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Evidence for FMP

Ident 1

For my first Ident I created a background in Illustrator which I then saved as JPEG and then imported it on to an After Effects Project. Once I had imported it I began to create shapes such as the moon and clouds. I then made it seem like the moon was tied to the tree. Once the scene was established I began to make the moon rock side to side as if the wind was blowing it.

After a few seconds text moves down from the top of the screen, landing on the moon. As this happens a cloud appears, fading on to the screen. Soon enough this forms the logo for the company. I made each object on screen move using key frames. Using the opacity on the cloud object I made the cloud fade on to screen. Once the logo was made the background fades to blue and the logo begins to fill the whole screen.

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Ident 2

Ident 3

Ident 4

Similarly to the first ident I created a background in Illustrator which contained an ocean like scene; with a boat and waves. I then saved it as a JPEG and imported it on to an After Effects Project. Once it was imported on to the project I added the CC Spotlight effect. I experimented with the options that came with the effect to see which suited the ident best. I set the intensity to 159.0, the Edge softness to 100% and the Cone angle to 9.2. This gives off the effect of looking down a telescope. This effect makes the whole scene black but leaves a hole so you can see parts of the background. The spotlight flies across the screen as if it is looking for something. As the spotlight cuts across the scene you see the boat, the waves, and the sea. The Spotlight then comes across the logo. Once it finds the logo the screen turns to blue much like the previous ident and then the logo fades on to screen.

For ident 3 I decided I wanted to make a scene where snow falls over time and I would show how the environment would change. I then came up with an idea that shows each stage of the snow falling, at the same time. I created each scene in illustrator, just like I did with the previous two. With each scene in After Effects I turned them into cylinders so that they would be able to spin. I placed each scene next to each other and added a snow effect. Using key frames I then made them spin, all at equal speeds. As with the others, at the end I had the logo fade onto the blue background.

For this simple ident I created most of the scene in Photoshop and Illustrator. I began by creating the background in Photoshop and making each movement of the stickman in illustrator. Once each was done I put them together making so that in each shot the stickman has moved into a different position. I then saved each one as a JPEG and

imported them in After Effects. It was then easy enough to place each each other.

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Ident 5

Ident 6

For this ident I simply created text in After Effects which I would then change in various ways. Firstly I added various effects to the text to make it look lava like. The effects I used were CC Drizzle, Levels, Fractal Noise, Tritone and Level 2. This made the text look like flowing lava. With the next text I added the same effects but with the Tritone effect I used blue colours instead of red. This give off a water effect. For the final text I added the glow effect. Once the text changes to the glow effect the logo appears and both the text and logo come together.

For Ident 6 I created text which moves up and down in a bouncing motion. The text moves up and down a few times and then ‘jumps’ up and off the screen. It then floats down on the logo. All the objects in this ident were made in After Effect.
