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Evaluation: Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

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• To attract and address audiences, I paid close attention to how my audience feedback came back from my questionnaire. I did this in order to follow the conventions that my target audience would want to see when purchasing a magazine.

• My questionnaire results showed me that I needed to include artists from the indie genre, I knew this because it came back as the most popular answer by a large margin. I addressed this by including artists of an indie background for my left hand third.

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• Another way in which I was able to attract my audience was through listening to what attracted them most about a front cover. The most popular answer was the model, this is why I made the image of my model so large and had him stand out very clearly from the page.

• I believe that people answered in this way because if the image of the artist doesn’t stand out then it most certainly won’t stand out on a shelf full of other music magazines.

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• In my questionnaire, I asked my audience what kind of price they would be looking to pay for a magazine. The majority of answers came back as £3-£3.99. However, as I decided to target my magazine at students, this age ranges from 16-26. These ages typically tend to be short on money most of this time. I decided to have the price of the magazine as £2.99 at its normal price, but offer a lot of money saving deals with it so that students can still buy and read about their favourite artists.

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• The demographic groups that my magazine would be aimed at would be group C1, these people would be those that work in an office environment. Also group E, which is students and the unemployed. These are my demographic groups because they fit into the price bracket the best that I spoke about in the previous slide. These groups would also be my target because they are both very social groups. Offices are typically social environments where workers are forced to interact with one another on a regular basis, this means they are able to discuss current issues, including music and artists.