Download pptx - EVALUATION #4 (PART TWO)


How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and

evaluation stages?

By Alyssa Chhotu

The platform we used in order to upload our research, construction and evaluation was Wordpress is a free website that enables users to construct their own blogs and upload their own content, this therefore offered the service that we needed for our A2 media course. On this website you are able to clearly categorise your posts and tag them in order to make them easier to find and organise your blog.

In order to upload content such as our final music video, preliminary tasks and my evaluation questions, we used YouTube. YouTube is a free platform that posts videos in our documents onto the internet, this was an easy way to upload our videos and a popular website that has been previously used to upload indie rock music videos on. In order to do this you simply have to press the upload button and then choose the document from your files. The faults I found with using YouTube was the length of time it took to upload videos.

• In order to create my first and third evaluation questions I used my iPhone 5 to film the footage. I chose my iPhone because it was convenient as I had the equipment needed in order to upload it onto my computer. It also gave me freedom when filming as I could do so as I please.

• Secondly, for my first and third evaluation questions I used Windows Live MovieMaker. I chose this as apposed to the previously used iMovie because it was a free application on my laptop and it was simple to use. It offered the option to upload the finished video straight to YouTube and also meant I could add text and photos to my answers for evidence purposes.

• Windows Live MovieMaker also has the option to cut up clips and move them together easily which meant I could make the video flow better. It also had the option to add other videos which meant I could compare my product to other ones in the chosen genre easily.

www.Prezi.comEasy to flip through the presentation

Easy ways to link, share and post the presentation onto other websites.

Prezi is another online website that allows you to create a presentation. In order to construct my second evaluation question I used it because of its ease of use. Also the reason I used this website as apposed to SlideShare is because it offers different templates that you just need to insert your own information into and you can customise your presentation by increasing the size of the slides and by adding more to fit the amount of information you have to share. In SlideShare you have to create your own presentations to then post them.

Another reason why I chose to use Prezi is because it had the option to “share” or “embed” it onto your own website. This meant I just needed to paste the code onto my Wordpress website in a text post and viewers could easily flip through it.

In order to publish my fourth evaluation question I used a website called SlideShare. SlideShare is an online service that allows the user to upload their PowerPoint Presentations onto them and then embed them into their very own websites. The reason I favoured this over websites such as Prezi was because you can add a lot more information into them and you have full control on how the presentation looks. This meant I could make a clear, however informative, presentation to express what different media technologies we used.

However, the downfall of using SlideShare was the limitation it had on the documents you could upload. Because I had a lot of slides it meant I had to section them off into three separate PowerPoint's and then upload them separately and then add them onto the Wordpress text post. This was the only con I could find of using SlideShare.
