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H. Franklin Bunn

Hematology Division, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School,Boston, Massachusetts 02115

Correspondence: [email protected]

During the past century, few proteins have matched erythropoietin (Epo) in capturing theimagination of physiologists, molecular biologists, and, more recently, physicians and pa-tients. Its appeal rests on its commanding role as the premier erythroid cytokine, the elegantmechanism underlying the regulation of its gene, and its remarkable impact as a therapeuticagent, arguably the most successful drug spawned by the revolution in recombinant DNAtechnology. This concise review will begin with a synopsis of the colorful history of thisprotein, culminating in its purification and molecular cloning. It then covers in more detailthe contemporary understanding of Epo’s physiology as well as its structure and interactionwith its receptor. A major part of this article focuses on the regulation of the Epo gene and thediscovery of HIF, a transcription factor that plays a cardinal role in molecular adaptation tohypoxia. In the concluding section, a synopsis of Epo’s role in disorders of red blood cellproduction will be followed byan assessment of the remarkable impact of Epo therapy in thetreatment of anemias, as well as concerns that provide a strong impetus for the developmentof even safer and more effective treatment.

In 1890, Viault (1890) observed that 2 weeksafter traveling in Peru from sea level (Lima) to

the mountain area of Morococha (4200 m) hisred blood cell count went from 5.0 million to 7.1million/mm3. Values of five other sojourners inhis party ranged from 7.1 to 8.0 million. Thesesimple observations provided the first convinc-ing demonstration of the robust burst of ery-thropoiesis in man soon after exposure to highaltitude hypoxia. During the transition into thenext millennium the mechanism underlyingthis phenomenon became a topic of heated de-bate. Friedrich Miescher (1893), well known forhis discovery of DNA, proposed that a decreasein oxygen tension within the bone marrowprovided a direct stimulus to erythroid cells. A

half-century elapsed before this theory was dis-proven by carefully executed measurements ofoxygen saturation in bone marrow specimensof patients with erythrocytosis, both primary(Berk et al. 1948) and secondary (Stohlmanet al. 1954).

In 1906, Carnot and Deflandre (1906) pro-posed an alternate mechanism for hypoxic in-duction of erythropoiesis. They observed anincrease in red blood cell counts following in-fusion of normal rabbits with serum from ane-mic animals and concluded that erythropoiesisis regulated by a humoral “factor” in the plasma.Attempts to reproduce this experiment over theensuing decades yielded equivocal or negativeresults, thus casting doubt on this hypothesis.

Editors: David Weatherall, Alan N. Schechter, and David G. Nathan

Additional Perspectives on Hemoglobin and Its Diseases available at

Copyright # 2013 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a011619

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However, in the middle of the twentieth century,Krumdieck (1943) and Erslev (1953) modifiedthe experimental design of Carnot and De-flandre by the addition of accurate measure-ments of reticulocytes and convincingly showedin rabbits the induction of new red cell produc-tion within 3–6 days following injection of ane-mic serum injected.

The notion that hypoxic stimulation oferythropoiesis involved an indirect humoralmechanism was strongly buttressed by experi-ments of Reissmann (1950) and Ruhenstroth-Bauer (1950). They used parabiotic pairs of ratswhose circulations were connected at the capil-lary level by overlapping flaps of skin and ele-gantly showed that when one rat was exposed tolow oxygen tension, whereas the other breathedroom air and remained normoxic, both animalsdeveloped a surge of new red cell productionand erythrocytosis.

Taken together, these studies led to the con-ception of a circulating erythroid-stimulatinghormone, “erythropoietin” (Epo). Organ abla-tion studies in rats (Jacobson et al. 1957) andman (Nathan et al. 1964) firmly establishedthat the kidney was the major site but not thesole site of Epo production. These findings ledEugene Goldwasser and his colleagues to under-take an intense and prolonged effort to isolateEpo. Initial attempts to obtain Epo from kidneyswere unsuccessful owing to the release of pro-teolytic enzymes during tissue homogenization.In the search for a more tractable source of Epo,Goldwasser first turned to plasma of anemiasheep, then to urine from Argentinians with se-vere iron deficiency owing to hookworm infes-tation, and finally to urine from Japanese pa-tients with aplastic anemia. This 15-yearendeavor was greatly facilitated by the develop-ment of a sensitive and specific assay using in-corporation of radio-labeled iron into newlyproduced red cells (Fried et al. 1956). By 1977,Goldwasser and his team were able to prepare8 mg of highly purified human Epo (Miyakeet al. 1977). Amino-terminal amino acid se-quencing of this preparation enabled the syn-thesis of semidegenerate oligonucleotide probesthat could then be used for the molecular clon-ing of the Epo gene (Jacobs et al. 1985; Lin et al.

1985). This advance opened up a new era in theexploration of the physiology and molecular bi-ology of Epo and was exploited in the develop-ment of recombinant human Epo as a thera-peutic agent for patients with various types ofanemia.

For more detailed information on the his-tory of Epo, see reviews by Grant and Root(1952), Erslev (1980, 1993), and Goldwasser(1996).


In humans and other mammals, erythropoiesisnormally proceeds at a low basal rate, replacingsenescent red blood cells with young reticulo-cytes. In humans, red cell production can beenhanced as much as eightfold the baselinerate in a variety of clinical settings includinghemorrhage, hemolysis, and other types ofstress that impair the oxygenation of arterialblood or the delivery of oxygen to the tissues.Epo is the primary, and probably the sole me-diator of hypoxic induction of erythropoiesis.During fetal development, Epo is producedmainly in the liver. However, in keeping withthe above-mentioned report of Jacobson et al.(1957), following birth, the kidney accounts for�80% of Epo production. Realizing that renalcortical blood flow closely matches oxygen con-sumption, Erslev et al. (1985) proposed that theproximal tubule is the ideal location for Epoproduction. In situ hybridization studies haveindeed shown that Epo mRNA expression inthe kidney is localized to a subset of peritubularfibroblasts in the cortex close to the boundarywith the medulla (Koury et al. 1988, 1989; La-combe et al. 1988; Bachmann et al. 1993; Max-well et al. 1993a). In the liver, Epo is producedboth in hepatocytes and in interstitial cells(Koury et al. 1991; Schuster et al. 1992). Thelatter have been shown to be Ito presinusoidalcells (Maxwell et al. 1994). In both Ito cells andthe above-mentioned renal fibroblasts, in situexpression of Epo correlates with that of ecto-

1For more information on all aspects of erythropoietin, seethe recent detailed and comprehensive review by Wengerand Kurtz (2011).

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50-nucleotidase, probably because this enzyme isalso controlled by local oxygen tension (Schmidet al. 1994).

The notion that Epo production is markedlyup-regulated by hypoxia and that it stimulateserythropoiesis in a dose-dependent manner led

to the now well accepted paradigm of a negativefeedback loop, similar to those underlying theregulation of blood glucose by insulin and ofperipheral endocrine hormones by pituitarytropins. As shown in Figure 1A, hypoxia inducesan increase in Epo hormone production in the

Kidney Marrow

Plasma Epo




Epo mRNA

Epo mRNA



Uremia Normal2˚







0 10 20 30 40






50 60 70



Figure 1. Regulation of red cell production by Epo. (A) Decreased oxygen delivery to specialized cells in thekidney results in increased expression and secretion of Epo, which circulates in the plasma and stimulatesmarrow progenitors, thereby increasing red cell production. If the increase in red cell mass relieves the hypoxicsignal, Epo expression is down-regulated. (B) Plasma Epo levels (milliunits/mL) in patients with different typesof and degrees of anemia and in those with primary erythrocytosis and secondary erythrocytosis. HIF, hypoxiainducible factor; PCV, polycythemia vera.


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kidney, which then circulates in the plasma andbinds to receptors abundantly expressed on ery-throid progenitor cells, thereby promoting theviability, proliferation, and terminal differenti-ation of erythroid precursors, and causing anincrease in red blood cell mass. The oxygen-car-rying capacity of the blood is thereby enhanced,increasing tissue oxygen tension, thus complet-ing the feedback loop and suppressing furtherexpression of Epo.

Further insight into the physiology of Epoproduction has come from measurements ofplasma levels in normal individuals as well asin those with different types of anemia and er-ythrocytosis (Erslev et al. 1987). These studiesbecame more conclusive with the developmentof accurate immune assays. Figure 1B depictsplasma Epo levels in normal individuals aswell as in those with different types of anemiaof varying degree. Note that the plasma Epolevels are plotted on a logarithmic scale. In pa-tients with very severe anemia, Epo may be in-creased up to 1000-fold. The striking inverserelationship between plasma Epo levels and he-matocrit or hemoglobin is seen in many differ-ent types of anemia, including blood loss, im-paired red cell production, and hemolysis.



The molecular cloning of the Epo gene ledstraightaway to high-level production of recom-binant human erythropoietin (rhEpo) in cellculture in sufficient purity and quantity forboth definitive scientific pursuits and the devel-opment of therapy (discussed at the end of thisarticle). Human Epo messenger RNA (mRNA)encodes a 193-residue polypeptide. Followingcleavage of a canonical leader sequence in theendoplasmic reticulum and glycosylation inthe Golgi, a 166-residue polypeptide is released(Jacobs et al. 1985; Lin et al. 1985). The primarystructure of rhEpo was shown to be identical to

that of the endogenous hormone except for thein vivo posttranslational cleavage of an arginineat the carboxyl terminus. Endogenous Epo andrhEpo have about 40% carbohydrate (w/w) ofvery similar structure, consisting of three N-linked polysaccharide groups and one O-linkedgroup. Glycosylation of Epo slightly impedes itsbiological activity but is essential for ensuringprolonged circulation in the plasma (Gold-wasser et al. 1974).

From its primary structure it was predictedthat Epo, like other hematopoietic cytokines,folds into a globular three-dimensional struc-ture consisting of a bundle of four amphipathica helices connected by loops lacking second-ary structure and stabilized by a critical disul-phide bridge between the amino-terminal andcarboxy-terminal helices (Bazan 1990; Boisselet al. 1993). This prediction was borne out bynuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy ofEpo in solution (Cheetham et al. 1998) as wellas by X-ray crystallographic analysis of Epo in acomplex with two extracellular domains of theEpo receptor (Syed et al. 1998).

Interaction with EpoR

Epo circulates in plasma with a plasma half-life of �7–8 h and binds to high-affinity(�100 pM) receptors present in relatively smallnumbers (�1000/cell) on the surface of ery-throid progenitor cells (CFUe) in the bone mar-row. The receptor-binding domains on the sur-face of Epo that were predicted from theproperties of site-directed mutants (Wen et al.1994; Elliott et al. 1996, 1997) have been con-firmed and extended by structural analysis(Syed et al. 1998; Remy et al. 1999). EpoR ispresent on the surface of erythroid progenitorsas a homodimer, even in the absence of ligand(Livnah et al. 1999). As shown in Figure 2, onbinding to Epo, the receptor undergoes a con-formational change that brings its intracellulardomains into close apposition (Livnah et al.1999; Remy et al. 1999), enabling cross phos-phorylation via the binding of Jak2 kinase andthe initiation of the signal transduction cascade.

The growth of CFUe in vitro was shown tobe Epo dependent (McLeod et al. 1974). Ligand

2For more detailed information on Epo structure, interac-tion with receptor, and signal transduction, see review byJelkmann and Wagner (2004).

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binding results in salvaging CFUe from apopto-sis (Koury and Bondurant 1990) thereby en-abling proliferation of erythroid cells as well asinduction of terminal differentiation. The find-ing that both Epo mRNA and Epo protein areexpressed in erythroid progenitors (Hermineet al. 1991; Stopka et al. 1998) has raised theintriguing possibility that tonic low-level ery-thropoiesis may be supported by autocrinestimulation, whereas circulating (hormonal)Epo provides a more robust stimulus to eryth-ropoiesis during hypoxic stress.

In man, Epo’s hematopoietic role appears tobe restricted to the erythron, whereas in rodents,Epo stimulates megakaryocyte proliferation andmaturation as well (Clark and Dessypris 1986;McDonald et al. 1987; Berridge et al. 1988).


As stressed in the sections above, by far the mostabundant sites of Epo production are the kidneyand liver, whereas expression of EpoR is vastlymore robust in marrow erythroid progenitors

than in other cells. However, it has become in-creasingly evident that Epo has significant bio-logical effects apart from regulation of red cellproduction. Attention has focused primarily onthe central nervous system along with the heart,kidney, liver, and vasculature.

Within the brain, Epo and Epo-receptormRNA are expressed widely (Tan et al. 1991;Masuda et al. 1994; Digicaylioglu et al. 1995;Sakanaka et al. 1998) and throughout develop-ment (Dame et al. 2000) in neurons, astrocytes,and endothelial cells (Yamaji et al. 1996). In con-trast, demonstration of Epo and EpoR proteinexpression in situ has been considerably morechallenging and less convincing. Oxygen-regu-lated expression of Epo has been observed inastrocytes both in vitro (Masuda et al. 1994;Marti et al. 1996) and in vivo (Tan et al. 1991;Marti et al. 1996), suggesting the possibility of aparacrine function for Epo in neural tissue.

The most compelling evidence of the im-portance of Epo signaling in the central nervoussystem comes from two independent sources.Targeted knockout of EpoR expression in themouse brain has shown reduced neural cell pro-liferation and impaired poststroke neurogenesis(Tsai et al. 2006). Although global deletion ofEpoR is lethal to mouse embryos, rescue by




73 Å





39 Å



Figure 2. Epo-dependent signaling. When Epo binds to its dimeric receptor (EpoR) on erythroid progenitorcells, the two receptor monomers are pulled together allowing phosphorylation of JAK2 kinase, which initiatesthe signal transduction cascade.

3For more information on this topic, see review by Noguchiet al. (2008).


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expression of erythroid-specific EpoR results insurvival to adulthood (Suzuki et al. 2002) butimpaired neural cell proliferation and viability(Chen et al. 2007). In addition, administrationof Epo protects against experimental brain in-jury in vivo (Sakanaka et al. 1998; Brines et al.2000). Moreover, structural derivatives of Epothat lack erythroid stimulating activity havebeen shown to confer neuroprotection in animalmodels of stroke, spinal chord compression, di-abetic neuropathy, and autoimmume enceph-alomyelitis (Leist et al. 2004). In a preliminarytrial in patients with acute stroke, recombinanthuman erythropoietin (rhEpo) therapy was welltolerated and readily penetrated the blood–brain barrier (Ehrenreich et al. 2002). The au-thors’ cbservations of reduction in infarct sizeand clinical improvement have not been con-firmed in a more extensive clinical trial (Ehren-reich et al. 2009).4

High doses of rhEpo (Parsa et al. 2004;Nishiya et al. 2006) and the above-mentionedEpo derivatives (Fiordaliso et al. 2005; Brineset al. 2008) confer protection in animal modelsof cardiac ischemia/reperfusion and myocardi-al infarction. Moreover rhEpo is also effective inprotecting the kidney and liver from ischemia/reperfusion injury (Yang et al. 2003; Patel et al.2004; Sharples et al. 2004; Sepodes et al. 2006;Schmeding et al. 2009) as well as other experi-mental threats to kidney (Vaziri et al. 1994;Bahlmann et al. 2004) or liver (Le Minh et al.2007; Schmeding et al. 2008, 2009) integrity.

The salutary effects of rhEpo and derivativesthereof on experimental models of ischemiaand other types of injury may be due in partto their effect on the vascular endothelium. Invitro rhEpo stimulates the proliferation, mobi-lization, and differentiation of endothelial pro-genitor and precursor cells (Bahlmann et al.2003; Heeschen et al. 2003) and also enhancesendothelial cell viability (Chen et al. 2008) andsurvival by blocking apoptosis (Bahlmann et al.2004). Thus, exogenous Epo can significantlyenhance neovascularization induced by inflam-mation and ischemia (Heeschen et al. 2003).

Perhaps the most puzzling aspect of non-erythroid effects of Epo is the nature of thereceptor. In erythroid cells, EpoR mRNA is ex-pressed at sufficiently high levels for abundantdisplay of EpoR protein on cell surface anddimerization that is required for high-affinityEpo binding. In contrast, the mRNA expressionin nonerythroid cells is so low that convinc-ing demonstration of surface EpoR protein byimmunological means has been problematicat best. It is very likely that such low-level ex-pression would not be sufficient for the massaction needed for EpoR dimerization to occur.Accordingly, the low-affinity binding site forEpo may be a heterodimer composed of EpoRand another partner, perhaps CD131, the b

common cytokine receptor (Brines et al. 2008;Brines 2010). This may explain the requirementof high levels of exogenous Epo for biologicaleffects in nonerythroid cells and possibly howan Epo derivative could have activity only innonerythroid cells.


Initial investigation of the molecular basis ofEpo gene regulation was greatly facilitated bythe discovery that the human hepatoma celllines Hep3B and HepG2 produce significantamounts of Epo constitutively, with marked in-duction in response to hypoxia (Goldberg et al.1987). The magnitude and time course of theinduction of Epo mRNA paralleled Epo pro-tein production. More recently, a human renalcell line has also been shown to display oxygen-dependent regulation of Epo production (Fredeet al. 2011).

Tissue-specific expression of the Epo geneand its induction by hypoxia are dependent onfar upstream cis elements and an enhancer ele-ment downstream from the polyadenylation sig-nal. Transgenic mice experiments indicate thepresence of element(s) between 0.4 and 6 kb 50

of the promoter, which suppress promiscuousexpression, and element(s) 9.5 and 14 kb up-stream, which are necessary for kidney-specific

4For more information on Epo and the brain, see reviews byJelkmann (2005) and Noguchi et al. (2007).

5For more information on this topic, see review by Fandrey(2004).

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expression (Semenza et al. 1989, 1990, 1991a;Madan et al. 1995).

The Epo gene has a weak promoter, owing inpart to suppression of transcription by a GATAmotif (Imagawa et al. 1994, 1997). Mutation ofthis response element in a 180-kb Epo transgeneresulted in constitutive in vivo expression inrenal peritubular cells (Obara et al. 2008). En-hanced binding of GATA-2 to this site may con-tribute to the inhibition of Epo production byinflammatory cytokines (La Ferla et al. 2002).GATA-4 is expressed exclusively in hepatocytesand binds strongly to this GATA motif, enhanc-ing Epo expression (Dame et al. 2004). Themarked reduction in expression of hepaticGATA-4 following birth is likely an importantcontributor to the switch in Epo productionfrom liver to kidney (Dame et al. 2004).

A crucial 30 enhancer (Beck et al. 1991; Pughet al. 1991; Semenza et al. 1991b; Semenza andWang 1992) binds to two transcription factors,hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF) and the nucle-ar receptor HNF-4. As shown in Figure 3, thesetwo DNA-binding proteins interact with thetranscriptional coactivator p300/CBP, trigger-ing transcriptional activation.


Hypoxic induction of Epo depends in large parton the transcription factor HIF. HIF is activatedin virtually all cells (Maxwell et al. 1993b; Wangand Semenza 1993b) by exposure to hypoxia, aswell as cobalt or iron chelators. The activation ofHIF enables it to bind to a consensus sequence(50-TACGTGCT-30) first identified in the Epo 30

enhancer (Fig. 3) (Semenza et al. 1991b). Sub-

sequently, this hypoxia response element hasbeen identified in more than a hundred genesand shown to be required for hypoxic induc-tion of transcription. In addition to Epo, animpressive number of other physiologically rel-evant genes are regulated by HIF (Wenger et al.2005) including those involved in angiogenesis,intermediary metabolism, and, of particular in-terest to readers of this collection, iron homeo-stasis (Peyssonnaux et al. 2007).

Wang and Semenza (1995) purified HIF byits affinity for the Epo 30 enhancer and showedthat it is a heterodimer composed of a 120 kD a

subunit and a 91–94 kD b subunit. Molecularcloning revealed that both subunits are basichelix-loop-helix proteins in the PAS family oftranscription factors (Wang et al. 1995a). HIF-a, or HIF-1a, is a novel protein, whereas HIF-1b is the previously cloned and characterizedaryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator(ARNT) (Hoffman et al. 1991).

The HIF-a subunit is widespread amonganimals, including not only mammals and fishbut also invertebrates such as flies and worms.In man and other mammals, three homologousHIF-a genes have been identified: HIF-1a, HIF-2a (Tian et al. 1997), and HIF-3a (Gu et al.1998). HIF-1a is the most abundant and pres-ent in most organs and tissues. In contrast, HIF-2a has more restricted expression and was orig-inally thought to be limited to the vascularendothelium (Tian et al. 1997). Knockout ofHIF-1a in mice is embryonic lethal (Iyer et al.1998; Ryan et al. 1998), whereas HIF-2a nullmice survive gestation but have impaired sur-vival owing to phenotypic abnormalities thatare strain-dependent. Most genes that are

–14 kb


–9.5 kb


Epo gene3′ Enh



Figure 3. Diagram of the Epo gene. The five exons of the Epo gene are shown as rectangles with the coding regionsin black. Far upstream of the Epo promoter is a kidney-inducible element (KIE) that is required for high-levelup-regulation of Epo mRNA in the kidney. Just downstream from exon 5 is a critical enhancer that binds to HNF-4 and also to HIF when the Epo-producing cell is hypoxic. These two transcription factors bind to the tran-scriptional activator p300. This enhanceosome is a powerful inducer of Epo transcription.


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induced by hypoxia in an HIF-dependent man-ner require HIF-1a (Warnecke et al. 2004). Incontrast, Epo production and its up-regulationby hypoxia require HIF-2a (Gruber et al. 2007)in the kidney (Scortegagna et al. 2005; Kapitsi-nou et al. 2010; Paliege et al. 2010) and an Epo-producing renal cell line (Frede et al. 2011), aswell as in the fetal and adult liver (Rankin et al.2007).

Oxygen Sensing and HIF Activation

To understand the mechanism by which HIF-1is activated, it is necessary to determine howhypoxia impacts on the expression of its twosubunits. The steady-state levels of HIF-amRNA and ARNT mRNA are not significantlyaffected by oxygen tension (Gradin et al. 1996;Huang et al. 1996; Wood et al. 1996). At theprotein level, the ARNT subunit remains abun-dant, irrespective of the oxygenation of the cell.In contrast, the HIF-a subunit cannot be de-tected in oxygenated cells (Wang et al. 1995b;Huang et al. 1996). HIF-a protein can only bedetected in deoxygenated cells or in those ex-posed to iron chelators or certain transition-metal ions, most notably cobalt, all of whichinduce HIF-dependent gene transcription (Se-menza and Wang 1992; Wang and Semenza1993a). These observations suggest that theactivation of HIF-1 depends on an increase inthe amount of HIF-a protein in deoxygenatedcells.

In cells exposed to 21% O2, HIF-a is re-markably unstable (Huang et al. 1996). It formsa complex with von Hippel–Lindau protein(vHL) (Maxwell et al. 1999), enabling it to un-dergo ubiquitination and subsequent degrada-tion in proteasomes (Salceda and Caro 1997;Huang et al. 1998). Low oxygen tension abro-gates this process, thereby allowing the HIF-asubunit to accumulate so that it can enter thenucleus and form a stable heterodimer that canparticipate in transcriptional regulation. Oxy-gen-dependent degradation of HIF-a dependson a large (�200-residue) interior segment(Huang et al. 1998). When this domain is de-leted, the protein is stable and capable of trans-activation, even in oxygenated cells. When this

domain is fused to a foreign protein, it confersrapid oxygen-dependent degradation.

The oxygen-dependent degradation do-main of HIF-1a contains two highly conservedLXXLAP sequences, which are recognition sitesfor an oxygen- and iron-dependent prolyl hy-droxylase that converts the proline into a hy-droxyproline (Ivan et al. 2001; Jaakkola et al.2001; Masson et al. 2001; Yu et al. 2001). Thisposttranslational modification is necessary andsufficient for the binding of vHL to HIF-a. Asshown in Figure 4, this interaction enables theubiquitin E3 ligase to dock at this complex,thereby triggering the covalent addition of anumber of small ubiquitin molecules (Cock-man et al. 2000; Ohh et al. 2000). The poly-ubiquitinated HIF-a is then recognized by theproteasome where it is rapidly degraded. Rat-cliffe and his colleagues (Epstein et al. 2001)showed that the hydroxylation of these two spe-cific proline residues is mediated by a dioxyge-nase that is homologous to classic collagenprolyl hydroxylase. Shortly thereafter, a humanhomolog of HIF prolyl hydroxylase was bio-chemically purified and characterized (Ivanet al. 2002). These enzymes have an active centerwhere an iron atom and a molecule of a-keto-glutarate interact with a conserved core of twohistidines, an aspartate and an arginine residue.The two LXXLAP motifs within HIF-a eachbind at this site, along with oxygen, catalyzinghydroxylation of the proline residue. This oxi-dative modification is inhibited by iron chela-tors as well as by cobaltous ion, which presum-ably displaces iron from the active site. Theeffect of the iron chelation and cobalt on theactivity of HIF prolyl hydroxylases provides asatisfying explanation for how these agentsmimic hypoxia in activating HIF. These en-zymes are the proximate oxygen sensor for reg-ulating HIF. Among the three HIF-a prolyl hy-deroxylases, PHD2 plays the predominant roleat most sites (Berra et al. 2003) including renalproduction of Epo (Minamishima et al. 2008;Takeda et al. 2008).

Hemoglobin is encapsulated in circulatingerythrocytes not only in man and other mam-mals but also in all other vertebrates. Oxygenhomeostasis in these complex organisms is

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well served by HIF-dependent regulation of acytokine that is required for erythropoiesis.In contrast, in many invertebrate phyla, oxy-gen transport depends on the presence of freesoluble polymeric hemoglobins in circulatinghemolymph, and in some, hemoglobin produc-tion is enhanced during hypoxic stress. One ofthe most dramatic observations in marine biol-ogy is the change in the fresh-water crustaceanDaphnia magna from pale gray to bright redsoon after transfer from normoxic to hypoxicwater (Fox 1947, 1949). Two of their four tan-dem globin genes have been shown to havefunctional HIF response elements within theirpromoters (Gorr et al. 2004). Thus, in keepingwith the relative simplicity of this organism, theregulation of oxygen-carrying capacity of theblood is direct, rather than mediated indirectlyvia a cytokine.


Downstream from the HIF-1 binding site, theEpo 30 enhancer contains two tandem consensussteroid hormone response elements separated

by 2 bp (Fig. 1). Mutations at these sites eitherabolish or markedly inhibit hypoxic inductionof reporter genes (Blanchard et al. 1992; Se-menza and Wang 1992; Pugh et al. 1994; Huet al. 1997). These elements in the Epo enhancerinteract with an orphan nuclear receptor, i.e., aDNA-binding protein that shares structural ho-mology with hormone-binding nuclear recep-tors but lacks a known ligand (Blanchard et al.1992). The orphan receptor HNF-4 plays a crit-ical role in Epo gene regulation (Galson et al.1995; Makita et al. 2001). The expression ofHNF-4 is limited to renal cortex and liver, sitesof Epo production, and also intestine. Thus thebinding of HNF-4 to the Epo enhancer is likelyto contribute to both the high-level inductionof the Epo gene as well as its tissue specificity.


As shown in Figure 1, the carboxy-terminal por-tion of HIF-1a binds specifically to p300 (Aranyet al. 1996), a general transcriptional activa-tor that participates in a number of biologicalfunctions such as induction of tissue-specific






HIF prolyl


E 560




PM 568hydroxylase


α α-Ketoglutarate




Figure 4. Pathway by which the hypoxia-inducible transcription factor is up-regulated by low intracellularoxygen tension. In normally oxygenated cells, the a subunit (HIF-a) undergoes hydroxylation of two prolineresidues, one of which is shown here. In the presence of iron (Fe) and a-ketoglutarate, this oxygen-dependentposttranslational modification is catalyzed by an HIF-a-specific prolyl hydroxylase (PH). The von Hippel–Lindau protein (pVHL) binds to hydroxylated HIF-a. Subsequent docking of a ubiquitin ligase (UL) enablesHIF-a to be polyubiquitinated.


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expression, regulation of cell cycle, and stim-ulation of differentiation pathways. This verylarge protein, which is closely homologous toCREB-binding protein (CBP), does not bind toDNA but does interact with a number of otherproteins including HNF-4 and other nuclearreceptors. Thus, as depicted in Figure 1, theHIF-1 heterodimer, activated by hypoxia, par-ticipates in a macromolecular assembly withp300 (or a related family member) and withHNF-4 to transduce a signal to the Epo promot-er, enabling activation of transcription. It is verylikely that such a combinatorial process ap-plies not only to Epo but also to other genesthat are induced by hypoxia (Ebert and Bunn1998). Most, if not all, cells contain a proteinfactor called FIH (factor-inhibiting HIF) (Ma-hon et al. 2001) that hydroxylates an asparagineat the carboxyl terminus of HIF-a in an oxygen-and iron-dependent manner, thereby blockingbinding to p300 and inhibiting transcription(Lando et al. 2002a,b).


In a variety of clinical settings, anemia can becaused by underproduction of Epo, whereaserythrocytosis can result from overproduction.

Underproduction of Epo

Patients with renal failure generally develop se-vere anemia, owing in part to suppression oferythropoiesis from a buildup of metabolicwastes and in part to a moderate reduction inred cell life span. However, the most importantcontributor to the anemia of uremia is insuffi-cient Epo production (Fig. 1B) (Caro et al. 1979;Cotes 1989). The degree of anemia correlatesroughly with the extent of renal functional im-pairment. In renal failure owing to awide varietyof etiologies, insufficient Epo production resultseither from direct damage to Epo-producingcells in the kidney or from the suppression ofEpo production by inflammatory cytokines.

Patients with inflammatory disorders have aless marked impairment of Epo production. Ex-amples include rheumatoid arthritis (Means

1994), cancer (Miller et al. 1990; Spivak 1994),and AIDS (Fischl et al. 1990). It is likely thatinflammatory cytokines suppress Epo gene ex-pression in these disorders.

Exposure to certain metals may result indisordered structure and function of the renalproximal tubule, resulting in suppression ofEpo production, out of proportion to impair-ment of global renal function. Such a pathoge-netic process is likely the basis for the markedanemia often encountered in cancer patientswho have been treated with cis-platinum or in-dividuals suffering from chronic cadmium in-toxication (Horiguchi et al. 2000). Epo produc-tion is also inhibited in patients with increasedplasma viscosity owing to monoclonal dyspro-teinemias (Singh et al. 1993).

Overproduction of Epo

Measurement of plasma Epo is useful in distin-guishing primary from secondary erythrocyto-sis (Erslev and Caro 1984; Messinezyet al. 2002).Individuals with autonomous red cell overpro-duction due to polycythemia vera (or rarely tomutations at the carboxyl terminus of EpoR)have low plasma Epo levels, whereas individualswith various forms of chronic arterial hypox-emia have erythrocytosis owing to increasedplasma Epo levels. The highest documented he-matocrit levels have been observed in patientswith right to left cardiac shunts. The erythro-poietic response in patients with hypoxemiaowing to chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseis variable, depending in part on whether thereis coexisting infection, which, as explainedabove, can suppress erythropoietin expression.

Increased oxygen affinity of red cells causesimpaired delivery of oxygen to tissues andtherefore hypoxia at the cellular level, whichtriggers increased Epo expression and thereforesecondary erythrocytosis (Prchal and Prchal1999). Such a “shift to the left” in the oxyhemo-globin dissociation curve can be caused by mu-tations in a- or b-globin subunits or in two redcell enzymes. Deficiency in cytochrome b5 re-ductase causes congenital mehemoglobinemiaand mild erythrocytosis. A more pronouncedincrease in red cell mass has been reported in

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very rare families with deficiency of bisphos-phoglycerate mutase that causes a deficit in redcell 2,3-BPG, acritical modulatorof intracellularhemoglobin function (Rosa et al. 1978). Theseindividuals with left-shifted O2-binding curvesare generally asymptomatic because impairedoxygen delivery is balanced by increased oxy-gen-carrying capacity.

Occasional individuals have chronic eleva-tion of plasma Epo that is inappropriate andautonomous, i.e., not due to arterial hypoxemiaor cellular hypoxia. These individuals usuallyhave either sporadic or germline mutation ingenes responsible for oxygen sensing and HIFregulation.

Erythrocytosis due to inappropriate over-production of Epo can be encountered in vari-ous neoplasms, particularly those arising inkidney, liver, and cerebellum, organs that arephysiologic sites of erythropoietin expression.In particular, secondary erythrocytosis occursin patients with renal carcinomas, Wilms tu-mor, hepatomas, and cerebellar hemangioblas-tomas. In some cases, the tumor cells secreteEpo (Jelkmann 1992). In other cases, the sur-rounding normal kidney or liver tissue secretesEpo, presumably because of local ischemia.

Highly vascular renal and central nervoussystem tumors can arise in families and sporad-ically owing to mutations in the von Hippel–Lindau (VHL) gene. As explained earlier in thisarticle, this protein is required for the oxygen-dependent degradation of HIF-a. Inactivat-ing mutations lead to constitutive activationof HIF-a and therefore overexpression of HIFresponsive genes (Gnarra et al. 1996; Iliopouloset al. 1996), particularly vascular endothelialgrowth factor (VEGF), which causes the tumorsto have enhanced vascularity. In a subset of af-fected individuals, overexpression of Epo leadsto erythrocytosis.

A number of families with congenital ery-throcytosis have been encountered in Chuvash-ia, a circumscribed region in the Russian Feder-ation in which there may have been inbreedingand a high likelihood of a founder effect (Ser-geyeva et al. 1997; Gordeuk and Prchal 2006).The erythrocytosis (mean hemoglobin levels of23 g/dL and hematocrit of 67%) follows an au-

tosomal recessive pattern of inheritance. Affect-ed individuals have elevated erythropoietin lev-els, and increased incidence of thrombotic andhemorrhagic complications. These individualsare homozygous for a missense mutation at thecarboxyl terminus of the VHL gene (R200W)leading to HIF activation (Ang et al. 2002).The clinical phenotype is similar in a R200W“knock-in” mouse model (Hickey et al. 2007).Isolated families with congenital erythrocytosishave been encountered elsewhere that harborthe R200W mutation (Pastore et al. 2003; Carioet al. 2005; Perrotta et al. 2006). Affected indi-viduals are usually homozygotes but some arecompound heterozygotes, having R200Walongwith another VHL mutation (Pastore et al.2003; Cario et al. 2005).

Families as well as isolated individuals havebeen encountered in which erythrocytosis ow-ing to elevated plasma Epo levels is explainedby heterozygosity for an activating mutation inHIF-2a (Gale et al. 2008; Martini et al. 2008;Percy et al. 2008a,b, 2012; Furlow et al. 2009; vanWijk et al. 2010). These mutations generally im-pair the ability of HIF-2a to bind to VHL orPHD2. In other families, affected individualsare heterozygous for loss-of-function muta-tions in PHD2 (Percy et al. 2006, 2007; Ladroueet al. 2008). Genome-wide association studiescomparing lowland Tibetans to highlanderswith erythrocytosis have shown highly signifi-cant polymorphisms in the vicinity of HIF-2a(Beall et al. 2010; Yi et al. 2010) and PHD2(Simonson 2010). Both these selected “experi-ments of nature” and the broader populationstudies, attest to the primacy of HIF-2a andPHD2 in regulating the Epo gene.


By far the most common use of rhEpo has beenin patients with chronic renal failure. Over onemillion patients worldwide have responded ef-fectively to either rhEpo or a derivative, darbe-poietin alfa (Aranesp), which has an enhanced

6For more information on this subject, see reviews by Bunn(2007), Elliott (2008), and Jelkmann (2008).


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plasma half-life (�22 h) owing to the introduc-tion of two additional N-linked glycosylationsites.

The importance of erythropoietin in thepathogenesis of the anemia of renal failure hasbeen affirmed by the dramatic efficacy of rhEpotherapy. Figure 5 shows one of the first casestreated with rhEpo. Within a few days afterinitiation of rhEpo therapy, the hematocritapproached normal, necessitating a reductionin dose. The marked increase in red cell massfollowing treatment was accompanied by en-hanced utilization of iron stores, as reflectedin a decline in serum iron and serum ferritin.Other patients who have normal or low ironstores before rhEpo therapy need concomitantadministration of iron to achieve an optimalerythropoietic response.

The other common use of rhEpo has been intreating anemia in cancer patients with chemo-

therapy-associated anemia. In addition, rhEpois effective in AIDs patients who have developedsevere anemia as a result of antiviral therapy. Aminority of patients with myelodysplastic ane-mia also responds to rhEpo. In some clinics,rhEpo is used in the management of the ane-mia of prematurity as well in surgical patients,in both the preoperative and postoperative pe-riods.

The impressive efficacy and safety of rhEpotherapy notwithstanding, a number of prob-lems warrant careful consideration. The mostevident are the high cost of treatment and theneed for parenteral administration. Of equalconcern are outcome studies on large numbersof renal dialysis patients showing that dosesof rhEpo and darbepoietin alfa that raise thehemoglobin level .12 g/dl are associated withthrombosis of arteriovenous access, impairedcontrol of hypertension, and a small but sig-







Transfusion: 200 ml RBCs

rhEpo 150 units/kg 3x/week

Serum Fe6.06.0




–12 –8




es, c





–4 0 +4


+8 +12 +16

TIBC% Sat.Ferritin




Figure 5. Response of an anephric patient to recombinant human erythropoietin (rhEpo) therapy. Note that,before therapy, the patient was severely anemic and transfusion dependent. Treatment with rhEpo resulted in areticulocytosis followed by a progressive increase in hemoglobin. The dose of rhEpo had to be lowered to preventthe hemoglobin from rising too high. Before rhEpo therapy, the patient was severely iron overloaded. The markedincrease in red cell mass following therapy was accompanied by a significant reduction in iron stores. RBC, redblood cells; Fe, iron; TIBC, total iron binding capacity; Sat., saturation (Data from Eschbach et al. 1987.)

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nificant increase in mortality (Besarab et al.1998; Singh et al. 2006; Phrommintikul et al.2007). Cancer patients are inherently at higherrisk to develop thrombosis, but this risk is sig-nificantly enhanced in those receiving rhEpotherapy (Bohlius et al. 2006; Bennett et al. 2008).

It is likely that the prothrombotic effects ofrhEpo dose are due to the high doses given rath-er than to the increase in hemoglobin level. Asmentioned earlier in this article, nonerythro-poietic effects are widespread and complex. Ear-ly reports suggest that rhEpo may also promoteenhanced tumor growth in vivo (Henke et al.2003; Leyland-Jones 2003) and in vitro (Mo-hyeldin et al. 2005). However, EpoR expressionis low in the great majority of tumors andthough expressed at the mRNA level, it cannotbe detected on the cell surface (Sinclair et al.2008). Moreover, more recent meta-analysesmentioned above do not support the notionthat rhEpo therapy promotes tumor progres-sion in vivo (Bohlius et al. 2006; Bennett et al.2008).


In view of the above-mentioned concerns re-garding long-term rhEpo therapy, there hasbeen increasing interest in developing ery-throid-stimulating agents that offer advant-ages over rhEpo and darbepoietin alfa. One ap-proach entailed the production of a large phagelibrary expressing short (�15-residue) randompeptides that are then screened for sequencesthat bind with relatively high affinity and spe-cificity to the Epo receptor. This strategy led tothe identification of peptides that lack any ho-mology with Epo but are active both in vitro andin vivo in stimulating erythropoiesis throughthe same signaling pathway that is triggered byEpo (Livnah et al. 1996; Wrighton et al. 1996).However, in contrast to recent progress withthrombopoietin mimetic agents, little progresshas been made to date in developing these Epomimetic peptides into safe and effective drugs.

Another approach involves structural mod-ification of Epo in the interest of prolonging itslongevity in the circulation. Continuous ery-thropoietin receptor activator (CERA) is a de-

rivative in which a 30 kDa methoxy-polyethyl-ene glycol polymer has been covalently linkedto Epo. It has a half-life in the circulation of�135 h, about sixfold greater than that of dar-bepoietin alfa (Macdougall 2005; Macdougallet al. 2006; Provenzano et al. 2007). This attri-bute greatly reduces the frequency of parenteraladministration. CERA has been through exten-sive clinical trials and has passed muster interms of both safety and efficacy. As a result, itreceived approval from the European Commis-sion and the American Food and Drug Admin-istration in 2008. However, it has not yet gainedwide use in clinical practice.

The most novel strategy for pharmacologicstimulation of erythropoiesis involves the acti-vation of HIF by inhibition of HIF-a prolylhy-droxylases. As shown in Figure 4, small moleculeanalogs of a-ketoglutarate could prevent HIF-ahydroxylation, even in well-oxygenated cells andthereby induce expression not only of endoge-nous Epo but also of other HIF-dependent genesthat are required for robust erythropoiesis. Sev-eral companies have developed inhibitors thatinduce Epo and erythropoiesis in mice (Safranet al. 2006; Yan et al. 2010) and in humans (Yanet al. 2010). Because these agents suppress ex-pression of hepcidin (Volke et al. 2009), theymay be particularly effective in the treatmentof anemia of chronic inflammation. HIF prolylhydroxylase inhibitors offer for the first timethe possibility of inexpensive oral therapy forstimulation of erythropoiesis. Of course, a ma-jor concern is specificity because such a largenumber of genes are regulated by HIF. The leadcompounds that are currently undergoing clin-ical trials appear to inhibit HIF-2a specifically. Ifso, they mayalso enhance duodenal iron absorp-tion because the divalent metal transporter 1(DMT1), like Epo, is up-regulated by HIF-2a.


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H.F. Bunn

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2013; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a011619Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med  H. Franklin Bunn Erythropoietin

Subject Collection Hemoglobin and Its Diseases

The Natural History of Sickle Cell DiseaseGraham R. Serjeant Hemoglobin Synthesis

Transcriptional Mechanisms Underlying

Nathaniel J. Pope, et al.Koichi R. Katsumura, Andrew W. DeVilbiss,

Current Management of Sickle Cell Anemia

WarePatrick T. McGann, Alecia C. Nero and Russell E. Disease

Iron Deficiency Anemia: A Common and Curable

Jeffery L. Miller

TherapiesTargetedNew Disease Models Leading the Way to

Cell-Free Hemoglobin and Its Scavenger Proteins:

Dominik J. Schaer and Paul W. Buehler

Management of the ThalassemiasNancy F. Olivieri and Gary M. Brittenham

-ThalassemiaαClinical Manifestations of Elliott P. Vichinsky

-ThalassemiaβThe Molecular Basis of Swee Lay Thein

Erythroid Heme Biosynthesis and Its DisordersHarry A. Dailey and Peter N. Meissner

Erythropoiesis: Development and DifferentiationElaine Dzierzak and Sjaak Philipsen

Clinical CorrelatesHemoglobin Variants: Biochemical Properties and

Gell, et al.Christopher S. Thom, Claire F. Dickson, David A.

ErythropoietinH. Franklin Bunn

The Prevention of ThalassemiaAntonio Cao and Yuet Wai Kan

Classification of the Disorders of HemoglobinBernard G. Forget and H. Franklin Bunn

The Switch from Fetal to Adult HemoglobinVijay G. Sankaran and Stuart H. Orkin

-ThalassemiaαThe Molecular Basis of Douglas R. Higgs For additional articles in this collection, see

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