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Page 1: Epistle of Barnabas

Epistle of Barnabas

Institute of Catholic CultureApril 6, 2014

Prof. Eric J. Jenislawski,Christendom College

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The Epistle of Barnabas

I. What is Apocrypha?

II. Background of BarnabasA. Date of Composition

B. Authorship

C. Genre

III. Overview of BarnabasA. The Symbolism of the OT Covenant

B. Excessively Negative view of Jewish Observances

C. The “Two Ways”: Moral Instruction

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I. What is Apocrypha?

Early Christian writing concerning the Good News, what Christ has revealed.

Judged by the Church to be not divinely inspired.

Thus, often similar in tone and theme to Biblical writing, but without its inspired character.

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I. What is Apocrypha?

These books are called “apocrypha” (literally, hidden works) because they were not as well known as the biblical books.

The Bible is the most published book in the world. Even as the canonical books of the New Testament were emerging, the apocrypha were, generally speaking, not as prominent as the books of the NT.

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I. What is Apocrypha?

A thumbnail sketch of canon formation: The canonical books of the NT written during

the mid- to late- first century AD. Copied and shared among the early

churches. This process took time! Other Christian writing was emerging at the

same time: some good, some not-so-good, some positively contrary to the Gospel.

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I. What is Apocrypha?

The Liturgy was an engine of canonical development: what books could be read at Mass?

Already in the second century, we have record that bishops were including apostolic writings in the early Christian liturgy, side-by-side with the writings of the Law (Moses) and the Prophets, the divinely inspired books of the OT.

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St. Justin Martyr, First ApologyChapter 67: Written circa 155-157 A.D.

And on the day called Sunday, all who live in cities or in the country gather together to one place, and the memoirs of the apostles or the writings of the prophets are read, as long as time permits; then, when the reader has ceased, the president verbally instructs, and exhorts to the imitation of these good things. Then we all rise together and pray, and, as we before said, when our prayer is ended, bread and wine and water are brought, and the president in like manner offers prayers and thanksgivings, according to his ability, and the people assent, saying Amen; and there is a distribution to each, and a participation of that over which thanks have been given, and to those who are absent a portion is sent by the deacons.

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I. What is Apocrypha?

Thus the question “Can it be read at Mass?” was the way the divinely-inspired character of a book was assessed.

In other words, is this book “on par” with the already-accepted OT books of the Bible?

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I. What is Apocrypha?

In the second century, no centralized Church action governed either the circulation of texts, or the appraisal of their worth.

Individual bishops determined the practice of their local churches.

The Magisterium of the Successors of the Apostles determined what was appropriate.

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I. What is Apocrypha?

When bishops could not share texts, they at least shared opinions about known works: “canonical lists.”

An early example: The Muratorian Fragment (Rome, 170s).

Divides known books into three categories: Fit to be read at Mass (divinely inspired) Useful for Christians but not inspired Harmful: heretical, erroneous, forgeries, etc.

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I. What is Apocrypha?

The great increase of Christian writing in the second, third and fourth century prompts the need for more universal agreement about what are the divinely inspired books of the New Testament.

Not only an explosion of Christian literature, but a welter of heretical works, including forgeries written in the name of apostles to support them.

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I. What is Apocrypha?

Some Apocryphal Gospels

Gospel of Thomas Gospel of Peter Gospel of Hebrews Gospel of Nicodemus

(Acts of Pilate and Descent to Hades)

Proto-evangelium of James

Infancy Gospel of Thomas

Some Apocryphal Apocalypses

Apocalypse of Peter Ascension of Isaiah Apocalypse of Thomas Apocalypse of Paul Apocalypse of the

Blessed Virgin Mary Seventh Vision of


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I. What is Apocrypha?

Other apocryphal works included: Various “Acts” Dozens of Epistles Various “Sayings” purported to be from Our

Lord, post-resurrection teachings, or “secret” Gospels claiming to elucidate Jesus’ teaching for the intellectual elites.

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I. What is Apocrypha?

Origen of Alexandria first attempts to ascertain the mind of the episcopacy regarding what books the world’s bishops: Universally Accept Dispute Universally Reject

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I. What is Apocrypha?

Eusebius (4th century) further refines the census of episcopal opinion.

Our 27-book NT can be seen in those books: Universally accepted by the bishops Accepted by most bishops

Prominent bishops confirmed this teaching multiple times to their regions: Pope St. Damasus I (Synod of Rome, 382) St. Athanasius (Epistola Festalis, 367) St. Augustine (Synods of Hippo & Carthage, 390s) Pope St. Innocent I (Letter to Exuperius, 405)

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I. What is Apocrypha?

The canon was therefore a settled matter by the fifth century A.D. (Also defined at Trent, 1546.)

The canon was settled by episcopal magisterium. You can’t be sola scriptura without a scriptura! And

you wouldn’t have a scriptura without the first four centuries of the Church believing in the definitive teaching authority of the bishops of the Catholic Church!

Scripture, Tradition and Magisterium have always gone hand-in-hand. (Likewise Scripture and Liturgy.)

For more info, see my other ICC presentations.

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I. What is Apocrypha?

In summary, the Apocrypha: Are not divinely inspired; thus, not inerrant. Span a wide range of quality:

Could be morally useful Could be historical insightful Could be positively heretical

Provide an interesting insight into the teachings circulating in the early Church

Must be approached critically, like any ancient text.

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II. Background of Barnabas

The scarcity of information about Barnabas (and the abundance of speculation about it), provide a good example of the challenges of working with NT apocrypha!

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II. Background of Barnabas

Basic Questions: Who wrote Barnabas? When did he write? To whom did he write? Why did he write?

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II. Background of Barnabas

Internal evidence is scarce.

The text provides: No Identification of Author No Identification of Audience Only a few clues relating to its date

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II. Background of Barnabas

External evidence is also relatively scarce:

Widely known in & around Alexandra from the second century

A frequently-mentioned book in the appraisal of bishops of the third and fourth century

Never received by all; indeed, disputed by most bishops.

Yet not universally rejected. Some churches viewed it as helpful non-inspired literature.

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II.A. Date of Composition

Our best internal evidence: Barnabas 16:3-4: On the Temple of the Lord in Jerusalem:

3. Furthermore he says again, "Lo, they who destroyed this temple shall themselves build it."

4. That is happening now. For owing to the war it was destroyed by the enemy; at present even the servants of the enemy will build it up again.

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II.A. Date of Composition

Most scholars interpret this as a reference to the Roman Emperor Hadrian.

After Rome destroyed the Temple in 70 A.D., Hadrian had a mind to rebuild it.

Visited Jerusalem in 130 A.D. Permitted the rebuilding of the


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II.A. Date of Composition

Great hope attended the news that the Temple would be rebuilt.

But the Emperor seemed to fear a restoration of the Temple to YHWH would be a cause of sedition. He announced a pagan name for the rebuilt city (Aelia Capitolina, after Jupiter Capitolinus), directed that an altar to Jupiter be built on the Temple ruins, and outlawed circumcision.

Desecration of the Temple ruins provoked the massive Bar Kochba rebellion (132-136 A.D.), the final, massive and bloody chapter in the Roman-Jewish wars.

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II.A. Date of Composition

As a result, several scholars date Barnabas to the period after Hadrian’s visit in 130AD, but before the rebellion began in 132 AD.

Therefore, a date of composition 130-132 A.D.

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II.A. Date of Composition

Alternative Hypothesis: The Building-up of the Church, the New Temple, amongst the Gentiles.

But this is hard to reconcile with the explicit reference to the physical temple in Jerusalem as the same one being rebuilt, and “by the servants of the enemy,” hardly a way to describe the Christian Church:

16:4. That is happening now. For owing to the war it was destroyed by the enemy; at present even the servants of the enemy will build it up again.

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II.B. Authorship

Did the historical St. Barnabas, the companion of St. Paul, write the letter?

Some problems:

1. Chronological

2. Theological

3. Second-century usage only in Alexandria

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II.B. Authorship: St. Barnabas?

Dates from the life of St. Barnabas:

Introduced St. Paul to the Church in Jerusalem after Paul’s conversion (Acts 9:27)

Retrieved Paul from Tarsus (Acts 11:25-26) to the Church at Antioch

Traveled with Paul during his first two great missionary journeys (Acts 12-14)

Present at the Council of Jerusalem (Acts 15:12) in 50 A.D.

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II.B. Authorship: St. Barnabas?

Dates from the life of St. Barnabas:Still alive, evangelizing, and working apart from St. Paul

when he wrote 1 Corinthians (1 Cor 9:6), circa 56-57.

Some interpret Col 4:10 as indicating that Barnabas may have died, as John Mark has taken over Barnabas’ apostolic labors. Colossians written during Paul’s first Roman imprisonment, 61-63 A.D.

Some traditions record that Barnabas was martyred in Cyprus in 61 A.D., consonant with this, but the Bollandist Acta Sanctorum relates: “all these traditions are relatively late and unreliable.”

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II.B. Authorship: St. Barnabas?

Dates from the life of St. Barnabas:Nothing indicates that Barnabas was a younger man,

like St. John, or that he lived long.

Therefore, it is impossible he wrote it, if we accept a date of composition of 130-132 A.D.

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II.B. Authorship: St. Barnabas?

Theological Problems:Best summarized by the Catholic patristics scholar, Johannes


“Modern research has definitely established that the Apostle Barnabas was not the author of this Letter, because of the decidedly harsh and absolute repudiation of the Old Testament. Because of this pronounced antipathy to everything Jewish, Barnabas cannot possibly come into consideration as the author of the Epistle. A wide chasm…yawns between the teachings of St. Paul, to whom Barnabas was a missionary companion, and the views voiced in the Epistle of Barnabas.”

--J. Quasten, Patrology, Vol. 1, page 89.

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II.B. Authorship: St. Barnabas?

Alexandrian Usage:

An argument of lesser value:

The document was best known and cited around the region of Alexandria, where it was also received by St. Clement and Origen as Scripture. If the historical St. Barnabas had written this as a “Catholic letter,” one might expect wider recognition of it.

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II.B. Authorship: So Who Wrote It?

The best answer:

We don’t know.

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II.B. Authorship: So Who Wrote It?

Can we make some guesses?Sure, but that’s all they are.

Based on its symbolic interpretation of the OT laws, similar to the Jewish Platonist Philo of Alexandria, most scholars suspect an Alexandrian author of the Second Century A.D.

Why is it called “The Epistle of Barnabas?” The real author’s name was Barnabas. This was later

confused with the Apostle Barnabas because of similarity of Pauline themes.

A forgery? Hard to call it that, since it never claims to be from the Apostle Barnabas!

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II.C. Genre

It’s always called “the Epistle of Barnabas” but it’s not much of an epistle. Lacks an identification of sender and recipient

Compare: Col 1:1-8, James 1:1-4, 1 Peter 1:1-9 Lacks a parting salutation

Compare: Col 4:7-18 Refers to no particular persons Doesn’t have formal Hellenistic epistolary style

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II.C. Genre

So why is it called “an epistle”?

Again, I think Quasten has the best explanation:

“Early Christian writers looked upon the epistle as the only proper genre for instruction in piety and resorted to it even when they were not addressing a limited circle of readers.” “Hence its form is merely a literary convention.”

-- J. Quasten, Patrology, Vol. 1, page 85.

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III. Overview of Barnabas

A. The Symbolism of the OT Covenant

B. Excessively Negative view of Jewish Observances

C. The “Two Ways”: Moral Instruction

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III.A. Symbolic Interpretation of OT Laws and Covenant

The Big Picture: The Judaizing controversyNeed Gentiles become Jewish first in order to become


No! Cf. Acts 15, the Council of Jerusalem.vs. Pharisee Christians who claimed, “Unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved.” (Acts 15:1)

Yet the error persisted, for which reason St. Paul wrote Romans & Galatians.

Irenaeus records heretical groups (Ebionites and Nazarenes) lasting well into the second-century, in schism from the Church.

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III.A. Symbolic Interpretation of OT Laws and Covenant

The Big Picture: The Judaizing controversy

Its significance for us: What is the balance between the OT and

NT? What is the relationship between the

covenants of Moses and Christ?

The Epistle of Barnabas gives us insight into the difficulty of getting the synthesis right!

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III.A. Symbolic Interpretation of OT Laws and CovenantFamiliar positions of orthodoxy:The OT is fulfilled by the NT.Matt 5:17: Think not that I have come to abolish the law and the

prophets; I have come not to abolish them but to fulfill them.

The OT foreshadows the NT.Col 2:17: These are only a shadow of what is to come; but the

substance belongs to Christ.

The OT prepares for the NT. The OT convicts of sin; the NT saves.

Gal 3:22: But the scripture consigned all things to sin, that what was promised to faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe.

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III.A. Symbolic Interpretation of OT Laws and Covenant

Familiar positions of heterodoxy:

The NT must be subordinated to the OT(Ebionites, Nazarenes)

The NT cancels the OT(Supercessionism)

The NT reveals the evils of the OT!(Marcion of Sinope)

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III.A. Symbolic Interpretation of OT Laws and CovenantThe challenge for Barnabas:

To show the superiority of the NT to OT To show the necessity of the NT for all those who

wish to follow Christ To show how the OT provided a preparation for the


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III.A. Symbolic Interpretation of OT Laws and CovenantThe approach of Barnabas:

The NT is superior because it reveals plainly what the OT foreshadowed in its laws. Now that we see plainly, we no longer need to abide by the Laws of Moses.

The OT did not save. Only the NT does. In making this point, The Epistle of Barnabas goes far beyond Pauline orthodoxy, and errs, by denying the goodness of the OT and Jewish observance of it from Moses to Christ.

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III.A. Symbolic Interpretation of OT Laws and CovenantExample of the Superiority of the NT to OT:

Barnabas 1:6-7:6 There are then three doctrines of the Lord: "the hope of life" is the

beginning and end of our faith; and righteousness is the beginning and end of judgment; love of joy and of gladness is the testimony of the works of righteousness.

7 For the Lord made known to us through the prophets things past and things present and has given us the first-fruits of the taste of things to come; and when we see these things coming to pass one by one, as he said, we ought to make a richer and deeper offering for fear of him.

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III.A. Symbolic Interpretation of OT Laws and CovenantExample of the Superiority of the NT to OT: The Once-and-for-All Sacrifice of Christ

Barnabas 2:3-6:3 While then these things remain in holiness towards the Lord, wisdom, prudence,

understanding, and knowledge rejoice with them.

4 For he has made plain to us through all the Prophets that he needs neither sacrifices nor burnt-offerings nor oblations, saying in one place,

5 "What is the multitude of your sacrifices unto me? saith the Lord. I am full of burnt offerings and desire not the fat of lambs and the blood of bulls and goats, not even when ye come to appear before me. For who has required these things at your hands? Henceforth shall ye tread my court no more. If ye bring flour, it is vain. Incense is an abomination to me. I cannot away with your new moons and sabbaths."

6 These things then he abolished in order that the new law of our Lord Jesus Christ, which is without the yoke of necessity, might have its oblation not made by man.

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III.A. Symbolic Interpretation of OT Laws and CovenantExample of the Superiority of the NT to OT: The Once-and-for-All Sacrifice of Christ

Cp. Hebrews 9:11-15:[11] But when Christ appeared as a high priest of the good things that have come,

then through the greater and more perfect tent (not made with hands, that is, not of this creation)

[12] he entered once for all into the Holy Place, taking not the blood of goats and calves but his own blood, thus securing an eternal redemption.

[13] For if the sprinkling of defiled persons with the blood of goats and bulls and with the ashes of a heifer sanctifies for the purification of the flesh,

[14] how much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without blemish to God, purify your conscience from dead works to serve the living God.

[15] Therefore he is the mediator of a new covenant, so that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance, since a death has occurred which redeems them from the transgressions under the first covenant.

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III.A. Symbolic Interpretation of OT Laws and CovenantExample of the Superiority of the NT to OT: The Once-and-for-All Sacrifice of Christ

Barnabas 5:1-7:1 For it was for this reason that the Lord endured to deliver up his flesh to

corruption, that we should be sanctified by the remission of sin, that is, by his sprinkled blood.

2 For the scripture concerning him relates partly to Israel, partly to us, and it speaks thus: "He was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities, by his stripes we were healed. He was brought as a sheep to the slaughter, and as a lamb dumb before its shearer."

3 Therefore we ought to give great thanks to the Lord that he has given us knowledge of the past, and wisdom for the present, and that we are not without understanding for the future.

4 And the Scripture says, "Not unjustly are the nets spread out for the birds." This means that a man deserves to perish who has a knowledge of the way of righteousness, but turns aside into the way of darkness.

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III.A. Symbolic Interpretation of OT Laws and CovenantBarnabas 5:1-7, continued:5. Moreover, my brethren, if the Lord endured to suffer for our life,

though he is the Lord of all the world, to whom God said before the foundation of the world, "Let us make man in our image and likeness," how, then, did he endure to suffer at the hand of man?

6. Learn: -- The Prophets who received grace from him prophesied of him, and he, in order that he "might destroy death," and show forth the Resurrection from the dead, because he needs must be made "manifest in the flesh," endured

7. in order to fulfill the promise made to the fathers, and himself prepare for himself the new people and show while he was on earth that he himself will raise the dead and judge the risen.

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III.A. Symbolic Interpretation of OT Laws and Covenant

Allegorical Interpretation vs. Symbolic Interpretation:

Christian allegory, NT allegory:OT events prefigure NT events for which they prepare.OT History Later history.Practiced by Jesus, Paul, Peter, etc.

(Pagan) Greek allegory = Symbolic interpretation:Events represented in myth symbolize natural truths

expressed more clearly in philosophy.

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III.A. Symbolic Interpretation of OT Laws and Covenant

Allegorical Interpretation

vs. Symbolic Interpretation:

Barnabas employs some allegorical interpretation, but tends also to practice Greek symbolic interpretation, as was common in Alexandria.


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III.A. Symbolic Interpretation of OT Laws and CovenantChristian allegory: Christ the Scapegoat:

Barnabas 7:6-8:6 Note what was commanded: "Take two goats, goodly

and alike, and offer them, and let the priest take the one as a burnt offering for sins."

7 But what are they to do with the other? "The other," he says, "is accursed." Notice how the type of Jesus is manifested:

8 "And do ye all spit on it, and goad it, and bind the scarlet wool about its head, and so let it be cast into the desert."

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III.A. Symbolic Interpretation of OT Laws and CovenantChristian allegory: Christ the Scapegoat:

Barnabas 7:9-11:9 What does this mean? Listen: "the first goat is for the altar, but the other

is accursed," and note that the one that is accursed is crowned, because then "they will see him" on that day with the long scarlet robe "down to the feet" on his body, and they will say, "Is not this he whom we once crucified and rejected and pierced and spat upon? Of a truth it was he who then said that he was the Son of God."

10 But how is he like to the goat? For this reason: "the goats shall be alike, beautiful, and a pair," in order that when they see him come at that time they may be astonished at the likeness of the goat. See then the type of Jesus destined to suffer.

11 But why is it that they put the wool in the middle of the thorns? It is a type of Jesus placed in the Church, because whoever wishes to take away the scarlet wool must suffer much because the thorns are terrible and he can gain it only through pain. Thus he says, "those who will see me, and attain to my kingdom must lay hold of me through pain and suffering."

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III.A. Symbolic Interpretation of OT Laws and CovenantSymbolic Interpretation: The Kosher Laws

Barnabas 10:3:

3 He mentioned the swine for this reason: you shall not consort, he means, with men who are like swine, that is to say, when they have plenty they forget the Lord, but when they are in want they recognise the Lord, just as the swine when it eats does not know its master, but when it is hungry it cries out, and after receiving food is again silent.

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III.A. Symbolic Interpretation of OT Laws and Covenant

Symbolic Interpretation: The Kosher Laws

Moral: Don’t be like swine. Don’t grunt for God when you need something, and then ignore Him once your needs are met.

Likewise, the allowed animals, ruminants, meditate on God who feeds them (Barnabas 10:11).

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III.A. Symbolic Interpretation of OT Laws and CovenantSymbolic Interpretation: The Kosher Laws

Barnabas 10:4:“Neither shalt thou eat the eagle nor the hawk nor the

kite nor the crow." Thou shalt not, he means, join thyself or make thyself like to such men, as do not know how to gain their food by their labor and sweat, but plunder other people's property in their iniquity, and lay wait for it, though they seem to walk in innocence, and look round to see whom they may plunder in their covetousness, just as these birds alone provide no food for themselves, but sit idle, and seek how they may devour the flesh of others, and become pestilent in their iniquity.

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III.A. Symbolic Interpretation of OT Laws and CovenantChristian Allegory: the Temple

Barnabas 16:6-10:6 But let us inquire if a temple of God exists. Yes, it exists, where he himself said

that he makes and perfects it. For it is written, "And it shall come to pass when the week is ended that a temple of God shall be built gloriously in the name of the Lord."

7 I find then that a temple exists. Learn then how it will be built in the name of the Lord. Before we believed in God the habitation of our heart was corrupt and weak, like a temple really built with hands, because it was full of idolatry, and was the house of demons through doing things which were contrary to God.

8 "But it shall be built in the name of the Lord." Now give heed, in order that the temple of the Lord may be built gloriously. Learn in what way. When we received the remission of sins, and put our hope on the Name, we became new, being created again from the beginning; wherefore God truly dwells in us, in the habitation which we are.

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III.A. Symbolic Interpretation of OT Laws and CovenantChristian Allegory: the Temple

Barnabas 16:6-10:9 How? His word of faith, the calling of his promise, the wisdom of

the ordinances, the commands of the teaching, himself prophesying in us, himself dwelling in us, by opening the door of the temple (that is the mouth) to us, giving repentance to us, and thus he leads us, who have been enslaved to death into the incorruptible temple.

10 For he who desires to be saved looks not at the man, but at him who dwells and speaks in him, and is amazed at him, for he has never either heard him speak such words with his mouth, nor has he himself ever desired to hear them. This is a spiritual temple being built for the Lord.

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III.A. Symbolic Interpretation of OT Laws and CovenantChristian Allegory: the Temple

Cp. 1 Peter 2:4-9:[4] Come to him, to that living stone, rejected by men but in God's sight chosen and

precious; [5] and like living stones be yourselves built into a spiritual house, to be a holy

priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. [6] For it stands in scripture: "Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, a cornerstone

chosen and precious, and he who believes in him will not be put to shame."[7] To you therefore who believe, he is precious, but for those who do not believe,

"The very stone which the builders rejected has become the head of the corner,"

[8] and "A stone that will make men stumble,a rock that will make them fall"; for they stumble because they disobey the word, as they were destined to do. [9] But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's own people,

that you may declare the wonderful deeds of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

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III.B. Excessively Negative View of the OT Laws and CovenantThe Temple as “vain” and “heathen-like”:

Barnabas 16:1-4:1 I will also speak with you concerning the Temple, and show how the

wretched men erred by putting their hope on the building, and not on the God who made them, and is the true house of God.

2 For they consecrated him in the Temple almost like the heathen. But learn how the Lord speaks, in bringing it to naught, "Who has measured the heaven with a span, or the earth with his outstretched hand? Have not I? saith the Lord. Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool, what house will ye build for me, or what is the place of my rest?" You know that their hope was vain.

3 Furthermore he says again, "Lo, they who destroyed this temple shall themselves build it."

4 That is happening now. For owing to the war it was destroyed by the enemy; at present even the servants of the enemy will build it up again.

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III.B. Excessively Negative View of the OT Laws and CovenantThe Jews had the Old Covenant…for a few days!

Barnabas 4:6-8:6 You ought then to understand. And this also I ask you, as being one of

yourselves, and especially as loving you all above my own life; take heed to yourselves now, and be not made like unto some, heaping up your sins and saying that the covenant is both theirs and ours.

7 It is ours: but in this way did they finally lose it when Moses had just received it, for the Scripture says: "And Moses was in the mount fasting forty days and forty nights, and he received the covenant from the Lord, tables of stone written with the finger of the hand of the Lord."

8 But they turned to idols and lost it. For thus saith the Lord: "Moses, Moses, go down quickly, for thy people, whom thou broughtest forth out of the land of Egypt, have broken the Law." And Moses understood and cast the two tables out of his hands, and their covenant was broken, in order that the covenant of Jesus the Beloved should be sealed in our hearts in hope of his faith.

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III.B. Excessively Negative View of the OT Laws and CovenantThe Jews continued to circumcise because “an evil angel” misled


Barnabas 9:1-4:1 For he speaks again concerning the ears, how he circumcised our hearts; for the

Lord says in the Prophet: "In the hearing of the ear they obey me." And again he says, "They who are afar off shall hear clearly, they shall know the things that I have done," and "Circumcise your hearts, saith the Lord."

2 And again he says, "Hear, O Israel, thus saith the Lord thy God," and again the Spirit of the Lord prophesies, "Who is he that will live for ever? Let him hear the voice of my servant."

3 And again he says, "Hear, O heaven, and give ear, O earth, for the Lord hath spoken these things for a testimony." And again he says, "Hear the word of the Lord, ye rulers of this people." And again he says, "Hear, O children, a voice of one crying in the wilderness." So then he circumcised our hearing in order that we should hear the word and believe.

4 But moreover the circumcision in which they trusted has been abolished. For he declared that circumcision was not of the flesh, but they erred because an evil angel was misleading them.

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III.B. Excessively Negative View of the OT Laws and Covenant It is true, both the prophets and the Gospel

encourage us to have “circumcised hearts.”

Yet no NT writer condemns the keeping of the practice of circumcision between the time of Abraham and Christ.

Moreover, even Paul expressly permits Jewish Christians to retain the practice, only if they realize it does not save, and are willing to keep the whole Law of Moses.

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III.B. Excessively Negative View of the OT Laws and CovenantSt. Paul, Galatians 5:2-6 to the Judaizers:

[2] Now I, Paul, say to you that if you receive circumcision, Christ will be of no advantage to you.

[3] I testify again to every man who receives circumcision that he is bound to keep the whole law.

[4] You are severed from Christ, you who would be justified by the law; you have fallen away from grace.

[5] For through the Spirit, by faith, we wait for the hope of righteousness.

[6] For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision is of any avail, but faith working through love.

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III.B. Excessively Negative View of the OT Laws and CovenantSt. Paul routinely presents the Law of Moses

as necessary and good, but preparatory:

Cp. Galatians 3:19:The Law was given to prevent transgression (Gal 3:19) until Christ

came, Who alone can remit sins.Cp. Galatians 3:22:The Law condemned sin, so that the remission of sins offered in

Jesus Christ might be received for the gift it is.Cp. Galatians 3:23-24:The Law was Israel’s custodian (paidagogos) until faith in Christ

came. It was necessary to train Israel in righteousness until the fullness of time came (Gal. 4:4-5).

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III.C. “The Two Ways”: Moral Instruction

The last section of the Epistle of Barnabas provides a classic example of early Christian moral instruction, similar to what appears in the early Christian apocryphal work, the Didache.

Here, its value is flawless and perennial, and it testifies to the constancy with which the Church has condemned certain sins.

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III.C. “The Two Ways”: Moral Instruction

The “Way of Light” vs. the “Way of Darkness”

In the Didache, we have:The “Way of Life” vs. the “Way of Death”

OT Origins in the Canticle of Moses:Deut. 30:15-18:

[15] "See, I have set before you this day life and good, death and evil. [16] If you obey the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you

this day, by loving the LORD your God, by walking in his ways, and by keeping his commandments and his statutes and his ordinances, then you shall live and multiply, and the LORD your God will bless you in the land which you are entering to take possession of it.

[17] But if your heart turns away, and you will not hear, but are drawn away to worship other gods and serve them,

[18] I declare to you this day, that you shall perish; you shall not live long in the land which you are going over the Jordan to enter and possess.

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III.C. “The Two Ways”: Moral Instruction

The Way of Life: Barnabas 19:

1 The Way of Light is this: if any man desire to journey to the appointed place, let him be zealous in his works. Therefore the knowledge given to us of this kind that we may walk in it is as follows:

2 Thou shalt love thy maker,thou shalt fear thy Creator, thou shalt glorify Him who redeemed thee from death, thou shalt be simple in heart, and rich in spirit;thou shalt not join thyself to those who walk in the way of death,thou shalt hate all that is not pleasing to God,thou shalt hate all hypocrisy;thou shalt not desert the commandments of the Lord.

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III.C. “The Two Ways”: Moral Instruction

The Way of Life: Barnabas 19:

3 Thou shalt not exalt thyself, but shall be humble-minded in all things;

thou shalt not take glory to thyself.

Thou shalt form no evil plan against thy neighbour,

thou shalt not let thy soul be froward [contentious].

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III.C. “The Two Ways”: Moral Instruction

The Way of Life: Barnabas 19:4 Thou shalt not commit fornication,

thou shalt not commit adultery,

thou shalt not commit sodomy.

Thou shalt not let the word of God depart from thee among the impurity of any men.

Thou shalt not respect persons in the reproving of transgression.

Thou shalt be meek, thou shalt be quiet,

thou shalt fear the words which thou hast heard.

Thou shalt not bear malice against thy brother.

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III.C. “The Two Ways”: Moral Instruction

The Way of Life: Barnabas 19:

5 Thou shalt not be in two minds whether it shall be or not.

"Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord in vain." Thou shalt love thy neighbor more than thy own life.Thou shalt not procure abortion.Thou shalt not commit infanticide.Thou shalt not withhold thy hand from thy son or from

thy daughter, but shalt teach them the fear of God from their youth up.

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III.C. “The Two Ways”: Moral Instruction

The Way of Life: Barnabas 19:

6 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's goods,

thou shalt not be avaricious.

Thou shalt not be joined in soul with the haughty but shalt converse with humble and righteous men.

Thou shalt receive the trials that befall thee as good, knowing that nothing happens without God.

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III.C. “The Two Ways”: Moral Instruction

The Way of Life: Barnabas 19:

7 Thou shalt not be double-minded or talkative. Thou shalt obey thy masters as a type of God in modesty and fear; thou shalt not command in bitterness thy slave or handmaid who hope on the same God, lest they cease to fear the God who is over you both; for he came not to call men with respect of persons, but those whom the Spirit prepared.

8 Thou shalt share all things with thy neighbor and shall not say that they are thy own property; for if you are sharers in that which is incorruptible, how much more in that which is corruptible? Thou shalt not be forward to speak, for the mouth is a snare of death. So far as thou canst, thou shalt keep thy soul pure.

9 Be not one who stretches out the hands to take, and shuts them when it comes to giving. Thou shalt love "as the apple of thine eye" all who speak to thee the word of the Lord.

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III.C. “The Two Ways”: Moral Instruction

The Way of Life: Barnabas 19:

10 Thou shalt remember the day of judgment day and night, and thou shalt seek each day the society of the saints, either laboring by speech, and going out to exhort, and striving to save souls by the word, or working with thine hands for the ransom of thy sins.

11 Thou shalt not hesitate to give, and when thou givest thou shalt not grumble, but thou shalt know who is the good paymaster of the reward. "Thou shalt keep the precepts" which thou hast received, "adding nothing and taking nothing away." Thou shalt utterly hate evil. "Thou shalt give righteous judgment."

12 Thou shalt not cause quarrels, but shalt bring together and reconcile those that strive. Thou shalt confess thy sins. Thou shalt not betake thyself to prayer with an evil conscience. This is the Way of Light.

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III.C. “The Two Ways”: Moral Instruction

The Way of Darkness: Barnabas 20: 1 But the Way of the Black One is crooked

and full of cursing, for it is the way of death eternal with punishment, and in it are the things that destroy their soul: idolatry, frowardness, arrogance of power, hypocrisy, double-heartedness, adultery, murder, robbery, pride, transgression, fraud, malice, self-sufficiency, enchantments, magic, covetousness, the lack of the fear of God;

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III.C. “The Two Ways”: Moral Instruction

The Way of Darkness: Barnabas 20:

2 persecutors of the good, haters of the truth, lovers of lies, knowing not the reward of righteousness, who "cleave not to the good," nor to righteous judgment, who attend not to the cause of the widow and orphan, spending wakeful nights not in the fear of God, but in the pursuit of vice, from whom meekness and patience are far and distant, "loving vanity, seeking rewards," without pity for the poor, working not for him who is oppressed with toil, prone to evil speaking, without knowledge of their Maker, murderers of children, corrupters of God's creation, turning away the needy, oppressing the afflicted, advocates of the rich, unjust judges of the poor, altogether sinful.

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III.C. “The Two Ways”: Moral Instruction

Concluding Exhortation: Barnabas 21:

1 It is good therefore that he who has learned the ordinances of the Lord as many as have been written should walk in them. For he who does these things shall be glorified in the kingdom of God, and he who chooses the others shall perish with his works. For this reason there is a resurrection, for this reason there is a recompense.

2 I beseech those who are in high positions, if you will receive any counsel of my goodwill, have among yourselves those to whom you may do good; fail not.

3 The day is at hand when all things shall perish with the Evil one; "The Lord and his reward is at hand."

4 I beseech you again and again be good lawgivers to each other, remain faithful counsellors of each other, remove from yourselves all hypocrisy.

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III.C. “The Two Ways”: Moral Instruction

Concluding Exhortation: Barnabas 21:

5 Now may God, who is the Lord over all the world, give you wisdom, understanding, prudence, knowledge of his ordinances, patience.

6 And be taught of God, seeking out what the Lord requires from you, and see that ye be found faithful in the day of Judgment.

7 If there is any memory of good, meditate on these things and remember me, that my desire and my watchfulness may find some good end. I beseech you asking it of your favour.

8 While the fair vessel is with you fail not in any of them, but seek these things diligently, and fulfil every commandment; for these things are worthy.

9 Wherefore I was the more zealous to write to you of my ability, to give you gladness. May you gain salvation, children of love and peace. The Lord of glory and of all grace be with your spirit.
