Page 1: European? Global? Yes, but where is MY room???. We had a warm welcome at the hotel in central Neumarkt

European? Global? Yes, but where is MY


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We had a warm welcome at the hotel in central Neumarkt

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And was guided to our rooms.

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Here is the corridor outside Lotta’s room

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Here is Lotta’s hall

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Lotta’s living room

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Lotta’s kitchen

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And Lotta’s bedroom

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Heléne got a bed!

Well, at least I got a room…

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With a view…

Please note the bell tower in the background. Not only did it ring half and full hour, it played a long…long… tune.

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View from central Neumarkt

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The whole town is rebuild in original after the war and had a fantastic feeling of old city yet very new

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Since Neumarkt has 40 000 inhabitants we were as international guests quickly hoarded together for a picture in the local newspaper

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We had very rewarding meetings.

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And met the mayor of Neumarkt.

I wonder who is prominent enough in Umea to represent us…?

The picture is taken by the reporter for the Neumarkt newspaper. I will take no blame whatsoever!

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One of the visits was to Neumarkter Lammsbräu, the largest ecological brewery in the world, on walking distance from the hotel. =)

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+12 degrees, i wonder what hat she’ll wear when they come to us…in February…

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Herded around in rooms with the distinct smell of cows =)

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No additives are allowed in the products.

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The beer boiler made of copper. Like the one our crafts teacher has in the bathroom ????

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The whole event was of course concluded with a traditional trying of beer free of charge, thank godness the hotel was close by =)

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Was it all schnapps and strudel?

What about the school?

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, here is Willibald Gluck Gymnasium and first some random corridor shots.

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Page 27: European? Global? Yes, but where is MY room???. We had a warm welcome at the hotel in central Neumarkt
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The canteen was closed, it was Friday so everyone – teachers and students – go home at 1 o’clock.

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Neat classroom…

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But a bit grey for being an Arts classroom…

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Do they ever have the energy to take things down from the top shelf…

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Teachers lockers, that was intriguing. Wonder what they might have in them…

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Math class in a year 5.

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Storage room for science

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Science teachers’ desks. Gosh, how tidy they are…

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Class room for physics

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Standard equipment in all classrooms!

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Staff room

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With computer area

Does it feel small? You just wait…

There are nearly 50 female teachers at the school…

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And this is it!

And to make it even more fascinating, all teachers are on break at the same time!

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Nah guys, more cultural visits.

We took the train in to Nurnberg.

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Old bullet holes in the old buildings.

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Attic floor…s

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All articles in the human rights have their own pillars in Nurnberg, all written in different languages. The first one here in German and Hebrew.

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Because of the bombings after the second world war there was a big mix of old and new, beautiful and horribly ugly buildings.

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Page 49: European? Global? Yes, but where is MY room???. We had a warm welcome at the hotel in central Neumarkt
Page 50: European? Global? Yes, but where is MY room???. We had a warm welcome at the hotel in central Neumarkt

castle is the highest point in town. Who on earth has the stamina to walk up there… besides Lotta that is =)

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Heléne went to the cathedral instead.

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And being superstitious she just had to turn the wishing ring at the fountain =)

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One of all the specialized christmas shops. In one of them Helene and the Italian teachers were taking just a quick look while the rest of the company waited outside. 40 minutes later the shoppers were dragged out of the store.

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And of course we went to the Nurnberg center of documentation where you can – on the 1300 squaremetre exhibition Fascination and Terror – view reasons for and consequenses to the national socialist delusions of grandeur.

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Page 56: European? Global? Yes, but where is MY room???. We had a warm welcome at the hotel in central Neumarkt
Page 57: European? Global? Yes, but where is MY room???. We had a warm welcome at the hotel in central Neumarkt
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Articles showing that the world knew…

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Page 63: European? Global? Yes, but where is MY room???. We had a warm welcome at the hotel in central Neumarkt

The yellow parts are parts the nazis didn’t have time to finish



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The congress building today

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Model of the stadium. Finished it would have measured 122 meters in height and 914 meters in length.

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Uncomfortable,but educational,

but mostly uncomfortable

Anyway,we went to an Arts museum and that was uncomfortable on a whole new


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Page 68: European? Global? Yes, but where is MY room???. We had a warm welcome at the hotel in central Neumarkt
Page 69: European? Global? Yes, but where is MY room???. We had a warm welcome at the hotel in central Neumarkt
Page 70: European? Global? Yes, but where is MY room???. We had a warm welcome at the hotel in central Neumarkt

But then again,

Being a bit rebellious I didn’t follow the guided tour around so I probably just didn’t get it =)

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we had wonderfully steady meals

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And fantastic company, wish you had been there!

Heléne and Lotta
