Page 1: Evaluation of the questionnaire

Evaluation of the questionnaire

From my questionnaire I have found a lot out about what my target audience, students, want and expect from a college magazine. I questioned 10 and all of them said that the magazine should appeal to both male and female I could make this happen by thinking about the colour scheme and the type of articles included inside. The highest scoring colour is black for the colour of my pages I’m going to produce this is a natural colour appeal to both sexes however I think I’m going to add more colour as it makes it more eye catching. For the question on what they are interested in reading the scores are all fairly close so I’m going to include as many of them as I can in the magazine and also further down with the question about other articles they have given me more suggestions and I want to include them all so it’s interesting for all students. They also said that they didn’t want celebrities interviews as it doesn’t have anything to do with their college this tells me that they just want the magazine to be about them and nothing else. The question about images and what they expect has given me ideas on what to include like pictures of the college and thing link with it.

Overall the questionnaire has given me ideas on what to put on my front cover and contents page I now know that my target audience wants to relate to magazine this through pictures and articles and I plan to do this as I want so many students as I can to pick the magazine up.
