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Page 1: Esai Inggris - Kyoto, Japan

English Assignment

Writing Essay

“Kyoto, Japan : Urban Planning Based on History and


Compiled by :

Dea Zahara Lutviana


B Class

Department of Urban and Regional Planning

Faculty of Engineering

Diponegoro University



Page 2: Esai Inggris - Kyoto, Japan

Main topic : planning from below.

Sub topic / essay tittle : “Kyoto, Japan : Urban Planning based on

History and Culture”.

Thesis statement :

“Kyoto is a well-planned city which successfully harmonize its charm

on history and culture until the current era as shown from its community-

based planning named machizukuri system, the well-kept historical buildings,

and the cultural traditions which still being presreve by its local residents.”

(last sentence of paragraph 1)

Conclusion :

“Local community participation in the plan to conserve and keep living

up a city with history and culture, is an effective way because if we aware

and feel the city is our precious thing then we would do more to keep it.”

(last sentence of the last paragraph)

Kyoto, Japan : Urban Planning Based on History and


Kyoto is a city which full of Japan history and the real Japan face in terms

of its culture. Interestingly, it has a lot historical relics such as shrines, traditional

residence and castles. Because there are a lot of shrines there, Kyoto is called as

“a city with thousand shrines”. It has a unique environment as an old city with a

lot of historical buildings and known as favorite tourism destination in Japan.

Kyoto is a well-planned city which successfully harmonize its charm on history

and culture until the current era as shown from its community-based planning

named machizukuri system, the well-kept historical buildings, and the cultural

traditions which still being presreve by its local residents.

Kyoto is located in Honshu Island, Kyoto Perfecture. Heian-kyou (the name

of Kyoto during Emperor Kammu period) built based on feng shui principle. First,

as an old and small city located in a plateau, Kyoto surrounded by mountains

from cardinal points. Secondly, There is Kamo River in the east, Katsura River in

the west which stream is tortuous until south, Uji River in the south and the

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streams will be meet with Takano River in the middle of Kyoto region. There is

Mount Funaoka on the north. Because of its geographical location, Kyoto natural

view becomes more interesting and it looks beautiful in any season.

The urban planning in Kyoto has been made since Emperor Kammu period

(50th Japan Emperor). The downtown designated in squares shape like a

chessboard with mostly straight streets. In the middle of downtown Kyoto, there

is a north-south highway named Senbon-douri (in the past called Suzaku-Ouji).

Besides, grid-plan area in the downtown was adapted from urban planning model

in Cina on the 8th century (Lowe, 2000). During Ounin war era, most of Kyoto was

burnt. Throughout the Sengoku era, Kyoto was designated as fortress city where

Kamigyou and Shimogyou district separated by trench and fields. The districts

connected with Muramochi-douri street. Under the dominance of Toyotomi

Hideyoshi, Kyoto was reconstructed. The shrines were place in a common area ,

the emperor palace was repaired and the nobleman residence was built. These

order urban plan still can be seen now. After the Meiji Restoration, the districts

united and Kyoto area became wider with the joining of some cities and nearby


Kyoto is indeed the face of Japan when it comes to culture and history. In

the past when the commerce was very advance, big commercial commodities

came from a lot of regions in Japan. The government directly organized the

handycraft making. At that time Kyoto was the capital and the central of culture.

Therefore, a lot of artists and craft experts gathered and lived in Kyoto. No

wonder the culture and artwork progressed faster in Kyoto. Most of historical

relics is still being take care very well. For example Shinto shrines, Buddist

temples, and machiya (traditional houses like a townhouse which the front side

usually for shop and the backside is for living). Those historical buildings spread

out throughout the city. The scenic natural view of Kyoto also the order urban

planning, make Kyoto becomes an interesting city to live at. Not only that, the

cultural traditions also still being uphold by the local residents. Many routine

festivals still being perform in the city. Some famous festivals are Gion Matsuri,

Jidai Matsuri, dan Aoi Matsuri. The traditions such as drinking tea ceremony,

traditional art performance, Nishijin traditional textile, and ikebana (art of string

flower up), can be meet in the everyday life of local people. According to Salastie

(1999), beside of Gion Matsuri, there is also Byobu Matsuri. It is a folding screen

festival where the family of kimono merchant open their traditional house

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(machiya) for public. At that festival, the host will display each family’s byobu

(folding screen).

The successful key to keep the history and culture in Kyoto is their

community. Kyoto social sytem can not be separated with machizukuri system.

Literally, “machi” means city in Japanese and “zukuri” means create or built, so

it means built or plan a city. In this system, the local community participate to

keep and conserve their town (participatory planning). This system becomes

power of community spirit to work together and contribute on making their town.

Machizukuri can be describes as a development based on the colaboration of

local government and community, where the community serve as the core or the

party who take initiative (community-based planning). During the matsuri or

other cultural festival, these system is used. Usually matsuri is being held by

combining a lot of machi works. The system of machi itself is like RT in Indonesia.

But the difference is that they are a group consist of family from the same

square-residence area (remember that Kyoto residence has some houses located

in a square area). Each machi will be responsible for a certain job for the matsuri.

Then in the matsuri day, they all gather and perform outdoor with background of

the Kyoto landscape. The bond of this machiya then become a bigger bond to

conserve Kyoto history and culture. Hayden (1997) also said that the social-

historical element from a city is to correlate with human life in it. Further he

explained that community can use the historical power of city landcape to grow

public memory.

The most important aspect in Kyoto economical income is tourism. The

great natural view in Kyoto as well as its historical relics make this city become

the favorite tourism destination for Japanese student and foreigners. On 2007,

the local government announced that the total tourists who come to Kyoto

always set a new record for 6 years in a row (source :

Downloaded on December 18th, 2014). The industry in Kyoto also mostly

dominated by small industries. Most of them are craftsman of traditional things

such as kimono. It is also a fact that now Kyoto is the biggest kimono producer in

Japan. The branding of Kyoto as a city of history and culture, the great service

and facilities from the government, also the great spirit of Kyoto people to

conserve and live up their town are what make Kyoto still exist with its original

charm up until now. The community take initiative then the government

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responsive about them and what Kyoto has. Finally, we can conclude that local

community participation in the plan to conserve and keep living up a city with

history and culture, is an effective way because if we aware and feel the city is

ours precious thing then we would do more to keep it.

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