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  • 8/4/2019 Evensong 10-3 Texts


    Evensong, Monday of Trinity XV, October 3rd

    First Hour

    1. Josquin Desprez,In principio erat verbum [2] 908Pomerium; Alexander Blachly, director

    in principio erat Verbum et Verbum erat apud Deum et Deus erat Verbum. hoc erat in principio apud Deum.omnia per ipsum facta sunt et sine ipso factum est nihil quod factum est. in ipso vita erat et vita erat lux

    hominum. et lux in tenebris lucet et tenebrae eam non conprehenderunt. fuit homo missus a Deo cui nomen eratIohannes. hic venit in testimonium ut testimonium perhiberet de lumine ut omnes crederent per illum. non eratille lux sed ut testimonium perhiberet de lumine. erat lux vera quae inluminat omnem hominem venientem inmundum. in mundo erat et mundus per ipsum factus est et mundus eum non cognovit. in propria venit et suieum non receperunt. quotquot autem receperunt eum dedit eis potestatem filios Dei fieri his qui credunt innomine eius. qui non ex sanguinibus neque ex voluntate carnis neque ex voluntate viri sed ex Deo nati sunt. etVerbum caro factum est et habitavit in nobis et vidimus gloriam eius gloriam quasi unigeniti a Patre plenumgratiae et veritatis

    1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.2The same was in the beginning with God.3All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.4In him was life; and the life was the light of men.5And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.6There was a man sent from God, whose name [was] John.7The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all [men] through him might believe.8He was not that Light, but [was sent] to bear witness of that Light.9[That] was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.10He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.11He came unto his own, and his own received him not.12But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, [even] to them that believeon his name:13

    Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.14And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the onlybegotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

    2. Franz Josef Haydn,Die Schoepfung : Part Two I [15] [19] & II [1] [7] 36 08The Monteverdi Choir ; The English Baroque Soloists; John Eliot GardinerSylvia McNair; Michael Schade; Gerald Finley


    Nr. 14 Rezitativ


    Und Gott sprach: Es bringe das Wasser in derFlle hervor webende Geschpfe, die Lebenhaben, und Vgel, die ber der Erde fliegenmgen in dem offenen Firmamentedes Himmels.

    Nr. 15 Arie
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    Auf starkem FitticheSchwinget sich der Adler stolzUnd teilet die LuftIm schnellesten FlugeZur Sonne hin.Den Morgen grtDer Lerche frohes Lied,

    Und Liebe girrtDas zarte Taubenpaar.Aus jedem Busch und Hain erschalltDer Nachtigallen se Kehle.Noch drckte Gram nicht ihre Brust,Noch war zur Klage nicht gestimmtIhr reizender Gesang.

    Nr. 16 Rezitativ


    Und Gott schuf groe Walfische und einjedes lebende Geschpf, das sich beweget,und Gott segnete sie, sprechend:Seid fruchtbar alle, mehret euch,Bewohner der Luft, vermehret euchUnd singt auf jedem Aste!Mehret euch, ihr Flutenbewohner,Und fllet jede Tiefe!Seid fruchtbar, wachset, mehret euch,Erfreuet euch in eurem Gott!

    Nr. 17 Rezitativ


    Und die Engel rhrten ihr' unsterblichen Harfenund sangen die Wunder des fnften Tags.

    Nr. 18 Terzett


    In holder Anmut stehn,Mit jungem Grn geschmckt,

    Die wogigten Hgel da.Aus ihren Adern quilltIn flieendem KristallDer khlende Bach hervor.


    In frohen Kreisen schwebt,Sich wiegend in der Luft,Der munteren Vgel Schar.Den bunten Federglanz

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    Erhht im WechselflugDas goldene Sonnenlicht.


    Das helle Na durchblitztDer Fisch und windet sichIm steten Gewhl umher.Vom tiefsten Meeresgrund

    Wlzet sich LeviathanAuf schumender Well' empor.


    Wie viel sind deiner Werk', o Gott!Wer fasset ihre Zahl?Wer, o Gott! Wer fasset ihre Zahl?

    Nr. 19 Chor mit Soli


    Der Herr ist gro in seiner Macht,Und ewig bleibt sein Ruhm.

    Nr. 20 Rezitativ


    Und Gott sprach: Es bringe die Erde hervorlebende Geschpfe nach ihrer Art: Vieh undkrichendes Gewrm und Tiere der Erde nachihren Gattungen.

    Nr. 21 Rezitativ


    Gleich ffnet sich der Erde SchoUnd sie gebiert auf Gottes WortGeschpfe jeder Art,In vollem Wuchs und ohne Zahl.Vor Freude brllend steht der Lwe da.Hier schiet der gelenkige Tiger empor.Das zackige Haupt erhebt der schnelle Hirsch.Mit fliegender Mhne springt und wieh'rt

    Voll Mut und Kraft das edle Ro.Auf grnen Matten weidet schonDas Rind, in Herden abgeteilt.Die Triften deckt, als wie gest,Das wollenreiche, sanfte Schaf.Wie Staub verbreitet sichIn Schwarm und WirbelDas Heer der Insekten.In langen Zgen kriechtAm Boden das Gewrm.

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    Nr. 22 Arie


    Nun scheint in vollem Glanze der Himmel,Nun prangt in ihrem Schmucke die Erde.Die Luft erfllt das leichte Gefieder,Das Wasser schwellt der Fische Gewimmel,Den Boden drckt der Tiere Last.

    Doch war noch alles nicht vollbracht.Dem ganzen fehlte das Geschpf,Das Gottes Werke dankbar sehn,Des Herren Gte preisen soll.

    Nr. 23 Rezitativ


    Und Gott schuf den Menschen nach seinemEbenbilde, nach dem Ebenbilde Gottes schuf erihn. Mann und Weib erschuf er sie. Den Atem des

    Lebens hauchte er in sein Angesicht, und derMensch wurde zur lebendigen Seele.

    Nr. 24 Arie


    Mit Wrd' und Hoheit angetan,Mit Schnheit, Strk' und Mut begabt,Gen Himmel aufgerichtet steht der Mensch,Ein Mann und Knig der Natur.Die breit gewlbt' erhabne Stirn

    Verknd't der Weisheit tiefen Sinn,Und aus dem hellen Blicke strahltDer Geist, des Schpfers Hauch und Ebenbild.An seinen Busen schmieget sichFr ihn, aus ihm geformt,Die Gattin, hold und anmutsvoll.In froher Unschuld lchelt sie,Des Frhlings reizend Bild,Ihm Liebe, Glck und Wonne zu.

    Nr. 25 Rezitativ


    Und Gott sah jedes Ding, was er gemacht hatte;und es war sehr gut. Und der himmlische Chorfeierte das Ende des sechsten Tages mit lautemGesang:

    Nr. 26 Chor


    Vollendet ist das groe Werk,

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    Der Schpfer sieht's und freuet sich.Auch unsre Freund' erschalle laut,Des Herren Lob sei unser Lied!

    Nr. 27 Terzett


    Zu dir, o Herr, blickt alles auf.

    Um Speise fleht dich alles an.Du ffnest deine Hand,Gesttigt werden sie.


    Du wendest ab dein Angesicht,Da bebet alles und erstarrt.Du nimmst den Odem weg,In Staub zerfallen sie.


    Den Odem hauchst du wieder aus,Und neues Leben sprot hervor.Verjngt ist die Gestalt der Erd'An Reiz und Kraft.

    Nr. 28 Chor


    Vollendet ist das groe Werk,Des Herren Lob sei unser Lied!Alles lobe seinen Namen,

    Denn er allein ist hoch erhaben!Alleluja! Alleluja!



    Recitative (Gabriel)(Genesis: Chapter 1, verse 20)

    And God said: Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl, that may flyabove the earth in the open firmament of heaven.

    ^ Aria (Gabriel)On mighty pens uplifted soars the eagle aloft, and cleaves the air in swiftest flight to the blazing sun. His

    welcome bids to morn the merry lark, and cooing, calls the tender dove his mate. From evry bush and groveresound the nightingales delightful notes. No grief affected yet her breast, nor to a mournful tale were tundher soft enchanting lays.

    &Recitative (Raphael)(Genesis: Chapter 1, from verses 21 and 23)

    And God created great whales, and evry living creature that moveth. And God blessed them, saying: Befruitful all, and multiply! Ye winged tribes, be mulitplyd and sing on evry tree! Multiply, ye finny tribes,and fill each watry deep! Be fruitful, grow, and multiply! And in your God and Lord rejoice!

    * Recitative (Raphael)And the angels struck their immortal harps and the wonders of the fifth day sung.

    ( Terzetto (Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael)

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    GABRIELMost beautiful appear, with verdure young adornd, the gently sloping hills. Their narrow sinuous veins distillin crystal drops the fountain fresh and bright.URIELIn lofty circles play and hover thro the sky the cheerful host of birds. And in the flying whirl, the glittringplumes are died, as rainbows, by the sun.RAPHAELSee flashing thro the wet in thronged swarms the fry on thousand ways around.

    Upheaved from the deep, th immense Leviathan sports on the foaming wave.GABRIEL, URIEL, RAPHAELHow many are thy works, O God?Who may their numbers tell? Who, O God?Trio (Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael and Chorus)GABRIEL, URIEL, RAPHAELThe Lord is great and great his might.His glory lasts for ever and evermore.CHORUSThe Lord is great and great his might.His glory lasts for ever and evermore.

    CD 2


    Recitative (Raphael)(Genesis: Chapter 1, verse 24)

    And God said: Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind; cattle and creeping thing, and beastsof the earth after their kind.

    2Recitative (Raphael)Straight opening her fertile womb, the earth obeyd the word, and teemd creatures numberless, in perfectforms and fully grown.Cheerful, roaring, stands the tawny lion. In sudden leaps the flexible tiger appears. Thenimble stag bears up his branching head. With flying mane and fiery look, impatient neighs the sprightly steed

    The cattle in herds already seeks his food on fields and meadows green. And oer the ground, as plants, arespread the fleecy, meek and bleating flock. Unnumberd as the sands in whirls arose the host of insects. In longdimension creeps with sinuous trace the worm.

    3Aria (Raphael)Now heavn in fullest glory shone; earth smiles in all her rich attire. The room of air with fowl is filld; thewater swelld by shoals of fish; by heavy beasts the ground is trod. But all the work was not complete. Therewanted yet that wondrous being, that grateful should Gods powr admire, with heart and voice his goodnesspraise.4Recitative (Uriel)(Genesis: Chapter 1, verse 27; Chapter 2, verse 7, last line)

    And God created man in his own image. In the image of God created he him.

    Male and female created he them. He breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a livingsoul.5Aria (Uriel)In native worth and honor clad, with beauty, courage, strength adornd, to heavn erect and tall, he stands aman, the Lord and King of nature all.The large and arched front sublime of wisdom deep declares the seat. And in his eyes with brightness shinesthe soul, the breath and image of his God. With fondness leans upon his breast a partner for him formd, awoman fair and graceful spouse. Her softly smiling virgin looks, of flowry spring the mirror, bespeak himlove, and joy, and bliss.

    6Recitative (Raphael)(Genesis: Chapter 1, from verse 31)

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    And God saw evry thing that he had made; and behold, it was very good; and the heavenly choir in songdivine thus closed the sixth day.

    7ChorusAchieved is the glorious work; the Lord beholds it and is pleasd. In lofty strains let us rejoice! Our song let bethe praise of God.Terzetto (Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael)GABRIEL, URIELOn thee each living soul awaits;

    from thee, O Lord, they beg their meat.Thou openest thy hand, and sated all they are.RAPHAELBut as to them thy face is hid, with sudden terror they are struck. Thou takst their breath away; they vanishinto dust.GABRIEL, URIEL, RAPHAELThou lettst thy breath go forth again, and life with vigor fresh returns.Revived earth unfolds new force and new delights.Chorus

    Achieved is the glorious work. Our song let be the praise of God. Glory to his name forever; he sole on highexalted reigns, alleluia.

    3. Dieterich Buxtehude, Mit Fried und Freud ich fahr dahin, BuxWv 75 [13] [17] 747Julia Brown, organ

    Second Hour

    1. Ewald Hintz,Allein zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ [4] 443Wolfgang Baumgratz on the hillebrand organ in the Bazylika Mariacka, Gdansk

    2. Maurice Ravel, Chansons madecasses (Madagascan Songs) [1] [3] 1443

    Magdalena Kozena, mezzo-soprano; Malcolm Martineau, pianoPaul Edmund-Davies, flute; Cristoph Henschel, violin; Jiri Barta, cello1. NahandoveNahandove, belle Nahandove!L'oiseau nocturne a commenc ses cris,la pleine lune brille sur ma tte,et la rose naissante humecte mes cheveux.Voici l'heure: qui peut t'arrter,Nahahndove, belle Nahandove!

    Le lit de feuilles est prpar;

    je l'ai parsem de fleurs et d'herbes odorifrantes;il est digne de tes charmes.Nahandove, belle Nahandove!

    Elle vient. J'ai reconnu la respirationprcipite que donne une marche rapide;j'entends le froissement de la pagne qui l'enveloppe;c'est elle, c'est Nahandove, la belle Nahandove!

    Reprends haleine, ma jeune amie;repose-toi sur mes genoux.

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    Que ton regard est enchanteur!Que le mouvement de ton sein est vif et dlicieuxsous la main qui le presse!Tu souris, Nahandove, belle Nahandove!

    Tes baisers pntrent jusqu' l'me;tes caresses brlent tous mes sens;arrte, ou je vais mourir.

    Meurt-on de volupt,Nahandove, belle Nahandove?

    Le plaisir passe comme un clair.Ta douce haleine s'affaiblit,tes yeux humides se referment,ta tte se penche mollement,et tes transports s'teignent dans la langueur.Jamais tu ne fus si belle,Nahandove, belle Nahandove! [...]

    Tu pars, et je vais languir dans les regrets et les dsirs.Je languirai jusqu'au soir.Tu reviendras ce soir,Nahandove, belle Nahandove!

    Nahandove, oh beautiful Nahandove!The night bird has begun to sing,the full moon shines overhead,and the first dew is moistening my hair.Now is the time: who can be delaying you?Oh beautiful Nahandove!

    The bed of leaves is ready;I have strewn flowers and aromatic herbs;it is worthy of your charms,oh beautiful Nahandove!

    She is coming. I recognise the rapid breathingof someone walking quickly;I hear the rustle of her skirt.It is she, it is the beautiful Nahandove!

    Catch your breath, my young sweetheart;rest on my lap.How enchanting your gaze is,how lively and delightful the motion of your breastas my hand presses it!You smile, oh beautiful Nahandove!

    Your kisses reach into my soul;your caresses burn all my senses.Stop or I will die!Can one die of ecstasy?

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    Oh beautiful Nahandove!

    Pleasure passes like lightning;your sweet breathing becomes calmer,your moist eyes close again,your head droops,and your raptures fade into weariness.Never were you so beautiful,

    oh beautiful Nahandove!

    Now you are leaving, and I will languish in sadness and desires.I will languish until sunset.You will return this evening,oh beautiful Nahandove!

    2. Aoua![Mfiez-vous]1 des blancs,habitants du rivage.Du temps de nos pres,

    des blancs descendirent dans cette le ;on leur dit: Voil des terres,que vos femmes les cultivent.Soyez justes, soyez bons,et devenez nos frres.

    Les blancs promirent, et cependantils faisaient des retranchements.Un fort menaant s'leva ;le tonnerre fut renfermdans des bouches d'airain ;

    leurs prtres voulurent nous donnerun Dieu que nous ne connaissons pas ;ils parlrent enfind'obissance et d'esclavage:Plutt la mort !Le carnage fut long et terrible ;mais, malgr la foudre qu'ils vormissaient,et qui crasait des armes entires,ils furent tous extermins.[Mfiez-vous]1 des blancs!

    Nous avons vu de nouveaux tyrans,plus forts et plus nombreaux,planter leur pavillon sur le rivage:le ciel a combattu pour nous;il a fait tomber sur eux les pluies,les temptes et les vents empoisonns.Ils ne sont plus, et nous vivons libres.[Mfiez-vous]1 des blancs,habitants du rivage.

    Awa! Awa! Do not trust the white men,

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    you shore-dwellers!In our fathers' day,white men came to this island."Here is some land," they were told,"your women may cultivate it.Be just, be kind,and become our brothers."

    The whites promised, and all the whilethey were making entrenchments.They built a menacing fort,and they held thunder captivein brass cannon;their priests tried to give usa God we did not know;and later they spokeof obedience and slavery.Death would be preferable!The carnage was long and terrible;

    but despite their vomiting thunderwhich crushed whole armies,they were all wiped out.Awa! Awa! Do not trust the white men!

    We saw new tyrants,stronger and more numerous,pitching tents on the shore.Heaven fought for us.It caused rain, tempestsand poison winds to fall on them.

    They are dead, and we live free!Awa! Awa! Do not trust the white men,you shore-dwellers!

    3. Il est douxIl est doux de se coucher, durant la chaleur, sous un arbre touffu, etd'attendre que le vent du soir amme la fracheur.

    Femmes, approchez. Tandis que je me repose ici sous un arbre touffu, occupezmon oreille par vos accents prolongs. Rptez la chansonde la jeune fille, lorsque ses doigts tressent la natte ou lorsqu'assise

    auprs du riz, elle chasse les oiseaux avides.

    Le chant plat mon me. La danse est pour moi presqueaussi douce qu'un baiser. Que vos pas soient lents; qu'ils imitent lesattitudes du plaisir et l'abandon de la volupt.

    Le vent du soir se lve; la lune commence briller au traversdes arbres de la montagne. Allez, et prparez le repas.

    It is sweet in the hot afternoon to lie under a leafy tree and waitfor the evening breeze to bring coolness.

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    Come, women! While I rest here under a leafy tree, fill my ears withyour sustained tones. Sing again the song of the girl plaiting her hair,or the girl sitting near the ricefield chasing away the greedy birds.

    Singing pleases my soul; and dancing is nearly as sweet as a kiss.Tread slowly, and make your steps suggest the postures of pleasure andecstatic abandonment.

    The breeze is starting to blow; the moon glistens through the mountaintrees. Go and prepare the evening meal.

    3. Josef Gabriel Rheinberger, Motets, Op. 133 [1] [3] 943Laudate Dominum; Meditabor; Anima NostraGloria Dei Cantores; Elizabeth C. Patterson, conductor

    Laudate Dominum, quia benignus est.Psallite nomini ejus, quoniam suavis est.Omnia quaecumque voluit,

    fecit in coelo et in terra.

    Praise the Lord, for He is good.Sing praises to His name, for it is sweet.Whatsoever the Lord pleased,

    that did he in heaven and in earth.

    Meditabor in mandatis tuis quae dilexi valde:Et levabo manus meas ad mandata tua.

    I will meditate on your commandments which I have greatly loved;

    and I will lift up my hands to your commandments.

    Anima nostra, sicut passer, erepta est de laqueo venantium.Laqueus contritus est, et nos liberati sumus.Adjutorium nostrum in nomine Domini,Qui fecit in coelum et terram, Alleluia.

    Our soul is snatched like a sparrow from the snare of the hunters.The snare is broke and we are delivered.Our help is in the name of the Lord, who has made heaven and earth.

    4. J.S. Bach, Meine Seele erhebt den Herren BWV 648 [11] 245Hans Fagius, organ

    5. Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy,Hymn: Hoer mein Bitten, Herr [12] 1030La Chapelle Royale de Paris, collegium Vocale de GandJohan Huys, organ; Philippe Herreweghe

    Hear my prayer, O God, incline Thine ear!Thyself from my petition do not hide.Take heed to me! Hear how in prayer I mourn toThee,

    Hr mein Bitten, Herr, neige dich zu mir,auf deines Kindes Stimme habe acht! Ich bin allein;wer wird mein Trster und Helfer sein?Ich irre den Pfad in dunkler Nacht!

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    Without Thee all is dark, I have no guide.The enemy shouteth, The godless come fast!Iniquity, hatred, upon me they cast!The wicked oppress me, Ah where shall I fly?Perplexed and bewildered, O God, hear my cry!My heart is sorely pained, within my breast,my soul with deathly terror is oppressed,trembling and fearfulness upon me fall,

    with horror overwhelmed, Lord, hear me call,

    O for the wings, for the wings of a dove!Far away, far away would I rove!In the wilderness build me a nest,and remain there for ever at rest.

    Die Feinde sie drohen und heben ihr Haupt:"Wo ist nun der Retter, an den wir geglaubt?"Sie lstern sie tglich, sie stellen uns nachund halten die Frommen in Knechtschaft undSchmach.Mich fasst des Todes Furcht bei ihrem Dru'n.Sie sind unzhlige - Gott, hr mein Fleh'n!Herr, kmpfe du fr mich. Gott hr mein Fleh'n.

    O, knnt' ich fliegen wie Tauben dahin,weit hinweg von den Feinden zu flieh'n,in die Welt eilt' ich fort,fnde Ruh an schattigem Ort.

    O knnt' ich fliegen wie Tauben dahin,Weit hinweg vor dem Feinde zu fliehen!In die Wste eilt ich dann fort,Fnde Ruhe am schttigen Ort.

    6. Johannes Brahms, Gesang der Parzen [5] 1140San Francisco Symphony and Symphony Chorus; Herbert Blomstedt

    Es frchte die GtterDas Menschengeschlecht!Sie halten die HerrschaftIn ewigen Hnden,Und knnen sie brauchen,Wie's ihnen gefllt.

    Der frchte sie doppeltDen je sie erheben!Auf Klippen und WolkenSind Sthle bereitetUm goldene Tische.

    Erhebet ein Zwist sich,So strzen die Gste,Geschmht und geschndetIn nchtliche Tiefen,Und harren vergebens,

    Im Finstern gebunden,Gerechten Gerichtes.

    Sie aber, sie bleibenIn ewigen FestenAn goldenen Tischen.Sie schreiten vom BergeZu Bergen hinber:Aus Schlnden der TiefeDampft ihnen der AtemErstickter Titanen,

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    Gleich Opfergerchen,Ein leichtes Gewlke.

    Es wenden die HerrscherIhr segnendes AugeVon ganzen GeschlechternUnd meiden, im EnkelDie ehmals geliebten,

    Still redenden ZgeDes Ahnherrn zu sehn.

    So sangen die Parzen;Es horcht der Verbannte,In nchtlichen HhlenDer Alte die Lieder,Denkt Kinder und EnkelUnd schttelt das Haupt.

    Let the race of mankind

    fear the gods!For they hold dominionover them in their eternal hands,and can demandwhat they please of us.Doubly so should those fear themwho have been exalted by them!On cliffs and cloudsstools stand readyaround golden tables.

    If a dispute arises,the guests are pitched down,abused and shamed,into the deep dark of night;and they wait futilely,bound in the dark,for justice to be served.

    But they [the gods] remainat their eternal feast

    at the golden tables.They step from mountainto mountain, up above:from the abysses of the deepsteams the breathof suffocating Titans,like a burnt offering,a light mist.The rulers turn awaytheir blessed eyes

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    from entire races of people,shunning the sight in their descendantsof those formerly beloved andsilently-speaking featuresof our ancestors.So sang the Fates;the banished one listens

    in his night-dark lairto the songs of the ancient ones,thinks of his children and grandchildrenand shakes his head.

    Third Hour

    1. Franz Schubert,Die schoene Muellerin (11-20) [11] [20] 3056Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau; Gerald Moore

    11. Mein!

    Bchlein, la dein Rauschen sein!Rder, stellt euer Brausen ein!All ihr muntern Waldvgelein,Gro und klein,Endet eure Melodein!Durch den HainAus und einSchalle heut ein Reim allein:Die geliebte Mllerin ist mein!Mein!Frhling, sind das alle deine Blmelein?

    Sonne, hast du keinen hellern Schein?Ach, so mu ich ganz alleinMit dem seligen Worte meinUnverstanden in der weiten Schpfung sein!

    Little brook, let your gushing be!Wheels, cease your roaring!All you merry woodbirds,Large and small,End your melodies!Through the grove,

    Out and in,Let only one song be heard today:The beloved millermaid is mine!Mine!Spring, are all of those your flowers?Sun, have you no brighter shine?Ah, so I must be all aloneWith my blissful word,incomprehensible to all of Creation!

    12. Pause

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    Meine Laute hab ich gehngt an die Wand,Hab sie umschlungen mit einem grnen Band -Ich kann nicht mehr singen, mein Herz ist zu voll,Wei nicht, wie ich's in Reime zwingen soll.

    Meiner Sehnsucht allerheiesten SchmerzDurft ich aushauchen in Liederscherz,Und wie ich klagte so s und fein,

    [Meint']1 ich doch, mein Leiden wr' nicht klein.

    Ei, wie gro ist wohl meines Glckes Last,Da kein Klang auf Erden es in sich fat?

    Nun, liebe Laute, ruh an dem Nagel hier!Und weht ein Lftchen ber die Saiten dir,Und streift eine Biene mit ihren Flgeln dich,Da wird [mir]2 bange, und es durchschauert mich.

    Warum lie ich das Band auch hngen so lang?

    Oft fliegt's um die Saiten mit seufzendem Klang.Ist es der Nachklang meiner Liebespein?Soll es das Vorspiel neuer Lieder sein?

    Song Cycle by Franz Peter Schubert (1797-1828)

    Original language: Die schne Mllerin

    1. Wandering

    Language: English


    Translation from German to English copyright by Emily Ezust,

    Based ona text in German by Wilhelm Mller (1794-1827) , "Wanderschaft", from Gedichte aus den

    hinterlassenen Papieren eines reisenden Waldhornisten 1, inDie schne Mllerin, no. 2 DUTCATITAFRESPAKOR

    Wandering is the miller's joy,Wandering!He must be a miserable miller,Who never likes to wander.Wandering!

    We've learned this from the water,From the water!It does not rest by day or night,It's always thinking of its journey,The water.
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    We see this also with the wheels,With the wheels!They don't like to stand still,And turn all day without tiring.With the wheels.

    The stones themselves, heavy though they are,

    The stones!They join in the cheerful dance,And want to go yet faster.The stones!

    Oh, wandering, wandering, my joy,Oh, wandering!Oh, Master and Mistress,Let me continue in peace,And wander!

    2. Where to?

    Language: English


    Translation from German to English copyright by Emily Ezust,

    Based ona text in German by Wilhelm Mller (1794-1827) , "Wohin?", from Gedichte aus den hinterlassenen

    Papieren eines reisenden Waldhornisten 1, inDie schne Mllerin, no. 3 DUTCATITAFRESPAKORSee othersettings of this text

    I hear a brooklet rushingRight out of the rock's spring,Down there to the valley it rushes,So fresh and wondrously bright..

    I know not, how I felt this,Nor did I know who gave me advice;

    I must go downWith my wanderer's staff.

    Down and always farther,And always the brook follows after;And always rushing crisply,And always bright is the brook.

    Is this then my road?O, brooklet, speak! where to?
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    You have with your rushingEntirely intoxicated my senses.

    But why do I speak of rushing?That can't really be rushing:Perhaps the water-nymphsare singing rounds down there in the deep.

    Let it sing, my friend, let it rush,And wander joyously after!Mill-wheels turnIn each clear brook.

    3. Halt!

    Language: English


    Translation from German to English copyright by Emily Ezust,

    Based ona text in German by Wilhelm Mller (1794-1827) , "Halt!", from Gedichte aus den hinterlassenen

    Papieren eines reisenden Waldhornisten 1, inDie schne Mllerin, no. 4 DUTCATITAFRESPAKOR

    I see a mill lookingOut from the alders;Through the roaring and singing

    Bursts the clatter of wheels.

    Hey, welcome, welcome!Sweet mill-song!And the house, so comfortable!And the windows, how clean!

    And the sun, how brightlyit shines from Heaven!Hey, brooklet, dear brook,Was this, then, what you meant?

    4. Giving Thanks to the Brook

    Language: English


    Translation from German to English copyright by Emily Ezust,

    Based on
  • 8/4/2019 Evensong 10-3 Texts


    a text in German by Wilhelm Mller (1794-1827) , "Danksagung an den Bach", from Gedichte ausden hinterlassenen Papieren eines reisenden Waldhornisten 1, inDie schne Mllerin, no. 5 DUTCATITAFRESPAKOR

    Was this, then, what you meant,My rushing friend?Your singing and your ringing?Was this what you meant?

    To the Millermaid!it seems to say...Have I understood?To the Millermaid!

    Has she sent you?Or am I deluding myself?I would like to know,Whether she has sent you.

    Now, however it may be,I commit myself!What I sought, I have found.However it may be.

    After work I ask,Now have I enoughfor my hands and my heart?Completely enough!

    5. On the restful evening

    Language: English


    Translation from German to English copyright by Emily Ezust,

    Based ona text in German by Wilhelm Mller (1794-1827) , "Am Feierabend", from Gedichte aus den

    hinterlassenen Papieren eines reisenden Waldhornisten 1, inDie schne Mllerin, no. 6 NORDUT


    If only I had a thousandarms to move!I could loudlydrive the wheels!I could blowThrough all the groves!I could turnAll the stones!If only the beautiful Millermaid
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    Would notice my faithful thoughts!

    Ah, why is my arm so weak?What I lift, what I carry,What I cut, what I beat,Every lad does it just as well as I do.And there I sit in the great gathering,In the quiet, cool hour of rest,

    And the master speaks to us all:Your work has pleased me;And the lovely maiden says"Good night" to everyone.

    6. Curiosity

    Language: English


    Translation from German to English copyright by Emily Ezust,

    Based ona text in German by Wilhelm Mller (1794-1827) , "Der Neugierige", from Gedichte aus den

    hinterlassenen Papieren eines reisenden Waldhornisten 1, inDie schne Mllerin, no. 7 DUTCATITAFRESPAKOR

    I ask no flower,I ask no star;None of them can tell me,

    What I so eagerly want to know.

    I am surely not a gardener,The stars stand too high;My brooklet will I ask,Whether my heart has lied to me.

    O brooklet of my love,Why are you so quiet today?I want to know just one thing -One little word again and again.

    The one little word is "Yes";The other is "No",Both these little wordsMake up the entire world to me.

    O brooklet of my love,Why are you so strange?I'll surely not repeat it;Tell me, o brooklet, does she love me?
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    7. Impatience

    Language: English


    Translation from German to English copyright by Emily Ezust,

    Based ona text in German by Wilhelm Mller (1794-1827) , "Ungeduld", from Gedichte aus den hinterlassenenPapieren eines reisenden Waldhornisten 1, inDie schne Mllerin, no. 9 DUTCATITAFREHEBSPAKOR

    I would carve it fondly in the bark of trees,I would chisel it eagerly into each pebble,I would like to sow it upon each fresh flower-bedWith water-cress seeds, which it would quickly disclose;Upon each white piece of paper would I write:Yours is my heart and so shall it remain forever.

    I would like to raise a young starling,Until he speaks to me in words pure and clear,Until he speaks to me with my mouth's sound,With my heart's full, warm urge;Then he would sing brightly through her windowpanes:Yours is my heart and so shall it remain forever!

    I would like to breath it into the morning breezes,I would like to whisper it through the active grove;Oh, if only it would shine from each flower-star!

    Would it only carry the scent to her from near and far!You waves, could you nothing but wheels drive?Yours is my heart, and so shall it remain forever.

    I thought, it must be visible in my eyes,On my cheeks it must be seen that it burns;It must be readable on my mute lips,Every breath would make it loudly known to her,And yet she notices nothing of all my yearning feelings.Yours is my heart, and so shall it remain forever.

    8. Morning Greetings

    Language: English


    Translation from German to English copyright by Emily Ezust,

    Based on
  • 8/4/2019 Evensong 10-3 Texts


    a text in German by Wilhelm Mller (1794-1827) , "Morgengru", from Gedichte aus denhinterlassenen Papieren eines reisenden Waldhornisten 1, inDie schne Mllerin, no. 10 DUTCATITAFRESPAKOR

    Good morning, beautiful millermaid!Why do you so promptly turn your little head,As if something has happened to you?Do you dislike my greetings so profoundly?

    Does my glance disturb you so much?Then I must go on again.

    O let me only stand from afar,Watching your dear window,From afar, from quite far away!Your blonde little head, come out!Come out from your round gate,You blue morning stars!

    You slumber-drunk little eyes,

    You flowers, troubled with dew,Why do you shy from the sun?Has night been so good to youThat you close and bow and weepfor her quiet joy?

    Now shake off the gauze of dreamsAnd rise, fresh and freein God's bright morning!The lark warbles in the sky;And from the heart's depths,

    Love calls away suffering and worries.

    9. The miller's flowers

    Language: English


    Translation from German to English copyright by Emily Ezust,

    Based ona text in German by Wilhelm Mller (1794-1827) , "Des Mllers Blumen", fromGedichte aus denhinterlassenen Papieren eines reisenden Waldhornisten 1, inDie schne Mllerin, no. 11 DUTCATITAFRESPAKOR

    By the brook, many small flowers stand;Out of bright blue eyes they look;The brook - it is the miller's friend, -And light blue shine my darling's eyes;therefor, these are my flowers.
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    Right under her little window,There will I plant these flowers,There will you call to her when everything is quiet,When her head leans to slumber,You know what I intend you to say!

    And when she closes her little eyes,And sleeps in sweet sweet rest,

    Then whisper, like a dreamy vision:Forget, forget me not!That is what I mean.

    And early in the morning, when she opens the shutters up,then look up with a loving gaze:The dew in your little eyesshall be my tears,which I will shed upon you.

    10. Rain of Tears

    Language: English


    Translation from German to English copyright by Emily Ezust,

    Based ona text in German by Wilhelm Mller (1794-1827) , "Thrnenregen", from Gedichte aus den

    hinterlassenen Papieren eines reisenden Waldhornisten 1, inDie schne Mllerin, no. 12 DUTCAT


    We sat so comfortably togetherUnder the cool roof of alders,We gazed so quietly togetherDown into the murmuring brook.

    The moon was already out,The stars after her,And we gazed so quietly togetherIn the silver mirror there.

    I sought to see no moon,Nor the star's shine;I looked only at her image,At her eyes alone.

    And I saw her reflection nod and gazeUp from the blissful brook,The flowerlets on the bank, the blue ones,They nodded and gazed right back.
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    And into the brook seemed sunkenThe entire heavens;And seemed to want to pull me underInto its depths as well.

    And over the clouds and stars,There murmured the brookAnd called with singing and ringing:

    Fellow, follow me!

    Then my eyes filled with tears,And made the mirror ripple:She spoke: "The rain comes,Farewell, I am going home."

    11. Mine!

    Language: English


    Translation from German to English copyright by Emily Ezust,

    Based ona text in German by Wilhelm Mller (1794-1827) , "Mein!", from Gedichte aus den hinterlassenen

    Papieren eines reisenden Waldhornisten 1, inDie schne Mllerin, no. 13 DUTCATITAFRESPAKOR

    Little brook, let your gushing be!

    Wheels, cease your roaring!All you merry woodbirds,Large and small,End your melodies!Through the grove,Out and in,Let only one song be heard today:The beloved millermaid is mine!Mine!Spring, are all of those your flowers?Sun, have you no brighter shine?

    Ah, so I must be all aloneWith my blissful word,incomprehensible to all of Creation!

    12. Pause

    Language: English

  • 8/4/2019 Evensong 10-3 Texts


    Translation from German to English copyright by Emily Ezust,

    Based ona text in German by Wilhelm Mller (1794-1827) , "Pause", from Gedichte aus den hinterlassenen

    Papieren eines reisenden Waldhornisten 1, inDie schne Mllerin, no. 14 DUTCATITAFRESPAKOR

    My lute I've hung upon the wall,I've tied it there with a green band;I can sing no more, my heart is too full.I know not how to compel the rhymes.

    The hot pain of my yearningI once could exhale in jesting songs;And when I complained, so sweet and fine,It seemed to me my sorrows weren't small.

    Ah, but how great is my joy's weight,That no sound on earth can hold it?

    Now, dear lute, rest on this nail here!And if a breeze flutters over your strings,And if a bee grazes you with its wings,It makes me anxious and I shudder through and through.

    Oh, why have I left that ribbon hanging there so long?Often it stirs the strings with a sighing sound.Is it the echo of my lovelorn pining?Shall it be the prologue to new songs?

    13. With the Green Lute Ribbon

    Song Cycle by Franz Peter Schubert (1797-1828)

    English translation: The fair miller-maidSpanish translation: La bella molineraDutch translation: De mooie molenaarsterItalian translation: La bella molinaraFrench translation: La belle meunireCatalan translation: La bella molineraKorean translation:

    1. Das Wandern

    Language: GermanTranslation(s): ENGSPADUTITAENGITAFRECATKORAuthorship

    by Wilhelm Mller (1794-1827) , "Wanderschaft", from Gedichte aus den hinterlassenen Papiereneines reisenden Waldhornisten 1, inDie schne Mllerin, no. 2

    See othersettings of this text
  • 8/4/2019 Evensong 10-3 Texts


    Available translations, adaptations, and transliterations (if applicable):

    ENGEnglish (Emily Ezust) , "Wandering", copyright SPASpanish (Pilar Lirio) (Uta Weber) , "Caminar", copyright 1997, (re)printed on this website

    with kind permissionDUT Dutch [singable] (Lau Kanen) , "Het trekken", copyright 2005, (re)printed on this website

    with kind permissionITA Italian [singable] (Ferdinando Albeggiani) , "Girovagare", copyright 2005, (re)printed on this

    website with kind permissionENGEnglish [singable] (Bertram Kottmann) , copyright 2005, (re)printed on this website withkind permission

    ITA Italian (Amelia Maria Imbarrato) , "Andare in giro", copyright 2005, (re)printed on thiswebsite with kind permission

    FREFrench (Guy Laffaille) , "Voyager", copyright 2008, (re)printed on this website with kindpermission

    CAT Catalan (Salvador Pila) , "Caminar", copyright 2010, (re)printed on this website with kindpermission

    KORKorean [singable] (Myung-Kew Kwack) , "", copyright 2011, (re)printed on thiswebsite with kind permission

    Das Wandern ist des Mllers Lust,Das Wandern!Das mu ein schlechter Mller sein,Dem niemals fiel das Wandern ein,Das Wandern.

    Vom Wasser haben wir's gelernt,Vom Wasser!Das hat nicht Rast bei Tag und Nacht,Ist stets auf Wanderschaft bedacht,Das Wasser.

    Das sehn wir auch den Rdern ab,Den Rdern!Die gar nicht gerne stille stehn,Die sich mein Tag nicht mde drehn,Die Rder.

    Die Steine selbst, so schwer sie sind,Die Steine!Sie tanzen mit den muntern ReihnUnd wollen gar noch schneller sein,Die Steine.

    O Wandern, Wandern, meine Lust,O Wandern!Herr Meister und Frau Meisterin,Lat mich in Frieden weiterziehnUnd wandern.

    2. Wohin?
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    Language: GermanTranslation(s): ENGSPAENGDUTITAFRECATKORAuthorship

    by Wilhelm Mller (1794-1827) , "Wohin?", from Gedichte aus den hinterlassenen Papieren einesreisenden Waldhornisten 1, inDie schne Mllerin, no. 3

    See othersettings of this text

    Available translations, adaptations, and transliterations (if applicable):

    ENGEnglish (Emily Ezust) , "Where to?", copyright SPASpanish (Pilar Lirio) (Uta Weber) , "A dnde?", copyright 1997, (re)printed on this website

    with kind permissionDUT Dutch [singable] (Lau Kanen) , "Waarheen?", copyright 2005, (re)printed on this website

    with kind permissionITA Italian (Amelia Maria Imbarrato) , "Verso dove?", copyright 2005, (re)printed on this website

    with kind permissionFREFrench (Guy Laffaille) , "Vers o ?", copyright 2008, (re)printed on this website with kind

    permissionCAT Catalan (Salvador Pila) , "Cap on?", copyright 2010, (re)printed on this website with kind

    permissionKORKorean [singable] (Myung-Kew Kwack) , "?", copyright 2011, (re)printed on

    this website with kind permission

    Ich hrt' ein Bchlein rauschenWohl aus dem Felsenquell,Hinab zum Tale rauschenSo frisch und wunderhell.

    Ich wei nicht, wie mir wurde,Nicht, wer den Rat mir gab,Ich mute [gleich]1 hinunterMit meinem Wanderstab.

    Hinunter und immer weiterUnd immer dem Bache nach,Und immer frischer rauschteUnd immer heller der Bach.

    Ist das denn meine Strae?O Bchlein, sprich, wohin?Du hast mit deinem RauschenMir ganz berauscht den Sinn.

    Was sag ich denn [von]2 Rauschen?Das kann kein Rauschen sein:Es singen wohl die Nixen[Dort]3 unten ihren Reihn.

    La singen, Gesell, la rauschenUnd wandre frhlich nach!Es gehn ja MhlenrderIn jedem klaren Bach.
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    View text without footnotes1 Schubert: "auch"2 Schubert: "vom"3 Schubert: "Tief"

    3. Halt!

    Language: GermanTranslation(s): ENGSPADUTITAFRECATKORAuthorship

    by Wilhelm Mller (1794-1827) , "Halt!", from Gedichte aus den hinterlassenen Papieren einesreisenden Waldhornisten 1, inDie schne Mllerin, no. 4

    Available translations, adaptations, and transliterations (if applicable):

    ENGEnglish (Emily Ezust) , "Halt!", copyright SPASpanish (Pilar Lirio) (Uta Weber) , "Alto", copyright 1997, (re)printed on this website with

    kind permission

    DUT Dutch [singable] (Lau Kanen) , "Halt!", copyright 2005, (re)printed on this website with kindpermissionITA Italian (Amelia Maria Imbarrato) , "Alt!", copyright 2005, (re)printed on this website with

    kind permissionFREFrench (Guy Laffaille) , "Halte !", copyright 2008, (re)printed on this website with kind

    permissionCAT Catalan (Salvador Pila) , "Atura't!", copyright 2010, (re)printed on this website with kind

    permissionKORKorean [singable] (Myung-Kew Kwack) , "!", copyright 2011, (re)printed on

    this website with kind permission

    Eine Mhle seh ich [blicken]1

    Aus den Erlen heraus,Durch Rauschen und SingenBricht Rdergebraus.

    Ei willkommen, ei willkommen,Ser Mhlengesang!Und das Haus, wie so traulich!Und die Fenster, wie blank!

    Und die Sonne, wie helle


    Himmel sie scheint!Ei, Bchlein, liebes Bchlein,War es also gemeint?

    View text without footnotes1 Schubert: "blinken"2 Schubert: "Vom"

    4. Danksagung an den Bach
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    Language: GermanTranslation(s): ENGSPADUTITAFRECATKORAuthorship

    by Wilhelm Mller (1794-1827) , "Danksagung an den Bach", from Gedichte aus den hinterlassenenPapieren eines reisenden Waldhornisten 1, inDie schne Mllerin, no. 5

    See othersettings of this text

    Available translations, adaptations, and transliterations (if applicable):

    ENGEnglish (Emily Ezust) , "Giving Thanks to the Brook", copyright SPASpanish (Pilar Lirio) (Uta Weber) , "Agradecimiento al arroyo", copyright 1997, (re)printed

    on this website with kind permissionDUT Dutch [singable] (Lau Kanen) , "Dankwoord aan de beek", copyright 2005, (re)printed on this

    website with kind permissionITA Italian (Amelia Maria Imbarrato) , "Ringraziamento al ruscello", copyright 2005, (re)printed

    on this website with kind permissionFREFrench (Guy Laffaille) , "Remerciements au ruisseau", copyright 2008, (re)printed on this

    website with kind permissionCAT Catalan (Salvador Pila) , "Agrament al rierol", copyright 2010, (re)printed on this website

    with kind permissionKORKorean [singable] (Myung-Kew Kwack) , "", copyright 2011,

    (re)printed on this website with kind permission

    War es [also]1 gemeint,Mein rauschender Freund?Dein Singen, dein Klingen,War es also gemeint?

    Zur Mllerin hin!So lautet der Sinn.Gelt, hab' ich's verstanden?Zur Mllerin hin!

    Hat sie dich geschickt?Oder hast mich berckt?Das mcht ich noch wissen,Ob sie dich geschickt.

    Nun wie's auch mag sein,Ich gebe mich drein:Was ich such', [ist gefunden]2,Wie's immer mag sein.

    Nach Arbeit ich frug,Nun hab ich genugFr die Hnde, frs HerzeVollauf genug!

    View text without footnotes1 Wustrow: "so" ; further changes may exist not noted.2 Schubert: " hab' ich funden"
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    5. Am Feierabend

    Language: GermanTranslation(s): ENGSPANORDUTITAFRECATKORAuthorship

    by Wilhelm Mller (1794-1827) , "Am Feierabend", from Gedichte aus den hinterlassenen Papiereneines reisenden Waldhornisten 1, inDie schne Mllerin, no. 6

    Available translations, adaptations, and transliterations (if applicable):ENGEnglish (Emily Ezust) , "On the restful evening", copyright SPASpanish (Pilar Lirio) (Uta Weber) , "Tras la jornada", copyright 1997, (re)printed on this

    website with kind permissionNORNorwegian (Bokml) (Arild Bakke) , "Ved arbeidsslutt", copyright 2004, (re)printed on this

    website with kind permissionDUT Dutch [singable] (Lau Kanen) , "Op de vrije avond", copyright 2005, (re)printed on this

    website with kind permissionITA Italian (Amelia Maria Imbarrato) , "Vigilia di festa", copyright 2005, (re)printed on this

    website with kind permissionFREFrench (Guy Laffaille) , " la veille", copyright 2008, (re)printed on this website with kind

    permissionCAT Catalan (Salvador Pila) , "A l'hora de plegar", copyright 2010, (re)printed on this website

    with kind permissionKORKorean [singable] (Myung-Kew Kwack) , "", copyright 2011,

    (re)printed on this website with kind permission

    Htt ich tausendArme zu rhren!Knnt ich brausendDie Rder fhren!Knnt ich wehen

    Durch alle Haine!Knnt ich drehenAlle Steine!Da die schne MllerinMerkte meinen treuen Sinn!

    Ach, wie ist mein Arm so schwach!Was ich hebe, was ich trage,Was ich schneide, was ich schlage,Jeder Knappe tut [es]1 nach.Und da sitz ich in der groen Runde,


    der stillen khlen Feierstunde,Und der Meister spricht zu allen:Euer Werk hat mir gefallen;Und das liebe Mdchen sagtAllen eine gute Nacht.

    View text without footnotes1 Schubert: "mir's"2 Schubert: "In"
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    6. Der Neugierige

    Language: GermanTranslation(s): ENGSPADUTITAFRECATKORAuthorship

    by Wilhelm Mller (1794-1827) , "Der Neugierige", from Gedichte aus den hinterlassenen Papiereneines reisenden Waldhornisten 1, inDie schne Mllerin, no. 7

    See othersettings of this textAvailable translations, adaptations, and transliterations (if applicable):

    ENGEnglish (Emily Ezust) , "Curiosity", copyright SPASpanish (Pilar Lirio) (Uta Weber) , "El curioso", copyright 1997, (re)printed on this website

    with kind permissionDUT Dutch [singable] (Lau Kanen) , "De nieuwsgierige", copyright 2005, (re)printed on this

    website with kind permissionITA Italian (Amelia Maria Imbarrato) , "Il curioso", copyright 2005, (re)printed on this website

    with kind permissionFREFrench (Guy Laffaille) , "Le curieux", copyright 2008, (re)printed on this website with kind

    permissionCAT Catalan (Salvador Pila) , "L'ansis de saber", copyright 2010, (re)printed on this website with

    kind permissionKORKorean [singable] (Myung-Kew Kwack) , "", copyright 2011,

    (re)printed on this website with kind permission

    Ich frage keine Blume,Ich frage keinen Stern,Sie knnen [mir]1 nicht sagen,Was ich erfhr so gern.

    Ich bin ja auch kein Grtner,Die Sterne stehn zu hoch;Mein Bchlein will ich fragen,Ob mich mein Herz belog.

    O Bchlein meiner Liebe,Wie bist du heut so stumm?Will ja nur eines wissen,Ein Wrtchen um und um.

    Ja heit das eine Wrtchen,Das andre heiet Nein,Die beiden WrtchenSchlieen die ganze Welt mir ein.

    O Bchlein meiner Liebe,Was bist du wunderlich!Will's ja nicht weitersagen,Sag, Bchlein, liebt sie mich?

    View text without footnotes1 Schubert: "mir alle"
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    Auf meinen Wangen mt man's brennen sehn,Zu lesen wr's auf meinem stummen Mund,Ein jeder Atemzug gb's laut ihr kund,Und sie merkt nichts von all dem bangen Treiben:Dein ist mein Herz und soll es ewig bleiben.

    View text without footnotesNote: Lang sets only the first stanza1 Lang: "jedes leere Blttchen"2 Lang: "wird"3 Schubert: "heiem"

    8. Morgengru

    Language: GermanTranslation(s): ENGSPADUTITAFRECATKORAuthorship

    by Wilhelm Mller (1794-1827) , "Morgengru", from Gedichte aus den hinterlassenen Papiereneines reisenden Waldhornisten 1, inDie schne Mllerin, no. 10

    Available translations, adaptations, and transliterations (if applicable):

    ENGEnglish (Emily Ezust) , "Morning Greetings", copyright SPASpanish (Pilar Lirio) (Uta Weber) , "Saludo matutino", copyright 1997, (re)printed on this

    website with kind permissionDUT Dutch [singable] (Lau Kanen) , "Morgengroet", copyright 2005, (re)printed on this website

    with kind permissionITA Italian (Amelia Maria Imbarrato) , "Saluto del mattino", copyright 2005, (re)printed on this

    website with kind permissionFREFrench (Guy Laffaille) , "Salut matinal", copyright 2008, (re)printed on this website with kind

    permissionCAT Catalan (Salvador Pila) , "Salutaci del mat", copyright 2010, (re)printed on this website

    with kind permissionKORKorean [singable] (Myung-Kew Kwack) , "", copyright 2011, (re)printed

    on this website with kind permission

    Guten Morgen, schne Mllerin!Wo steckst du gleich das Kpfchen hin,Als wr dir was geschehen?Verdriet dich denn mein Gru so schwer?Verstrt dich denn mein Blick so sehr?

    So mu ich wieder gehen.

    O la mich nur von ferne stehn,Nach deinem lieben Fenster sehn,Von ferne, ganz von ferne!Du blondes Kpfchen, komm hervor!Hervor aus eurem runden Tor,Ihr blauen Morgensterne!

    Ihr schlummertrunknen ugelein,Ihr taubetrbten Blmelein,
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    Was scheuet ihr die Sonne?Hat es die Nacht so gut gemeint,Da ihr euch schliet und bckt und weintNach ihrer stillen Wonne?

    Nun schttelt ab der Trume FlorUnd hebt euch frisch und frei emporIn Gottes hellen Morgen!

    Die Lerche wirbelt in der Luft,Und aus dem tiefen Herzen ruftDie Liebe Leid und Sorgen.

    9. Des Mllers Blumen

    Language: GermanTranslation(s): ENGSPADUTITAFRECATKORAuthorship

    by Wilhelm Mller (1794-1827) , "Des Mllers Blumen", from Gedichte aus den hinterlassenenPapieren eines reisenden Waldhornisten 1, inDie schne Mllerin, no. 11See othersettings of this text

    Available translations, adaptations, and transliterations (if applicable):

    ENGEnglish (Emily Ezust) , "The miller's flowers", copyright SPASpanish (Pilar Lirio) (Uta Weber) , "Las flores del molinero", copyright 1997, (re)printed on

    this website with kind permissionDUT Dutch [singable] (Lau Kanen) , "De bloemen van de molenaar", copyright 2005, (re)printed

    on this website with kind permissionITA Italian (Amelia Maria Imbarrato) , "I fiori del mugnaio", copyright 2005, (re)printed on this

    website with kind permissionFREFrench (Guy Laffaille) , "Les fleurs du meunier", copyright 2008, (re)printed on this website

    with kind permissionCAT Catalan (Salvador Pila) , "Les flors del moliner", copyright 2010, (re)printed on this website

    with kind permissionKORKorean [singable] (Myung-Kew Kwack) , "", copyright 2011,

    (re)printed on this website with kind permission

    Am Bach viel kleine Blumen stehn,Aus hellen blauen Augen sehn;Der Bach, der ist des Mllers Freund,Und hellblau Liebchens Auge scheint,Drum sind es meine Blumen.

    Dicht unter ihrem Fensterlein,[Da pflanz' ich meine Blumen ein]1,Da ruft ihr zu, wenn alles schweigt,Wenn sich ihr Haupt zum Schlummer neigt,Ihr wit ja, was ich meine.

    Und wenn sie tt die uglein zuUnd schlft in ser, ser Ruh,