Page 1: EU-SAFETY DATA SHEET as per 1907/2006/EC

E U-S AF E TY DAT A S HE E T as per 1907/2006/E C

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R evis ed on: 26.02.2015

T rade name: ScottPad P roduc er/S upplier:

1. Identific ation of the s ubs tanc e/ preparation and of the company

1.1. Trade name: ScottPad® Depth �lters C ollective data sheet for: ScottPad ST 0.25, -ST0.35, -ST 0.45, -ST 0.5, -ST 0.8, -SY 1.0, -SX 2.0, -SR 2.5,

-SM 3.0, -SG 7.0, SF 8.0 and SE 9.0

1.2. Applic ation of the produc t: P roduct for s olid / liquid separation.

1.3. Name and addres s of produc er/s upplier

T elephon:e: F ax:

2. Health hazard ris ks In a dry s tate, due to mechanical influences resp. improper handling: � dus t, mos tly natural diatomaceous earth dus t = Xn - harmful

R 48/20 Harmful: danger of serious damage of health by prolonged expos ure through inhalation.

S 22 Do not inhalate dus t 3. C ompos ition / Details about major c omponents

C hemical characteris tic s : P refabricated special paperboards (depth filters ) on the bas is of cellulos es , natural diatomaceous earth (C AS -No. 61790-53-2, proportion of crys talline s ilica < 2% in the form of cris tobalite, C AS -No. 14464-46-1, quartz, C AS -No. 14808-60-7), perlite (C AS -No. 93763-70-3) and wet s trength agents in foodstuff grade. T he product components are not hazardous in the sense of the decree for hazardous substances .

4. F irs t aid meas ures No special regulations

5. F ire fighting meas ures No special regulations S uitable extinguis hing agents : water, foam, C O 2

6. S teps to be taken in c as e of ac c idental releas e of material W ear dus t protection mask P 2; V entilation Non-polluting to the environment

7. Handling and s torage

7.1. Handling No safety-relevant regulations Avoid releas e of dus t

7.2. S torage S tore dry and odourless

8. E xpos ure c ontrol / pers onal protec tion

8.1. Additional hints regarding tec hnic al equipment In a dry s tate avoid formation of dust

8.2. C ontrol parameters with regard to work plac e Inhalable dus t (formerly total dust): < 4 mg/m³ P ulmonary alveolae inhalable dust (formerly fine dust): < 0.15 mg/m³, related to cris tobalite and quartz

8.3. P ers onal protec tion equipment Not neces sary In case of proper handling the limit values as per 8.2. above are not reached

9. P hys ic al and c hemic al properties

9.1. Appearanc e S tate: solid cardboard C olour: yellowis h / white O dour: odourles s ; pos s ibly s light paper odour

Scott Laboratories

Scott Laboratories2220 Pine View WayPetaluma, CA 94954

(707) 765-6666(707) 765-6674

Page 2: EU-SAFETY DATA SHEET as per 1907/2006/EC

E U-S AF E TY DAT A S HE E T as per 1907/2006/E C

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T rade name: P roduc er/S upplier:

9.2. S afety-relevant data pH-value: N/A C hanges of s tate: N/A F lash point and flammability: N/A Ignition temperature: > 260° C (smouldering temperature) S elf-ignition: N/A Lower and upper explos ion limit: N/A V apour press ure: N/A Dens ity: approx. 0.3 g cm³

10. S tability and reac tivity

S table when properly handled and us ed T emperature > 200° - beginning carbonization Avoid contact with hydrofluoric acid (S iO 2-share)

11. Toxic ologic al information

11.1. In case of improper handling of dry s heets poss ible health hazards by kieselguhr dust and crys talline S iO 2 during long-term expos ure 11.2. P leas e obs erve item 3 on page 1 11.3. No further negative effects known 12. E c ologic al information

No negative effects known Non-hazardous product T he product is insoluble in water

13. Dis pos al

depth filters as supplied originally may be disposed of or compos ted with normal house garbage in accordance with official local regulations . T his does not refer to the depth filter s heet after its us e. Here, the influence of the filtered product has to be taken into cons ideration.T he was te code No. is to be individually fixed with the was te dis pos al company!

14. Trans port

14.1. Trans port overland, by inland waterways , s ea or air trans port Non-hazardous product No identification required

14.2. F urther s pec ific ations P rotect agains t damages and contamination 15. R egulatory information

15.1. Identific ation ac c ording to E U- directives : not required Hazard des ignation: not required

15.2. National regulations Information regarding employment restrictions : none Decree of incidents , decree about inflammable liquids VbF and T A-Luft: N/A W ater pollution clas s : non-water polluting in the sense of the V wV wS (official G erman regulation) dated 17/05/1999. O ther regulations , res trictions and prohibitive provis ions : none

16. Other information

S uitable for use in the filtration of beverages and chemical/pharmaceutical products in accordance with the instructions for use. T he above information refer to the original products and are based on our present s tate of knowledge. T hey are no warranty with regard to quality characteris tics .

Scott Laboratories

