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Evaluation Q2How effective is the combination of you main product and

ancillary texts?

The target audience of our media products are students ages 16,18 who are currently in education. However it would also appeal to older people maybe up to 30’s. The topic of technology would be interesting to these age groups, as this is the age groups that use technology the most especially teens. We were not targeting a specific social class, or race and we were targeting both male and females. All of our media products were aimed at this target audience so we tried to make each product go with each other. Throughout the documentary, radio advert and double page spread we kept certain elements the same to keep it consistent throughout so they all link together. For example for our double page spread we used the same font and colors which were also used in the documentary. For example the title on the double page spread was white and red. This color scheme was also used for the quote in the documentary and the title.

The article mentioned the “30 day without technology challenge” and told readers to watch the documentary to find out how he gets on, as we didn’t want to spoil the reader of how it was. This is important as it would make the reader want to watch the documentary to find out. This linked to our documentary as we included video diaries of how Sohail got on. This was also mentioned in the radio advert. This was emphasized on the double page spread quite a bit as you can with the font styles and color scheme kept the same.I would say this challenge we did is a unique selling point as its something that is interesting and engages the audience which is why we emphasized it quite a lot on all three products.




Furthermore, as Sohail was the narrator, both on screen and off on the documentary is made sense for him to speak the most in the radio advert to keep it consistent. We made the radio advert link to the documentary by using similar music. Also the script was also similar to the narration in the documentary and also had a quote from the article, for example “An experiment every teen would hate” , which was taken straight from the article. This quote was also shown next to the main image of Sohail. The reason we chose this was again because it empathizes our unique selling point.

Both the double page spread and the radio advert state the channel our documentary would be on which was BBC3. This was conventional to do, as the main purpose of the spread and radio advert was to advertise our documentary.

All the images used on our double page spread were take from our documentary. For example the main image was a screenshot of Sohail standing against a brick wall. We thought this would be ideal as we were able to put cover lines around him and other images. The smaller images were of the experts in our documentary. We also stated who they were underneath each picture, just like we did for the documentary. The other images we used was off someone on their phone which we used to break up the text for the article. This linked to our article as the picture was positioned next to the part where the article was talking about smartphones.

Taken from documentary

Double Page Spread

How effective in the combinationOverall, I think that the combination of our documentary, double page spread and radio advert is consistent and go well with each other. I think that they appeal to my target audience which are mainly students. I would say the reason why our products are effective is because they are very conventional and typical of real media products. I also think its effective because each of our productions linked to each other very well, and the purpose of each of our media productions was clear. I think the double page spread is interesting, and engages the audience and the colour scheme is simple and stands out. The radio advert purpose is clear and it and is effective as it is short, concise and simple. The documentary was linked to both of these very well, and so overall I am happy with this combination.