Page 1: Europe meets India Brussels 8 November 2006 Anton van der Lande Vice President Public Affairs International

Europe meets India


8 November 2006

Anton van der Lande

Vice President

Public Affairs International

Page 2: Europe meets India Brussels 8 November 2006 Anton van der Lande Vice President Public Affairs International


From Small Business….

UPS was founded in 1907 in Seattle, Washington, USA by

Jim Casey with US$100 in borrowed capital

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• 407,200 employees

- 58,800 Internationally, 348,400 US-based

• 9th largest airline in the world with 268 jet aircraft

• 145 million hits per day on

• Service to over 220 countries and territories and every address in North America and Europe

• One of the world’s largest wireless networks

• 91,700 vehicles in delivery fleet

• Over 7.9 million customers daily

• More than 35 million Sq Ft of warehousing space worldwide

To a Global powerhouse…

Page 4: Europe meets India Brussels 8 November 2006 Anton van der Lande Vice President Public Affairs International


AESOP's FABLES: The Hare and the Tortoise

Page 5: Europe meets India Brussels 8 November 2006 Anton van der Lande Vice President Public Affairs International


Corus set to agree £5bn Tata takeover

By Peter Marsh in London and Joe Leahy in Mumbai Published: Financial Times

October 20 2006

Corus, the Anglo-Dutch steelmaker, is today expected to agree to a £5.1bn takeover by India's Tata Steel in a deal that

would create the world's sixth-biggest steel producer.The move will throw down the gauntlet to any potential counter-bidders for Corus - Europe's second-biggest

producer. Novolipetsk and Severstal, two Russian steel companies, and CSN, a Brazilian steelmaker, are thought by

some industry observers to be interested in making a counterbid. All three have declined to comment.

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Hong Kong



Europe / Asia SystemEurope / Asia System



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4,500 Dabbawalas


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Environmentally Friendly

175,000 Lunches

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7:00 – 9:00 AM meals are collected

Conveyor Belt

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UPS 10

12:30 Delivery

On Time

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UPS 11

Logistics New Mantra for

Competitive Advantage

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UPS 12

Synchronizing Commerce

• Flow of Goods

• Flow of Funds

• Flow of Information

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UPS 13

Outsourced Call Centers

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UPS 14

IT Brainpower

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UPS 15

Liberalization Aviation

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UPS 16

Investments in Infrastructure

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UPS 17

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UPS 18

Consequences of Draft Postal Bill

• Increased prices for express and mail services

• Roll back market opening

• Less reliable and slower express service

• Less Foreign Direct Investment

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UPS 19

Brussels, 18 October 2006

Postal services: Commission proposes full market opening by 2009

The European Commission has put forward a proposal to open EU postal markets fully to competition by 2009, in line with the agreed target date set out in the current Postal Directive. On the basis of extensive research, the Commission believes that this is the best way to maintain universal service  while further improving quality and choice for EU consumers and businesses. Full market opening will mean that national operators will no longer have a monopoly on mail below a certain weight (currently a maximum of 50 grams), known as the 'reserved area'. Member States will be allowed a flexible choice of means to finance universal service provision or the possibility to share out the universal service obligation between operators. The proposal provides further clarification on how this can be achieved. The proposed new Directive is the final step in a long reform process that has already seen large areas of EU postal markets opened to competition, with very positive results.

Page 20: Europe meets India Brussels 8 November 2006 Anton van der Lande Vice President Public Affairs International

Thank you

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