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Page 1: Evaluation (4)

By: Ahiya Kathiramar

Page 2: Evaluation (4)

The media product that I have made is magazine; magazine is used very often today to get updated with the latest gossip, channels, and other things around the world.

The magazine has a large image of my model that is 16 years old, and is female. The reason why I have chosen her is because the age group today uses magazine a lot to get the latest fashion and gossip, etc. The model on my front cover is wearing a blue top with blue skinny jeans the reason why I told her to wear this is because it will suit the colour scheme, which is grey, blue, white, and black. I have chosen these colours because it goes well together and will make the magazine look more professional. I have used large masthead to make the magazine look better and noticeable, the mast head is located at the top of the magazine. I have used adobe illustrator to make the masthead, the colour that I have used are blue and white because these colours match with the clothing that the model is wearing and it also matches the whole magazine. The text that I have used in the magazine is very professional, because I have used variety types of fonts to make the magazine look interesting and I have also used the colour scheme for the text so that it all matches together very well. I have used cover line on the left side of my magazine so that it looks professional, many magazine today have cover lines to make it look better and more organised. I have also added a barcode on the magazine so that people know that it on sale and that they can buy the magazine, I have made the barcode by myself on adobe Photoshop. Another thing that I have added on my magazine is the date and the price so that people know the price to buy the magazine.

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Before I have done my final second draft of my magazine, I have done a first draft of my magazine which was more of a pop magazine and was aimed at younger teenagers who are aged 13 and over. The reason why I changed my mind and changed the whole front cover and everything is because I wasn’t really confident with what I was doing and I didn’t really like the age group. The first draft was done with a model who is ages 13 as well and the whole magazine looked very childish. The magazine was done at the very beginning, and I have only attempted to do the front page not the contents page or double page spread. The magazine over all looked unprofessional, and it also looked quiet blank and plain or too simple. From the survey I have done many people have said the same thing, they thought that the magazine looked unprofessional and that I had to do more work on my magazine. After that I had decided to change my whole magazine, everything including the age group but except from the music genre which is pop. Over all I have done 6 drafts of my front cover for my first draft, I personally think I have chosen the right option and now I am happy with the second draft that I have done of my magazine.

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This is my first magazine front cover that I have made.

I have used a large image of my model and it is a mid shot of her, the reason why I have chosen to do a model who is ages 13 is because the target audience was this age group. The disadvantage on this images is that the image is not cropped very well.

I have added the skyline above the magazine so that it looks like a real magazine.

The masthead of my magazine looks irrelevant to the magazine, but I have added a drop effect to the mast head so that it can stand out more.

The circle box has been used so that the text inside can stand out more. Because the magazine in all expects the audience to have notice this the most in the magazine as it is significant.

The letter ‘Y’ stands out as it is used as direct address to the audience, so that it is more eye catching.

I have used little images to show that there are also posters available, the little images that I have put on this front page were not edited. I have used different colour borders around the lines so that it can stand out from the whole magazine.

I have also used different music notes to make it look more like a music magazine.

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As you can see I have used different font types to make the magazine look more professional. The Photoshop that I have used to make my front cover was adobe Photoshop CS3 extended, this helped me to add more unique feature to the magazine so that it looks more interesting for the audience. I have also added few designs to the text like a star so that it looks relevant to the text and it will also look more professional. Another thing that I have added to the text is text boxed so that it stand out in front of all the other texts. Cover lines was used on this side (left) so that it looks professional and many magazines today they use cover lines so that the magazine looks more organised rather than busy looking magazine, and it is also easy for the audience to read the text.

The masthead which is also known as the title, was done on adobe illustrator. The software allowed me to make the masthead look professional. The magazine looks more like a pop magazine because of the masthead, it has curved font writing and the name of the mast also sounds like pop magazine.

Date and price of the magazine was done separately rather than putting it with the barcode as it looks more better, and I personally preferred it this way. I have used the colour blue so that it matches with the colour scheme, and I have also used the same font as I did to my masthead. The effects that I have added to the price and date was adding the shadow. I have also added a white dot in the middle of the price and the sate so that it looks more better and professional, I wanted to do something different on the magazine so I added this to it.

I have also added a quotation to the magazine so that when the reader reads the magazine they will find it inserting, and they will understand part of the story about Amelia Peters. Another thing that I have also added on the quotation is two text boxes so that the text stands out, this will be more eye catching for the audience to straight away see when they pick up the magazine. The note that is also in the text box near the quotation is a design that I have added so that the whole magazine looks like a music magazine and so that people can understand that she is singer, it symbolises music and instruments.

Another thing that is on this magazine is skyline, usually they will be above the magazine but just to make the magazine look better I have placed it below, another reason to why I have located the skyline below is because if I place it above it will look like it is distracting the masthead and it wouldn’t really look professional.

I have made the barcode on adobe photo shop. I have made the box around the barcode look more bold so that it looks real, but I haven’t added the price or date in the barcode, instead I have done it separately.

The large mid- shot image was edited on photo shop I have lightened it more so that it looks brighter for the magazine, the image is large and takes most of the space to make it look better. Clothing matches very well with the magazine as it is part of the colour scheme. The background colour is grey with a slight mixture of blue colour , the reason why I have chosen this colour is because it is part of the colour scheme.

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I have also done 7 drafts before I got my final draft. The reason why I have done so many draft is because I wanted to have my final draft to be perfect. The contents page included many design and unique features to make it look professional. The background colour that I have used is similar to the colour that I have used for my front cover, I tried hard to get the contents page and the front cover and the double page spread (DPS) to be the same colour, so far the background colours look similar but exactly the same. To do my contents page I have used adobe photo shop CS3 extended, this software allowed me to use many different features and to create many different design and additional things to make my final piece look professional. I have edited and added five images to the magazine so that the people who read my magazine will find it more interesting. The magazine will also look more visual if it has more images, for this reason I have added more images to the contents page. The images were edited on the photo shop all what I have done to the images is that I lightened them more so that the contents page in all look more brighter. For the small three images on the right hand side, I have added boxes which is part of the colour scheme to make the images stand out more, I have also added a shadow to the images to make it look professional. To the small images on the right side, I have also added musical notes as designs to the contents page because this way people will know that it is a music magazine. The title for the contents page is called contents, and I have edited the text so that it stands out more and it is also different font type to all the other fonts that are on the contents page. In addition I have added many black, blue, white lines to the contents page so that it looks more organised and professional, I have edited the line by adding drop effect ( shadows). Another thing that I have done to my contents page is I have used a lot of text the reason for this is because text matters the most, when people get a magazine they would want to read it rather than visually see the magazine. On the contents page I have added subtitles to the magazine and I have also used different font type for that so that it looks more better, and I have also underlined each subtitle so that it stands out the colour for these things are all part of the colour scheme ( black, white and blue). Under each subtitle I have added text which relate to the subtitle, I have also included the page number so that people know where that particular information is. The page number are all in a star shape which was one of the design on photo shop, the colours also was part of the colour scheme. I have also added the website on the contents page and created a click arrow to make it look better on the contents page, I have used photo shop again to make the click arrow.

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The whole contents page was done on adobe photo shop. This software allowed me to use many different features to make this contents page look professional.

The title for this contents page was not done on adobe illustrator, but on adobe photo shop. The title has an glow effect, which match very well together. The font type that I have used is unique from all the other text that I have used. The colour of the title is blue which match with the col0ur scheme.

All of the subtitles are underlined and they all have the same font types, this makes the contents page look more better and professional because if they were not the same it wouldn’t look good and it will also look like its not ordered well. Below the sub titles there is same text which and number on the left so that people can follow the information to the following page number. On each page number I have used different font, and I have also added star design as the out line of the number so that it can stand out.

I have also added black and white lines to make the contents page look better and professional. The lines separate the text and the images, which makes the contents page look more organised. I have added shadow effect to the lines so that it look professional.

I have also edited the images so that it look more better, I have lightened the images so that it looks brighter. The images that I have added on the contents page are in variety of size so that it looks professional, many magazines today have contents pages like this to make it look better. On the images I have added the page numbers to show that there are also posters available in the magazine. The page number on the images are different colours on each image. All the colours that are used on the contents page are part of the colour scheme which is blue, white and grey and black.

I have also used designs on the whole magazine to make it look like a music magazine. This contents page matches very well with the double page spread and the front page.

The small arrow that I have made on adobe photo shop is to make it look like it is a real website and like there is another person clicking it.

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The double page spread was done also on photo shop. I have done 10 drafts to get my final piece. The double page looks professional, I have made it look very simple by adding little information to the double page spread, and I have only added one large image on the right hand page. I have also added design to the double spread, the design that I have made was done on adobe photo shop CS3. The software where I have done my double page spread was adobe InDesign CS3. I found this software very useful but this software was the most difficult software to use at the start.

First of all I have added the background to the double page spread, the colour that I have used was grey so that it matches with all the other background used in the magazine ( front page and contents page). Then I have added the title, and then the text to the double page spread. The text and the title and everything is done very well by the colour scheme. The font that I have used is different so that it stand out, I have also made it large. The name Amelia Peter was done as the same font that was used in the contents page and front page, I have done this so that it looks better.

I have also added many designs to the page, like cloud around the quotation and storm designs to make the magazine look better. Another design that I have added is instrumental notes to show that it is a music magazine. Another thing that I have done is, I have added the magazine title to on the top of the right hand page. I have remembered to put the page number so that people can know what page they are on. I have also added two pictures of the singer Amelia Peters which is relevant to the information on the double page spread. Under the images , I have put a description so that the audience know what the image is about.

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The background colour that I have used is light grey, the reason why I chose this colour is so that it matches with all the other background colours in the front page and the contents page.

The title that I have made was ‘ Exclusive Interview’ I have done this in a different colour and font types so that it stand out. The text below the title is ‘ Amelia Peters’ which is the singer name, I have used the same font which I have used in the front page and the contents page to make it look like tis matching together.

I have also used different designs so that it looks like a music magazine. The designs are instrumental notes and another design that I have used is cloud as an outline for the quotation. Everything was done by the colour scheme which is blue, white, grey and black.

Another thing that I have added is the magazine’s title to make it look like it is relevant and that the double page looks like its from the ‘melody mixx’ magazine.

The text that I have used below the name Amelia Peters is the introduction to the interview with her. I have done that in a white colour so that it stand out from all the other text.

The large image was taken, and the model is wearing the same clothes as she did on the front page and on the contents page, the reason why I have chosen to do a large image on the right side of the page is because it would make the magazine look more professional and unique.

The text that I have used on the left hand page was the interview with Amelia Peters. The question that I have asked are in blue colour and the answers that she gave me are in white colour. The colour for the text are all the part of the colour scheme. Some text is also on the right side of the page to fill in the blank space.

I have also used small images on the double page spread so that it is relevant to the information. Under the images I have added a black and white effect and also I have added a white box so that it looks like a photo, I have done these effects and features on adobe photo shop. I have also added a black border inside the whit box, because it would look much better.

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This design was done on adobe photo shop for the double page spread, by using the special feature on photo shop. The reason why I have chosen his design is so that it looks better and more busy, without the designs on the page it would look very simple and plain.

The shapes that are here are the shapes that I have used for most of my magazine like the front page, contents page and the double page spread. The reason why I wanted to use these designs to the magazine is because it would the magazine in whole look more like a music magazine rather than a fashion magazine.

This cloud was made on adobe photo shop, and this cloud was used on the double page spread for the quotation. I have used this for the quotation so that it can stand- out more and so people can quickly notice the quotation. In addition is so that it can be eye-catching.

I have added these little stars to my contents page, as outlines for the number so that the whole contents page looks better over all. The stars make the numbers stand out more.

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This was the image that I have used for my double page spread on the right hand side. The image was cropped on adobe photo shop cs3 and then I have copied n pasted on Adobe InDesign where my double page spread was.

This is the image that I have used on my Contents page, the image was also cropped on Adobe Photoshop and I copied and pasted it on adobe InDesign where my double page spread was. This was also the image that I have sued for my front cover. As you can see the image here is landscape I have changed it on Adobe Photo shop and made it look like the image is portrait.

These are the small images that I have used on contents page, to make the contents page look more visual. These are the images that were not edited before it went on the contents page.

These are the images that I have used for my double page spread. The reason why I have chosen these images is because it related very well with the text that was on the double page spread. These images are the ones before it was edited, it is the original images.

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The age group that I have chosen to do my magazine on is 16 and over, particularly female. The reason why I have chosen this age group is because many teenager today are into music and media and the reason why I have chosen this particular gender is because many female like to read magazines than male today. My model is that I have chosen for my magazine is 16, and she like music a lot as well, most of her influences come from music she says. And she has a plan to do music in the future as well, one of the ways where she gets updated with the latest songs is by magazine itself.

The clothing that the model is wearing is very stereotypical to how teenager wear their clothes today. The colour of the clothes that she is wearing is the same to the magazine’s colour scheme. The colours that I have sued for the magazine is a countertype because usually girls would like the colour pink as it is stereotypical. Because I have used the colour blue is gives the chance that anyone can read the magazine. The colours are usually judged for boys, but personally I like the colour blue.

The colour scheme that I have used is grey, black, white and blue. Stereotypically it would be colours that boys will like but many teenager today would prefer these colours. The colours match very well together, and personally I like these colours.

The designs that were used on the music magazine made it look more feminine and related more the age group.

My particular age group has a demographic of C1- E as it is a music magazine and psychographic as aspires as many teenager who read this magazine might want to work in the music industry, and from the Maslow pyramid it will be belonging.

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The audience that I have chosen have liked the colour scheme that I have chosen and they think that it is a great idea to use counter typical colour for a female magazine as it allows any gender to read the magazine. The vast majority of people who chose the colour blue are many, and there was only 25% who liked the colour pink. Personally I think the colour blue was a nice colour and it would make the magazine look more unique. The survey that I have done to find out which colours that I have use for my magazine went well, I have ask a lot of people ( in particular teenagers) and they have chosen that the colour blue is a nice matching colour for the magazine. Some people have also commented saying that the colour blue, grey, black and white will look perfect for the magazine. 75% people have chosen the colour blue, therefore, the colour blue has been chosen for the target audience.The font type that I have used also show my particular group because people would class a posh font type

like this : Melody Mixx - as more of an adult magazine as it looks different and these kind of

font types are used in news paper, news paper is usually the thing that elder people would read. But this kind of typography : Melody Mixx – people would class this as more of a teenage font type. As these kind of fonts are more in magazines and music albums.

The colour pink

The colour blue

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I would distribute my magazine to shops as many teenagers admire shopping. The types of shops that I will distribute are corner shops and many other. I would also distribute it in gigs as many people would attend them and many teenager today go to gigs to see their favourite bands and singers, for this reason I think it is a good idea to distribute in gigs. I would also distribute in schools as many teenagers who are aged 16 and over would like to get a magazine as many of them are into music, specifically female. I would also prefer to sell my magazine as webzines as many people today use the internet and like to socialize, webzine would be a very good idea to distribute my magazine.

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The audience that I have chosen for my media product is specifically girls teenagers ages 16 and over, the reason why I have chosen this age group is because many teenager are into music and they are also into media products as well. I have been more specific and chosen teenage girls because many female artist inspire female singers to sing and so many girls like to be like them and they are also into music very much. Many teenagers today are in technology and listen to their music, today pop music is mostly well known as so I have chosen to do my magazine on pop as my genre. My target audience was very easy for me to chose as I am also 16 and I do also like listening to music mostly female artist and media is one of the main things that I ma into as well. Throughout the progress I did change my target audience as it was first 13 and over teenage girls, the reason why I have changed my audience is because personally I thought that many you girls who are 13 wouldn’t really buy a magazine that has been distributed in shops or anywhere else. It was a real advantage for me to chose this target audience as it was easy for me to make the magazine , because the target audience was the same age as I was.

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I have added many different features and design to make the magazine look the best that it could be and I have tried my best to make it look professional. The colours scheme that I have chosen black, white, blue and grey doesn’t really suit my target audience as it was specifically girls. Stereotypically the colour blue would be for boys and the colour pink would be for girls. The reason why I have changed the colour is because I wanted my magazine look unique and very different from other magazines. The image that I have used was all of the model who is a female herself this matches very well with the target audience and her age was also 16 which is the magazine’s age group. The font that I have used and the text goes very well with the whole magazine it self and addresses also very well with the audience. The genre also suits very well with the target audience as many female teenager and young people are into pop music today. The price of my magazine is £2.50 which is a fairly a good price for my audience to afford. All the images that I have taken goes very well with my target audience as the model her self is the same age and she personally like pop music as well.

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I have had a better understanding about technologies after doing the magazines, because before I have started using any of the software's I didn’t know anything but then after experimenting with many feature and icons I understood many things and it helped me a lot to use it in the future. The software's that I have used was Adobe Photoshop for the front cover of my magazine and double page spread , and for the double page spread it was Indesign. I have also used a software called Adobe Illustrator to do my mast head. The Adobe Photoshop which I had used to make my front cover and magazine was probably the easy software that I have used to make my whole magazine, it allowed me to use many special features such as editing images and many other. To add anything on the magazine I had to make layers and it was easy to understand, I was struggling with this software at the beginning but then later on I had the chance to understand it more. Adobe photo shop also allowed me to use and make designs of my own like the designs that I have used on my double page spread. And it has also many different types of fonts that we can use to make the magazine look more better, with the font designs you can also add effects to make it look better and to make it stand out. Adobe photo shop also helped me to edit images and helped to add effect to it to make it loo more professional. I could also adjust anything on the magazine to make it look better and unique. On this software I have also made shapes and lines, to make the magazine look more professional.

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I have also used Indesign which was probably the hardest software that I have used to make the magazine because I didn’t really use it as much as I used Adobe photo shop. Indesign didn’t allow me to copy and paste anything or gave me the option to make my own designs for this reason I had to use Adobe Photo shop and save it all on a file then insert it after on the software Indesign. This software was quiet confusing as well as I didn’t use this software before, so far I have only used it several times. In design did allow me to chose my own background and font colours and font size. It also helped me to resize any images and text.

I have also used Adobe illustrator where I have made my mast head for the magazine. This software was good to use as it had a variety of font writing that I could have used, and I have chosen the right font type for my magazine as it is a pop magazine. It was easy for me to chose because pop genre’s font type was easy to chose as it is very common today. The software allowed me to change colour and resize the text, it also had special effects where you can add effects to make the mast head look professional and very unique.

I have also used Wordpress to present all of my work it includes the whole magazine that I have made and it allows me to follow people, Wordpress also allowed me to like other people’s work and gave me the change to say my option about their work by commenting . I have also used Prezi, which I have used to present what my model can wear for my magazine , unfortunately my model did not wear exactly what I have presented in my presentation but I have at least tried my best to match it at last with the colour scheme. Prezi allowed me to present my work in many different ways, personally I thought that prezi was an great way of presenting things. I have also used Slide Share, this is a website where you upload your power points and it will present it for you. Slide Share was very easy to use and I liked using this website because it was very useful. I have also uploaded on Wordpress my Youtube clip of when I have done my group and independent interview, Youtube allowed me to speak and record my interview and present it.

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There is a massive difference with the preliminary task that I have done and with the final magazine that I have done. In my preliminary task I have only added the background and few images with a little text and I have also changed the font type an I have changed the colours to make it loo better. I didn't add any effect to the magazine, it look very simple and plain. But with the magazine that I have done know there is a huge difference, I have added so many different effects and I have edited images and added much more text then added effects on the fonts as well. Personally it think I have put so much effort on my magazine and I think that I have done so much better than my preliminary task. I the whole progression I have learnt how to match things like the feature of your magazine to the audience, I have learnt that you have to keep your colour scheme as it would make the magazine look more professional. I have also understood how to use many software that I haven't used before. I have now a larger understanding on media than I did before. The whole process of making this magazine made me think about many things like colour scheme and the model , my main focus was to aim it all to my target audience and to make the magazine look more professional.

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