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Exercise Tips To Ensure Results

Page 2: Erik Ledin - Exercise tips to ensure results

There are few things more frustrating than spending all of your time in the gym and not seeing any results. It happens to every fitness enthusiast every so often and it can occur for a number of reasons. If your exercise routine is not giving you the gains you had expected, the people over at Medical Daily have covered four of the most common reasons why.

Page 3: Erik Ledin - Exercise tips to ensure results

Muscle Recovery The soreness we feel after a workout come from micro-tears in the muscle tissue that we have been working. The muscle is then repaired during recovery period and grows larger and stronger to prevent future injury. Without enough recovery time, the muscle does not heal properly and thus not get stronger, so recovery is just as important as time in the gym. If your recovery time seems stalled this could be because you are not getting enough sleep or that you need to increase the calorie count of your diet. Just remember that your gym time is wasted if you don’t spend enough time in between workouts.

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Protein and Diet Eating right is important to getting the most out of your workouts. A diet complete with carbohydrates, protein and fat is essential for producing results. You may not be seeing the kinds of gains you want because you pre-workout meal is not balanced with amount of fuel you need to power through, and that includes a full serving of protein. A post-workout meal is also important, with studies showing that 20 grams of protein with 30 minutes of exercise will help maximize muscle growth.

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Plateau The plateau occurs when your body adapts to the rigors of your workout routine. The only way to break a plateau is to change your routine to put stress on your body needed for muscle growth. This can be done in a few ways. The simplest way is to simply increase the weight you are lifting, which will usually help you break through. If adding weight is not an option, you can attempt to change the order of your exercises, or add or swap out exercises to confuse your muscles. Remember, soreness is the key to muscle growth.

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Improper Form All exercises rely on proper form to be effective. More important than the amount of weight you lift, the number of reps, or the number of sets is that you lift correctly. If you are not seeing gains, check your form or have a workout buddy check it for you. Make sure your spinal alignment is correct, in particular. You should never feel a lift in your back unless you are working the back.  
