a group of healthy animals with respect to exp

    to hypothesized causal factors. For example, a group of cats with urolithiasis (the disease) can be compare

    group of cats without urolithiasis with respect to consumption of dry cat food (the factor) to determine whet

    type of food has an effect on the pathogenesis of the disease.

    In a cohort study, a group exposed to factors is compared with a group not exposed to the factors with respect

    development of a disease. It is then possible to calculate a level of risk of developing the disease in relati

    exposure to the hypothesized causal factors.

    Case-control and cohort studies have often been applied in human medicine in which experimental investiga

    cause are usually unethical. For example, it would not be possible to investigate the suspected toxicity of a d

    intentionally administering the drug to a group of people in order to s tudy possible sideeffects. However,

    symptoms of toxicity have occurred, then a case-control study could be used to evaluate the association betw

    symptoms and the drug suspected of causing the toxicity. There are fewer ethical restraints on experimental

    investigation in veterinary medicine than in human medicine and so experimental investigation of serious condimore tenable. However, observational studies have a role in veterinary epidemiology; for example, when

    investigating diseases in farm and companion animal populations. The increasing concern for animal welfare is

    these techniques even more useful than previously.

    Basic methods of assessing association between disease and hypothesized causal factors in observational studies

    described in Chapters 14 and 15.

    Observational studies form the majority of epidemiological studies. Observational and experimental science hav

    own strengths and weaknesses which are discussed in detail by Trotter (1930). A major advantage of an

    observational investigation is that it studies the natural occurrence of disease. Experimentation may separa

    factors associated with disease from other factors that may have important interactions with them in natural outbr


    Disease dynamics and the effects of different control strategies can be represented using mathematical equations.

    representation is `modelling'. Many modern methods rely heavily on computers. Another type of modelling is

    biological simulation using experimental animals (frequently laboratory animals) to simulate the pathogenesis

    diseases that occur naturally in animals and man. Additionally, the spontaneous occurrence of disease in animals

    studied in the field (e.g., using observational studies) to increase understanding of human diseases. Mathematical

    modelling is outlined in Chapter 19, and spontaneous disease models are described in Chapter 18.

    Disease control

    The goal of epidemiology is to improve the veterinarian's knowledge so that diseases can be controlled effectiv

    productivity thereby optimized. This can be fulfilled by treatment, prevention or eradication. The economicevaluation of disease and its control is discussed in Chapter 20. Health schemes are described in Chapter 2

    Finally, the principles of disease control are outlined in Chapter 22.

    The different components of epidemiology apply the four epidemiological approaches to varying degrees. Surve

    studies, for example, consist of a descriptive and an analytical part. Modelling additionally may include a

    theoretical approach

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    Definition of epidemiology9

    The word epidemiology is derived from the Greek words: epi upon, demos people and logos study.

    This broad definition of epidemiology can be further elaborated as follows:

    Term Explanation

    Study includes : surveillance, observation, hypothesis testing, analytic researchand experiments.

    Distribution : refers to analysis of: times, persons, places and classes of people affected.

    Determinants : include factors that influence health: biological, chemical, physical, social, cultural, econ

    genetic and behavioural.

    Health-related states and events : refer to: diseases, causes of death, behaviours such as use of tobacco,positive hea

    states, reactions to preventive regimes and provision anduse of health s

    Specified populations : include those with identifiable characteristics, such as occupational groups.

    Application to prevention and control : the aims of public healthto promote, protect, and restore health

    Epidemiology and public health

    Public health, broadly speaking, refers to collective actions to improve populationhealth.1 Epidemiology, one of the tools for improving public health, is used in several

    ways (Figures 1.31.6). Early studies in epidemiology were concerned with the causes(etiology) of communicable di

    and such work continues to be essential sinceit can lead to the identification of preventive methods. In this sense,

    epidemiology isa basic medical science with the goal of improving the health of populations, andespecially the hea

    the disadvantaged.

    Causation of disease

    Although some diseases are caused solely by genetic factors, most result from an

    interaction between genetic and environmental factors. Diabetes, for example, has

    both genetic and environmental components. We define environment broadly to

    include any biological, chemical, physical, psychological, economic or cultural factors that can affect health (see Cha

    Personal behaviours

    affect this interplay, and epidemiology is used to study

    their influence and the effects of preventive interventions

    through health promotion (Figure 1.3).


    Death rates are particularly useful for investigating diseases with a high case-fatality.

    However, many diseases have low case-fatality, for example, most mental illnesses,

    musculoskeletal diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, chickenpox and mumps. In this situation,

    data on morbidity (illness) are more useful than mortality rates.

    Morbidity data are often helpful in clarifying the reasons for particular trends inmortality. Changes in death rates could be due to changes in morbidity rates or in

    case-fatality. For example, the recent decline in cardiovascular disease mortality rates

    in many developed countries could be due to a fall in either incidence (suggesting

    improvements in primary prevention) or in case-fatality (suggesting improvements in

    treatment). Because population age structures change with time, time-trend analyses

    should be based on age-standardized morbidity and mortality rates.

    Other sources of morbidity data include:

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    hospital admissions and discharges

    outpatient and primary health care consultations

    specialist services (such as injury treatment)

    registers of disease events (such as cancer and congenital malformations).

    To be useful for epidemiological studies, the data must be relevant and easily accessible.

    In some countries, the confidential nature of patient medical records may make

    hospital data inaccessible for epidemiological studies. A recording system focusing

    on administrative or financial data, rather than on diagnostic and individual characteristics

    may diminish the epidemiological value of routine health service data.

    Hospital admission rates are influenced by factors other than the morbidity of the population,such as the availability o

    hospital admission policies and social factors.

    Because of the numerous limitations of routinely recorded morbidity data, many

    epidemiological studies of morbidity rely on the collection of new data using specially designed questionnaires and s

    methods. This enables investigators to have more confidence in the data and the rates calculated from them.


    Epidemiologists often investigate the health status of a

    population by starting with information that is routinelycollected. In many high-income countries the fact and

    cause of death are recorded on a standard death certificate,

    which also carries information on age, sex, and place of

    residence. The International Statistical Classification of

    Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD) provides

    guidelines on classifying deaths.14 The procedures are revised

    periodically to account for new diseases and changes

    in case-definitions, and are used for coding causes of death

    (see Box 2.2). The International Classification of Diseases

    is now in its 10th revision, so it is called the ICD-10.

    Limitations of death certificates

    Data derived from death statistics are prone to various sources of error but, from an

    epidemiological perspective, often provide invaluable information on trends in a populations

    health status. The usefulness of the data depends on many factors, including

    the completeness of records and the accuracy in assigning the underlying causes of

    deathespecially in elderly people for whom autopsy rates are often low.

    Epidemiologists rely heavily on death statistics for assessing the burden of disease,

    as well as for tracking changes in diseases over time. However, in many countries

    basic mortality statistics are not available, usually because of a lack of resources to

    establish routine vital registration systems. The provision of accurate cause-of-death

    information is a priority for health services.15

    Death rates

    The death rate (or crude mortality rate) for all deaths or a specific cause of death is

    calculated as follows:

    Crude mortal it y rate =

    Number of deaths during a specified period ( 10n )

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    Number of persons at risk of dying during

    the same period

    The main disadvantage of the crude mortality rate is that it does not take into

    account the fact that the chance of dying varies according to age, sex, race, socioeconomic

    class and other factors. It is not usually appropriate to use it for comparing

    different time periods or geographical areas. For example, patterns of death in newly

    occupied urban developments with many young families are likely to be very different

    from those in seaside resorts, where retired people may choose to live. Comparisons

    of mortality rates between groups of diverse age structure are usually based on agestandardized


    Age-specif ic death rates

    Death rates can be expressed for specific groups in a population which are definedby age, race, sex, occupation or

    geographical location, or for specific causes of death.

    For example, an age- and sex-specific death rate is defined as:

    Total number of deaths occurring in a specific age and sex group

    of the population in a defined area during a specified period

    Estimated total population of the same age and sex group of thepopulation in the same area during the same period

    (10n )

    Proporti onate mortali ty

    Occasionally the mortality in a population is described by using proportionate

    mortality, which is actually a ratio: the number of deaths from a given cause per 100

    or 1000 total deaths in the same period. Proportionate mortality does not express the

    risk of members of a population contracting or dying from a disease.

    Comparisons of proportionate rates between groups may show interesting

    differences. However, unless the crude or age-group-specific mortality rates are

    known, it may not be clear whether a difference between groups relates to variations

    in the numerators or the denominators. For example, proportionate mortality ratesfor cancer would be much greater in high-income countries with many old people

    than in low- and middle-income countries with few old people, even if the actual

    lifetime risk of cancer is the same.

    Infant mortality

    The infant mortality rate is commonly used as an indicator of the level of health in a

    community. It measures the rate of death in children during the first year of life, the

    denominator being the number of live births in the same year.

    The infant mortality rate is calculated as follows:

    Infant mortality rate =Number of deaths in a year of children

    less than 1 year of age

    Number of live births in the same year


    The use of infant mortality rates as a measure of overall health status for a given

    population is based on the assumption that it is particularly sensitive to socioeconomic

    changes and to health care interventions. Infant mortality has declined in all

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    regions of the world, but wide differences persist between and within countries

    Child mortality rate

    The child mortality rate (under-5 mortality rate) is based on deaths of children aged

    14 years, and is frequently used as a basic health indicator. Injuries, malnutrition

    and infectious diseases are common causes of death in this age group. The under-5

    mortality rate describes the probability (expressed per 1000 live births) of a child dying

    before reaching 5 years of age. Table 2.5 shows the mortality rates for countries

    representing a range of income categories. The areas of uncertainty around the estimates

    for middle-income and low-income countries are shown in parentheses.

    Data in Table 2.5 have been calculated so that the information can be compared

    between countries. Mortality rates per 1000 live births vary from as low as 4 for

    Japan (based on precise data) to 297 for males in Sierra Leone (with a wide range ofuncertainty: between 250 and 340

    1000 live births).23 Gathering accurate data is not easy and alternative approaches have been developed

    Maternal mortality rate

    The maternal mortality rate refers to the risk of mothers dying from causes associated

    with delivering babies, complications of pregnancy or childbirth. This importantstatistic is often neglected because it is difficult to calculate accurately. The maternal

    mortality rate is given by:

    Maternal mortal it y rate=

    Number of maternal deaths in a given

    geographic area in a given year

    Number of live births that occurred

    among the population of the given

    geographic area during the same year

    (10n )

    The maternal mortality rate ranges from about 3 per 100 000 live births in high-incomecountries to over 1500 per 100

    births in low-income countries.23 However,even this comparison does not adequately reflect the much greater liferisk of

    dying from pregnancy-related causes in poorer countries.

    Adult mortality rate

    The adult mortality rate is defined as the probability ofdying between the ages of 15 and 60 years per 1000 population

    The adult mortality rate offers a way to analysehealth gaps between countries in the main working agegroups.24 The

    probability of dying in adulthood is greaterfor men than for women in almost all countries, but thevariation betwe

    countries is very large. In Japan, lessthan 1 in 10 men (and 1 in 20 women) die in these productiveage groups, com

    with almost 2 in 3 men (and1 in 2 women) in Angola

    Life expectancy

    Life expectancy is another summary measure of the health status of a population. It is defined as the average number

    an individual of a given age is expected to live if

    current mortality rates continue. It is not always easy to interpret the reasons for the differences in life expectancy bet

    countries; different patterns may emerge according

    to the measures that are used. For the world as a whole, life expectancy at birth has

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    increased from 46.5 years during the period 19501955 to 65.0 years during the period 19952000 (see Figure 2.5).

    Reversals in life expectancy have occurred in some sub-Saharan countries largely due to AIDS. Similar reversals i

    expectancy have also occurred in middle-aged men in the former Soviet Union, where almost 1 in 2 men die betw

    ages of 15 and 60 years, largely due to changes in the use of alcohol and tobacco.26

    Life expectancy at birth, as an overall measure of health status, attaches greater

    importance to deaths in infancy than to deaths later in life. Table 2.7 gives data for selected countries. As the data are

    on existing age-specific death rates, additional calculation is necessary to allow comparability between countries;

    uncertainty of the estimates are

    shown in parentheses. Confidence intervals can be quite

    largeas in Zimbabwebut quite precise in countries like Japan which has complete vital registration. These data sh

    large variations in life expectancies

    between countries. For example, a girl born in Japan

    in 2004 can expect to live 86 years, whereas a girl born in

    Zimbabwe at the same time will live between 30 and 38

    years. In almost all countries, women live longer than


    Causation of disease

    Although some diseases are caused solely by genetic factors, most result from an

    interaction between genetic and environmental factors. Diabetes, for example, has

    both genetic and environmental components. We define environment broadly to

    include any biological, chemical, physical, psychological, economic or cultural factors

    that can affect health (see Chapter 9). Personal behaviours

    affect this interplay, and epidemiology is used to study

    their influence and the effects of preventive interventions

    through health promotion

    Causation of disease

    Genetic factors

    Environmental factors

    (including behaviours)

    Good health Ill health

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    Screening people for diseaseor risk factors which predict diseaseis motivated by

    the potential benefits of secondary prevention through early detection and treatment.


    Screening is the process of using tests on a large scale to identify the presence

    of disease in apparently healthy people. Screening tests do not usually establish a

    diagnosis, but rather the presence or absence of an identified risk factor, and thus

    require individual follow-up and treatment. As the recipients of screening are usually

    people who have no illness it is important that the screening test itself is very unlikely

    to cause harm.26 Screening can also be used to identify high exposure to risk factors.

    For instance, childrens blood samples can be screened for lead in areas of high use

    of lead in paint.

    Types of screening

    There are different types of screening, each with specific aims:

    mass screening aims to screen the whole population (or


    multiple or multiphasic screening uses several screening tests at the same time; targeted screening of groups with specific exposures, e.g. workers in lead battery factories, is often used in

    environmental and occupational health (Box 6.5); and

    case-finding or opportunistic screening is aimed at patients who consult a health practitioner for some other purp

    Criteria for screening

    Table 6.4 lists the main criteria for establishing a screening programme.27 These relate

    to the characteristics of the disorder or disease, its treatment and the screening test.

    Table 6.4. Requirements for instituting a medical screening programme

    Disorder Well-defined

    Prevalence Known

    Natural history Long period between first signs and overt disease; medically

    important disorder for which there is an effective remedy

    Test choice Simple and safe

    Test performance Distributions of test values in affected and unaffected individuals


    Financial Cost-effective

    Facilities Available or easily provided

    Acceptability Procedures following a positive result are generally agreed upon and

    acceptable to both the screening authorities and to those screened.

    Equity Equity of access to screening services; effective, acceptable and safe

    treatment available

    In addition, several issues need to be addressed before establishing a screening



    The costs of a screening programme must be balanced against the number of cases

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    detected and the consequences of not screening. Generally, the prevalence of the

    preclinical stage of the disease should be high in the population screened, but occasionally

    it may be worthwhile to screen even for diseases of low prevalence which

    have serious consequences, such as phenylketonuria. If children with phenylketonuria

    are identified at birth, they can be given a special diet that will allow them to develop

    normally. If they are not given the diet, they become mentally retarded and require

    special care throughout life. In spite of the low incidence of this metabolic disease

    (24 per 100 000 births), secondary prevention screening programmes are highly


    Lead time

    The disease must have a reasonably long lead time; that is, the interval between the

    time when the disease can be first diagnosed by screening and when it is usually

    diagnosed in patients presenting with symptoms. Noise-induced hearing loss has a

    very long lead time; pancreatic cancer usually has a short one. A short lead time

    implies a rapidly progressing disease, and treatment initiated after screening is unlikely

    to be more effective than that begun after the more usual diagnostic procedures.

    Length biasEarly treatment should be more effective in reducing mortality or morbidity than

    treatment begun after the development of overt disease, as, for example, in the treatment

    of cervical cancer in situ. A treatment must be effective and acceptable to people

    who are asymptomatic. If treatment is ineffective, earlier diagnosis only increases the

    Table 6.4. Requirements for instituting a medical screening programme

    Disorder Well-defined

    Prevalence Known

    Natural history Long period between first signs and overt disease; medically

    important disorder for which there is an effective remedy

    Test choice Simple and safe

    Test performance Distributions of test values in affected and unaffected individualsknown

    Financial Cost-effective

    Facilities Available or easily provided

    Acceptability Procedures following a positive result are generally agreed upon and

    acceptable to both the screening authorities and to those screened.

    Equity Equity of access to screening services; effective, acceptable and safe

    treatment available

    Epidemiology and prevention: chronic noncommunicable diseases 111

    time period during which the participant is aware of the disease; this effect is known

    as length bias or length/time bias.Screening test

    The screening test itself must be cheap, easy to apply, acceptable to the public, reliable

    and valid. A test is reliable if it provides consistent results, and valid if it correctly

    categorizes people into groups with and without disease, as measured by its sensitivity

    and specificity.

    Sensitivity is the proportion of people with the disease in the screened population

    who are identified as ill by the screening test. (When the disease is

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    present, how often does the test detect it?)

    Specificity is the proportion of disease-free people who are so identified by the

    screening test. (When the disease is absent, how often does the test provide

    a negative result?)

    The methods for calculating these measures and the positive and negative predictive

    values are given in Table 6.5.

    Although a screening test ideally is both highly sensitive and highly specific, we

    need to strike a balance between these characteristics, because most tests cannot do

    both. We determine this balance by an arbitrary cut-off point between normal and

    abnormal. If we want to increase sensitivity and to include all true positives, we are

    obliged to increase the number of false positives, which means decreasing specificity.

    Reducing the strictness of the criteria for a positive test can increase sensitivity, but

    by doing this the tests specificity is reduced. Likewise, increasing the strictness of

    the criteria increases specificity but decreases sensitivity. We also need to account

    for predictive value when interpreting the results of screening tests

    Surveillance and response


    Health surveillance is the ongoing systematic collection, analysis and interpretation

    of health data essential for planning, implementing and evaluating public health

    activities. Surveillance needs to be linked to timely dissemination of the data, so that

    effective action can be taken to prevent disease. Surveillance mechanisms include

    compulsory notification regarding specific diseases, specific disease registries

    (population-based or hospital-based), continuous or repeated population surveys and

    aggregate data that show trends of consumption patterns and economic activity.

    Box 7.6. Uses of surveillance

    Surveillance is an essential feature of epidemiologic practice and may be used to: recognize isolated or clustered cases;

    assess the public health impact of events and assess trends;

    measure the causal factors of disease;

    monitor effectiveness and evaluate the impact of prevention and control measures, intervention

    strategies and health policy changes; and

    plan and provide care. In addition to estimating the magnitude of an epidemic

    and monitoring its trends, data can also be used to:

    strengthen commitment,

    mobilize communities, and

    advocate for sufficient resources.19128Ch

    The scope of survei l lance

    The scope of surveillance is broad, from early warning systems for rapid response in

    the case of communicable diseases, to planned response in the case of chronic diseases

    which generally have a longer lag time between exposure and disease. Most

    countries have regulations for mandatory reporting of a list of diseases. These lists

    of notifiable diseases often include vaccine-preventable diseases such as polio,

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    measles, tetanus and diphtheria as well as other communicable diseases such as

    tuberculosis, hepatitis, meningitis and leprosy. Reporting may be required also for

    Box 7.5. Immunization: key to prevention and


    Immunization is a powerful tool in the management and control of infectious diseases. Systematic immunization

    programmes can be very effective. For example, by the

    late 1980s, most countries in South and Latin America had incorporated measles vaccination into routine immuniz

    programs and many had done follow-up

    immunization campaigns to reach all children and interrupt measles transmission.17 non-communicable condition

    as maternal deaths, injuries and occupational

    and environmental diseases such as pesticide poisoning Mandatory reporting of specific conditions is a subset of

    surveillance. There are many other uses of surveillance

    Pri nciples of surveil lance

    A key principle is to include only conditions for which surveillance can effectively lead to prevention. Another im

    principle is that surveillance systems should reflect

    the overall disease burden of the community. Other criteria for selecting diseases include:

    incidence and prevalence indices of severity (case-fatality ratio)

    mortality rate and premature mortality

    an index of lost productivity (bed-disability days)

    medical costs


    epidemic potential

    information gaps on new diseases.

    Sources of data

    Sources of data may be general or disease-specific, and include the following:

    mortality and morbidity reports

    hospital records

    laboratory diagnoses

    outbreak reports

    vaccine utilization

    sickness absence records

    biological changes in agent, vectors, or reservoirs

    blood banks.

    Surveillance can collect data on any element of the causal chain of disease

    behavioural risk factors, preventive actions, cases and program or treatment costs.

    The scope of a surveillance system is constrained by human and financial resources.

    Surveil lance in practiceSurveillance relies upon a routine system of reporting suspected cases within the

    health system, followed by validation and confirmation. Active and appropriate

    responses ranging from local containment measures to investigation and containment

    by a highly specialized team, are then put in place.

    Surveillance requires continuing scrutiny of all aspects of the occurrence and

    spread of disease, generally using methods distinguished by their practicability, uniformity

    and, frequently, their rapidity, rather than by complete accuracy. The analysis

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    of data from a surveillance system indicates whether there has been a significant

    increase in the reported number of cases. In many countries, unfortunately, surveillance

    systems are inadequate, particularly if they depend on voluntary notification.

    A wide range of networks, including nongovernmental organizations, electronic discussion

    groups, search engines on the World Wide Web, and laboratory and training

    networks, offer powerful ways of obtaining information that leads to a coordinated

    international response.

    Sentinel health information systems, in which a limited number of general practitioners report on a defined list of

    carefully chosen topics that may be changed from time to time, are increasingly used to provide supplementary

    information for the surveillance of both communicable and chronic diseases. Surveillance of chronic disease risk f

    discussed in Chapter 2. A sentinel network keeps a watchful eye on a sample of the population by

    supplying regular, standardized reports on specific diseases and procedures in primary health care. Regular feedba

    information occurs and the participants usually have a permanent link with researchers.

    Analysis and interpretation of surveil lance data

    Surveillance is not only a matter of collecting data, as the

    analysis, dissemination and use of the data for prevention

    and control are equally important. Many public healthprograms have far more data than they can presently analyse

    Table 7.3 outlines Millennium Development Goal 6,

    which focuses on HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases,

    which are largely interpreted as communicable diseases.

    Non-communicable diseaseswhich account for the bulk

    of death and disability in most countrieshave been


    The indicators, operational definitions and overall objectives to be met for

    tuberculosis (target 8) are also shown in Table 7.3; all require detailed surveillance.
