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Page 1: Epworth hs term 1 2014

Term 1 in Pictures


Page 2: Epworth hs term 1 2014

From the Head of School’s Desk The first term of 2014 has come to a close and we are all looking forward to the holidays. This is the

most wonderful time of the year. After the punishing heat of mid-summer the change of season

brings welcome relief.

The first term is always busy and the start of 2014 has proved no different. Twenty percent of the

pupil population changes at the beginning of a year in a high school. New personalities, new gifts

and talents, new names to remember - while exciting and stimulating, this comes with its own chal-

lenges and I want to say at the start of this reflection how fortunate and delighted we are to have

our current Grade 8 girls. They have had a good start to the year and we look forward to the influ-

ence they will infuse into Epworth in the remaining four-and- a-bit years to come.

Looking at the statistics the majority of you have been following the D6 and consequently are well

aware of our first term successes. I will therefore be brief in my summation. The U14 swimming team winning two coveted cups

at the Gala and first places in inter-school diving in two junior age groups, deserves an accolade. Dominance in the Dusi Canoe

Marathon once again, both with our past girls and with our current girls at U18 level is a phenomenal personal achievement for

each of our young athletes. Excellent results in the Ladies Indoor Hockey B league, excellent results in the early stages of the Pie-

termaritzburg Debating Leagues in all age groups, as well as first place in the Girls Independent Tennis Tournament confirm that

we remain competitive as a school. In addition we have lovely senior art on display at the Tatham Matric Art Exhibition, our choirs

and individual dancers and musicians have done us proud and we are thrilled with the progress made by our ensembles. The Mud-

man was a superb event with “machine like” organisation and a lovely vibe – well done and a big thank you to our parents. The

last accolade must of course go to Hamlet! It was a fantastic achievement on so many levels - an all-girl cast- the different and

difficult language of Shakespeare, a dark and sophisticated plot to portray in a few short scenes, and of course the complexities of

the characters. Mrs Wilson, the players and all those involved behind the scenes, you made the play live and you are awesome!

My last reflection on the term centres around two thoughts – the vulnerability we all face through change and the enormous need

we have to build resilience in our young people. How we cope with the first is directly related to the second. I could not help but

notice the number of our girls in the San this term and it does concern me. While the weather has been very hot and many of our

girls have succumbed to the bugs that proliferate in these conditions, I am challenged by the growing health needs of our children

in general, and as a quality educational institution, in particular. Are we as adults doing enough to build resilience in our young

people? Research suggests that resilience is related to positivity and happiness and the question is, are we teaching our children

the skills of happiness, well-being and optimism, or have we lost sight of these precious tools of childhood? So often our material-

istic world suggests that happiness is related to what we have, our upward mobility, and we all know that this is not necessarily

true. Negative thoughts and emotions sap our energy – we need to develop our young peoples’ powers of perception, so that

they can identify the actual cause of negative energy. It is about learning to identify the realities of any situation and then balanc-

ing what is possible with what is possibly not a reality. Making good choices as to the way forward is a vital part of the equation.

This reflection is of course brief and superficial, but it is a serious challenge that we will be looking at in the coming terms.

I wish you all a happy and restful holiday and a blessed Easter.

Mrs Liz Klug

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Events & Features Grade 8 orientation camp breaks the ice

The Grade 8 orientation camp at the beginning of the term provided the perfect opportunity for all the girls to get to know each other in a relaxed and non-threatening environment. Run by Edge Training and held at Dawn View Camp at Baynesfield, the three-day camp is de-signed to be fun, active and life changing. This is achieved by challenging all pupils “through experiential learning exercises that range from the physical to the cognitive.” According to Ashleigh Green, “The camp helped us get to know each other and step into the high school world. One of the best I've been on.”

Pi Day takes Maths out of the classroom For many pupils, Maths can prove tough and boring. To

counter this, the Maths department makes a concerted

effort to celebrate Pi Day by organising numerous fun ac-

tivities that centre around an interhouse competition.

There is a Pi tasting contest which involves each house

entering at least three pies which are then sold by the

slice, with the proceeds going towards the Easter egg pur-

chases for Interact. The houses also compete to recite

the most Pi digits and to win the three-legged mathemati-

cal problem-solving relay race.

The great thing about Pi Day is that you don't have to be

good at Maths to enjoy the celebration. Academic Admin-

istrator, Tracey Munro, said, “The number Pi and number

classification are sections we have covered in Maths in all

the grades, so it ties in nicely with our curriculum. Also, it

is a world-wide celebration of Maths, Pi Day and Ein-

stein’s birthday and it is important to be globally aware.”

Maths teachers, Mrs Melissa van Rooyen (left) and Mrs Tracey

Munro celebrate Pi Day

Earth Active supports river campaign

Members of Epworth’s Earth Active Club, under the expert

guidance of Mrs Cynthia Dibben, joined forces with Alex-

andra High School in cleaning up the Foxhill Spruit in sup-

port of International Day of Action for Rivers on 14 March.

Other participants included the Duzi uMngeni Conserva-

tion Trust (DUCT), the Wildlife Environmental Society of

Southern Africa (WESSA), Eco-Schools, GroundTruth and

Swimming galas dominate first term

Epworth girls participated in eight different swimming

galas this term ranging from fun in-house galas to more

serious external events. Rhodes won the Interhouse Gala

and the Grade 11 class won the Intergrade Gala.

Rhodes team members at the Inter-

house Gala

Emily Latt receives the Freda

Waygood Trophy from Mrs

Browett at the Interhouse


Grade 8’s being physically challenged with team-building exercises

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Events & Features International Rivers. Some of the main focus areas includ-

ed alien invasive weed identification and eradication,

analysis of water-resource quality, impact assessment and

solid waste removal.

The river clean-up team Members of the Earth Active

Club hard at work.

Epworth pulls off another successful Mudman

“Everything seemed to be very slick this year” sums up

this year’s Mudman held on 2 March at Albert Falls dam.

Once again, the Mudman committee did themselves

proud by ensuring that every single aspect of the event

was top class. “Without these hardworking people who

each take on a portfolio and run with it, we would not be

able to host such an awesome event that has grown from

humble beginnings 11 years ago,” said Gavin Dundas-

Starr. Also integral to the success of the event were the

Epworth staff, High School girls and parents.

The total number of entrants - 1440 - was up on last year’s

figure by 6.5% and a profit of R265 000 was made which

will be spent on projects benefiting the whole school.

Dundas-Starr is confident his team will continue to grow

and improve the event and is

encouraged by positive com-

ments from participants such

as, “This is the best event I

have been to in the last 12


Sally Fuhri (left), Sharryn Middleton

and Gavin Dundas-Starr are to be

commended on their great leader-

ship and dedication to the event.

The canoeists get ready to start the canoeing leg of the 2014 Mudman

Forty-five High School pupils and three teachers partici-

pated in the CANSA Night Relay, held on 28 February. The

Epworth team’s banner for the evening was “Compassion

without Boundaries”, and everybody dressed in pink and

white. They made thought-provoking luminaria bags, and

helped the organisers place them around the perimeter of

the track. Hayley, Shannon, Joanne and Derryn were part

of the lighting ceremony when the sun set, and once the

Survivors’ Lap was completed, our girls took to the track,

and walked until 11 pm. Rhea, Leah and Ashley remained

behind once the Epworth team had left, and made it to

sunrise. The Interact Club donated its Vogue social tuck

shop takings to CANSA, and along with the registration

fees, Epworth was able to

donate R6000 to this very

worthy cause.

Supporting a worthy cause

Below: Epworth teachers, Deb-

bie Olsen (left) and Cynthia

Dibben, joined the girls in sup-

porting the CANSA Night Relay

Above: Epworth Interact Team

Managers (from left): Derryn

Turnbull, Shannon Roseveare and

Hayley Martin lighting the lumi-

naria candles at the start of the


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Events & Features Growing music at Epworth

Music at Epworth is going from strength to strength with

the acquisition of a variety of new instruments. Over the

past five months, the school has acquired six new pianos

which have replaced some very old instruments which

had passed their sell-by-date. There is already a noticea-

ble improvement in some of the piano pupils’ enthusiasm

for the instrument.

In addition, the school has bought five alto saxophones,

five clarinets, five flutes, five half-size violins, and two ad-

ditional half-size cellos for the Prep School. All these in-

struments are available for hire. “Consequently, there has

been an increase in the number of pupils learning these

instruments, which, in time will facilitate the expansion of

the ensemble programme and grow the numbers of pupils

in the High School taking Music as a matriculation sub-

ject,” said Head of Music, Mr David Orr.

Easter egg drive Once again, the whole school Easter egg drive was very successful with 18 900 eggs collected - A new record! The Interact Club members dropped off Easter eggs for the pupils of Nichols Primary in Edendale – the children were very excited to receive three eggs each. The school also donated eggs to Youth For Christ and to the Reach Out Foundation that looks after the France settlement just outside Pietermaritzburg. Each Epworth estates’ staff

member received a box of eggs from representatives from the Preschool, the Primary school and the High School, to wish them Happy Easter, and to thank them all for their hard work in making our school so wonderful.

High School saxophone players performing at the

Junior Music Soirée

Hamlet production wows audiences Epworth’s Hamlet production, performed at UKZN’s Hexa-gon Theatre, truly showcased the depth of talent and ver-satility of the cast. Expertly directed by Di Wilson, the play was specifically conceived for young audiences study-ing the play for English examinations, however, it ap-pealed to all audiences looking for a fresh version of this famous production.

Epworth pupils in a scene from Hamlet (from left): Emily Stapylton-

Smith, Nonjabulo Ndwandwe, Bethany Damonse and Erin Wantenaar.

An ecstatic Winnie Majola celebrates

with Melanie Green after receiving her

box of Easter eggs

Epworth girls handing out

Easter eggs to the children

at Nichols School

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Diana Wilson is one of three compilers of two new vol-

umes of South African monologues: Now I am Alone 1 and

Now I am Alone 2 which were recently launched in Stel-

lenbosch. Fellow compilers include Robin Malan and Da-

vid Fick

The volumes were published by Junkets and were fully

funded by the National Arts Festival. Student performanc-

es of monologues from the two volumes will form part of

Wordfest at the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown in


Wilson initially contacted Robin Malan, who specialises in

contemporary South African play scripts, about acquiring

a certain South African play. She bewailed the difficulty

she was having in finding decent material for student ac-

tors to perform. Malan immediately invited her to join

him in compiling a book of South African monologues.

According to Wilson, “Pupils studying drama for matric,

university drama students and professional actors going

for auditions all need well-written, challenging material to

explore. Wilson is confident the monologues will have

wide appeal and benefit everyone involved in drama, the-

atre and the performing arts. All high schools, tertiary dra-

ma departments and theatre companies will find the ma-

terial extremely valuable.

Epworth Drama teacher contributes to ground-

breaking publication


Di Wilson with fellow compilers Robin Malan (left) and David Flick

Events & Features Experiencing a new culture through

Rotary Exchange

While many of Hayley Martin’s Grade 12 peers were en-

joying quality time with friends and family over the De-

cember holidays, Hayley was embracing a new culture in a

foreign country as part of a family-to-family Rotary Ex-


Hayley’s Rotary exchange experience started in June of

2013 when she and her family hosted German student,

Conni Stuve. In reciprocation, Haley spent six weeks,

from November 2013 to January 2014, in Berlin with Con-

ni’s family.

One of the biggest culture shocks was the school Hayley

attended in Berlin during part of her stay. It is a big co-ed

school where pupils are at liberty to come and go as they

please and where discipline and respect are virtually non-

existent. There is no such thing as a school uniform and

smoking on campus is accepted behaviour.

One of the highlights of Hayley’s trip was a tour of Germa-

ny with other South African Rotary students. This included

a trip to Austria where she snow skied for the first time.

Being part of a German Christmas was a wonderful expe-

rience for Hayley. With the celebrations beginning at Ad-

vent, she engaged in all the traditional activities from

lighting candles every Sunday, to attending Christmas

markets and receiving little presents every day of Advent.

Hayley said the key to adjusting to a new culture is re-

maining open minded and willing to try new things and

experiences. But, she said, people

all over the world are essentially

the same. “Teenagers all talk

about the same things and watch

the same movies.” Hayley highly

recommends the Rotary Exchange

programme and would encourage

other young people to apply.

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Achievements Smashing success at tennis festival

Epworth won a nail-biting final against St Anne’s to clinch the 2014 Invitation Independent Schools Tennis Festival in Cape Town for the second year in a row.

The final match came down to the wire when the teams were tied four all going into the last doubles match. How-ever, Epworth duo, Sarah Mayne and Hannah Power did exceptionally well to keep their concentration and win narrowly in the tie breaker. Coach Sally White commend-ed all the girls on their level of play, behaviour and fighting spirit.

2014 Independent Tennis Festival champions - From left: Kristi Con-radie, Rochelle Green, Catherine Pringle, Derryn Nel, Mrs Sally White,

Brittany Gow, Hannah Power, Sarah Mayne.

KZN Midlands Youth Choir

Congratulations to the Epworth girls who were selected for the KZN

Midlands Youth Choir – From left: Busi Buthelezi, Abigail West, Kristen

Wepener (selected as Head Girl of the choir), Lindelwa Shandu and

Ruth Pons.

Youngsters triumph at gala

Epworth came up trumps at the Senior Girls’ Gala by winning the U14 Medley Relay and the U14 Freestyle Relay. Pictured with the

trophies for these events are, from left: Sarah Philpott, Julia Jarvel, Georgie Askew and Ashleigh Green

Dusi girls do Epworth proud

Yet again, our girls proved why the Epworth name is syn-

onymous with paddling by producing excellent results at

this year’s Dusi Canoe Marathon. Eleven present-day

girls, not to mention all the Epworthians, successfully

completed the gruelling three-day race. Camilla Penne-

father and Cana Peek claimed the top U18 women’s posi-

tion with Kennedy Stone and Rebecca Martin coming


The winning U18 Epworth girls on the podium at the Dusi prize-giving


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Sport SnippetsSport Snippets Synchronised Swimming Grade 12 pupil, Shannon Whyte, excelled at the syn-chronised swimming Age Group Championships. She received bronze medals in the team and combo events and was selected for the SA Talent Squad.

Athletics Zanegugu Mbonambi (left in picture below ) was a mem-ber of the KZN Development Athletics team that compet-ed in the SA Schools’ Sports competition in Bloemfontein and Nolwazi Njilo and Natalie du Trevou were in the KZN Invitational Athletics team that competed at Menlo Park.


Francis Earle complet-

ed all eight Midmar

Mile races and raised

R12000 for the Red

Cap Foundation.

Sprint Canoeing

Kayla de Beer and Donna Hutton have

been selected as members of the SA

Junior Sprint Canoeing team which will

compete at the African Youth Games in

Botswana in May. In addition, Donna

will represent SA at the Junior Olympics

in China in August.

Sport SnippetsSport Snippets Diving Epworth divers excelled in their respective age groups at the Interschools Diving competition which was held at Ep-worth – Back, from left: Amy Johnson (4th U14), Shura Johnsen (1st U16). Front, from left: Opal Goldring (6th U14), Cristina Pettit (4th U15) and Michaela Sandalls (1st U15).

Life Saving

As a member of the KZN Nippers Life-

saving team, Kelly Fell will compete at

the SA Championships in Port Eliza-

beth in April. She will defend her SA

title in the Flags competition.


Nicole Schwulst is the SA Judo

Champion in her age group. She

represented SA at the All Africa

Games in March.

Indoor Hockey

Erin Roseveare, Jenna Rattray, Kirsten Neave

and Rebecca Hallé were slected for the U18

Inland Indoor Hockey squad.

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Meet the New Staff Anton Immelman - Head of Sport

Anton rejoined Epworth in January after a three-year ab-

sence, having acquired valuable educational experience

and competencies to add to his already versatile skills

base. He first joined Epworth in 1995 as a drama teacher,

theatre director and sports coach, enjoying a career that

spanned 16 years. During this time, he coached tennis

and hockey and was a Midlands hockey selector. In 1998,

together with Sally White and Lee Jenkins, he conceptual-

ised and initiated the Independent Schools’ Sports Festival

which has grown into a hugely successful and popular

event on the sports calendar. Anton was also responsible

for building up the dance programme at Epworth and was

instrumental in the founding of the Spring Arts’ Festival.

In 2011, Anton moved to St Nicholas Diocesan School and

was appointed Deputy Head. The following year, he was

Acting Head of School for eight months and then moved

to Deputy Head of Academics (a full-time teaching posi-

tion) for the high school and Head of Boarding for the

whole school.

Anton brings a vibrant and fresh approach to sport at Ep-

worth with a vision that embraces a sport for life philoso-

phy which is based on the Canadian Long Term Athlete

Development (LTAD) model. He says, “This inclusive mod-

el encourages children to get involved in lifelong physical

activity by connecting and integrating school physical edu-

cation programmes with elite sport club programmes and

recreational sport programmes in the community.” Anton

is firmly in favour of a sports system that encourages par-

ticipation in one sphere and nurtures excellence in anoth-

er. He would like to see the top sports teams competing

to win and the lower-end teams enjoying the physical ac-

tivity and team work. He plans to introduce specialised

coaching to every sports discipline and would like to see

the same person coaching a particular sport to all grades.

In his spare time, Anton plays Second League squash for

Epworth’s mens team. Although a provincial tennis and

hockey player while at school, Anton was persuaded by

Sally White, when he first came to Epworth, to try his

hand at squash. Ever since, he has been a devoted squash

player although, he says, tennis will always remain his

first love.

Istine Swart - Subject Head of Mathematics

Istine comes to Epworth with a wealth of experience in the

science educational field. She has taught and lectured

General Science, Maths, Physics and Chemistry at high

schools, education colleges and universities around the

country and even lectured in Windhoek for a two-year pe-


Istine completed her high school education in Umtata and

went on to study at Stellenbosch University, attaining a

Bachelor of Science, majoring in Physics and Maths, and a

Higher Diploma in Education. She took up her first teach-

ing position in Cape Town and subsequently taught and

lectured at Windhoekse Onderwyskollege, Glenwood High

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Meet the New Staff School, Edgewood and Natal College of Education. For a

short period she worked as an implementor at the Science

Education Project, a non-government organisation provid-

ing in-service training for high school science teachers.

Eager to continue her tertiary education, Istine enrolled at

the former University of Natal (UNP) and completed an

Honours and Masters degree. At UNP, Istine was instru-

mental in establishing and co-ordinating a Maths Founda-

tion Course, a stand-alone bridging programme designed

to provide access to students who had been excluded

from faculties with minimum matric requirements.

More recently, Istine was a valuable member of the De-

partment of Mathematics at the University of KwaZulu-

Natal where she lectured, tutored and co-ordinated first

and second-year Maths courses. During her career, from

time-to-time, she has also taken on the task of manager

and assistant to her sculptor husband.

Henk Fawell - Afrikaans Teacher

Henk is not a totally new face to the Epworth family. He re

-joined the school in January with five years’ Epworth ex-

perience under his belt, having previously taught Afrikaans

in the High School from 2007 to 2011. In the two year in-

terlude he spent time teaching extra Afrikaans lessons and

assisting his wife with her business.

A graduate of Voortrekker Hoërskool and UKZN, Henk

came to Epworth right after completing his tertiary educa-

tion. And although has only ever taught formally at Ep-

worth, he has interacted with and tutored boys and girls

from many other schools in the Pietermaritzburg area.

Henk experiences a “different and interesting dynamic”

teaching only girls. They take their work seriously, re-

spond to classes and are generally more conscientious

than boys, he said. He is particularly impressed with the

mature way in which the Epworth girls interact with each

other – something he does not see at other schools. He

commented on the healthy banter, honesty and the fact

that they are very direct with one another but never take

offence. They have healthy arguments and accept disa-

greement as a part of discourse.

Male company is something Henk misses at Epworth. But

although he bewails that no one really cares what hap-

pens in the rugby over a weekend, he says the staff at Ep-

worth “accept you for who you are” and that they wel-

come variety in the staff room. “You can’t expect more

than that,” he said.

Henk aims to keep his Afrikaans lessons light, modern and

creative. Occasionally he experiences some pupils who are

reluctant or don’t see a need to learn Afrikaans. This mo-

tivates Henk and his colleagues to come up with creative

angles. For example, he commented on the revival of Af-

rikaans music and literature and says, “We can use this

cultural explosion as an entry point for teaching.”

For recreation, Henk enjoys fishing and hiking although

much of his spare time these days is taken up with his four

-month old daughter.

Laura Jelley - School Counsellor

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Meet the New Staff Parents’ Association

Originally from Johannesburg, Laura first came to Pieter-

maritzburg in 2005 to complete her tertiary education.

She always wanted to study in a small town but didn’t

want to be too far from home. She also wanted to be

close to her father who lives in Hillcrest. Laura completed

her Bachelor of Education, majoring in Educational Psy-

chology, at UKZN. She went on to do her Honours at the

University of Pretoria and completed her Psychology in-

ternship at Unity College, a special-needs school in Johan-


Ironically, Laura completed her first teaching practical at

Epworth and was mentored by Ingrid Bunge. Her next

practical was at Maritzburg College where she met her

husband who teaches in the Life Sciences and Geography


In 2011, Laura moved back to Pietermaritzburg to plan her

wedding and accepted her first teaching position at Capu-

lum College in Hilton. However, as a result of her practical

teaching experience at Epworth, she had a great affinity

for the school and always wanted to come back. Fortui-

tously, the counselling position at Epworth became vacant

and she was delighted to be offered the job.

Laura describes her first-term experience as a “whirlwind”

but says it has been fantastic – better than she had antici-

pated. Her interactions with the girls have been very posi-

tive and she says they are always eager to find solutions to

their problems. She was surprised at how comfortable

the girls were, from day one, to interact and open up to


Laura is enjoying being part of a smaller, more intimate

school where the staff are very supportive of one another.

“If you are having a bad day, there is always someone

looking out for you,” she said.

2014 Portfolios:

Chairman: Linda Lederle

Treasurer: Peter Gow

Secretary: Suzie Stone

Board Representative: Lisa Robertson


The PA Committee extends a special thanks to Gavin Dun-

das-Starr and his team who planned, co-ordinated and

made it all happen.

The turnover from the food stall, which the High School

parents co-ordinated and manned, was R26 000. Well

done and a Big thank you to the helpers and all the spon-

sors for their generous donations.

Thank you to the Catering Manager and her team who

spent many days preparing for this event.

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Epworthian News Epworthian Canoeists - Epworthians dominated the river

canoeing scene in the first term with many of them end-

ing up on the podium at most of the major events. Abby

Adie (2007) won the Drak Challenge at the beginning of

the year and seven Epworthians were among the top 10

couples in the Women’s K2 event at the Dusi Canoe Mara-

thon: Robyn Kime (1st), Abby Adie (2nd), Tamika and Bian-

ca Haw (3rd), Alex Adie (4th), Jordan Peek and Brittany Pe-

tersen (8th)

Carmen Mans (nee Barnard) passed away recently, at the age of 90. Condolences go to Heidi Paul (1967) and to family and friends.

Carmen will be remembered by many Epworthians for her deep commitment to Epworth in the many roles she played in the life of the school. As the first head girl on the present campus in 1941, she was marked to be a leader, serving

Drak Challenge Canoe Marathon Winner, Abby Adie, with

all the Epworth canoeists who participated in the event.

On the Dusi podium:

winners, Robyn Kime

(2007) and Abbey

Ulansky; second, Abby

Adie (2007) and Anna

Adamová and third,

Tamika (2009) and

Bianca (2013) Haw.

on the Pietermaritzburg committee and later as Grand President of the Epworthians. Fundraising was her forte. The Thrift Shop (selling second hand uniforms) was the forerunner to the school shop. All proceeds went to worthy Epworth causes, e.g. the purchasing of the blue velvet curtains for the chapel.

Carmen was the epitomy of a gracious hostess. Many fun get-togethers were initiated and hosted by Carmen. In the 1980s, it is rumoured she managed to cajole the headmas-ter to dress up for a fancy dress party! Such energy and passion is rare - we salute a staunch Epworthian. May she rest in peace.

Grade three pupils from Epworth’s Prep School paid a visit to the Museum and Archive as part of a project they were doing on “Growth”

Robyn Kime (2007)

took time out from her

busy schedule to pass

on some paddling tips

to aspirant paddlers

from Epworth’s Prep


From Left: Caitriona

Strydom, Ellena

Chemaly and Jenna

Curry in the Mel

Metcalfe Cottage

Save the Date:

May - Epworthian Soirée

10 May - Epworthian Day

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Preparatory School Highlights

Supporting CHOC 23 April:

Start of Term 2

28 April:

Public Holiday - School Day

01 & 02 May

Public Holidays - No School

07 May:

Normal school day until 14:00

10 May

*Epworthian Day & Saturday School (Grades 8-12)

23 - 26 May


31 May

Saturday School (Grades 10-12)

26 June

End of Term Chapel Service

27 June

End of Term 2

*Please note that Family Day will not coincide with

Epworthian Day as it has in the past. It will be held

later in the year - the date and format is still to

be finalised

Click here to view the full whole school calendar: up-



Dates to Diarise

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Prep School Pupils Excel at KZN Canoe Sprints

Epworth’s dominance of the paddling scene was high-

lighted at the recent KZN Canoe Sprint Championships

held at Nagle Dam on the weekend of 22/23 March.

Over 20 Prep School pupils participated in the event,

with many of them ending up on the podium. It was es-

pecially encouraging to see youngsters, Cohen Murray

and Jodie Fuhri, excel in so many of the U10 events.

On Valentines Day, the Prep School held a civvies day in

support of CHOC Childhood Cancer Foundation of South

Africa and raised close to R4000. To add to the day, can-

cer survivor and Grade 7 pupil, Jessica Anderson, pre-

sented her story of “Faith, Hope and Love” about her

struggle with kidney cancer.

Fun for all at Interhouse Gala

The annual Interhouse Gala provided the perfect oppor-

tunity for everyone to contribute points to their houses,

either by participating in one of the many swimming

events or by displaying great spirit and cheering from the

side of the pool. Rhodes came first in the gala by winning

the most points for their house and Buxton won the Spir-

it Cup

New Head of Music for Prep School

Anne Duthie joined Epworth in January as the Head of

Music. Anne is an accomplished musical performer,

chamber musician and accomplice who has performed

around the country and overseas. She has a Bachelor of

Music degree, attained from the former University of


Educational Fun in the Pre-primary

Educate and Fascinate entertained the pupils in the Pre-

primary with their show “Manners and Bullies” which,

among other things, emphasised the importance of

“treating others as you would like them to treat you.”
