
PowerPoint Presentation


This presentation was given at the October 2007 Lunch N Learn at J&H Machine Tools in Charlotte.The presentation is meant to be viewed with the narration and detailed explanation of the presenter. True Position BasicsUnderstanding True PositionPart 1 : Grasping the Basics True Position Basics2. Part True Position Basics2. Tolerances1.992.010.991.01 True Position Basics1.992.010.991.01The Tolerance ZonePart 1 CenterPart 2 Center True Position Basics1.992.010.991.01The Question Which Part is Better?Part 1 CenterPart 2 Center True Position Basics0.991.01Part 1 is within the tolerance zone, butPart 1 Center1.992.01 True Position Basics0.991.01Part 2 is closer to the Nominal Center and will assemble easier than Part 1Part 2 Center1.992.01 True Position BasicsHow can we set up a tolerance band that fairly and functionally judges the position of features? True Position Basics1.992.010.991.01Part 1 CenterPart 2 CenterUse a Circle instead of a Square! True Position BasicsDefinition Time!!!The result of a True Position Characteristic is the diameter of a circle, centered on the basic dimensions from the specified datums, that contains the actual center point. True Position BasicsMathematically Speaking.

True Position = X2 + Y2 * 2

X = Difference from Basic X value from Actual X value Y = Difference from Basic Y value from Actual Y value True Position Basics2.001.00New Part Print w/True PositionNo Tolerances 0.01 A B CABCTrue PositionDiametral ZonePrimary, Secondary, Tertiary DatumsTolerance True Position Basics2.001.00Heres an Example Calculation 0.01 A B CABC True Position Basics2.001.00CAN WE SHIP IT? 0.01 A B CABCActual Measurements:X=2.003Y=1.004 True Position BasicsActual X = 2.003Actual Y=1.004Basic X=2.000Basic Y=1.000 X = 0.003 Y = 0.004 TP = 0.0032+0.0042 * 2or TP = 0.009+0.016 * 2orTP = 0.025 * 2orTP = .005 * 2 so.. True Position Basics True Position = 0.010Hole Center 0.005 from Nominal0.005True Position Result = 0.0100.0030.004Nominal Center at X=2, Y=1 from Basic Dimensions True Position Basics2.001.00 0.01 A B CABCOur True Position is within the Specification.Barely! CAN WE SHIP IT?YES, WE CAN! True Position BasicsLets do this very example in Calypso and see if the math works out! True Position Basics

True Position Basics

This is a Theoretical feature with X Y coordinates placed exactly at 2.003 and 1.004. True Position Basics

It Works! True Position Basics2.001.00Same Print, this time a Real Part 0.01 A B CABC True Position Basics

On a Real Part:

X= 1.9619Y= 1.0081 True Position BasicsActual X = 1.9619Actual Y = 1.0081Basic X = 2.000Basic Y = 1.000 X = -0.0381 Y = 0.0081 TP = -0.03812+0.00812 * 2or TP = 0.0015+0.0001 * 2orTP = 0.0016 * 2orTP = .0390 * 2 so.. True Position Basics True Position = 0.0779Hole Center 0.0390 from Nominal0.0390True Position Result = 0.07790.03810.0081Nominal Center at X=2, Y=1 from Basic Dimensions True Position Basics

What??? True Position BasicsExplanation Time!!!The GD&T standard specifies that the FUNCTIONAL center be used for calculations. This means for a hole, that the Maximum Inscribed fit be used. Calypso does this automatically! True Position BasicsLets see how this changes things. True Position Basics

True Position Basics

Watch out for Outliers!

True Position Basics

True Position Basics

Now that we have that sorted out,ONE MORE TIME!

X= 1.9504Y= 1.0104 True Position BasicsActual X = 1.9504Actual Y = 1.0104Basic X = 2.000Basic Y = 1.000 X = -0.0496 Y = 0.0104 TP = -0.04962+0.01042 * 2or TP = 0.0025+0.0001 * 2orTP = 0.0026 * 2orTP = .0507 * 2 so.. True Position Basics True Position = 0.1014Hole Center 0.0507 from Nominal0.0507True Position Result = 0.10140.04960.0104Nominal Center at X=2, Y=1 from Basic Dimensions True Position Basics

YES!!! True Position BasicsSo if True Position only gives me distance from center, how do I know how to make my offsets?ONE MORE THING..

You might say : True Position Basics

Turn on Additional Position Result in the Characteristic Settings Editor. True Position BasicsUnderstanding True PositionYouve got Questions, We have answers.Part 1 : Grasping the Basics True Position Basics
